Don’t Stand So Close to Me

By:  Lara


Young teacher…the subject…of schoolboy fantasy…He wants her…so badly…knows what he wants to be…


Kira dragged herself out of bed when the alarm went off at five.  Some things just weren’t fair.  She loved her job at the high school, loved showing teenagers why Shakespeare and Shelley and Austen were actually pretty damn cool…but today she just didn’t feel up to dragging her ass in to work.  As she turned the shower on hot, she told herself that it was just a minimum of hours until the weekend, and then she’d be out on the town with her best friend, Lila.  It had been WAY too long since she had gone out, and Kira told herself she deserved it.  She worked hard, all her kids loved her, and it was about damn time she stopped sitting around the house moping.

Kira glared at the face in the mirror as she towel-dried her hair.  It was October now.  It had been four months since Jeffrey had left…four months of crying and bitching and moaning.  The night before, she had finally made herself burn the last of the momentos in Lila’s fireplace.  It had hurt, and she had cried, but afterwards she had decided that Lila was right…it was MUCH better to get closure.

Kira hurried to her closet, pawing through the pants and long skirts.  She wanted something to lift her spirits, and there was nothing better for spirit lifting than an outfit you KNEW you looked good in.  She yanked out the dark green suit with the VERY short skirt and smiled.  She could get away with it as long as she wore a prim and proper white blouse under the jacket.  She put on the prim and proper blouse, but threw on a pair of black lace underwear beneath her stockings.  SHE’D know they were there, even if no one else did.


“Morning, Miss Cassidy,” a student yelled down the hall behind her.  Kira smiled over her shoulder.

“Morning, Daniel!”  She yelled back.  She strode into the staff room and quickly grabbed a Pepsi from the fridge.

“It’s only seven-thirty,” said one of the math teachers.

“I need the caffeine,” she announced.

“Get laid last night?”  Andrew asked with a smirk.  He was a fellow English teacher and the closest friend she had at the school.

“Jealous much?”  Kira snapped back with a grin.  He had asked her out four times before finally agreeing to just be friends.  “Not that it’s any of your business, but no, I didn’t.  I’m just glad it’s Friday.”

“Aren’t we all,” grumbled the elderly math teacher, grabbing her books and slowly heading towards the hall. She shook her head in disapproval at the sexually frank conversation going on between the two youngest teachers on the payroll.  Andrew and Kira waited until she left the room, then laughed guiltily.

“New student in your class,” Andrew told Kira as they went out into the hall.  “He’s in mine, too.  Some sort of ex-pop star.  Aaron Carter.”

Kira stopped short and turned around.  “Aaron Carter?  As in Nick Carter’s younger brother?”

“Who?”  Andrew gave her a blank look and Kira blushed.

“From the Backstreet Boys.  Remember them?  I was into them when I was in my late twenties…they’ve since broken up, but Nick was always my favorite.  Aaron is his little brother.”  Kira stared off into space.  “God…he must be like seventeen or eighteen now.  Last I saw he was like thirteen or something.”

“So what’s up with this Nick guy?”  Andrew almost looked jealous.

“Well…when the group broke up one of the guys, AJ, went out on his own, but the other four just kinda fell into writing and producing.  I guess that’s what Nick did.”  Kira shrugged, embarrassed by the amount of information she knew.  She sounded like an encyclopedia of pop culture or something.

“Well, anyway, this kid’s in your class.  I just saw his schedule and noticed he’s in both of our classes, so I thought I’d warn you.  Hopefully he doesn’t have “ex-pop star” attitude.”  Andrew stopped at his classroom and looked at her.  “You look nice today, you know.”

“I look nice EVERY day,” Kira said with a grin before he closed his door.


Inside her…there’s longing…this boy’s an open page…book marking…he’s so close now…this boy is half her age…



Kira looked forward to third period: senior English.  She greeted all her students as they walked in, her eyes searching the group for any new faces.  The bell rang and no new student had arrived.  She sighed and walked to the door, preparing to close it.  Just as she was about to completely shut it, a hand shoved itself in the crack.  Kira gasped and yanked the door open.

“Sorry…I got a little lost,” a voice said.  Kira swallowed deeply, hearing the giggles of the girls sitting behind her in the classroom.

                “It’s really him!  It’s Aaron Carter!”  She heard a girl squeal in a whisper.

Kira watched the boy blush slightly as he stood uncertainly in the doorway.  “Hi,” he said to her with a hint of a cocky smile.  “I’m Aaron.  I just started here.”

Kira swallowed again.  He was just as beautiful as Nick had been at seventeen…possibly more so.  He was well over six feet tall, with dirty blond hair that seemed to fly all over, but it was obviously styled that way.  His brown eyes were soft but intelligent, and his large hands held the strap to his backpack on his shoulder.  “Um…welcome, Aaron.”  Kira found her voice and held out her hand.  “I’m Kira Cassidy.  I’m glad to have you in my class.”

Aaron took her hand and looked her over quickly.  Kira desperately wished she had worn her longest skirt, along with mittens, a scarf and a parka.  Aaron Carter was checking her out, and it was obvious he liked what he saw.  “I’m glad to be here.”  He shook her hand briefly and let it go.  His brown eyes searched the room.

“Any empty seat will be fine,” Kira told him, carefully walking to her desk on shaking legs.  Aaron casually flopped into a seat about halfway back in the middle row.  “Can someone share their book with Aaron until we get him his own?”  Six female hands waved in the air.


The bell couldn’t ring soon enough for Kira.  She had kept her cool, drawing every ounce of maturity she had into sounding like a respectable teacher.  The students flowed out of the class, chattering loudly.  A few girls stayed back to talk to Aaron, but he approached the teacher’s desk, much to their disappointment.  They filed out of the room, leaving Aaron and Kira alone.  “I liked your class, Miss Cassidy,” Aaron said shyly.  “I really could see all the stuff in those poems, you know?  I usually get kinda lost with this stuff.”

“Maybe if you put it to music, it would help you,” Kira said, and she meant that honestly.  “Some people pick things up better that way, if they rhyme it or sing it.  It would be something you were more comfortable with.”

“Thanks,” Aaron said gratefully.  “I’m not too far behind, am I?  I’ve moved so much since I stopped performing that I always feel like I’ll never catch up.”

“It’s still early…you’ll do fine.  And if there’s any way I can help you, let me know, okay?”  Kira told herself that she would say this to ANY student who had to jump into everything a few weeks after everyone else.

Aaron smiled that sly smile again, one she recognized as what she and her friends used to call the Carter smirk…but they had been referring to Nick Carter.  “I’ll remember that.  Later.”  Aaron threw a smile over his shoulder, then disappeared out into the crowded hallway.

Kira shut the door, then went back to her desk, lightly banging her head on its hard surface.  She could be fired for the thoughts going through her mind.  Hell…she could be ARRESTED.  She was thirty-two…Aaron Carter was seventeen.  Aaron Carter was incredibly sexy…and he totally knew it.


Don’t stand…don’t stand so…don’t stand so close to me…don’t stand…don’t stand so…don’t stand so close to me…



“Dammit!” Kira screamed, kicking her tire in frustration.  “DAMMIT!”  Kira hopped on one foot, wincing as her bruised toes uncurled.  She made a mental note to never kick a tire while wearing pumps.

“Are you okay, Miss Cassidy?”

Kira felt her face turn red as she slowly turned around.  Aaron Carter was behind her, concern filling his dark eyes.  “Yes, Aaron, I’m fine.  I just locked my keys in my car.”

“Don’t you have a spare set?”

“Yes…they’re at home,” she admitted.  Aaron raised an eyebrow but said nothing.  He looked at her little green Honda critically.

“You left the window cracked,” he commented.  She nodded.

“It was supposed to still be warm today.”

“Stay here. Be right back.”  Aaron jogged over to the student parking lot, and Kira watched him unlock the door of a blue BMW convertible.  He pulled something from the backseat and jogged back.  He waved the wire hanger in her direction.  “No sweat.”  Aaron unbent the hanger and carefully lowered it through the tiny crack in the window.  Kira thanked whoever was responsible for old-fashioned locks that could still be opened with a hanger.

“Thank you SO much.” Kira sighed with relief as Aaron swung her door open.

“No problem.”  He smiled at her.  Kira tried not to smile back but it didn’t work.  He was so close…the autumn breeze was lightly ruffling his short hair, and the dimples in his cheeks seemed deeper then they had that morning.

“Can I ask you something?  Andrew Miller teaches Junior English, yet you’re in his class AND mine.”

Aaron blushed a furious crimson.  “My mom begged and pleaded and the school finally agreed to let me complete them both.  I’m a year behind in English, though I’m caught up on everything else.  I mean, it’s not like math.  I don’t need to know Junior stuff before I can do Senior stuff...”

“Well, like I said, Aaron…if there’s anything I can help you with, let me know.”  Once again, Kira kicked herself the instant the words were out in the air.

The Carter smirk returned.  “Oh, I’ll definitely let you know.”  Aaron glanced at the Rolex on his wrist.  “I gotta go.  I’ll see you tomorrow, Miss Cassidy.”

“Bye, Aaron,” Kira replied faintly, ordering herself to get into her car and zoom away instead of sitting and watching Aaron walk to his car…like she REALLY wanted to do.


“I need help,” Kira said as she joined Lila at a table in the bar.  It was still early, and it wasn’t too loud to have a conversation…yet.

“Okay, tell me something I don’t know,” Lila said cheerfully.  Kira shrugged off her jean jacket and yelled to the bartender for a rum and Coke.  “What’s up?”

Kira lowered her voice even more.  “Remember Nick Carter?  Remember the Backstreet Boys?”

“Duh…of course,” Lila said, looking at her best friend as if she were crazy.  “I wonder what Howie is doing…”

“Who CARES about Howie?”  Kira took a gulp of her drink.  “I’m talking about Nick…remember his little brother?”

“Yeah…Aaron…he’s like twelve or something.”

“Wrong…he’s going on eighteen…and he’s in my Senior English class.”

Lila almost spilled her beer.  “He’s WHAT?  Aaron Carter…THE Aaron Carter.  Aaron’s Party Aaron Carter?”

Kira nodded.  “Yes…and remember how hot Nick was at eighteen?”

“Yeah,” Lila said, her green eyes growing big.  “You’re kidding.”

“No.  Six foot four at least, dark brown eyes, just been fucked hair, big hands.  The Carter genes were kind to this child.”

“Whoa…” Lila stared into space.

“Come back,” Kira ordered.  “That’s the problem.  I zone out every time I look at him and he is JAILBAIT.  Not to mention a one-way ticket to unemployment for me.”

“You wouldn’t,” Lila almost gasped.

“No…I wouldn’t…but that boy is enough to make me seriously consider it.”


Two weeks later


His friends are so jealous…you know how bad boys get…sometimes it’s not so easy to be the teacher’s pet…



“Aaron, I gave this assignment a week ago.  This was ample time for you to finish it,” Kira said sternly.  Aaron’s brown eyes were dark and unreadable.  The rest of the class sat and watched the teacher expectantly.  Miss Cassidy rarely got angry, but when she did it was interesting.

“I forgot.”  Aaron studied the rings in his spiral notebook.  “I’ll make it up, okay?”

“Stay after class, please, Aaron.” Kira walked around her desk to sit in the chair.

“But I have musical practice next period!”

“Mr. Deitz can wait.  Stay after class.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Aaron sulked.

When the bell rang the other students filed out of the room sending curious glances Aaron’s way.  Kira closed the door behind them and walked towards Aaron.  She was wearing pants, so she sat on top of the desk in front of his desk.  “Care to explain?”

“I told you…I forgot…” Aaron mumbled. 

“Aaron, you’re not stupid.  You can do these assignments in your sleep.  I’ve seen the writing you do, and I’m impressed.”

“Really?”  Brown eyes turned up to her.  She nodded.

“Really.  You want to write, don’t you?  Songs, maybe?”

Aaron blushed and nodded.  “Someday.  I’d like to write like my brother and his friends do.”

It took everything Kira had not to admit that she knew exactly who he was talking about.  “Your brother?”

“Remember Backstreet Boys?  Nick Carter’s my brother.”

“I see.”  Kira walked back to her desk and made herself look totally unimpressed.  “Aaron, I really like you.  You’re a good student and a nice kid.  But I can’t make special rules for you.  I’ll let you turn in this assignment the day after tomorrow, but from now on if you don’t turn it in on time, you’ll get an F.  Understand?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Aaron said with a grin. 

“How are all your other classes going?”  Kira asked as he gathered his books and shoved them in his backpack.  “Are you keeping up?”

“Yes,” Aaron sighed, blowing upwards to get an unruly bang out of his eyes.  Kira felt her knees go weak.  “Mr. Miller’s not as nice as you, though.  The stuff we read is so BORING, and I just can’t get into it.”

“You have to study the form and style of writing as well as the actual writing itself,” she reminded him gently.

“It’s still boring.  And a research paper?  Ugh.”  Aaron wrinkled his nose and she couldn’t help but laugh.  “He already wants us to come up with ten ideas for a thesis.”

“What are you interested in?”

“Music and girls,” Aaron said with a cocky smile that made her smile back.  “Nothing much I can write about there.”

“Maybe not about girls…but look into the music thing.  If you don’t have an idea by next week, tell me.  I have a few ideas already.”

“Really?”  Aaron stood up.  “Sure you don’t want to tell me now?”

He was close again.  Too close.  She could smell soap and aftershave, not that it looked like he really needed to shave at all.  She had to tilt her head back to look at him and she swallowed deeply.  “I’m sure.  Get out of here…my next class is waiting to come in.”

“Yes, ma’am.  Bye, Miss Cassidy.”  Aaron opened the door and Kira saw his friends in a huddle out in the hallway.

“Kiss up much?” One of the boys asked with a smirk.

“Knock it off, Keith,” Aaron muttered.

“You’re just jealous, Keith,” another boy said as the group made their way down the hall. 

Kira sighed and went back to her desk.  “Hell…hell…you are going to hell…” she doodled on her notes as the next class filed in.


A few weeks later


Temptation…frustration…so bad it makes her cry…wet bus stop…he’s waiting…her car is warm and dry…



Kira stared at herself in the mirror before leaving the house, giving herself a good peptalk.  “You will go in there and be the best damned teacher they have,” she said out loud.  She pushed some stray hair back from her face, then pulled down her ponytail to redo it.  “Not only that, but you will the most PROFESSIONAL teacher they have,” she added with a sigh.  She had been very well-behaved lately regarding Aaron Carter…but the night before she had had an earth-shattering dream about him…and it was NOT the kind of dream a teacher should have about her student.  “It’s all his damned brother’s fault,” she told her reflection.  “If he wasn’t so hot, and if I hadn’t had such a thing for him five years ago, there wouldn’t be this problem.  Yes…that’s it.  My feelings for Nick are coming out in the form of lust for Aaron.”  She stared into space for a moment.  “Not that he isn’t hot or anything in his OWN right.”

Kira opened the door with a flourish, determined to conquer the day as well as her own overactive imagination.  She let out a loud wail when she saw the torrential downpour making a mud puddle of her front yard.  “Life isn’t FAIR!”  Kira held her briefcase over her head and made a wild dash for the car.


“Okay, someone up there TOTALLY hates me,” Kira snapped at the DJ on the radio as she saw flashing red and blue lights ahead of her.  She rolled down her window just enough to talk to the policeman standing in the middle of the street. “What’s the problem?”

“Road’s flooded…creek went over the banks!”  The officer shouted over the sound of the rain on her car roof.  “You gotta go around, Lady!”

“Wonderful.” Kira closed her window in disgust.  This was an extra twenty minutes out of her way, and she would have REALLY liked to get to work with enough time to freshen up before class.  She wove her way down the street and through another development, trying to find any kind of short cut available.  She smiled as she remembered some back streets that cut through a brand new development of houses. 

As she turned into one of those streets, she allowed herself a few extra minutes to sigh with envy.  These houses were new and large and beautiful…the kind of homes a teacher could NEVER afford.  She was shocked to see a lone tall figure standing out in the rain on the corner.  Who in the world would be standing in the rain without an umbrella?

“Aaron?”  Kira said out loud as she pulled up to the corner.  She rolled down the window.  “Aaron Carter?”

“Oh…hey, Miss Cassidy.”  Aaron gave her a warm smile in spite of the weather. 

“What are you doing out there?  Where’s your umbrella?  Where’s your car, for God’s sake?”

Aaron laughed at her rapid-fire questions.  “I’m waiting for the bus.  I don’t have an umbrella…and my car’s in the shop.  I don’t really know too many of the kids in this neighborhood, so I can’t ask for a ride.”  He looked around at the empty corner.  “Guess no one else is uncool enough to ride the bus.”

“Get in.  I’ll give you a ride.”  Kira ignored the sexual undertones of her statement.  Aaron’s face lit up the dreary morning.

“Really?  Thanks!”  He splashed around the front of the car.  Kira rescued her things just before Aaron’s wet backside hit the passenger seat.  “Thanks, Miss Cassidy.  Thanks so much.”

Kira carefully pulled through the intersection, peering to see through the pouring rain.  “Isn’t there someone who could drive you to school?”

Aaron’s face fell.  “Nah…uh…my mom…she’s out of town, and my dad is at work already.”

“I see,” Kira said, remembering the way Jane Carter had taken over Leslie and Aaron’s careers.  “She’s out with your sister?”

“Yes…my twin sister…Angel…she’s a model.  She’s been on the cover of Seventeen AND YM,” he said proudly.  “She’s beautiful.”

“I bet…if I remember correctly, your brother was quite good looking, too,” Kira finally admitted.

Aaron laughed.  “He still is.  It’s hard being part of a beautiful family.  My sisters, BJ and Leslie, they’re pretty, too.  Guess I got the ugly genes in the Carter family.”

“You are NOT ugly, Aaron,” Kira said before she thought. She blushed and stared out the windshield, but not before she caught the infamous Carter smirk crossing Aaron’s face.  They said nothing more as they made their way into the parking lot.

Kira pulled up in front of the main entrance to drop Aaron off.  She knew this door was closest to the senior lockers.  “Thanks,” Aaron said, opening the door.  Just as he was about to shut it, he poked his head back in.  “And you’re nowhere close to ugly, either.”  He slammed the door and jogged into the school.

The Day before Christmas Break


Loose talk in the classroom…to hurt they try and try…strong words in the staff room…the accusations fly…



“Please…please…go faster,” Kira silently ordered the clock on the wall as her students took their exam.  Only four more classes to go until vacation.  She was leaving right from the school to meet Lila at Lila’s apartment, and they were going on a ski trip over the holiday.  Kira had never been skiing, and was not looking forward to that part of it, but there was something about the whole idea of a quaint little ski lodge tucked up in the middle of nowhere that appealed to the imagination.  The bell rang and Kira jumped.  “Okay, turn in your papers on the way out.  Have a safe Christmas break.” 

Students wished her a happy holiday as they hurried out the door, and Kira sighed with relief as she mentally checked one more class off her mental list.  As she gathered her things together to head back to the staff room for her free period, she heard a few girls lingering by the door.

“Think it’s true?”

“What did you hear?”

“Miss Cassidy and Aaron Carter…I heard they meet at her house every night to study…I BET they study…”

The other girl giggled.  “She IS pretty.  And he is such a hottie…but a teacher!  Euuwww!”  The girl squealed.

“I don’t think it’s true,” a third girl said.  “He’s trying to catch up and basically finish two years in one.  Miss Cassidy is a great teacher…of course she’s gonna help him!”

“I like her, too…but she needs to back off and find someone her own age!”  Girl One snapped.  “I bet he would have asked me to the Christmas formal if it wasn’t for her.”

“That’s not true and you know it!” Girl Two snapped.  “He went out of town that weekend.  Besides…why in the world would he sit around pining for someone that old when he could go out with a girl here?”

The girls continued down the hall finally, and Kira let out the breath she had held in the entire conversation.  She sat down weakly.  So the students were talking.  Some of what the girls had said was true; she HAD been helping Aaron prepare his research paper, but they never met at her home. They always worked after school or met in the evening at the public library.  As for the Christmas formal…Kira couldn’t help but grin.  She had to agree with the one girl…there was NO way someone like Aaron Carter would ask someone almost twice his age when there were so many young pretty girls swirling around him.

She gathered her things together once more and was in the doorway when Andrew Miller bumped into her.  “Kira.  Thank God I found you.  Can you do me a favor?”  He panted for breath.

“What is it, Andrew?  I have free period now and I need to make some calls.”  Kira headed for the staff room with Andrew hot on her heels.

“I need you to watch my study hall.  Something’s come up and I need to run out quick.”  Andrew grabbed her arm as they reached the staff room.

“Sure…Andrew…whatever…” Kira said, sighing as she saw her free period fly out the window.

“Great,” he said gratefully.  “I’m in room twenty-six.”

“Okay…lemme grab some coffee and I’ll be right over.”

Kira opened the door just in time to hear someone say, “…it’s sickening.  Someone should investigate this.”  Kira’s eyes widened as she stared at the elderly math teacher who didn’t see Kira and Andrew standing in the doorway.

“Victoria, you can’t prove anything.  She’s helping him study and…” the young history teacher snapped his mouth shut quickly as he caught sight of the two English teachers.

“Oh…don’t mind me.”  Kira stomped over to the coffeemaker and poured some coffee into her small thermos.  “Carry on with whatever you’re talking about.”

“You know quite well what we’re talking about,” Victoria snapped.  “Your behavior with that Carter boy is despicable.”

“Why?  Because I meet him after school at the LIBRARY to help him catch up with his papers?  I’m sorry, Victoria…I thought teachers were SUPPOSED to help students excel,” Kira said angrily.

“It’s not that, Kira,” the history teacher said gently.  “It just…he gives the attitude like there’s something more going on.”

Kira laughed.  “He’s a seventeen year old boy.  They like to brag.  If he says things like that, let him.  It’s not true.  Aaron Carter is a handsome young man, yes, and a smart one, too.  I want to help him do his best in everything, so I’m helping him after school.  I didn’t know that was a crime.”  She stared at Victoria angrily.  “Please…have someone investigate.  I’d be happy for you to do that.  Have them investigate the fact that a teacher is going out of her way to help a nice kid do well in his studies.”

“You can say all you want…but it’s obvious in the way you FLAUNT yourself in front of this young man that there is more to it than this.” Victoria stood and headed for the door.

“Jealous much?”  Kira snapped.  “You should spend more time with your students and less time watching me!” 

Victoria headed out the door without another word, followed closely by the history teacher.  Andrew and Kira were alone in the staff room.  She angrily swiped some magazines off a table onto the floor.  “Kira…” Andrew began.

“Do you agree with her?  Do you think something’s going on between Aaron Carter and I?”  Kira asked.

“No…not if you say there isn’t.  I believe you, Kira.”

“Good.  I have to get to your study hall.  I’ll see you later.”  Kira stormed out the door and down the hall.  When she arrived in the auditorium, students were talking and laughing loudly.  “Take your seats!”  Kira snapped.  The students stared at her.  “NOW!” She barked, and they hurriedly sat.  “I have a lot to do here…I want complete quiet.  If you have passes to go somewhere, go.  Otherwise stay seated and quiet.”

Kira stared down at the test papers in front of her, fighting the tears that made the words swim in front of her eyes.


“It was just awful!”  Kira exclaimed for the tenth time as she and Lila crept through the rush hour weekend traffic.  “Frigid bitch…what right does she have to say shit like that?”

“Is it true?”  Lila asked, her eyes never leaving the road in front of her.  Kira turned in her seat.

“Are you serious?  You think I’m fucking one of my students?”

“Kira, tell me honestly…tell me you don’t think he’s the hottest thing since sliced bread.”

“I think no such thing,” Kira protested.  “Okay…so he has that hair…and the nice dark eyes…and he did inherit the Carter lips, Carter teeth and the Carter smile.  That doesn’t mean I think he’s hot.”  Lila raised one eyebrow.  “Okay…if he wasn’t freaking jailbait, I might think he was hot.”

“Wasn’t his birthday in December?”

“How do you know that?”

“I’ve been doing some research online,” Lila said.  “His birthday was December seventh, which means that Aaron Carter is now eighteen.”

“That doesn’t make a difference…he’s still a student,” Kira pointed out. 

“So get another job,” Lila said and Kira gasped.

“Get another job?  Over a quick lay from a kid who probably doesn’t know his dick from a hole in the ground?  I don’t think so.”

Lila smiled but said nothing.  Kira was being pretty profane, and Lila knew that meant the whole situation disturbed her. “You’re just horny, Kira.  Horny and lonely.  And I bet that during the next four days you will find a cure for at least one if not both of those problems.  Think hot guys…think hot skiing guys…think hot skiing guys sitting around the fireplace, drinking hot chocolate…wearing turtlenecks and sweaters.”

“I love guys in turtlenecks and sweaters,” Kira sighed, and Lila laughed.  “I don’t really have to SKI, do I?”  Kira wrinkled her nose.

“You have to at least try.  I’m not much better than the bunny slope, myself.  And you’ll look so good in that new outfit you got.”

“True,” Kira admitted, thinking about the pine green ski outfit she had splurged on.  Lila laughed again.

“Just forget about school…forget about Aaron…and have a good time, okay?”


The friends finally reached the ski resort at around seven o’clock that evening.  They checked in and found their little bungalow.  “Okay, this is way too cute,” Lila remarked, throwing her suitcase onto one of the beds.  “I could live here forever.”

“No way…too far out into the middle of nowhere.”  Kira put the few nice outfits she had packed onto hangers and hung them in the closet.  “I’m starving.  Let’s get dinner.”

“I need a shower first,” Lila announced.  “I always feel yucky after a long drive.”

“Whatever.  I’ll be in the living room.” Kira changed into a nicer blouse and wandered out into the living room.  She picked up a catalogue and began to read about the different programs that the resort had to offer.  The girls in the catalogue all looked like models who just happened to know how to ski.  She hoped she wouldn’t make an ass of herself.  She also hoped she’d meet someone as handsome as the men in the catalogue.

“Okay…I’m ready…let’s plow,” Lila said twenty minutes later.  They pulled on their winter coats and hurried down the path to the tiny dining room.

“Everything looks good.  I have no clue what to pick!” Kira exclaimed as they looked over the menu.

“We’ll be here for a few more days, Kira. You can try one of everything.”  Lila looked around the room.  “I wouldn’t mind trying out that table by the window.”

“Calm your hormones, Lila.  We just got here and…” Kira’s mouth fell open.  “Oh my fucking God,” she murmured, seeming to slip down four inches in her chair.

“What?  What is it?  What’s wrong?”

“That table you wanted to put on your own personal dinner menu…”

“Yeah…what about them?” Lila took a closer look at the three men seated at that table.

“I don’t know who the brunette is…but the younger blond is Aaron Carter…and if I’m not mistaken the older blond is his brother, Nick.”


“What?”  Lila hissed, discreetly looking over at the table.  “Holy shit…that boy is gorgeous!  No wonder you wanna jump his newly non-jailbait bones!”

“I don’t want to jump his bones!”  Kira screeched in a whisper.  “I don’t believe this.  Of all the ski resorts in the entire world…maybe he won’t see me.  I’ll just hide in the bungalow all vacation.”

Aaron glanced in their direction and his face lit up.  “Too late…I think he saw you,” Lila murmured.  “Have you noticed the fact that both Carter men are wearing turtlenecks and sweaters?”

“I’ve been trying to ignore that fact,” Kira snapped back.  She plastered a smile on her face as Aaron said something to his brother and all three men stood.  “Behave yourself.”

“Always,” Lila replied softly.  Her smile was much more genuine.

“Miss Cassidy!  I can’t believe this!”  Aaron greeted her with a happy smile.  “Nick…this is the teacher I told you about…the one who’s helping me survive my last year of school.  Miss Cassidy, this is my brother Nick and his friend, Howie Dorough.”

“Nice to meet you, Miss Cassidy,” Nick said, holding out his large hand.  Kira swallowed a childish squeal and shook it. 

“Kira, please,” she told him. He let his hand linger around hers for a moment, then pulled back.

“Nice to meet you, Kira.  Aaron told us all about you on the way up here,” Howie said with a smile.

“Oh, God, I hope not.”  Kira rolled her eyes.  “Oh…this is my friend, Lila Watson.  Lila, this is Aaron Carter, his brother Nick, and Howie Dorough.”  Kira could feel the fact that Lila was about to faint.

“Hi,” Lila said shyly, shaking first Aaron’s hand, then Nick’s.  Howie gave her an imperceptible wink, and she almost passed out.  “I’ve heard a lot about you, too, Aaron.” 

Kira could have stabbed her with a dinner fork.  “Really?”  Aaron said, looking back at his teacher with a sly smile.

“Yes…she’s been telling me how you are pretty much the talk of the whole school,” Lila added innocently.  Aaron frowned.


“Aaron hates the fact that he can’t just be another student,” Nick told the women.  “He convinced our mother to move out to your town just so he could be one of the kids, you know?”

“He IS just another student,” Kira said quickly.  “And a good one, I might add.”

“Please…no more school talk.”  Aaron playfully put his hands over his ears.  “This is vacation…no school!”

“You’re right…no school,” Kira agreed, smiling at him.

“Won’t you join us, ladies?”  Howie asked, though his dark eyes never left Lila’s face.

“We don’t want to intrude,” Kira began.

“We’d love to,” Lila interrupted.

“Great.  I’ll see if the maitre’d can’t get us a bigger table.”  Howie went over to the front desk.

Kira smiled at Nick nervously.  “I hope you don’t mind.”

“No…not at all…” Nick assured her, his blue eyes roving over her black jeans and red sweater.

“Everything’s settled.”  Howie returned and led them to a round table along the back wall.  Howie held a chair out for Lila, then sat beside her.  Nick sat on her other side, which left a seat by Nick and a seat by Howie.  Aaron quickly took the seat by Howie, so Kira was left with nowhere to sit but between the blond brothers.  She sighed and took the seat, smiling at Lila from across the table.

“I was having a hard time deciding what to order,” Nick said to Kira.

“Me, too,” she said.

“Let’s all order something and just share everything,” Howie suggested.

“Sounds good,” Lila replied.  They all ordered, the adults ordering drinks as well.

“This sucks,” Aaron muttered.  “I drink all the time.”

“Not the point, Shorty,” Nick taunted.  “You can’t drink legally yet in this state, so too bad.”

Aaron looked at Kira guiltily.  “I guess I probably shouldn’t have told you I drink, huh?”

“I’m not your teacher here, Aaron,” she told him, deciding that it was the truth.  “I don’t really care WHAT you do.”

“Sweet,” Aaron said with a cocky grin.  Kira quickly stared at her plate, regretting her words instantly.

“So…do you ski?”  Howie asked Lila.

“I attempt it.  I’ve done it before, if that’s what you mean.  Kira here has never skied, and has no real interest in it, as a matter of fact.”

“Why are you here, then?”  Aaron wanted to know.

“Vacation.  It’s close by, and I’ve never been here before,” Kira told him.  “It’s so beautiful here.  Also, my family isn’t in the area, so I had nowhere else to go for the holiday.”

“Howie’s leaving Christmas Eve, and our family is here and there, so Aaron and I are spending the holiday here as well,” Nick told her.

“Miss Cassidy, we could show you how to ski,” Aaron said.  “I’m pretty good…better than Nick…I could teach you.  It would be like repaying you for all your help.”

“First of all, while we’re here, you might as well call me Kira,” she told him.  “I feel one hundred years old hearing you call me that while we’re eating dinner.  Secondly, thanks for the offer, but I don’t know,” she finished, seeing herself making a total ass of herself in front of Nick.

“He IS a good teacher,” Nick told her.  “He knows a lot of things most eighteen year olds don’t.”

Kira caught Lila’s amused expression and quickly looked away.  “Well…I hate to keep you from REAL skiing.”

“It will be fun.  I can teach you a LOT more than those stupid instructors,” Aaron told her.

“Well…okay…” Kira finally conceded.

“Good.”  Aaron smiled with satisfaction as he dug into his salad.  Kira stared at her own plate of greens, wondering what kind of hell she had just skied herself into.


“Is nine too early?” Aaron asked Kira as they walked out of the restaurant.  Howie and Lila were lagging behind, chatting animatedly.

“No,” Kira said with a sigh.  She knew she’d hardly sleep a wink anyway.

“Cool.”  Aaron gave her his bright grin.  “See you in front of the ski shack at nine.” 

“Nice meeting you,” Nick told her.  She nodded, hoping for more, but he simply smiled and threw an arm around Aaron’s shoulder as they went down the path to their bungalow.

“I’m gonna go hit the hay.  Nice meeting you, Howie,” Kira said.

“You, too.  I’ll see you tomorrow,” he promised.

“I’ll be in shortly,” Lila said, dismissing her friend.  Kira rolled her eyes.

“Don’t worry…I won’t be waiting up.”

Kira slowly made her way down the path, running through the evening in her mind.  This was too odd.  Aaron looked absolutely gorgeous…and older, she thought.  Of course, that could have just been wishful thinking on her part.  And Nick…whoa…she hadn’t seen any pictures of him in a few years, but he had only gotten more beautiful with age.  What a pair.  She let herself into the bungalow and took a shower.  When she got out, it was only ten-thirty.  She knew Lila probably wouldn’t be back anytime soon, and Kira didn’t blame her.  She smiled as she pulled on her flannel Snoopy pajamas and big fluffy slippers.  Howie wasn’t too bad, either.

                A knock at the door made her jump.  She didn’t bother with her robe; she figured it was just Lila knocking because she forgot her key.  Kira gasped when she saw Nick Carter on the other side of the door.  “Oh…God…Nick…” Kira could feel her face flame with embarrassment.  To her surprise, he blushed a bit also.

“I’m sorry for just barging down like this.  I caught Lila and she told me your bungalow number.  I just wanted to tell you OUR number, in case something came up.”

“That’s really thoughtful of you, Nick,” Kira replied, trying to remain cool.  “You can come in…I’m covered.”

“Damn,” he said teasingly, and she ordered her legs to remain firm.  She moved aside and let him in.

“I have a pencil somewhere…” she dug through her purse and pulled out a notepad and pencil.

“Twenty-seven,” he told her.  She raised an eyebrow.  The bungalows in the twenties were the nicest the resort had to offer.  “Don’t look at me that way…Howie picked it.  He always has to have the best.”

“And you?”

“I’ve had the best…but I prefer comfortable and easy,” he said, looking her right in the eye.

“This is kinda weird…hanging with Aaron like this,” Kira blurted out for something to say.

“He thinks the world of you…I hear about you ALL the time when I’m home.”

“You don’t live around here?”

Nick leaned against the closed door.  “No.  My house is in Tampa, Florida.  I’m up here at my mom’s every now and again.”

Kira sat on a chair and looked up at him.  “Can I ask you something about Aaron?”


“He’s on his own a lot, isn’t he?”

Nick looked away.  “My dad keeps busy…really busy…out of town busy, if he can at all help it.  Things aren’t the greatest between him and my mother.  She’s always out trying to run Angel’s career now, and Aaron kinda gets left behind.”  His eyes narrowed.  “To be honest, she annoys the fuck out of me sometimes, excuse my language.  She puts all her effort into one kid, forgetting she has four more.  She did it with me, then she did it with Aaron.  She just finished with Leslie, and now it’s Angel.  Once Aaron decided he wanted nothing more to do with performing until he finished school, my mother wanted nothing to do with him.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Kira said softly.  “Aaron’s a great kid.  Just like any other kid…though in some ways he’s a bit more mature.”

“Aaron’s seen and done things most kids his age don’t even DREAM about,” Nick told her.  “I really try to get up here more often, but he’s told me to just let him do his thing.  I don’t wanna smother him, ya know?  She did too much of that.”  Nick smiled at her almost shyly.  “I’m sorry…you didn’t need to hear all my family garbage.”

“No, Nick…I asked.  And I am flattered that you trusted me with it.  It explains a lot.  I really like Aaron.  He’s a fantastic kid.”

“He’s not really a kid anymore though…he used to be my Shorty little brother…now I can look him in the eye.”  Nick eyed her appraisingly.  “You must be one hell of a teacher.  Aaron’s never liked school this much.”

Kira blushed.  “Well…we have great teachers and…”

“No…not teachers.  YOU.  He told me how you spend extra time with him…I know teachers aren’t supposed to pick favorites, but you’ve really been looking out for him and I appreciate it.”

“It’s no problem…Aaron is a joy to work with,” Kira said weakly.  Nick was looking straight into her green eyes and suddenly she felt about fifteen years old.

“I’d better go.  I didn’t tell Aaron where I was going.”  Nick opened the door.

“Why not?”

“Didn’t want him to get jealous,” Nick said with a grin.  “He has quite the crush on you.”

“Oh, gosh, don’t tell me that.”  Kira blushed dark red and Nick laughed.

“You’re cute when you blush.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”  Nick threw one of the Carter grins her way and took off at a jog. 

Kira closed the door, locked it, and then leaned against it, screaming.


Don’t stand…don’t stand so…don’t stand so close to me…


Kira was drinking coffee at the kitchen table when Lila wandered out around eight the next morning.  Kira was already showered, sitting in a robe.  “Hey,” Lila said sleepily, grabbing a glass for orange juice.

“Hey,” Kira replied, putting down the newspaper.  “Mind if I ask what time you wandered in?”

“One,” her friend answered.  “We went back to Howie’s bungalow and just talked.”  Kira raised an eyebrow.  “I swear…we just talked.  He’s hot and basically my dream come true, but I’m not about to just jump into bed with him the first night I met him.”

“I know…I was just kidding,” Kira told her.  “Were…uh…Aaron and Nick there?”

“I think so.  We went for a walk and when we came back the place was quiet.  I’m assuming they were in bed.”  Lila sighed happily.  “Howie’s really great, Kira.  He’s smart, nice, sweet…sexy…”

“Yes…can’t forget sexy,” Kira said, laughing. 

“What do you think of Nick?”

“Nick?  I…uh…” Kira blushed, remembering the way he had grinned at her before leaving the night before.  “He’s nice, I guess.”

“NICE?  Kira, that man is totally fuckable and you know it.  At least he’s of age.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Kira, those Carter men are completely hot and completely doable.  And in your horny state, they are just what you need.  Nick, however, is actually an adult, and would be much better for you right now.”

“I’m not interested in them that way…especially Aaron!”

“Are you telling me that you don’t think Aaron Carter is fuckable?”

“I’m not saying that at all!”  Kira blurted out, and Lila howled with laughter.  Kira jumped to her feet. “I’m gonna go get ready. I have to meet them in an hour.”  She stomped to her bedroom and slammed the door on Lila’s laughter.


“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Kira muttered to herself as she trudged up the path to meet Nick and Aaron.  The sun was bright and danced off the pure white snow.  It wasn’t too cold; just right, she supposed, for zooming down a slope with the wind at your heels.  Kira figured she wouldn’t do too much zooming, but if she could get through the morning without breaking a limb or making too big an ass of herself, she thought she would have accomplished something.

“Kira!”  Aaron yelled, waving an arm.  He wore a dark red coat and black ski pants, and his ears were covered by a sort of headband.  His spiky hair peeked out the top, and Kira thought he had never looked more adorable.  Nick, however, took her breath away.  He wore a dark blue ski outfit, which seemed to lighten his hair and make the sun twinkle off of it.  He slipped his sunglasses down his nose to look over the frames. 

“I thought you might chicken out,” he teased.

“Hardly,” she said, pretending to be mad.

“Do you want coffee or hot chocolate or anything?”

“Later…let’s get this over with,” she said with a sigh.  Aaron looked disappointed.

“If you don’t want to do this, Kira, I understand,” he told her.

“No, Aaron…I’m just nervous.  I don’t wanna make an ass of myself.”

“You won’t…we won’t laugh or make fun of you, I promise,” Aaron said, looking at Nick.  “Right?”

“Absolutely,” Nick agreed.  “Let’s get you equipped.”  Both men had their own equipment, but Kira needed to rent some. 

She walked ahead of them to the ski shack, and she could feel their eyes on her. She whirled around suddenly and they both stopped short.  “Were you watching me?”  She asked flirtatiously.  She meant the comment for Nick but Aaron answered.

“We couldn’t help it,” he said, his voice almost ending in a squeak.  “You look REALLY good in that outfit.”

“You know, green is my favorite color,” Nick told her with a smile.  Aaron glared at him.

“Come on, Kira…let’s get you some skis.”  He took her arm and almost dragged her to the shack.  She could hear Nick chuckling behind them.

As Aaron paid the rental fees, Nick leaned forward to whisper in her ear.  “See?  Told you he has a crush on you…he’s pissed at me right now…he’s jealous.”

“Knock it off!”  Kira snapped, pasting a smile on her face as Aaron approached them.


“You did REALLY well,” Aaron said loyally as they made their way back to the ski lodge for lunch.  “I mean it.”

“Right…I supposed you didn’t notice the time I connected with that patch of shrubbery at the bottom of the hill,” Kira said to him.  Nick hid a laugh in a cough and Aaron gave him an evil look.

“I’ll…uh…go get us a table,” Nick said, disappearing into the lodge.  Aaron and Kira waited out front.

“That little kid skied right in front of you.  It was either hit the kid or hit the bushes…you made the right decision,” he told her.

“Why do I suddenly feel like I’m the kid and you’re the adult?”  Kira said with a laugh.  Aaron tilted his head to the side.

“Is that how you see me, Kira?  I’m just a kid?”

“Well, um, Aaron…you are my student,” Kira said nervously.  “I’m fifteen years older than you, and your teacher as well.”

“Not here, remember?  This is vacation, not school. Ever see “How Stella Got her Groove Back”?”  Aaron asked softly, his brown eyes never leaving her face.  Kira felt her knees start to quiver.

“Aaron…I don’t…”

“Kira…I know that after Christmas we are back to Miss Cassidy, teacher, and Aaron Carter, student.  But it’s not school here, is it?”  He reached over to take her hand and she snatched it back.

“Don’t,” she whispered.  Kira knew she should scream bloody murder…should tell him to knock it the hell off and leave her alone.  She was his teacher, for God’s sake.  There was something in his manner, however, that totally appealed to her.  Aaron seemed slightly nervous, yet totally confident at the same time.  She suddenly got the feeling that he had probably had more sex in his eighteen years than she had experienced in her thirty-three.

“Good news.  We’re at the top of the list.  Another fifteen minutes, maybe.”  Nick looked at Kira.  “You okay?  Your face is red.”

“Sunburn,” she said quickly.  “From the snow.”

“Right,” he said, nodding.  Kira didn’t see the knowing look he gave his brother.  “Why don’t we return your stuff while we wait?  You’re not going to ski anymore today, right?”

“Right.  All I want is a hot bath and then I want to snuggle up in front of a fireplace drinking hot chocolate,” she said, sighing wearily.  She was physically and mentally exhausted.

“Sounds good to me,” Aaron agreed.  Kira looked at him quickly.  “I mean…our bungalow has a big fireplace.  You could crash there if you wanted and we could wait for Howie and Lila.”

“Good idea, Shorty,” Nick said.  “That okay with you, Kira?”

“Sure,” she replied, sighing.  “Let’s get this stuff back.”  She slowly began to trudge towards the shack.  Nick picked up her skis and followed her while Aaron waited for the table.

“You SURE you’re okay?”

“Yes,” she almost snapped.  “I’m fine.”

“You need a hot bath and maybe a massage,” he suggested.  “We’ll do all that after lunch.”

Kira opened her mouth to say something smart but thought better of it.  “Why don’t you go back and wait with your brother?  I’ll be fine here.”

“You sure?”

“Yes,” she said in a biting tone.  Nick turned on his heel and strode off.  Kira leaned against the counter, burying her face in her hands.  How could she handle this?  Life wasn’t fair.  One Carter brother hitting on her…the other one offering to give her a massage.  She should just walk away and stay away from them the rest of the vacation, her brain told her.  She knew that was the right thing to do.  The only problem was that her body was telling her just the opposite.


Lunch went by without any major crisis.  Howie and Lila were nowhere to be seen; Kira assumed they were off on the more advanced slopes.  Aaron and Nick kept her amused with stories from the road, and Nick gave her all the information on his bandmates.  Kevin had married a girl from his home state of Kentucky, Lisa, about two years after his marriage to Kristin ended.  Brian and Leigh Anne were still happily married and the parents of a two-year-old son, Christopher.  AJ had started a solo career after the Backstreet Boys had disbanded and was currently working on his third solo album.

“No marriage for you?”  Kira asked as Nick paid the bill.  He laughed.

“No…not yet…I’m an old maid of twenty-five.”

Kira blushed and Aaron snorted with laughter.  “Stuck your foot in it this time, bro.”

“Oh…I didn’t mean that YOU were an old maid.  I mean…well…you can’t be more then, what, twenty-eight or so?”

“Okay…I promise to name my first-born child after you,” Kira told him as they stood.  “I just turned thirty-three.”

They headed out the door and Aaron and Nick immediately headed towards their bungalow.  Kira hung back. “What?”  Aaron asked, stopping.  “I thought we were gonna veg around a toasty fire.”

“Yes, well, um…there’s a fire at the lodge,” Kira hedged.

“Our hot chocolate is better,” Nick told her, gently holding her by the elbow and guiding her along.  “We put booze in it,” he whispered in her ear.

Kira sighed.  This was wrong.  Way wrong.  How wrong it was didn’t matter, however, when she realized that her alternative was to sit alone in her bungalow.


“Okay, life isn’t fair,” Kira almost wailed as she turned around, looking at the living room of their bungalow.  “This room alone is bigger than our whole bungalow!”

“Sometimes it’s good having money,” Aaron said with a bashful smile.

“Are you wet?”  Nick asked Kira suddenly.

“EXCUSE me?”  Kira gasped.

“I mean are your CLOTHES wet,” Nick replied with a cocky grin.

“They’re damp…I mean…I worked hard out there,” Kira answered, blushing.  She couldn’t find an easy way to say, yes, she had been sweating under her ski outfit.

“I’ll get you a change of clothes,” Nick said, heading for the bedroom.

“Grab her something of mine, Porker,” Aaron called in.  “She’ll swim in yours.”

“Fuck you, Aaron!”  Nick yelled back.

Aaron flopped onto the sofa and closed his eyes.  Kira tried not to watch him.  He truly was a handsome young man, and did actually look older than his newly eighteen years.  She finally stared into the fireplace, which was still roaring from when the men had been there earlier that day.  “Is it weird, for you, Aaron?”  Kira asked suddenly.  His brown eyes opened.  “I mean…is it weird having been so famous so young?  I bet you never have to work a day in your life, right?”

“Well, my mom DID invest well for me,” Aaron said, sitting up.  “Sometimes it’s weird.  People will talk about their first junior high dance or something, and I’ll be like, nope, never did that…I was in Sweden or Australia or Japan.  My junior high dances were performed on stage in front of thousands of people.”  He ran a hand through his hair.  “In a way, I was lucky.  I had Nick to watch and follow after.  He showed me the right way and the wrong way to handle fans and fame.”

Kira silently agreed.  For all his cockiness and attitude, Aaron was a pretty humble kid for all he had been through.  “Here you go,” Nick said, handing her a pair of grey sweatpants and a Tampa Bay tshirt.  “Shirt is mine.  Pants are his.  Why don’t you go change so I can kick his ass for calling me a porker.”

“Please don’t kick his ass TOO bad,” Kira said with a grin.  “I’d hate to have to explain his absence from school after the holidays.”

“Okay,” Nick agreed, jumping on his brother and smacking him around.  Kira sighed and went into the closest bedroom to change.

She assumed it was Aaron’s…it just looked like the mess a teenager would create.  She tried not to think too hard about the fact that he was probably naked in there a lot of the time, changing clothes just as she was at that moment.  “Okay…Kira…you are desperate.  You are thinking dirty thoughts about a student.  Desperate as hell, yes, that’s you,” she mumbled to herself as she pulled Nick’s shirt over her head.

“Kira, help!”  Kira heard Aaron yell.  She tugged on the sweatpants, which still swam in anyway and hurried out into the living room.

Nick had Aaron pinned to the sofa in some sort of wrestling hold that all big brothers seemed to automatically use from birth.  Aaron was pinned against the back of the sofa with Nick half-laying on top of him.  Kira swallowed deeply, finally giving into the realization that she wanted nothing more than to be in the middle of that Carter sandwich. 

Nick froze when he saw her.  He seemed to notice something in her eyes, for he slowly released Aaron and stood up.  “Aaron, go make hot chocolate.”

“What?  Why do I have to…”

“NOW, Aaron,” Nick snapped, his eyes never leaving Kira’s.  “And get out the bottles of Kahlua and Amaretto, too.”  Aaron stomped off to the kitchen area as Nick took a few steps towards Kira.  “Ready for that massage now?”  He held out his hand and she took it, nodding.


“Oh my GOD that feels good,” Kira moaned from her spot on the floor in front of the fireplace.  Nick’s large hands were working magic on her sore calves.  “If you ever stop working in the business and lose all your money, I will definitely hire you to do this every day for the rest of my life.”

“Thank you,” Nick said modestly.  “I’ve been told I have good hands.”

Kira heard a snort of laughter and realized that Aaron had entered the room.  “You are so full of shit, Nick.”

“Learned it from you, little brother,” Nick replied smoothly.

Aaron set down a tray on the coffee table.  Kira opened one eye and saw three steaming mugs of hot chocolate, three small empty glasses, and bottles of various liqueurs.  Her eyebrow raised and Aaron blushed.  “I wasn’t sure what you like.  I like all of them.”

“Start us off with a shot of amaretto,” Nick told him.  “In the hot chocolate.”

Kira sat up and curled back against the sofa on the floor, gratefully accepting the steaming mug.  She inhaled deeply, choking as she got a strong whiff of amaretto.  “How much did you put in here?”

Aaron shrugged.  “I’m not sure.  I gave you the same as us, though, so it’s not like I’m trying to intoxicate you or anything.”

“Intoxicate…big word…trying to amuse the teacher?”  Nick teased.  Aaron’s eyes grew stormy.

“Fuck OFF, Nick, okay?  Aren’t there some little snowbunnies you need to bag or something?”

It was Nick’s turn to get angry.  “Aaron, you need to…”

“Guys, please,” Kira interrupted gently, taking a large gulp of her cocoa as it cooled off.  “Aaron, what are you planning on doing after graduation?”

Aaron moved to sit next to her on the floor.  Nick remained on the other side of the coffee table.  “I’m not sure. I’d like to travel for a while, see the world as a true tourist.  I never got to see much when I was on tour.  Then I might go to school…I’m not sure.  I’d like to do something with music, that I’m DEFINITELY sure of.”

“Music and girls,” Kira remembered with a kind smile.  Aaron blushed slightly.  “What about you?”  She said sharply to Nick.  She didn’t like the way he had insulted Aaron earlier.  It was like he was playing some kind of game with his brother, to see who could impress her more.  “Did you finish school?”

“I got my GED on the road,” Nick said with a shrug.  “I’m doing okay without going any further, though if I would’ve had my way I would have done something with marine biology, I think…I love the water.”

“I see,” Kira said softly.  She was shocked to see that her mug was empty.

“More?”  Aaron asked.  His mug was empty as well.  Nick was still slowly sipping at his.

“I’m not sure.  It fills you up,” Kira said hesitantly.  Nick grabbed the bottle of Kahlua and filled the three small glasses.  He handed one to her and one to Aaron.  They looked at each other, then at Nick.

“Cheers,” he said, downing his glass in one gulp.  Kira stared at him defiantly and quickly did the same.  Aaron followed her lead.

“Now who’s trying to intoxicate who?”  Kira asked.

“Why waste time with hot chocolate?”  Nick replied arrogantly.  In response Kira grabbed the bottle of vodka and filled the glasses once more.  Aaron’s eyes grew huge.  Kira’s gaze never left Nick. She was tired of letting him have the upper hand.

“Aaron, you don’t have to drink this,” she told him.  “You don’t have to prove anything…to me OR to him.” Kira glanced at him. 

“I know I don’t…but I want to.”  Aaron clinked his glass against hers and they drank together.  They looked at Nick with amusement.  His mouth had fallen open as he looked at them.  He hurriedly shot down his own glass.

“Why did you really ask me back here?”  Kira asked Nick boldly.  Her head suddenly felt heavy and she leaned it on Aaron’s shoulder.

“I told you…for hot chocolate and a massage.  I’ve given you both,” Nick said calmly.  Kira looked at him speculatively.

“No other reason?”


“You’re lying,” Aaron said, the alcohol loosening his tongue in the same way it was loosening Kira’s.  “You are SO lying.”

“Why do you say that?”  Nick downed another glass of vodka and refilled the other two glasses.

“You want her…you want her bad…that’s why you keep trying to make me look bad…you want her to NOT want me,” Aaron said, a pouting tone in his voice.  “I saw her first, she’s MY teacher.”

“Will you guys quit it?”  Kira said, clumsily getting to her feet.  “I am not some kind of prize in your sibling rivalry.  If you want me, tell me, for fuck’s sake…otherwise, I am out of here.”  She didn’t even bother to grab her coat as she stepped into her boots and stumbled for the door.  She felt an arm grab her.

“I want you,” was all she heard before a pair of warm lips met hers.


Kira attempted to pull away, but strong arms held her tight against a broad chest.  Soft lips teased hers until she allowed a smooth tongue to slip inside her mouth.  Her hands slid up to run through spiky hair.  When she was finally permitted to pull back from the kiss, Kira found herself looking up into Aaron’s brown eyes.  “I’m sorry,” he apologized breathlessly.  “I couldn’t help it…and I didn’t want you to go…and I didn’t want you to think that no one wanted you.” He brought his hands up to cup her face, his forehead leaning against hers.  “Because, God, I want you so bad, Kira.”

Kira felt the truth of this as he pressed his body against her.  “Aaron, I don’t…I can’t…” She was having trouble forming words as his thumbs caressed her cheeks.  “This is so wrong,” she whispered.

“I’m an adult, Kira, same as you,” he pointed out in the same whisper.  “Technically this is totally legal.”

“But morally wrong…you’re my student,” she protested, still finding some sort of conscience in her slightly drunken haze.

“For six more months,” Aaron said with a shrug.  “And not here, remember?  We already decided this isn’t school.”

Kira’s green eyes met his dark ones and she swallowed deeply.  She felt someone walk up behind her and she jumped.  They had totally forgotten that Nick was still in the room.  Aaron’s eyes narrowed as he glared at his brother. “Don’t…don’t start this fighting again!”  Kira snapped at him.

“No one’s fighting,” Nick murmured, moving her hair aside to kiss her neck.  Kira felt goosebumps appear across her entire body.  “I’m willing to share…you willing to share, Aaron?”

Aaron looked from Kira to his brother and back again.  It was totally obvious that he was NOT interested in sharing.  He looked into Kira’s eyes.  “Are you willing to be shared, Kira?”

Kira looked from Nick to Aaron, indecision swimming around in her brain.  She wanted them both…she wanted to be possessed by both.  Why shouldn’t she have what she wanted?  Kira mutely nodded.  Aaron and Nick exchanged glances.  Aaron took Kira’s hand and led her down the hallway past his bedroom.  She assumed they were going to Nick’s and she soon realized why.  It was tucked into a back corner of the bungalow, and if Howie and Lila would happen to appear, they would be hidden away in the back of the building.

Nick shut the door behind the three of them, making Kira jump.  He walked towards her slowly, and she licked her lips nervously.  He placed his hands on her shoulders and she jumped again.  “Relax,” he murmured in a soothing tone.  “Aaron, go get us something to drink.”

“Man, why do you always have to boss me around?”  Aaron sulked.

“Do it, you brat.  I think Kira needs another drink to help her relax.”  Nick spoke to Aaron but his eyes never left Kira’s face.

“Fine.  For Kira.” Aaron stomped off, slamming the door behind him.

Nick smiled a lazy smile.  “He’s still such a child sometimes.”  Nick pushed some stray hair from Kira’s face.  “But you don’t have to worry…he’s a lot more experienced then your average teenager.”

“I don’t think I needed to know that,” Kira said weakly. 

Nick shrugged.  “You were about to find out anyway.”  He grabbed her suddenly, pulling her to him in a brutal kiss.  His hands slid down to squeeze her backside as he rubbed his erection against her through their clothes.  Kira pulled back, gasping for air.  “My brother and I look a lot alike, but I assure you we’re very different,” Nick said.  “He’s…sweet.  I’m more…intense.”

Kira couldn’t help but think that neither one of these things was a bad thing.  Aaron came back through the door with the bottle of vodka.  “I didn’t bother with glasses,” he said, handing the bottle to Kira.  She took a deep swig, closing her eyes as the liquid burned the back of her throat.  She turned back to Nick, claiming his mouth with hers.

“I’m sweet…but I can be intense, too,” she told him.  He smiled down at her.  He began to kiss her passionately, wasting no time in learning the taste of her mouth.

Kira felt hands tugging at the tshirt she wore, and she raised her arms.  Nick pulled back and allowed Aaron to pull the tshirt from Kira’s body.  She heard two gasps as the men realized she hadn’t been wearing a bra.  Kira shivered as the air hit her naked skin, though she felt hot on the inside from the alcohol.  Nick resumed his task of kissing her, wrapping her hair around his fingers.  Aaron kissed the back of her neck, below Nick’s hands, as his hands slowly slid up her side to cup her breasts.

Kira moaned as Aaron’s soft fingers traced the roundness of her breasts, drawing abstract designs across her skin.  There were too many sensations at once, and this was only the beginning.  She felt Aaron pull back, and then she gasped slightly as his bare chest rubbed against her back.  She heard him moan as well as their bodies made contact.  Nick regretfully pulled away from her.  “Seems I’m overdressed for this party,” he said before pulling his own shirt off.

Aaron took the opportunity to whirl Kira around to face him.  He lightly flickered his tongue across her swollen lips before taking her tongue into his mouth and sucking on it.  She collapsed against him, running her hands up and down his back as he kissed her.  She felt a gentle shove on her back, and that was all it took for she and Aaron to collapse onto the bed, their mouths never leaving each other.  Nick stood by the bed watching, taking a swallow or two from the vodka bottle.  He set the bottle on the nightstand before crawling onto the bed to spoon up behind Kira.  He pulled her back slightly so his hands had access to her bare breasts.  He was not as tender as Aaron; he tugged and pulled on her nipples as he bit down hard on her shoulder.

Kira whimpered against Aaron’s mouth, kissing him even more passionately as Nick roughly learned her body.  She accidentally bit down on Aaron’s tongue as Nick slowly slid a hand down the front of the sweatpants she wore.  “Shit, Nick, careful!”  Aaron complained.

“Sorry,” Nick murmured in Kira’s hair.  “Holy fuck, you are so damn wet.”

“I wanna see,” Aaron said in a pouty voice.  Nick brought his hand out to suck Kira’s wetness from his fingers as Aaron put his hand where Nick’s had been.  “Shit…you’re right.”

Kira arched back against Nick as Aaron slid his long fingers in and out of her.  She reached around to grab the back of Nick’s thigh; she needed something to hold onto.  Nick claimed her mouth once more and she bit down on his full lower lip.  He smiled against her mouth…it didn’t hurt…he liked it this way.  “Please…Aaron…” she begged.  She wanted more.  More than fingers.  Aaron shoved Nick away from her so he could give her one more passionate kiss before sliding his body down Kira’s, taking her sweatpants with him.


Kira felt very vulnerable as she lay against Nick, totally naked.  Aaron looked down at her, swallowing deeply as his eyes drank in her skin.  He slid his hands up her thighs, gently spreading her legs before settling down between them.  Kira closed her eyes.  She couldn’t look.  Just the thought of Aaron’s blond head between her legs was enough to make her insane.

Nick turned her head so she was facing him.  He began to kiss her, forceful intense kisses that made her moan against his mouth.  She jumped as she felt Aaron’s tongue begin to lap at her clit, occasionally moving down lower until he could bury his tongue inside of her.  She screamed against Nick, reaching up to yank at his hair as Aaron continued to tease her.

“His mouth feels good on you, doesn’t it?”  Nick murmured against her face as he kissed her cheeks.  “His tongue…fucking you…feels good…” He turned his head to nip at the hand that held his hair.  “Wait until that’s my cock in there fucking you.”

Kira closed her eyes, throwing her head back as Aaron’s fingers slid inside of her.  “Oh…God…Aaron…” she gasped.  Nick ran a finger along her full lips and she took it inside her mouth, sucking hard.  He moaned, imagining her sucking his cock in that same manner.  Her leg pressed against his cock, and as she writhed on the bed she would rub against him, sending shocks of pleasure through his body.  Kira’s pleading only made Aaron slow down, making him tease her even more evilly.

Nick suddenly moved to his knees by Kira’s head.  Her green eyes stared up at him in confusion.  “I want you to suck me, Kira.”  Nick took his cock in his hand, slowly stroking it.  His eyes never left hers.  “Suck me as Aaron pleases you.”

Kira knew she should refuse.  For some reason the idea of him leaning over her seemed very degrading.  But she could refuse him nothing.  He ran his cock along her lips and she slowly took it in.  Nick let out a loud groan as he sank himself into her mouth.  He wanted to ram it in…wanted to fuck her mouth until he spurted down her throat, but he forced himself to keep it slow and steady.  He looked down at her, saw her hands grab at the sheets, and knew that she was close.  The closer Aaron brought her, the harder she sucked on him.  Nick didn’t want this to end yet; he wanted to feel the true heat of her.  He pulled out and lay back down beside her once more.  He claimed her mouth with his just as Aaron brought her over the edge.

Kira’s free hand grasped at Aaron’s hair, holding his head in place as she came.  Aaron eagerly pushed his tongue inside of her once more, wanting to taste every bit she had to offer him.  Her muscles finally relaxed and she lay limply on the bed, gasping for breath.

Aaron slowly crawled up to lay on her other side.  He sweetly kissed her cheek, moving some damp hair from her face.  “Anybody thirsty?”  Nick asked, reaching over for the bottle of vodka.  Aaron shook his head.

“Not for that,” Kira said quietly.  “I’d like some water, please.”


“No.  YOU go get it for once,” Aaron said stubbornly.

“Fine…fine.”  Nick stood and stretched.  Kira couldn’t help but admire the smoothness of his body.  In case Howie and Lila returned, Nick threw on a pair of shorts, then strolled out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

“That was incredible,” Kira whispered to Aaron.  “You’re too young to be that good.”

Aaron chuckled.  “I lived most of my life on tour, remember?  You learn a lot.”  He brought her hand up to his mouth and gently kissed each fingertip.  “You tasted so good…I couldn’t get enough of you.”  Kira blushed but said nothing.  He gently kissed her lips and she could taste herself on him.  She whimpered slightly, kissing him with a bit more passion.  Kira was the first to pull away.  She silently slid down his body, leaving a trail of kisses in her wake.  She ran her face against his hard cock and he moaned.  “Kira…you don’t…oh FUCK…” he gasped as she took him entirely in her mouth. 

Kira didn’t work him the way she had worked Nick.  She worked him nice and easy, letting her tongue learn every ridge and curve of his hardness.  She lovingly flickered her tongue across his head, making him arch off the bed.  “You okay?”  She murmured against his skin.

“I have never really…learned to…last very long when someone…oh shit…is good at…this…” he moaned, writhing on the bed as she had.

Kira heard the door behind her open and close but she didn’t stop what she was doing.  She also heard Nick put the glass of water on the nightstand, and heard him remove his shorts.  She continued sucking Aaron even when she felt Nick’s hands on her waist.

“Perfect,” he murmured as he sank himself deep inside of her.  Kira moaned against Aaron’s cock, making him pant even harder.

“Nick, don’t make her…ohhhh yes…” Aaron moaned as Kira added a hand to the dance her mouth was doing on his cock.

Nick took firm hold of her hips, slamming himself inside of her so hard that she didn’t even have to move her mouth over Aaron.  The motion of her body was taking him in and out by itself.  “God…Kira…you’re so tight…wet…hot…” Nick threw back his head and allowed the heat of her body to pull the orgasm out of him.  “Holy shiiiiiiiiittttttt…” Nick slammed into her one last time.  He pulled out, gasping.  He fell to the bed, cursing the fact that he couldn’t last longer.  She had felt too good…and they had all been teased too long.

“Kira…I’m…I’m gonna…” Aaron wrapped his hands in her hair and pulled.  Hard.  She yelled against him but he couldn’t let go.  He pushed himself in her mouth, spurting hot and fast.  Kira drank what she could but was thankful when he finally released her.  He pulled her up by her shoulders to lay next to him.  Nick crawled up on her other side.  “I’m sorry,” Aaron panted.  “It was just…I couldn’t…”

“It’s okay,” she whispered, laying her head on his shoulder.  He put an arm around her and cuddled her close.  Nick felt strangely left out but said nothing.  He pressed his face against her bare back and they all dozed.


When Kira woke up about an hour later, Nick was gone.  She was still pressed against Aaron’s chest, and he had a protective arm around her.  She stretched and Aaron’s eyes fluttered open.  “Where’s Nick?” 

“I don’t know,” she said in a whisper.  She turned away from him, curling into a ball.

“Kira?  Are you okay?”  Aaron snuggled up close behind her.  She tried to hide her sniffles.

“Fine,” she said, begging tears not to fall.

“No, you’re not.”  Aaron pulled on her shoulders, forcing her to turn around.  “Don’t cry.  What’s wrong?”

She looked into his young face and sobbed harder.  “This.  Everything. It’s all wrong.  Totally wrong.  You’re my student, Aaron.  I could get fired for this!”

“You know why they made that stupid rule or law or whatever?  So that perverted weirdo teachers couldn’t take advantage of innocent kids.  You’re no pervert weirdo, Kira, and I am most certainly not your average innocent high school student.  This was different.  Special.”  Aaron kissed her nose.  “I noticed you didn’t let me…well…you didn’t let me do what Nick did.  I noticed.  That’s fine, too.  I understand why.  This whole day has just been incredible.”  Aaron stroked her cheek and Kira closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hand on her skin.  “All the times we met in the library, I was so damn thankful that we were sitting at tables.  I had a freaking hardon the ENTIRE time, I swear to God.”  Kira giggled, feeling about eighteen again.  “I’ve dreamt about this situation, but it was never this good.”  Aaron rolled his eyes.  “My brother was also never present.”

“Oh, yeah…Nick,” Kira remembered softly.

“Kira, I know you and I will never be anything more than this, today. I know we’ll never do this again, and I know there will never be a relationship.  But I want YOU to know that I will never forget this day…ever.  I was attracted to you, sure, but there is something about you that makes me wish that I was older, or you were younger.”

Kira looked into Aaron’s earnest face.  “Thank you, Aaron.  Thank you so much.  Not too long ago someone really broke my heart…and I felt like no one would want me or care about me again.  What you just said really makes me feel good…I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that.”  Aaron smiled and leaned in for a kiss.  They kissed, a sweet gentle kiss that seemed to last forever.

The door opened suddenly, making them both jump.  Aaron looked over at Nick, glaring at the interruption.  “Are those MY sweats?”

“Yes, and your shirt, too,” Nick said arrogantly.  “I was out getting a snack when Howie and Lila got back.  I jumped into your room quick and threw on some clothes.  You two might want to do the same. I told them you were both napping.”  He shut the door without saying more.

“Is he always such a prick?”  Kira said, laying still while Aaron hopped out of bed to pull on some of Nick’s clothes.

“Only when he’s upset about something,” Aaron told her, tossing her the outfit she had borrowed earlier.

“He’s been this way since I met him, practically,” Kira informed Aaron, quickly pulling on the clothes.

“He’s jealous,” Aaron said, smiling at her.  “He really likes you.”

“Doubtful,” Kira replied, brushing her hair.  “He just wanted a quick lay.”

“Trust me, Kira.  He likes you.  No one knows my brother better than me.”

“Whatever,” Kira said doubtfully.  “Go ahead out.  I’ll be there in a minute.”

Aaron snuck out the door and jogged down the hallway.  Kira waited for the door to close before bursting into hysterical tears.  What the hell had she just done?


Kira went barefoot down the hall about fifteen minutes later. Howie and Lila were curled up on the sofa.  Aaron was on the floor in front of the fire, and Nick was on a chair near the sofa.  Kira sat on another chair, tucking her feet under her.

“Wow, you sure took advantage of this whole vacation thing,” Lila said with a teasing smile.  “Sleeping the day away.”

“I was tired,” Kira said softly.  Lila looked at her strangely but said nothing.

“Can I get you anything?”  Aaron’s brown eyes looked up at her solemnly.  She smiled and shook her head, then reconsidered.

“I’d really like some hot chocolate.  Regular, old, boring hot chocolate,” she emphasized, and she saw a smile flicker behind his eyes.

“Will do.  Anyone else?”

“No, thanks.  We had a huge lunch and I’m STILL full,” Howie said.  “Too full for even cocoa.”

“I’m fine,” Lila added.

“Nick?”  Aaron almost snapped.  The venom in his voice made Howie stare at him.

“Fine, thank you,” Nick said without looking at his brother.  Aaron walked off to the kitchen.  Kira gave Nick a dirty look and followed Aaron.

“Are you okay?” Kira asked, putting a hand on Aaron’s arm.

“Fine,” he promised her.  “He just…I don’t know…he’s acting like an arrogant dickhead and I don’t like it.  He didn’t even look at you when you came in.  I don’t want him treating you that way.”

Kira couldn’t help but be amused by his cavalier attitude.  “It’s okay, Aaron.  I’m a big girl.  I can take care of myself.”

Aaron surprised her by pinning her back against a counter.  “What if I want to be the one taking care of you.”  He ground his hardness against her. She gasped.

“Aaron…we can’t…there are people out there!”  Kira didn’t even try to say she wasn’t interested.  She was VERY interested.

“I don’t care.”  Aaron walked over and very slowly and quietly closed the sliding door that separated the kitchen from the hallway.  He purposefully strode back to Kira.  “I want a sweet snack.  Know where I can get one?”  He slid her sweatpants down and lifted her to the countertop.

“Aaron, I don’t…oh GOD.”  Kira bit her lip as Aaron spread her legs and knelt on the floor.

“I need to taste you…one more time…you’re so sweet…God…” Aaron moaned as he flicked his tongue against her clit and slid a finger inside her.  She was instantly wet.

“Aaron…yes…oh yes…” Kira whispered, placing both hands on his head.

“I want you to cum for me…only me…no one else in the room, no one else around,” he said softly, watching two fingers slide in and out.

“Aaron…holy shit…mmmm…” Kira panted, trying to keep her voice down.  Aaron stood, placing his mouth over hers as she tightened around his fingers.  He kissed her scream into silence, keeping his fingers immobile as she came.

When Nick wandered into the kitchen ten minutes later, the door was open and Aaron was sitting on the island table in the middle of the kitchen, swinging his legs and chatting with Kira, who was in front of the stove stirring milk for the hot chocolate.  “Did you guys go milk a cow or something?”

“Nope, just hanging out,” Aaron said cheerfully.  Kira kept her back to Nick.  She couldn’t talk to him…couldn’t see the coldness in those blue eyes.

“Lila and Howie wanna go for dinner.  Interested?”

“Kira?”  Aaron asked.  She shook her head.

“Not hungry.  I’m tired…I think I’ll go back to my place and sleep.”

“Are you okay?”  There was genuine concern in Nick’s voice that made her turn around.

“I’m fine.  Just worn out.  Confused.  Exhausted…mentally and physically.  I need some time to think.”

“Oh, that’s all.  Okay.  Sorry you won’t be there.”  Nick turned to leave.

“Sorry you won’t get another quick hard lay again, you mean?”  Kira snapped before she thought.  Nick’s face was unreadable.

“Oh, yes…that’s exactly it.”  He turned and went back to the living room.  Aaron gaped at her.

“What was that?”

“I don’t know.” Kira ran a hand through her hair.  “Look, Aaron, I’m just gonna grab my stuff and go back to my place.  I know Lila will come back to get ready for dinner and I need to talk to her.  I want to leave.”

“Tonight?”  Aaron’s voice almost squeaked.

“No…day after tomorrow. That’s when Howie’s leaving and I’m sure she won’t want to stay after that.  Nothing is keeping us here, and I want to go home.”

“Well, I wouldn’t say NOTHING is here,” Aaron muttered, playing with a loose piece of the countertop.

“You’re sweet, Aaron, but this needs to end,” Kira said softly, walking over to lightly touch his cheek.  “I’m being torn in too many directions.”

“Well, maybe…” Aaron began earnestly.  Nick poked his head back in the door and frowned as he saw them standing so close together.  Kira jumped back.

“Aaron, we need to decide if we wanna stay around here or go out somewhere else for dinner.  Get out here, please.”  He disappeared.

“Go ahead,” Kira gave Aaron a gentle shove.  “I’m gonna get my things together.”

Aaron’s brown eyes studied her face for a long moment.  Her eyes were so sad and lost.  He cupped her face in her hands and gently kissed her.  “We shouldn’t be too late.  If you wanna talk or whatever…”

“Since when are you a grownup?”  Kira asked with an amused smile.

“Every now and then I surprise even myself,” he said with a goofy grin that gave away his real age.  He kissed her cheek quickly then hurried out to the living room.


“You missed a fantastic dinner,” Lila told Kira when she came back into their bungalow.  “We went out into that little town to this tiny tavern.  It was so cute.”

“You’re back early,” Kira observed from her spot on the sofa.  “It’s only ten-thirty.”

“I wanted to talk to you before you hit the hay.  I can see Howie tomorrow.”  Lila took off her coat and gloves and plopped down next to Kira.

“Tell me about Howie first,” Kira said.  Lila’s face lit up.

“Kira, he’s amazing.  Funny, smart, and SO sweet.  Not to mention sexy.”

“Yes…can’t forget sexy,” Kira said with a grin.

“He’s going to call me after the holidays,” Lila continued excitedly.  “He wants me to come down to Florida.  He does all his producing from Orlando, and he could work while I’m there but still hang with me.  I’m thinking about it.”

“Thinking about it my ass…you’ll go,” Kira contradicted.

“You’re right…I’ll go,” Lila said with a laugh.  “So…enough about Wonderful Howie.  How about you?  What’s up with the Carters?”

“Nothing,” Kira answered quickly.  “Why do you ask?”

“You bailed ultra-fast earlier, and you wouldn’t say a word to Nick.  After you left, Aaron looked like someone ran over his dog, and he wouldn’t say a thing at dinner.”

“I don’t know anything about that,” Kira hedged, getting up to pull her robe on.  “I’m glad you came back though…we need to talk.”

“Yes we do…tell me what happened,” Lila demanded.  Kira’s green eyes grew miserable.

“I can’t tell you, Lila, because I’m not really sure myself.  When I figure it out, I might be able to tell you…but not now.”

“Okay,” Lila said softly, putting her hand on Kira’s knee.  “I’m here for you.”

“I know.  And thank you.”

“What did you need to talk to me about?”

“What would you think if we left Christmas Eve day, like Howie is going to?  Would you care?”

“No…I mean, I can always jet off to my mom’s then.”  Lila rolled her eyes.  “What made you change your mind?”

“I just wanna go home,” Kira said softly.  Lila hugged her as she started to cry.  She knew better than to ask.

“Sure…sure, sweetie…we can go home.”


“I’m getting a cavity here,” Aaron murmured to Kira, rolling his eyes as Howie and Lila said their good-byes a few days later.  It was if they had been together for months instead of days.

“I’ll call tomorrow to wish you a Merry Christmas,” Howie told her.  Lila nodded, biting her lip to keep from crying.  Howie finally released her and Kira put her arm around her.  “Later, Aaron…Nick…thanks for coming up here with me.”  He shook their hands and hugged them.

“No problem, D.  I’ll call ya,” Nick said.  Howie hugged Kira.

“Nice to meet you,” he said. 

Kira whispered in his ear.  “If you break her heart, I will kick your Florida ass…understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Howie said with a grin.  He finally got into the rental car and headed for the airport.  The others turned back to their bungalows.

“Are you sure you have to go back now?”  Aaron almost whined.  Kira smiled.  Just when she thought he was an almost-adult manchild, he would resort to some sort of teenage behavior to smash her theory.

“Yes, Aaron.  We’re almost packed now.”  They stopped in front of the girls’ bungalow.

“Um, Nick…I have my suitcase so full I can’t even close it.  Could you help me?” Lila asked sweetly.

“Sure, Lila.”  Nick gave Kira and Aaron a long look before following Lila into the bungalow.  Kira and Aaron looked at each other.

“It will kill me to remember to call you Miss Cassidy next week,” Aaron said finally.  Kira gave him a stern look.

“You MUST remember, Aaron.  My job depends on it.  If anyone ever found out about this…”

“I WILL remember, and no one will find out,” Aaron said sharply.  “Howie and Lila don’t even know.  I know it’s over and I will remember to watch my words.”  Aaron took her face in his and gave her a passionate kiss.  “And I will never EVER forget it, okay?”

“Me either,” Kira whispered.  Aaron stroked her face.

“My brother is a lucky man,” he murmured.

“Your brother?  What…” Kira began, but Nick reappeared on the doorstep.  Aaron immediately stepped back.

“Lila all set?”

“Yeah,” Nick told him.  He glanced at Kira.  “You guys need any help loading your car?”

“No, thank you…we only have a few bags,” Kira said politely.  They stood uncertainly for a moment.

“I’m gonna help her anyway.”  Aaron darted into the house, leaving Kira and Nick in an odd silence.  She finally held out her hand.

“It was nice to meet you,” she said politely.  “Thanks for an…um…interesting vacation.”

“Same here,” Nick said, formally shaking her hand. “He’s too young for you.”

Kira stared at him, shocked.  “Excuse me?”

“He’s too young for you.  Too young to know what he wants.  Too young to know what love really is.  Too young to distinguish love and sex.”

Kira laughed.  She couldn’t help it.  “You don’t think I’ve been throwing that through my head for days now, Nick?  I could punch myself for letting things go as far as they did.  It was so wrong but it felt so right I let it go.  Don’t worry…I plan on ONLY being Aaron’s teacher once we’re back home, and after he graduates I want NOTHING to do with you Carter men!”  She went into the bungalow, slamming the door in Nick’s face.


“I’ll call you tomorrow,” Lila said as she dropped Kira off at her house.  “Are you SURE you don’t want to come with me to my mom’s? I hate to think of you spending Christmas alone.”

“I’m sure.  I’m fine, Lila.” Kira hugged her friend.  “I’m so glad you got to meet Howie. He’s great.”

“Me too.”  Lila couldn’t keep the beaming smile from her face.  “I never ever thought I’d get a Christmas present like him!”

Kira laughed.  “Go home. I need a hot bath.”

“See you…Merry Christmas!”  Lila called out her window as she drove off.

Kira lugged her bags into the house and up the steps.  She threw them onto her bed and stared at them. She didn’t feel like unpacking.  She truly did want that hot bath.  She dumped about a pound of lilac bubble bath into the water before slowly undressing.  She sank into the hot water with a sigh of relief.  Thoughts ran through her head that she couldn’t control.

As tears started to fall, Kira cursed herself for letting things get as far as they did.  One time, on the way home in the car, she had actually considered the idea of a relationship with Aaron.  He was sweet and kind, financially stable, a hellion in bed…so what if they were so far apart in age?  Common sense took care of the loneliness, however, and she quickly realized how stupid that whole idea was.  Kira closed her eyes and sobbed.  She hated men, she decided, and was not going to let them ruin her holiday.  She could celebrate Christmas herself.  The tree was already up, and she had a few gifts from friends that she could open the next morning.  She finally pulled herself out of the tub and went to dry off.


Kira woke up at eight on Christmas morning.  “Wonderful,” she grumbled.  “My vacation and I can’t even sleep in.”  She stretched big and wandered the window.  Life just wasn’t fair.  No snow.  It didn’t seem like Christmas without snow.  In fact, it looked unseasonably nice outside.  She pulled on sweats and decided to go for a walk.

Kira walked for almost an hour, wandering through her neighborhood and other streets nearby.  As she approached her house, she came to the realization that she could get past all this.  There was someone out there for everyone, and she just had to find hers.  She would finish the semester and maybe take a leave of absence for a year.  Maybe travel.  She was young, and she had some savings.  She knew that the school would hold her job for her.

Kira stopped short in her driveway.  She was positive that it had been empty when she left.  Now there was a strange Jeep in her driveway, with a Florida license plate.  She slowly approached the front door, holding her keys like a weapon in front of her.  She knew she should turn and run, go to a neighbor, call the police, SOMETHING, but she went inside anyway.

“Dammit, you weren’t supposed to be back yet!”  A voice whined from the living room.  Kira screamed and dropped her keys.  “Oh…God…sorry.”  Nick Carter walked into the foyer, a bashful embarrassed smile on his face.  “I wanted to have everything perfect before you got back.”

“Nick, what the hell are you doing here?  Why are you in my house?  I thought I made it clear I wanted nothing to do with you!”  Kira blurted out.  Her eyes grew huge as she stared at her tiny tree.  A huge pile of presents sat beneath it.

“You left your door unlocked,” he told her.  “Very stupid.  You should be more careful.”

“Yes…you never know who might sneak in!”  Kira said angrily.  “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Yes, I did.  You asked why I was in your house and I told you. As to the other questions…” Nick took her hand and sat her down on the sofa.  “I did a lot of thinking after you left yesterday.  Actually, first I got my ass kicked by my little brother and THEN I started thinking.”

Kira looked at him carefully.  Sure enough, there was a huge bruise underneath his left eye. “Aaron did that?”

Nick nodded.  “I didn’t know the little Shorty had it in him.  Seems that he did not appreciate the little speech I gave you before you left…he apparently heard it from inside.  So he bitched at me for himself, but he hit me for you.  Said you were not after him that way and I had no right to say that.”  Nick ran a hand through his hair.  “Then he told me that it was very obvious that I was jealous as fuck…excuse me, direct quote…and that I should think about it.  Said if I wanted you, I should stop being a stupid prick and do something about it.  Sorry…another direct quote.”

Kira stared at him.  “So that’s why you’re here?  You WANT me?”

“Oh, not like that,” Nick said hurriedly.  “I really like you, Kira, and I went about things all wrong.  Aaron was right.  I was jealous, and that’s why I was an asshole.  I want to apologize.”

“Apology accepted,” Kira whispered.  “You like me?”

“Of course.”  Nick looked amazed that she could doubt it.  “You’re beautiful, sexy, funny, smart, kind…and I’ve seen how you treat my brother.  You are really something…and I’m hoping I could get another chance with you…we could move slower.”

“And this?”  Kira swept her hand out towards the gift under the tree.  Nick blushed.

“Okay…that was just me trying to show off and buy you.”  Kira giggled.  At least he was honest.  “And I HATED the thought of you spending Christmas alone.  That’s just unAmerican.”

“Where’s Aaron?”  Kira asked.

“Angel called.  She missed him desperately and wanted him with her…even if Mom IS there.”  Nick made a face. “So I told him to hop his ass on a plane.  I came up to his house, grabbed my car, and here I am.” Nick looked at her doubtfully.  “Was this a big mistake?”

“Oh, no…Nick…not at all.”  Kira put a hand on his shoulder.  “I’m glad you’re here.”

A smile slowly crossed his face.  “Me too.”  He took her face in his hands and kissed her.  “Merry Christmas, Kira.”

The End

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