A House Is Not A Home

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

© 2002 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


                Genea ran from the set back to her trailer.  The suit jacket she wore in the scene being shed as soon as she was in the solitude of her private trailer.  “Mel?  Melody?” she yelled, tossing her jacket down.  She picked back up the magazine she’d been reading earlier, the picture of her husband and another woman staring back at her.

                “What?” her personal assistant asked appearing from the back part of the trailer.  “You’d think someone’d died!”

                “Did he call?”  Genea asked hopefully. She’d left messages for him and hadn’t heard from him in three days.  That was a record for them.  Even with their busy schedules they always called each other daily, most of the times more.

                “No, your cell phone never rang.”

                “Damn him!”  Genea kicked off her shoes and went to the small fridge to grab a bottle of juice.  “It’s not like I haven’t left messages for him.  Or that he doesn’t know where I am or how to get a hold of me.”  She picked up her cell that was sitting next to the couch and spoke his name allowing the phone to dial his cell.

                After three rings instead of her husband’s voice she heard, “Chasez’s phone.”  And knew the deep voice instantly.

                She poured on the charm and in her best southern accent said, “Well la de da, don’t you have the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard.  I bet you have women just falling at your feet.”

                “Ma’am, I think you have the wrong number,” Tiny said trying not to laugh.  Genea had fooled Mike in the beginning, but now he knew her voice too well, that and the help of caller ID.  He chuckled into the phone.  “So Ms. Genea, where are you this week?”

                “Toronto.  It’s the last night of the shoot and I’m anxious to finally be heading home.”  Wherever that may be this week, she thought.  “So is that beautiful husband of mine around?”

                Tiny got quiet.  This was the part of his job that he hated.  Why’d he have to lie to this pretty young thing?  “No ma’am.  He’s off in a meeting right now.  Promised me that it wouldn’t take all day, but so far it’s been pretty good part of it.”   Damn him!

                Genea knew he was lying and even thought it hurt she loved him for it.  “Well could you tell him that I called?  He knows how to get hold of me.  Tell him that I’m going home tomorrow.”  She hung up before he had time to ask her which home.

                Mel had overheard the whole conversation and didn’t want to tell Genea ‘I told you so’, but she had warned her about getting involved with a pop star.  Pop stars, hell music stars and movie stars shouldn’t date, she remembered back to their argument.  It only leads to heartbreak for someone and it’s probably not going to be him.

                Genea began dating Josh anyway.  Three months later they were married on a ship in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and after a short honeymoon she went on to a film and he into the studio.  Since then it’s been about the same, either Genea’s been on a film set somewhere halfway around the world or Josh has been on tour.  They’ve met up whenever they could and have spent a total of twenty nights together since their marriage almost two years ago.

                “Where are you going?” Mel finally asked, looking over at the picture of Josh and a young actress dancing in a club in New York.  An actress that was supposed to be Genea’s best friend.

                Genea hadn’t even known that he was that close to her and he hadn’t even bothered to come visit.  She’d been filming in Toronto for months.  “Home,” she said with a laugh. “Funny thing is, I don’t know where that is anymore.”  She got up and put her shoes back on getting ready to go back out on the set.  “I own three houses and apartments in four cities.”  She paused looking up at Mel.  “Which is actually my home?  Really none of them are without Josh.  Heck, he has two houses that I’ve never even been in, how is it possible to be married to someone and not share a life with them?  I love him with all my heart.  I fly in and out of cities to spend mere hours with him and he cheats on me with another actress that has claimed to be my friend.”  She laughed, because if she didn’t she’d cry and that wouldn’t be good.  She still had a few scenes to shoot and couldn’t have puffy eyes.  She put her jacket on and buttoned it up, becoming her character.  “I guess I’ll decide tonight.  I’m going back to the apartment here after the shoot to pack.”  She turned to leave.  “When’s my next film?”

                “You have two weeks off, then you have to be in London.  I’ve reserved a suite for us there.”

                Genea held up a hand not wanting to hear more of the details.  “Thanks Mel.  I’ll be back in a bit.”  She appreciated Mel more than she’d ever know.  She’d really need her over the next few weeks if things fell apart with Josh.

                The final shoot went smoothly even though Genea’s mind was anywhere but on her lines or the scene.  “That’s a wrap!” She heard the director yell and slowly began to undo her suit jacket.

                “Going out for a drink with us?” Hugh asked sneaking up behind her and hugging his leading lady.

                Hugh Grant had been a dream to work with and had become a good friend to Genea during the long shoot in Toronto.  They’d spent a great deal of time together going to plays, movies and concerts.  The gossips had been speculating for quite some time that they were an item despite the fact that Hugh had his live in girlfriend with him most of the shoot and Genea was happily married.  When Genea finally looked up at him she couldn’t hide the tears that filled her eyes.

                “Sweets, what’s wrong?  Going to miss me?” Hugh asked with a big grin on his face.

                She tried to laugh, but couldn’t.  She grabbed his hand.  “Thanks for the offer, but I’ve got a plane to catch.”  She turned to leave, then turned back to him and hugged him.  “I’ll have my people call your people and we’ll do lunch or something the next time we’re in the same city.”  She laughed.  “At the very least I’ll take that drink offer when I see you at the premiere.”  She finally smiled because she knew what she was going to do.  She had a plan and hopefully she could save her marriage and get her husband back.

                Genea skipped going back to the apartment she’d been leasing and headed to the airport to book the next flight to Orlando.  On the way in the taxi she called Mel to explain what she was doing.

                “Hey, where are you,” Mel answered.

                “Hello to you too,” Genea laughed.  “I’m going home.”

                “Home, where?”

                “Not that I don’t trust you, Mel, but I don’t want Josh to try to get it out of you.  I’m sorry I left in a hurry, but I needed to get a plane back as soon as possible.”  She looked up as the taxi pulled into the airport.  “Listen Mel, I gotta go.  I’ll call when this all works itself out.  I’ll see you in London in two weeks.  I’m going to get my husband back!”

                “Good luck, honey.” Mel said and really meant it.

                “Thanks Mel.  That means a lot.  If he calls you tell him that I’m waiting for him at home.”

                The flight to Orlando was smooth and Genea arrived at Josh’s house exhausted.  She’d seen pictures, but wasn’t sure why she’d never been there.  It was just what she expected Josh to live in.  She found the key on her key ring and quietly opened the door waving the taxi driver on.  He’d recognized her and said that he’d wait until she was safely inside the house before he left.

                The house was eerily quiet and at first she felt like she was imposing in a place she didn’t belong.  This is where he’d been living for the last few months except the few trips to Los Angeles he told her he’d taken.  She slowly walked into the foyer and closed the door behind her blocking out all the natural light in the room until she flipped a switch illuminating the area.

                It was all Josh.  All man.  And she loved it as much as she loved him.  She wished and prayed that he’d be there, but some sixth sense let her know that he wasn’t.

                She saw the stairs in front of her and decided that she’d explore the house when she woke in the morning.  Slowly as if every step was one of the biggest mountains she climbed the stairs and found the room that was Josh’s.

                For a long time all she could do was stand a stare at it.  She was unsure if she wanted to sleep in it or not.  Had he slept with other women in this bed?  Had it been recently?  Genea contemplated changing the sheets but when she picked up the pillow.  “Nope,” she said, to the empty room.  “I can’t change the sheets, they smell like him.  It will be like I’m sleeping with him.”

                She opened his closet door looking for something to sleep in.  His taste in clothes may cause some to speculate; yet here she was trying to save her marriage for speculation that he was cheating on her with another woman, and yet again, Genea loved that Josh felt he could be secure enough in his masculinity to wear a hummingbird sweater on national television.  She pulled down a simple white dress shirt bringing it to her nose.  It too smelled like his cologne.

                Quickly changing into the shirt, Genea climbed into the huge four poster bed and was sound asleep before she even had a chance to think of Josh.

                Morning came too quickly as the sunlight poured in the huge window.  “Ugh,” she moaned, rolling over trying to pull the covers up over her head.  How did Josh sleep in this room?  When the sun didn’t disappear she opted to finally get up.  Slowly she stretched and reached for the other pillow holding it tight wishing it were Josh.  “Where are you?  Why aren’t you here?”  This two week break was supposed to be their first alone time in their marriage.  They were supposed to be lazy bums and lay around the house, around the pool, not get out of their pajamas all day if the didn’t want to.  Talk about starting a family.  Where was Josh?  He was supposed to be here with her.  Genea finally threw the pillow back over on other side of the bed and got up.  “What am I going to do today?”  She looked around the room and decided that she was going to do just as they’d planned, nothing.

                She padded down the stairs and into the first room she found.  It must have been a more formal room … it seemed almost too stiff for Josh and she couldn’t see him in it.  That was except at the piano.  The huge Grand piano in the far corner that was coated in sheets of music was all Josh.  She could see him sitting there and playing.  She was sure that whoever designed this room never intended for soda cans to be strewn across the floor by the piano.  The thought brought a smile to her lips.  Genea tiptoed to the piano and lightly brushed her fingers across the keys almost feeling like she was violating someone’s private space.  Before she knew it she was lightly playing Ten Little Indians, the only song she remembered from her childhood piano lessons.  She quickly followed that up with the shark theme from Jaws.  Stepping back she had to laugh, then took a mocking bow.  Josh would have gotten a kick out of that she was sure.  He played beautiful music and she played Ten Little Indians followed up by the theme to Jaws.

It was then that she noticed the pictures of her in a small frame on the top of the piano.  She picked it up and looked at them.  Quite a few of them she didn’t even know when they were taken.  Wonder where he got them?  She put the frame down and picked up a piece of music that was lying there.  Along side Josh’s name was Tony’s.  She knew that they’d been working together on some songs, but there was also a little note of dedication:  For my loving wife.  It was in Josh’s pen and she knew that the song had to have been written for her.  She tried to play the notes but could remember how.  The word were gorgeous and brought tears to her eyes.  He loved her.  Or he had when he’d written this.  Did he still?

Genea placed the music back were she’d found it and turned away from the piano.  She had the whole house to discover and wondered how long it would take for Josh to find her.

It took him almost forty-eight hours.  Genea was sitting silently in a chair in the family room in the back of the house when he came through the door.  “Genea!  Genea, are you here?” she heard him yell but decided not to answer.  Her cell phone had been ringing off the hook over the last two days but none of the calls had been Josh.  She’d sat and watched the caller ID, then picked up the voice mail if the person left one.  Nothing from her husband and her hope began to dwindle. 

                She heard him run up the stairs and realized that she’d have to face him sooner or later.  She just continued to sit and stare.  It didn’t take him long to find her.  She was sitting in the same white shirt that amazingly still smelled like him.  Her legs were pulled up under it and she was clutching the song he wrote her in one had and a mug of coffee in another.

                “Genea, my God, do you know how worried I’ve been about you!” he crossed the room to her.

                She quickly put the mug down and held up both of her hands.  “Don’t come near me.”

                He stopped.  He wasn’t sure what was wrong with her, but she couldn’t have hurt him more if she would have slapped him.  “Genea, I’ve been all over the United States looking for you.”

                She laughed at him.  “Have you Josh, or have your friends?”

                He bowed his head, then looked back up at her.  “What are you talking about?”

                “I’ve gotten calls from Justin who told me that he just checked my Santa Barbara home and your LA home and that I wasn’t at either of them.  He actually wanted me to call him back and let him know where I was.”  She uncurled her long, tan legs from under Josh’s shirt, then went on, “Oh, then there was Lance, good thing he’s willing to fly off to Indiana to check my lake cottage just to make sure that I’m not there.  Maybe your parents could have done it though while they were off checking my Chicago apartment.”  She paused.  “It’s a high security apartment complex Josh.  The doorman called to let me know that they were there and wanted to go up even though he informed them that I wasn’t there.  Should I go on?”  He shook his head.  “Do you at least have a good excuse?  Cause if you don’t I’ll call my lawyer back and tell him to just proceed with the divorce papers we talked about yesterday.”

                Josh looked down at his feet.  “You filed for a divorce from me?”  When he slowly looked back up at Genea there were tears in his eyes.  “This was supposed to be a special two week for us.”

                “Then why the hell did you cheat on my with one of my best friends?”  Genea held on to her emotions as best she could.  She’d shed enough tears in the last two days.

                “I did no such thing.”

                “No? I’ve seen pictures of the two of you in New York.  Josh, you weren’t supposed to be in New York.  Tiny even lied for you.  He covered for you about some meeting.  You haven’t been taking my calls.  You haven’t been calling me back.”  She began to ramble and soon she lost it as the tears began to fall.  She let the song lyrics fall from her hand and watched and it floated to the floor to land at Josh’s feet.

                He bent down to retrieve the fallen papers.  “What are you doing with this?”

                Genea sniffled.  “I found it on the piano.”

                “You played with the piano?”

                She smiled realizing that she did know her husband well.  “Yes,” she said, rolling her eyes.  “Don’t worry, I didn’t hurt it.”

                He took off into the other room and she had no option but to follow.  “Did you play it?”

                “Josh.”  He turned and looked at her before turning back to his precious piano.  “Is that how I rate?  Is this piano more important than me?  Than our marriage?”  He almost died.  He hadn’t realized when she was sitting in the chair that all she was wearing was one of his shirts.  “Because if it is Josh maybe it is time we got a divorce.  Mel told me not to marry someone in the music industry.”  She was ranting and her arms were flailing.  “Why the hell didn’t I listen to her?”

She turned to leave the room, but found that she couldn’t move because she was wrapped in his arms.  “Genea, don’t go.  I have something to show you.  I’ll explain about Susanna.”

She couldn’t move, could hardly breath.  His warm breath on her neck, the feel of his body pressed against hers, the desperation in his voice, “Okay, okay Josh.”  She reluctantly stepped out of his embrace.  “What?” she asked, turning and placing her hands on her hips.  “Explain.”

“Tyler is dating her.  We all went out when I, we, oh hell, that’s not the important part.  Nothing happened.  You can call her later and confirm it.”  He turned and went to his bag.  Like a child with a new toy he pulled a cd from his bag and grabbed her hand.  “Come with me.”  He led her into the family and to his stereo system.  “This.”  He showed her the cd.  “This is what I was doing in New York.”  He gently placed the disc in the player.  “I made this for you.  I wanted to do it here, to wait for you here, but Tony was in New York.”  He threw his hand up.  “It was supposed to be very romantic.”  He smiled.  “I was going to have candles lit.  The mood perfect.  Everything perfect, but I just realized, the only thing needed for it to be perfect is for you to be here.  Or for me to be wherever you are.”  He hit the play button and stood there is silence.

She knew instantly even before she heard a word of the song that it was the song that he had written for her.  She brought her hand to her mouth so that he couldn’t hear the gasp that escaped her lips.  She was in awe.  She’d been an ass and he’d been off being a romantic.  Being her typical Josh.  Oh God what did she do to deserve him?  As she stood and listened to the words that she’d committed to memory she wanted to die.  She didn’t deserve him.  She didn’t deserve to be loved by him.  The song was even more gorgeous then she could imagine.  As it ended all she could do was want to apologize.

“Josh, I’m so sorry.  I’m sorry for doubting your love.  Our love for each other.”  She wiped the tears from her cheeks.  “Please, please next time just answer your phone.”

He laughed.  “Anything.  Anything for you.  Thank you, Genea,” he said wrapping her in a hug.

“For what?

“For still being in love with me.”


The End


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