Change Partners

By:  Lara



“This whole thing is so stupid,” Chris grumbled as they got out of the limo. Joey took Lara’s hand and looked at Chris with surprise.

“Dude, weren’t you the one who convinced us all we should DO this thing?”  Joey asked.  “You thought this whole Forties thing was cool.”

“That was before,” Chris griped.  Lara kissed his cheek and straightened Chris’ lapel.

“Sweetie, you look great.  And no one will even notice that you don’t have a girl with you.  Lance doesn’t have a girl with him, either.  Who knew that Dani would bail on you like this?”

Chris stared at Joey’s girlfriend, amazed at how she could read his mind, as usual.  “Well, she was busy,” he said in defense of his ex-girlfriend.  “And I’m perfectly capable of walking into this thing alone.”

“Now let’s see if you can manage not to walk OUT of here alone,” Joey teased.  Lara smacked him and took his arm.

“Joseph, you make me wonder sometimes why I chose YOU.”  She smiled sweetly at Chris and took his arm as well.  “Maybe I’LL be the one who makes sure Christopher doesn’t leave here alone.”

“You know you’re the only one who can get away with calling me that.”

“Yes, and that’s because you...JULIE!”  Lara shrieked, dropping the men’s arms and running as best she could in her straight skirt. She hugged the girl standing next to Lance in the lobby.  “I didn’t know you were in town for this!”

“Honey, I practically created this whole damn thing,” Julie boasted, then laughed.  She worked for the company that helped *NSYNC create their charity events.  This time it was a 1940s style dance, complete with a big band.  This wasn’t a fan event, like the basketball games.  Tickets for the party went for a hefty sum; $350 for the dance only, $750 for dinner and dancing, but they had sold out almost immediately.

“And we’re so proud of you, too,” Lance said fondly, smiling at Julie.  She blushed.

“Hi, Julie,” Chris said loudly, glaring at Lance.  “You look good.”

“Thanks, Kirkpatrick. So do you.”  She kissed his cheek, then kissed Joey.

“So, you’re sitting with us, right?”  Lara asked Julie.  Julie took Lara’s arm and they mingled into the crowd.

“You’d better believe it. I wouldn’t put myself with a table full of these stuffed shirts,” she said as they walked away.

“She DOES look good,” Joey remarked, watching Julie as the women walked away. She wore a glistening black evening gown with a sequined yet sedate black headpiece adorning her hair.

“Damn, the HELL did you let her out of the house without attacking her?” JC walked up, discreetly pointing at Lara.  She wore a midnight blue evening gown that seemed surgically attached to her thin figure.  Joey shoved JC.

“Jayce, don’t make me turn this post World War II bash into World War III.  Keep your hands off my woman.  You had your chance.”

“And now I regret turning it down,” JC said, but Joey knew he was teasing.

“I need a drink,” Chris growled and headed to the bar.


“Do I have to dance right away?” Joey whined. “We just had dinner!”

“Joseph,” Lara warned.  “I was quiet and perfect during dinner.  I knew you had to schmooze the rich bastards who paid for this thing. I smiled at the right times, and I laughed at the right jokes.  Now I want to dance. You promised!”  Lara’s lips formed a pout that rivaled Justin Timberlake’s. 

“Well, I don’t feel like it right now,” Joey almost snapped. His dress shoes were hurting his feet and he did NOT feel like dancing.  Lara’s blue eyes swam with tears. It was so rare that she got to dance with her boyfriend and not worry about him being mobbed.

“Lara, why isn’t this lug dancing with you?” JC threw an affectionate arm around her shoulders, but she stiffened. JC looked from Joey to Lara.  “Would you like to dance?  Well, nevermind,” he said quickly after receiving an evil look from Joey.

“Actually, Josh...I’d LOVE to dance.”  She tossed her small blue evening bag into Joey’s lap and took JC’s hand.  JC shrugged and gladly led her to the dance floor.

“Women,” Joey grumbled, taking a swig of his beer.

“Tell me about it,” Chris agreed.  His dark eyes moved around the dance floor, finally settling on Julie and Lance, who had danced the first three dances together.  Two were slow, and now this fourth dance was the second fast one. “Since when can Lance jitterbug?”

“Apparently he had to take some dumb dance class back in high school,” Joey remarked.  “He and JC know all these partner dances.”

“Ah,” Chris said, frowning.  “Since when are Lance and Julie an item?”

“I wasn’t aware that they were?”  Joey peered out onto the dance floor, trying to find Julie and Lance.  “There’s Brit and Just...where...oh.  Well, I think they’re just dancing, though they ARE kinda close.”

“Yeah,” Chris said morosely. “TOO close.”

“Huh?”  Joey asked.  He was then distracted by JC leading Lara back to their table, kissing her hand as he did so.

“Thanks, Sweetie. I’ll come back later for you.”

“Okay...thanks, Josh.”  As with Chris, Lara was the ONLY one who got away with calling JC Josh.  She called Lance Jamie, and Justin J-Lake.  She flopped into the chair next to Chris, eagerly drinking some of her water.  “Hiya, Chris.”

“Hey.”  Chris gave her a smile. She ignored Joey.

“I’m sorry, okay? I don’t feel like...” Joey began.

“I don’t care.”  Lara continued to watch the dance floor. “Chris?”

“I’d love to.”  Chris took her hand, knowing the signs all too well. She was angry with Joey, but knew better than to do anything about it.  A slow song came on, and he took her in his arms, keeping her at a polite distance.  “What’s really wrong?”

“I miss him, Christopher...I haven’t seen him in months.  I understand you guys needed to do this charity thing...but I actually have a chance to get out in public with him without worrying that some fan is gonna throw rotten fruit at me.”  Lara angrily wiped at a tear.  “The fans who can afford this thing aren’t like that.” 

Chris brushed his finger across her cheek, swiping the tear away.  “Did you tell him that?”

Lara sniffled, then blushed.  “”

Chris laughed, pulling her closer.  He frowned when he saw Lance and Julie dancing nearby.  Lance’s face was VERY close to Julie’s, and her lips were dangerously close to his cheek. Was she kissing him?  Where were his hands?  “I think you should go tell him, girl.  Set this thing straight and don’t waste your time with him arguing.”

“Okay,” Lara said, taking a deep breath.  Chris took her hand and led her to the table.  “Joey?”

“Yeah?”  Joey slowly looked up from his beer, his brown eyes sad.

“I’m sorry I got mad. I just want to dance with you in a place where we don’t have to worry about anything. I miss doing that with you.”

“I’m sorry, baby.”  Joey took her in his arms and kissed her, then led her to the dance floor.

“Crisis resolved,” Chris said with a sigh. “There’s my Good Samaritan act for the I can be selfish.”  He headed out of the ballroom.


“Excuse me, Sir?”  A waiter politely tapped Lance on the shoulder.  “You’re Mr. Bass, correct?”


“There’s a phone call for you at the front desk.  Downstairs,” the man added helpfully.

“You can’t transfer it up here?” Lance asked.  “And why wouldn’t they call my cell?”

“I’m sure I don’t know, Sir,” the man said politely. Lance sighed.

“Excuse me, Julie.”

“Sure, Lance.”  Julie started to wander off the dance floor as Lance headed for the nearest exit.  Neither of them saw Chris slip the waiter a fifty dollar bill. 

“Hi, Julie,” Chris said as she got closer to him.

“Hey, Chris,” Julie said, smiling.

“I can’t do that fast stuff, but I could do this,” Chris said as a slow song came on.  “Would you dance with me?”

“Of course.”  Julie took Chris’ arm and he led her to the dance floor.  They were silent for a moment.

“So...are you and Lance a thing?”  Chris finally asked.  Julie laughed.

“Me and Lance?  God, no.  He was my contact person with you guys regarding this whole ball, and we’re pretty close.  But it’s like brother and sister or something.  Why?  Did he tell you different?”

“No, no he didn’t.”  Chris could hardly contain his grin. “But you’ve spent all your time with him tonight and...”

“Maybe I was waiting for someone to interrupt,” she said softly.  Chris actually blushed, then allowed himself to smile.  She wrapped her arms around him tightly, kissing his cheek before resting her head on his shoulder.


Must you dance every dance with the same fortunate have danced with him since the music began...won’t you change partners and dance with me?


Must you stand quite so close with your lips touching his face?  Can’t you see I’m longing to be in his place?  Won’t you change partners and dance with me?


Ask him to sit this one out...and while you’re alone...I’ll tell the waiter to tell him he’s wanted on the telephone...


You’ve been locked in his arms ever since heaven knows when...won’t you change partners and then you may never want to change partners again...


“Change Partners” (1937) words/music by Irving Berlin


The End


Tell Lara what you thought of this story!