If She Would’ve Been Faithful

By:  Lara


I was thinking about her/Visiting the past/Reconstructing details with old photographs/I was studying the faces with an objective point of view/Suddenly remembering doesn’t haunt me…


Chris groaned and looked at the clock. Three in the morning. It was his birthday. There had to be some kind of rule that you HAD to sleep in on your birthday. He rolled over and looked at Stephanie. Her strawberry-blond hair was streaming across the pillowcase. Even in the dark he could envision it. He reached out and pulled one silky strand through his fingers, constantly in awe of how lucky he was. He sighed and carefully slipped out of bed, pulling on a pair of boxers before leaving the room.


Chris padded down the steps, heading for the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of apple juice before heading back upstairs to his den. He turned on the light and carefully shut the door behind him. He didn’t want to disturb Stef. He went to the CD player and flipped it on, then went to the locked safe behind the painting on the wall. His nimble fingers quickly dialed the combination and he swung the heavy door open. He dug through the important documents and papers, smiling when he found what he wanted. "Perfect," he said out loud, flipping open the jewel case and extracting the CD. "Exactly what I want." He put the Vivaldi CD into the stereo system and turned the volume down low. As he reached into the bookcase for the photo album, he shook his head at his own craziness. He had to hide the CD.  If JC, Justin, Lance or, God forbid, Joey, ever found out that he had a secret love for classical music, he’d never hear the end of it.


Chris sighed as the first strains of the violins poured through the speakers. He took a large gulp of his juice and sat down. For the first time in a while, his fingers didn’t shake as he opened the photo album.  For the first time in a while, he could smile at the goofiness going on between him and Justin, or him and JC, and not notice the figure on the sidelines. For the first time, he could look at her face and not want to claw her eyes out.


At the time you couldn’t tell me/That one day I’d be glad/That something I thought was

love/Was misinterpreted/She had another lover she emphatically denied/But they were doing me a favor/A blessing in disguise…


The last picture in the album was the day before the shit had hit the fan. It was Easter Sunday the year before, and they were all at his mom’s. She had bought a new dress and was SO beautiful. Chris could still admit it. She had long black hair and Elizabeth Taylor violet eyes, and the dress was a robin’s-egg blue that took his breath away. She made him so proud. She was beautiful and smart and everyone liked her. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that, either, he soon found out.  Chris had gone back to his mom’s the next day to do some work around the house while Beth went shopping. He told her he’d be back by three, and they’d go run some errands together. He wanted to get some things for the apartment, and he needed her opinion. It ended up that the work his mother had for him took a lot less time then he had expected, and he was driving up their street around two-thirty.  He slowed down to about seven miles an hour when he saw Beth on the front step of their apartment building, wearing nothing but one of his t-shirts. She was pressed against another man, their lips meeting in one last embrace. The man’s arms were wrapped around her, and her hands were running through short brown hair. The man looked familiar from the back, and then he had turned around.


Chris slammed the photo album shut. He could learn to get over Beth, but it would be another three lifetimes before he could forgive his ex-good friend, Devon. Chris waited around the corner for Devon’s Jeep Cherokee to speed by, then he slowly drove up into the parking lot.


Beth denied everything. Devon was hurt and upset because of a fight he had had with his own girlfriend that day, and had come over to talk to Chris about it. Devon had looked so sad and distraught that Beth felt sorry for him and invited him in. When Chris asked just how many times Beth had invited him in, he was rewarded with a slap. He pretended to let it go, but began to ask around. It soon became quite clear that Beth had consoled Devon on a regular basis for the past four months.


If she would’ve been faithful/If she would have been true/Then I would’ve been cheated/I would never know real love/I would’ve missed out on you…


Chris downed the rest of his juice and stretched out on the sofa, placing his arms under his head. He stared at the ceiling and thought of the woman upstairs in his bed. The woman who wore the sparkling small diamond engagement ring that had been his grandmother’s. He could have bough Stef a large expensive new ring, but he really wanted her to have this one, and he knew she loved it. She understood the sentimentality behind it, and was totally happy with it. Beth never would have been.  Chris frowned at himself. He had given up comparing Beth and Stephanie a long time ago…but he decided this was different. At the beginning it had been all about what Stephanie didn’t do that Beth did, but now…now he could only find good things about Stef and count his blessings.


They had met two weeks after Beth had moved out. Beth had immediately moved in with Devon, in a tiny house across town. She moved most of her stuff on an afternoon when Chris was in Atlanta doing a promotional show, and when he returned to the apartment he was saddened by how empty everything was. He was so lonely that he actually considered begging her to come back, but he made himself forget that idea and start rearranging his things to fill in the empty space. In the process, he found a few things that were Beth’s and that he wanted no part of. He packed up a box and slowly drove to the house across town.


When he got there, a young woman was carrying things from the house to her tiny car. "Hi," she said sorrowfully, and Chris was touched by the sadness in her blue-grey eyes. "Are you one of HER friends?"


It was then that Chris realized that this was Stephanie, Devon’s girlfriend. He had been out of town when Devon had started dating her eight months earlier, and they hadn’t had the chance to hang out much so Chris had never met Stef. "No…her ex," Chris answered finally. Stef’s eyes grew sympathetic.


"I’m sorry," she said.


"Me too," Chris replied. "Need any help?"


"No…I think I have it all. Bringing some of her things?"


Chris nodded. "She missed something."


"Yeah," Stef said softly. She took a deep breath. "Well…I should get going."


"Wait." Chris put a hand on her arm. "Would you like to have dinner with me? I just got back into town and haven’t gone shopping yet. She did all the shop…I mean…I don’t have anything in the house to eat because…" Chris stammered.


"Yes, that would be nice," Stef answered slowly, the tiniest hint of a smile creeping onto her face.


I watch you sleeping/Your body touching me/There’s no doubt about it/This is where I wanna be/You know it’s so ironic/I had to lose to win/Now I wanna thank her…thank her again…


Chris slowly made his way down the hall to the bedroom, trying not to make too much noise. He set the candleholder down on the nightstand and pulled his boxers off. He climbed under the covers with Stef and she stirred in her sleep, curling up next to him. He sighed with contentment, running his hand up and down her bare back. That dinner all those months ago had turned into a seven-hour evening, the two of them sitting at a table in a twenty-four hour diner, talking about everything under the sun. They were in a back booth; Chris knew he had to keep a low profile no matter what when he was back home. It was all good though; no one needed to see the two of them take turns crying. Stef was pretty and smart and fun…when Chris could get her to smile she was beautiful. They didn’t talk for two weeks after that, then he got the courage to call her.


Everyone thought they were perfect for each other. Chris was wild and crazy, Stef was levelheaded and grounded. They equaled each other out, and Chris was happier than he had EVER been with Beth.  The first time they made love, about two months after they started seeing each other, Chris felt things he had never even known existed. He put his arms around Stef and squeezed her tight, feeling tears start to form behind his closed eyelids. He was luckier than any man should be, and the past was just something that led up to the joy he felt now.


Stef’s eyes fluttered open as she felt his chest heave with a hidden sob. "Baby? You okay?" She leaned on one arm, her eyes full of concern. She could make out the tears on Chris’ face with the aid of the candlelight, and she gently wiped them away.


"I just…love you…that’s all," Chris finally choked out. Stef smiled at him kindly. She knew then that he had been down with the pictures again. He did this every now and again. It had concerned her at first, but she soon realized that he was just searching for the closure he needed to continue his life with her.  She took his face in her hands and softly kissed his lips.


"Happy birthday, Chris."


The End


"If She Would’ve Been Faithful"—Chicago


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