I Do

By:  Lara


“Are you serious?”  Becca asked her friend incredulously.

“You bet I am!”  Katie replied, pawing through Becca’s tapes and CDs.

“I am getting married in less than a week, and you are sitting here telling me that you plan to strip for Donnie and his friends?  What happened to the sweet, innocent Katie Scarlett that I know and love?”

“She’s still here, Becca.  I thought you were adamant about Donnie not having some floozy stripper at his bachelor party.”

“I am.  I don’t want some ho-bag doing a lap dance on my baby, all but fucking him straight up,” Becca agreed.  “What are you looking for, anyway?”

“That Prince CD.”  Katie knocked over a pile of CDs, and jewel boxes scattered everywhere.

“I loaned it to you, remember?”

“Oh, yeah.”  Katie restacked the CDs.

Becca looked at her friend closely.  “Are you sure you have the balls to strip in front of drunken wild men, like Joey, and Donnie, and…Jordan?”

“Sure I do.”  Katie twisted a strand of hair between her fingers, a sure sign that she was nervous.

“Katie, this is not the way to bag Jordan.  Sex isn’t a real relationship, you know that.”

“I know, Becca.  Don’t preach at me.  I have been trying to get Jordan to notice me ever since he broke up with Evelyn last year.  I’ve tried flirting with him, ignoring him, everything short of throwing myself in front of his car buck naked.  This will get his attention, if nothing else.”

“I guess you could say that.  But are you sure you can handle all these guys by yourself?”

“Yes.  Get a certain kind of man drunk enough, and he’ll do whatever you say.”

“Yeah, but get the other kind of man drunk enough, and they’re out of control,” Becca replied.  “Isn’t there anyone else you could get to dance with you?”

“No, not that I can think of.  Unless…” a wild spark flared in Katie’s blue eyes.  Becca looked at her warily.  She was used to Katie’s wild ideas that usually backfired.

“What?”  Becca said slowly.

“Unless a certain girl named Melina would be interested in coming in and doing a special private dance, just for the groom,” Katie said with a mischievous smile.

“Who’s Melina?”  Becca asked suspiciously.

“You!”  Katie said triumphantly.

“What?”  Becca screeched. “I’m an artist, not a dancer!”

“But you could be.”  Katie stood and began to pace.  Becca knew this meant that her mental wheels were turning.  It was the process Katie used when she was brainstorming for her novels.  “Let’s see…the bachelor party is at Danny’s.  More than likely, the guys will be downstairs in that big family room.  I’ll tell Danny that I will get the entertainment, if he lets me decorate the room.  I’ll get a few real dancers, but not exotic dancers.  I have the perfect idea.”

“What?”  Becca asked fearfully.

“A Far Eastern harem!”  Katie answered excitedly.  “It will be perfect!  If your face is hidden behind a veil, not only will Donnie love the mysticism, but he won’t recognize you!”

“You really think he’s not gonna recognize my body?  Hello, we’ve been together for over a year.”  Becca began putting the CDs back in the rack.

“Becca, he’s not gonna be sober.  He won’t know who it is.  And he’ll be so enthralled by the real “belly dancers” I’m gonna get that he’ll just assume you’re one of them.”  Katie got more excited as she continued.  “We’ll both have veils on, and really sexy outfits.  We’ll dance around with the other girls, and then just kinda lure Donnie and Jordan out of the room!  He’ll have to notice me after this!”

“I don’t know about this,” Becca said.  “I don’t want to think that Donnie would just let some strange woman do him, the night before his wedding.”

“Then don’t do him, Becca!  Just do everything but.  And I’m sorry, but I think any man can be convinced when he’s drunk,” Katie said wryly.

“Okay,” Becca decided suddenly.  “I’ll do it.  But everything is up to you.  You are in charge of planning this, not me.  If it backfires, it’s all on you!”

“Oh, it won’t backfire.  This bachelor party will go down in history!”

“So, how are the plans for my bachelor party going?”  Donnie asked Danny as he, Jordan, Danny, and Jonathan sat around Donnie’s kitchen table, playing poker.

“How do you know you’re even getting a bachelor party?”  Jordan said, taking a large gulp of his beer.

“I know that certain people’s asses will get beat if I don’t,” Donnie replied.

“Yes, Donnie, your party is coming along fine.  Actually, we have nothing to do with it.  Katie’s planning it all,” Danny remarked, throwing some poker chips into the pot.  Jordan’s beer sprayed all over the table as he spit it out.

“Jordan!  Watch it, dick!”  Donnie said, jumping back.

Katie?  What the hell is she doing it for?”  Jordan said.

“She offered.  She said it would be a night Donnie, and the rest of us, would never forget.  She said it’s part of her wedding gift to Becca and Donnie.”  Danny got up to clean off the table, glaring at Jordan.

“Well, this sounds interesting!”  Donnie said gleefully, rubbing his hands together.

“No, it does not!”  Jordan retorted, throwing down his hand of cards.

“What’s the matter with you?”  Donnie asked.  “Katie is a really nice girl.  I’d go after her myself, if I didn’t already have my sweet Becca.”

“That’s right, J.  Katie is smart, funny, and talented.  You also know she’s not after your money,” Danny pointed out.  “Why won’t you just ask her out and be done with it?”

“Have you looked at Katie lately?”  Jordan asked.  “She always looks like she threw all of her clothes into the air, and put on what fell on top.  And those glasses.  They’re so thick!  No way.  I want a woman with a body that burns and a face to go with it.”

“Her eyes are really pretty,” Jonathan said softly, annoyed by his baby brother’s ego.  The guys all turned to look at him.

“Whatever, Jon.”  Jordan pushed back his chair and stood.  “I’m outta here.  I gotta meet with Miguel tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah, I gotta get up early and pick up Xavier at Kim’s.”  Donnie groaned at the thought.  He and his ex did not get along.

“Is she still gonna let him be in the wedding?”  Danny asked as Donnie walked he and Jordan to the door.  Jon lagged behind, cleaning up the kitchen.

“As of today, yes.  Hell, she’ll change her mind seventeen times between now and Saturday, I just know it.”  Donnie ran a hand through his blonde hair.  “I wish she’d stop being a bitch for just ten minutes.  What did I ever see in her?”

“A quick lay,” Danny and Jordan answered together, and laughed. 

“You’re right, you’re right,” Donnie grumbled. “Later.”

He returned to the kitchen, where Jonathan was rinsing out beer bottles and placing them in the recycle bin.

“Jon, you don’t have to do all this,” Donnie began.  He then looked at Jon’s face.  “Man, you’re pissed off, aren’t you?”

“Jordan can be such an ass sometimes!”  Jonathan burst out.  “He treats other people like shit, just because they’re not his ideal.”

“Katie?”  Donnie asked.  Jon nodded.  “Well, she does kind of run after him.”

“So what?  You’ve seen Jordan in action.  ‘Running after’ the girl he wants is an understatement.”  Jonathan stared down into the sink.  “I think she’s beautiful,” he said softly.

Donnie stared at him.  “You really like her, don’t you, Jon?”  He asked gently.

“I think I could, if she would just let me in.”

Katie was as busy as a human being could be the following week.  She had a three-chapter deadline to meet with her publisher, which she accomplished by Wednesday.  She had a two-hour conversation with Danny on Tuesday, convincing him to give her a key to his house, and to keep the guys out of the basement family room until around 8 or so on Friday night.  She found a trio of “belly dancers” and scheduled them to arrive at Danny’s around 7:45 on Friday. 

The rehearsal was on Thursday night, so that the boys could have their party on Friday, and the girls could have theirs, or so the guys thought.  At the rehearsal dinner, Donnie pulled Becca away from the table and led her out of the restaurant.

“I can’t wait until you’re officially Mrs. Donnie Wahlberg,” he said, pulling her into his arms.

“Mmm, me either,” she mumbled as he kissed her passionately.  He was the first to pull away, about fifteen minutes later.

“So, it sounds like Miss Scarlett has quite a party planned for us tomorrow night,” he said, pulling a flower off of a bush and placing it in Becca’s long dark hair.

“Oh, really?  She hasn’t said much.”  Becca prayed she wouldn’t let anything slip.

“So, what will you girls be doing tomorrow night?”  He nibbled on her ear playfully.

“Oh, boring stuff.  Watching videos, drinking cheap liquor, maybe trotting on down to Chippendales.”

“What?”  Donnie pulled back, laughing.

“Just kidding.”

Katie arrived at Danny’s house around 4 Friday afternoon, with boxes and boxes of stuff.  He opened the door, his eyebrows raised.  “Need help bringing that in?”

“Yes, please, but no peeking!”  She shouted over her shoulder as she headed down to the family room.  The room was huge…and perfect for what she had planned.

“Come on…one little hint?”  Danny said, wrapping his arms around her.  “Couldn’t I convince you?”

As sweet as Danny was, all she could think was I wish that was Jordan.  “No, silly.  You’ll find out tonight.”

They lugged all the boxes in, and she sent Danny off to get ready to go pick up Donnie and the guys.  Thankfully, it was only going to be the New Kids and Donnie’s brother, Mark.  Contrary to what she had told Becca, she didn’t think she could have handled any more than that. 

She worked like a dog for the next hour and a half, creating an eastern paradise in the large room.  She draped the walls and windows with long pieces of silk that Becca had painted to look like exotic tapestries.  All furniture was pushed into the small room attached to the family room, and the floor was adorned with large pillows and cushions.  Low tables were strategically placed about the room.  On those she planned to place bottles of wine and bowls of fruit.  She locked the door behind her, yelled a goodbye to Danny, and left to meet Becca.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”  Becca asked her as they entered the tattoo shop.

“Of course!”  Katie replied, twirling a piece of hair that had escaped from her ponytail.

“No, you’re not!  You can’t do this unless you’re really sure,” Becca told her for the one hundredth time.

“If you wish, we can try something a little more…temporary,” the tattoo artist’s wife said, pointing to a small table set up for henna painting.

“Perfect!”  Becca said before Katie could reply.  “Can you pretty much duplicate anything in one of the flash pictures?”  She asked the woman.

“Pretty much,” the woman replied.

“Great.  Katie, get the henna done.  It will be gone in a few weeks, and if you want it permanently, they can tattoo it!”  Becca yelled over her shoulder as the tattoo artist led her to the back room.

Katie sighed as she sat down at the table.  She pulled out the pattern that the artist had drawn for her a few days earlier.  It was a Sanskrit symbol, for the word “Scarlet”, like the color, but since she went by the name Katie Scarlett, it was very appropriate.  One of her friends from college, a student of ancient and foreign languages, had written it down for her, and the tattoo artist had enlarged it.  The woman sat down across from her, and asked where she would like it.  Katie showed her the place on her back where she wished it to be placed.  The woman looked at her for a moment, and Katie started to squirm.

“I cannot tell you what to do, my dear, but I think your thigh is a better place for this.”  Katie just stared at her.  “Forgive me, but I have a gift of…second sight, you might call it.  There is a person in your life who will be very interested in seeing this marking…almost as interested as he is in you.”  Jordan!! Katie thought to herself.  “This man will be willing to peel away layers to see this marking, and to see inside of you.”  The layers of my costume!  “He has had strong feelings for you for quite a while, but has not been sure of your feelings for him.”  That confused Katie for a moment.  There was NO way that Jordan could be unsure of her feelings for him.  Oh well.

“Yes, that is fine, if you think it is for the best.”  Katie decided to go along with what the woman said.

“Scarlett.  Your other name, perhaps?”  The woman said.  Katie stared at her in shock, and slowly nodded.  “You hide the scarlet side of you underneath layers of falseness.  This person you show to the world is not the real you.  The person I have spoken of…he will find the wildness in you and bring it to the surface.”

“Oh, no,” the tattoo artist said to Becca.  “She’s doing it again.”

“What?”  Becca asked, trying not to wince as he worked on her ankle.  She was getting a Chinese character done in red.  The character stood for eternity, which she thought was appropriate the day before her wedding.

“My wife.  She thinks she can foresee the future.”

“Well, she has the perfect customer.  Katie totally believes in ESP, second sight, all that stuff.”

They left the store about 40 minutes later, satisfied with their work.  They went to Katie’s apartment to dress.

“Oh, I love it!”  Becca squealed as she yanked the costume out of the garment bag.  Their costumes were identical except for the color.  Becca’s was a dark wine color, while Katie’s was dark blue.  Each of the legs was slit at the thigh, and the veils were lined in silver sequins.  Becca wove her long dark hair up into coils of braids and pinned it under the headpiece.  Katie brushed her dark hair until it shone, and used a fat curling iron to give it extra body.  She carefully put in her new contacts. 

“Well?”  She said, turning around nervously.

“Wow!”  Becca said in awe.  I almost don’t recognize you.”

They drove to Danny’s house, and Katie let them in the back door.  It was seven-thirty.  Katie busied herself lighting candles and incense burners while Becca stared at the transformation of the room.

“Wow, Katie.  This looks great.  Those tapestries look totally different on the wall then on my floor!”  She said, laughing.

Katie fussed with a few more things, then stood by the door to wait for the real dancers.

“What do you mean, I can’t drink any more?”  Donnie protested as the 6 guys piled into Danny’s Blazer.  “It’s my fucking bachelor party, for God’s sake!”

“Donnie, there is a very special surprise waiting for you back at my house.  I think you will want to be the least bit sober, at least at the beginning,” Danny told him.  “I don’t know what it is, but I know that after it starts, then you can drink.”

“Fine,” he grumbled, climbing in next to Joe.

When they arrived at Danny’s, Danny went to the kitchen intercom and called down to the family room.  “Everything ready down there?”

“Five more minutes, please, Mr. Wood!”  Katie replied, affecting a strange accent as Becca applied dark kohl eyeliner around Katie’s bright blue eyes.  She looked at Becca and gulped nervously.  What if she couldn’t pull this off?

She looked around the room frantically, her eyes settling on the fully stocked bar.  She strode over, and quickly poured herself a Jim Beam and Coke.  Downing that, she quickly poured another, inhaling that as well, and then a third.

“Katie?  What are you doing?”  Becca asked, knowing her friend rarely drank hard liquor.

“Preparing,” she replied, eating a few strawberries to hide some of the liquor smell.

Becca shook her head and frowned, but was unable to reply as they heard footsteps on the stairs.  She adjusted her veil and looked at Katie nervously.  One of the dancers went to the door from the upstairs, and opened it.  It had been decided beforehand that she would be the one to do all the talking.

“Welcome, gentlemen,” she said in an authentic Middle Eastern accent.  “Won’t you please come in?”

Katie watched Jordan as he wove unsteadily on his feet, and plopped onto a cushion.  He was already quite drunk, but not too drunk to notice the scantily clad women in the room.  The other guys sat on cushions or stretched out on the floor.

“I welcome you to your private oasis.  The three of us are here to entertain you with dance,” she pointed to herself and the two other dancers, “but these two new dancers will remain after we will gone to entertain you and serve you in any way you see fit.”  She motioned to the friends.  “This is Scarlett, and this is Melina.” 

Becca glared at Katie.  Couldn’t she have picked a more secretive name?  They knew that Katie’s pen name was Katie Scarlett!  Katie didn’t notice the dirty look.  Her eyes were fixed on Jordan.

One of the dancers pushed “play” on the CD player, and Prince’s song “Seven” came on.  Katie had picked this for the girls to dance to, because of the exotic sound of the song.  As the real dancers danced, Katie and Becca went from man to man, pouring him wine and feeding him fruit.  Jordan smiled up at Katie as she fed him a bunch of grapes, his hand grazing her thigh where the henna mark was.  She shivered and moved on to tantalize Jonathan with a handful of strawberries.  His eyes locked with hers, and she saw something strange in them.  A flicker of recognition, perhaps?  She quickly went and sat on Danny’s lap, seductively peeling a banana and eating it.

The girls danced to a few more songs then changed the CD to a tape.  “It is time for us to leave you,” the dancer said.  “You are in good hands with Scarlett and Melina.”

“Definitely,” Donnie said softly, his hand caressing the smoothness of Becca’s arm.

The dancers packed up and left.  A loud snore startled everyone.  Mark Wahlberg had passed out in a corner.  The girls exchanged a look of amusement.

“I guess he was bored,” Jordan said. 

“Those dancers said you girls could entertain and serve us,” Jonathan pointed out boldly.  “What exactly did they have in mind?”

Silently, Katie pushed play on the tape player.  “Gett Off” by Prince came on.  She pushed Jonathan back to recline on his cushion and ground her hips against his.  Dipping a strawberry in wine, she trailed it down into the cleavage of her top, then fed it to him.  He moaned and closed his eyes.  Joe’s mouth dropped open.  She then crawled over to him on her hands and knees.  She climbed onto his lap and put her arms around him.  She took a long gulp from the bottle of wine, and transferred it to his mouth in a long kiss.


Gett off…let a woman be a woman and a man be a man…if you want to, baby here I am…”


Becca moved to kneel between Jordan and Donnie on the floor.  Moving in time to the music, she took turns kissing them.  She saw Danny get up and leave the room and smiled.  She knew that his girlfriend would freak if she heard he had been anywhere near even a semi-orgy.  She leaned back and looked at them, as if deciding which one was worth time. 

“Me,” Jordan breathed.  “It’s his bachelor’s party.  He’s getting married tomorrow, for fuck’s sake.  Me.”

“That’s right,” Donnie mumbled, drinking more wine.  “I can’t do anything…my sweet Becca…” He trailed a finger from Becca’s cheek down into the top of her outfit.  “You look so much like her, Melina.  Beautiful…sexy…no.  I can’t.”  He moved away.  She shrugged as if to say, your loss, and moved over to concentrate on Jordan.

She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off of his shoulders.  She poured wine down his chest and very slowly began to lick it off.  He groaned and placed his hand on the back of her head.  She noticed Katie giving her VERY dirty looks, and sent one back as if to say, don’t worry, I’m just playing.

Katie continued to kiss Joe, her hands roaming his back and chest.  She thought Joe was attractive, and very nice, but she just couldn’t make herself do much more with him.  The man she wanted was sitting across the room, getting licked off by her so-called best friend.  She wanted a pair of beautiful brown eyes staring down into hers, pushing her head down lower to…

An arm pulled her off of Joe.  “McIntyre.  Out of here.  You’re not old enough for this,” Jon growled as he pulled Katie to settle against him.

“What?”  Joe yelled.  “Jon, what are you doing, man?”

“Out.  Or Nina hears everything that’s happened here, along with some stuff I made up.”  Jonathan finished off one of the bottles of wine and tossed it back onto another cushion.  

“Jon, come on, man!”  Joe whined.  “Don’t hold that shit over my head.”

“See you tomorrow at the ceremony,” Jon told him, looking down into Katie’s eyes.  She swallowed nervously.  The desire in his hazel eyes was evident, and she couldn’t ignore the goosebumps that were popping up on her arms.  If it hadn’t been so long since she had gotten some, she’d almost be convinced that he was turning her on.  “Kiss me.”  He ordered.  She just stared at him.  How could she really kiss him through the veil?  Joe had been so distracted that he hadn’t even tried to see who she was when she moved the veil to kiss him.  “Kiss me, dammit!”  Jon said, grabbing her by the hair and forcing his mouth onto hers.

Donnie watched Melina’s tongue move over Jordan’s nipples, and decided he had had enough.  It was his goddamn bachelor party, and he wanted a good time.  He stood, and pulled Melina up to stand with him.  “You have to do what I say, right?”  He asked her.  She nodded, the model of subservience.  Under the veil, she was smiling happily.  It was about fucking time! 

“Okay.  You’re coming with me.  See you boys tomorrow at my wedding.”  He led her into the back room where all the furniture was.

Jordan pounded the floor in frustration.  He looked over at his brother, who had the other dancer in his arms.  Why was he all alone?  He walked over to him.

“Okay, big brother.  Enough.  Share.”

Jonathan looked at Jordan calmly.  “I don’t think so, Jordan.  She’s mine now.  She chose me.”

“She’s a servant, Jon.  She can’t choose.  She does what we tell her, right, sweetness?”  He turned to Katie, who bowed her head meekly.  A triumphant feeling rose in her stomach.  Jordan was arguing over her!  “Okay.  Let’s flip for her.  Heads, she’s yours.  Tails…well…” Jordan dug a coin out of his pocket.

Katie never lost eye contact with Jonathan as Jordan threw the quarter into the air. 

“Ha!  Tails!”  Jordan yelled.  “All mine, bro.”  He started to lead Katie away.

“No, wait.”  Jonathan held onto her.  “Go upstairs, Jordan.  I’ll make sure she finds you.”

“Five minutes,” Jordan warned, grabbing two bottles of wine and leaving the room.  Jonathan turned to Katie.

“I could do so much more for you,” he said softly.  She raised her eyebrows.  “No, not like that.  Jordan is definitely the stud in the bedroom, not me.  He’ll only hurt you.  Your heart, I mean.”  He slowly sat down, and left her standing.  He brushed the flowing material away from her leg and stared at her thigh.  “Why won’t you let me in, Miss Scarlett?  I just want to…” he stopped.  The alcohol hadn’t made him that brave. 

She gasped.  This man will be willing to peel away layers to see this marking, and to see inside of you.  Jon?  He looked deep into her eyes, and she knew that he recognized her, and that he knew the meaning of the marking.  She backed away, and looked towards the door.

“Go, Scarlett.  He is waiting for you.  This is your chance to finally get him to notice you.”  Jonathan looked away.

Donnie pulled Becca through the door and closed it behind her.  He leaned her against it, and pressed his mouth on hers.  She moaned and pulled at his hair.

“I can’t do it…” he murmured.  “I can’t fuck you.  I love Becca.  I’m going to marry her tomorrow.” 

She smiled and pushed him down onto the sofa, which was back against one wall.  She pulled at the buttons on his shirt, finally ripping the material when they didn’t move quickly enough.  She attacked the skin of his chest with her mouth, leaving bite marks.  He groaned so loudly she thought Danny might have heard him way upstairs.  She could feel his cock pressing against his pants.  She moved her mouth down and undid the zipper with her teeth.

“Oh…shit…” he gasped as she released his throbbing penis from its confines.  Before she could take it in her mouth, he pulled her up to him.  “Melina, wait.  I think you are so fucking hot and I want you so bad.  But I can’t cheat on my sweet Becca.  But…I want you…anyway I can.”  She nodded, and allowed him to stand with her.  He pinned her against the wall and slowly untied the gauzy blouse and removed the pants, until she stood in a tiny bra and bikini set.  He kissed up and down her legs, gently caressing the new tattoo with his tongue until she could hardly hold herself up.  He spread her legs until she was practically squatting, and then placed his mouth right between them.  He expertly found her clit, and licked it in circles while his hands reached up and caressed her hard nipples through the bra.  She screamed as he stuck one finger inside of her and thrust with it.  She felt her legs give out, and with one motion he had her on the sofa.  He quickly stepped out of his pants and lay opposite her.  “No, wait,” he said, moving so that he was on the bottom.  Before she knew it, his hard dick was in her mouth, and her pussy was in his face.  For every deep pull she gave to his penis, he sucked deeper on her clit.  She moaned, a muffled sound, as he grabbed her backside and pushed her closer to his face.  She felt her legs start to tingle, and moved her hand up and down on his dick.  She heard him groan louder and louder, and felt his cock stiffen even more.  At the same time she felt herself release into his mouth, he spurted into hers.  “Oh, god!  Oh, shit…” he panted, moving so she was in his arms.  “Damn, woman.  You took everything out of me…”


A dazed Katie found her way upstairs, and began checking Danny’s guestrooms until she found Jordan.  He was stretched out on the bed, shirtless.  She silently entered the room and closed the door.

The man of her dreams smiled up at her.  “Scarlett, right?”  She nodded.  He sat on the edge of the bed.  “Come here, Red.”  She looked at him questioningly.  “Scarlett…Red…Oh, never mind.” 

She stood in front of him.  He slowly trailed his hands up her legs and sides, and rested them on her full breasts.  She closed her eyes and inhaled as he slowly untied her top, and quickly removed her bra.  He let his fingertips brush her breasts again and again as he kissed her stomach.  She moaned and he smiled.  “You like that, huh?  Well, how about this?”  He took a nipple in his mouth, and rolled it around with his tongue.  She placed her hands on the back of his head.  He pulled back and smiled.  “Don’t worry, sweetness.  I’m not gonna stop.”  Strong fingers would play with one breast while the other was attacked by his mouth.  He felt her legs quiver and moved away.  He stood, and unbuckled his pants.  With two quick movements, they were both naked. 

She stared down at his hard penis, and swallowed.  She had never been so excited in all her life, or so frightened.  She had been locked away in her study for so long that it seemed like ages since she had been with a man.  The last one had hurt her so bad she had vowed to really think before letting a man get to her like Jordan had.  He gently pressed her shoulders until she kneeled in front of him.  “Suck me,” he ordered.  She stared up at him, amazed at the rudeness in his voice.  “Now, slave!”  He growled, pressing her head against him.  Shocked, but still slightly turned on, she did as he asked, putting all the love she felt for him in the movements of her tongue and mouth.  He moaned and kept a hand on her head, moving his hips in time with her mouth.  Finally, he moved away.

“That veil is annoying the shit out of me.  Take it off.” 

She shook her head violently, moving away from him.

“I said, take it off.  The party is over.  I can see the rest of your fine body, why not your face?”  He moved towards her slowly, smiling a sexy smile.  “Come on, sweetness, let’s have a look.  What else do you have to hide?  Take off that little veil so I can show you what a real man fucks like.” 

With one motion he ripped the veil off of her face.  Her intricate hairdo came down with the removal of the veil, and her thick hair framed her face.  Jordan grabbed Katie’s chin in his hand and yanked her face up to his.

Katie?”  He said angrily.  “No wonder you wanted to plan the bachelor party!  What better way to get me to screw you?”

“No, Jordan, it wasn’t like that.  It was for...” she almost let slip that Becca was the other girl.  She glared at him defiantly.  “So, what if it was?  From what I hear, you’ll go to great lengths to get a girl you want to fuck.  Why shouldn’t I do the same?”

The smack of his hand across her cheek caught her off guard.  She gasped and felt tears start to roll down her cheeks.  “I don’t think so, Katie.  No bitch makes a fool of me.”

“Jordan, I’m not trying to make a fool of you!  I…I just…I love you!”  She said, trying to stop crying.

“Well, I don’t love you, okay?  I thought I made that perfectly clear ages ago.”  He pulled on his clothing as he spoke.  “I thought you were a lot of things, Katie O’Hara, but a slut wasn’t one of them.”  He marched out of the room.  She soon heard the front door slam. 

Sobbing, she pulled on her clothes as best she could and made her way downstairs.  Her extra bag of clothing was down in the oasis room.  She hoped Donnie and Becca weren’t in there.  She peeked out the front door and saw that her car was gone.  She realized that Becca had taken it, figuring that she would get a ride back with one of the guys.  She knew that Becca was following tradition to the fullest, making sure she wouldn’t see Donnie after midnight on their wedding day.

She snuck down into the oasis room.  Donnie was nowhere to be found, and Mark was still snoring in the corner.  She turned on the overhead lamp, and saw Jonathan sitting behind the bar.  She jumped a mile.

“Sorry,” he said lazily, pouring another drink.  “I thought you were…busy.”

“No,” she whispered, searching for her bag.

“Looking for a white gym bag?  It’s over there, behind the table.”  He came out from behind the bar and handed the bag to her.  “Have fun?  That was quick.”

“No…I…gotta go,” she said, stumbling and leaning against the bar.  She saw that Jon had been drinking Jim Beam, and took a large swig right from the bottle.

“You’re not going to try and drive, are you?”  He asked, suddenly sobering.

“No…I don’t have a car.  Wait…Donnie’s car…” she started to make her way to the stairs.

“Katie!  Stop!  You are not driving like this!”  He grabbed her arm.

“I don’t care!”  She screamed, turning on him.  “I don’t care if I fucking get killed, okay?  You win!  You were right!  He hurt me without even trying!”

He gently took her face in his hands, staring at the bruise forming on her jaw.  “Katie…what…did he hit you?  Did Jordan hit you?”

“He was angry…he thought I was trying to fool him into sleeping with me, he said I was trying to make a fool out of him!  He said I was a slut.”  She sobbed, unable to keep it in any longer.  He took her in his arms and held her as she cried.

“Oh, my beautiful Katie.  Sweet Katie Scarlett.  I’m so sorry,” he whispered, stroking her hair.  “I know what it’s like to care for someone so much, and have them constantly turn away from you.”

She pulled back to stare at him.  “What are you saying, Jonathan?”

He bent down to kiss her.  She pulled back, but when he gently persisted, she allowed him to continue.  “I’m saying that I don’t want to hurt you.  I don’t think you’re a slut, and I would never hit you.  I just want to…” he struggled for words.

“You just want to peel away the layers and get to know the me inside, right?”  She whispered.  He gazed at her. 


She slowly led him over to a bunch of cushions and laid him down on the floor.  “Show me.  Show me how much you care.”

“Katie, I…”

“I know.  You’re not looking to get laid.  This is totally different.”  She removed her outfit, and began to undo the buttons on his shirt.  He moaned and stopped her.

“Let me.”  He quickly undressed and turned to her.  His hands roaming over her body turned her insides to molten lava.  She couldn’t get enough of him.

“Jonathan…I want…I need you to…” she stammered, unable to speak coherently. 

“I know…I will…” 

He knelt between her legs and took her clit into his mouth.  She arched her back and gasped for breath.  He stuck two fingers inside of her and gently stroked as he sucked her.  She put her legs on his back and wove her fingers through his hair, pushing his mouth against her.  “Does that feel good?”  He whispered.  She whimpered in response.  He moved up to face her.  “Katie, I want to take my time, and show you how much I care about you and respect you, but I…”

“Fuck me,” she said suddenly, taking his penis into her hands and caressing it.

“What?”  He said, trying to think clearly.

“Fuck me.  A fortune teller lady told me that the man who would peel away the layers to my soul would also be the one to find the wildness in me and bring it to the surface.”  She pressed against him and savagely bit his neck.  “Either you fuck me, or I roll you over and fuck you.”

“I don’t think so,” he replied, rolling over and pushing inside of her all in one motion.  She shrieked loud enough to wake the dead.  Pinning her hands above her head, he used them to hold onto while he thrust inside of her.  After a few moments of that, he rolled over, pulling her with him.  “I want you over me,” he said.  “You are no one’s servant, no one’s slave, and definitely not a slut.”

She moved over him slowly, taking the head of him, then pushing down onto him entirely.  He groaned and played with her breasts as she teased him.  He reached down to play with her clit as she rode him, and she threw her head back.

“No!”  He said, feeling himself ready to come.  “Look at me.  Look at me as I come into you.  Look at me…” he grunted, not able to hold back.

“Oh…Jon…oh God…fuck…” she gasped as she came.  As her muscles contracted around him, he lost all control and had the most intense orgasm of his life.  She collapsed on top of him, and he rolled over so she lay beside him.

“I love you, Katie Scarlett O’Hara,” he whispered as she drifted off to sleep.  “My brother will pay.”

Becca awoke at six-thirty, unable to sleep a moment longer.  Her wedding was in five hours, and she had a lot to do.  In a little over five short hours, she would be Mrs. Donnie Wahlberg!  She smiled and stretched, wondering how Katie’s night had gone.

At about the same time, Katie woke up to find herself in Jonathan’s strong arms.  Her face was pressed against his smooth chest, and they were both naked.  She groaned as she slowly sat up, trying to stop the room from swimming.  She had never had a hangover before in her life, and silently vowed to never have one again.  She looked down at Jonathan, peacefully sleeping.  He was so handsome.  Even in sleep, his face was tender, caring, and honest.  What had she done?

She peeled herself away from him and quickly pulled on the sweats and t-shirt she had brought along.  She smoothed some hair off of his forehead, and kissed his cheek.  She then went to call a taxi. 

She arrived at Becca’s not long after, and let herself in with her key.  She could smell coffee, which she desperately needed, but the thought of anything else made her stomach flip.  She headed straight for the shower.

When she came down, she saw that Becca had made a huge breakfast, and it took everything she had not to begin retching.  She realized that it was going to be a long day.

“So, how was your night?”  Becca asked, humming as she dished up eggs.

“No!”  Katie snapped as her friend tried to hand her a plate.  “Not eggs.  Toast, maybe, but not eggs.”

“A little hung over, are we?”  Becca asked in amusement.  She placed wheat bread in the toaster, and turned to look at Katie.  It was then she noticed the deep purple bruise on Katie’s face.  “Oh my God!  What happened?”

“Well, you know what a klutz I am to begin with?  Alcohol does not give me grace.  I fell, right into the corner of one of those coffee tables!”  Katie lied, not wanting to ruin her best friend’s big day. 

“Well, that was dumb,” Becca commented.  “How did everything go?”

‘”Let’s just say that it will be a night that neither I nor Jordan will ever forget.”

A few hours later, the men were in one of the Sunday school rooms in the church, doing their last minute preparations.  They had arrived early, to make sure that Donnie didn’t see Becca come in.

Jordan sat in a corner, his head in his hands.  Mark had provided a portable coffeepot, and coffee continued to be made for the all-but-ill Jordan, Jonathan, and Donnie.  Donnie didn’t even notice his hangover.  He was excited about his soon-to-be wedding, but he also felt extremely guilty.  He couldn’t quite remember what had happened the night before.  He hoped he hadn’t cheated on Becca.  His days of two-timing the girl he was with were long gone.

Jonathan sat at a small table and glowered at Jordan whenever no one was looking.  When he woke up and realized that Katie was gone, his heart sank into his shoes.  Maybe it was all a dream.  Maybe they hadn’t slept together, and maybe Jordan really hadn’t hit the girl that Jonathan loved…

“So, everyone have a good time last night?”  Danny asked, straightening his bowtie.

I didn’t.  Jon kicked me out,” Joe complained.  Donnie laughed.

“You know that Nina would’ve had your ass for dinner tonight if she found out you were messing around with strippers!”

“They weren’t strippers,” Jordan stated quietly.  “At least not all of them.”

Danny, Donnie, and Joe looked at him questioningly.  Jon silently begged Jordan to keep quiet.  The guys didn’t need to know.

“One of those girls, the one in blue, Scarlett.  It was Katie.”

What?”  Donnie yelled.  Joe’s mouth fell to the floor, and Danny almost dropped his bottle of apple juice.

“Yeah.  I guess she wanted to be sure she’d bag me.”  Jordan stared into his coffee cup.  “She did.  I gave her a lay she will never forget.”

Jonathan stared at him, not able to believe the lies coming out of his mouth.  He was sure that nothing had happened between Jordan and Katie.  She hadn’t been upstairs long enough. 

“See, J?  We told you that you should’ve asked her out long ago,” Danny told him.  Jordan shook his head.

“Nope.  We will never go out.  She’s a little whore who got what she wanted and deserved: the fuck of her life,” he said bitterly. 

Jonathan stood so quickly the chair flipped over.  He had to get out of that room.

As he ran through the door, he saw Katie carrying makeup bags in from the car.  The women were going to do their last minute dressing at the church.  He hurried outside to her.

As she looked up at him, he saw the awful bruise on her cheek and realized that the night before hadn’t been a dream.  His brother had abused this beautiful woman.


“No, Jonathan.  I don’t want to talk about it.  I refuse to ruin this day for Becca and Donnie, and you know that’s what will happen if we mention this.”

“Fine, Katie, we won’t.  But you have to listen to me.  I have to warn you.”  He took the boxes from her hands and set them on the roof of the car.  He held one of her hands in his, gently stroking her fingers.  She felt her insides begin to melt and willed herself to remain calm.


“Jordan’s saying that you and he…that you slept together.”

“But we didn’t!”  She protested.  “I would never sleep with him and then…” she blushed, remembering everything that had happened with Jonathan.  Her hangover wasn’t that bad.

“I know you didn’t, sweetie.”  He said the endearment unconsciously.  “But that’s what he’s saying.”

“What all did he say, Jon.  Tell me the truth.”  Tears filled her big blue eyes.  At that moment, Jon wanted nothing more than to murder his little brother.

“He…he called you a whore, and said that he gave you what you wanted and deserved, the fuck of your life,” he told her miserably.  She took a ragged breath and picked up the boxes again.

“Jonathan, this is my best friend’s wedding day, the day she has dreamt of all her life.  I refuse to let anyone, even a dick like Jordan Knight, ruin this for her.  We will go through the day like nothing has happened.  I will walk down the aisle next to him like he’s still the love of my life.”  She wiped away tears.  “We’ll worry about this later,” she said.

“Okay.  Katie, I’m so sorry.  I wish I could make it better.”  He gazed into her eyes, willing her to open up to him again.  He was afraid that Jordan had rebuilt the walls around her heart with solid steel.  She looked back at him, a glimmer of hope building in her soul.  Jonathan didn’t think she was a whore.  He had said he loved her, she was sure.

“We’ll talk later, Jon.  I have to go in to Becca.”

Becca’s face radiated happiness.  Katie forgot her problems for a moment and just let herself enjoy her friend’s good fortune.  Donnie Wahlberg was a great guy, and he and Becca were perfect for each other.

“I’ll make sure to aim the bouquet right at your head,” Becca whispered to Katie before Katie went down the aisle ahead of her.  “You’re destined to be next!”

As Katie slowly strolled down the aisle, she pasted a smile on her face.  The sight of Jordan Knight made her stomach turn even more than the leftover alcohol that filled it.  She would have to return down the aisle on his arm, and she was determined to do the best acting job of her life.  He looked so handsome in his black tux and dark blue cummerbund, as did Jonathan.  Jonathan smiled at her, willing her to be brave.  His smile was so warm and loving that she put her nose in the air defiantly.  Jordan Knight was not going to destroy her.

She took her place at the altar and turned to watch Becca make her way down the aisle.  Tears sprung into her eyes.  Her friend looked so gorgeous in her ivory gown, and the happiness seemed to radiate from under the veil.  As she glanced at the veil, Jordan’s words rang through her head.  Take off that little veil so I can show you what a real man fucks like.” 

Jonathan looked over at Katie, who had suddenly paled.  Come on, sweetie, hang in there, he mentally cheerleaded.  He saw her slightly shake her head, as if to shake a thought out of her mind.

She looked at Donnie, and thought he had never looked so handsome.  It wasn’t his tux, though he did look very fine.  It was the absolute love that was written all over his face as soon as Becca came into view.

Becca nervously took her place by Donnie’s side.  He took her hand and squeezed it.  The ceremony flew by, and she made all of the correct statements and replies, but all she saw were Donnie’s hazel eyes looking through the veil, and his beautiful smile glowing at her.  Finally, the minister pronounced them man and wife and Donnie carefully lifted the veil.  His hands caressed her dark smooth skin as he bent to kiss her.

“My sweet Becca,” he whispered.  “My wife.”

He kissed her, a short, gentle kiss that said everything he felt.  Everyone applauded.  She took his arm and they walked down the aisle.  She gazed up at him adoringly.  When they got to the back of the church, she shrieked and threw herself into his arms.  He laughed and twirled her around.

Katie took Jordan’s arm without looking at him, and they started down the aisle.  She looked down and saw her handle trembling.  She used all her willpower to steady it.  He was not going to get to her.

She stood next to him in the receiving line, and said all the right things, but on the inside she was screaming.  She wanted to sleep, she wanted to run, and she wanted away from Jordan Knight. 

After the guests had all left to go to the reception hall, the wedding party returned to the front of the church for portraits.  Katie sat in the corner of a pew, watching as the maid of honor helped to arrange Becca’s train.  Every five minutes or so, Donnie would grab Becca and kiss her, like he couldn’t believe she was his.  It made Katie smile.

“So, Miss Scarlett, trying to pull a fast one on us last night, huh?”  Joe said, sitting next to her.  She groaned inside.  She hadn’t realized she would have to live down the night before.

“I tried,” she said, smiling weakly.

“Sounds like you and Jordan had some fun,” he said, smiling at her.  Her face turned red as she jumped to her feet.

“Guess again!”  She told him, and took off down the aisle, unable to stand one more minute.  Jonathan ran after her.

“Katie!  Jon!  Come on guys, we need to get these pictures done!”  Donnie yelled after them.

“Let them go, D,” Jordan said.  “Let her move onto the next Knight brother.”  Everyone turned and looked at him.

Katie fled to the women’s room, but Jonathan pushed his way in before she could lock the door.

“Go away!”  She screamed, sobbing.  Tears soon spotted the silk top of the midnight blue gown she wore.

He remained silent, but pulled her into his arms.  She fought his hold, but soon relaxed and cried on his shoulder.  When her shoulders finally stopped shaking, he pulled back to look at her.

“You look like shit,” he told her.  She gasped in shock, then took a look at herself in the mirror.  She started to laugh.  Her makeup had run, and she had raccoon eyes.

“Thanks for the compliment,” she told him, dabbing at her eyes with a paper towel.

“You are always beautiful to me,” he whispered, cupping her face in his hands.  He leaned toward her.

“Don’t,” she murmured, knowing she didn’t mean it.  His mouth captured hers, and she moaned.  She wrapped her arms around his neck, and pulled him closer.

“Katie, don’t let him get to you.  We’ll make him pay,” he said grimly.  She was surprised at the anger in his voice, and the surprise showed on her face.  “I love Jordan, Katie.  He’s my brother.  But I cannot allow him to treat other people this way.”  He pushed a tendril of her hair away from her face.  “Especially people I love.”

Her mouth dropped open.  “L—love?”

“Yes, love.  I love you, Katie.  I love everything about you, and have for a while.  I never would have…done what I did last night if I didn’t.”

“It wasn’t Jordan this time, Jon.  It was what Joe said.  He said that it sounded like Jordan and I had had some fun last night.  I don’t know how much of this I can handle.”

Jonathan opened the door.  “You don’t have to take any more.”

“No!  Jonathan, wait!”  She grabbed his arm and he pulled away.

“If Becca’s your real friend, she’ll understand.”

Donnie stared at Jon as he came striding up the aisle.  Jonathan grabbed his brother by the collars of his shirt, and slammed him against a wall.  “Jon!  What the fuck…” Donnie exclaimed.

“Jordan, I knew you were an egotistical materialistic jerk, but you have gone too far!”  Jon snarled into his brother’s face.

“Jonathan, man, chill.  What lies has that little whore told you?”

Becca gasped and came to stand at Katie’s side.  Donnie joined them, and put his arm around Katie’s shoulders.  “I’m sorry,” Katie whispered to them.

Jon slammed Jordan even harder.  “That was the wrong thing to say, prick.”

Now all the people remaining in the church gasped.  They had never heard Jon speak this way before.

“Katie is not a whore, and you know it.”

“Well, she sure acted like one last night, didn’t she?  And there are three other guys here who can verify that,” Jordan said, looking from Donnie to Danny to Joe.

“That’s exactly what she was doing, Jordan.  Acting.”

“You’ve been hot for her for ages, Jonathan,” Jordan interrupted.  “You’re just jealous because I bagged her before you could.  The sweetest lay I’ve had in a long time,” he finished, smiling sweetly at Katie.  She wanted to claw his eyes out.  “Was it as good for you, sweetness?”  He asked her, daring her to tell the truth.

“J, what are you saying, man?”  Donnie said softly, not believing his friend could act this way.  Jordan’s defenses were up, and he was trying to protect himself from something.

“Yeah, I bet the feel of your fist in her face was real good.  Something she’ll never forget,” Jonathan said, his face reddening in his rage.  Jordan began to look frightened.  His older brother had always been the protector, not the tormentor.

Becca turned to look at Katie.  “He hit you?  Jordan hit you?  I thought you said…”

“I lied,” Katie said, as the tears slipped down her cheeks.  Donnie gently caressed the bruise on her face.  “I didn’t want to ruin your wedding day.”

“Well, I’m sorry, Katie, but this had to come out.  I don’t want anyone else thinking you are something you’re not,” Jonathan said, pointedly looking at Joe, who suddenly became very interested in staring at his shoes.

“I…she…she deserved it,” Jordan babbled.  “She used the bachelor party to try to get me into bed.  It was only when I pulled the veil off that I knew who she was, and realized what she was trying to do.”

“And no one makes a fool of you, right, J?”  Donnie said. 

“Y—yeah,” Jordan replied, not wanting to say anything else.

Jonathan slowly let go of him.  “Let me ask you something, Jordan.  The veil was the last thing she had on, right?  You were turned on by her enough before that to get her naked and work that body, right?  Remember what you said at the poker party?  You said you wanted a woman with a body that burns, and a face to go with it.  That’s what you said after you belittled Katie’s clothes and her appearance.”  Jordan blushed.  “Well, obviously her body was burning, until you saw who it was.  Then, you realized that she had played you for a fool, and you and your dick had followed along right behind her.”  His steel hazel eyes burned into Jordan’s brown ones.  “Tell the truth, and apologize,” he whispered so only Jordan could hear.  Jordan remained silent.  Jonathan grabbed his shirt and dragged him over to stand in front of Donnie, Becca, and Katie.  The newlyweds moved to stand in front of Katie protectively.  She shook her head.

“I’m not afraid of him.”

Jonathan placed Jordan right in front of Katie.  She looked up into Jordan’s beautiful brown eyes and kicked herself for falling for someone like him.

“Katie, I’m sorry I hit you.  I also am sorry for lying about you.”  He looked at the crowd.  “Nothing happened between Katie and I.  I got angry and left the house.”

Everyone sighed with relief and began to gather their belongings.  Only Becca, Donnie, Katie, and Jon heard Jordan murmur under his breath, “But I still think you’re a fucking slut.”

Becca and Katie gasped.  Donnie and Jon reached out, but Katie was quicker.  She reached back and kicked him in the balls with her high heel shoe.  Jordan fell to the floor.

“I may be a slut, but you couldn’t fuck me.  What does that say about you?”  She grabbed her purse and strode out of the church while everyone else stood and gaped.  They heard a car pull away from the church.

Katie drove like a bat out of hell through the city.  She could just imagine what a sight she was, raccoon eyes underneath beautifully arranged hair, tear marks staining a beautiful midnight blue gown with slits up the skirt.  She parked in front of the tattoo shop and ran inside.

The tattooist’s wife was seated at her henna table, reading a magazine.  She looked calmly at Katie when she flew in the door. 

“I need…” Katie panted.

“You need to know which brother is for you.  Why one loves you so, and why one hates you.”

Katie skidded to a stop and gasped.  The woman motioned to a chair, and Katie flopped into it.

“My name is Oriana, by the way,” the woman said, getting a glass of water and handing it to her.  Katie took it silently and waited for the woman to speak.  “Your heart was deeply wounded last night, correct?”  Katie nodded.  “This brother, with the dark eyes, is someone you have yearned after for quite some time.”  Katie smiled.  Yearn was definitely the right word.  “The other brother, with the light eyes and generous heart, he has loved you for many months now.  He is shy, no?”

“Yes,” Katie whispered, thinking of how Jonathan often shrank into the shadows and let Jordan have the limelight.

Oriana studied the bruise on Katie’s face.  “I know it is difficult, but forget the younger man.  He is foolish, and he will get what is coming to him, one way or another.  I cannot see exactly how.  The older brother, he started to unravel the layers around your soul, didn’t he?”

“In more ways than one,” Katie replied, remembering the way Jon had made her feel.

“He cares for you deeply.  Listen to what his heart says, and answer it with yours.”

“Thank you,” Katie replied, a weight lifting from her shoulders.  She reached into her purse to get some money.  Oriana laid a hand on her hands. 

“No.  I cannot take money from you.”  She smiled.  “This is the first time that I have really been able to channel what I see and explain what it means.  I thank you.”

Katie hurried out of the shop and back into her car, determined to find Jonathan and tell him what had happened.

The ride in Donnie’s car to the reception hall was silent.  Donnie and Becca sat in front, while a brooding Jordan reclined in the back seat.  They didn’t trust Jonathan’s rage, so they took Jordan with them.  After he parked, Donnie turned around to look at him.

“We’ve been through a lot, J, over all these years.  I’ve done too many bad things in my life to judge you.  I’ve treated women like shit, like they were next to nothing, until I found the right one.”  He glanced at Becca.  “And you never know, Katie could’ve been the one for you.  She’s had strong feelings for you for a long time, and has never been anything but kind to you.  But you blew all that, looking only at what was on the surface.”  He opened his car door, then turned around again.  “I forgive you, Jordan.  I have no choice in the matter.  You will still be welcome in our home, and things will eventually settle down.”  His hazel eyes bored into Jordan’s.  “But no matter how shitty I treated a girlie, I never, ever hit one.”  He walked around and let Becca out of the car, and led her inside.

Jordan sat in the backseat for a while, thinking.  He saw Katie’s silver Cavalier rip into the parking lot, and he slowly climbed out of the car and locked the doors.  He leaned on the car and watched her get out of her car.  She began to walk towards the building, saw him, and froze.  He smiled as he saw her, for out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jonathan peeking out of the building, obviously looking for her.

“Jordan.”  She acknowledged him coldly.

“I didn’t give you enough credit.  You’ve got balls of steel,” he said approvingly.

“Apparently, you don’t,” she retorted.  He smiled sweetly, and she felt her knees buckle.

“Touché,” he said, walking towards her.  “Could you possibly forgive me?  I was a real prick, and I know it.  I sincerely want to apologize.”

“You treated me like dirt, Jordan.  It’s not easy to get over,” she replied softly, twirling a piece of hair as he stopped in front of her.

“I said I was sorry.  Can’t we kiss and make up?”  He bent his head and traced an outline of the bruise on her face with his lips.  He rested his hands on her waist, and slowly moved them up, settling them at the base of her neck.

“Jordan…I don’t…”

“Don’t tell me you don’t want this, Katie Scarlett.  I know you want this.  I know you want me.”  He nibbled on one ear.  “I didn’t even have to get close to see how wet you were for me last night.  You were all ready for me…ready for me to fuck you long and hard, or soft and gentle.”  He ran his tongue over her lips.  “I didn’t even have time to decide.”  He thrust his tongue into her mouth before she could resist.  She heard a door slam and pulled back.  Jordan laughed evilly, and moved away.  “Later, sweetness.  Have fun explaining this one to Jon.”  He walked to his car.  “I’d say we’re even, wouldn’t you?”

As he drove away, she screamed out loud, totally frustrated.  What a fucking asshole!  She ran inside, searching for Jon.  On her way in, Joe grabbed her.

“Listen, Katie, I didn’t…”

“Not now, Joey.  I know you didn’t mean it, and I forgive you, okay?”  She said over her shoulder.  Her eyes searched the large room, and they met the eyes of Donnie.  He subtly pointed to the smaller banquet room behind theirs.  She ran back there.

Once again, she found Jonathan behind a fully stocked bar.  She grabbed the bottle of bourbon out of his hands before he could pour the first drink.

“No, Jonathan.  Alcohol solves shit.”

“Leave me alone,” he muttered, grabbing the bottle back.  “You don’t fucking care about me, Katie.  Did you use me to get off since Jordan left you horny?”

If he had slapped her, it couldn’t have hurt anymore than that statement.  She reeled back and sat down in a chair.  “What, does being a jerk run in your family?  You use someone to your advantage, and then leave them hanging?”

He ignored her, and threw some ice into a glass.  She grabbed the glass and threw the ice on him before he could pour the liquor.  She grabbed the bottle and drank a mouthful. 

“Okay, now I can say what I think.  You say you love me, Jonathan, then listen, for God’s sake.  Jordan saw you at the door, because he pulled away right after you went back in.  He saw you, and wanted to get back at us both.  He led me along, apologizing, trying to turn me on, and succeeding, unfortunately, and then kissed me so you would see it.”  She went around the bar to stand in front of him.  “Don’t you see, Jonathan?  He knows you love me.  He knows I’m falling in love with you.  He can’t stand it, so he’s trying to pull us apart.”  She placed her hands on his shoulders.  “But he won’t.  He has to grow up and realize that you and I were meant for each other.  Oriana, the fortuneteller, she told me so.  She said that I should listen to what your heart says, and answer it with my own.” 

Jonathan stared at her for a long time, then shoved her out of the way.  Her heart sank.  He didn’t want her.  She turned away, and heard a crash as he shoved every glass, bottle, and object off the bar.  He grabbed her and sat her on the low bar surface.  Weaving his hands through her hair, he pulled her mouth to his in a violent kiss.  Moaning, she pulled him to her.  One of his hands unzipped the back of her dress while the other played with her hair.  Her hands tore at the buttons of his dress shirt, almost pulling them off in her haste.  This time, there was no foreplay.  Neither of them needed it.

When they were both naked, Jon reached down with one finger to make sure she was ready for him.  It slid inside of her with such quickness that they both groaned.  He lifted her off of the bar and onto his hard cock, stumbling back and leaning against the wall.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed off the wall with her feet so she could move up and down on him.  He gripped her hips and pumped her harder and harder.

“I’m sorry,” he said as she bit his neck.

“For what?”  She mumbled, scratching at his back.

“Doubting you.  I should have known…better…”

“Shut up, Jon.  All I want to think about is your hard cock inside of me, thrusting into me, filling me…” she felt like she couldn’t get enough of him.

“You come first this time,” he murmured, slowing down his pace.


“I want to watch your face.  Right as the last of your juice covers me is when I want to come,” he told her.  Leaning her back so her back rested on the bar, he held her back with one hand and played with a nipple with the other.  “Come on me, my Katie.”

She moaned both from his words and the magic he was doing with his hands.  She could feel the pressure building.  “Jon…shit…I can’t…”

“Yes, you can, come for me.  I can’t wait much longer, Katie, I want to fucking come in you…cover your insides…” his hand moved down to her clit.

“Yes!”  She screamed.  He felt her tighten around him, and he covered her mouth with his, swallowing her cries as she orgasmed.  He was soon to follow her, thrusting as hard as he could.

He held her as they panted and tried to relax.  He wouldn’t let her down from the bar, as the floor was covered with glass.  He used napkins to gently clean her between the legs, which was almost as much of a turn on for her as the sex was.  He slowly dressed her, covering her skin with kisses before covering it with cloth.  He dressed himself, then lifted her in his arms.

“Come on, my Katie.  I want to dance with you.”

He carried her out of the room, refusing to put her down until they entered the reception room.

“I thought you were the one that was supposed to carry people over thresholds today,” Danny said to Donnie, nudging him and pointing at Jon and Katie.  Donnie smiled.

“Becca, look,” he said. 

Becca watched her friend as Jonathan slowly lowered her to the ground.  The couple looked so happy.  Becca walked over to the DJ.  “Play ‘Invisible Man’,” she told him.

As the music started, Jonathan led Katie onto the dance floor.  No one else went out.  They didn’t want to ruin the moment.


                “I wish you’d look at me that way, your beautiful eyes looking deep into mine, telling me more than any words could say, but you don’t even know I’m alive.  Baby to you, all I am, is the invisible man.”


After a minute, Donnie grabbed Becca and pulled her onto the dance floor.  He walked over to Jonathan and tapped on his shoulder.  “Mind if we trade?”

“Just for a dance,” Jonathan teased, sweeping Becca into his arms.

Donnie smiled down at Katie.  “I’m sorry about everything that happened last night.”

“Don’t be.  I knew the chances I was taking.”  She stared at Jonathan.  “But if last night had never happened, I never would have known…”

“Um, Katie, uh, by any chance, do you know what I did last night?”  Donnie asked bashfully.  She laughed.  She couldn’t help it.  “I, um, was a little wasted, and I know there was another dancer, but I don’t know if I…if we…” he discreetly unbuttoned his tuxedo shirt and showed her the bite marks on his chest.  She threw back her head and howled with laughter.  He got embarrassed.  “I don’t think this is funny, Katie!  What if I cheated on Becca?  I can’t hide these marks!  I don’t want her to divorce me on our wedding night!”

“Donnie, you love Becca with all your heart.  It’s a true love.  No dancer could’ve made you technically unfaithful.  I was a little occupied, but I can promise you that you didn’t screw the dancer, okay?”

“Good,” he said, a bit relieved.

Becca stood on tiptoe and kissed Jon’s cheek.

“What was that for?”  He asked in surprise.

“For treating my best friend like a princess.  And for not beating up your brother at my wedding.”

“Well, it was a tough decision not to,” he replied. He told her what had happened between Jordan and Katie in the parking lot.  Becca frowned.

“It’s good Donnie doesn’t know about that.  He’s about ready to kill J anyway.”

They chatted for a while, but Jonathan soon gave her back to her husband.  He only had eyes for Katie.

“Line up, ladies!”  Becca yelled, laughing.  The single women clustered together, a few pushing and shoving to be in the front. 

“Go up there,” Jonathan told Katie.  She rolled her eyes, but stood.  She walked to the side of the group.

Becca shut her eyes, and willed the bouquet to go where she wanted it.  She launched it back over her head, and it landed right in Katie’s hands.

“Sweet!”  Becca yelled, running over to hug her friend.  Katie blushed.

Becca went and sat on a chair, and Donnie knelt before her.  The men whistled and cheered as he lifted her gown and reached up for the baby blue garter.  Katie and Becca locked eyes, and Becca saw a look of panic cross her friend’s face.  Don’t worry, she mouthed.  She had made sure that the garter was on the leg that didn’t have the tattoo on it.  All that would be revealed later.

“Okay, boys, line up.  Who wants to be the one to put this on little Katie’s leg?”  Donnie called.  He noticed Jordan out of the corner of his eye, and shook his head.  Jordan had returned about ten minutes earlier, and stood in the back of the room.

“No problem, D.  It’s cool,” Jordan told him, remaining where he was.

The men stood in a group, joking and laughing.  There were some fine looking men there, but only one that Katie wanted to catch that garter.  She held hands with Becca, and crossed her fingers.  Please, please, Donnie, aim straight for Jonathan!

Donnie turned his back on the group, and Katie prayed.  The garter flew into the air, and right into the hands of Joey, who was next to Jon.  Katie’s heart sank.

“Oops!”  Joe said loudly, seeming to drop the garter right into Jon’s palm.  “Oh, well.  It’s yours now.”  He smiled at Katie, and returned to his seat.

“Come on, girlie.  Show us some leg.”  Donnie dragged Katie to a chair in the front of the room.  She groaned, and pretended to drag her feet.

Donnie led her to her seat, and moved her skirt so the slit revealed her long leg.  Many guys whistled, and she turned crimson.  Donnie went back to stand behind Becca.  He put his arms around her.

“Now, the color of your face is what I’d call Scarlet!”  He yelled out.  Everyone laughed, and Becca elbowed him in the ribs.

Jonathan knelt in front of her, an evil twinkle in his eye.  He blocked her body so no one could see.

“Aw, come on, Knight!”  Someone yelled.

“Out of the way!”  Danny yelled.  His girlfriend smacked him on the arm.

“In a minute!”  He shouted.  He slid a hand up the inside of her leg, moving the slit even further over.  She drew in a ragged breath and bit her lip.  His touch was turning her stomach inside out.  He let his soft hands graze over her underwear, and he heard her moan.  He took the garter, and moved it over her foot.  He then moved so everyone could see.  He moved the garter so slowly, so seductively, that every single man in the room got a hard-on.  Katie was thankful that she was sitting.  She could not have moved from that spot.  After he placed the garter way above her knee, he kissed her leg.  He could smell her scent, and knew how hot he had made her.  He stood, and walked away.

“Okay,” Donnie yelled.  “Music!  I want to dance with my lady!”

The music that came on was fast, but Donnie and Becca swayed slowly, holding Xavier between them.  Kim had relented at the last minute, and the little boy had been sitting with Donnie’s mom.

The party continued way into the wee hours, but Donnie and Becca left early, to begin their wedding trip.

“Why the hell are you taking all this shit?”  Donnie grumbled, as he loaded Becca’s easel and painting equipment into the back of his car.

“Because what if I get bored?  I need something to do!”  She said, lugging a suitcase out of her apartment.

“You’re planning on being bored?”  He walked over to her and took her in his arms.  “Honey, I won’t give you any time to be bored.”  He licked at her earlobe, and she shuddered. 

A friend with a private plane was going to fly them down to a secluded island in the Caribbean.  Becca smiled at the thought.  Ten whole days alone with her husband.  She loved the sound of that word: husband.

They drove to the airport, exchanging kisses every time they hit a red light.

“Get a room, you pervs!”  The man in the car behind them shouted out his window.

“Fuck you!  We’re getting a whole island, asshole!”  Donnie yelled back.  Becca laughed.

They arrived at the airport, and were permitted to drive out to the landing field.  As the porters loaded the luggage onto the plane, the pilot and Donnie exchanged glances.

“Women,” Donnie said simply, motioning to all the bags.

Becca and Donnie snuggled in seats side-by-side as the plane took off.  She dozed on his shoulder as he gazed out the window.  It had been a long time since he had been so relaxed.  Unfortunately, the flight gave him time to think about Jordan, and wonder what had happened to his friend.

He soon came to the conclusion that the reason Jordan had reacted the way he had was because he was cornered, and Katie had made a fool of him.  He was all ready to get a quick screw, and then he realized it was more than that.  Donnie figured that Jordan must actually care for Katie a little bit, or he would’ve just bagged her and been done with it. 

A gorgeous tropical island soon came into view.  “Honey, wake up.  You gotta see this.”  Donnie gently shook his wife awake.

“Mmm?”  She mumbled, opening one eye.  “Wow.”  She leaned across him to look out the window.    Aquamarine water surrounded the lush greenness of the island.

The plane landed, and their bags were loaded onto a jeep and sent along to their cabana.  While Donnie said goodbye to the pilot, Becca gave the driver specific instructions as to where all her painting equipment was to be placed.  She had an erotic honeymoon surprise planned for Donnie.

“Man, it’s hot!”  She complained, fanning herself with a magazine she had removed from her carry-on bag.

“Well, you should’ve worn shorts, love.”  He motioned to his own short-covered legs, and then to her lightweight cotton pants.  No way, she thought.  She wasn’t revealing that tattoo until the last minute.

A second jeep took them down a bumpy road to their cabana.  The scenery was beautiful, and Becca tried to notice it, but all she could think about was what she had planned for Donnie.

They went inside.  True to her instructions, her paint equipment was in the small closet off of the bathroom.  Donnie flopped onto the bed after he had tipped their driver.

“Wonder if there’s anything on TV?”

“Donnie, this is an island paradise.  They don’t have TVs here.”

“Oh.”  He began unpacking his bags.  Becca just stared at him.  She had assumed he would be ready to jump her bones as soon as they were alone.  “How ‘bout a walk on the beach?”  He said suddenly.

“Um, okay.  I thought you wanted to get some sun.  Why don’t you find a tank top while I change?”  She asked.

“No!”  He barked, the first time he had ever raised his voice to her.  “No, I’m fine,” he said, in a calmer tone.  “You go change, love.”

She smiled to herself as she entered the bathroom and went to find her paint things.  That’s what the problem was.  He was nervous about showing her the marks on his chest.  There was no way he could explain them.

“I might be a minute, D!”  She hollered.

“Take your time.”

About twenty minutes later, she returned to the main room.

“You weren’t kidding when you said…holy fuck.”  Donnie sat down hard on the bed. 

Becca was totally naked, but covered in a special kind of body paint that could only be removed with special soap.  She had covered her dark skin with swirls and flourishes of bright paint, with a spot of glitter here and there for effect.

“Oh my God,” he breathed, feeling an erection strain against his pants.

“Like it?”  She said.  He could only nod.  She showed him what she had in her hands: more tubes of paint.  “This paint is different than what I have on.”  She stood before him.  “This paint is edible.”

Donnie groaned, so turned on it was painful.  She moved to kneel before him.  “I want you to be my finest work of art,” she told him.  She pulled his shirt out of his pants, her hands brushing the crotch of his shorts.

“Becca, no, wait,” he struggled to get out of her reach.  “I can’t.  We can’t.  I…”

“What do you mean, we can’t?”  She said, enjoying his discomfort immensely.  “Don’t you want me?”

“Shit, yes, I want you!”  He snapped, like it was even an option for him not to want her.  “I just, I have to tell you something.”

“Well, tell me naked.”  She yanked the shirt over his head, and gasped in feigned shock.  “Donnie, what are those?”

“What?”  He said innocently.

“Those fucking hickeys on your chest, asshole?  Who was trying to tear the skin off of your chest?”

“Danny’s cat?”

“Danny doesn’t have a cat!”

“Okay, Becca, wait, listen to me.  There was a bachelor party, you know, the one that Katie planned, and there was this dancer, and God, she reminded me of you so much, and she was so hot, and I wanted to fuck her, but I didn’t, I swear.  I couldn’t say no to anything else, but I swear I didn’t fuck her.”  He looked at her earnestly.

“Did this bitch have a name?”  She said, putting one foot on the bed.

“Yeah, it was uh, um, it was…” he struggled to remember.  She turned her leg so her ankle was facing him.  He still didn’t notice.

“Melina?”  She suggested.

“Yeah!  Melina!  But how did you…” he looked down for the first time.  “Oh my God…it was you?”

Damn, woman!  You took everything out of me!”  She quoted.  He stared at her in shock.  With a yell he grabbed her and threw her onto the bed.  She shrieked with laughter.

“You little wench!”  He said, tickling her.  He grew serious.  “I couldn’t cheat on you, Becca.  I know I shouldn’t have even done what I did when I thought it was a stranger, but I didn’t do the real thing.  I don’t want to ever do that with anyone but you.”

“I know, Donnie.  It was the best wedding present you could have given me, saying no to sex with a beautiful exotic woman.”  She sat up.  “Now it’s my turn to give you a present.”

She pulled down his shorts and released his throbbing dick.  She opened the tubes of paint, and started to swirl them around on his chest.  He moaned and laid back.  She used her fingertips and tongue to move the paint around his skin.  She concentrated on his nipples for a long time and he pulled at her hair.  Pulling a feather out of one of her bags, she used the wisps on the end to dribble paint along his cock.  He yelled at the sensations.  The sounds he was making were driving her crazy; she could feel her pussy practically dripping.  She moved her head down and took his rockhard dick into her mouth, slowly licking off the paint.

“How does that feel, D?”

“Oh…shit…Becca…God…don’t stop,” he panted, pressing on the back of her neck.

He was so hard that she thought he might come right then, but only a few drops wet the tip of his penis.  She used her hand to apply more paint, and just as quickly sucked it all off.  He yanked her up to face him.

Squirting some of the paint on his hands, he massaged her breasts, licking off the paint in intricate circles.  She groaned with pleasure.  He put his hands under her ass and brought her mound up to his face, not even bothering with paint.

“You liked how I did this to you last time, didn’t you, love?”  He said.  “Up against the door, legs spread way out…”

“Yes…I loved it…” she breathed as his tongue flickered inside of her.  The taste of her brought him almost to the edge.  He flipped her over on the bed and brought her hips up to meet his. 

“Do you want it?”  He asked her.  “Ask me nicely.”

“Please…Donnie…give it to me…”

“No, that’s not right.”  He rubbed his dick against her wet lips and she shrieked.

“Goddamn it, Donnie, fuck me.  Fuck the living hell out of me!”

“That’s better!”  He shoved himself into her as deep as he could go.  She grunted and grabbed handfuls of the blankets in her hands.  “Is that it?  Is that what you wanted?”

“Shit, yes…Oh God, yes.  More…faster…harder…” she groaned, pushing back against him.  He took hold of her hips and pushed himself into her again and again.  When she was almost on the edge, he pulled out.  She whimpered.

He turned her around and gently laid her on the bed.  “No.  I want this to end right.”

He twined his fingers with his and slowly pushed into her again.  She moaned and arched her back.

“I love you, Becca Nikole Wahlberg.  With all my heart.”  He said, moving slowly inside of her.

“I love you too,” she said, her eyes misting over at the love in his voice.

They silently moved together, arriving at one of the most intense orgasms of their lives at the same time.

The fell asleep in each other’s arms on the paint covered bed, dreaming of their life together.




Katie picked up the phone on the third ring.  She knew that she should have let the machine pick it up, but she just couldn’t NOT answer a ringing phone.  Something left over from her teenage years, she assumed.

“Hello?”  She asked almost angrily.

“Well, excuse me for living,” Becca replied.

“Sorry,” Katie said, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes.  She leaned back in her chair.  “I have been sitting in front of this damn computer for hours now, trying to find out how Alyssa realizes that Stefan is the killer, and that he has it in for her.”

“Writer’s block?”  Becca said sympathetically.

“Yes, writer’s block, with a dead end sign followed by a cement wall,” Katie said dramatically.  Becca laughed.

“Well, I have the perfect solution: lunch with me at The Grove.”

“The Grove?  Whoa, fancy.  Are you buying?  My future income is not looking profitable, based on today’s work.”

“Absolutely.  I have a rich husband now, remember?”

“Ha ha ha.  I’ll be at your house in 30 minutes.”

Katie hung up, stretched, and saved the garbage she had been working on.  Maybe lunch at a nice restaurant would get the creative juices flowing.  Maybe it would also get her mind off of the pregnancy test that was sitting in a bag in the corner.

She had been with Jonathan ever since the bachelor party episode, and had fallen deeply in love with him.  However, he never mentioned marriage, and she had decided not to press it.  She was too afraid of losing him.  They saw each other often, and most nights he stayed at her apartment, though he hadn’t asked her to move in with him.  Everyone’s relationship with Jordan had altered slightly, though they were all still friends.  Fortunately, Jordan was usually out of town promoting his CD, so there weren’t many interactions with him.

As she threw on an aquamarine short set, Katie glanced at the drug store bag.  She had missed her period, which was a rarity.  She was as regular as they came, and she had a feeling deep down inside that she was pregnant.  But she was afraid of how Jonathan would react.  As much as he loved her, she felt that the idea of settling down scared him.  At least, she assumed it scared him, since he never mentioned it.  She sighed, and decided to take the damn test, and check it when she got back from lunch.

Becca was already seated at one of the outdoor tables when Katie arrived.  Becca had bloomed since her marriage to Donnie.  Every day, they seemed more and more in love, if that was humanly possible.  Her hair was piled up in a chignon, and she had on a pretty white sundress that contrasted against the dark loveliness of her skin.

“Hey, girl.”  Becca stood and hugged her friend.  “Pardon my French, but you look like shit.”

“Thanks,” Katie said wryly, sitting across from her.  She had hardly been outside, and her skin was pale.  There were bags under her eyes, from a sleepless night.  Jonathan was out of town, due to return that evening.  “I’ve…uh…been stressing about this deadline.  Usually my stories write themselves, but this one is stubborn.”

“I understand, believe me.  I’ve stood in front of blank canvases for hours, holding a paintbrush, waiting for an idea to come.  I’ve almost gotten to the point sometimes that I want to send the white canvas off to my agent, calling it “Snowstorm”,” Becca told her, trying to get her to laugh.  She was rewarded with a smile.  The waiter came to the table.

“Drinks, ladies?”

“Lemonade, please,” Becca said.  Katie stared at her.  Becca always had a glass of wine when they went out.

“Uh, same for me,” Katie said quickly.  The waiter nodded and left.  Becca opened the large menu.

“What are you hungry for?  I could really eat some chicken.  Maybe a chicken Caesar salad.  Oh, by the way, I’m pregnant.”

Katie’s mouth dropped open.  “What did you say?”

“I’m pregnant.  I was at the doctor’s this morning.”  Becca absolutely beamed.  “I’m having Donnie’s baby, and I want you to be the Godmother.”

“Of…of course,” Katie stuttered, still in shock.  “Congratulations.”

Becca frowned.  “You don’t sound thrilled about it.  What, don’t you think we should have children, since I’m black and he’s white, or something?”  She snapped.

Katie reeled back as if she had been hit.  “Becca, where did that come from?  You know I don’t think that way!”

“I know, I’m sorry,” Becca apologized.  “Forget I ever said that.  I guess those hormones are kicking in already.  I’m just nervous about telling him.  I haven’t been able to get a hold of him, and I want to tell him in person.”  Donnie was in New York City, filming for a movie, also to return that night.

“It’s okay,” Katie said, thinking back to the apartment, where a little piece of plastic sat in the bathroom, waiting to decide her future.  “I really am happy for you, Becca.”

The waiter returned, and they each ordered chicken Caesar salads.

“So, when’s Jon coming back?”  Becca asked.

“Tonight,” Katie said, smiling as she thought of a pair of gorgeous hazel eyes lighting up at the sight of her.

“Has he said anything about…”

“No,” Katie said quickly.  “He hasn’t.”

“That’s really odd, Katie.  He loves you so much, and all he’s ever talked about since I’ve known him is finding the right woman and starting a family.”  Becca stared into space.  “Maybe it has to do with Jordan.”

“I don’t know what it has to do with, but I’m getting tired of it.  I want to marry him, but I don’t want to pressure him,” Katie said.

“He’ll come around, or he’ll have to deal with me,” Becca replied as their salads arrived.

Katie slowly drove back to the apartment two hours later, filled with hesitation.  She unlocked the door, threw her keys on the table, and headed straight for the bathroom.  With shaking hands, she picked up the test.


Becca was pacing the floor in the large bedroom she shared with Donnie.  She sat on the edge of the bed, and hugged the huge teddy bear he had bought her for her last birthday.

Donnie, I have some important news for you,” she tried.  “No, that sounds like I’m about to give him a Grammy, or something.”  She tried again.  Honey, guess what?”  She said cheerfully.  She hit herself in the face with the teddy bear.  “Ugh!  I sound like I just sucked helium!”

She flopped back onto the satin sheets and covered her face with the bear.  She was happy, but concerned.  His acting career was just taking off.  They had talked about definitely having children, but hadn’t decided when.

A pair of hands grabbed her ankles and slid her down to the floor.  She shrieked.

“Hey, gorgeous.  Who are you talking to in here?”  Donnie pretended to look under the bed for another man.

Donnie!”  She shrieked, hugging him.  “You weren’t supposed to be home for three hours!”

“We wrapped early.  And I couldn’t wait to get home to my sweet Becca.”  He kissed her long and hard.

Breathless, she pulled away.  She stood and put the bear on a chair.  He sat up on the bed, noticing her serious face.

“Okay…I have to tell you something, and maybe you won’t like it, but maybe you will.  I know I’m happy, but maybe you won’t be.  I know we hadn’t discussed it, but…”

He grabbed her hands and stood her in front of him.  “Sweetie, just spit it out.  What is it?”  Concern was written all over his face.

She took a deep breath.  “You’re pregnant.  I mean, I’m going to be a father.  I mean, I’m pregnant, and you’re going to be a father.”  She looked down at him.

Shock registered on his face, soon to be replaced by a look of pure joy.  Father?  Pregnant?  Me…I mean, us?  We’re having a baby?”

“Um, yeah.  Is that okay?”  She fidgeted.

“No, it’s not,” he said.  She felt her insides turn upside down.  “It’s not okay.  It’s wonderful.  It’s the most wonderful news I’ve ever been told.”  He pulled her down to sit beside him.  He tenderly caressed her cheek.  “Becca, you have given me the best gift anyone could ever give me, besides yourself.”  He moved his hand down to rest on her stomach.  “A baby,” he said in wonder.  He jumped up.

“I have to call my mom!”  He ran to the phone.  She lay back down again, shaking with relief.

Katie sat in a corner of the king-sized bed, holding a stuffed zebra in much the same way Becca had held the teddy bear.  She stared at the pregnancy test, hating it as much as it was possible to hate an inanimate object.  She just knew it would upset Jonathan, and he would leave her.  She made herself stand and go to the kitchen.  It was five o’clock, and she should eat something.  Jon was due home in four or five short hours, and she needed to wake herself out of this trance. 

As she reached for some crackers, she heard the doorbell.  Sighing, she went to answer it.

“Hey there.”  It was Jordan.  He held a bouquet of flowers.  “Uh, did I waken you?”  He stared at her Tigger nightshirt.

“No, you didn’t.  I’m, uh, not feeling well.”  She still was a bit uncomfortable in his presence.

“Well, do you mind some company?  I knew Jon was out of town, so I thought I’d keep you company.”  He waved the bouquet.  “I brought you these.”  He gave her his most winning smile, and she had to smile back.

“I’m not the best company right now, but come on in.”  She opened the door all the way, and he followed her in.  “Make yourself at home.  I’m gonna go change quick.”

She flew into the bedroom and pulled on a black silk blouse and black jeans.  She ran a brush through her hair and went back into the living room.  Jordan was filling a vase with water and arranging the flowers.  They were a mixture of white baby roses and baby carnations: her favorites.

“They’re beautiful.  Thanks a lot,” she said, placing them on an end table.  “I was just going to have some soup.  Not a gourmet dinner, but care to join me?”

“Sure.  Point me to the kitchen.  I’m a pro at opening cans,” he joked.

They fixed dinner quickly, and sat at the small kitchen table.  As they chatted, she found herself more relaxed than she had been with him in a long time.  He had her laughing hysterically at anecdotes from the road.

They moved into the living room.  He went back out to his car, and returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses.


“It’s gotten chilly out.  It stayed cool in the car.”  He popped the cork and poured her a glass.

She took it, totally forgetting for five minutes that she was pregnant.  She drank it quickly, and he continued to keep it full.  Before she knew it, they were sitting on the floor, leaning against the sofa.

“So, how are things between you and Jon?”  Jordan asked, taking her hand in his.

“Good,” she said.  As always when she was drunk, her tongue ran away without taking her brain along.  “I guess it’s good.”

“What do you mean, sweetness?”  He put his other arm around her.

“Well, I really love him, and he says he loves me.  But he doesn’t ever talk about marrying me.  What’s wrong with me?”  She said sadly, holding out her wineglass.

“Nothing, sweetness.  You’re absolutely perfect.”  He emptied the bottle into her glass.  “I was so stupid for not seeing that.”

“You think I’m perfect?”  She said softly, gazing into his chocolate brown eyes.  She had wanted to hear that from him for so long.

“Of course I do.  Who wouldn’t?”  He brushed his lips against her hair.  “You are beautiful, funny, smart, kind…sexy.”

She giggled.  “Sexy?  Me?”  She laid her head on his shoulder.  Her neck was suddenly too tired to hold up her head.

“Yes, you, sweetness.  Slender legs, slim hips…” he moved his hand up her leg and rested it on her stomach.  He stroked her skin through the silk of her blouse.  “Beautiful, soft skin.”

He leaned his head down and kissed her.  She moaned as his tongue parted her lips.  She knew that there was some reason she shouldn’t be doing this, but she was too distracted to remember why.  His hand moved up to rest on the curve of her neck, where it met her shoulder.  She felt goosebumps all over her body.

He took her hand, and placed it on his groin.  “Do you feel how sexy I think you are, Miss Scarlett?”

She felt his dick jump as soon as her hand touched the cloth that covered it.  “Yes,” she whispered.

He wove his fingers through her long dark hair.  “I should have done this the first time I had the chance.  Then you’d be with me, not Jonathan.  I can please you so much more than he ever could.”  He began unbuttoning the blouse as he nipped at her neck with his teeth.

“What?”  Her clogged brain struggled to work even as other parts of her body welcomed his touch.  “What did you say?”

“I said, you belong with me, not Jonathan.  I know how to do you right, sweetness.”  He reached a hand inside of her blouse and caressed one of her breasts.

“No!  Wait!”  She pulled away and unsteadily rose to her feet.  She stumbled to the master bathroom and splashed cold water on her face.  She glanced at herself in the mirror.  Jonathan!  How could she have let Jordan lead her on like that?

“Wanna take a shower?”  Jordan advanced on her slowly.

“N-no, Jordan.”  She backed up against the vanity.

“Or, right here, next to the sink.”  He grabbed her at the waist and lifted her up to sit on the counter.  He leaned against her.  “Then I can watch you in the mirror.”

She kicked at him.  “I said, no, Jordan!  Leave me the fuck alone, or get out of here!”  She shoved him away and hopped down from the sink, sobering quickly.  She headed for the bedroom.  “Jonathan will be home any minute, and if he finds you here like this…”

“What?  What will my big bad older brother do, huh?  You think he’d believe me over you?”  He sneered at her, pushing her onto the bed.  She saw the pregnancy test fly to the floor.

“Yes, I think he would, asshole!”  She shouted, scrambling to get away from him.  She crawled off the bed, and headed out to the living room.  He grabbed her arm and shoved her against a dresser.

“I was serious, you know.  I really regretted treating you the way I did.  You are something special, at least I thought.  I guess maybe you’re simply the whore I always guessed you to be.”  He pulled her against him.  “Now, give it up, Miss Scarlett.  You know you want it.”

“NO!”  She screamed, stomping on his foot.  Her bare feet didn’t do much good, and he laughed.  She swiped at his face with her fingernails, and drew blood.  He drew back in shock, giving her time to squirm away.  He caught her arm at the last minute, and yanked her back.  She lost her balance, and fell into the standing mirror, face first.  Glass shattered and she fell to the ground.  He crouched down next to her.

“See what you get when you don’t give in, Katie?”  He reached for the front of her blouse again.

“Jordan, please, don’t…” she sobbed.  “Not like this.  I’ll give in, okay?”

She slowly sat up as he reached for his wallet.  He pulled out a condom.  “See, I was even prepared.  But we’d better hurry, since Jonathan could walk in any minute.”  He smiled down at her.  “Or, we could have a threesome.”

As he removed his shirt, she looked around frantically for any kind of weapon.  She saw the fireplace across the room, and the fire tools nearby.  Standing, she acted like she was walking to the bed.  She walked around the bed, grabbed one of the soot shovels, and swung.  She caught him on the head, and he hit the ground. 

She felt his pulse.  It was steady, so she knew there was no real damage.  She looked at herself in the dresser mirror.  Blood flowed around her face, and down onto her blouse.  Not bothering to clean herself up, she threw some things into a duffel bag, and left the room.  She came back in to grab her purse.  At the last minute, she looked down at Jordan’s wallet.  Opening it, she saw that he was carrying a huge amount of cash, as usual.  She grabbed it and left the bedroom.  She grabbed her car keys and left the apartment.

Donnie hung up the phone and turned to Becca.  Without a word, he tore off his shirt and threw it to the floor.  His shorts soon followed.  Her mouth hung open.  He strode to the bed and pulled her to her feet.

“I soon will really have to be careful, so tonight, I’m going all out,” he said simply, pulling off her clothes.  She soon stood naked before him. 

He took his time covering every inch of her body with his lips and tongue, until she felt like her skeleton was made of Jell-O.  He sat her on the edge of the bed and laid her back, licking up the insides of her legs until he reached the center of her.  Before he touched her there, he gently caressed her still-flat stomach with a feather-light touch, following with butterfly kisses.  “Our baby,” he whispered, smiling sweetly.  Tears sprang to Becca’s eyes. 

He suddenly thrust two fingers inside of her while still kissing her stomach.  She gasped, writhing on the bed.  He held her hips still, and traced patterns over her clit with his tongue.  She placed her legs on his shoulders, and held his head with her hands.  He teased her for a long time, bringing her to orgasm after orgasm.  He then moved himself slowly up her body, allowing his cock to rub against her lips and clit.

“You are the sexiest fucking woman I have ever met,” he told her, moaning as she rolled him over.

“Even when I have gained all that weight and am ready to pop out a baby?”  She asked, grasping him in her hand and rubbing him against the most sensitive part of her.

“Yes…” he groaned.  She slowly lowered herself onto him, and then began to furiously riding him, fucking him like it was their last day on earth.

He howled with pleasure, urging her on with his own hips.  Sweat ran off of them as she moved on him, her head thrown back in ecstasy.  He finally rolled her over so he could thrust into her.  He pinned her hands down as he slammed into her again and again.

“Tell me.  Tell me you’re coming,” he ordered, seeing her eyes glaze over in the way he knew so well.

“OH…Donnie…shit, I’m coming…oh God…” she panted, arching up off the bed.  As her final orgasm washed over her, his release hit him, and he filled her with his cum.

He rolled off of her, and held her close as they tried to relax. 

“We need a shower,” she mumbled, kissing his chest and sucking on a nipple.

“You keep up with that, and you’ll get a different kinda shower,” he told her.  They both laughed.

They lay contentedly, debating on whether to actually waste the energy on getting a shower.  They decided that Becca would run a hot bath in their large Jacuzzi-style tub while Donnie went down and got them something to snack on.

Donnie padded downstairs in a pair of silk boxers.  Whistling, he poured some ice tea and arranged some fruit and veggies on a tray.  As he was about to leave the kitchen, the phone rang.

“Donnie Wahlberg, father-to-be.”

“Donnie,” a voice rasped on the other end.  “Don’t tell Becca it’s me.”

“Katie?”  He sat the tray down, amazed at the sound of her voice.  He had never heard her like this before.  “Don’t worry, she’s upstairs.  What’s wrong.”

“You know your friend, the pilot?  Could he fly me wherever I wanted to go, no questions asked?”

“Katie, what is…”

Can he?”  She demanded.  “I don’t have fucking time for this, Donnie.”

“Sure.  I just need to call him.”  Donnie frowned, worried about his wife’s best friend.

“I also need money, and I can’t access my accounts right now.  You know I’m good for it; is there any way…”

“Anything you need, honey.  Just let me know where to send it.”  He paused.  “Does Jon know…”

“Um, yes.  He knows I’m leaving.  Don’t talk about it with him; it will only upset him.”  Tears ran down her face as she lied.  “And don’t tell Becca, okay?  You know how she is, and I don’t want to upset her in her condition.”  She smiled through her tears, sorry she’d be missing the site of her slender friend fat and pregnant.  “Congratulations, by the way.”

“Thanks, Katie.”  He listened to her instructions, and barely had time to say goodbye as she abruptly hung up.  He quickly called the airport and made the arrangements according to her orders.

He slowly made his way upstairs, carrying the tray of food. 

“It’s about time!”  Becca called from the bathroom.  “What took you so long?”

“A…friend needed some help, and I needed to call some people.”

“Figures,” she said, knowing how kind-hearted he was.  She sank into the bubbles, and he joined her, placing the tray nearby.  As she chatted on about the baby, he wondered how angry she’d be when she found out that he’d helped her best friend run away.

Jonathan trotted up the steps to Katie’s apartment, patting the small box in his jacket pocket.  He couldn’t wait to finally propose to her.  He had waited months to make sure that she was really happy with him, that she didn’t regret that he wasn’t Jordan.  He had then searched far and wide to find the perfect ring: a simple diamond with a blue topaz on each side. 

He unlocked the door, and stared at the empty wine bottle and two glasses on the living room floor.  “Katie?”  He called.  He smiled.  Becca had probably come over, and the two had gotten sloshed, and were passed out in the bedroom.  It wouldn’t be the first time.

“Sweetie, you’d better be sober.  I have a great surprise for you!”  He wandered into the bedroom, and stopped short at what he saw.  His brother lay on the floor among pieces of glass.  Jon rushed over.

“Jordan?”  He shook Jordan gently, staring at the scratches on his face.  His brother groaned and opened his eyes.

“Jon…” he mumbled, slowly sitting up.  He grabbed his head and groaned again.

“Are you okay?  Where’s Katie?” 

“She’s not here?”  Jordan said, thinking fast.  “Well, that’s an interesting end to this evening,” he remarked.

“What do you mean?”  Jon asked, fearing the worst.  “What happened here?  What’s going on?”

Jordan stared at him mournfully.  “I’m sorry, bro.  You weren’t supposed to be home…”

“NO!”  Jon yelled, reeling back and sitting down on the bed.  He looked so miserable that Jordan actually felt sorry for him. 

“We were drinking wine, and then we moved in here, and, uh, the next thing I knew, someone hit me.  I may have left the door open, and someone must have come in.”  Jordan picked up his wallet.  He saw how empty it was.  “Looks like he stole my money, the asshole.  You might want to check your valuables.”

“Fuck my valuables.  The most valuable thing in my life is gone, and you screwed her.”  A look of pure fear crossed his face.  “What if…what if the robber…”

“I don’t think so, Jon.”  He pointed to the open drawers.  “She knew you’d come home and find me, put two and two together, and now she’s out of here.”  He sat next to his brother on the bed.  “Get over her, bro.  Believe me, I don’t know what you saw in her.  She’s not all that.”

Jonathan turned on him.  “And just HOW many times did you try her to find that out, Jordan?”

“Um, just a few times.”  Jordan looked away.

“I’d appreciate it if you left now, Jordan.  I need to call the police, and think about this.”  Jon swung his legs around the other side of the bed, and saw something on the floor.  He instantly recognized it as a pregnancy test.

“If you’re gonna call the cops, I’d better stay.  Witnesses and all.”

Jonathan sighed morosely as he looked at the piece of plastic.  “No, it looks like a basic robbery, and nothing is probably missing, except your cash…and Katie.  You go on out of here.  I need to be alone.”

“I am really sorry you came home to this,” Jordan said sincerely.  He hadn’t realized how much in love his brother was.

“Fuck you, Jordan.  Get the hell out of here.  I don’t want to even hear your voice right now.”  Jonathan refused to look at him.  He heard Jordan’s footsteps leaving the room, and then he heard the front door slam.

It was then he allowed himself to pick up the pregnancy test, and he began to sob.  Was it really this way?  Had she really been fucking his brother, leading him on all this time?  Whose baby was it?  He put his head in his hands and cried.

At three in the morning, Becca was awakened by their doorbell.  She shook Donnie.

“Babe, get the door.”

“Why me?”  He mumbled from under his pillow.

“Because I’m your pregnant wife.”

“That excuse is NOT going to work for the next nine months,” he told her.  But he pulled on his boxers and went down.  A few minutes later, she followed him anyway.

Donnie turned on the outside light and checked the peephole.  He quickly opened the door.  “Jon?”

“Sorry it’s so late…” he mumbled, reeking of alcohol.

“Come on in, man.”  Donnie helped him in the door.  Becca stopped at the end of the hallway.

“Jonathan, you didn’t drive, did you?”

“Nope…walked…from the bar on the corner…guess my car will be gone by tomorrow,” he joked, referring to the high crime in the area. 

Donnie led Jon to the kitchen table while Becca made coffee.  “What is it, Jon?”  Donnie asked gently.  Jon began to cry again.

“Jordan…my Katie…” he sobbed.  The couple’s eyes met over his head.  It was then that Donnie realized that Katie had lied to him.  There was no way that she and Jon had fought, and that he knew she was gone.

“What about them?”  Becca said quickly.

“I came home…a bottle of wine in the living room…Jordan passed out in the bedroom, Katie’s gone…they…he said…” he pulled out the pregnancy test and placed it on the table.  “She’s pregnant, but they’ve been screwing for a while.  I don’t know whose it is.”  He stared at the cup Becca placed in front of him.

“NO, Jon!”  She said, slapping the countertop.  “That’s not true!”

“Becca, calm down,” Donnie began.

“I will NOT calm down!  She is not fucking Jordan!  I know her!  She sat across from me at lunch today, telling me how much she loved Jon and wondering why he didn’t love her enough to marry her.”  She turned to Jon.  “She loves you, Jon.  She wouldn’t play around on you.  Something else is up.”

“So, you think there was foul play?”  Donnie asked carefully, his mind returning to his earlier conversation with Katie.

“There was broken glass, someone hit Jordan with a soot shovel, and his money was gone.  But so were Katie’s clothes,” he told them.  He turned his red-rimmed eyes to Becca.  “I think it’s true, Bec.  I don’t think I was enough for her.”  He began to cry again.  Donnie stood.

“Come on, Jon.  Let’s get you to bed.”  He led Jon to the guestroom.

Early in the morning, a plane landed on a private airstrip on Galveston Island, off the coast of Texas.  A woman exited, her head covered with a scarf.  She wore thick sunglasses, to cover swollen, cut eyes.  She was having problems seeing, and she knew there must be shards of glass in her eyes.  She instructed a driver to take her to the closet hotel, regardless of price.

As she checked in, she asked if the hotel had a doctor on call.

“Yes, Madame.  Is there a problem?”  The desk clerk asked.  She removed her glasses slowly, and looked at him sorrowfully.  It hurt too much to even cry.  “Yes, Madame.  I will send him up immediately.”

“I need the utmost discretion in this,” she told him, slipping him a 50 dollar bill.  “No one knows I am here, correct?”

“Yes, Madame, of course.”

The doctor arrived a few minutes later, a young handsome man who had been informed of the need for secrecy.  He examined her eyes carefully, wondering if she was some kind of movie star or famous person.

“I believe you are safe.  There has been trauma to the eyes, but I don’t believe there is any permanent damage.”  He gave her drops and an eye rinse.  He looked at her.

“Miss O’Hara, I am in no place to ask you this, but I hope you reported the man who did this to you.”

She smiled up at him, and his heart melted with pity.  “Don’t worry, Doctor.  He won’t be looking for me any time soon.”

After the doctor left, she called Donnie’s pager.  She had inquired about banks and transfers, and gave orders for him to wire money to her care of the hotel.  She changed clothes and fell into bed, exhausted.

Weeks went by with no sign of Katie.  Jonathan grew more and more depressed, drinking heavily every night, and sometimes every day.  Nothing could shake him out of this behavior.  Jordan did the right thing, for once, and stayed out of town.  No one could reach him.  Becca began to show, but she could not really enjoy her pregnancy, as she was worried about her friend.

She was also worried about Donnie.  He would get strange phone calls the same time every week, and he hemmed and hawed about who was on the other end.  She was beginning to fear that he was having an affair.

When she was in the sixth month of her pregnancy, she could take it no longer.  She had been on their computer that day, managing their home accounts, when she accidentally wandered into his private funds.  She gasped as she saw the amounts of money that were being transferred the same time each month…the same time as those calls.  She printed that page off.

She waddled down to the living room, where he was on his cellphone, talking to his agent.  She ripped the phone out of his hands and hung up. 

“Becca!  What the hell?  That was important!”

“So’s our marriage, or so I thought!”  She retorted, thrusting the paper in his face.  “What the fuck is this, Donnie?  Who’s in Texas?”  She began to cry.  “I know I’m fat and ugly, but I never thought you’d go behind my back!”  She sobbed.  “I thought we had something special…”

He jumped to his feet.  “No, baby, wait.  It’s not what you think.”

“Don’t touch me!”  She screamed, moving away.

“Becca, it’s Katie!”

“You’re screwing Katie?”  She sniffed miserably.

“No.  I’m not screwing anyone.  Except you, when I’m lucky,” he said, trying to make her smile.  It didn’t work.  He continued.  “It’s Katie.  Katie’s in Galveston.  I’ve been sending her money.”

Becca slowly sat on the sofa.  “Why?  Why didn’t she tell me?”

“She didn’t want to worry you.  I swear to you, I don’t know what happened.  She called the night Jon was robbed, telling me she needed me to have Scott fly her wherever she wanted to go, no questions, and asked if I could send her some money because she couldn’t touch her own.  Now I see why.  She didn’t want to be traced.”  He swallowed deeply.  “I promise you, Becca, this is the only lie I’ve ever told you.  I’ve felt horrible the whole time.”  A hurt look crossed his face.  “Do you really think I would cheat on you?  I love you, even more than when we got married, and I didn’t cheat on you then.  I don’t care if you weigh two thousand pounds.  I’ll always love you.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, holding out her arms.  He hugged her.  She pulled back.  “We need to tell Jon, Donnie.  It’s the only way to save him.”

They pulled up in front of Jon’s house soon after.  As they walked up the steps, a black Porsche screeched into the driveway.  Jordan hopped out.

“What are you doing here, prick?”  Becca snarled.  Donnie stared at her.

“I have to tell Jon the truth,” Jordan said.  “He’s my big brother, and he’s always been there for me.  I can’t let him destroy himself like this.”  The couple looked at him, and saw only honesty in his brown eyes. 

Donnie knocked on the door.  “Don’t bother,” Jordan said.  “He won’t answer.”  He pulled out a key and unlocked the door.  The usually spotless house was a nightmare.  Bottles and trash littered every flat space, and covered the floor.  They heard the TV, and followed the sounds to Jon’s bedroom.

For once, he was sober, but he looked like death warmed over.  He was sprawled on his bed, flipping through a photo album.  He gently traced a picture of Katie with his finger.  He didn’t look up.

“I thought I told you I didn’t want to see you again, Jordan.”

“I don’t give a shit, Jon.  We need to talk.”  He reached over and turned off the TV, then grabbed the photo album.  “I lied, Jon.”  Jonathan slowly looked up.  His bloodshot eyes made Becca shudder.  Donnie put his arm around her.  “Nothing was happening between Katie and me.  I made it all up.”

A spark of life flickered in Jon’s eyes, the first in months.  “Go on.”

“I knew you were out of town that night, and went over with a bottle of wine.  We had a small meal, and then I got her drunk.  I tried to seduce her, and she stopped me.  I followed her into the bedroom, and…well…I tried, and she refused, and then I grabbed her arm.  She lost her balance and fell into the mirror.”  Jordan stared at Jon.  “I swear to you, Jon, I didn’t throw her into it.  I did not mean for that to happen.  She pretended to relent, and then hit me with the soot shovel.”  A small smile crossed Jon’s face.  “When I came to, you were there.  She must have taken the money from my wallet and took off.”  He placed his hand on Jon’s shoulder.  “That baby is yours, Jon, not mine.  She loves you.” 

“Then why did she run?  Where is she?”  Jon asked sadly, sitting up.

“I don’t know where she is, but she probably ran because I told her you would never believe her story about me attacking her, that you’d believe it was consensual.  I can never ask you to forgive me, Jon, but I can try to make it up by telling you the truth.”  Jordan stepped back from his brother, averting his eyes.

“I know where she is,” Donnie said.  The brothers had forgotten that the Wahlbergs were even in the room.  They stared at Donnie.  “She’s in Galveston.  She ran there that night, and made me promise not to tell you.  I didn’t know she was pregnant, or anything that had happened.  I’ve been sending her money.”  He handed Jon a piece of paper with an address on it.  “This is where I send it.”

“Go get her, Jon, please,” Becca pleaded.  “If not for you, then for me.  I need her when I have my baby, and I want to be there when she has hers.”

“She probably got rid of it by now,” Jonathan said glumly, but he stood and started for the bathroom.

“Jonathan, pull yourself together, for fuck’s sake!”  Jordan screamed.  “She needs you, okay?  She’s alone, and probably thinks you hate her.  Get a hold on yourself, quit feeling sorry for yourself and get the hell to Texas, okay?”  Jordan stormed out of the house.

“Get him cleaned up,” Becca told Donnie.  “I’ll call the airport.”  She left the room.  Jon turned to Donnie.

“Is she always that bossy?”
                “You don’t know the half,” Donnie told him, leading him to the bathroom.

Jonathan and Donnie came hurrying into the living room about twenty minutes later.  Donnie was carrying a large duffel bag.  Jonathan had showered and shaved, and was wearing khaki shorts and a white polo shirt.  He stopped short and looked around his living room.

“God, this place is a pigsty!”  He exclaimed.  He looked at the couple.  “How in the hell did you guys put up with me?”

“It was rough, but you’re worth it,” Donnie told him, slapping him on the back.

“Here.”  Becca handed Jon a slip of paper.  “This is your flight.  You have about thirty minutes to haul your ass to the airport.”  She stood on tiptoe, as best she could, and kissed his cheek.  “My love to Katie.  Bring her home, Jon.”

“I’ll do my best.”  He grabbed his bag from Donnie and ran out the door.

He drove like a madman down the highway, cursing as he saw flashing lights in his rearview.  He pulled to the side of the road.

“Where’s the fire, buddy?”  The policeman said, holding out his hand for Jon’s registration and license.

“Officer, this might not seem like an emergency to you, but I need to get the airport.  The woman I love, the mother of my child, is in Texas, and I’ve got to go get her.  It’s a long story, a soap opera, actually, but I have just a few minutes to catch my plane.”

The police officer studied Jon’s face.  “Well, that’s definitely the most interesting excuse I’ve had all night.”  He returned to his cruiser, and pulled along side Jon’s car.  “Follow me.”

The officer escorted Jon right up to the airport exit.  Jon flew down the exit ramp and parked in long-term parking.  He ran into the airport, and arrived at the ticket desk with five minutes to spare.

“Jonathan Knight,” he panted.  “Plane to Galveston…friend called…”

“Right here, Mr. Knight,” the attendant said, amused.  “Just sign here.”

He paid for the ticket with his credit card and jogged to the gate.  He flopped into his seat just as the flight attendants closed the doors.

He fastened his seat belt, closed his eyes, and thought of Katie.  He prayed he could find her.

Katie pulled on the enormous tank dress, groaning as she looked at herself in the mirror.  “I know why these are called tank dresses,” she said wryly, rubbing her already enormous stomach.  “I feel like a tank in this thing.”

She grumbled as she packed her beach bag.  She just knew that Becca was probably still thin as a rail, even at 6 months.  She grabbed her sunglasses, and waddled towards the door.  This was her favorite thing about this resort: the private beach.  That way, not too many people were able to see her sitting on the sand like a beached whale. 

She opened the door, and jumped when she saw someone standing there.  “Reeve, God! Scare this baby right out of me, why don’t you?”  She smiled at the young doctor who had treated her that first night.  He had continued checking up on her, and had visited her regularly when he discovered she was pregnant.  He provided her with vitamins and helpful advice, and had eventually fallen in love with her.  She was aware of his feelings, but only loved him as a friend.  Her heart belonged to the father of her baby, who she assumed hated her guts.

“I told you I’d be here at two, and here I am.”  He stood in the hallway, with a huge blanket in one hand, and a beach umbrella in the other.  “Ready?”

“Of course I am.  Let’s go.”

They picked their way down to the beach.  Reeve set up the umbrella, and laid out the blanket.  She slowly sat down with a grunt.  “Are you sure there’s no way we can get this baby to make its appearance any time soon?”  She asked him for the hundredth time.  He smiled.  He knew that she loved being pregnant, even if there was some kind of horror story about her previous life.

“You know the answer to that.”  He saw the baby name book peeking out of her bag.  “Have you decided?”

“Uh, I think so.  Rebekah Joy if it is a girl, and…Jonathan Reeve for a boy.”  She busied herself emptying her bag.  Reeve was touched.

“Um, I’m gonna go get us some water.  Do you need anything else?”

“Nope.  Just make sure there’s lots of ice.  It’s hot as hell out here.”

“Anything for you, sweetheart.”  Reeve bent down and kissed Katie’s forehead.

Jon rounded a corner and walked out onto the beach.  It had taken a lot of begging and cajoling, but the female desk clerk had taken pity on him, and allowed him out onto the beach.  He skidded to a stop when he saw Katie sitting on a blanket.  His heart skidded to a stop when he saw a man bend down and kiss her on her head.  The man turned and walked towards an outdoor bar.  She had found someone else…

Katie pulled her notebook out of her bag.  She had been on a writing frenzy lately, which she blamed on the baby.  It kept her awake many nights, and she had always done her best writing at night anyway.  She tore off one of the pages that she had scribbled some thoughts on.  A sudden gust of wind pulled it from her hand.

“Oh, hell,” she muttered, struggling to her feet.  She grabbed the paper, and stood, stretching her back.  Resting one hand on her stomach, she gazed out at the ocean.

Jonathan stared at her, his heart melting at the sight of her.  She was huge, but he had never seen her more beautiful.  A tear crept down his cheek.  Another gust of wind took her sunhat off, and bounced it down the beach.  He saw her frown.  Gathering all his courage, he ran after the hat.

A man picked up Katie’s hat and handed it to her.  She gasped as she saw his face.

“Here you go,” Jonathan said.  He smiled gently.  “Hi, Katie.”

“Jonathan…Oh God…what are you doing here?  How did you find me?”  One hand covered her stomach unconsciously while the other flew to her face to hide the scars around her eyes.

“Donnie finally broke down and told me.  Becca thought he was sending money to some floozy in Texas, and he had to tell her the truth.”

“Well, that’s partially right, but not the way she thought.”  Katie firmly placed the hat on her head, determined to march Jonathan right off that beach and back to Boston.  It was what was best for him…and for her.  Wasn’t it?

“Katie, why did you run from me?  I found Jordan there, and…”

“And he told you what happened, right?  He told you how we’d been fucking for some time, and you just hadn’t found out about it, right?”  She snapped, falling apart inside.

“Yes, that’s what he said.”  He lowered his gaze to his feet.  “And I didn’t want to believe him.  But you were gone, and there was no message or anything, and I never heard from you.  So I assumed it was true.”

“Well, here I am.  You’ve found me, and now you can go.  Give Becca a hug for me.”  She turned to go back to her blanket, but he grabbed her arm.

Reeve searched for Katie as he carried a pitcher of ice water down to their blanket.  The pitcher dropped to the sand as he saw a strange man grab her arm.  He ran towards them.

“Get your hands off her, asshole!”  Reeve grabbed Jon’s hand and threw it off of her.  Jonathan looked from this stranger to Katie.

“I see,” he said slowly.  He gazed into Katie’s blue eyes, and saw only confusion.  “Okay, if you want me to go, I will.  I hope you’re happy.”

“Jonathan, I…”

This is Jonathan?  This is him?”  Reeve said to her.  She nodded, and he punched Jon in the stomach.

REEVE!”  She yelled, reaching down to Jon.  “Oh, God, Jon, I’m so sorry.”  She looked up at the doctor.  “He’s the father of this baby, not the guy who attacked me.  That was his brother!”

“Oh, shit, man, I’m so sorry!”  Reeve instantly helped Jon to his feet.  “I thought you were…”

“I know, it’s okay.”  Jonathan turned to Katie.  “I’ll go, but just so you know, Jordan came to my house last night.  I’ve been drinking myself into my grave the last few months and he finally told me what really happened that night.  I know that nothing was happening between you, I know he got you drunk, and…I know that the baby isn’t his.  I know you were never unfaithful to me.”  He looked at Reeve carefully.  “Take good care of her, and the baby, okay?”  He turned and slowly walked towards the hotel.  Katie and Reeve stared after him.

“Go get him, Katie.”  Reeve said slowly.  “Don’t let him get away.”

“What?”  Katie said, her eyes never leaving Jon’s back.

“Go, goddammit.  Now!”  He gave her a gentle push.  She squeezed his hand and hurried as fast as she could move.

“Jonathan, wait!”  She called.  He stopped and turned around.  His heart tore at the sight of her lumbering up the beach.  “Come with me to my room, okay?  We don’t need to give anyone any more entertainment.”

He followed her to her suite.  She closed the door behind them, and he sat on the sofa in the living room.  She sat on a chair, and propped her feet on a stool.  “Gotta keep them elevated,” she informed him.

They sat silently for a moment, staring at each other.

“I thought you didn’t love me,” she said finally.  “You never mentioned anything about the future, and I thought you weren’t interested.  I found out that night that I was pregnant, and then Jordan came over, and I was lonely, and he brought in wine, and…”

He fell to his knees in front of her.  “Katie, God, I loved you so much.  I still love you with my whole being.  I was torn apart when Jordan said that you’d been…that you and he…” He swallowed deeply.  “I was waiting, to make sure that you were happy with me.  I came home that night with a ring for you.  I was going to ask you to marry me.”

Tears poured down her cheeks.  “M-marry you?”

“Yes, marry me.”  He pulled a box out of the pocket of his shorts.  “Katie O’Hara, I love you, and want to be with you forever.  Will you marry me?”

She stared at the ring.  “Yes, Jon, of course I will, if you still want me.”

“I’ll always want you.”  He tried to put the ring on her finger, but her hands were too swollen.  She laughed through her tears.

“You sure about that?  I’m not really the most desirable of females right now.”

His hazel eyes seemed to look into her soul.  “Katie, right now, you are the most beautiful woman in the world.  Come here and let me see our baby.” 

She moved to the edge of the chair, and he raised her dress.  He gently rubbed her stomach, and pressed his cheek against it.

“Hi, baby,” he whispered, rubbing his face against Katie’s stomach.  “It’s me…your daddy.”  Katie started to cry again, so happy she could hardly stand it.  “I’m here now.  Sorry I wasn’t here before.  Mommy was being kinda dumb.”  Katie smacked him.  “I’m gonna take you and Mommy back home with me, and you are gonna be the best-loved baby in the whole world.  You can have anything you want.”  He drew his face back suddenly.  “He kicked!  He kicked me!”  Jonathan was delighted.

He?”  She said, smiling.

“Or she, whatever.  I don’t care.”  He looked up at her.  “I’d love to have a little girl as beautiful as her mom.”

Katie struggled to her feet.  “Why don’t you go down to the front desk and check us out while I get a quick shower and call Reeve.  I want go home as soon as possible.”  She headed for the bathroom, but he pulled her back.

“You forgot something,” he told her.  She turned her face up to his and he kissed her passionately.  Her tongue entwined with his, and he moved his hands down to her full breasts.  “Wow.  I could get used to those,” he teased.  She smacked him again.


Katie did the quickest packing job of her life.  Jon took care of the hotel bill, and while Katie talked to Reeve, he called Donnie and Becca.

“Well?”  Becca demanded, as soon as she heard Jon’s voice on the line.

“She hates me, she hates you, she hates Donnie, and she’s never coming home,” Jon said, trying not to laugh.

“WHAT?”  She yelled.  Donnie grabbed the phone.

“Jon, what’s going on?  Becca almost just went into premature labor!”

“Tell her I’m sorry,” he said, laughing.  Donnie smiled at the happiness in his friend’s voice.  “I couldn’t help it.  We are gonna be on the next plane home.”

Katie opened the door and invited Reeve in.

“Are you okay?”  He asked, instantly concerned.  He then noticed the joy in her eyes, and saw the bags on the bed.

“I’m wonderful, Reeve, the most wonderful I’ve ever been!”  She threw herself into his arms just as Jonathan walked in.  Reeve quickly pulled back.

“I love her, but she’s all yours,” he told Jonathan.  Jonathan smiled, and shook Reeve’s hand.

“I understand that you’ve taken really good care of her.”

“I’ve tried, but you should really get her to a good ob/gyn as soon as you’re back,” the doctor ordered.  Jonathan promised he would.

Reeve drove them to the airport.  Katie gave him their phone number and address in Boston, and invited him to visit.  She hugged him one last time.

“Thank you for everything, Reeve.  I wouldn’t have survived if it wasn’t for you.”

She and Jonathan hurried onto the plane.  Reeve watched them take off.  He sighed, and climbed back into his car.

“He really loves you, you know,” Jonathan said as they settled into their seats.  Katie decided that airplane seats were NOT made for pregnant women, and struggled to get comfortable.

“What do you mean?”  She asked, trying to place a pillow behind her head.  He took it from her and placed it where she wanted it.

“It’s evident how much he cares for you, but yet he told you to come after me, didn’t he?  His feelings took second place behind yours.”  He looked at her and smiled without one bit of jealousy.  “Of course, who could help but love you?”

“Jordan, maybe?  So far, I’ve kicked him in the balls and hit him with a shovel.”

Becca stood at the gate, anxiously searching the outcoming passengers for her friend.

“There she is!”  Donnie pointed.  “At least I think that’s her.  It’s some fat woman with Jon, anyway.”

Becca hit him and ran to her friend.  “Katie!  Over here!”  She hugged Katie before she could even put down her carry-on bag.

“No fair!  I just knew you’d only gain like three pounds!”  Katie wailed, looking at her friend.

“You look wonderful,” Donnie was quick to say as he hugged her.

“I promise I’ll get that money to you soon,” she whispered in his ear.

“Don’t worry about it,” he told her sternly.

As they drove back to Jon’s house, Becca and Katie chatted non-stop about babies and being pregnant.  Jon looked over at Donnie and rolled his eyes.

“Honey, I have to warn you about something,” Jonathan said to Katie as they pulled onto his street.  “My house is a nightmare.”

“Yeah, right, Jon.  Like that’s humanly possible,” she said, laughing as she thought of his spotless house.  “I’m more worried about my apartment.  Broken glass in the bedroom, an empty bottle of wine in the living room…”

“No, really,” he insisted.  Becca and Donnie nodded in agreement.

“The living room looked like a garbage dump,” Donnie told her.

Katie just stared at Jonathan in shock, realizing that he must have really been depressed, if he would let his beloved home fall apart, too.

They walked up the sidewalk, and Jonathan opened the door.  He stopped short and stared at his living room.

“Jonathan, let me in!”  Katie whined.  “I need to go to the bathroom!”  He slowly moved to the side and let her in the door.  “Yeah, sure, Jon, it’s a real nightmare.  I’ve had good dreams that were worse than this.”  She hurried to the bathroom. 

The room was immaculate.  Every bit of trash had been cleaned up, the rug had been shampooed, and fresh flowers sat in a vase on the dining room table.  Katie came back into the room.

“I swear to God, Katie, this wasn’t like this!”  Jonathan protested.  “I don’t know what happened.”

“Do you like it?”  A voice said shyly from the doorway.  The group turned to see Jordan leaning against the doorframe.  “It took like five hours, but…”

You did this?”  Becca said, shocked at the unselfish gesture.

“Yeah, I did.  I figured it was the least I could do.”  He turned to Katie.  “I cleaned up your apartment, too.  I sweet-talked your landlord’s wife into unlocking your door.”  He ran his fingers through his hair.  “I cannot even begin to apologize for the shitty way I treated you guys.  There is no excuse.  I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since yesterday.  I was so worried that I ruined everything the two of you had together.  At first, I was annoyed at how Katie ran after me.  At the party, I realized how truly beautiful the outside Katie was, but I was too embarrassed at the trick she played on me.  By the time I realized how gorgeous the inner Katie is, it was too late.  You guys were so in love, and I was so fucking jealous.”  He sighed.  “I came over here that night to try to convince her to choose me over Jon, and I almost succeeded, but then she pulled away and refused.  I guess I kinda realized that night that she kept making a fool of me because I was acting like a fool.  I came over yesterday to try to fix things because I couldn’t stand the way Jon was acting.  I knew it was my entire fault.  I couldn’t believe how I had treated the brother who had always been there for me.”  He looked up at Jon, tears in his eyes.  “I can only ask you to try to forgive me, and you, too, Katie.”

Katie took a step towards him, tears running down her face.  “I forgive you, Jordan.  I don’t want our baby to grow up thinking Uncle Jordan is some kind of monster.”

“I do, too,” Jon said, walking towards him.  “I forgive you, little brother.”  He hugged Jordan, and felt the younger man’s shoulders shaking as he sobbed.

“I am so sorry I acted like such a shit head!”  Jordan exclaimed, crying onto his brother’s shoulder in a way that surprised even him.

The other three went into the kitchen to find a snack for the mothers-to-be.

“I don’t I can handle much more excitement,” Donnie said, sinking onto a kitchen chair as the girls searched through Jonathan’s cabinets.  “All this in two days!”

“Oh, please,” Katie said.  “Try being pregnant.”  She pulled a tub of Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cup out of the freezer.

“Anyway,” Becca added.  She found an unopened can of Pringles in the cupboard.  “You men get the easy part: making the baby!”

Donnie stuck his tongue out at her as the brothers came into the kitchen.  “And you’re going to be a father?”  Jordan asked him.  Donnie stuck his tongue out at him.


“Remind me never to have sex with you in the winter!”  Becca snapped at her husband as she sank onto a lawn chair.  Katie, Jordan and Joe had come over for a cookout.  Jonathan was out of town on a real estate deal until the next afternoon.  He had promised Katie that it was the last time he would go out of town until she had the baby.  Both girls were approaching their due dates.

“Why?”  Joe wanted to know.

“Duh,” Jordan said to him, throwing a potato chip at his head.  “It’s ninety degrees out.  Would you want to be carrying all that weight around in ninety degrees?”

“Oh,” Joe said, smiling at his own stupidity.

“I can’t wait to get my hands on you again, Sexy,” Donnie said to his wife, bending down to kiss her cheek.

“Six weeks,” Katie said primly.  “That’s what my doctor told me.  You have to wait six weeks after the baby is born.”  Jordan handed her a glass of ice water, and she smiled at him gratefully.  He had become like her own brother over the last few months, and she had easily forgiven him for being such an asshole in the past.

“Six weeks!”  Donnie groaned.  “I’ll die by then!”  He sighed dramatically as he flipped steaks and burgers on the grill.

“I should have gotten you that fake stomach thing when they offered it to me at Lamaze class,” Becca told him.  “Then you would’ve seen what real suffering is!”  Everyone laughed, but then froze as an odd look crossed her face.

Donnie turned around and began to laugh at her.  “What, you had to go so bad you couldn’t even make it to the bathroom?” He motioned to a puddle underneath her seat.

“No, D, I don’t think that’s what it is,” Jordan said, rushing over to help Becca out of her seat.  Donnie dropped the spatula he had been holding.

“Oh my God!  Becca, what can I do?” 

“Go start the car,” she told him calmly.  “Joe, please run up to our room and get my little bag.  It’s behind the door.  Jordan, if you could help me to the car, I’d appreciate it.”  She turned to smile at Katie.  “Well, girlie, I guess this is it.” 

“Good luck,” Katie said, rubbing her own stomach and beaming at her friend.  She watched the men rush into action while Becca remained perfectly calm. 

Katie, Jordan and Joe waved as the car sped out of the driveway.  Katie sighed, wishing it was her, but glad it wasn’t.  She didn’t want to have the baby without Jonathan there.

“Soon,” Jordan said, squeezing her shoulder.  They slowly walked back to sit by the pool.  Joe rescued the steaks and dished them up, though Katie wasn’t hungry.  She poked at hers.

“You okay?” Jordan asked, watching her carefully.

“Yes, I…” she suddenly started to cry.  The men looked at each other.

“Hormones?”  Joe guessed.

“No, you dick, not hormones!”  She snapped.  “It’s just…I was hoping…I want Jonathan!”  She yelled, as a wave of discomfort rolled over her.  She stood, and the guys realized what was happening.

“I’ll drive,” Joe said, reaching for his keys. 
                “No, I will.  You start calling Jon’s pager.”  Jordan took Katie’s hand.  “Katie, you have to calm down.  We’ll find him and haul his ass back to Boston.”

“Okay,” she sniffed, following him to his Porsche.  She stared at the low seat.  “For hell’s sake, Jordan, why couldn’t you have a station wagon or something?”  She got herself settled, and he took off.

“Just keep calm,” he repeated.  She wanted to scream at him to go fuck himself, but she kept her hormonal temper under control and concentrated on her breathing.  He roared into the hospital parking lot, and pulled up to the emergency entrance.

“Hello!  I need a wheelchair here!”  He yelled.  A nurse slowly wheeled a chair to the car.  “Come on, woman!  She’s having a baby here!”  He shouted.

“I can see that, sir,” the nurse said, helping Katie into a chair.  She wheeled her away from Jordan as another nurse came up to him with a clipboard.

“Jordan, don’t leave me!”  Katie shrieked over her shoulder.  The nurse patted her shoulder.

“Don’t worry, honey.  He’ll be along in time to see his baby being born.”

“But you don’t understand…” Katie was saying as she was wheeled out of sight.

“Mother’s name?”  The nurse asked Jordan.

“Katie.  Katie O’Hara.”  He stood on tiptoe, trying to see where Katie had been taken.

“Your name?”

“MY name?  Uh, Jordan.  Jordan Knight.”  Different thoughts flashed through his mind.  Had Joe reached Jonathan?  Where were Donnie and Becca?  “Look, can’t we take care of this all later.  She’s having a baby in there!”  He flashed his best smile at the young nurse, who blushed.

“Okay, sir.  Sign here, please.”  He quickly scribbled his name, and thrust the clipboard back at her.

“Okay, fine, whatever.  I’ll sign my life away if you want it.  Just take me to Katie!”

The next time he saw her, she was on a table with her feet in stirrups, with a nurse feeding her bits of ice.  He could see everything about her quite plainly, and he averted his eyes.  One of the nurses laughed, misunderstanding his modesty.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Knight, it’s not as bad as you think.”

If she hadn’t been so worried, Katie would have laughed at the sight of Jordan in the hospital cap and gown.  Jordan grasped her hand.

“Just hold on, sweetness.  He’ll be here soon.”

They heard a yell coming from another delivery room a few doors down.  “That’s gotta be Becca,” she told Jordan.

“Give me some fucking drugs!  I want morphine!”  Becca shrieked, grabbing the front of Donnie’s shirt and yanking him towards her.

“Honey, we decided that it wasn’t…”

“I don’t give a shit what we decided!  It hurts, goddammit!”  She yelled, moaning as another contraction waved over her. 

Donnie stared at her, the most afraid he had ever been.  He didn’t know what to do to help her.  He hated feeling so utterly powerless.  He turned to the doctor.

“Isn’t there anything we can…”

“Not necessary, Mr. Wahlberg,” the doctor said.  She sat in front of Becca’s legs, and said to her.  “Okay, Becca.  Go ahead and push.  I think this baby’s ready to make an appearance now.”

To Donnie, it seemed like hours that Becca alternated pushing and resting.  He loved her even more, for all that she was going through to just to give him a son or daughter.  He had never realized how strong a woman could be when the opportunity arose.

“Okay, Becca.  One more big one,” the doctor urged.

Donnie stroked Becca’s forehead, and she gazed into his hazel eyes.  “I love you,” he mouthed, grabbing her hand.  With all her strength, she gave a huge push.

A mighty wail filled the room.  Becca burst into tears as Donnie smiled at her through his own tears.  The doctor looked up at them and grinned.  “A girl!”

“A…a girl?” Donnie sputtered.  The doctor nodded.  After she had been cleaned, footprinted, and weighed and measured, the doctor handed the baby to her father.  He stared at the squirming mass of baby.  “A girl,” he whispered.  He handed her to Becca.

“Melina.”  Becca said softly.  “Melina Katherine.”

“I don’t think I can wait much longer!”  Katie quietly snapped to Jordan.  “It’s not like I have a choice, here!”

“I know that, sweetness.  But he would never forget that he wasn’t here for…”

“What exactly are you waiting for, Mr. Knight?  Are you afraid?”  One of the nurses laughed.  In all honesty, Jordan was petrified.  He knew nothing about babies, or birth, or anything like that, except for the toddler nieces and nephews he had.

“Maybe I could go call him again,” he said to Katie, so that only she heard.  She grabbed his hand, fear etched on her pale face.

“Don’t leave me,” she pleaded.  “Jordan, I need you.”

It was then Jordan realized the perfect way to make everything up to his brother and Katie.  He needed to be there when Jonathan’s child was born.

“Of course,” he whispered.  “I’m not going anywhere.”

The doctor burst into the room.  “And what have we here?”

“Took you long enough,” Jordan muttered.

The doctor examined Katie.  “Well, now all we do is hurry up and wait.”

“You might not have to…” Katie was interrupted by a huge contraction, which made her crush Jordan’s hand in hers.

“Doc, I know you like, have to do whatever the baby kinda wants to, but couldn’t you wait a bit longer to have her push?”  The doctor looked at Jordan questioningly.

“Why, Mr. Knight?  Don’t you want your baby to be born as soon as possible?”

My baby?”  Jordan squeaked.  He realized now why the nurses had been teasing him.  They thought he was queasy about watching his baby be born.  “No, you don’t understand…”

“Your name is on the form, here,” the doctor pointed out.

“Yeah, but it’s a mistake.  The nurse in Admissions, she just asked my name, she didn’t ask why…” Jordan trailed off, watching Katie smile through her pain.

“I’ll have to remember this one…” she gasped, laughing though it hurt like hell.

“Just who exactly is the father of this child?”  The doctor snapped.

I am!”  Jonathan burst through the door, pulling on the smock and cap.

Jonathan!”  Katie exclaimed, her face lighting up just before another contraction hit her.

“Sorry, bro.  I got here as fast as I could,” Jon said, hugging his brother.

“No problem,” Jordan said, retreating into a corner.  Jonathan took Katie’s hand in his.

“I’m so sorry, my sweet Katie.  I wouldn’t have wanted to miss this for the world.”

Before the doctor could even get off of his stool, Katie felt the need to push, and didn’t wait for the command.  Jonathan put an arm around her, and helped her to lean forward.  With a yell, she focused on the bald spot on top of the doctor’s head, and pushed.  The doctor barely had time to hold out his arms before he found a baby in his hands.  “A boy!”  He said.  Jonathan smiled down at Katie, who leaned back in his arms.  But before she could get comfortable, another pain washed over her. 

“Jonathan, I think…” she panted, pushing again.  The doctor quickly handed the first baby to a nurse and gently helped out a second one.

“A girl!”

Two?  Twins?”  Jonathan looked down at Becca in shock.  She smiled weakly.

“Reeve thought there might have been two, and the doctor here in Boston confirmed it.  I wanted to surprise you.”

“Y-you…you did, baby.”  A nurse quickly slipped a stool behind him as he sat down, shaken.  “Twins…”

A nurse handed the boy to Jon and the girl to Katie.  “What are their names?”  She asked kindly.

“Jonathan Reeve,” Katie said, “and Rebekah Jordan.”  She smiled over at Jordan.  A tear slipped down his cheek.


Even for a cool September morning, the church was stifling.  At the last minute, the overhead fans had stopped working, and the sanctuary was like an oven.  People waved their bulletins to fan themselves, and thought cool thoughts

Katie didn’t even notice the heat in the church as she walked down the aisle.  All she noticed was Jonathan standing at the altar in a black Armani suit, as handsome as she had ever seen him.  She looked over at Jordan and smiled.  He was juggling the twins, the look on his face begging her to take them.  She arrived at the altar and took Rebekah, while Jonathan stepped over to take baby Jon.  They turned to the minister, who smiled at them.

“Well, I must say that this is definitely the most…interesting ceremony I have ever performed.”  He addressed the gathering.  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today for a most special occasion: a wedding-baptism.”  Baby Melina gave a gurgle, and Donnie quickly handed her to Becca.

The minister said a few words about the meaning of baptism, then carefully took a baby on each arm.  Baby Jonathan stared up at him contentedly.  He had the sweet demeanor of his father and was a happy baby.  Rebekah fidgeted and opened up her mouth to wail.  Oh, please, sweetie, be quiet just this once!  Katie thought.  Her daughter had the dramatic temperament of her mother and Uncle Jordan.  The minister took the babies away from the parents, whispering to them softly.  Miraculously, Rebekah closed her mouth and simply looked around.  He prayed silently over them, then returned them to their parents.  “Rebekah Jordan Knight, I baptize thee in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”  He dribbled a few drops of water onto her forehead, and the baby squawked in surprised.  Everyone laughed.  He repeated the process on her brother’s head, and then kissed each baby tenderly.  Katie and Jon handed them back to Jon’s sister and mother, then turned to face the minister.  They clasped hands.

“This ceremony really isn’t necessary, after all you have been through,” the minister said, having been told pretty much the whole story.  “You have proven your love and devotion to one another.”  He winked.  “But we’ll go through the basics, anyway.”  He said to the congregation, “They have created their own vows.”  He stepped back.

Jonathan smiled at Katie, who could hardly see him through her happy tears.  “Katie, I have loved you so long, and I thought just having you love me back was all I ever wanted.  Now I see that you have given me more joy and happiness then I could have ever dreamed of.”  He looked at his son and daughter, sleeping contentedly in Grandma Knight’s arms.  “I promise to cherish and protect you, and to love you with every inch of my being, to the end of my days.”  He slipped the gold band on her finger, and Becca sobbed loudly, to her embarrassment.  Katie looked at her friend and stifled a giggle.  She drew in a breath nervously.

“Jonathan, at first I was blind to the love you had for me, and I don’t know how I could have possibly missed it.  You have always been kind to me, but I have never felt I love so strong and pure as the love you have for me.  I only hope I can live up to everything you see in me.”  A tear slid down his cheek as she continued.  “I vow to be everything I can to you: mother of your children, loving wife, and best friend.  We are no longer two people, but one.”  She placed the band on his finger.  She heard Becca blow her nose loudly, and she turned to glare at her friend.  Everyone laughed.  The couple turned back to the minister.

“Katie Scarlett O’Hara, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do,” she whispered.

“And do you, Jonathan Rashleigh Knight, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do,” he said forcefully, as if there were any other choice in the world.

“Excellent!”  The minister said, beaming. The couple smiled.  “Well, by the power invested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I pronounce you husband and wife.  You may kiss the bride.”

Katie leaned forward slowly, but Jonathan yanked her to him, and covered her mouth with his, kissing her passionately.


You ask me if I love you this much…I do

“I Do” – 98 Degrees

The End

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