Happy Birthday, Blondie
By: Lara

Nick groaned as he stumbled into his hotel room. He had done a few too many shots, and could hardly stand up. Sleep, he thought. I need sleep. He fell onto his bed, unable to even remove his shoes. Happy Birthday, Nick, he thought to himself, depressed at the fact that no one had joined him in the bar for his birthday...not one of the guys.

"Okay...you girls know the plan, right?" Kevin asked the two women in front of him. "Go in there and give our Nicky the time of his life."

"Well, YOU know, Mr. Richardson, that we are not just some floozies off the street, right?" The girl with the auburn hair said to him.

"We absolutely know that!" Howie was quick to reassure her. "I could tell that the minute you guys walked up to us yesterday!" She blushed.

"We should give you something..." AJ began. In a flash, the other girl with the long dark hair smacked him across the face.

"We're doing this 'cuz we want to, NOT because you want to pay us, McLean," she said angrily. AJ rubbed his cheek, a slight smile creeping across his face. Nick was going to have one hell of a night.

Lara and Kelley stood outside of room 212, staring at the door. "Ready?" Lara asked Kelley.

"As I'll ever be," she replied, unlocking the door with the passkey Brian had given her. Nick was sprawled over the bedspread, snoring loudly.

"He's so beautiful!" Lara squealed in a whisper. Kelley rolled her eyes.

"He's DROOLING, for God's sake," she pointed out. "Come on. Let's start with his shoes." They struggled with his shoes and socks, and then Lara nervously went for the waist of his jeans. Kelley rolled her eyes again.

"You are such a baby. Why don't you unbutton his shirt while I take care of these." Lara slowly unbuttoned the blue shirt Nick wore, taking a minute to gently brush some hair off of his face. She bent down and softly kissed his red lips. She couldn't resist.

Nick felt a pair of lips sweetly kissing him, and could not help but kiss them back. He didn't remember starting this dream, but he sure didn't mind.

His eyes fluttered open, and they met a pair of matching blue eyes, looking at him in shock. "He's awake, Kel," the girl said, pulling back.

Nick looked down at his body, naked except for his boxers, and stared at the two women standing by the bed. "What...how...who the hell are you?" He finally stammered. "How did you get in here?"

"Bri gave us a key," the girl named Kelley told him. The other girl blushed slightly.

"We're your birthday present from AJ, Brian, Howie, and Kevin," she said.

He sat up, groggily rubbing his eyes. "How much did they pay you?" He asked. Kelley grabbed the other girl's hands quickly.

"Don't hit him, okay, Lara?" She said to her friend. "Nothing. We met them yesterday, and volunteered. Do you want us to leave?" She began to seductively climb up the bed towards him. "We could always go?"

He took a deep whiff of her perfume and felt himself start to harden. "Well...since you came all the way up here, you don't wanna leave just yet, do you?"

"Oh...no..." Lara replied. "We definitely don't want to leave yet."

Kelley began to kiss and bite at his neck while Lara stared at his ankles and began kissing her way up his legs. "Ohhhhh God..." he moaned, leaning back down on the pillows.

"Just relax, Nicky. Let us take good care of you," Kelley murmured in his ear, seconds before she began to flick her tongue against it. He felt bare skin against him, and looked down to see Lara clad only in her blue bra and underwear. She had one of his feet in her hands, and was sucking his toes, one by one.

"Mmmmm...." He moaned again, slightly whimpering when Kelley sat up.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm just getting into something more comfortable." Lara moved to kiss a line up Nick's chest as Kelley removed her own clothes.

Soon both women were lying on the bed with him, each kissing a side of his neck. He put an arm around each of them, and with a dexterity that surprised them, he unhooked their bras simultaneously with one hand on each.
Lara continued her assault on his neck and shoulders as Kelley slid down to lay by his waist. She stroked his ever-growing erection through his boxers, teasing him with her fingernails. Lara moved down to kiss Nick's chest,
licking and playing with his nipples. "Oh...God...please..." he moaned.

Kelley smiled and ran a hand up inside the leg of his boxers, slightly gasping when she felt the size of him.
"Damn...Nicky...I never woulda thought it..." she murmured, beginning to lick him through the fabric. Nick gasped and arched his back, trying to get her closer to him. He looked up into Lara's blue eyes, which were filled with desire as well. He grabbed her long hair and pulled her head down to his. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, sucking on her lips and tongue as Kelley pulled down his boxers and finally took him into HER mouth. She felt
him jump against her tongue, and moved her hand down to gently massage his balls as her mouth moved up and down on him.

Nick's hand moved down to Lara's breasts, and he began to caress and explore him. She was already aroused, and the feeling of this man's hands on her was almost enough to send her over the edge right there. She was just
beginning to wonder what she'd have to do to get Kelley out of there when Nick whimpered again. Kelley had moved off of him, and was standing by the bed. Lara and Nick watched as she went into the bathroom. She came back out in a bathrobe. "What room is Howie in?" She asked.

"Um...uh...two-twenty," Nick stammered.

"Thanks. See you kids later," she called over her shoulder as she went out the door. Nick and Lara stared at each other for a moment, and then he rolled her over onto her back. He removed her underwear with one swipe, and began to move down her body.

Kelley strode confidently down the hall, and knocked on the door of room 220. She heard voices inside, and stood patiently waiting. AJ opened the door. "Well...done already?"

She ignored him and pushed past him. Howie was lying on the bed watching TV. He took one look at Kelley and turned off the TV. "Out, AJ...NOW."

"Later." AJ wisely left the room, locking the door behind him. In an instant, Howie was off the bed, untying the robe Kelley wore. Her hands tore at his clothes, and they were quickly both naked. He took her hand and led her into the bathroom. He turned on the water, and as soon as it was a temperature they could both stand, he helped her into the shower stall. He immediately picked her up and sat her on the small ledge that seemed to have been installed for just this type of thing. His hands were all over as the steaming water dampened their bodies. His fingers easily slipped inside of her, and he grabbed her by the waist and sheathed himself with her wetness. They both moaned out loud.

"Did you enjoy Nicky?" He asked breathlessly as he pulled her to him again and again.

"We didn't do anything...I left before that happened. Lara's with him," she panted, her nails scratching down Howie's back. He stopped moving for a split second to look into her eyes, then his mouth came down on hers.

"So...can I have your number?" Nick asked as he and Lara lay under the covers.

"I was hoping you'd ask," she said, smiling happily. He brought his face to hers and gently kissed her, smiling back.

"Happy Birthday, Blondie," she said softly.

The End

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