Face The Music

By:  Lara


“You sure you don’t mind doing this?” Lara asked Nick as he sat down in front of their computer.

“I’m sure.  Not a problem.  I like helping your mom out.  Think she can learn to use this thing?”  Nick motioned to the computer in front of him.

“I think so.  She’s smart.  She picks things up really fast.”  She began to massage his shoulders.

“Mmm…keep doing that and I'll be coming into bed with you,” Nick moaned, his head dropping forward.  He blew upwards to keep his bangs from his eyes.

“Why do you think I’m doing it?”  Lara asked with a sly smile.  He tilted his head backwards and she gave him an upside down kiss on his full red lips.  “I’m going to bed.  Good night, sweetie.”

“Good night, baby.  I’ll be in soon.”  He ran a hand up through the slit in her green satin nightgown and she squealed, dancing out of his way.  He smiled as she hurried back into the bedroom.

Nick went through and deleted unnecessary files, clicking from folder to folder.  He opened their Internet Explorer and began to delete files from his favorites list.  No need for Lara’s mom to see that he liked sites where girls dressed like cheerleaders.  He chuckled.  Lara hated that site and constantly deleted it.  He didn’t even really visit that site anymore; just kept putting it up to antagonize her.  He moved to her favorites list and began to delete.  He accidentally opened a folder.  “Chaotic Bliss?”  Nick wondered allowed.  The site opened and he saw girls’ names listed.  He saw Kelley…and Lisa…and Lara.  Coincidence?  He scrolled down a bit.  There was a picture of he and his bandmates on a banner…along with 98 Degrees, Westlife, NSYNC, and NKOTB.  He clicked on the BSB banner and was shocked by the banners that followed.  Stories.  About him. About AJ.  About everyone.  His mouth fell open.  Lara and Kelley’s names were prevalent here.  He backed up a screen and clicked on Lara’s name.  He opened the first story, which contained a banner with AJ on it.  It was about some girl named Stef, but at the end was a link to email the author.  Nick clicked on that.

“Holy fuck,” he whispered as his wife’s email address popped up.  He backed up again.  Forty-one stories by Lara.  His picture was in many banners but only three stories involved him and him alone, and one of them had him being a cheating asshole.

Nick scrolled around for a while, jumping into stories where he shared the spotlight with one or two other people.  The stories involving the entire band were too long, though he did notice that he ended up with Lara in most of them.  He read for over an hour, finally pulling out a floppy disk and inserting it into the drive.  He saved “Unreal,” “Too Much Information,” “Sound Off”, and “Best Friends”.  He then thought a moment and saved “Black #1,” and “Oops I Did it Again.”  He liked those two for some reason.  He deleted what needed to be deleted and shut down the computer.

Nick steamed as he stared at the blank screen. What the hell was all this?  He knew she wrote…knew Lisa wrote…knew Kelley wrote.  But he assumed Lara wrote about him and only him.  He had no clue of this fixation with Lance Bass…or that she obviously was interested in Brian and/or AJ.  Why the hell was she just fixated on him?  He was her husband, for fuck’s sake!  They had mind-blowing sex on a regular basis.  At least it was mind-blowing to him.  Maybe it wasn’t mind-blowing to her…

“No…no way…” Nick said out loud, male pride bouncing to the surface.  He stood and headed for the bedroom.  He was furious.  They were going to talk about this once and for all.  How much of these little fantasies had she acted on?

Nick threw the bedroom door open.  Lara stirred in her sleep.  He turned on the dimmest light in the room, and the glow danced off of the bed.  Her long dark hair flowed across the pillow.  The satin nightgown she wore had twisted around in her sleep, and the slit up the side revealed one smooth slim leg.  The light shone off of her thigh, and Nick swallowed deeply.  He looked down at himself in disgust.

“No…no wood now…” he muttered, glaring at the growing tightness in the front of his shorts.  “Not good…no help now…” he stopped in midsentence and looked at his wife.  “Maybe it WILL be,” he said with a smile.  He had read Lisa’s stories before, and knew that Lara had professed a great interest in what they called “angry sex.”  Maybe angry sex was just what she needed now.

He lay down beside her and she turned, moaning slightly.  She snuggled up close to him, pressing her face against his chest.  “Love you,” she whispered.

Nick swallowed deeply.  “You’re angry at her,” he whispered to himself. “Furious.  She’s been writing about fucking other men…men you know…with and without you.”  Nick ran his hand up her arm, across her shoulder, and up into her hair.  She moaned slightly in her sleep.  He tightened his fingers in her long hair and yanked back suddenly.  Lara’s blue eyes fluttered open.

“Nicky…what…what…” she stammered.  He glared at her and her mouth suddenly went dry. 

“Just listen.  I’m going to say some things, and then you’re going to explain them,” he snarled.

“Nick, what…”

“Listen, I said.”  He yanked again, snapping her head back against the pillow.  She closed her mouth and looked at him, her eyes already brimming with tears.  “Too Much Information.  Sound Off.  Unreal.  Oops I Did it Again.  Sound familiar?”  She nodded as best she could.  “Care to explain?”

“St-stories, Nicky. Fanfiction.  Just fiction,” she protested in a whisper.  He brought his other hand up to caress her cheek.  One tear slid out of a blue eye and he brought his thumb up to catch hit.  He forcefully smeared the wetness across her cheek.

“Why the HELL are you writing about fucking other men?”  Nick demanded angrily.  “Lance Bass…AJ…BRIAN?  What’s going on that I don’t know about?”

“Nothing…Nicky…I swear…” Lara gasped.  “Just stories.  None of it is true!”

“Are you sure about that?”  He snapped.  “It seemed pretty realistic.  And I’d love to know why the hell you feel the need to fuck other men, even in a story.”

“I…I don’t know.  Something different,” she said quietly.  She was shaking by now and it took all Nick had to try to remain angry.

“Something…different,” Nick repeated, his eyes raking up and down her body.  “Okay…you want something different…I will fucking GIVE you something different.”  He ran his hand from her hair down her neck to the top of the nightgown…and pulled.  The flimsy fabric split in two and Lara screamed.  He shoved the satin to the side and bent his head to hers, fiercely kissing her.

Nick sighed as her mouth met his, welcoming the sweet taste of her lips.  He sucked hard on her lower lip until it was full and red.  His hands wandered down to her breasts and he played with one hardening nipple as his mouth moved down to bite at her neck.  She moaned against her will and her hands moved up to his hair.  In an instant they were pinned above her head. 

“Do…not…touch…me.”  He slowly and firmly emphasized every word.  Lara stared up at him and nodded mutely.  He turned and looked at the floor, still holding her hands.  The laundry basket sat by the bed, and a pair of his socks was neatly folded on top.  He grabbed them and quickly tied her hands to the headboard.  “Just in case,” he told her.  He got up from the bed and admired the way her bindings stretched her body, making her back slightly arch up.  He slid his sweatpants down and his erection stood out hard and proud.  Lara swallowed deeply as she silently stared at him.  He climbed back onto the bed and straddled her waist.  “You said you wanted different right?”  His blue eyes were steel.  Lara just looked at him.  “RIGHT?”  He almost yelled, and she nodded.

“Yes, Nicky…but I didn’t mean that you weren’t…”

“Quiet!” He snapped and she shut her mouth quickly.  He leaned over her until his eyes were directly in front of yours.  “I’m going to fuck you in so many DIFFERENT ways you won’t know what’s nailing you where…understand me?”  She nodded, fear and something more glimmering behind the tears in her eyes.  “Good.”

Nick began to kiss his way down to her breasts, squeezing one almost painfully hard while sucking on the other.  He rolled his palm around on her nipple until she was whimpering with pleasure.  Her hips unconsciously bucked up towards him, and he used his weight to press her down.  He licked underneath her breasts where they met her chest and stomach, and she gasped.  He made mental note of this.  He had never done that before and she obviously liked it.  He slid down her body, torturously kissing his way around her abdomen.  He felt it tighten and contract and he smiled.  Nick knew how ticklish she was.  He licked a line up each side, from her hipbone to right below her underarm, and goosebumps appeared on her body.

“Nicky…please don’t…I’m sorry…I…”

“If you talk one more time I swear to GOD you will NOT be walking for a fucking week, understand?”  Nick growled, surprising even himself.  He didn’t know he had it in him to be such an asshole.

“Yes,” Lara whispered.  Nick sucked on a finger for a moment, then ran it down her chest bone across her stomach down to her center.  He was shocked to find how wet she was.  Lisa had been right.  Lara totally got off on this shit.  That almost angered him more.  Why hadn’t she asked him to do this before?

Nick thrust her legs apart and knelt between them.  He placed his large hands on her thighs, holding her legs down against the bed.  He quickly lapped at her wet lips and she moaned, arching off the bed.  He eagerly thrust his tongue inside of her a few times, then ever so lightly began to touch her clit with his tongue.  Lara moaned loudly, biting down hard on her lip.  He could see her hands grasping at the headboard, squeezing down tight when he would hit an especially sensitive spot.  He continued to tease her for almost an hour, until tears were actually running down her face.  The pleasure was painful, and her eyes were begging for release. 

He stood up suddenly and removed the socks from the headboard.  He kept her hands bound together, and he roughly pulled her off of the bed.  “Knees,” he barked, and she obeyed.  Her dark hair was a mess, and not so obedient blue eyes stared up at him.  “Suck me.”


“You heard me.  Suck me.”  He took her hair in one hand and his brutally hard cock in the other.  He ran his cockhead along first one cheek then the other.  “Suck me NOW.”  She slowly opened her mouth and he moaned quietly as he slid in between her lips.  She slowly tightened her mouth around him and he glared down at her.  “One tooth hits me too hard and your ass is mine…and I mean that literally.”  She closed her eyes and took him in and out of her mouth quick and hard.  Nick drew in deep breaths.  He allowed her to bring him close to the edge, then he pulled himself out.  He pushed Lara forward, bending her over the bed.  He knelt behind her and eased himself into her dripping wet heat.  They both moaned at the feeling. 

One hand grasped her waist as the other pulled her head back by the hair.  “Mmm…” Lara moaned, trying not to speak.

“How does this feel?  Huh?  Angry sex…it’s what you wanted.  Angry...fucking…sex…” Nick panted, squeezing her waist almost painfully hard.  “And it’s from your husband.  Not AJ…not Brian…not fucking Lance Bass.  Me.  Nick.  Right?  I said, RIGHT?”  Nick yanked on her hair.

“Yes…Nicky…oh God…only you…”

“Who else has done this to you?”  Nick demanded, feeling her draw in short breaths that signified her release was soon.

“No one…NO ONE!”  She shrieked as he pounded into her as hard as he could.  “Oh…God…NICK!”  Lara screamed, collapsing down on the bed as she came around him.  “God…” she moaned.  Nick used both hands on her waist to pull her back against him a few more times before shoving himself into her as hard as he could.

“Oh…FUCK!”  He shouted, shoving her away from him.  He reached up and untied her hands, pulling them both up onto the bed.  He immediately had her in his arms, whispering in her ear and caressing her hair.

“Nicky…there isn’t anyone else…I swear…no one…” Lara said.

“Shhh…baby, relax.  I’m not mad anymore.  I was a little angry before…and jealous…I couldn’t figure out what I wasn’t doing for you and…”

“It’s just my way of expressing myself.  You’re the only one for me…promise,” Lara said. 

“I believe you,” Nick said, his fingers gently caressing the skin above her nipple where his teeth had caused bruises.  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No,” she told him.  He tenderly kissed her soft lips.  “I love you, Nick.  Only you.”

“I love you, too, baby.”  He pulled the sheet up over her, then got up to turn out the light.  He carefully made his way back to the bed and slipped under the sheet.  He pulled her in front of him so he could spoon up behind her back.


“Yes, sweetheart?”  Nick replied.

“If I write more stories…do I get fucked like this again?”


The End

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!