
Tracks five and six

“Be A Good Boy”


By:  Lara



Be a good boy and put this on.


Sittin over here starin in your face with lust in my eyes sure don’t give a damn and ya don’t know that I’ve been dreamin of you in my fantasy…never once you looked at me don’t even realize that I’m wantin you to fulfill my needs think what you want let your mind free run free to a place that no one dares to…



“Hey, girl!”  Lance gave Gina a big hug and swiped the tray of brownies from her. “Mmm…looks heavenly.”

Gina swiped them back. “Back off, Bass. These are for later, after you guys are so drunk you can’t see straight.  Then the girls will chow down and laugh our asses off at you.”

“Bitch,” Lance grumbled, but hugged her anyway.  He slapped on down the hallway in his flipflops, and Gina watched him walk away.  Justin walked up behind her and kissed her cheek, startling her.

“Do you always stand around in hallways of other people’s homes, holding dessert?”

She giggled. “No.  I was on the way to the buffet table when Lance came in.” She sighed.

“You’re his best female friend.”


“He’s single.”


“You’re single.”

“You want him bad, don’t you?”


“Want me to put a good word in for you?”

“No,” she said, sighing again. “That’s sweet of you, Justin, but I’ll just have to be satisfied with my fantasies.”

“I bet they’re good, too,” he teased, stealing a brownie and running before she could hit him.

Gina placed the brownies on the table on the back deck, then looked down at the pool.  It was rare JC agreed to throw a party. He didn’t like a bunch of strangers running through his home. But when he DID throw one, it was always a blast.  Her eyes immediately flew to Lance.  He did some kind of odd jump off the diving board, showering the girls along the side of the pool with water.  Lara jumped to her feet, sputtering and yelling.  He gave her his lazy grin and Lara dove in after him.  He quickly began to swim, but she caught his ankle and easily pushed him under. They began to fight as Michelle and Julie giggled.

“Bass, if I see her bathing suit on top of the water you are in DEEP shit!”  JC yelled from behind the barbecue.

“She’s attacking me!”  Lance yelled, then the yell turned into a yelp as Lara resurfaced with his swimming trunks in one hand.  She laughed triumphantly and pulled herself out of the water. Everyone howled with laughter.

“Here, Lancey!” She waved the swimming suit in the air as Lance blushed.

“Lara…give my friend his suit back,” JC said, coming over to kiss her nose.

“But he splashed me!” She pouted.

“I’m sorry.”  JC made a big deal of kissing her as he grabbed the suit and tossed it back into the water.

Gina sighed. Normally that would be HER fighting and playing with Lance. They were best friends, though he was close to all the NSYNC girlfriends.  He and Gina just had a great time together…but lately her thoughts had been MUCH more then friendly. At that moment, her thoughts were in the special gutter reserved for wild monkey sex on a raft in the pool.

“Hey.” Gina turned to see Julie, who had walked up from the pool to help finish setting up.

“Hey,” Gina said, slightly startled.

“They’re crazy,” Julie said, pointing to the pool.

“Yeah,” Gina said with a sigh.  “This is all done here. I’m gonna go swim.”


Gina went up to JC’s bedroom to change clothes. She looked at the bed and couldn’t help but smile. It was black, wrought iron, with strong poles in the headboard.  She giggled.  Lara had told her some pretty raunchy stories. She wondered if Lance was into raunchy…in her mind he sure as hell was.


How many nights I’ve laid in bed excited over you…I’ve closed my eyes and thought of us a hundred different ways…I’ve gotten there so many times I wonder how ‘bout you…day and night night and day…all I’ve got to say is…if I was your girl oh the things I’d do to you…I’d make you call out my name and ask who it belongs to…if I was your woman the things I’d do to you…but I’m not so I can’t then I won’t, but, if I was your girl…



Somehow Gina got sat next to Lance at dinner.  Not that she minded…she did NOT mind sitting next to him while he was only in his swimming suit. His bare leg kept bumping hers, and she had to force herself not to stare at the droplets of water that ran down from his still-wet hair.  “I bet you a hundred dollars they’ve done it in every room of this house,” Chris said. Julie slapped him.

“Chris, does everyone want to know about JC and Lara’s sex life?”

“Yes,” Justin, Joey and Chris answered together.  Their women slapped them, Michelle slapping Joey after she hit Justin.

“I bet you FIVE hundred they only hit the upstairs,” Justin replied.  “JC just had the first floor renovated. He wouldn’t let anything like sperm or cum on his new carpet.”

Lara stood up to carry plates into the kitchen.  “Maybe it never HIT the carpet,” she whispered loudly, then went in the house. JC hooted with laughter as Justin turned red.

Gina stared into the distance, seeing the pretty white wallpaper in JC’s living room. She could almost feel it against her back as Lance thrust into her, pressing her back, her head hitting the wall…


“Huh?” She snapped back and looked at Lance. “What did you say?”

“You were a million miles away!” He laughed.  He laughed and she sighed.  She wondered what his voice would sound like BEGGING her name instead of just saying it. “I said, what kind of ice cream do you want?”  JC had made homemade ice cream…seven flavors of it.

“What are the choices again?”

“Chocolate, vanilla, peach, mint chocolate chip, blueberry, chocolate peanut butter and regular peanut butter,” Lara rattled off.

“Peach is fine,” Gina said.  Lance went to the kitchen to help bring out the bowls of ice cream.  Gina like peach. She wondered if Lance tasted like peaches…sweet Southern peaches.

“Dammit, girl, just fuck him and get it over with!”  Julie said finally.  “You KNOW you want him.  And I KNOW he wouldn’t say no.”

Gina blushed and looked towards the house, where everyone but Julie, Michelle and herself were getting dessert together.  “Jules…he thinks I’m his friend.”

“I bet the thinks more then that!” Michelle hissed.  “Go for it! He won’t know you’re interested if you don’t let him know it!”

“My God, guys, you don’t KNOW the stuff that’s running through my head right now,” she moaned. “If I got my hands on him tonight, he’d never walk right again.”


Allow me some time to play with your mind and you’ll get there again and again close your eyes and imagine my body undressed take your time we’ve got all night…you on the rise as you’re touching my thighs and let me know what you like if you like I’ll go down da down down da down down I’ll hold you in my hand and baby…your smooth and shiny feels so good against my lips, sugar…I want you so bad I can taste your love right now, baby…


“I don’t know what’s wrong,” admitted Joey, the resident car expert.  “Everything looks okay…unless it’s the battery.”

“Lance, can you give Gina a ride?”  Lara asked innocently. “I mean, a ride home?”

“Sure thing,” Lance said, smiling at Gina. “Ready to roll?”

“Yeah,” she sighed, kicking the tire of her car.  What a perfect end to a nightmare day.  Lance so close and yet so far, Lance practically NAKED all day, out of her reach, and now this.  “I’ll see you, guys.”

“Call me tomorrow,” Julie told her, waving as Lance pulled his car out of JC’s driveway.

Gina sat silently in Lance’s car as he drove. “Did I do something wrong?” He asked quietly.

“No, Lance, why?”  Gina gasped, surprised.

“You’ve been kinda distant…angry, almost. I thought maybe I did something wrong.”

“No, Lance, I promise,” she said softly. “It’s me.”

“Okay, then,” he said cheerfully, and she giggled.

He pulled into her driveway.  “Do you wanna come in?”

“Sure…for a little.”  He followed her up the walk and she unlocked the front door of her tiny house.  “Hey…you changed something!” Lance announced.

“Yeah…new carpet here and in the bedroom,” she replied.

“Can I see it?”

“Sure.”  Gina led the way to the bedroom and flipped on a light.  “See…I liked this shade of green better.” She didn’t tell him it reminded her of his eyes.  That made fantasizing about him just a bit easier, when there was a reminder of him everywhere she looked.

“Is that a new bed?” Lance asked.  She nodded slowly.  He ran his hands over the oak headboard.  “It’s nice.”

“It’s comfy,” she replied, feeling like an idiot.  Lance watched her, his eyes narrowing.

“Is there something you want to tell me?”

“Um, no,” she whispered.

“I have something to tell you,” he said softly, his low voice almost a purr.

“Yes, Lance?”

His hands were on her throat, sliding up to cup her face. “I want to kiss you.”

“You do?”

“God, yes.  Can I?”

Gina couldn’t reply. She simply wove her arms around him and Lance captured her mouth with his own.  She moaned, her body instantly responding.  “Lance…” she finally gasped as his mouth slid down her neck to bite at her shoulder.  “Don’t…stop…”

“I’ve wanted to do this for so long…but I’ve been afraid…I wanted you so bad…you looked so hot in that bathing suit today I wanted to just rip it off…OhJesusGod…” Lance stopped talking as Gina’s hand slid down into his shorts.

“You can’t want me half as much as I want you.” She slid the shorts down and he stepped out of them.  Gina sat on the edge of the bed, pulling Lance towards her.  “I want…” She couldn’t finish.  His cock was hard in front of her, and she had to taste…had to see if he tasted like she had fantasized…

“Gina…oh…God…” Lance whimpered.  She rubbed him against her lips, letting her tongue flicker around him.  Her hands slid up to play with his nipples.  If she pinched them, her tongue and mouth barely moved. If her fingertips grazed them lightly, she deep-throated him.  “Please…stop…teasing me…” Lance begged. “Gina…Gina…please stop…I can’t…” He yanked Gina to her feet, tearing her shorts and halter from her body.  She stopped him and reached for the nightstand. 

“Here…” she said breathlessly as she unwrapped the condom.  “Be a good boy and put this on.”

Lance did as she asked.  As he pushed her back onto the bed, he spread his legs and smoothly moved inside of her.  “Lance…” Gina moaned, scratching her nails down his back.  He thrust into her again and again, burying his face on her shoulder, letting her long dark hair cover his face. 

“So…good…so…wet…Gina…” Lance moaned, pulling her legs to wrap around him.

“Lance…yes…” Gina’s head tossed back as she felt her orgasm build with amazing speed. She credited that to the months of fantasizing…though none of the fantasies were anywhere close to the reality.  She clutched his shoulders tight as she came.

“Gina…Gina, baby…” Lance almost screamed as he came, thrusting her hard against the mattress.  He gasped as he pulled out, rolling onto his back to catch his breath.

“For months I’ve thought about this,” Gina said almost shyly. “I never thought you’d want me.”

“Oh…I did…do,” Lance corrected himself.  “I’ve thought about you a lot.”

“Not half as much as I thought about you,” she told him, kissing him.


If I was your girl oh the things I’d do to you…I’d make you call out my name I’d ask who it belongs to…if I was your woman the things I’d do to you…if I was your girl…


The End


Tell Lara what you thought of this story!