Happy Birthday Blondie II:  Lance Bass

By:  Lara


“I cannot believe I am doing this…this is ridiculous,” I grumbled as I turned my car up into the long driveway.  I sneezed repeatedly as I slowly crept up the long drive.  I was driving to my last stop, and I felt like shit.  I was sure my temperature was at least one hundred and one, and my sinuses were clogged.  I gasped as I looked up at the large house.  “Just who the hell am I doing this for?”  I wondered.  I stared at the house for a moment.

My job?  There was no real title for it, really.  I was a stripper slash singing telegram girl slash dancer.  The money was good…that’s about the only good thing I could say about it.  I kind of enjoyed it, but watching overweight married men drool over the sight of me was definitely one of the setbacks.  I sighed as I gathered my things together.  The only reason I had taken the job in the first place was on a dare from my friend Kelley.  She didn’t think I could get the job…hell, I didn’t think I was going to get it either…yet here I was, six months later, in front of one of the largest homes I had ever seen.  I kept telling myself I was going to quit.  I almost had enough money for the down payment on my dream beach house.  Six more weeks, I told myself as I blew my nose one last time.  I adjusted the short skirt that was part of my little cowgirl outfit and took a deep breath.  I quickly crunched down the last of my cough drop and walked up to the door.  I rang the bell.

“Yes?  Can I help you?”  A very good-looking blond young man answered the door, and I could feel what little color that was left in my face drain away.  “Miss?”

“I…oh…God…” I rasped, shocked at what I was seeing.  “Justin…he said his name was Justin and yours was Lance…but I didn’t think…” my shocked stammering was interrupted by a racking cough.

“Are you okay?”  His green eyes filled with concern.  “Come in…please.  Let me give you some water.”

I followed him into the house and he shut the door behind me.  He took my hand and led me to the large kitchen.  I sat at the table while he got me a glass of water.  He handed me the water and sat down across from me. 

I finally composed myself.  “I am really sorry.  I was…uh…hired…uh…to give you your birthday present.”

“Hired?  By who?”

“Um…Justin and Joey,” I replied, not looking up from my glass.

“You’re kidding.”  He burst into laughter.  “Cowgirl, huh?”

“I guess they wanted something that referred to your down home roots,” I said, staring down at my tiny skirt, bra and vest.  “Look…I don’t really feel like dancing right now.  I’m embarrassed beyond belief, and…” I began to cough again, and Lance nudged the water towards me.

“Was I your last…ah…performance for today?”  He asked.  I nodded.  “Where do you live?”  I was able to whisper the name of the street, and he gasped.  “That’s on the other side of town.  I think you need to just lay down and rest.”

It was my turn to gasp.  “Mr. Bass, I can’t…I can easily drive home.”  I punctuated the sentence with a sneeze.

“You’re way too sick.  I have six guestrooms.  Come up and lay down for an hour or so.”

“I…I…” I began.  He grabbed my hand once more and started pulling me upstairs. 

“Just do it, okay?”

“Don’t you have birthday plans?”  I asked.  His eyes grew sad.

“No…no I don’t…everyone’s busy tonight.  That’s why they hired you, probably.”  He opened the door to a neat guestroom.  “Here.  Why don’t you crash for a while?  Oh…wait a minute.”  He left me standing in the doorway and ran down the hall.  He soon came back with a tshirt and sweatpants.  “This will probably be more comfortable.”

“Thanks, Mr. Bass,” I replied, deciding to accept his hospitality.

“Stop calling me that.  I’m turning twenty-one today, but that doesn’t mean I’m all of a sudden an adult,” he said, smiling his beautiful smile.  “Call me Lance.  And you are…”

“Lara,” I said softly.  He gave me a gentle nudge. 

“Go sleep.  I’ll waken you in a few hours.”


“Lara.  Lara.”  I felt someone gently shaking me.  Then a soft finger moved the hair from my face.  “Lara.” My eyes fluttered open.  I swallowed deeply as I looked at Lance Bass, who was smiling down at me.  “You’ve been asleep for almost three hours.”

“Three hours?  Wow.”  I slowly sat up as he sat on the edge of the bed.  “I’m really sorry.”

“Why?  It didn’t cost me anything to let you sleep for a while.  It’s Justin’s money that’s paying you,” he said teasingly.  I groaned.

“I need you to give me his number so I can return his money,” I said with a sigh.  “I didn’t earn it.”

“The night’s not over…maybe you’ll feel up to dancing later,” he said.  I stared at him.  He blushed slightly.  “Anyway…I decided to make soup for dinner.  Are you up to coming downstairs or do you want me to bring you a tray.”

“Mr…I mean, Lance, you don’t have to feed me. I should be going,” I protested, slowly swinging my feet over the edge of the bed.  His green eyes were filled with disappointment.

“I…I was hoping you’d stay…I hate the thought of spending my birthday all alone,” he said sorrowfully.  The pouting green eyes and the soft low voice worked like a charm.

“Well…I don’t want to impose,” I began.  He smiled.

“Great…you’re staying!”  He stood and helped me to my feet.  “Let’s go eat dinner.”

“Thank you,” I said with a sigh after finishing my second bowl of soup.  “I do feel a lot better.”

“You still need dessert.”  He took my bowl away and brought back a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol.  I laughed.  “You have a nice laugh,” he observed.  I blushed a furious red.

“It’s not really a laugh now…more like a hack,” I reminded him as I took the medicine.

“It’s still nice,” he said softly.  “So…do I get my dance tonight, or do I have to take a raincheck?”

I looked into his green eyes and felt a sudden urge of good health.  “Do you want me to get back into my costume?”

“No.  I like you just like this,” he said softly.  I took his hand and led him to the living room.  He sat down on a chair as I went to get my bag.  I pulled out a CD and went to his stereo.  “Is there anything I am supposed to do?”  Lance asked almost nervously.  “I’ve never been in this situation before.”

I smiled at him.  “You just relax and enjoy,” I told him.  A funky beat soon came out of the stereo.

I think I’m done with the sofa…I think I’m done with the hall…I think I’m done with the kitchen table, baby…let’s go outside in the sunshine…I know you want to, but you can’t say yes…let’s go outside in the moonshine…take me to the places that I love best.  I slowly approached him, dancing for him as if my life depended on it.  I had never before wanted to please someone as badly as I wanted to please him.  I slowly slid down to the floor, crawling to him.  I placed my hands on his knees and slowly pulled myself up to a standing position.

So my angel she says don’t you worry ‘bout the things they’re saying, yeah…got no friends in high places and the game that you gave away wasn’t worth playing…let’s go outside in the sunshine…I know you want to but you can’t say yes…let’s go outside in the meantime…take me to the places that I love best…

His green eyes never left my own gaze.  It was if he was looking right down to my soul.  His face was flushed, almost as if he had the fever instead of me.  I ran my hands down my body, and his eyes followed my hands.  He swallowed deeply.

And yes, I’ve been bad…doctor won’t you do with me what you can…you see I think about it all the time, twenty four seven…you say you want it, you got it, I never really said it before…there’s nothing here but flesh and bone…there’s nothing more…nothing more…nothing more…back to nature, just human nature…getting on back to…

Lance jumped to his feet and walked over to the stereo.  He turned off the stereo and I gaped at him.  “Didn’t you…weren’t you…I mean…”

He silenced me with a passionate kiss.  I moaned and clung to him for dear life.  His tongue dueled with mine and I heard him groan.  “So sweet…” he whispered when he finally let me up for air.

“I wasn’t done yet,” I panted.  “I’m supposed to strip for you.”

“If you strip for me, I won’t want you to stop there,” he said, pressing his lips to my neck.  “I’ll want to strip with you…and then…and I know you’re not supposed to do that…and I don’t want you to think that I just expect you to because of the job you do.”

I pulled back to look at him.  “What time is it?”

Lance glanced at the clock on the wall.  “Almost eight-thirty.”

“I’m off the clock at six,” I told him.  He moaned and yanked me back into his arms.  The tshirt he had given me landed on the floor, and we soon followed.  He pulled his own shirt up and off, and our chests pressed together.  I gasped as his smooth skin rubbed against my breasts.  He groaned and kissed his way down my body, savagely taking a nipple in his mouth and caressing it with his tongue.  My back arched off the floor as I tried to continue breathing.  He came back up to kiss me, and I rolled us over. 

I carefully kissed my way down his chest, teasing his nipples until he was practically panting for breath.  I went the rest of the way down, taking his shorts with me.  I had to swallow a moan myself as I saw his hard cock just begging for my touch.  I ran one fingernail down its thick length, which was all he could take.  He put one hand on my arm and wove the other one through my hair, pulling me up to face him.  As he kissed me once more, he pushed at the sweatpants he had given me until I could kick them off.

“I…can’t…wait…” he mumbled against my skin as he pushed my legs apart with his own.  “You got me so damn hot dancing like that.”

I sighed against his mouth as he pushed himself into me.  He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his slender waist.  That way he could put an arm around my middle and push me up to meet him.  “Oh…God…Lance…” I stammered as he filled me again and again.  He bit at my neck as he felt my walls tighten around him. 

“Oh…shit…Lara…I’m…” he squeezed me in an incredible embrace as he thrust into me one last time.  I wrapped my arms around him, cradling his head against my shoulder as he came.  We lay in silence, panting and trying to recover.  I could feel tears running down my face.  Yes, I had lusted after Lance Bass for months, but I could not believe what had just happened.  I shoved him off of me and started to pull on the clothes he had loaned me.

“I’ll get these cleaned and sent back to you,” I told him.  I stood up before he knew what was happening.


I grabbed my bag, not even bothering to try and find my shoes.  “Bye.”  I ran out the door and jumped into my car.  He was standing in the doorway with a shocked look on his face as I drove away.

“Wait!  Wait!” I called to the ringing phone a few days later as I let myself into my apartment.  I threw the groceries onto the kitchen table and grabbed the phone before my machine picked up.  “Hello?”

I was answered by a sneeze, followed by, “Is this Lara?”

“Yes…yes it is.  Who is this?”  I demanded.

“Lance…Lance Bass.”

I sat down hard.  “Oh…hello.”

“I’d like to thank you for the wonderful birthday present you gave me,” he began.  I gasped at his crudeness.  “I always wanted the worst cold in history for a gift.”

I had to laugh.  “Oh…Lance…you’re sick?  I’m so sorry!”

“Yeah, well, it’s too late now,” he said wryly, coughing.  “I got your number from Justin.”

“Oh,” I replied, not knowing what to say.

“I wish you wouldn’t have run out of there like that,” he said softly.

“Well, that was against all of my professional ethics.  It’s good I was planning on quitting anyway,” I said.

“I wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner sometime.”

“For dinner?  You mean, like a date?”

“Sure…why wouldn’t I want to date you?”

“Well…uh…because we…because I’m a…because…”

“I don’t think any less of you because of what happened the other night, Lara, and I wish you wouldn’t think of yourself that way,” Lance said.  “Besides, be happy I’m talking to you, after you got me all sick.”

I laughed again.  “Awww…poor Lancey.  Have you eaten yet?”

“Nope…I didn’t have the energy to cook anything,” he said in a pouty voice.

“Well, why don’t I get some things together and come over and make you soup.  We could watch a video or something.”

“Would you dance for me again?  I mean, you’re totally safe…I have no energy to do anything but watch.”

“But what if I WANT you to do more then watch?”  I asked, surprised at my brazenness.

“I have a full bottle of Tylenol.  I’ll take it all now,” he said quickly, and I laughed.  “You’ll really come over?  Seriously?”

“Yes, Lance, if you want me to.”

“Get your cute butt over here now, please.”

“Thank you for calling me, Lance,” I said quietly.

“No, thank you…for the most memorable birthday I’ve had in all of my twenty-one years.”

The End

“Outside”:  words/music by George Michael


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