Hot Nights

By: Lara

Calissandra smoothed her skirt for the one hundredth time as she sat in the lobby of the radio station. The butterflies in her stomach were doing cartwheels, and her hands were clammy. She felt about twelve years old instead of twenty-five. She couldn’t help herself. In about ten minutes, she was going to be led into a studio, seated at a console, and given permission to drool over Jordan Knight, for free.

As soon as she heard that Jordan Knight was coming to town with N'Sync and Five, she was on the Internet ordering tickets. And then when she heard that a local top 40 station was interviewing Jordan in the studio on the day of the concert, she was on the internet emailing the host of the show and the show’s producers. After a constant barrage of emails, they finally agreed to let her sit in on the interview.

She smoothed her skirt another time. She was wearing a knee length floral print dress, which had a semi-low cut neckline. She wanted to Jordan to think she was nice looking, but she knew she couldn’t pull off any kind of slut look. Her long hair the color of honey was pulled back with a silver barrette, and she wore a minimal amount of makeup, bringing out her aquamarine eyes, which she considered her best feature. She sighed and looked at the clock. Eight minutes…

One of the assistants poked his head around the corner and smiled at her. "Come with me."

She stood, praying that she wouldn’t trip over her own feet. She was led into the studio, which was surprisingly tiny. She was given a pair of headphones, so she could hear the conversation clearly, and then she was shown to her seat at the corner of the console. She heard a commotion in the hall and turned around.

There he was. God, he was beautiful. Gorgeous brown eyes gazing out from under dark lashes, sensuous lips curved in a smile, with dimples on each side, like a set of parenthesis. His body was hugged by a pair of black jeans and a dark blue t-shirt covered by a white v-necked sweater vest. She swallowed deeply as the host of the show introduced himself and his assistant. Jordan then turned to her.

"Well, what do we have here? What’s your name, baby?"

"Calissandra," she replied, glad that her mind and mouth were on the same wavelength. She held out her hand and he took it, holding it a bit longer than necessary.

"Calissandra," he repeated, rolling the name over his tongue. She thought she could happily die right then, just from hearing him say her name. "What a beautiful name. Fitting for such a beautiful woman."

He took his seat and put his headphones on, smiling at her. She put hers on as well, and tried not to melt into a puddle on the floor. Throughout the interview, he kept smiling or winking at her, and she soon became very relaxed in his presence. The interview wrapped up about twenty minutes later, and he stood.

"Well, I guess I have to leave," he said, almost regretfully. "Have to do one last rehearsal. You’re coming to the show tonight, right?" He said to Calissandra as they both left the studio.

"Of course," she said before thinking. He laughed.

"Of course," he repeated, smiling. "So, which one of NSync is your favorite? Justin? Lance?"

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please. They’re all too young. I’m only going because you are opening for them. If I had to pick a favorite from a boy band of today, it would be AJ from Backstreet Boys."

"How old are you?"


"Well, my buddy AJ is only 21…"

"But he looks and acts a lot older. I like a man with attitude," she said before she thought. Jordan looked her up and down.

"What are you doing tonight after the show?"

"Nothing," she said immediately. "I just have to run my little nieces home, and they live about ten minutes from the stadium.

"Wanna hook up later?" Jordan said with a sexy smile.

If the ground had opened up and swallowed her, Calissandra couldn’t have been more surprised. "Um, sure, if you won’t be too tired."

"Never too tired for you, baby," he said, slinging an arm around her shoulder in a half-hug. "You know where the Hilton is, right?" She nodded. "Room one-ten." He gave her shoulder a squeeze and headed for the limo. "And who knows?" He said over his shoulder. "Maybe AJ’ll be there!"

As soon as Jordan’s butt hit the backseat, he was on the car’s phone.

"Dammit, pick up, you fool!" He said to no one. Someone picked up on the other end.

"McLean here."

"AJ, it’s J. Where the hell are you?"

"New York. We have a few days off."

"Okay, well, you need to haul your punk ass down to Pennsylvania, like NOW."

"Pennsylvania? What the hell is waiting for me in Pennsylvania?"

"The sweetest piece you’ll ever see, though I haven’t decided if I wanna share…"

"Fuck you, Knight! Tell me more while I find the phone number for the airport!"

"Big blue eyes, great body, long light brown hair…"

"Shit! You know I love long hair! Give me some directions and I’m on my way!"

When Jordan strode onto the stage that night, Calissandra stared. She could hardly believe that this was the same person she had met just a few short hours before. He strutted his stuff, dancing as only Jordan Knight could, and playing with the crowd. As he thrust his hips in time with the music, she remembered the way her name sounded coming out of his mouth. She sighed, feeling as if the night would never end.

She did enjoy the NSync and Five sets, but she was ready to get out of there and go meet Jordan. She hustled her seven and ten-year-old nieces to the car, and almost got in three accidents on her way out of the parking lot. She screeched into her sister’s driveway.

"Are you trying to wake the whole neighborhood?" Her sister said over the children’s chatter.

"Sorry. Hey, I need to take a quick shower and change, okay? It’ll take three minutes, I swear," Calissandra promised.

"Hot date?" Her sister asked.

"Aunt Cali is meeting Jordan Knight!" The youngest girl announced.

"Sure she is," Calissandra’s sister retorted.

Calissandra flew into the shower, and cleaned herself up. She was all sweaty from the heat of the stadium, and there was no way she was going to Jordan’s hotel room looking like she had just finished a marathon run. She dried herself off and dug her clothes out of her duffel bag. She had brought a spaghetti-strap mini dress, which fell to right above her knees. The under-layer was dark blue satin, with a thinner layer of grey netting over top. It was sexy, but covered everything it was supposed to. She quickly blew her hair dry, gathered her things, and ran out the door, calling good-byes over her shoulder.

She sat in her car in the Hilton parking lot, nervously tapping the steering wheel. What was she doing here? She didn’t even know this man. She knew his face, and his persona, and his voice. What if he was serial rapist or murderer or kidnapper? What was she getting herself into?

She suddenly realized that the quickening of her heart rate wasn’t from fear, but from the idea of the adventure. Sure, this might only be a one night stand, but it was a one night stand with Jordan Knight. She could do this.

She checked her hair one last time in the rearview mirror, then got out of her car. She strode into the hotel like she belonged there, and went to the elevator. She was surprised that Jordan hadn’t tried to get a room any higher up in the building, but perhaps he thought it was a better cover. It was then she realized that all the rooms started with the two hundreds and higher. She walked over to the desk before she entered the elevator.

"Pardon me, but I’m looking for one-ten?"

The woman behind the desk looked her over, and obviously didn’t like what she saw. "Penthouse!" She snapped.

"Thank you!" Calissandra said with her sweetest smile plastered onto her face. She turned around, muttered, "Bitch", and entered the elevator.

She slowly approached the penthouse suite, drawing in a ragged breath. She knocked on the door, but it was ajar, and it swung open. The living room of the suite was empty, as was the dining room and kitchen area. She warily made her way to the bedroom, where she could hear a TV. She peeked in the door.

AJ McLean was lounging on the bed, flipping channels. She gasped, and he looked up at her. He slowly rose to a sitting position.

"Oh, my God," she whispered. "He really did know you."

"Hi there," AJ said cheerfully. "Come on in." She remained in the doorway, frozen. "Come on in, honey. I don’t bite…unless you ask nicely." He patted the seat next to him, on the bed. Still unable to speak, she sat down. "What’s your name, hon?"

"Calissandra," she finally said, drinking in the sight of him. He wore a tight white t-shirt and even tighter black jeans. He had let his hair go back to a dark brown, and he slowly removed his ever present sunglasses.

"Calissandra," he repeated, not unlike the way Jordan had said it. She felt her body go limp. "Well, Calissandra, Jordan was absolutely right. You are stunning, and I can see why he didn’t want me to come down here."

"Then why are you here?" She asked shyly.

"Because he told me there was a beautiful woman here that I wouldn’t want to miss," he said softly, resting his hand on her knee and putting the other arm around her shoulder. "And was he ever right." He leaned over and kissed the side of her neck. He heard her intake of breath, and smiled against her skin. "Do I frighten you?"

"Ohhhh no," she almost moaned. His hand slowly began to move up her thigh as he kissed up to her ear.

"Don’t worry…I will," he replied. She closed her eyes and prayed this wasn’t a dream.

"AJ, get your dirty paws off of her!" A voice said. She vowed to kill that person until she saw who it was.

Jordan lounged in the doorway, holding two six-packs of beer. He had changed into basic blue jeans, and wore no shirt. AJ smiled at him. "I was only warming her up, J."

"Hello, Calissandra," Jordan said, smiling at her. She was surprised he remembered her name. "Wanna beer?"

"No, I’m sorry, I don’t like beer," she said, feeling foolish. She wanted to take one, but she couldn’t stand the stuff.

"Jordan, what kind of fool are you? She is obviously a lady. Ladies don’t drink beer." AJ went to the dormitory style fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine. "Ladies drink wine."

"Whatever, AJ," Jordan said, sitting at the head of the bed and leaning on the headboard. "More for me, I guess."

AJ popped the cork and looked around for glasses. He swore. "I don’t believe this! They send up a bottle of wine, with no glasses?" He went to the phone.

"No, AJ, it’s alright. I can just drink from the bottle." She looked him in the eye. "I’m not that much of a lady," she said bravely. He laughed, delighted.

"That’s what we were hoping for, sweetheart."

Jordan moved over, so she could lounge back between he and AJ. They drank for a while, exchanging small talk. The alcohol made Calissandra braver by the minute, and finally she said to Jordan, "So, why did you really want me to come here, anyway? Another conquest for you?" Jordan and AJ exchanged looks over her head.

"No, baby, that’s not it exactly. You see, I can have any woman I want, as can AJ. But it takes a special woman to handle us both, if you know what I mean."

She looked from one man to the other, her mind spinning wildly. She couldn’t believe this. Jordan Knight was on her right and AJ McLean on her left, asking her to participate in a threesome. She smiled. "Would you excuse me, guys? Ladies room and everything…" she hopped off of the bed and hurried into the bathroom.

"Think we scared her?" Jordan asked AJ, who shrugged and changed the channel on the TV.

After she shut the bathroom door, Calissandra shoved her fist into her mouth to keep from shrieking with delight. Jordan Knight and AJ McLean, together, right on the other side of the door, ready to give her the night of her life! She closed the toilet and sat on it until she pulled herself together. With a deep breath, she checked herself in the mirror, then opened the door. She walked to the TV and turned it off.

"Don’t you think music is more appropriate?" She motioned towards the stereo in the corner.

"Absolutely, baby. Good thinking." Jordan went over and put in a few CDs. The smooth voice of Sade soon flowed out of the speakers.

She stood at the foot of the bed, and slowly unpinned her long hair. It fell almost to her waist, and AJ drew in a ragged breath. He immediately went and stood behind her, filling his hands with her hair.

"God, I love long hair." He brought it up and rubbed his face against it. She could feel his erection pressing through his jeans and against her back. She swallowed deeply as she gazed down at Jordan, whose dark eyes were focused on her legs. As AJ continued to play with her hair, Jordan began running his fingers up and down the backs of her legs, making them shake. He smiled at the effect he was having on her. He reached up and roughly yanked down her underwear. She gasped as his hands reached up to squeeze her ass. AJ moved her long hair to the side and began to nibble at her neck. Every now and then he would bite down fiercely. Calissandra couldn’t hold back the moans that burst from her throat.

"So, baby, how do you like it?" Jordan asked, as his hands tickled her inner thighs. She stared down at him, her blue eyes meeting his brown ones in an unwavering stare.

"However you two wanna give it to me," she said bravely, and she knew she meant it. Jordan and AJ exchanged looks again.

"You sure about that, honey?" AJ whispered in her ear, moving his hands around to feel her breasts through the thin material of her dress. She wore no bra underneath, and her nipples were soon pressing against the satin of her dress. "We can be…creative."

"I’m sure I want you. Both of you." She reached back to wrap her hands around his neck and press his mouth to her skin. With a growl he began ferociously biting and sucking on her neck and shoulders. He slid the straps of her dress down so they hung on her arms. His hands continued to squeeze and knead her breasts while Jordan continued exploring her ass and legs.

AJ suddenly released her, and she unconsciously whimpered. She heard him chuckle. "Relax, honey, I’m just taking off my shirt." She felt his bare skin against her shoulders and sighed. Jordan moved away from them, and stood. He pulled off his jeans and tossed them into a corner. Calissandra stared at the size of his dick. It lay against his stomach, and she licked her lips without knowing it. He nodded.

"That’s right, baby. Come over here." He sat her on the edge of the bed and stood in front of her. She reached up with shaking hands and grabbed his large penis. She began to teasingly lick up one side and down the other. AJ sat behind her, placing one leg on either side of her. He trailed his tongue on her back above the back of her dress, and his hands played with her nipples through the fabric of her dress. She could feel her skirt getting wet where her juices were flowing out of her. She took Jordan fully into her mouth, and he hissed, "Yessss…" He pushed on the back of her head as she pumped him in and out of her mouth. AJ grabbed her hair and yanked her neck to the side so he could suck on her ear. She accidentally bit down a little bit. Jordan yelped. "Back the fuck off, McLean! I need my dick in one piece!"

Calissandra laughed, and began to run her teeth up and down the length of him. Jordan moaned as he watched her. She could feel AJ pressed up against her back again, and she got even hotter. AJ moved away, and when she saw his bare legs on either side of her, she realized that he too was naked. She pulled away from Jordan, who glared down at her. "Who said you could stop?"

She leaned back against AJ, and smiled angelically at Jordan. "I thought AJ might be lonely."

"Well then AJ can get his lazy ass off the bed and stand next to me, ‘cause I never said you could stop sucking my dick!"

"Bossy, aren’t we?" Calissandra said, amused at his childish behavior. She was surprised by Jordan’s hands in her hair, yanking her to her feet.

"Watch it, baby. You’re not the one in charge here, okay? You do what we say, and no backtalk. Understand?" He snarled. She nodded as best she could.

"Told you we’d scare you," AJ reminded her as Jordan shoved her back down onto the bed.

"Now, where were we?" Jordan said to her, placing his hand on the back of her head. "Me first." AJ glared at her. "Shut up, McLean. I saw her first."

Calissandra took Jordan’s dick back in her mouth, and used her right hand to stroke his balls as her left hand reached over for AJ. He moved closer, and she began running her hand up and down his long cock. He moaned loudly. After a few minutes, she took AJ in her mouth while she stroked Jordan.

"Damn, honey, you are good." AJ threw his head back as Calissandra moved him in and out of her warm mouth. She soon went back and forth between them, shortening the times in between. She would suck Jordan for a few seconds, then move to AJ. The men were really getting turned on by the sight of this beautiful young woman giving them both head. Jordan finally moved away.

"No," he panted. "Not yet." He stood her up between them, with her back to him. He reached down and slowly pulled her dress over her head. AJ watched in pleasure as her curves were slowly revealed. Jordan leaned her back against him as AJ traced her breasts with his hands. Jordan turned her head back so he could kiss her, the first time either man had even tried. His tongue danced with hers as AJ bent down to taste her ripe breasts. She moaned into Jordan’s mouth as AJ bit her nipples. She reached her hands behind her and squeezed Jordan’s ass. He ground his dick against her. "Mmmm," he said. "My kinda woman."

AJ held her face in his hand and kissed her, as Jordan trailed lines on her back with his tongue. She groaned loudly, a sound she could no longer keep in. Jordan looked at AJ and smiled. She was totally theirs now. Jordan took her and roughly shoved her onto the bed, stomach down. He sat near her head and took her hands in his, holding her arms out. "Don’t move!" He ordered. AJ spread her legs apart and started kissing his way up from her toes. Calissandra was practically panting. Her head lay on Jordan’s leg, and her hair was draped across his penis, a feeling which drove him absolutely crazy. He wished he could release her hands and move his dick through her hair, but that meant giving up control.

AJ spread her legs even further, and began kissing down her ass. As he neared her anus, she jumped. "Don’t worry, honey," he said. "I’m totally not into back-door action." The way he emphasized "I’m" made her worry that maybe Jordan was into it. That thought was erased from her memory as AJ lifted her hips ever so slightly, and began kissing between her legs. She moaned as she felt his tongue flicker between her lips. She was embarrassed by how wet she already was, but AJ seemed to be enjoying it. He grunted and groaned as he licked at her ever so slowly, occasionally thrusting his tongue inside of her. When his tongue found her clit, she gasped and unconsciously bit the inside of Jordan’s thigh. He yelled, and picked her head up by her hair again.

"Listen, baby, don’t push me, okay?" He started to say something else, then smiled. "If you need something in your mouth, then move over here." He moved her head over to his groin, and maneuvered so she was right over his dick. "Keep busy with this."

"J, you get all the fun!" AJ complained as he pushed his finger up inside Calissandra’s wet pussy. She groaned and sucked deeply on Jordan’s cock. Jordan’s head dropped back in ecstasy.

"Just shut up and keep doing what you’re doing, McLean," he hissed.

The more AJ worked her, the harder she sucked on Jordan. AJ could feel how wet and tight she was around his finger, and wanted to be inside of her. Jordan’s moans and grunts weren’t helping, either. With one quick move, AJ pulled Calissandra to the edge of the bed. As soon as her knees hit the floor, he shoved himself inside of her. She yelled in surprise, and groaned as she felt him stretch her sensitive skin.

"Oh, God, AJ…." She whispered as he filled her. He grabbed her hips as he slammed into her. With one hand, he held her hips while the other hand wrapped itself in her hair. He bent forward to whisper in her ear.

"Like it like this, honey? Hard and fast?"

"Yes, oh shit, yes," she murmured as he pounded into her. He felt her begin to really tighten around her, and it was enough to make him want to come. He quickly pulled out, and she whimpered.

"Sorry, honey. We can’t end this party already." He looked at Jordan who was still on the bed. "Lay down here at the end, J."

"What the fuck for?" Jordan asked moodily. He was angry with AJ for pulling her off of his cock.

"Just do it, okay? Lay with your head down here at the foot."

Jordan did as he was told, grumbling. AJ picked Calissandra up and sat her over Jordan, with her pussy right over his face. "Suck me," AJ ordered. She gasped as Jordan grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her back. When she hesitated, AJ growled, "Do it…NOW!" He took her head in his hands and pushed it towards him. She took him in her mouth as best she could without the use of her hands, and Jordan thrust his tongue up into her. She moaned, and could hardly concentrate on what AJ wanted her to do. "That’s right, honey. Suck my dick. However J is making you feel, you show me, right here on my dick." He pressed her head harder, and she almost gagged on the length of him. Jordan had moved her hands into one of his, and was using the other to squeeze her ass. He suddenly slipped a finger in between her cheeks. She yelled in surprise and tried to move. Jordan spanked her, hard.

AJ turned her face up to his. "Remember what J told you, honey? He told you that we are in charge, and you do what we want, no questions asked. You agreed to that the minute you walked into this suite." He smiled gently at her, but his eyes flared. "Trust me, you’ll learn to like everything we do to you tonight." He traced her face with one finger, then pushed himself into her mouth. "Back to work."

Jordan felt as if he was going to come all over himself, without anyone even touching him. He loved the feel of Calissandra’s wet mound in his face, and the sound of she and AJ groaning was more than he could bear. He did want her to come before they took her again, so he lapped at her lips, and pushed his finger into her anus again.

Calissandra’s mind was spinning. She was no longer in control of her body. Different parts of her body wanted different things. Her mouth continued to work on AJ’s dick, drinking in the little drops of semen that would dribble out the top. Her hands would pull at the hold Jordan had on her, but she had no real interest in pulling away completely. Her pussy was on fire, and Jordan’s tongue was driving her almost to the brink. And what he was doing with his finger was nothing she had ever experienced before. It was uncomfortable, but not painful. She just prayed that he wouldn’t want to fuck her there, because she didn’t think she could do it.

She felt her legs begin to tingle, and she moaned as she sucked on AJ. He hissed, "That’s right, honey. Come all over J. Show him how he makes you feel…" She moaned again, the sound muffled by his hard cock. Her hands clenched, and her fingernails dug into Jordan’s hand. He quickly released her, and kept the rhythm of his tongue going. She grabbed AJ’s ass, and pushed him into her mouth as hard as she could as she came.

Jordan smiled as he drank her juices greedily. She had lost all control, and he knew it had probably pissed her off. He shoved her off of him and sat up. "Though that tasted sweet, I need another beer." He walked over and pulled another can off the six pack. AJ went in to use the bathroom quickly, and Calissandra laid back on the bed, wondering what she had gotten herself into. Maybe she’d be able to leave now…though she wasn’t sure if she wanted to.

AJ wandered back into the room as Jordan hurriedly drank the rest of his beer. "Okay, baby," Jordan said to her. "This is the one thing you get to choose. Who do you want to fuck you, and who do you want to get off with your mouth?"

Calissandra looked from one of the gorgeous men to the other. How could she ever decide that? She would love to be able to take AJ’s dick into her mouth again; it really had turned her on, but she was afraid of Jordan trying to fuck her up the ass. She glanced at AJ, who winked at her. He understood her hesitation. "You started on Jordan’s dick, might as well finish with him. Besides, I want my hands in that sweet hair of yours."

Jordan knelt on the bed while AJ stood at the end. She took Jordan into her mouth carefully; she didn’t need him yanking her around by her hair again. Something about him really frightened her, and she wasn’t sure why. She was a lot more comfortable with AJ. She felt AJ grab her hips again, and she moaned as he moved inside of her. She was sensitive after her orgasm, but he felt so good inside of her. Jordan placed his hands on the top of her head as AJ wove his fingers through her hair.

"That’s right, baby, suck my big dick. Suck it hard," Jordan groaned, thrusting himself into her mouth. AJ groaned at how wet her pussy was, and he slammed into her. He knew it wouldn’t take him very long to come; this woman was so hot, and was turning him on beyond his wildest dreams. He dug his fingers into her hips and pumped frantically.

"Oh, god…I can’t…FUCK!" He yelled, thrusting into her. He stopped deep inside of her as he felt himself come.

Calissandra, to her surprise, found herself on the edge again, and sucked harder and harder on Jordan’s cock, her hand pumping up and down the length of him. He threw his head back, and released a string of obscenities as he felt himself spurt into her warm mouth.

Calissandra quickly moved and collapsed on the bed, her muscles somehow transferred into Jell-O. Jordan leaned back against the headboard, and AJ sat on the floor, his head on the bed. Calissandra got control of herself, and slowly sat up. She needed a shower, and she felt really tired. Maybe they’d let her sleep on the sofa in the living room. She looked at the clock. Two in the morning?

"Well, baby, it’s been nice knowing you," Jordan said, smiling at her. "I think your dress is at the foot of the bed, there on the floor."

She stared at him, and even AJ gawked. Jordan was usually pretty love-em-and-leave-em, but it had never been this intense before, at least not for AJ.

A tear crept down Calissandra’s cheek as she crawled off the bed and gathered her things. She had known coming into this that it would definitely only be a one night stand, but she never expected to be treated like some simple whore. She hurriedly wiped the tear away, and moved out into the living room to change. She needed away from them.

As she went into the other room, AJ stood and glared at Jordan. "Man, you are a real prick."

Jordan shrugged. "Just another piece of ass, AJ. What’s the big deal?"

"This one is different, and you know it, asshole."

"Fuck you," Jordan retorted. "Get the fuck out of here. Get your own room."

AJ strode into the living room, where Calissandra was sitting on a chair, putting on her shoes. He could see her shoulders shaking as she sobbed. He walked towards her.

"What?" She snapped as she saw his feet coming towards her. She didn’t even look up at him. "I’m sorry I’m not gone yet. These straps are a pain."

He put his hands on her shoulders and gently pulled her to her feet. He smiled down into her eyes, and looked at her in a way that neither of them had that night: like she was a person, not a plaything. "I’m sorry, Calissandra. He’s never acted like that before. Or maybe he has, and I just agreed with him. I don’t agree this time." He took a piece of her hair in his hands and played with it. "I have a room down on the next floor. Why don’t you come down there and clean up? It’s late, and you shouldn’t drive home now. There are crazy people out there!" She had to laugh, wondering what the last few hours in the bedroom had been, if not crazy. He laughed too, realizing how it had sounded. "You know what I mean. You can shower down there, and stay there, too, if you want. I’ll sleep on the sofa, or the floor, and won’t touch you, I swear."

She gazed up into his dark eyes, seeing only honesty there. She knew she should get the hell out of there, but she just couldn’t. "Okay," she whispered. "Thanks."

They walked silently down the hall to the elevator. As they waited for it to come up, he suddenly pushed her against the wall and kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. As the elevator bell tinged, he pulled back, breathless.

"I’m sorry," he said as they entered the elevator. "I had to touch you one last time."

She said nothing, and they made their way to his room in silence. It wasn’t a large suite like Jordan’s but simply one room and a bathroom. AJ motioned for her to go into the bathroom, but she shook her head. "Go ahead. I need some time to…"

He nodded, understanding that she needed some down time. He went into the bathroom, and she heard the shower running. She knew she was crazy, but all she wanted was to be with him in that shower. She wanted her body rubbing against his as the water ran over them. She stood up, kicked off her shoes, pulled off her dress, and walked into the bathroom. She opened the shower curtain and stepped into the shower stall. AJ stared at her in shock.

"I thought maybe I could wash your back for you," she said suggestively.

"Are you sure about this?" He said to her, not believing he was even asking her. Usually he just took what he wanted without asking, and he wanted her badly.

She nodded. "Absolutely." She picked up a scrub sponge and squirted liquid soap onto it. "Turn around." She ordered. AJ did as he was told and turned to face the wall. She smiled. I like being in control! She thought. She began to softly rub his back, every now and then pressing down hard. He groaned, and it wasn’t just because the sponge felt good. She finally said, "Tonight was like a dream for me."

"Good dream, or nightmare?" He asked.

"Both." She knelt on the floor of the shower and scrubbed at his lower back and ass. He felt his penis spring to life, and was thankful she couldn’t see it. For some reason, she made him feel differently than any other girl ever had. "I was afraid, but there was never a point that I wasn’t enjoying it, I must admit." She rubbed down the back of his legs, which tickled. She laughed at the way his muscles jumped. "Okay, rinse off." She stepped back so he could stand under the spray. He slowly turned around, and she noticed how hard he was. "Don’t you ever quit?" She asked, only half joking.

"This is different," he told her. "I told you I wasn’t going to touch you, and I meant it. You’ve done something to me, Calissandra, and I’m not sure if I like it. You started out as just another quick lay, but now…" He quickly rinsed off his back and legs. "I’m gonna get out. I can give you a shirt or something to sleep in."

"Thanks," she murmured, not knowing what to say. He stepped out of the shower, and she heard the door close behind him. She quickly washed herself off, and turned off the water. When she stepped out of the shower, she saw a huge button-down shirt hanging from the doorknob. It reached her knees. She came out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. AJ was on the bed watching TV, but a blanket and pillow were next to the bed on the floor.

"No," she said suddenly. He looked surprised.

"No what? You don’t like infomercials?" He said, motioning to the TV with the remote.

"No, infomercials are fine. You are NOT sleeping on the floor." He stared at her. "That is ridiculous. After the last few hours we’ve spent together, you’re acting like a gentleman now?" He opened his mouth and shut it again, shocked at the power in her voice. "You are sleeping up here with me, and that’s final!" She climbed onto the bed, and snuggled under the covers. "But if you steal the blankets, your ass is mine."

About an hour later, they were both fast asleep. Calissandra was wrapped in AJ’s arms, and his face was buried in her hair. They had turned off the TV and the lights, and lay next to each other, just talking. AJ found himself falling hard for this beautiful stranger, and he didn’t know what to think. Calissandra, on the other hand, kept pinching herself. There was no way that this was all real. They had finally fallen asleep in each other’s arms.

A pounding on the door made Calissandra sit up straight. "AJ! What’s that!"

"Shit." AJ rolled out of bed, wearing only his boxer shorts. "I’m afraid I know exactly what it is." He opened the door.

Jordan stood in the doorway, his arm around a beautiful blond. "McLean, look what I found. Dessert!" He weaved drunkenly in the door, and the girl had to practically hold him up. She giggled, not much more sober than Jordan.

"Wow! AJ McLean! It’s great to meet ya! Jordan here said you guys could give me a good time!" She kissed AJ’s cheek.

Calissandra’s heart sank. She could see that she was just one of many girls that AJ had slept with. He had probably felt sorry for her for some reason, and that’s why he hadn’t sent her home.

"I don’t think so, J. I’m tired, and…"

"The great AJ McLean? Tired? I don’t believe it." He stumbled into the room and turned on a light. He stared when he saw Calissandra in AJ’s bed, wearing one of AJ’s shirts. "Well, I’ll be damned. Looks like you already had dessert, AJ."

"It’s not like that, and you know it, J." AJ said angrily. "Why don’t you and your little friend go up to your room and get some sleep."

"What happened, AJ? What happened to fuck them and send them home?"

"This one is different, and you’re an asshole if you don’t see it? I’m sorry, J, but I can’t live like that anymore!" AJ yelled, surprised at the words that were flowing out of his mouth. "Now, for the last time, take your little slut and get the fuck out of my room!"

"Fine, fine." Jordan glared at Calissandra. "Thanks a lot, bitch, for ruining my evening!" He drug the blond out the door, slamming it behind him.

AJ slowly turned around to look at Calissandra, who looked miserable.

"Sorry if I ruined your evening, AJ," she said.

"No, honey, no." He knelt beside the bed and took her hands. "Calissandra, I…"

"Cali," she interrupted quickly. "My friends all call me Cali."

He smiled. "Okay, Cali. What you saw earlier tonight is the usual thing. If Jordan and I are anywhere near each other, one of us usually picks up a girl and, well, you know the rest." He stroked her fingers with his own, and she felt goosebumps run up her spine. "But there’s something about you that’s different. You make me feel…I can’t describe it."

"You’re telling me that I am someone special?" She burst out laughing. "Just how many other girls have you said this to, AJ?"

"I’m serious!" He insisted. She stopped laughing and looked into his eyes. She really believed him.

"You’re kidding," she whispered. He shook his head. He took her face into his hands, and gently kissed her. That kiss flipped her out more than anything she had experienced that night.

"I want to see you again, and not like this," he told her. She slowly nodded. He climbed into bed again, and held her in his arms. "You know, I don’t even know your last name."

"Mathews. Calissandra Mathews," she said. He got back out of bed, turned out the lights, and snuck back in under the covers. To his surprise, she was naked again.

"Pleased to meet you, AJ McLean."

The End

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!