Friendly Fire

By:  Lara


“Nick?”  Lara shouted as soon as she entered the house.  “Nicky?”  Her husband was nowhere to be found and Lara was NOT in the mood to search for him.  “Nick, I saw your car in the garage and I really don’t feel like playing hide and seek today.”  She tossed her backpack on the floor in the foyer.  “I had the most BORING training session in the world and my brain is about fried.  I don’t know if…” Lara walked into the living room and froze.

“Hi,” Kevin said, nonchalantly leaning against the wall by the entertainment center.

“Hi,” Lara said a bit nervously.  Kevin had always intimidated her.  He was married to one of her best friends, but his dark handsomeness had always put her a bit ill at ease.  Today was no different, and added to this intimidation was the fact that Kevin was in her living room wearing only a towel and her own husband was nowhere to be found.  “Um, what are you doing here?”

“Me and Nick shot some hoops and then came back here to shower and change.”

“Um, oh.”  Lara twirled a lock of hair around her finger, a sure sign of her nervousness.  “Um, where is Nick?”  She mentally kicked herself for starting every sentence with “um.”

“I think he’s upstairs in the shower.”

“Um, I mean, oh, okay. I’ll go up, then.”  She turned on one heel.

“What’s your hurry?  Don’t you want to talk to me?”

Lara slowly turned around.  “Of course, Kevin, but I…uh…don’t you want to get dressed?”

“Not particularly.” Kevin sauntered over to her and Lara had to tilt her head back to look at him.  She swallowed deeply.  His skin was still damp and a single drop of water ran down the finely chiseled chest.  “Bad day?” His green eyes were sympathetic.

“Yes,” she whispered, making her eyes look away from the drop of water.

“I bet you need a massage.”  Kevin’s deep voice had dropped to almost a whisper, and Lara found the sound hypnotizing.

“Yes, that would be nice,” Lara said, taking a step back.  She was feeling more attracted to Kevin then she ever thought humanly possible, and she needed to get away from him.  “I’ll ask Nick and…”

“Ask Nick what?”  Nick jogged down the stairs in a pair of green gym shorts and one of his old tshirts that he wore to paint in.

“Lara has had a very rough day,” Kevin said.  Lara felt his large fingers start to work the muscles in her shoulders. “I think she needs a massage.”

“You’re probably right, Kev.”  Nick kissed Lara’s nose.  “I’m sorry you had a rough day, Babygirl.  Kevin is GREAT at massages.  Trust me.”  He winked at Kevin over her head.

“That’s right, Lara.  I’ve worked Nick’s body with these hands many times after shows.”  Kevin flexed his fingers and Lara stared at Nick.  There was a weird vibe in the air that she couldn’t put her fingers on.

Nick took her hand. “C’mon, baby.  Let’s go upstairs and Kevin can give you a nice backrub.”

“Nick, I don’t…I don’t think…” Loyalty to her best friend struggled with the immense physical attraction she was feeling for Kevin.  “Don’t you have to be home?”  She finally snapped at Kevin.  He chuckled.

“Lisa knows I’m here.  She knows what’s going on, too.”  He smiled at her sweetly.

Lara looked at Nick, who was watching her in amusement.  “Come ON, Lara.” He practically dragged her upstairs. “Get undressed.  Massages are best when you’re naked.”

“Nicky!”  Lara gasped.  He couldn’t possibly want her to undress in front of Kevin.  His reply was to pull his own shirt over his head.  He stood by Kevin, who carelessly threw an arm around Nick’s shoulder.  She whirled around and went into the bathroom to undress.  After she had a towel firmly tucked around her, she quietly opened the door and peeked out.  Kevin and Nick were talking softly to one another.

“She looks nervous,” Kevin whispered.

“You intimidate the hell out of her in NORMAL situations, Kev.  I’m surprised she hasn’t freaked and ran already.”  Nick ran a hand through his hair.  “But I know she wants a threesome with me and another guy.  I also know she thinks you’re sexy, though she would never admit it to me OR to herself.  And…well…there’s no one I’d rather do this with than you,” Nick finished with a teasing grin.

“Nicky, I thought those days were done.  There was just that one time…and it was only a hand job for us both,” Kevin reminded him, and Lara’s mouth fell open. “Besides, we were both drunk.”

“I remember though,” Nick said softly.  “I remember the kissing…” His tongue flicked out to catch Kevin’s lips and Lara moaned along with Kevin.


Thankfully, Kevin’s moan covered Lara’s.  She bit her lip until they stopped kissing, then she made a great deal of noise leaving the bathroom.  The men quickly pulled apart and turned to face her.  Lara could see Nick’s erection pressing against the front of his loose shorts.  She made sure not to even look at Kevin’s midsection.

“You look so damn cute, Babygirl,” Nick said with a grin.  Lara blushed. Her hair was up in a sloppy ponytail, and she clutched the midnight blue towel around her tightly.  “C’mere.”

“Okay,” she whispered, padding over to Nick on bare feet.  She looked up at him, her blue eyes trusting.  His hands cupped her face as he drew her head towards his.  His lips pressed against hers, and she couldn’t help but remember that just a short moment before, he had been kissing Kevin.  She groaned and her body arched toward him.  She heard Kevin’s low chuckle.

“Still want that massage, Lara?”

She turned around to face him.  He was smiling but his green eyes were intensely dark.  “Okay,” she said softly.  She faced the bed and laid down, sliding the towel down to cover her backside as her front hit the bedspread.  She closed her eyes and gripped the pillow tightly.  She felt hands touch her shoulders.

“Lara, you need to relax or I’m only gonna make things worse,” Kevin told her.  She took a deep breath and forced her shoulders to unhunch.  “Better,” she heard him say.  She squealed slightly as she felt cold lotion hit her back.  “Relax,” he whispered.  She sighed into the pillow as his strong hands began to slowly work the lotion across her skin.  She looked up and smiled as Nick stretched out beside her.  He began to lightly trace her face with his fingers.  She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation.

“You saw us, didn’t you,” Nick whispered, and her eyes flew open.

“Nicky, I…”

“Shhh.”  A finger lightly traced her full lips.  “It’s okay. I know I told you that I never wanted to do anything with a man, that I thought it was gross…but this was different.  And it was before we met, so you know.  I was only like eighteen or something…and Kev and I were in my room getting drunk…and we were joking about it and suddenly we were kissing and then we were naked, and then we jacked each other off.”  It was Nick’s turn to swallow deeply and Lara knew he was getting turned on by the thought. “I never thought I’d feel that way about another guy, but, damn, baby…it was intense.”  His eyes were serious.  “The night started with a massage…I was tired from the show and feeling lonely, so Kev brought a few bottles and gave me a massage…just like he’s giving you now.  He was in a towel from the shower, just like this…” Lara gasped as she saw that Nick was now holding Kevin’s towel.  The gasp turned into a whimper as she felt Kevin straddle her legs and sit down.  He slowly pulled the towel from around her and she felt his hard cock sit against her ass. Her eyes were desperate as she looked at Nick.  “Do you like knowing that Kevin and I got each other off, Babygirl?” Nick whispered, his face inches from hers.  “Did you like watching us kiss?”


“Truth,” Nick said, and she slowly nodded.  “I thought so.  I saw you peeking through the door and that’s one of the reasons I kissed him.  I wanted you to see it, because I knew you wanted it.  But you’re what I want.”  He leaned forward and flicked his tongue against her as he had done to Kevin earlier.  “I want to fuck you…I want to watch Kevin fuck you…do you want that, Baby?”

“But…but…what about…” Lara struggled to remember her best friend’s name.  “What about Lisa?”

“She knows about this.  Gave her permission.  She knows Kevin loves her, and this is almost like a game…would you have a problem if it was reciprocated?”

Lara thought for a moment and then shook her head.  If there was anyone she trusted Nick with, it was Lisa.  She couldn’t believe this was happening, and she moaned again as Kevin’s hands kneaded her ass.  She could feel the wetness growing between her legs and she felt as if her body couldn’t sit still.  “Nicky…” her voice was begging.

“Come here.”  Nick pulled her face to his and kissed her hungrily, his tongue fighting with hers.  She felt Kevin move off of her and the bed shifted as he lay behind her.  His hands pulled her body back against his.  Kevin’s lips moved down her neck as his hands toyed with her breasts.  Nick leaned back on an elbow and watched.  Lara’s eyes closed and her head fell back against Kevin as he played with her.  One hand stayed on her breast as the other started to trail down her stomach.  Lara’s eyes flew open and she watched Nick as Kevin slid his fingers down.  Nick’s eyes were glued on Kevin’s hand but he used his free hand to play with himself. “Oh…baby…that is so FUCKING hot…” Nick whispered, his voice hardly audible.

“Mmm…Nick…she’s so wet…” Kevin brought his fingers up and licked them off.  He rubbed around her clit again, then brought the fingers up to Nick.  Nick sucked them dry, his hand never stopping.  Kevin and Lara both watched Nick rub his long fingers up and down his cock as Kevin’s fingers slid inside of her. She cried out and arched back against him.

“Kevin…Nicky…” Lara gasped for breath as she said their names.  Kevin’s fingers pumped in and out at a steady fast pace.

“Do you want him to cum, Lara?” Kevin murmured in her ear.  “Do you?”

“Yes…I mean, no…I mean…ohhh…” Lara reached back to clutch at Kevin’s thigh as she came around his fingers.  Nick moaned and forced himself to move his hand.  He pulled her from Kevin so she tumbled onto his body.  He kissed her frantically, grinding himself against her.  His cock was against her clit as she lay across him, panting for breath. 

Kevin rolled over quickly, fumbling in the nightstand drawer.  As soon as he was sheathed, he took his own hard cock in his hand and got behind Lara, crouching down so she could remain on Nick.  He slowly slid himself inside of her, which only made her rub against Nick’s cock.  Lara and Nick softly cried out as Kevin moaned.  “Still wet…so tight…” Kevin moaned.  The in and out motion that Kevin created made Lara rub up against Nick again and again.

“Oh…shit…Kevin…that’s so evil…” Nick said, his eyes rolling back into his head.  “Stop…please…”

Kevin got to his knees, pulling Lara up with him.  He never stopped the steady motion, and Nick was able to watch Lara being slightly pushed by the force of Kevin’s fucking.  “Shit…Lara…I’m gonna cum…oh GOD…” Kevin grabbed Lara’s hips and pushed himself into her one last time.  He pulled out and rolled onto his back with a sigh.

Nick pulled Lara down onto him and they both sighed as he slid up into her.  His hands squeezed her breasts as she moved up and down on him.  He reached up and pulled her head down to his.  “I love you, Babygirl,” he moaned.  “You…only you…”

“Nicky…yes…” Lara felt the familiar tension begin to build.  Kevin leaned up and kissed her, then bent his head to kiss Nick.  Nick moaned and put a hand on the back of Kevin’s head.  Lara felt him thrust up into her hard and she cried out as he came.  He throbbed inside of her, pushing up as hard as he could as he came.  She tumbled off of him, falling to a comfortable space between the two of them.  They all panted for breath.

Kevin kissed Lara’s cheek and got up.  “Bathroom.  Be right back.”  He padded off to the bathroom.

“So, when do I lose you to Lisa?” Lara asked in a small voice.

“Babygirl, you’re not LOSING me to anyone,” Nick said, his voice tender.  “Consider this a game.  You’re loaning me.  Like a piece of sports equipment.”  Lara didn’t smile.  “Baby, you’re my wife. I love you.  And it’s you that I’ll come home to.  Okay?”

“Okay,” Lara said, and Nick gently kissed her.  She snuggled down next to him and was already dozing off by the time Kevin came back into the room.

The End

Tune in soon for the sequel

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!