
By:  Lara



I wanna make you holler…imagine us together…don’t be afraid to play my game…



“No…I can’t wait.”  Lara tapped her foot impatiently, glaring at the ceiling. “Look…it’s your job to find him. You’re an assistant…assist, for God’s sake.”  She sighed as she was put on hold once more.

“This is JC.”

“Chasez, do you THINK I have all day to stand around and wait for you to get your stupid ass on the phone?”  Lara growled. Her secretary threw some documents on her desk and scurried out of the room.

“Oh…it’s you…long time no talk, Lara,” JC said pleasantly. “Something I can help you with? I’m kinda in the middle of a photo shoot for fucking ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE here!”

“Are we getting together for this tonight…oh God, hold on…” Lara put her hand over the phone.  “Yes?” She hissed.

“That him?” Julie Orlando leaned in the doorway.

“Is there steam coming out of my ears? If there is, then yes, I’m hooking this thing up,” Lara whispered, but loud enough for JC to hear.

“Okay…I’ll let you go.  Happy arguing.”  Julie walked away.

“Sorry…are we on for this interview tonight?”

“It’s my birthday.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. You’re, what, twenty-one now?” Lara asked, smirking.

“You’re a fucking bitch.”

“You’re in town. I’m supposed to interview you. NOT my idea. I can think of nine hundred things I’d rather be doing tonight then spending time with you.”

“I’m a lot of fun to spend time with. I could occupy you quite easily.”

“Keep it in your pants, Chasez. I’m not interested.”  Lara rolled her eyes.  “My apartment’s being painted. I have a suite at the Plaza. Seventh floor, room seven-twelve. Can your little boyband brain remember that?”

“Yes, ma’am,” JC said politely. 

“I’ll see you at eight.”

“I have other things scheduled until seven-thirty.”

“Cancel.”  Lara hung up and smiled.  Her secretary poked her head in the door.


“I…well…I’m sorry, I heard you finish and…”

“What IS it, Anne?”

“That’s JC Chasez you were bitching at. He’s the hottest thing since sliced bread since he went solo…and if you alienate him, they’re gonna get pissed upstairs.”

“Anne, I love you. One of the reasons I love you is because you do most of my thinking for me. However, I think I know the right way to handle Josh Chasez.”


Boy don’t you hesitate…I won’t keep waiting for you to come and let me take you to my fantasy room…you’re gonna like it there and all the things that I do…I’ll treat you right all through the night…



Lara fumed as she paced. It was eight-fifteen. He was late. She wasn’t going to wait all night. She was hungry, and the dinner she had ordered for them was getting cold. She had things she needed to do, and instead she was pacing in front of the door.  Everything was ready for their appointment. Where the hell was he?

A knock at the door made her jump. She slowly walked over and calmly opened it. “Why, Josh Chasez! What a pleasant surprise.”

“Cut the shit.” He brushed by her and entered the room. “Do you know what I had to go through to get here by NOW?”

“Poor baby,” she mocked. “Champagne?” She held up a glass.  He wrinkled his nose. 

“I don’t like that shit and you know it.”  He wandered to the bathroom, poking his head into the bedroom along the way. When he returned, she was leaning against the back of the sofa.  “Your apartment’s being painted?”

“It was the only thing I could come up with,” she said softly. She reached up and unpinned her hair.  It fell to her shoulders in thick waves. “Happy birthday, by the way.”

“This is the present I’ve been waiting all week for.” JC swept her into his arms, kissing her passionately.  “God…baby…I miss you so much. This press tour thing is driving me crazy!”

“But it’s what you need to get this CD out there and in the public’s hands,” she told him, holding him tight. “I missed you, too, Josh.”

“I hate acting like we don’t get along,” he murmured, his nimble fingers quickly plucking open the buttons on her blouse. 

“It’s best for now…I’ve already decided to tell them I can’t write this article on you…that we just hate each other too much…” she sighed as the blouse slid from her body and he kissed her shoulders.  “I can’t be impartial anymore.”


We can do anything…I’ll take you all the places you wanna be…I’ll be your fantasy…everything you want you will find in me…if you play my game…I wanna make you holler and hear you scream my name…I’ll give you rules to follow so you can play my game…imagine us together…me driving you insane…you will give into me…don’t be afraid to play my game…



JC swept her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom where candles flickered.  “I ordered dinner,” she told him.  He carefully placed her on the bed and pulled his shirt over his head.

“I’m not hungry for dinner…” his voice was low and lusty. “I’m hungry for you.”

She laughed and pushed him back so she could undo his pants. “You’re bossy.”

“I’M bossy?  You should have heard yourself on the phone. It was your way or the highway.”  He moaned as she reached into his boxers before she even had them down. She took him in her hand and stroked him.

“Do you really mind my way?” She purred, licking his ear.  “Follow my rules and you’ll get the ride of your life, Joshy…”

He moaned again and reached around to undo her bra.  He fell to his knees, flicking his tongue over her bare breasts. She gasped and steadied herself by placing her hands on his shoulders.  “I like your rules…I like your everything,” he whispered, cupping her breasts in his hands as he stood again.  He carefully laid her back on the bed and pulled off her skirt, stockings and underwear.  “Damn…what a present.”  He tugged off the rest of his clothing and blanketed her naked body with his own. “But you know what would be the best gift of all?”

“What?” Lara whispered, mesmerized by the blue of his eyes.

“Hearing you scream my name.”  A slender finger slid down her chest, over her stomach, and deep inside her.

So what you gonna do, now that I’ve got you with me…you’ve gotta show me boy ‘cause nothing comes for free…start from the bottom and work your way up slowly…don’t be afraid to play my game…we can go all night long…doing things you thought you would never do…I won’t tell anyone…what we do it’s just for me and you…so come and play my game…



“Josh…oh God…stop…teasing…me…” Lara writhed on the bed as he settled between her legs.

“Tease?”  JC raised an eyebrow as he moved down to her feet. He carefully licked around each toe, then moved to caress each ankle with his tongue. 

“Oh…shit…” Lara gasped, arching up.  His hands moved up her thighs, followed by that wicked tongue, and he was soon darting both fingers and tongue inside of her.  Her fingers clenched at his hair, and he stopped.

Her hands were pinned over her head, and he glared down at her.  “Now it’s MY way or the highway.  You move these hands even ONE time, and I stop, got it?”  Lara nodded quickly and he slid back down. She clenched her hands into fists and whimpered as he slowly moved two fingers inside of her.  “God…if they could only see you like this…see how easily you give in…” he murmured, chuckling as he saw the angry look on her face. He moved up to face her, kissing her sweetly.  “But I won’t tell…no one needs to know how easy it is.”

“Fuck you…” she snapped before she thought. He arched that eyebrow again, and smirked.  One hand slid under her waist, and suddenly he was inside her.

“No…fuck you…” JC slammed inside of her, moving hard and fast until she was begging him not to stop.  She forgot his earlier order and grabbed at his shoulders, her fingernails clawing down his back.  “Ah ah ah…you didn’t do what I told you.”

“Don’t you dare fucking stop.” She shoved with all her might and rolled him over, catching him by surprise.  She moved up and down on him hard and fast, and he moaned, his blue eyes fluttering shut.

“Oh Jesus GOD you feel so good…” his hands clenched at her waist as she moved on him.  “Baby…Lara…I love you…”

Lara’s eyes widened but she said nothing. She felt herself getting close, and she leaned down to kiss him. His hands wove in her hair.  “Josh…baby…Oh…” she screamed his name, cumming hard.  He bit down on her shoulder as he came soon after.

Lara rolled to lay beside him as they panted for breath.  She couldn’t look at him. He had said it. Josh had said he loved her…but he had said it in the heat of passionate lovemaking. JC read her mind. “I meant it, you know. Seeing you is the best birthday present I could get…and I meant it. I love you, Lara.  I don’t want us to fight anymore.  Not in public, not in private.  I love you and I don’t care who knows it.”

“Oh…Josh…” she tenderly traced the line of his face. “I love you, too.”

The End

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