Are You Gonna Be There

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

© 2000 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


            Marabeth Williams was once beautiful, young and thought she had her whole life ahead of her.  At 23, she was still young and until recently she thought she was still beautiful.  She lay in the hospital bed and listened to the doctor explain to her parents the procedure he wanted to do to her.  No more her brain screamed.  How much can one person bear in one life?  The chemotherapy looked as though it was going to work and it had for quite awhile.  Now he wanted her to have a hysterectomy.  How could she let him?  She wanted to have a family some day.  She wanted a man to love her.  She realized that if she didn’t do what the doctor was suggesting it could very well cost her her life.  She heard her mother start crying and wanted to end her misery.  She got out of the bed and quietly called her friend Karen, who was a nurse at the hospital, hopefully she’d help her.

            “3rd floor nurse’s station.”

            “Is Karen Miller working today?”

            “Yes, just a minute let me get her.”

            After a brief silence Karen answered,  “This is Karen.”

            “It’s Marabeth.  I need your help.”

            “Are you alright?”

            “I soon will be.  I need you to come visit.  I want to leave the hospital and need your help.  I need you to remove the IV and all these other tubes.  I need it tonight after my parent’s leave.”

            “I don’t think I can do that Marabeth.  You need to stay here.”

            “I’m sick of being sick.  I just want to live my life.  Please help me,” she pleaded.

            Karen was silent.  Marabeth had been like the little sister she never had.  She would do anything for her and even now couldn’t tell her no.  “I’ll be down after my shift at eleven.”

            “Thank you so much.”  Marabeth hung up and quickly called another friend, Alicia.  They’d lived next door to each other most of their lives.  The phone rang and Alicia’s brother, Brandon answered.  “Hello Brandon.”

            “Mara what’s happening?”  Marabeth grinned at the nickname that Brandon had given her.  He was her first crush and he still held a special place in her heart.

            “Same.  Hey is Alicia there?”

            “Alicia, it’s Mara.’ He screamed.  “Just a minute Mara, she’s coming.”

            “What’s up?”  Alicia asked skeptically.  She missed her friend since she’d been admitted into the hospital two weeks before.  She’d tried to visit at least every other day, but couldn’t stand seeing her lying helpless in the bed.

            “I need you to get me some stuff from home.”  She named off all the things she’d need.  “Just use the key, you know where it’s at.  Do it now though while my parents are here at the hospital.  They don’t want me to have my stuff here.”  She made sure that she didn’t tip her off on her plan.  She loved Alicia like a sister but knew that she’d tell her parents if she knew that she planned on running away.

            Alicia delivered the items Marabeth had requested and only stayed a few minutes before making up some lie to leave.  Marabeth spent the afternoon working out her plan in her head and was very grateful when Karen showed up at eleven.

            “Thank you so much for doing this.  You don’t know how much this means to me.”  Marabeth watched as Karen slipped the IV from her hand.  She removed her catheter and waited while Marabeth got dressed.  “I promise I’ll never tell who helped me do this.  I was just too afraid to take everything out on my own.”

            “Please keep yourself safe.  Is there anything that you need?”  Marabeth shook her head.  “Marabeth, I love you.  Please know that if you ever need anything that I’ll help no questions asked.”  Karen hugged the younger girl and quietly left the hospital room.  She looked up and down the hall making sure that no one saw her.  By doing this she jeopardized her job.  She glanced back to the room once and watched as Marabeth sneaked out into the hall.  The nurse’s would be around in forty-five minutes for vitals and would miss her then.  Hopefully she wouldn’t get all that far.

            Little did Karen know that Marabeth had a plan and had everything planned down to the second.  She hurried down the back stairs of the hospital with her backpack slung over her shoulder.  She stopped at the ATM and withdrew the two hundred-dollar limit.  She had about a hundred more in her backpack and planned on hitting another ATM in the morning.  She’d move around quickly so her parents couldn’t track her down.

            She boarded the bus to New Orleans and sighed as the bus finally took off.  She was on her way.  She wanted to see the United States.  Her parents had always been so overprotective.  She never got to travel when all the other kids did.  She wasn’t allowed to go away to college.  Being an only child had its privileges, but it also had it’s down sides.  Other kids got to go to summer camp, on vacations with their parents, but Marabeth never went anywhere.

            She looked at the notes she’d scribbled on a pad, her to do list.  First was calling Mr. Baker, the banker at her bank.  She’d do that as soon as they stopped in New Orleans.  She took the bottle of pills out of her bag and shook them.  Not all that many, how am I going to survive with only a month’s worth of pain medication?  She popped a pill in her mouth and swallowed.  She closed her eyes and tried to envision a beach or someplace warm.  It wasn’t long before she’d drifted off to sleep.

            “Honey, honey,” she felt someone shaking her and opened her eyes to see the bus driver.  “We’re in New Orleans.  Time to get off the bus.”

            “Thanks,” she said with a smile.  She exited and looked around.  She found the ticket window.  “When’s the next bus going towards Orlando?”

            “There’s on leaving in two hours that you can take and transfer to another one that’ll take you to Orlando.  Going to Disney?”

            “Yeah, I’ve never been and thought now would be a good time.”  She looked at her watch and figured she had enough time.  “Where’s the nearest bank?”

            The lady working at the terminal gave her directions to the bank and Marabeth turned and headed in that direction.  The bank had just opened and she walked right up to the first teller.  “Hello, I’m from out of town and thinking of moving here.  I’d like to get some money transferred here from my home bank.  Is that possible?”

            “Did you want to open an account?” the young teller asked.

            “If I must to get the money transferred.”  She glanced at her watch and hoped that this wouldn’t take long.

            “Okay, we can contact you bank if you’d like and have everything arranged.  The money should be here by tomorrow.”

            “Oh no, that’s no good.  I need the money for a down payment today,” she lied.  “If I call my bank and they can transfer it right away, is that going to make it faster?”


            “Where is there a phone I can use?”  She was led to a boardroom and given a phone.  She dialed the information operator and asked for her bank.  She was transferred and when the receptionist answered asked, “May I please speak with Mr. Baker?”  Mr. Baker was the president of the bank and an old family friend.  Marabeth hoped that the news of her escape hadn’t spread through the whole town yet.

            “This is Mr. Baker, how can I help you.”

            “Mr. Baker, it’s Marabeth Williams.  I need you to forward all the money in my account to a bank.”

            “Sure Marabeth, how are your parents?”

            Oh good, he doesn't know.  “Fine.  They send their best.”

            “What’s the account number?”


            “Just a moment.”  She heard him punching keys.  “Oh wow.  You have over ten thousand dollars here.  Are you sure you want to do this?  Maybe we should call your parents and ask if it’s alright.”

            Marabeth began to panic, “No need to do that Mr. Baker.  I’m 23 and can make my own decisions, besides my grandparents left me that money to do with as I wish.”

            “I guess I can do it.  What’s the routing number of the bank and your account number?”

            “Let me give the phone to the teller here and she can tell you want you need.”  Marabeth watched as the young teller finished the transaction.

            “Okay, Ms. Williams.  The transactions done.”

            Marabeth looked at her watch and noted that she still had plenty of time to make the bus.  “I’d like to close my account then.  Please give me the money in smaller bills if you would.”

            The teller’s eyes got very big.  “You want all this money now?”  Marabeth nodded.  “I’m not sure we can do that.”

            “Let me talk to the president of the bank.”  A half-hour later Marabeth walked out of the bank with her inheritance from her grandparents safely tucked into her backpack.  She was headed for Orlando and from there she’d play it by ear, but by god she wasn’t going back to that hospital bed!  She was going to defy death as long as she could.  And while doing so she’d see everything she’d always wanted to see.

            As Marabeth’s bus pulled into the terminal in Orlando she felt a pang of excitement.  She quickly exited her seat nearly plowing down an elderly couple in the front of the bus.  “Sorry,” she yelled over her shoulder.  She hailed a cab.  She was grinning from ear to ear because she’d never been in a taxi before.

            “Where to sweetie?” the gruff driver asked.

            “Walt Disney World,” she answered cheerfully.

            “You got hotel reservations?”

            “No, not yet.  Just take me to any of the hotels near Disney.”

            Arriving at the hotel she quickly checked into a room.  She was really tired and blamed it on all the traveling she’d done over the last day.  She found herself lying down on top of the covers and sleeping clear through to the next day.

            Upon awaking Marabeth decided to pamper herself greatly by ordering breakfast from room service, then soaking in a hot bath.

            She finally dresses and picked up the brochures strewn across her bed.  She shuffled them and drew one form the group.  “Epcot Center.”  She spent the day roaming around Epcot enjoying all the things there was to see.  She stayed until the fireworks before calling it a night.

            Again she slept late and ordered room service deciding that she’d spend the day lounging around the pool to try to alleviate her pale complexion.

            “Traveling alone?” one of the lifeguards asked as she climbed out of the pool.

            Marabeth didn’t want to answer him scared that he might do something to her.  She simply nodded returning to her chair and grabbing her stuff.

            The lifeguard watched as the cute blonde picked up her belongings.  He glanced at his watch.  Time for a position change.  He signaled the others.

            “What’s up Stu?” another lifeguard asked.

            “Think I can take a quick break?”

            “Sure,” he said climbing up in the chair.  “I can see your thing for blondes hasn’t changed much,” he yelled after Stu as he jogged off in Marabeth’s direction.

            She’d just finished pulling her sarong around her new suit and was heading inside when he yelled, “Hey … hey!”

            Marabeth turned around to see the lifeguard from earlier.  He wasn’t overly handsome or built like the rest of the lifeguards.  He was well over six-foot tall she observed when he finally stood in front of her.  He smiled down at her.  He had a nice smile and deep brown eyes.  Oh how I love eyes.  “Hello,” she smiled back.

            “Hi, thought I’d see if I could walk you back to your room.”  He took the bag she was carrying.  “I didn’t mean to scare you off.”

            “You didn’t and you don’t have too,” she blushed.  She’d never been picked up by a guy before.

            “It’s my pleasure.  By the way my name’s Stuart, but my friend’s call me Stu.”

            “Mine’s Marabeth.”

            He stuck his hand out for her to shake.  “Nice to meet you Marabeth, that’s a very pretty name.”

            “Thank you.”  They began walking up to her room.

            “How long are you staying here?”

            “At least a week, maybe more.”

            “Have you been to Disney World yet?”

            “No, maybe tomorrow,” she said hesitating before pushing the button for her floor.

            “Would you like to go with me?”

            Marabeth looked at him open-mouthed.  “Um … sure.”

            The elevator opened and Stu said,  “Tell ya what, why don’t we meet in the lobby say nine o’clock.”


            “Well, gotta go my breaks almost over.  See ya tomorrow.”

            “See you tomorrow Stuart.”

            “Stu,” he yelled as the doors began to close.  “My friend’s call me Stu.”

            “Stu,” she whispered as she began to walk to her hotel room.  Marabeth sighed, she had a date.

            She took extra care while getting ready the next day.  She’d taken a cab to the mall and bought herself a new outfit and a suitcase to carry her new belongings.

            She pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail carefully curling a few tendrils across the back of her neck.

            She pulled on the navy tank top and denim shorts.  She was glad that she’d tanned the day before.  The dark colors of her outfit looked even better with the tan.  She glanced at the bedside clock and noticed that it was about time to meet Stu.  She grabbed her money shoving it into a pocket and headed for the lobby.

            The day at Disney was just as Marabeth had always imagined it would be.  She acted like a five year old and was sure that she was having more fun that some of the little kids she saw.  Stu made sure that they hit all the rides that she wanted to go on.  They rode the Tea Cups, Space Mountain, The Pirate Ride, It’s a Small World and finally Splash Mountain.  It was there that Marabeth saw a small plaque hanging on the wall that disturbed her a bit.  It was a picture of Brer Rabbit and it read; ‘Can’t run from trouble, no place that far.’  Not true, Marabeth thought, not true at all and I’m going to prove it wrong.

            They stayed until dark and with her newly purchased Mickey ears Marabeth and Stu stood and watched the parade of lights and the fireworks.  To the rest of the world they resembled a cute couple, but in reality Marabeth had felt almost uncomfortable with the way Stu was treating her.

            “Ready to go back to the hotel, hun?” Stu asked.  “Maybe we can get a late dinner, or early breakfast.”

            “Um, yeah I’m ready to go back, but I’m tired and I think I should get some sleep.”  She didn’t want to have to tell him her whole story, but the day had taken a lot out of her and she was in a great deal of pain.

            The ride on the monorail back to the hotel was a silent one.  Once in the lobby Marabeth said, “I had a wonderful time.”  I can just ignore calls from him if he calls, she thought.  “I see you some time.”  Hopefully not.

            “I’ll take you up to your room, it’s late, don’t know what kind of crazies could be lurking about.”

            Like you.  “That’s okay, I’m sure the security here is fabulous.”   Unfortunately Stu didn’t take no for an answer.  Marabeth found herself ridding up the 5 floors to her room.  They were standing outside her door and she had her room key in her hand.  No way in hell I’m going to kiss him … this wasn’t a date … I don’t even really like him as a person.  “Night,” she stated while sliding the keycard into the lock.  The green light came on.  I can hurry and get in and shut the door.  Too bad her thoughts didn’t come true.  Stu pushed his way into her room.

            “I really did have a great time,” Stu said pushing the door shut behind him.  “I’m glad that you agreed to go with me.  I knew you’d be fun to hang out with.  I’d watched you swim all day yesterday.”  He walked up to her and ran his hand down her face.  “You are very pretty.”

            “Stu, I think you should go,” Oh god please let him leave.  “I’m leaving in the morning and I need to get my rest.”

            “You said that you were staying for awhile.  Did you change your mind?”

            “Yes, I’m trying to see as much as I can while I still can.”  Marabeth pushed him towards the door.  “Better go.  Thanks for the wonderful day.”  He did leave and Marabeth was very grateful when he did.  Lesson learned, she thought, never talk to strangers.  She didn’t leave like she told Stu she was going to.  She did change hotels and didn’t leave her room the next day.  She was in a great deal of pain.  She looked at the atlas that she’d bought.  She opened it up to the map of the United State and closed her eyes.  She pointed and when she opened her eyes back up her finger was on New York.  “New York it is,” she sighed.  She picked up the phone and booked a flight for the next morning to New York.

            Marabeth smiled as she exited the plane and grabbed a taxi.  This was becoming easier and easier for her.  “Waldorf Astoria.”  She sat back as the driver sped away.  She decided on the Waldorf because guest of “Regis and Kathie Lee” stay there and the pictures were always so pretty.

            Arriving at the hotel Marabeth allowed the cab driver to unload her single suitcase.  The bellboy took it and she allowed him to.  She was in a great deal of pain and only wanted a bed.  She thought about heading home realizing that maybe she’d made a mistake that was until she walked into the lobby of the gorgeous hotel.  She was awestruck.  “I need a room,” a broken down Marabeth asked the desk clerk.

            “How many nights?”

            “I’m not sure.  I want to pay cash.  Let’s start with a week.”  She waited patiently while the clerk registered her information.  The pain was growing increasing worse and the medication that she had wasn’t working.  She was doubling up on the doses and if she kept it up she’d be out of medication in a few days.

            Finally settled into her room she popped another pain pill.  She prayed that it would take away the constant throbbing she’d been experiencing for the last day.  She opened the small refrigerator in the room and reached for a bottle of water but she paused seeing the fully stocked refrigerator.  She instead grabbed a few of the bottles of alcohol and washed her pain pill down with them instead.

            Marabeth unpacked her suitcase while waiting for the pill to take its magical effect.  Maybe I just need to sleep it off.  She climbed into the massive bed and closed her eyes.  When she awoke hours later the pain was all but gone.  Her new magic potion had worked.  “I’ll have to remember that.”  She climbed in the shower hopping that she could hit the streets of New York at night and find something fun to do.  As she dried off and curled her hair she realized that it was later than she’d thought.

            While she was finishing dressing, her stomach growled.  “Guess I’ll have to find some place to eat.”  She grabbed her money and id card and headed for the elevator.

            Marabeth was messing with her purse and decided to stop in the lobby to repack it slightly.  She no more than stopped when someone plowed into her.  “Ouch,” she uttered landing on the hard floor.

            “Oh josh, I’m so sorry,” a tall blond man said offering her a hand to help her up.  Once on her feet again Marabeth straightened her skirt and glared back at the person in front of her.  “Are you all right?”

            “Fine, no thanks to you.”  She picked up a few loose items that had fallen out of her purse.  “You should really watch where you’re going.”

            “Well I could say the same about you.”

            She stared up at him open mouthed.  “I’m sorry to be in your way.  Obviously you are better than me and I was the only one in the wrong.”  She curtsied.

            “No need to bow milady,” he said in a mock regal tone.  He smiled and offered Marabeth his hand.  “My name’s Lance.”

            Marabeth hesitated thinking back to Stu.  Something in Lance’s eyes made her feel safe.  “Nice to meet you, my name is Marabeth,” she said shaking his hand.

            “Are you here on pleasure or business?”

            “Pleasure and you?”

            “Business, but I can’t seem to come to New York and not see the sights.  Have you ever been here before?”

            “No, first time,” she said smiling at him.  I’m experiencing a lot of first this week. She wanted to say but didn’t.

            “Why don’t I take you to dinner to make up for knocking you down.”

            “I … I’m not sure,” she stammered.

            “Why, don’t trust me?”  Lance laughed.  Oh my god that’s it.  “Where were you just going?”

            “Uh … I was,” she stuttered.  Why is he making me so nervous?  “I was going to get dinner.”

“See so now you can join me for dinner,” Lance said with a smile.

            “I guess I can’t say no.”

            Lance took hold of her hand and lightly swung it back and forth as they headed out of the hotel’s main door.  Screaming girls greeted them and Marabeth found herself being separated from Lance.  “Sorry girls, um, not tonight.  I’m running late.”  He grabbed her hand again and ushered her into the waiting limo.  “Sorry about that,” he said.

            “Who were they, or better yet, who are you?”

            “They’re fans and I’m just Lance tonight.”

            Marabeth wanted more than just that for an answer.  She wondered who he was.  She glanced down at her simple tan skirt, black tank top and sandals.  “I hope were not going someplace fancy.”

            “No,” the phone interrupted him.  “Lance.  No.  Not tonight.  No.  Let me check.  No, I have to be on TRL tomorrow.  Maybe next visit.  Okay.  Thanks.”  Lance hung up the phone not noticing the look of awe on Marabeth’s face.  “Sorry about that.”

            “No problem, where’d you say we were going?”

            “Well I wanted to take you to this little restaurant I know, but let’s just go to a deli.”

            They found a small-secluded deli and ate in almost complete silence.

            “What are you doing in New York?” Lance asked.

            “Uh . . . I’m just visiting.  I’m hitting all the places I’ve always wanted to go.  Kind of rebelling against my parents.”  She lied.  She stared down at her sandwich completely interested in the lettuce.  She’d never dated someone before, but wondered if this was what a first date felt like.

            Trying to break the unbearable silence, Lance continued to ask questions,  “Where are you from?”

            “California,” she fibbed.

            “You don’t look like a typical California girl to me,” Lance said trying to tease.

            “Well, uh, I guess I don’t.”  She once again stared down.

            “What do you do in California?”

            “I’m a senior in college, studying political science.”  Not a lie, she thought.

            “That’s impressive, what are you going to do after you graduate?”

            “Well, I’d planned on going to law school, but now I’m not going to finish school.”

            “Oh, I’m sorry.”  He picked up his drink and played with the straw.  “May I ask you why you aren’t going to finish?”

            “Rebellion.  My parent’s are really bugging me so I quit.  Maybe someday I’ll go back.”  I’m dying her heart wanted to tell him, but she didn’t want sympathy.  She could get that at home.

            “I see.  Is this rebellion something new?”

            “Yeah, just decided that my parent’s weren’t always right.”  She glanced at her watch.  “I’d better get back to the hotel.  I’m getting tired.”  She tried to stifle a yawn.  “Thank you for dinner.”

            “You are very welcome.”  Lance looked her over again.  She was young and beautiful and obviously smart.  What was it about her that had him want to rescue her?  Rescue her from what?  He had no idea.  What’s with this rebellion stuff?  No way that she’d rebel against anything or anyone.  Why did her have to feel something special about her?  From the first moment that he looked down into her blue eyes he felt his heart do somersaults.  His blood ran quicker.  “You sure that you don’t want to go out dancing?  I know some great places.”

            “I’m sorry.  I’m not into dancing.”

            “That’s fine, then I guess we could go back to the hotel.”  Lance stood and helped her out of the booth.

            Once again they rode back to the hotel in complete silence.  The doorman opened the back door and Lance got out.  He turned and offered Marabeth a hand.  The small group of girls stopped them again.  Lance pulled the doorman aside, “take her inside and ask her to wait for me.  Stay with her till I’m done here.”  He said slipping him a very generous tip.

            “Yes sir,” he followed Marabeth into the hotel and stopped her.  “The gentleman has asked that you wait here for him and for me to stay with you until he was through out side.”

            “Okay,” Marabeth stood patiently watching Lance pose for pictures and sign things.  “Who is he?” she finally asked.

            “I’m not sure ma’am.”

            Lance finished with everyone outside then returned to Marabeth’s side.  “I’m sorry, if I’d have know it would have taken that long I wouldn’t have had you wait.”

            “That’s fine.”  Marabeth said standing up from where she was sitting on a couch in the lobby.

            “Can I walk you to your room?”

            Marabeth smiled, “I’d like that.”  Lance grabbed her hand and they walked to the elevator.  “I had a wonderful time tonight.  Thank you again.”

            “It was my pleasure.  How about we try it again tomorrow night.  I’ll get reservations for Tavern on the Green … you’ll wear a dress … I’ll wear a suit … a nice dinner … maybe a bottle of wine … dancing.  I think you get the idea.”

            “I’d love to, sounds wonderful.  Oh, but I don’t have a dress.”

            “Not a problem, I know this little shop that you are just going to love.”  Lance looked down at his watch as they walked up to the door of her room.  “I’ll pick you up at noon tomorrow.”


            Lance leaned in and kissed her cheek.  “Thank you for such a nice evening.”  With that he turned and left her standing there.

            Marabeth placed a hand on her cheek where Lance had kissed it.  Who was Lance?  She opened the door and entered her room.  She mixed the same concoction that she’d taken earlier and washed her pain pills down with it.  She jiggled the pill bottle examining the few pills that she had left.  Maybe a doctor here would help her out.  She finished off the drink stripped out of her clothes and climbed into bed.

            A pounding awoke her out of a sound sleep.  “Coming,” she mumbled as she pulled a robe on.  She swung the door open to find Lance.

            “Did you forget?”

            She glanced down at the watch.  “Oh no, I over slept,” she let go of the door and headed in the direction of the bathroom.  She turned around to say something to Lance only to find that the door slammed in his face.  She ran back and opened it.  “Sorry,” she said with a smile.  “Come on in, make yourself comfortable.”  She once again headed toward the bathroom.  “Give me 15 minutes and I’ll be ready.  Promise,” she said shutting the door behind her.

            Lance glanced around the room.  It resembled his, there was a small kitchenette, and a living area and what he could only assume was the bedroom.  He picked up a medication bottle.  Morphine 25mg every four hours as needed for pain.  He opened the bottle and saw that there was only about twelve left.  Wonder what she takes these for?

            The door opened and Lance about dropped the pill bottle.  He put it down quickly grabbing a magazine lying there and flipping through it.  He looked up to see Marabeth standing there in her robe and her hair pulled up in a towel.  She was absolutely gorgeous.  She was just standing there smiling.  Lance had to control himself so he wouldn’t run to her and sweep her up in his arms.  He wanted to hold her, kiss her, and spend the rest of his life making her smile like she was right then.

            “I’ll be out in five,” Marabeth said sweeping through the room picking up her pill bottle in the process.  “I promise.”

            And just like she’d promised, Marabeth walked out of the bedroom fully dressed, hair and make-up perfect five minutes later.  “Ready?”

            How could she ever be more beautiful?  She wore basic white shorts and a navy t-shirt.  Her long hair was pulled back in a ponytail.  Lance stood once again fighting the urge to sweep up in his arms and carry her off to the bed.  “Sure.”

            He walked ahead of her opening the door for her.  “Where’d you say we were going?”


            “What’d you just say?”  She said in shock.

            “Saks,” he smiled at her.  “Guess you’ve never been to Saks.”

            “No,” she whispered.

            “Don’t be intimidated.  I’m sure they have big stores where you live.  Saks is no different.”

            They skipped the front entrance this time sneaking out a different door.  They were greeted at Saks and took to a private dressing area.

            They were sitting on a couch when a lady approached them.  “Hello, my name is Teresa.  I’ll be showing you,” she paused to look at the clipboard she carried.  “Dresses and shoes, anything else?”

            “Anything she wants,” Lance said as his phone rang.  “Excuse me I have to get this.”

            “Okay, here we go.”  With that people came out carrying dresses, coordinating jewelry, shoes and accessories.  Marabeth felt slightly overwhelmed.  “If there is anything that you’d like to try on just let us know.”

            Lance finished his call.  “Sorry about that.”  He looked over at Marabeth; she had a deer in the headlights look.  “Let’s start with that one, the red one, the one on the end and the short black one.”

            “Yes sir, ready Miss?”

            “Huh?” Marabeth said barely able to take it all in.

            “Are you ready to try these dresses on?” she asked motioning for Marabeth to follow her.

            Marabeth nodded.  She followed the woman behind a curtained area.  “I … I wear a size 5,” Marabeth stuttered.

            “I guessed as much, size 7 in shoes?”

            Marabeth nodded astonished that this complete stranger knew what sizes she wore.

            “Do you need anything to wear with the dress?”

            “Just shoes I guess.”

            “I meant underneath.  Do you have a slip?”  Marabeth shook her head.  “Pantyhose?”  Again she shook her head.  The woman smiled realizing how naïve she must actually be.  “Did you want to get something special to wear?” she asked.

            “I don’t know.”

            “That’s fine.  Mr. Bass said that you were allowed anything you wanted.”  The woman smiled.  “Would you like to see some undergarments, miss?”

            “I guess.  And please you can call me Marabeth.”

            “Fine Marabeth, I’ll send someone for slips and undergarments then we’ll get started.”

            “Okay.  Thank you Teresa.”

            Teresa was a bit taken back.  Most of the people she dealt with were stuck on themselves and no one ever remembered her name.  “Would you like something to drink while we wait?”

            “No thank you.  I’m fine.”

            The woman returned with slips, bras, garter belts and underwear in her size.

            “I’ve never had that many frilly things in my whole life.”  She blushed thinking of wearing some of the items of clothing there.  The woman helped her pick out things and she dressed.  The first dress she was trying on was a dark green one that fell right above Marabeth’s ankles.  She wore a simple pair of black pumps with it.  She looked in the mirror,  “I’m not sure.”

            “Why don’t we let Mr. Bass see and he can help you decide.”

            “Oh.  I really don’t want to go out there,” Marabeth said feeling very shy.

            “It’s going to be all right.  Mr. Bass seems very nice and he seems to really like you.”  Teresa said trying to get the young girl to possibly open up to her.

            “I guess I could show him.  I just don’t know him all that well.”  She blushed again realizing how that must have sounded.  “Teresa, just who is Mr. Bass?”

            “You really don’t know?”

            “No, he sort of bumped into me yesterday and we went out to dinner and then we are going to dinner again tonight.”

            “Mr. Bass is Lance Bass of FreeLance Entertainment,” Marabeth just stared at her.  She had no clue what that was.  “He’s also one fifth of the now disbanded boyband, NSYNC.”

            Marabeth felt like slapping herself on the forehead.  “Well that explains what all those girls wanted last night.”  Marabeth giggled.  “You probably think that I’m so stupid.”

            Teresa smiled at the young girl.  “Lucky, yes.  Stupid, no.”  She grabbed Marabeth’s hand and squeezed it.  “Are you ready to go show him?”  Marabeth nodded and Teresa led her out to where Lance was sitting.

            He smiled, “Very lovely.  What do you think?” he asked.

            “I’m not sure.”

            “Let’s go to the next one then,” Teresa suggested.  And so it went, a red sun dress, a navy strapless, a floral print that hit right above the knees, the simple black dress that barley reached her thighs and finally a silvery-grey slip dress that fell to her ankles and required very little undergarments.

            “I can’t do this.  I can’t wear this dress without a bra.”  Marabeth was turning about in the three-way mirror.

            “You look wonderful.  I only wish that I had a body like yours so I could wear that dress.”

            Marabeth smiled, “Thank you.”  She twirled in the mirror again.  “I feel like Cinderella, or Julia Roberts in ‘Pretty Woman’ just without the whole prostitute thing.”  Teresa laughed.  “Guess I should go show Lance.”  She glanced in the mirror one last time.

            As soon as Marabeth stepped out of the changing room it was as if time had stood still or at least began to move in slow motion.  Marabeth watched Lance’s eyes pan her and the dress, and then heard the low whistle that escaped his lips.  She was grinning from ear to ear as she strutted past him like she was a model on a runway.  She stopped, turned and walked back past him.

            She had no clue what made her do what she’d just done.  She blushed and watched as Lance stood.  “Wow!” Lance whistled again.  “This is the dress.”

                They walked out of the store half an hour later with the silver dress, new shoes and a matching handbag.

                “Thank you,” Marabeth said as they climbed into the limo.

                “You’re welcome,” Lance said turning in his seat to face her.  “Do you know how many times you’ve thanked me?”  Marabeth shook her head.  “Too many.  I enjoyed doing it.  You look beautiful in it.”

                The limo stopped and Marabeth looked out the window.  “What are we stopping for?”

                “Your surprise.  I’ve arranged for a spa treatment this afternoon.  Anything you want,” Lance said with a smile.

                “I’ve … I’ve never had anything like this.  Private shopping sprees, spas,  … I’m sure I’ll never get a chance to do this again.”  The driver opened the door and help Marabeth out.

                Lance followed her out stopping to speak to the driver,  “Please be back by two we need to stop off at MTV before we return to the hotel.”

                Marabeth felt a tinge of panic,  “What are we going there for?”

                “I have to make a quick appearance on their afternoon show, TRL.  It should only take an hour or so.  You can tag along.  You can sit in the audience or hand out backstage.”


                “Let’s go spoil you,” Lance said grabbing her hand leading her into the shop.

                She was massaged from head to toe, mails and toes nails painted, hair trimmed and styled and makeup applied.  When they walked out two hours later Marabeth felt like a new person.  She smiled brightly as they climbed back into the limo totally forgetting that they were headed to a television studio.  “You have no idea how good I feel right now, better than I have in a very long time.  Thank you,” she said kissing him on the cheek.

                Lance was stunned at first.  Did she just kiss me?

                “Mr. Bass, you must hurry,” the limo driver said pulling up at the MTV studios.  “We’re running late.”

                Lance jumped out of the car grabbing Marabeth’s hand and walked toward the studio doors.  There was a huge gathering of fans waiting for him.  He stopped and signed a few autographs before heading inside.

                “Wow, are they all here to see you?”  Marabeth asked in awe.

                “I guess.  I’ve got some of the best fans.”

                Carson Daly greeted them outside the green room.  “Hey Lance, who’s the beautiful woman?”

                “Marabeth Williams, this is Carson Daly, kind of the Dick Clark of this generation.  He hosts TRL.”

                “Very nice to meet you,” Marabeth said shaking his hand.

                “Nice to meet you too,” he said with a sly grin in Lance’s direction.  “I’ll let you get to makeup Lance and I’ll see you in a few.”  Carson smiled at Marabeth then walked away from them.

                “He seemed very friendly.”  Marabeth said trying to find something to say.

                “He is.  Listen I need to head off to makeup, you can come along or go to the green room.”

                “I’ll just go into the green room.”

                Lance stopped a person walking by, “Excuse me, would you please show Ms. Williams to the green room?”  The guy nodded.  “Thanks.  I’ll see you later,” Lance said squeezing her hand before she walked off.

                “You can help yourself to any of the food.  Mr. Bass will be in as soon as he’s done with makeup.”

                “Thank you.”  Marabeth made herself comfortable on one of the sofas and watched as Carson started the show.  They showed Lance sitting in the makeup chair and explained that he’d be on later to bring a new video for one of his artists.  Carson went right into the number ten video.

                The green door opened and Lance walked in.  “Enjoying the show?”

                “Yes.  It’s different.  I’ve never watched it before.”

                “Never?”  Marabeth shook her head.   “Have you ever been to a television studio before?”


                “Well then you have to come out with me.”

                “Oh no.  No I can’t.”  She couldn’t risk being seen on television by someone she knew.

                “That’s fine, you can stay here.” 

The young man from earlier interrupted them.  “Mr. Bass it’s time to go.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Marabeth watched as Lance did his interview and debuted a new video by Samantha Jacobs.  He explained that Samantha would have loved to be there to deliver the video herself but she was promoting her CD in Asia at the moment.

They played the video, which was different to Marabeth.  She never was a big music fan, except when she started chemotherapy, then she listened to classical music, a recommendation from a fellow chemo patient.

                She was watching the number one video when Lance returned.  “Ready to go?  I need to take a shower and get ready for tonight.”

                Marabeth nodded and followed Lance back to the limo.  “Samantha is very beautiful.”

                “And she can sing too.  She was a real find for me.  We held a talent search and found her going to school in Michigan.  She sang in high school, but was currently only singing at church.  Her friends convinced her to audition.  Glad we found her or it would have been a real waste.”

                “She’s very luck to have a manager like you.”  Marabeth said for lack of anything else to say.

                The limo stopped at the hotel and the driver helped Marabeth out followed by Lance.  The number of fans has almost doubled from earlier.  Lance whispered something to the bodyguard accompanying them. He pushed his way through the crowd allowing Lance and Marabeth to follow.

                Once in the hotel lobby Lance led Marabeth to the elevators and accompanied her to her room.  “I’ll be back for you in an hour.”

                “Okay, but where’s my stuff we bought today?”

                “It should be inside your room.  The driver brought it back while we were at the spa.”

                “Oh,” Marabeth said in utter embarrassment.  She opened the door and quickly slid in the room.  The door closed and she leaned against it trying to take in all that she’d done that day.  She sighed amazed at all that she’d seen and done.  Until that moment she’d pretty much blocked the sharp pains radiating from her abdomen.  She tried to stop the tears began to stream down her face.  “It won’t be long,” she whispered.  She knew her body and knew that she didn’t have much longer to suffer.  She walked away from the door and cringed as she walked past the mirror.  Her makeup had begun to run.  She quickly went to the bathroom and tried to repair the damage.

                Marabeth was putting her shoes on when there was a knock at the door.  “Just a moment,” she yelled.  She looked at her reflection in the mirror one last time, still unsure about wearing the dress in public.  She left the bedroom and headed to the kitchenette.  She grabbed a glass of water and swallowed down two of the remaining four pills.

                “Sorry it took me so long,” she said opening the door.  She glances up to see Lance standing there with a bundle of at least two dozen long stem red roses.  “Oh my goodness,” Marabeth gasped.  “They are absolutely beautiful!”  She took the bouquet inhaling their heavenly scent.  She sat the vase full of flowers on one of the end tables leaning in one more time to smell them.

                “Are you ready?”  Lance asked.

                “Yes,” Marabeth said grabbing her purse off the couch and taking the arm he offered.

*Two Hours Later*

                “Oh my god that cheesecake was to die for.  I’m sure I’m going to bust out of this dress!”  Marabeth said leaving the restaurant.

                Lance was walking slightly behind her with his hand rested on the small of her back.  From his view there was absolutely nothing wrong with her, she was drop dead gorgeous.  “Would you like to go for a carriage ride before we go dancing?”

                Marabeth’s face lit up, “I’d love to.”

                Lance flagged down a carriage and help Marabeth in.

                “Where to sir?”

                “Around the park.”

                “Yes sir,” the driver signaled the horse and the carriage jumped causing Marabeth to grab hold of Lance’s arm.

                Marabeth blushed when she realized what she’d done.  “Sorry.”

                “That’s fine,” Lance wrapped his arm around Marabeth’s bare shoulder.  “How’s that?”

                “Fine,” she said snuggling closer to him.  “Look how beautiful it is tonight.  The only thing I miss are the stars.”

                “What part of California did you say you lived in?”


                “You told me that you were from there.”

                Marabeth felt deeply embarrassed.  “I’m so sorry.  I lied.”

                Lance felt as if she’d slapped him in the face.  “So did you go through all this trouble to get close to me?”  He felt so stupid.

                “Oh no!  I never meant to hurt you.  I … I just didn’t know if I could trust you,” she fiddled with the straps on her purse.  “I ran away from home, sort of.”

                “What do you mean you ran away from home?  How old are you?”

                “I’m old enough to be on my own, but my parents didn’t see it that way.”  She was staring down at the floor of the carriage.  “I’m so very sorry.”

                “I still don’t understand.”  Lance said removing his arm from around her shoulders.  “Are you in some kind of trouble?”

                “I suppose so.  I left the hospital without any one knowing, well my friend, Karen knows because she removed all the tubes they had in me.”  Marabeth began to babble.  She turned and looked at him.  “Maybe I should start at the beginning.  Short version.  I have cervical cancer.  It’s progressed too far.  The doctor wanted to perform a hysterectomy.  I refused.  My parents insisted and were trying to make it so I was not able to make my own medical decisions.  I bolted and have been trying to see things that I’ve never seen before.  I live in a small town in Michigan, not in California.”  She reached over and grabbed Lance’s hand.  “I honestly never knew who you were until we were shopping today.  I never wanted to hurt you.  I’m just trying to live the remainder of my life without staying in a hospital bed.”  Marabeth looked up at Lance to see tears streaming down his face.  “I really am sorry that I lied to you.  Today has been the best day of my life.”

                Lance leaned forward and whispered to the driver.  The carriage stopped and he hopped down.  “Don’t move.  I’ll be right back.”

                Marabeth was petrified that Lance was going to leave her there.  What have I gotten myself into this time, she thought.  

                A few minutes passed and Lance climbed back into the carriage holding a single white rose.

                Marabeth laughed trying to hide her nervousness.  “You already bought me more roses than I’ve ever had in my whole life.”

                “This one is special.  This one is more important that the twenty four I gave you earlier.  This one is white to symbolize the pure love I feel for you.”  He placed a finger under her chin to lift her face so he could see it.  She was crying.  He placed a hand on her check wiping the tears away with his thumb.  “May I kiss you?”

                Marabeth held her breath as his warm lips met hers.  She’d never felt anything like it.  The flood of feelings pulsating through her body was almost more than she could bear.  As the kiss ended and Lance looked back down at her he knew that he would do anything for her and wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of his life with her.

                Breaking the kiss Marabeth once again began to fiddle with the straps on her purse.  “One thin I’m …” she started.

                “Still want to go …” Lance said at the same time.  “You first.”

                “No, it’s really silly.”

                “Finish.  I want to hear what you have to say.”  Lance insisted running his thumb over the knuckles on her hand.

                “The one thing that I’m really going to miss, I mean the one thing that I won’t be able to buy or pull off in my little around the US trip is becoming a sadie.”

                “A what?”

                “A sadie.  Haven’t you ever seen ‘Funny Girl’?”  Lance gave her a blank stare.  “The movie.  Staring Barbara Streisand.”

                “Yes I know what ‘Funny Girl’ is but what’s a sadie?”

                “There’s a song in the movie.  A sadie is a married lady.  I’ve always wanted that song played on my wedding day.”  Marabeth’s face turned crimson.  “Have you really never seen that movie?”  Lance shook his head.  “You just have to see it.  It’s one of my favorites!”

                Lance leaned forward and whispered to the driver.  “We can go dancing another time,” Lance said sitting back next to Marabeth.

                Oh great, I should never have brought up the sadie thing.  She sat very quiet, worrying that she’d said something wrong.  “Okay,” she simple uttered.

                Lance dug his cell phone out of his jacket pocket.  He punched in a number and waited while it rang.

                “Good evening and thank you for calling the Waldorf Astoria.”

                “Hello, this is Lance Bass and I’d like for you to make some arrangements for me.”  He turned and whispered the rest of his conversation so Marabeth couldn’t hear.

                The carriage stopped beside the limo and Lance quickly paid the driver before hoping out.  He turned and offered his hand to Marabeth.

                “Thank you.”  It was the first thing she’d said since Lance’s phone call.  They climbed into the limo and she sat as close to the far door as possible.  They rode back to the hotel in complete silence.  As the limo pulled up to the hotel Marabeth tried to hide the fact that she was crying.  I can’t believe that I ruined this evening.

                She carefully exited the limo surprised that there were no fans present.  Lance walked slightly ahead of her.  He stopped momentarily at the front desk before heading to the elevators.

                “Thank you for the lovely evening.”  Marabeth finally said.  She had a knot in her stomach, half fear that she’d done something wrong the other half pain.

                Lance turned and grinned at her.  He took her hand in his and brought it to his lips.  “Our night is far from over.”

                Marabeth got a panicked look on her face.  “I’ve … I’ve never.  I can’t,” she stuttered, embarrassed.

                “Oh no not that.” Not that I don’t want to!  “I’ve arranged for our own private viewing of ‘Funny Girl’ in your hotel room.

                Marabeth’s face flushed a bright red.  “You’re kidding me.”  She giggled.  “I thought that you were upset at the sadie stuff that I said, then I thought you wanted to …” she blushed an even deeper red.

                Lance squeezed her hand.  “Not that I don’t want to, but I don’t think we should move that fast.”  He leaned down and kissed her quickly.  “I could never be upset or mad at you.  I love the fact that you know what you want and I have the urge to get it for you.”  Lance grabbed the key card from her hand and slid it in the door.  “I’ve honestly never felt this way about a woman this soon.  I have fallen in love with you.”

                Marabeth didn’t know what to say.  She walked through the door to her room followed by Lance.  When the door shut she turned to face him.  “I can honestly say that I’ve never been in love, so I don’t know if what I’m feeling is love.”  She smiled taking his hand and leading him to the sofa.  “I feel like I can’t breath when you are around.  That my heart is gong to explode.  That … that,” she smiled back at him as tears streamed down her face.  “I sound corny don’t I?”

                Lance laughed, “No, you are wonderful.”  He wiped the tears off her face.  “Are you ready for the movie?”

                “Oh yes.  I can’t wait!”  They stood and went into the bedroom.  “What did you do?”  Marabeth exclaimed looking around the room.  There was a video screen and projector set up.  On the bed were a huge bowl of popcorn and various bags of candy.

                “I didn’t know what you liked to eat while you watched movies.  I hop this is fine.”

                “Yes,” she said hugging him tightly.

                “Marabeth, I want to know everything there is to know about you.”

                “One thing I should wan you.  I love to sing along with this movie.”


                “Oh yeah I should also tell you that I can’t sing.”  She laughed.  “Let me get out of this dress.”

                “Fine,” Lance watched as she dug through her drawers.  “Need any help?”

                Marabeth suddenly stopped.  “One more thing I should tell you.  I’m a virgin,” she blushed.

                “I … I,” Lance didn’t know what to say.

                “Wait here’s the ironic part.  I’ll never.  I mean I can’t.”  She never thought she’d have to have this discussion.  “The pain and cancer makes it impossible.”

                “I understand.”  It was Lance’s turn to blush.  “I just wondered if you needed help with the zipper on your dress.

                “Why don’t we just start this over.”  She laughed.  “Make yourself comfortable.  I’m going to change out of this dress.”  She smiled grabbing shorts and a shirt.  Marabeth stopped before entering the bathroom.  “You know I really could use your help.”  She sat her clothes down on the sink and walked back to where Lance was standing.  Pulling her hair to the side Marabeth turned her back to Lance.  “Would you?”

                He held his breath as he slid the zipper down the back of the dress.  As the zipper descended revealing her perfect milky skin Lance was overwhelmed with want.  Before he could control himself her kissed the back of her neck. 

                A moan escaped Marabeth’s lips as a chill ran down her spine.  “You are absolutely beautiful.”  Lance said in a deep whisper.  Marabeth shivered as Lance’s warm breath scrolled across her shoulders.

                “Thank you,” Marabeth said barely audible.  She stepped into the bathroom.  “I’ll be right back out.”  Sexual tension hung in the air.  Lance did everything he could to control the feelings of want and need that coursed through his body.  He understood that nothing was going to happen between them tonight.  He also knew that the physical act of sex was not the only way that her could show her that he loved her.  There were other ways.

                Marabeth emerged from the bathroom wearing a simple pair of blue shorts and a University of Michigan shirt.  She’d pulled her hair up in a ponytail.  If Lance thought she looked beautiful and elegant in the evening gown, she now was radiant.

                “What?” Marabeth said questioning his stare.

                “Nothing,” Lance fiddled with the remotes to the projector.  “Ready?”

                “Just a sec,” Marabeth ran into the other room swallowed the last two pills in her bottle before returning to the bedroom.  She hoped on the bed, “Ready.”

                Just as she warned Marabeth sang along with all the songs and she knew all the words.  She giggled as the movie ended.  “I warned you.”

                “You weren’t too bad, compares to finger nails on a chalkboard.”  Lance was laughing at his own joke when Marabeth smacked him with her pillow.

                “I’m sorry,” Marabeth said when Lance stopped laughing.

                “You have no idea what you just started.”  Lance leapt forward on the bed toward her, tackling her and beginning to tickle her.

                “Lance, Lance,” she giggled incessantly.

                He continued to tickle her and before either of them realized what was happening they were undressing each other.  Lance planted light kisses along Marabeth’s collarbone continuing on to her shoulder.  He pushed her strap on her bra down and continued his path.  He paused looking up into her eyes.

                Passion burned bright in her eyes, but along with it was a scared look.  “What?  What’s wrong?  Are you in pain?  Did I hurt you?”

                Marabeth smiled.  Why didn’t God let her meet Lance years ago?  Sometimes life was just so unfair.  “Nothing.  I’m fine.  I just … I love you.”

                “Do you mean it?”  Lance blushed realizing how bad that sounded.  “I mean don’t feel like you have to say it.”

                She sat up.  “I mean it.  I know it’s fast but I guess with the way my life is right now I have to move fast.”

                Lance stood up and grabbed his shirt pulling it back on.

                “What … what are you doing?”

                He sat down next to her on the bed taking her hands in his.  “Marabeth, I want you.  I want you more than you’ll ever know, but tonight’s not the night.”  He stood back up and kissed her forehead.  “I’m going to go to my room.”

                “No, please stay,” Marabeth grabbed Lance’s hand.

                “Okay.”  Lance slipped his shirt back off and turned the covers down on the bed.  They both crawled in and snuggled together.  “Goodnight Marabeth,” he said kissing her cheek.

                “Night and thank you again for a wonderful day,” she replied already half asleep surrounded by his love and strong arms.

                Lance work with a start.  He reached for Marabeth only to find her side of the bed empty.  He wiped the sleep from his eyes and tried to focus on the clock next to the bed.  It was only eight o’clock.  He hadn’t even been to sleep five hours.  He pulled the covers back and went to check for Marabeth.  He opened the bathroom door, but she wasn’t there.  He checked the balcony, but the doors were shut and locked.  He opened the bedroom door and walked out into the living room and kitchen area and was shocked when he saw her curled up in the fetal position on the couch.  He walked over to her and ran a hand down her cheek thinking that she was asleep.  When she turned to look at him through her tear laden lashes Lance knew that something was terribly wrong.

                Lance quickly grabbed the phone and dialed 911.

                “911 Emergency.”

                “I need an ambulance,” Lance continued to answer the questions poised to him and opened the door to the hotel room as instructed.  Returning to Marabeth’s side he wrapped her up with a blanket.  “They’re on the way.”  He held her tight.  “They’re on the way,” he repeated.

                The EMS arrived and strapped Marabeth down to a cot.  “We’re going to give her something for the pain.  Can you tell us again where her cancer is?”

                “Cervical cancer,” Lance said trying to keep hold of Marabeth’s hand while they pushed her into the elevator.

                “Do you know if the cancer has metastasized?”


                “Is she allergic to anything?”

                “I don’t know.”

                They pushed her off the elevator and toward the ambulance.  Flashes popped as the onlookers took pictures.  “Why don’t you follow us?”

                “No, I want to stay with her.  Can’t I ride in the ambulance?  I don’t want to leave her alone.”

                “We recommend that you follow in your car.”

                “Please, please let me go with her.  I don’t have a car here.”
                “Fine, you can ride up front.”

                The ride to New York Medical Center was quick and Lance tried to follow when they pushed her into the emergency room.  “Wait here.  Immediate family only.”

                “I'm her fiancé,” he lied.

                “I’m sorry sir you’ll have to wait out here until we get her comfortable.”

                Lance didn’t say anything else.  He just sat down on the nearest couch.

                “Are you with Marabeth Williams?” a young lady wearing scrubs asked.

                “Yes, how is she?  Is she okay?”  Lance asked jumping up from the couch.

                “She’s fine.  We’ve hooked her up to a Morphine drip to help ease the severe pain.  She’s becoming a bit more lucid and we took the liberty of calling her parents.  They said they’d take the next plane in from Michigan.”

                “Did she tell you to call her parents?”

                “No, is that a problem?”

                “It might be.  Have you told her yet?”


                “May I please see her now?”

                “Are you a relative?”

                “I’m her fiancé.”  The lie was getting easier.

                “Okay fine, but only for a short time.”  The nurse led him to a small room where Marabeth was lying on a cot.  “Only a few minutes.”

                Lance waited until the door closed.  “Marabeth, Marabeth can you here me?”

                She slowly opened her eyes.  She tried to speak but couldn’t form the words.

                “Shh, just listen.  I had to tell them that we are engaged or they wouldn’t let me come back.”  He sat down on the stool next to the cot and took her hand.  “I have some bad news.  They called your parents and they are on their way.”

                “No, no parents,” she whispered.  “They want the surgery.  They won’t just let me die.”

                “I know, so I’ve got a plan.”  He squeezed her hand tight.  “Marry me.”  Marabeth’s eyes got real big.  “Let me finish.  I want to do this to help you.  I love you.  If we were married they have no say.  I won’t let them hurt you.”  Lance looked up to see tears in her eyes.  “Please Marabeth.”

                “No.  I can’t let you do this.  I’m dying.”

                “I know and I still love you.  I want to marry you even if it’s for a day or by some miracle we are together for fifty years.”

                “Lance, before I agree to marry you, you have to make me a few promises.”

                “Okay anything, anything at all.”

                “My parent’s told everyone right away when I found out that I had cancer.  I went from being Marabeth Williams to the girl who has cancer.  It was all my parent’s fault.”  She tried to sit up but couldn’t.  “They were wrong!  My name is Marabeth Williams.  I’m the girl who loves life, loves to smile, loves a stormy day, and loves rainbows.  I’m not just Marabeth Williams, the girl with cancer.  Please Lance don’t let me parents take control of my care.  They don’t want to let me go.”

                Lance grabbed hold of her hand tightly.  “I promise you.  I’ll never let your parents do anything that you wouldn’t want.”

                “Then yes Lance, I’ll marry you.”

                He leaned down and kissed her.  “You’ve just made me the happiest man in the world.”  He stood and dialed on his cell phone.  “City Hall please.”  He paced back and forth in the small room.  “Hello, my name is Lance Bass and I need to talk to someone who can help me get a marriage license.”

                Someone switched the phone over and Lance listened as it rang.  “City Clerks Office.”

                “Hello, I need to get a marriage license and my fiancé and myself would like to get married today.”

                “I’m sorry sir but you have to hold your license for two days in New York.”

                “That won’t work!  Give me your supervisor.”  No matter how high Lance went up the governmental ladder everyone had the same answer for him.

                Finally frustrated, Lance asked,  “What is the nearest state that you don’t have to wait?”

                “Let me check, um, Connecticut would be the closest.”

                “Thank you,” Lance hung up.  “Looks like we’re going to Connecticut.”  Lance turned to find Marabeth resting.  “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything.”  He left the room and quickly found the doctor.  He explained what they wanted to do and that you had to hold a license in New York, but not in Connecticut.  “Is there anyway that you can get a ambulance to take us to the nearest hospital in Connecticut?”

                “Let me see what I can do to help you.”  He picked up a phone and dialed.  After a few moments he returned to Lance.  “There is a hospital in Greenwich that is about 41 miles away.  I’m not sure if she can handle the trip though.  Sam, on of the paramedics from earlier, suggested that we air lift you.  It would only be about ten to fifteen minutes.  If you want I can help make all the arrangements.”

                “Can she return her after we get married?  I want her to get the best care possible and I think you can provide what she needs.”

                “Sure.  Let me get back with the chopper service and I’ll let you know.”

                “Great, I’ll be in her room waiting.”  Lance returned to Marabeth’s side.  She opened her eyes and smiled.  “It’s going to all work out.  I promise,” he leaned over and kissed her.  “I promise.”

                The ceremony was quick and kept quiet.  Marabeth wore a hospital gown and Lance the same suit that he’d worn on their date.  No pictures were taken and they were only on the ground long enough to say their vows.

                Upon return to New York Medical Center Marabeth was admitted to a private room under her new name.  The doctor ordered medication to control the pain and did everything possible to just make her comfortable.  He informed that without an act of God it wouldn’t be much longer.

                It was well after midnight when Marabeth’s parents showed up.  If the lady working in admitting hadn’t been a fan and heard the rumors that were running rampant throughout the hospital Brenda and Tom Williams would have never found Marabeth’s room.  Her name wasn’t even listed on the registry in the computer.

                Brenda Williams was a 5’2” red headed fiery.  No one wanted to upset her or not give her what she wanted.  When she burst into Marabeth’s hospital room she wasn’t prepared to be confronted by a bodyguard, let alone a bodyguard the size of Clem.

                “No visitors allowed,” the 6’2” ex-football player with the neck the width of a tree, said.

                “I’m NOT a visitor you oaf, I’m her mother!” Brenda barked.

                “I’m sorry, Mrs. Bass’ husband left strict orders with me that no one was allowed in.”  Especially her parents, he thought.

                At first Brenda thought that she had the wrong room, but when the door opened and a blonde haired man walked out she could see Marabeth lying in the hospital bed.

                “It’s alright Clem I’ll take care of this.  Marabeth has request NO visitors.”

                “Like I was telling the oaf over there I’m not a visitor, I’m her mother,” Brenda’s voice was raised and Lance was trying to back her away from the room.  “Don’t touch me!”  She shook free of Lance’s grasp.  “Just who the hell do you think you are?”  She sized up the man in front of her.  He was about 6’ tall and looked as though he’d lived in the obviously expensive suit her was wearing.

                Lance smiled and outstretched his hand, “Hello, my name is Lance Bass.  I’m your son-in-law.”  Lance wished that Marabeth could have seen the look on her mother’s face.  The spitfire of a woman before him turned pale and looked faint.  “Is she going to be alright?” he asked the tall man behind her.

                Tom helped his wife sit down on a nearby couch.  “I’m sure she will be eventually.”  He looked back at the young man.  “I’m Marabeth’s father,” he shook Lance’s hand.  “Your father-in-law, I guess.”

                “Hello Mr. Williams.”

                “Please call me Tom.  Marabeth’s given us the scare of our lives.  We’d hired a private investigator, but they turned up nothing.  We just flew in and we are tired and we wasn’t to see our daughter,” he said in a calm but authoritative voice.  Whereas Brenda was loud and outspoken to get what she wanted Tom Williams had an understated way of controlling the situation.  He was going to see his daughter and he didn’t care who this young man thought he was or how many bodyguards he hired to guard the door.

                Lance looked at the two people in front of him.  He didn’t plan on liking her parents when he thought of this plan.  He not only like them, but also saw a lot of Marabeth in them.  He felt sorry for them.  “It’s really up to Marabeth.  Let me check with her.”  If it were up to Lance he would never let Brenda Williams in to see his wife, but Tom was a different story.  Marabeth didn’t need a confrontation; hell she wasn’t strong enough for one.  When Lance went back into Marabeth’s room she opened her eyes and she smiled at him.

                “I missed you when I woke and you weren’t here.”

                “Your parents are outside.”

                “I thought you made sure that they couldn’t find me,” Marabeth said obviously getting upset.

                “I thought I had.”  He walked over and grabbed her hand.  “Please stay calm.”

                Lance held her hand and waited for her to calm back down.  “Marabeth I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t want, but I think that you should at least talk to one of your …”

                “You promised that you wouldn’t let them hurt me,” she cried.

                Lance wiped the tears from her cheeks.  “I know and I’ll still only do what you want, but why don’t you think about letting your dad come visit.”

                Tears continued to stream down her face.  She believed Lance when he promised that he’d keep her parents away from her.  What made him change his mind?  “If I said no,” she sniffled, “would you be upset with me?”

                Lance shook his head.  “Nothing you do could ever upset me.”  He kissed her forehead.  “I just thought that you’d want to say goodbye to your parents.”

                Put that way how could she say no?  “Okay.  Fine,” she conceded.  “But only my father.  Please don’t’ let my mother anywhere near me.  Please Lance, please.”

                Lance gathered her in his arms.  Her begging broke his heart.  Just how controlling was Brenda Williams?  He kissed the top of her head.  “I’ll make sure that only your father is allowed in.  Clem can keep your mother out.”

                Lance went out and told Marabeth’s parents what she’d agreed to.  Brenda threw a tantrum but Tom quieted her down.  Lance decided that he’d give Tom privacy with his daughter and went for a walk.  He instructed Clem to mot allow Brenda into Marabeth’s room under any circumstances.

                As Tom opened the door his breath caught.  The little girl he’d loved, the little girl he’d raised, laid helplessly attached to beeping machines.  She looked like a little rag doll lying in the huge hospital bed.  He tried to keep from crying but it was inevitable.  He slowly walked to her bed remembering all the times he’d spent watching her play softball and volleyball or attended one of her many dance recitals.  Why did this awful disease have to affect his little girl?

                Marabeth tried to pull herself up in the bed but it proved to be too painful.

                “Don’t,” Tom said trying to help his daughter sit up.

                “I’m sorry Dad.”

                Tom shook his head.  “Don’t ever be sorry.  You have nothing to be sorry for.”  He pulled a chair up to her bedside and grabbed her hand.  “You were the cutest little baby.  You’ve always made your mother and me very proud.  Nothing you’ve ever done could disappoint us.”

                “You’re not mad that I left the hospital?”

                “We were scared, but never mad.  Your mother was very worried.  She was sorry that it took your leaving to see just how much we were pushing you.”

                “I never wanted to scare you.  I just didn’t want any more treatments or surgeries.  I’m so sorry.”  Marabeth sobbed.

                Tom moved up to the bed and let his daughter cry on his shoulder.  “Don’t cry sweetie, everything is going to be fine.”  Tom was waiting for the right moment to ask, no beg Marabeth to talk to her mother.


* * *


Lance had walked up and down every hall on the floor Marabeth was on.  He headed back to her room hoping that everything was still all right.  When he rounded the corner he saw Brenda sitting in the same spot he’d left her and she was crying.  He walked up and sat down beside her.  “I’m sorry that it has come to this.”

“It’s not your fault.  You’re just doing what she asks.”  She turned and looked at him  “You must really love her.”

Lance got a silly grin on his face.  “I do.  I really do.  I’d love nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with her.  Unfortunately I realize that unless a miracle happens I won’t get to.”  Lance stood and walked towards Marabeth’s room.  He peered through the window in the door.  Marabeth was hugging her father.  At least everything was going okay with them.  He walked back to the couch and sat back down.  “Can you tell me what she was like as a child?”

Lance and Brenda sat for nearly an hour discussing Marabeth’s childhood, her rebellious teens, and her plans to become a lawyer and enter politics.  “She wanted to be the first female president.”  Brenda laughed as Tom came out of the room.  She immediately stood and walked to him.  “How is she?  Does she want to see me?”

Tom placed a hand on his wife’s arm.  “She’s resting right now.  She said she’d think about seeing you.  I’m sorry.”

Lance sat with her parent’s most of the early morning.  He explained to them how they had met.  Told about their day of shopping and finally their date.  “Did you know that she likes the movie ‘Funny Girl’?”

Brenda started to laugh, “Likes it, she loves it.  She can repeat it backward and forward.  She also sings every song while watching it.  I think she has to buy a new copy of the tape every year.”

Lance wanted more than anything that he’d have to buy Marabeth a new copy of ‘Funny Girl’ every year for her birthday.  He stood suddenly.  “I’m going to go check on her.  I’ll be right back.”

                                Days later Marabeth was still refusing to talk to her mother.  Lance spent every waking hour at the hospital.  Brenda had been nice enough to go to his hotel room and bring back the things he needed.  He’d promised Marabeth that no matter what he wouldn’t allow her mother in. It was getting harder and harder to keep his promise.

                Marabeth’s condition had worsened and it was now necessary for her to be permanently on oxygen.

                She’d just awoken from one of her many naps throughout the day.  “Lance,” she said barely audible.

                Lance jumped out of the chair he was resting in.  “Are you okay?”

                “I … I,” she was having a terrible time talking do to the medications.  “My mom,” she barely said.

                “You want you mom?”  She nodded.  “Just a sec and I’ll go out and get her.”  Lance ran for the door.  Clem was long gone.  It had become a silent agreement that Brenda wouldn’t try to visit Marabeth.

                Brenda had very seldom left the hospital.  She’d made the couch in the hall her own and she could always be found there.

                Today was no different.  When Lance opened the door both Brenda and Tom jumped up.  “What’s wrong?  What is it?”

                “She wants to see you.”  Lance held the door as Brenda slowly walked in.  For days she’d been praying that Marabeth would change her mind.

                The room was dark except for the light that came through the slats on the window blind.  Marabeth looked worn out and very tired.

                Brenda stopped just inside the door and stared.  Where had her little girl gone?  The woman lying before her was an adult and for the first time Brenda saw the real Marabeth.

                “Mom,” Marabeth cried.

                Brenda instantly went to her daughter.  They both never spoke a word their hearts said it all.  They sat for well over an hour with Brenda just holding Marabeth.  Tom and Lance had long since left the room.

                “I love you Mom,” Marabeth said still wrapped in her mother’s embrace.

                Brenda sniffled and wiped the tears off her daughter’s cheeks.  “I’ve loved you long before you were ever even dreamt about.”

                “I’m sorry that I ever disappointed you.”

                “Oh Marabeth you have never ever done anything to disappoint me.  You’ve always made me proud to be your mother.”

                “You aren’t upset that I married Lance are you?”

                “Oh no sweetheart.  He’s perfect and it’s very obvious that he loves you.”

                Marabeth tried to hug her mom but she wasn’t strong enough.  “Marabeth, I love you so much.”  Brenda hugged her daughter tight.  “I’m going to go and let Lance come back.”

                “Thank you for everything.”

                “Anything sweetheart, anything.”  Brenda kissed her daughter’s forehead.  “Sleep well baby,” she said as a fresh wave of tears crept down her face.  That’s the same phrase that she used to say when she’d tuck Marabeth in as a little girl.  She somehow knew that this would be the very last time that she’d ever get to tuck her daughter in.

                As Brenda left the room Lance and Tom stood to greet her.  “How is she?”  Lance asked.

                “She’s asking for you.”  Brenda hugged him.  “Thank you so much.”

                “It was all Marabeth’s doing.  I just let her make up her own mind.”  Lance walked back into Marabeth’s room.

                Marabeth was trying to pull herself up in bed.  “Let me help you.”

                “I really do love you,” she whispered.  The pain was leaving and she could almost sense that the time was here.

                “I love you too.”  He kissed her lightly.  “Do you know what the one thing I regret is?”  She shook her head.  “We never went dancing.”

                “May I have this dance?” Marabeth said on a whisper.

                Lance picked her up and held her in his arms and began to sing.  “Looking back on the memory of … the dance we shared beneath the stars alone … for a moment all the world was right … how could I have known that you'd ever say goodbye … and now I'm glad I didn't know … the way it all would end the way it all would go … our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain … but I'd of had to miss the dance … holding you I held everything … for a moment wasn't I a king … but if I'd only known how the king would fall … hey who's to say you know I might have changed it all … yes my life is better left to chance … I could have missed the pain but I'd of had to miss the dance.”  He looked down and just knew that Marabeth was no longer with him.  He dropped to his knees still holding her in his arms and tears streaming down his face.  He leaned down and kissed her lips.  “I love you Marabeth and would have never missed this dance.”


The End


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