It’s Been Awhile

Nick’s Story

By:  Lara


It’s been a while…since I could hold my head up high…since I first saw you…since I could stand on my own two feet again…since I could call you…but everything I can’t remember as fucked up as it is…all may seem the consequences that I’ve rendered…I’ve stretched myself beyond my means…


She stared at the man slumped at the end of the counter.  “Is he okay?” She whispered to her coworker, Liz.  Liz looked up and cracked her gum.

“Looks dead to me.” She went back to cleaning the coffeepots.  The first waitress sighed and walked down the counter.  Business wasn’t exactly booming at the roadside diner.  She hesitated.


The tall blond continued to play with the fork in front of him.  “Hmmm?”  He muttered.

“Sir…are you okay?”

He looked up, eyes bloodshot.  She gasped slightly. The maturity of his eyes was a contrast with the youth of his face.  “I don’t look okay?”

Something in his voice called to her.  “No, sir, you don’t. Can I get you something? Coffee?  Tea?”

He smiled bitterly. “Tea.  That sounds good.”

“Did you want some breakfast?”

“What time is it?”

“It’s about two in the morning, sir.”

“You don’t have to call me sir.”

“You’re a paying customer…at least I hope you’ll pay.”

The first sincere smile crossed his face. “I promise I’ll pay.”

“Did you want to…um…” she paused politely. “Wash up?  Bathroom’s around back.”

“Yeah…I’ll wash up.  Gimme some…eggs…scrambled with cheese.  Wheat toast…burnt bacon.”

“Yes, sir…I mean, yes,” she said, and the smile appeared again.  He went back to wash up, and she went back to give the order to their sleepy cook.


Nick stared at himself in the mirror. Where the hell was he? How long had he been driving?  He couldn’t remember.  All he knew was that it had been daylight when he had left, and he had suddenly been unable to drive one moment longer.  The entire ride had been plagued with thoughts of Kevin…of AJ…of Brian…of Howie…of HER.  Even though “she” didn’t have a name…she was a faceless collection of all the “shes” in his life…his mother, his sisters, the constant stream of girlfriends.

He splashed water up on his face, hearing Kevin’s last words.  “Nick, you need to think more.  You fucked this up royally.”  That was it. He had to go.


“I don’t have anything like herbal or anything,” she said apologetically. “I have just regular old tea.”

“Regular old tea will be fine,” Nick said as he slid back into his seat.

“There are booths, you know…” she motioned to the empty line of peeling plastic seats along the wall. He shook his head.

“This is fine.”

“Well…your eggs will be up in a second,” she said, and turned back to her cleaning. 

“What’s your name?”


“Rhiannon,” he rolled the sound over his tongue.  “That’s unique.”

“Yeah, well, my mom was creative.” She went back to scrubbing the shelf under the counter.

“I’m Nick, Rhiannon.”

“You don’t sound like you’re from around here.”

“No, I’m not. Born in New York, but now I live in Tampa.”

“I see.” She scrubbed, seeing him in her mind’s eye.  Tall, long legs, big-boned.  His blond hair was dirty and messy, and his clothes were nothing to remember, a pair of khakis and a hooded green sweatshirt.  “What are you doing out driving this late?”

“I needed to get away,” he said softly.  “Too much back home.”

“I see,” she said again.  “That’s one reason I like working overnight. No pressures.”

“Rhee!  Food!” The cook barked.

“I wanted WHEAT toast,” she told the man, looking at the plate in dismay.

“You fucked up then, because you wrote down WHITE,” he growled back, daring her to argue.

Nick shuddered at the man’s words. “No…it’s okay…white will work great,” he said loudly. 

“You sure?”

“Yes, ma’am. Suddenly I’m hungry…I don’t wanna wait for more toast,” Nick said, and she handed him the plate. “Thanks.”

She started rearranging the pie cooler as he dug into his food.  The eggs were scrambled too hard, and the toast had almost no butter, but he didn’t complain. It was food, even though it settled in his stomach with a hard thud.  “So, Nick, what do you do?”

Nick froze. She didn’t recognize him? He chuckled. He wasn’t the picture of the teen heartthrob at the moment.  “I sing,” he said honestly.

“Really? That’s nice.”  She stood on tiptoe to reach the top shelf of the cooler, and he found himself admiring the line of her body.  She was short, maybe 5’5”, and put together in a pleasant way.  “You sing alone?”

“I feel like it,” he said, staring down at his eggs.  Suddenly he was tired…more tired then he had felt in a long time.

“Your friends piss you off?” She said, and he was amazed at how much she seemed to read.

“No…I pissed them off…fucked up again,” Nick said sadly, and he was horrified by the tears that sprang up. “I do that a lot.”

“Is there someone I could call for you?” She asked softly, one hand on his shoulder. “Family?  Girlfriend? Wife?”

“No wife…no girlfriend…not this week,” he muttered, trying to remember the last time he had talked to his mother or sisters.  “No family, either.”  He toyed with his eggs.

“I bet you sing good,” she said gently, and he smirked.

“Some people think so.  I don’t. I whine.”

“I bet you don’t.”

Nick took one more bite of his bacon. “I bet you don’t know.”

Her eyes flashed and she turned back to her work.  “I bet you’re right.”

“Hey…Rhiannon…I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m just tired…and fed up…and sick of everything…sick of my life…sick of being walked on…sick of being walked out on…sick of doing the walking.”

Rhiannon slowly turned around. “Nick, I think you need some rest. You need to sleep and sleep and then wake up to a better day.  You got a place to go?”

“I don’t even know where I am,” he admitted. 

“I get off at three-thirty.  Why don’t you go over in that booth and take a load off. I’ll take you somewhere to rest.”

“Okay,” he said, not believing his own voice.


It’s been a while since I could say that I wasn’t addicted…since I could say I love myself as well…since I’ve gone and fucked things up just like I always do…but all that shit seems to disappear when I’m with you…but everything I can’t remember…as fucked up as it may seem…the consequences that I’ve rendered, I’ve gone and fucked things up again…why must I feel this way…just make this go away…just one more peaceful day…



Rhiannon lived in a small trailer about three blocks back from the diner.  They walked.  Nick stumbled along and she helped to support him. She began to wonder if he had been drinking or doing something worse before getting behind the wheel of his car.  She unlocked the door. “It’s not much, but there’s a bed. You can sleep there. I’ll go on the couch.”

“But this is your home,” he protested as he yanked at the sweatshirt and pulled it over his head. 

“But I’m shorter. You’ll never fit on the couch,” she said with a grin, looking at her tiny piece of furniture and his long body.  He grinned back.

“Good point.”  Without even thinking, he stripped down to his boxers and climbed onto her bed. “Oh…God…this feels good.”  He crawled under the covers and she pulled them up. 

For some reason, she felt compelled to reach down and smooth a finger over his forehead.  “Things will be better in the morning.”

“I’ll still be alone,” he whispered, then looked up into her kind face.  His large hand slid up her face to cup her cheek. “Don’t let me be alone now.”


Rhiannon lay on Nick’s chest, listening to his heart beat under her cheek.  He sighed, thinking how he had screwed things up yet again.  She wouldn’t understand. She’d think it was something…well, it was…but it wasn’t…oh God not again. “Why don’t you like yourself?” She asked suddenly, breaking him out of his reverie.

“Everyone thinks I’m perfect…everyone on the outside…and everyone on the inside keeps reminding me of how NOT perfect I am,” he said quietly.

“The people on the inside love you and are honest…but they love you more…remember that.  If they think you’re worth loving, you must be,” she said. “And the people on the outside…they only see the face in the magazine. They don’t know you. Worry about the ones who know you.”

“You recognized me?”  He asked in surprise.

“Sure.  I’m not a hermit out here,” she said with a grin.  Nick smiled down at her.


“You’re not that person. You were a sad and lonely man…and you touched me inside,” she admitted.  He kissed her softly, using her body and her warm heart to push the pain away.


It’s been a while since I could look at myself straight…since I said I’m sorry since I’ve seen the way the candle lights your face…but I can still remember just the way you taste…but everything I can’t remember as fucked up as it all may seem to be…I know it’s me I cannot blame this on my father…he did the best he could for me…It’s been a while, since I could hold my head up high…and it’s been a while since I said I’m sorry…


“Just go back to the third intersection and turn left.  You’re on the highway,” she said as they stood by his car.  He looked at her.

“I’m sorry, Rhiannon…”

She shook her head.  “Nick, it’s not like that. We both knew that going into this.  I just…I’m gonna be worried about you.”

“I’ll survive. I’ve been doing it for years now,” he said with a tiny smile.  She kissed him and he tasted all of the wonder of the night before, and all of the safety.

“Take care,” she whispered, pulling her jacket around her.  “Be careful…and remember…you’re worth it.”

“I don’t know if I can remember that, but I’ll try,” he said, knowing full well he would remember everything else about her.  He climbed into his car and drove off, leaving her standing in the parking lot.

It’s Been Awhile—Staind


The End


Tell Lara what you thought of this story!