A NSYNC Christmas Carol

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

©2000 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


Stef sat silently watching as the snow fluttered down outside the big bay window.  It had been snowing for hours and she’d been curled up with a blanket and her book in the big window seat overlooking the pond.

Tara breezed by her.  “You’ve been on the same page for hours.  Are you even reading that book?”  She waited for a response but knew that most likely she wouldn’t get one.  “Hey you,” she said as she sat down in a chair nearby to put on her boots.  “Stephanie, I’m talking to you.”

“Did you say something?” Stef finally asked.

“Yeah I’ve been trying to talk to you for about ten minutes.  Where the hell were you just then?”  She walked over and picked up the book Stef was reading.  She was only on page 10.  “A Christmas Carol.  Are you actually reading this or just holding it?”

“I was reading it.”  She grabbed the book back from her roommate.  “See I’m on page … 10!” she said as if the was a far way into the book.

“You’ve been on page ten for over an hour, Stef.  Are you alright?”

“I’m fine.  How many times am I going to have to tell you that I’m fine?”

Sure you are.  “Are you sure you don’t want to go sledding with us?”  Tara was just about ready to walk out the door.  “Come on Jake will be there.  It’s going to be lots of fun.”

“I think I’m just going to stay here and read.  You go have fun.”

Tara shrugged her shoulders.  Stef used to be so much more fun.  Now she was lucky to get her to leave the house.  Hell she was lucky to get her out of her pajamas.  “Okay I’ll be home later.”

Stef sighed and read the next page of her book before she went back to staring out the window at nothing at all.  She sat that way for an hour before she realized how cold the room had become.  “Damn old farm houses,” she cursed.

She headed to the thermostat and checked the temperature, “55 degrees damn thing!”  She grabbed a few more blankets knowing that it was going to be impossible to stay warm sitting in the window now so she opted for her second favorite place in the house.  Stef grabbed a box of matches and began to light the wood piled high in the fireplace.  She thought back to the last time she’d curled up there.  “No don’t you even think about him,” she scolded herself.  With the fire blazing Stef once again opened the book to read.  Instead of reading she began to stare into the fire allowing the dancing flames to lull her to sleep.




                “Stephanie.  Stephanie.  Hey Stef wake up.”

                Stef felt a pair of hand shaking her.  “Come on Tara I just fell asleep.  Just go sledding on your own.”  When the shaking continued Stef tried to pull the blankets over her head.  “Damn it Tara leave me the fuck alone!”

                “I’m not Tara and why do you have to cuss so much?” a very deep male voice asked.

                That got Stef’s attention; she sat straight up and was staring into Lance Bass’s gorgeous green eyes.  “What the hell are you doing here?”

                “There you go cussing again.  Didn’t your parent’s wash your mouth out with soap when you cussed?  If not the should have.”  Lance helped Stef up to her feet.  “Nice jammie Stef.”

                Stef glanced down at her plaid pajama bottoms and t-shirt.  “What’s wrong with them?”

                “I’m sure that Joey thought it was a very sexy look.  Come on do a little catwalk for me.  Model that lovely ensemble.”  Lance said pushing her.

                “Like I said what the hell are you doing in my house?”  She grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders.  “Did Tara put you up to this?  She’s always whining about how I should get out more.  How I should just get over Joey.  How … how,” she tried not to cry.  How was she supposed to get over the one person that she’d loved with all her heart?

                “Nope Tara had nothing to do with this.  As a matter of fact I’m not real sure what I’m doing here myself.”

                “Good then leave!”

                “Nope can’t do that either.  I have some stuff to show you.”  He grabbed her hand.  “Come with me,” he said leading her towards the fireplace.

                “Lance we can’t we’ll …” Stef stopped as they were transformed from the house they were in then to the cozy ski lodge where she’d met Joey Fatone for the first time.


                The ski lodge was buzzing with eager people bustling about as they either went out on the slope or came in from them. 

                “Lance, I’m in my pajamas.”

                “Don’t worry they can’t see us.  Just watch.”  He pointed to the doors just as she walked in with Tara and their group of friends.

                “I can’t believe we’re finally here,” Tara said setting her bag down.  “You drive like a grandma.”

                “I do not.  The roads were awful.  You’re just lucky that I am such a safe driver or we may have never made it here,” Stef said sticking her tongue out at her best friend.

                “Really mature Stef.”

                Neither of the girls noticed the group of guys checking them out from the bar.  “Oh the red head is all mine.”  Joey said as he watched her stick her tongue out.

                “Joe, do you have to pick up a new woman every where we go?”  Lance asked.

                “Ah Lance, watch and learn, watch and learn.”

                Joey stood and walked out of the bar.  He walked right past the red head and smiled.  “Um, excuse me do you believe in love at first sight.”

                “Yes, why?” she said smiling.  Like she’d never heard this pick up line before.

                “Oh, um, just checking.”  Joey wasn’t watching where he was going and tripped over Tara’s bag falling flat on his butt.

                “Oh my god, are you alright?”  Stef asked trying not to laugh as she offered Joey a hand up.

                As Joey looked over in the bar Lance and the rest of the group were laughing hysterically.  “Fine, embarrassed but fine.  Thanks.”  He turned and headed back toward the bar.

                “Wait.”  Stef yelled chasing after him.  “I’m sorry.  I just … it’s just that … the pick-up line wasn’t very original.”

                “Thanks.”  She wasn’t making Joey feel much better.  “I’m sorry to have bothered you.”  He turned and continued to walk to the bar.

                “No wait, wait!”  She followed him.  “I never caught your name.  Mine’s Stephanie.”

                Joey stopped and turned causing Stef to smack into him.  “Ugh, I’m such a klutz.  Are you alright?”

                “Yeah fine,” Stef laughed

                “I’m so sorry,” Joey picked up her purse that had fallen due to their collision.  “I’m Joey.  Joey Fatone,” he said holding out his hand.  “Why don’t we start over?  Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

                Lance was dying of laughter by the time the whole scene was finished.  “I’d forgotten about how you two met.  That’s some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever seen.”  Lance looked up as if he were listening to someone.   “I’m sorry.”

                “Sorry about what?  After watching it, it was really funny.”

                “No they,” he said pointing up, “said I should try to stay on schedule.  We’re moving on.”

                “But … but what about the rest of the weekend?”

                “For some reason they said it’s not able to be revisited, something about this originally being a PG story or something.”  Stef blushed and began to say something.  “Oh no I don’t even want to hear about it.  Time to go.”  Lance grabbed her hand as they headed back toward the fireplace.  “Just tell me that you weren’t wearing the doggie slippers that night.”

                Stef looked down at her feet.  “What’s wrong with my slippers?”

                “Nothing.  Let’s just go.”

                “There cute.  They bark ya know.”  Stef went before Lance into the fireplace.  “Well Lance what are we doing back here?”

                “You don’t look like Lance.  Do I look like Lance?”  JC teased.

                “No way man.  Guess Lance has left the farm house.”  Justin added.

                “Now what?  Can’t I just go back to my book?  Damn what do I have to do to get rid of you guys?”

                “Is that the way you should greet your favorite members of NSYNC?”  Justin asked reaching out for a hug.

                Stef allowed Justin to hug her.  “What are we doing back here?”

                “Well we’ve been warned that this may not be all that PG and that I should cover Justin’s eyes if needed but here’s what’s happening.”  JC swept his arm and the night Stef had tried not to think about earlier appeared.  It was only two weeks ago.  She’d planned everything so perfectly the dinner, the music, the candles, the fire, even the homemade ‘bed’ in front of it.  The evening was going along just perfect that was until Stef sprung her big surprise.  They’d just made love in front of the blazing fire and were cuddling when she reached over and grabbed a beautifully wrapped gift from under the tree.

                “I though we agreed that we weren’t opening gifts until Christmas.”

                “This one can’t wait.  Open it!”

                Joey carefully unwrapped the box.  Inside was a small black box, a jewelry box.  He cautiously opened it.  “It’s a ring,” he said smiling.

                Stef smiled kneeling up.  “Joseph would you do me the great honor of marrying me?”

                “You’re proposing?”  Joey was in shock.  They’d only been dating a few months.

                “Yes.”  Stef said still with a silly grin on her face.  She had no idea that this wasn’t going to work.

                Joey jumped up and started searching for his clothes.  “It’s not supposed to be this way.  I’m supposed to propose to you.”

                “What … what are you doing?” Stef asked wrapping a blanket around her.

                “I’m leaving.  I’ll call you later.”  Joey said racing out of the house.

                “Don’t go … don’t leave me here.”  Stef collapsed back to the floor sobbing.

                “I can’t watch anymore of this.  I want to leave.  Please make it go away.”

                The farmhouse was transformed back to the present.  “You can’t make it go away.”  Justin informed her.

                “Sooner or later you have to see Joey,” JC added.

                “Oh well then y’all aren’t well informed.”  Stef glanced up and realized just how strange this all was.  “Hey you, whoever you are, show these guys the day I went over to see Joey.  Show them!”

                “I’m sorry Stef,” Justin said laying a hand on her arm.  “They’ve already briefed us on that.”

                “We’d like to tell you that the girl you found at Joey’s was something it wasn’t but why lie.”  JC said bluntly.

                Stef started to cry.  “I'm sorry that you ever had to see Joey in bed with another woman.  You know it killed him too.”  JC said wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

                “We’ve got some places to go, are you ready?”  Justin asked.

                “Yeah sure,” Stef said wiping her tears on the back of her hand.

                They headed to the fireplace once again.  This time they were transported to Joey’s house.  The Christmas tree sat darkly in the corner with the gifts still under it.  All the lights in the family room were off and Joey sat on the couch.

                He lifted the bottle of Jack Daniels to his lips taking a huge gulp.  He hadn’t shaved in what looked like days.  He was wearing sweats and an old t-shirt.

                “I didn’t even know he owned sweats.”  Stef said stunned at the sight before her.

                “He’s been a mess since that day.  Doesn’t bathe, hasn’t shaved, stopped calling anyone.”

                They continued to watch as Joey finished off the bottle of brown liquid.  He was way past drunk.  He tossed the bottle toward the kitchen causing a loud crash when it hit the other bottles already broken on the floor.

                “Please, please make him stop,” she sobbed into JC’s shoulder.  They were whisked away before any of them could see the diamond ring fall from Joey’s hand.

                Stef was surprised when she was returned to the farmhouse.  The décor hadn’t changed but it was obvious that time had passed.  All the furniture was faded and worn.  “What’s going on?”

                “It’s ten years from now.”

                Stef whirled around to find Chris sitting in the window seat.  “What do you mean?”

                Chris jumped down.  “Now I see why you love that window seat.  You can see the whole backyard from it.”  Chris held out his hand.  “Come see.”

                Stef walked over to Chris.  “Listen I get this whole Christmas Carol scenario that y’all have going on but I like Christmas.”  She pointed to the Christmas tree by the fireplace.  “See I even have a tree up.”

                “Just come here,” Chris begged.

                Stef walked to the window.  She saw a person sitting out by the pond.  The weather was obviously cold but there was no snow on the ground.  “Who is that?”

                As if an answer to her question they were swept out by the pond.  The person sitting there was Stef.  She looked awful.  “What’s wrong with me?  Why do I look so old?”

                “I guess that’s what happens when you lead a lonely life.”

                “Didn’t I ever get married?  Have kids?”

                “No.  Not for lack of offers.  Jake finally talked you into going out but that didn’t go far.”  Chris walked around the chair that she was sitting in.  “There were a string of others.”

                “What about my friends?  What about you guys?”

                “Well they tried to get through to you.  Heck we all did.  After so many ‘nos’ we stopped asking you to do things.  We all moved on with our lives.”

                “Is this all I do?  Don’t I have a job?”

                “You still work at the hospital but you don’t socialize there either.”

                “How sad.  Please tell me how to change this.”

                “Not till you see the rest.”

                “There’s more?”

                They were transported to a fancy bedroom somewhere.

                “Joey, Joey come on we’re late for the premiere,” a nasally blond screeched.

                “Buffy I really don’t want to go.”

                “Joey you promised that you’d take me,” she whined.

                Joey appeared from the dressing area wearing a suit.  He looked too old.  He’d let himself go and had a slight potbelly.

                Stef gasped.  “What happened to him?”

                “He got married … five times.  This is wife number five,” Chris did his best Vanna White imitation.  “She’s 12,” he deadpanned.  “Not really but she might as well be.  If Joey’s lucky she won’t take him for all he’s worth which isn’t much after wives one through four got done with him.”

                Stef stared open mouthed as Joey sat on the edge of the huge bed watching Buffy finish her makeup.  She could tell he was unhappy.  “Did he love the others?”

                “He pretended he did, but we had our doubts.”

                “Are you all still in touch?”

                “We talk once in a great while.  Of course we’re no longer together.”  Chris made himself comfortable in a chair.  “Lance’s company is doing great.  He’s married with four kids all the cutest little girls.  JC’s a big time producer and songwriter.  He’s been married a few times.  Wife number three looks to be the last.  No kids.  Justin married Britney.”  She snickered.  “Now wait.  Justin’s solo career is booming and they are extremely happy.  Britney stays home with the kids, three boys and two girls.”  He stood and fixed his hair in the mirror.

                “Well that leaves you.  What ever happened to Christopher Kirkpatrick?”

                “My clothing line is going well.  We’re going to branch out in to bath towels and sheets and stuff.  Might even get myself a fragrance to market.  Married and divorced, two kids both with big ears.  Living happily and loving life.”

                “Sounds good.”

                “Better than most,” he said motioning to Joey.

                “What can I do to fix this?  I know have the you in the future call the me in the future.  We’d be good together.”

                “I don’t think that that was the answer that you were supposed to gain from all of this.”

                “Chris, who was the girl with Joey that night?”

                “Does it really matter?  Will it make a difference?”  Stef shook her head.  “Did you know that he was going to propose on Christmas day?  I helped him pick out the ring.”

                “No I didn’t.  I don’t understand.  If he wanted to get married why did he walk out on my after I proposed?”

                “That’s something you’re going to have to ask him yourself.”  He looked up.  “They said it’s time to go.  Ready?”

                Stef took one look back at the Joey that was sitting on the bed.  What she decided next would change their lives forever.  “Ready.”  She reached over and grabbed Chris’s hand then leaned in and kissed him.

                Chris blushed.  “What was that for?”

                “For helping me out.  I owe one to each of the guys.”

                “I’ll let you deliver those later.  We have to hurry Tara’s going to be back soon.”

                “Stef, yo sleepy head!”  Tara said as she lightly tapped Stef with her foot.  The copy of A Christmas Carol that she’d been reading earlier was still propped open to page ten.  “Come on Stef.”  Tara said shaking her.

                “Okay Lance I’m up.”

                “What do you mean Lance?  What the hell were you dreaming about?”  Tara asked.

                Stef jumped up hugging her best friend.  “Tara, I’m so happy to see you.”

                “What the heck have you been drinking?”

                “Nothing.  I’m fine.  I’m better than fine.”  She hugged Tara again.  “I’ve gotta go.  I’ve gotta hurry.”  Stef ran to the front door.

                “Hey … hey.  Hold up speedy!  It’s cold outside and you are wearing your pajamas.”

                Stef reached over and grabbed her coat.  “Thanks.”  Tara watched as Stef ran from the house.

                “What was that all about?”  Jake asked as he came in the house.

                “I have no idea.  She was sleeping.  I woke her up.  She hugged me.  She ran out of the house.”  Tara shrugged.  “Very weird chic.”

                “I just have one more question, was she wearing pajamas and doggie slippers?”  Tara nodded and they both laughed.

                Stef pulled out of her lane and fishtailed.  She slowed down trying to contain her excitement.  She had to make it across town without getting in an accident.  The drive to Joey’s took longer than she’d wanted it to.  Pulling into his driveway she jumped out of her Aztek leaving it running and the driver’s door standing open.

                She sprinted to the front door almost falling on the snow and ice.  She didn’t even think twice about opening the door a running in.  This is what had gotten her in trouble the night she walked in on Joey and that other girl.  She didn’t care.

                She ran into the living room remembering the sight that she’d seen in her ‘dream’.  “Joey … Joey!” she screamed.  He wasn’t there and neither was the bottles or the Christmas tree or the presents.  Maybe it was all just a dream.  But it seemed so real.

                She continued to search the house and came back with nothing.  She went to the bedroom seeing visions of the girl and Joey together.  Against her better judgment she climbed up on the bed and grabbed Joey’s pillow bringing it to her face and inhaling the smell of his cologne.  Even though there was no way that she could be tired Stef fell once again into a deep sleep.

                “Joey, I found her.”  Steve yelled from the door to Joey’s room.

                Joey came running into his room he was worried when they’d found Stef’s Aztek parked in the driveway with the door standing wide open.  “Wonder what she’s doing here?”

                “I’ll leave and let you find out.  Later!”

                Joey sat down on the bed and ran a hand down Stef’s face.  She was so beautiful.  She stirred slightly before her eyes opened.

                When she remembered where she was she sat straight up in bed.  She hugged Joey tight.  “Are you okay?  You look okay,” she hugged him again.

                “I’m fine.”  He waited until she let go of him to continue.  “Um, Stef what are you doing here?”

                “Just listen to me,” she kneeled up on the bed.  She looked almost childlike in her pajamas, doggie slippers, and her hair pulled up in a ponytail.  She recounted the tale of all the guys visits and what their lives were going to end up like. She was just about to propose again when Joey suddenly stopped her.

                “What the hell did you eat before your nap?  That was one hell of a dream.”  He noticed that she wasn’t finding his comment funny.  “Just a second.”  He stood, went to his dresser and pulled out a small jewelry box.  He handed her the box and waited while she opened it.

                “Joey…”  He put a finger to her mouth.

                “Just give me a minute to explain.”  He grabbed her hand.  He’d really missed her touch.  “When you asked me to marry you I was shocked.  I’m not sure why but I was.  See the thing is I planned on asking you Christmas Eve.  Not original I know.”  He shrugged then continued.  “After you asked me I was panicked.”  He looked at her to try to gage how she was taking this.  “I realized that marriage was forever.  At least I know it would be in our case.  I had a … I had a …”

                “You needed one last ‘good time’,” she finished.

                “Yeah and I realize now that I was wrong.  You actually walked in on us before anything really happened.”  Stef shot him a doubtful look.  She remembered all to vividly what she’d walked in on.  “I tried to chase after you but you were to fast.  When I came back to the room Cindy was already gone.”

                Stef could’ve went the rest of her life without knowing the woman’s name.  She’d decided on the way over that she could be the bigger person and forgive Joey.  “I believe you,” she said quietly.

                “Can you ever forgive me?”

                “I already did.”  She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him.  “I love you Joey.”

                “I love you too.”  He took the ring box from her.  “Stephanie, will you please marry me?”

                She got a silly grin on her face.  “I’ll marry you but I can’t speak for the baby.”

                Joey turned pale, “What baby?”

                Stef ran a hand over her still flat stomach.  “Our baby,” she smiled.

                “You’re pregnant … we’re pregnant?”  Stef nodded.  “When did you find out?”

                “The night I proposed.”

                Joey hugged her tight.  He leaned down and kissed her stomach.  “Baby do you think your mommy and I should get married?”  He placed his ear to Stef stomach.  “Uh huh … okay … you think?”  He pulled away and smiled at Stef.  “It said yes, but only if you don’t wear the doggie slippers.”

                Stef laughed, “Then yes … yes I’ll marry you … we’ll marry you.”

                “I love you so much Stephanie.”

                “We love you too.”

                Stef knew that the ‘dream’ couldn’t have been true.  The baby was never mentioned in the future and Stef already knew that she was pregnant.  The tiredness was to be expected according to her doctor.  She also deducted that maybe the whole ‘dream’ was the baby’s way of trying to get its parents back together.  Well it worked and as always in a good story they lived happily ever after!

The End


Tell Stephanie what you thought of this story!