I Knew I Loved You

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

© 2000-2001 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


                “Come on Darrell, it’s a great idea for a story.”  Cecilia Colson yelled after her boss.  She’d worked for the magazine for three years as a researcher, but had never had the courage to write a story of her own.  She ran down the hall after him following him into his office.

                “Cecilia, I’m not sure our readers would want to read an article about computer dating.”  He sat down behind his desk and began to riffle through some of the papers.

                “What do you know about computer dating, Darrell?  You’ve been married forever.”  Cecilia made herself comfortable in the chair across from his desk.

                “The question, my dear, is what exactly do you know about computer dating?”  Darrell stopped looking through his mail and stared at her.

                “Enough,” she lied.  “I’ve already placed an ad and now I’m just waiting to see who answers it.”  She hoped he didn’t ask her to pull it up on his computer.  She didn’t even know how to place an ad.  She had better things to do than play on the internet.  She only had her e-mail address at work and checked it only once in a while.  “Come on, please let me try this.  Please.”

                “Oh okay, fine.  I’ll give you two weeks, then I want a first draft.  We’ll try to fit it into the next issue.”

                Cecilia jumped up, leaned over the desk and giving him a big kiss on his cheek.  “Thanks so much!  You won’t regret giving me a try.”


                “Are you sure you want to do this?”  Stef asked her friend again.

                “Yeah, it could be my big break.  And who knows maybe I’ll find a great guy too.”

                “Okay, since you don’t have AOL we’ll set you up on Yahoo!.  What do you want your screen name to be?”

                I really don’t want to use my name, so let’s see.”  She thought for a while.  “Um, how about something fun like prtygrl@yahoo.com?  Or something serious like one_smt_grl@yahoo.com.  No better yet how about mzcofmyhrt@yahoo.com.”  Cecilia was named after the patron saint of music because she only calmed down in the womb when her mother would play music for her stomach.

                “Whatever you want.”  Stef replied rolling her eyes.

                “I’ve never done something like this.  If you were a guy what kind of ad would you answer?”

                “Don’t ask me to think like a guy, I can’t understand men!”  Stef sat patiently at the computer waiting for her friend to make up her mind.  “Oh, go with the music one.  It will work.  The prtygrl on might give the guy the wrong impression and the one_smt_grl one might turn the guys off.”

                “Fine let’s use that one.  Now what should the ad say?”

                They worked on the ad and in the end thought less was definitely more.  The ad read: Fun, professional female ISO someone to spend time with or communicate through e-mail.  I'm 5'6", strawberry-blond hair, and gray-blue eyes.  I love to listen to music, watch movies, go to the theatre and write.  I’m looking for a SWPM 23-30.  I’ll write back to all responses.


                Cecilia checked her e-mail constantly and was always disappointed in the responses that she got.  Nothing she’d ever want to go out with.  She did respond to all the e-mails and even went on a couple of dates. 

                The research she was gathering was going to be plenty.  She decided that she didn’t need anymore and told Stef to delete her ads.  She logged on to check her email one last time when she got the response that would change her story . . . and her life.

To:  mzcofmyhrt@yahoo.com

From: chris@fumanskeeto.com



                I saw your ad and thought that it sounded interesting.  My name is Chris and I’m 28.  I own my own internet company and sell clothes.  I travel a lot and enjoy meeting new people.  I just got out of a relationship and I’m looking for a friend.

                I love to make people laugh.  I’d love to get to know you better.  Pleas write back soon.



                Cecilia was excited as she read the response.  She hurried and responded to the email.

To:  chris@fumanskeeto.com

From:  mzcofmyhrt@yahoo.com

Good Morning Chris,

                My name is Cecilia, but everyone calls me CC.  I’m 26 and I’m a struggling writer.  I work mostly for a magazine as a researcher and like most writers I’m working on a novel.

                I’d love to see a picture of you.  I can send one of myself if you’d like.

                I’m glad that you like to make people laugh because I enjoy laughing.  Okay that sounded dumb.

                Here are the normal “get to know you” questions.  What do you like to do for fun?  Are you close to your family?

                Well, feel free to ask me anything, I’m very open.  Hope to hear from you soon . . . .



                The emails became more and more regular and with time they began to phone one another.  At the same time CC began to write the article.

                She was hard at work one night writing when the phone scared her.  She reached over and turned the CD player down.  “Hello.”

                “Wow, your home early from work.  I thought that I’d get your machine.”  Chris smiled.  “How are you tonight?”
                She hit save on the computer and sat back in her chair.  “I’m just great.  And how is the wonderful Chris tonight?”

                “Busy, getting ready for the fall,” he paused almost saying tour but quickly covering with, “line of clothes.”  He had very little to actually do with the clothing line.  His ex-girlfriend, Danielle, was in charge of the day-to-day running of FuMan Skeeto.  Chris more or less did promotional things as needed.  As he liked to point out he was the comic relief during meetings.  “How’s the book coming?  When are you going to let me read it?”

                CC smacked her forehead hoping that by now he’d have forgotten her telling him that she was writing a book.  “I’ve been really busy lately and I’ve put the book on the back burner.  I’ve picked up a job writing freelance.”  At least that wasn’t a total lie, except that she really didn’t write freelance and there really wasn’t a book in the works.

                “Have you written anything that I might have read?”

                “Not yet.  I’ve done some stuff for a local paper.  Only small stuff.”  Great, more lies.

                “Grand opening, petty thefts … that kind of stuff?”

                CC laughed.  “Yeah something like that.”  She balanced the phone between her ear and shoulder so she could type.  “How’s the fall line?” she asked trying to change the topic off of her.

                “It’s coming along fine.  We’re excited that it’s going to be available at Nordstrom.”  Chris rolled over in his bus bunk.  “I’m going to be in Indianapolis to do some sales pitching next week.”

                CC about dropped the dropped the phone.  He didn’t just say Indianapolis did he?  “Next week?”  Oh God, another lie coming back to haunt me.

                “Yeah … um … do you have anything going on the end of October?  Say the 25th and 26th?”

                CC picked up her daytimer.  There was only one notation the whole month.  “Article Due!” stared back at her from the 18th.  Only two days from now.  “I’m free,” she said hesitantly.

                “Would you like to meet?”  Chris wanted to meet her, but he wasn’t sure how to tell her about the real him.  “I could arrange for a room for you so you wouldn’t have to drive back to South Bend that same night.”

                CC saved the work she was doing; obviously she was going to have to mention the article sooner or later.  “I have to see if I can take the day off of work.”  And buy a plane ticket and tell you the truth about me and hope that you don’t hate me.  “Can I get back to you on it?”

                The magazine with the article would come out on the day before she meet him.  Chances were that he’d never see the article or even know that the CEO of the clothing company mentioned in it was him.

                “Sure, not a problem.”  Chris covered the mouthpiece when Justin opened the curtain.  “Um … what’s up J?”

                “Time to go.”

                “Just a sec,” Chris uncovered his phone.  “Hey CC I’ve got to run.  Are you going to be up late tonight?”

                CC looked at the screen, “I’m going to be up for quite awhile.”

                “Can I call you later, say around midnight?”

                “I’ll still be up.  Talk to you later,” CC hung up wanting to say ‘I love you’.  She glanced from the phone to the computer screen back to the phone.  She laid her head down on the desk.  What am I going to do?

                She decided to take the night off and watch a movie to try to forget about her worries.  “Maybe ‘You’ve Got Mail’ wasn’t the best choice,” CC said as she hit rewind.  “But that story had a happy ending.  Maybe mine will too.”  CC fell asleep on the couch waiting for Chris’s call.  He never did call.

                The crick in her neck caused sharp pains to radiate down her back.  “Ugh!” CC moaned as she rolled over almost falling off the couch.  “I can’t believe that I slept on the couch all night.”  She stood and stretched.  “Ouch.”

                As CC padded off to the bathroom she shrieked as she passed her computer.  “Oh my God!”  She’d almost forgotten about the article and Chris.  CC went to the bathroom and splashed water on her face.  The reflection in the mirror frightened her.  “Lying is never good,” she uttered under her breath.  CC squirted toothpaste on her toothbrush.  “Maybe today would be a great mental health day.”  She finished brushing her teeth and practiced her ‘I’m sick’ spiel before calling into work.

                “Darrell, I’m not going to come in today.  I’m running a fever and my stomach isn’t feeling well.”  NO need to tell him that the reason your stomach hurts is from worrying over Chris’s feelings about the article.

                “Cecilia, you have a deadline!”  CC could tell he wasn’t happy with her.  “Your article is due on my desk tomorrow morning whether you die tonight or not.  Are you done with it?”

                CC looked at the computer screen.  She’d finished the article before Chris’s call last night.  She was sitting there debating is she wanted to remove Chris from it all together when he called.  “It’s done,” she finally said.

                “Very good!”  Darrell had his doubts about CC’s writing ability but the first draft was cleverly written.  “Send it right over.”

                “But … I was … I thought …” CC wasn’t sure what to tell him.

                “But nothing.  Email it to me.  And feel better soon.” Darrell hung up before CC could finish her protests.

                She buried her head in her hands and screamed.  That usually always worked.  Needing advice she dialed Stef’s number.


                “It’s CC.”


                “I need to talk.”

                “No really?  I thought that you were just calling to wake me up!”  Stef glanced over at the clock.  7:30 AM.  “Do you realize that not all people enjoy getting up at frickin’ 7:30 in the morning!  I for one work 24 hours shifts remember?”

                “I’m sorry Stef.  I wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t important.”

                Stef rolled back over and pulled the covers over her head blocking out the early dawn.  “What’s up?”

                “It’s about Chris and the article,” CC signed.  “I don’t know what to do.”

                “Are you done with it?”


                “What have you told Chris?”

                “Nothing.”  Nothing but lies.

                “When’s the article due?”

                “It was due tomorrow, but Darrell wants it now.  He wants me to email it to him right now.”

                “What are you waiting for?  This is the big break you’ve been dreaming about.”

                CC was pacing around her home office.  “I’ve worked hard for this my whole life.  I’ve always wanted to be a writer.”

                “I hear a ‘but’ in your voice,” Stef interrupted.

                “I love him,” CC sighed.  She’d said it out loud.

                “Darrell?  You love Darrell?”

                CC laughed.  “No.  Chris.  I love Chris.”  CC continued to laugh mostly out of nervousness.  “Is that even possible?  I haven’t even met him.”

                Stef uncovered her head.  She wanted to tell her ‘I told you so’ and that playing with this kind of thing could backfire.  “What are you still doing home?” she asked finally glancing at her caller ID box.

                “Mental health day but I think I might be getting an ulcer.”

                “That’s just worry,” Stef stretched.  “Want me to come over?”

                “No that’s okay,” CC sat down at the computer.  “Should I send the article as is?”

                “Do you like it as is?”


                “Then yes.”  Stef was going to lay it on the line.  “Listen CC this could be your big break don’t let a man get in the way of it.  Either he’s gong to understand or he won’t.  And anyway what’s the chance that he’ll even get a hold of the magazine?”

                “You right.  I’m worrying over nothing.  He’ll never buy a magazine like Time … nope, never.”  CC wanted to cry.  “I’m so dead.”

                CC’s conversation with Stef didn’t help.  In the end she sent the article as is.  She also decided that it would be best to send the article to Chris.  If she didn’t hear back from him she’d have to accept it.

To:  chris@fumanskeeto.com

From: mzcofmyhrt@yahoo.com

Subject:  Please read this entire email.



                I’m so sorry not to have mentioned this earlier, but I now realize that I should have.  I’ve not told you the whole truth.  I am a researcher for a major magazine.  Until recently, I’ve never thought that I’d ever get published.  Well that day has come.  Normally I’d be ecstatic but unfortunately my lying to you makes this less than the most exciting moment of my life.

                I asked to research and write an article on computer dating verses other avenues of dating.  I had my friend, Stef place an ad on the internet and I tried to meet people answering ads in the newspaper.  Trust me when I say that until your email I hadn’t met anyone that I was remotely interested in.  I had a feeling that the article was going to be too boring to get published.

Your email changed my life.  Going into this project I thought the most I’d get out of it was some free dinners and maybe a couple of movies.  How was I to know that I’d meet someone as special as you?

Enough stalling.  I’ve attached the article for you to read.  I’ve debated all morning about rewriting or scraping the whole idea but as much as I value you, our friendship and any possibility of a relationship we might have.  I have to see how this article will do.

I’m sincerely sorry,



                Chris read the article again.  It was a good article; it would have been better if she hadn’t used his name.  The fact that she mentioned what he did worried him more.  If people put the pieces together this could definately cause a problem with his other job.

                “Hey Chris,” Lance yelled through the hotel room door.  “Time to go,” he added pounding on the door.

                Chris logged off his laptop and grabbed his bag.  He had a concert in a couple of hours.  The whole mess with CC would have to wait.

                A week had gone by and CC was sulking around the office.  The article had come out as planned; her life couldn’t have been much better.  The only problem, she hadn’t heard from Chris since his last phone call before her email.  She was rifling through some papers when Stef knocked on her door.

                “May I come in?”

                “Yeah,” CC said still pouting.

                “How long are you gonna piss and moan around?”

                “I don’t know.”  CC said near tears.  “Do you know the last time I felt like this?”

                Even though it was a rhetorical question Stef answered, “Two years and three months.”

                “Very funny Stef.”

                “What I’m not laughing.”  She sat down then tossed a large envelope at CC.

                “What’s this?”

                “Info on lover boy.”  She leaned forward in her chair.  “Interesting reading.  Oh the stuff you can find on the Internet.  Didn’t you even check out his clothing line’s web page?”

                CC shook her head.  She opened the envelope dumping ht contents on her desk.  “What is this for?” she asked holding up plane tickets.

                “They are for you.  I’m sick of you pouting around.”  Stef stood and walked around CC’s desk.  She pulled her chair back and repacked the envelope.  “You’ve got to hurry your plane leaves in just over an hour.”

                “But … what about work?”

                “All taken care of,” Stef said ushering CC out of her office.

                “I need my purse and … and clothes.  I can’t just leave.”

                Stef reached behind her and grabbed CC’s purse from under the desk.  She continued to lead CC out of the office.  “I’ve got it all taken care of.”  She pointed to a small suitcase next to CC’s office door.

                “You went to my house and packed my clothes.”

                Stef smiled, “And I even packed you a little surprise.”  She reached for the backpack that was sitting next to the suitcase.

                “What’s in here?”

                “Research.”  Stef laughed.  “You know for someone who does this for a living your really messed up on this one.  Didn’t even take me long to come up with the info on Chris.”  Stef put CC on the elevator and pushed the button for the parking garage as the doors closed she added.  “Oh and I want full details when you get back.”

                CC stared open mouthed at the closed elevator doors.  What was Stef talking about?  She looked down at the envelope.  She wanted to stop and read whatever it had in it.  As the elevator door opened she looked up at the garage clock.  “Oh god I have to hurry.”

                She drove as fast a she could and just barley made it to the airport.  Once seated in the plane she opened the envelope reading the pages upon pages on Christopher Kirkpatrick and the rest of the members of NSYNC.  She was completely dumbfounded when she was done.

                The very last page was a note from Stef.  God I don’t want to read this.

Okay smart girl, how in the hell did you miss this?  He’s one of the most seen faces in the US!  Don’t tell me that you never exchanged photos … oh my gosh you didn’t did you.  How stupid are you?  I’m sorry that’ was uncalled for.  Well I guess you now have lots of questions for Mr. Kirkpatrick.

                Oh by the way have you checked out the backpack?  Put the letter down and open it.


                Until now CC had forgotten about the backpack tucked nicely under the seat in front of her.  She opened it surprised to see a portable CD player and a handful of CD’s, all NSYNC.  On the front of each of them was a list of Stef’s favorite songs on the CD.

                She dug deeper and found another envelope.  Opening it she found tickets to tonight’s concert.  She laughed picking back up Stef’s note.

                I want the CD’s back when you come home.  I so underestimated NSYNC.  They really are good.

                Okay so I hope you found the ticket to the concert … don’t worry I packed a really cool concert outfit.  I went shopping for you.  Worried?  You should be! =)  Just kidding.

                Hotel info is in with the concert ticket.  Just so you know it was nearly impossible to get a hotel room let alone a room in the same hotel as them.

                Good luck and remember I want full details.


Love Ya!




P.S. If you don’t get the boy don’t give up until you do!


                CC folded the papers back into the envelope and sighed.  What was she doing?   She grabbed the CD player from the backpack and put the first CD in.  She glanced at Stef’s not on the cover and laughed at how she went song to song to listen to.  Instead of following the list she just hit play and listened to the whole CD.  Wonder which voice is Chris?  She continued through the CD and when the plane landed in Indianapolis she excited and went to find a rental car.

                She hadn’t been to Indianapolis in years.  I’m gong to get lost.  She pulled her suitcase behind her as she walked into the terminal.  She was surprised to see a man dressed in black holding a sign with her name on it.  Who knows I’m here?  Stef.

                CC hesitantly walked up to him.  “I’m Cecilia Colson.”

                He took her suitcase, “Follow me Miss.”

                “Where are going?”  CC said suddenly panicked.

                “I was hired to take you to your hotel Miss.”

                “Okay,” CC said following him to an awaiting limousine.  “Are you sure it was for Cecilia Colson?”

                “Yes Miss.”

                She sat quietly in the back of the limo as it drove along the highway heading into downtown Indianapolis.

                They pulled up to the entrance of the Omni Sevren.  CC was still in shock that she was in a limo.  She looked out the tinted windows as the driver walked around and opened the door for her.  The driver offered her his hand and as she exited girls began to gather around the car.

                “It’s nobody,” CC heard someone say as she walked by.

                “How do you know?” another asked.

                “I’ve done my research.  She’s not any of their girlfriends.” 

Not yet.

                CC checked in and was taken to her room.  It was your typical hotel room; two queen size beds, a table in the far corner, a desk between the beds, a small refrigerator, and a large dresser that held the television.  She walked to the far corner of the room and opened the drapes.  She glanced at the other side of the hotel and wondered which room Chris was in.

                She sat staring for a long time.  She held an advantage, she knew what Chris looked like and hopefully he no longer had the silly looking braids.

                She looked at her watch, “Oh god I have to get dresses!”  She went to her suitcase and threw it open.  I’m going to kill Stef.  As she unpacked indeed Stef had gone shopping.

                The lacy black teddy on the very top of the suitcase was something CC didn’t own.  The note attached read:  For later.  Neither were the leather pants and tiny t-shirt.  “No way I’m wearing this!  I’m too old to dress like this!”

                She picked up the leather pants and a note fell from them too.

No doubt that you are ready to kill me right now.  Well quit plotting my demise, get your skinny ass in the leather pants and go to the concert!


                She reluctantly dressed in the very unlike her outfit.  She looked in the mirror.  You don’t look all that bad.  The leather pants hugged in all the right places and the small t-shirt with CC on it in rhinestones clung to her ample breasts.

                CC styled her hair and touched up her make-up before leaving for the concert.  As she walked through the lush hotel lobby she noticed a gathering of girls.  Wonder who that could be?  Nonchalantly CC walked by and about tripped when she noticed that is was Chris they were all gathered around.

                This is you chance.  It’s now or never.  CC stopped and waited her turn.  She felt dumb when she realized that she had nothing for him to autograph.  She thought quick and handed him the envelope that her concert ticket was in.  Chris didn’t even bother to look up at her as he signed his name on the envelope.

                “Thank you so much Chris.”  CC said grabbing the envelope back and quickly walking toward the door.

                “That’s all.”  Chris said to his bodyguard as he stared after the woman walking away from him.  Why did that voice sound so familiar?

                Chris was ushered off to the concert and CC began walking the short distance to the venue.

                Once inside she asked for directions to her seat.  She was shocked to find she had seats to the right of the stage in the first row.  No way!  As the show began CC felt a tinge of nervousness.  What if this isn’t a good idea?

                Throughout the concert CC’s stomach was full of butterflies.  She had to figure a way to talk to Chris.  She knew his cell number but hadn’t bothered calling him in days.  The last time she’d tried she’d gotten his voice mail and didn’t leave a message.

                She’d forgotten all about the concert going on around her.  She was staring straight ahead when she finally returned to reality.  To her amazement Chris was standing on the stage right in front of her.

                Maybe now would be a good time.  I hope they can see out into the audience.  She pointed to her new shirt and waived.  Maybe he’d put two and two together. 

The look on Chris’ face changed.  Oh my God it’s CC.

The concert ended and CC dawdled around trying to decide what to do next.  The venue was almost empty when CC finally left her seat.  She half hoped that Chris would send someone to get her or something, anything.  She slowly walked back to the hotel enjoying the late fall weather.

                She walked around the block and stared into the windows of the mall fighting with her inner voice.  I should just go home and forget this whole mess.  No, you’ve come this far you can’t go home without seeing him.

                Ice cream won out over returning to the hotel when CC wondered into a Stake n’ Shake on the corner and ordered a strawberry shake.  The restaurant was packed with chattering people most of them obviously from the concert.  She waited for her shake and walked the final block back to the hotel.

                There too were tons of young girls.  They were everywhere, outside the hotel, throughout the lobby and even riding up and down in the elevator obviously trying to catch a glimpse of the guys.

                CC waited patiently for the elevator and was grateful that it was empty when she got in.  She hit the button for her floor and watched as the lights above the door moved.

                She fumbled in her pocket and found her room key before walking down the short hall to her room.  She pushed the key in the slot and waited for it to turn green.  Opening the door she silently wished that she’d left a light on in the dark hotel room.

                CC stumbled in and flipped the light on.  She screamed when she caught sight of a man sitting at the table in her room.

                The figure stood.  Chris. “How’d you get in here?”

                “I had someone get the key for me,” he said simply.

                “Wow I thought this hotel’d be better then that.”

                Chris crossed the room and held out his hand.  “Nice to finally meet you, I guess.”

                CC walked past him and fiddled in her suitcase.  “You guess.”

                “That’s not what I meant.”  Chris sat back down in the chair and ran his hand through his hair.  “Man, I’m sorry.  I never wanted it to happen like this.”

                “How did you envision out first meeting?” CC asked looking up at him.

                “I was hoping for flowers, maybe a hug, definitely hearing that great laugh of yours.”

                “Flowers.  You would have bought me flowers?”

                “No I expected you to buy me flowers,” Chris said with a grin.

                CC couldn’t help but laugh at him.  Chris stood and walked over to her.  He grabbed the shirt that she was absently playing with.  He took her hands in his and said, “I’m so sorry that I never called you back.”

                CC shivered at the feeling of Chris’ hands.  “I’m sorry …” she began and dropped her head down.

                Chris placed a finger under her chin and brought her eyes back up to meet his.  “You write beautifully.  You’re very talented.”

                “Thank you.”  CC stared at him.  She was at a loss for words.  “You’re the one that’s talented.  The show tonight was great.”

                “I love what I do.”

                “Why didn’t you tell me who you really were?”

                “I could ask you the same thing.”

                CC pulled her hands back and stood with them on her hips.  “I did tell you who I was.”

                “Really?”  Chris gave her a look that parlayed that he knew she was lying.  “So how’s the novel coming?” he asked with a grin.

                CC sat down on one of the beds.  “I’m not writing a novel,” she said barely audible.

                “Excuse me?” Chris sat down on the opposite bed.  “I thought you just said that you told me who you really were.”

                “Okay so we’re no different that the other.  We both lied to each other.”  She looked down at the floor than back up at Chris.  “I feel awful.”

                “Me too.”  Chris shrugged.  “Why don’t we start over.”  He stood and held out his hand.  “I’m Chris Kirkpatrick, I have my own company, but I’m most known for being Chris from NSYNC.”

                CC stood and shook his hand.  “Very nice to meet you.”  She smiled up at him.  “Oh yeah, I’m Cecilia Colson, everyone calls me CC.  I’m a researcher for Time Magazine.  That is until recently when I begged to be allowed to research and write a story on the aspects of dating.”  She giggled at the silliness of the whole thing.  “Now what?”

                Chris pulled her toward him and lowered his mouth to hers.  The kiss was better than he had ever thought it could be.  He’d wanted to kiss her for months and he hadn’t even met her yet.  Some how through it all he’d fallen in love with her without ever meeting her.  When they finally broke apart Chris said,  “I’m leaving tomorrow after the concert, come with me.”

                “I have to go back home.”  The flight Stef had booked for her left the next night.

                “No you don’t.  Quit your job.”

                CC laughed.  He’d said that so simply.  He couldn’t be serious.  “I can’t do that.  Just like I know you can’t leave your job.”

                “At least stay with me tonight.”  Chris said running a finger down her jaw line.

                CC nodded.  “Okay.”  She leaned up and kissed him.  The kiss was like no other she’d ever experienced.  She felt it in her toes.  If he keeps kissing me like this I will not only quit my job I’ll follow him wherever he asks.

                CC was the first to pull away.  “Where can this go?”

                “We were willing to work on a long distance relationship before.  What’s to say we can’t make it work now?”

                “The fact that sometimes the distance will be greater than others.”

                “It was like that before you just didn’t know about it.”  Chris took her hand in his and played with her fingers.  “C’mon CC think of the possibilities, phone sex, cyber sex, sex after a long absent.”  CC blushed.  “Okay so maybe we should talk about this more.”  Chris quickly kissed her.  “Some where through this whole thing I fell in love with you.  When you sent the email with the article I didn’t know what to do.”

                CC opened her mouth to tell him that she loved him too and to apologize again, but Chris placed a finger to her lips to silence her.  “After actually seeing you tonight I realized that I really do love you and even the silly article or living apart from each other or only seeing each other on weekends isn’t going to change that.”

                CC didn’t know what to say so she kissed him.  She had the rest of her life to tell him how she felt about him but she only had tonight to show him.

                Slowly and seductively they undressed each other.  Stolen kisses led to exploration of each other’s bodies only to end in them making love.  They lay wrapped in each other’s arms with the only light in the room coming from the green iridescent clock that showed it was nearly three in the morning.

                “I have a meeting at Nordstrom’s first thing in the morning.”  Chris said breaking the silence.  He kissed the top of CC’s head and pulled her tighter to him.

                “My plane leaves at noon.”  CC turned over in his arms to face him.  Tears were threatening to fall.  How am I ever going to leave?

                “Let’s not think about it yet,” Chris said kissing her.

                CC snuggled closer as they drifted off to sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

                Chris woke two hours later and through kisses woke CC from her slumber only to make love again before returning to their peaceful sleep.

                The phone woke them an hour later.  CC reached over on the deck grabbing the phone.  “Hello.”

                “Is Chris there?” a deep voice asked.

                CC handed him the phone.  “Yeah … okay.”  He handed the phone back to her.  “Security will be here in half an hour to get me.”  He leaned up on his elbow and kissed the tip of her nose.

                Tears spilled down CC’s checks again.  “I love you.”  CC said quickly wanting him to know before he left.  “This isn’t going to work, is it?”

                Chris wiped the tears from CC’s cheeks.  “It will because we’re gonna make it.”  They held tight to each other until Chris had no choice but get up and get dressed.

                CC pulled the sheet from the bed tight around her.  The knock on the door signaled the end of their romantic evening.  Chris hugged her tight.  “Are you sure you can’t change your flight?”

                “I have a meeting with my boss tomorrow about a possible promotion.  It’s very important to me.  How about this weekend?”

                “I have shows.  You can always fly in and see me.  We really can’t go out without a bodyguard but I’m sure we can think of something to do,” he said with a grin.

                “Sounds great,” CC said giving him a kiss.

                “I’ll call you tonight to work out the details.”  CC nodded and smiled.

                Chris kissed her one more time before opening the door and diappearing down the hall.

                CC collapsed to the floor and cried.  Something in her heart told her that that was the last time she’d see Chris Kirkpatrick.

                Slowly she tried to get ready to go back to New York.  Her flight left in a little over two hours.  CC stood under the pulsating hot water letting it mix with her salty tears.  For the life of her she couldn’t figure out why she kept crying.  Chris said he’d call her tonight.

                CC tried to concentrate on her novel but memories of being held in Chris’ arms invaded her mind.  She sniffled trying to keep from crying again.

                “Are you alright sweetie?” the older woman sitting next to her asked.

                CC nodded.  “Fine.”  Tears began to slide down her cheeks.

                The woman handed her a tissue.  “Is it a sad novel?” she asked knowing full well that the young woman hadn’t turned the page in over an hour.

                “No but I have a felling it’s going to have a sad ending.”

                “I’m sorry to hear that.”

                “So am I.”  CC went back to “reading” her book and was very grateful when she saw the New York skyline in the distance.

                As CC stood to leave the plane the woman next to her said, “Remember sweetie if you believe in your heart it will show you the way.”

                CC had no clue what she meant but she smiled, “Thank you.”

                CC returned home and didn’t even bother unpacking.  She undressed and put her pajamas on before checking her email.  She laughed.  That’s how this whole thing started.  She handled the few things that were emailed to her and thought about calling Stef; she’d left about a dozen messages on the answering machine.  Instead she popped a video in and ended up falling asleep.

                When the alarm went off at 5:30 the next morning CC couldn’t remember where she was or what day it was.  Reluctantly she pulled herself out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

                Halfway through her shower CC remembered that Chris was supposed to call her.  She hurried up only to end up nicking her leg twice while shaving.  Still damp and only wearing a towel CC quickly went to check the answering machine.  Nothing.  She glanced at the clock.  Oh hell I’m running late.

                Running into Darrell’s office CC stopped trying to catch her breath.  “I’m late, I’m sorry.”

                “Good morning Cecilia.”  Darrell said never taking his eyes off his computer screen.  “Please have a seat.”

                “Good morning,” CC said as she made herself comfortable.

                Darrell turned in his chair to face her.  “Cecilia the reason I’ve called this meeting is to offer you a chance to do some research for me.”

                “But I thought after the article I wouldn’t have to do …” Darrell interrupted her.

                “You’ll have to do the research before you can write the article,” he said with a smile.

                “Oh,” CC said feeling terribly embarrassed.

                “You need to go pack,” Darrell handed her plane tickets.

                “London?” CC questioned.

                “Drew will explain.  He’ll meet you at the airport in London.”  Darrell turned back to his computer.  “Better get going if you’re going to make it on time.”

                CC stood and stared at the tickets in her hand.  She turned to leave the office then remembered her weekend with Chris.  Before she could object to the assignment Darrell added,  “Good luck Cecilia.  Make me proud.”

                CC ran from his office.  In just over four hours she’d be leaving for London.  As she drove home to pack CC tried Chris cell only to get his voice mail.  “Chris I really need to talk to you.  I’m leaving for London in less than four hours.  Call me please.”  She hung up and tried Stef next.  Again she got her machine instead of her.  “Stef, I’m on my way to London.  I want to tell you about Chris and … and … Damn it Stef I really need to talk to you!  I’ll try to call you from London.  My flight leaves in about four hours.  I’m on my way home to pack now.  Oh hell I’ll just call you later.”

                CC parked and ran up the stairs to her apartment.  She had to be back on the road in about an hour.  She threw open her suitcase and dumped the contents on her bed, she’d have to find something to do with the clothes when she came back.  I never asked, I wonder how long I’ll be there.  She walked to her closet.  What do you pack to go to London?  What did this story even deal with?  I should have asked a few more questions.

                She haphazardly threw clothes into her suitcase and grabbed her “emergency” Visa out of her jewelry case.  She’d just buy whatever she needed.

                CC picked up her cell phone and dialed first Chris then Stef’s numbers only to get voice mail on both counts.  Where is everyone? This could very well be the biggest break of my life and I can’t find the two people I want to tell most.  CC dial he parent’s number.  Her mother answered on the second ring.  “Hello Mom.”

                “CC you know how I hate when you call me on that cell phone of yours.  I can never hear you.  Can’t you wait until you get home?”

                “Not today.  I’m on my way to London, Mom.”

                “What’s in London?”

                “A job.” 

“What’s wrong with the job you have?  And just where have you been the past few days your father and I tried to call you over and over.”

Obviously they didn’t leave a message, but then again they hated answering machines too.  “I was in Indianapolis.”  As soon as she said CC regretted it.

“You were that close to home and you couldn’t stop to see your parents.  We’re getting older Cecilia we’re not always going to be here you know.”

“Yes I know.  Mom, I have to go.  I’ll call you when I get there.”

“But I’m not finished talking to you.”

CC placed the phone away from her.  “I’m breaking up Mom,” she said.  “Gotta go.”  She hung up.  Why did she even bother to call her parent’s?

CC quickly punched in the number for Stef’s work.  “Emergency Room.”

                “Dr. Riley, please.”

                Stef phone.

                I’m needed with a patient.  Take a message.

                Before the person on the phone said anything CC said, “Tell her it’s CC.  It’s an emergency!”

                This time the person covered the phone.  It wasn’t more than a few seconds and Stef was on the line.  CC was like her sister.  They’d been friends their whole lives and moved to New York to attend school together.  They roomed in the dorms together.  It was kill her if anything seriously happened to her.  “What is it?  Where are you?  Are you hurt?”

                CC started to cry, which only caused Stef to get more concerned.  “CC tell me what’s wrong!”

                “I’m on my way to London.”  CC sobbed.

                “Damn it CC there are people here that are true emergencies!”

                “I’ve been trying to call you at home all day.  I’ve seen Chris.  I was supposed to go see him this weekend.  Now I can’t,” she said while sniffling.

                “Okay calm down.  Where are you?”

                “On my way to the airport.  I can’t talk long.  I need you to get a hold of Chris or email him for me.”

                “Stef come quick!”  CC heard someone yell.

                “Gotta run CC give the nurse the details.”

                CC relayed the message she needed Chris to receive along with his email address.  “Okay I’ll pass it on to Stef.”

                CC thanked her and hung up.  She pulled into the airport and ran to catch her flight.  Unfortunately the message that Stef was supposed to send never made it to Chris.


*~*Three Months Later*~*


                “CC phone’s for you,” Stacey, CC’s new secretary, yelled.

                “Who knows I’m here?”  She walked out of her office to Stacey’s desk.  “I’m not even supposed to be back for another week.”  She picked up the phone.  “Hello.”

                “Welcome back jet setter.”

                “Stef.  It’s good to hear your voice,” CC said with little enthusiasm.

                “What are you doing home so early?”

                “Story’s done.”  Ever since Stef flaked out on the email their friendship had been strained.  She tried to email Chris later only to have it bounced back to her.  His cell number was changed too and calls to Jive and WEG led nowhere for CC.

                She grew accustomed to the idea that she’d most likely never see Chris again.  As the weeks in London continued Chris was thought of less and less.

                “That’s great.  I have a surprise for you.  I bought them hoping you’d be home early.”

                “Bough what?” CC asked trying to stretch the phone into her new office.  She was trying to unpack a box of stuff from her old office.

                “Concert tickets.  For tonight.”

                “You know Stef, I haven’t even made it home for long enough to unpack.  Can’t we make it another night?”

                “Tickets are for tonight only CC.  Do you want to go or not?”  Stef asked finally getting upset with CC.  “I thought you’d gotten over the whole email thing.”

                CC sat down on the chair across from her desk.  “I’m sorry.  I am over it.  I guess being back in the States has brought back memories.”  Seeing her stuff still setting on her bed earlier in the day didn’t help any.  “What time tonight?”

                “I’ll pick you up about 5.”  Stef reached over and ran her finger over the NSYNC concert ticket.  I sure hope these are worth $1000.00 each.

                “Okay, see you then.”

                Just as promised Stef was standing at CC’s door at 5.  “Ready?”  Stef wasn’t sure if the person standing in front of her was actually her best friend CC.

                The outfit she was wearing wasn’t something Stef had ever seen CC in.  “New outfit?”

                “Oh this little number,” CC said spinning in her doorway.  “I picked it up in Paris.”

                “Oo la la,” Stef motioned to CC’s new coif.  “Also from Paris?”

                “Yeah.  I found this great little salon.  You like?”

                CC’s long blond hair was now very short and very red.  “Different, but I like it.”

                They caught up on each other’s lives as Stef drove back into the city.  “What concert are we going to see?”

                “NSYNC,” Stef said hesitantly.

                “Stop this car!”  CC yelled.  “Are you nuts!  What ever made you think that I’d go to see NSYNC?”

                “Calm down CC.  I’m just trying to fix what I broke.”

                “There is NO fixing something that never was!”  CC’s face was getting redder and redder the longer they fought.

CC never said another word to Stef the rest of the ride.  Even as they found their seats CC refused to speak to her.

“We’re front row,” Stef explained to the young man checking tickets.

He nodded and allowed them down the stairs onto the floor.  Stef lead the way and was very pleased to see that their seats were almost center stage.  “Well worth the $1000.00.”

That got CC’s attention, “You paid $1000.00 for these tickets?”  Stef nodded.  “Are you nuts?”

“Each,” she simply added.

“Stef you need to find a doctor and have them check you out.  I foresee a padded room in your near future.”

“Not the thank you I was looking for but that’s the most you’ve said to me lately.”

CC abruptly stood.  “I’ve got to go!  I shouldn’t be here!  There are things that you don’t know.”  CC was pacing in front of Stef and mumbling something about secrets and not knowing the whole story.

”CC if you don’t sit down and tell me what’s going on how am I going to help you.”

CC sat down and ran her hands through her short hair.  What kind of punishment was this?  She took a deep breath.  “There is no help for me.”  Visions of Chris mixed with visions of the of the abortion clinic.  The sterile room, the smell of hospital disinfectant.  She felt her stomach lurch like it had that morning.  She stood and ran back up the stairs to the closest restroom.

                When Stef finally caught up with her CC was splashing water on her face.  She pulled out a handful of paper towel and tried to dry off her face.  The young girls in the restroom just stared at her.

                Stef watched as it appeared that CC was having a panic attack.  She continued to watch as she ran off to a stall and vomited again.

                “What the hell is wrong with you?”  She grabbed CC’s wrist and took her pulse.  “I bet your blood pressure is soaring.”  Stef helped CC off the bathroom floor and helped her back into the hall.  They found a seat on a ledge.  “Spill it CC!  What’s wrong with you?”

                CC stared down at her shoes.  “I think I’m pregnant,” she mumbled.

                “You think?” Stef questioned.

                “Okay so I know.  What the hell!  I’m pregnant!”  She was now screaming.  The people walking by were staring; mothers were pulling their daughters along faster.  CC stood and walked back and forth in front of Stef.  “What am I going to do?”  She thought it best not to bring up the trip to the abortion clinic in front of Stef, a huge Pro-Life supporter.

                “Have you tried to get a hold of Chris?”  CC stopped pacing and gave Stef a dirty look.  “It is his isn’t it?”  Again nothing but a death look.  “Okay, okay!”  She waited as CC paced some more.  The first opening act was taking the stage.  “CC, why haven’t you called him?”

                She threw her hands up.  “Well maybe if someone’s nurse hadn’t passed his email address around he wouldn’t have felt the need to change every number that I had of his.”

                Stef guiltily looked down.  “Haven’t I apologized enough?  I got you these great tickets didn’t I?”

                “Oh yeah brilliant idea!”

                “How the hell was I supposed to know that you were pregnant!” she barked.

                CC was tired of all this.  “Enough fighting,” CC held out her hand, “Truce?”

                Stef shook it.  “Truce.”  She smiled, “Are we friends again?”

                “Sure.  Why not?  It’ll be great to have a doctor to baby sit for you whenever I need a babysitter.”  She sat down next to Stef.  “That still doesn’t help me out.  What am I going to do?”

                “Go into the concert.  Hope that he sees you wants to talk to you.”  Stef had no idea if this was going to actually work.

                “Okay.  What the hell, beats the heck out of sitting out here wasting your $1000 tickets.”  CC said, standing.

                Stef stood and wrapped an arm around CC’s shoulders.  “Don’t worry I’ll make it all better.”

                CC smiled even though she had huge doubts that this was going to fail.

                The new hair do and wardrobe were supposed to make her feel better right.  All it seemed to make her feel right now was a little like she was trying to hide behind a façade.  It wasn’t working.

                “I’m sorry sweetie.  I thought for sure that he’d let on the he saw you.”  Stef said as they walked back to the car.

                “It’s fine.”  That was the most CC said the whole way back to her place.

                “Night CC.  Don’t worry we’ll find a way to get a hold of Chris.”  CC nodded and waved as she walked up the steps to her place.

                Months went by and CC had stopped moping around.  She’d thrown herself into her new position and avoided discussions with Stef about either Chris or the baby.

                As her fifth month of pregnancy progressed CC became cute as a button.  She hadn’t even tried to reach Chris even though Stef had begged her to.

                They were shopping at Bloomingdale’s one afternoon when Stef spotted Chris.  “You know I think we need to go check out the clothes in the juniors section.”

                CC chuckled.  “Yeah like my fat body is going to fit into any of that stuff.”  CC sat down in a chair in the shoe department.  “I’ll just wait for you here.”

                “No!  I need your opinion.”  She took hold of CC’s hand and yanked her to her feet.

                “C’mon Stef I’m pregnant and tired,” CC whined as Stef pulled her toward the junior section … and Chris.

                You’ll thank me for this later, Stef thought trying to get CC as close to the area Chris was in.

                When they stopped CC pulled her arm back.  “You just about pulled my arm out of the socket!  You’d think the clothes were going to disappear or something.”  CC ranted.

                The yelling women attracted Chris’ attention, turning it away from his clothing line and to the voice that seemed familiar.  When he turned and saw her he was shocked.  “Just a minute,” he said interrupting the woman speaking.

                Chris made his way over to her, lightly tapping her on the shoulder.  “CC?”

                CC wasn’t the only one surprised.  Chris was surprised even more so when she turned around to face him.

                “Oh … your pregnant.”  Chris said almost dumbfounded.

                “I’ll be over,” Stef pointed to a rack of clothes and walked away to let them work this out on their own.

                “I … uh … I was … I tried,” she stuttered.  “Yes.  Yes, I am.”  She searched the area looking for somewhere quiet to go.  There really wasn’t any place.

                “Is it mine?” Chris asked still obviously shocked.  CC nodded.  “Were you going to tell me?”

                “I tired,” CC chocked out trying not to cry.  “You changed your numbers.”

                “I had to.”  Chris simply said and CC knew why he did.  “There are other ways for you to get a hold of me,” he said anger ever present in his voice

                “Yeah well there were ways for you to reach me too.”

                “I tried, but you were gone or something.”

                “Oh shit!  London.”  CC felt like smacking her forehead.  “Listen Chris can we just chalk this up to stupid mistakes and start over?”

                “Haven’t we started from the beginning once before?”  Chris asked remembering the night they shared in the Indianapolis hotel room.

                “I suppose we have.”  CC still loved him.  She couldn’t stop thinking about hi.  Her growing stomach made sure she didn’t.  CC ran her hand over her slightly extended stomach.

                Chris held out his hand for CC to shake.  “Hello I’m Chris Kirkpatrick.”

                Instead of shaking his hand CC placed it on her stomach and smiled through the tears that began to fall.  “I’m Cecilia Colson and this is our baby.”

                She looked over and saw the tears in Chris’ eyes too.  “I’ve loved you even before I met you,” Chris whispered to CC’s belly.  “Just like I loved your Mommy even before I met her.”

The End


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