
By:  Stephanie Woodworth

©2000 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


                The phone rang as she was fumbling around in her closet for the other black pump.  “Damn it!” she screamed.  She stood up and smacked her head on the shelve of her closet, “Shit!”  She ran for the phone, “Yeah.”

                “Are you dressed and ready?”

                “Bess, I’m having a hell of a time getting ready.  I can’t find one of my favorite shoes,” she glanced around her bedroom.  “It now looks like my closet exploded all over my bedroom.”  She studied her image in the mirror and screamed when she realized how wrinkled her simple business suit had become as she crawled around in the closet.


                “Ugh, it just keeps getting worse.  I have to change outfits.  That means I have to go back through the pile of clothes on my bed.”  She started taking the outfit off.  “Did I happen to mention how much I hate these kinds of parties?”  Stef sighed in frustration.

                “Yes you have, but it’s your turn to go.  Quit your bitchin’, put on the little black dress you just bought, get in your car and get your ass to that party.”

                “Yes mother,” Stef saluted and grinned.

                “And call me with all the juicy details tomorrow,” she heard her partner yell as she hung up the phone.

                Stef dug through the dresses on her bed until she found the one Bess had suggested.  She held it in front of her and walked over to the mirror.  She looked at the dress.  Oh this is no good, she thought.  The phone rang again.  “Hello.”

                “Stephanie Marie, quit stalling, put the dress on!  If you don’t hurry you’re going to be late.”

                Stef looked around the room.  “Do you have a camera in here?”

                “No, but it’s a good idea.”  She laughed.  “I just know you too well.  Get a move on missy and have fun.”  She hung up before Stef could say anymore.

                Stef quickly pulled the dress over her head, straightened her black silk pantyhose, and miraculously found the missing black pump she was searching for.  As she exited the house it started to rain.  “Just what I needed,” she huffed as she started the car.

The party was packed when she arrived and Stef was sure that her first instinct to stay home was the best.  If this party wouldn’t have been such a big deal to the law firm that she worked for then she’d be home right now curled up with a good book in front of a blazing fire.  She glanced out the window at the falling rain.  She took a sip of wine and thought that she’d better go in and mingle.  She turned and walked into the room with her head held high and a smile on her face.

                Across the room Joey was goofing around with his friends.  They were laughing about something that Chris had just said, but when Joey noticed the statuesque blonde walk through the door all other things seemed to disappear.

They met at a party / He was laughing with his friends / She captured all of his attention / Just by walking in / Confident and self assured he liked her attitude / And the moment their eyes met / Every girl in the room became / Invisible / Like a pane of glass he could see right through / Invisible


“Joey, yo Joe,” Chris said waving a hand in front of his eyes.  He glanced across the room to see what occupied his band mate’s attention so thoroughly.

                “Um, excuse me.”

                As Joey walked away Justin asked, “What’s up with him?”

                “I’d say she’s 5’9”, blonde, long legs and wearing a little black dress,” he pointed in the direction of the woman that was standing alone by the door.

                “Hello, can I get you a drink?”

                Stef held up her wine glass, “Got one.”

                “Oh,” Joey was usually so good at charming women.   What was it with this one?  She was confident and had some power to make all the other women in the room pale in comparison.

                She held out her hand, “My name is Stef, I work for McNeil, Schultz, and Zigler.”  She allowed her hand to linger just a bit longer than it should.  “And you’re Joey Fatone of *NSync.”

                “Are you a fan?”

                “Can’t say that I am,” she took another sip of her wine.  “Have to be dead though not to know you guys.”

                “I see,” he motioned for one of the waiter with a tray of champagne.   “Sure I can’t get you another?”

                “No thank you, I’m fine.”

                The music in the room changed and Joey asked, “How about a dance then?”  She sat her glass down and took the arm that he offered.

                “Do you live here?” she asked as they began to slowly move around the room.

                “When I’m not on the road.”

                They continued the small talk and never left each other’s side the whole evening.

                “Can I call you sometime?”

                Stef smiled, “Sure, I’d love to hear from you.”  She pulled a business card from her purse and jotted her home number on the back.  She stood and stretched her hand out.  Instead of shaking it Joey placed a soft kiss on the back of it.  Stef blushed, “I had a wonderful evening.  Thank you.”  Joey let go of her hand and watched as she walked out of the room.

                As Stef drove home she giggled.  She hadn’t acted like that in such a long time.  As she unlocked the door she glanced at the answering machine.  The light was blinking.  Probably Bess wanting an update, she thought.  She kicked her shoes off and stood remembering what it felt like to be held in Joey’s arms.  She sighed and about jumped when the phone rang.  “Hello?”

                “Stef … um … this is Joey … um … Joey Fatone.  We met tonight at the Jive party,” he stuttered.

                Stef giggled, “Yes Joey, I remember.”

                “Oh, I guess you would.  Um, what are you doing tonight?”

                She glanced at the clock on the wall.  “It’s after midnight, I was just getting ready for bed.”

                “Oh,” he said almost hurt.

                “Listen, why don’t you come over if you’re not doing anything,” Stef said bluntly.

                “Are you sure?”

                “Yes,” she rattled off her address and directions.

                “I’ll see you soon, beautiful.”

                Stef hung the phone up and ran around the house straightening and lighting candles.  She picked up the dresses and outfits strewn all over her bed and room and threw them into her closet.  She changed into a silk kimono that her brother had bought her and she never found a reason to wear it.

                Less than a half hour passed before the doorbell ran.  With one last glance in the mirror by the door Stef swung it open.  Without hesitation she grabbed hold of his suit lapels and pulled he to her.  Their lips met in a fiery kiss that told Joey exactly what Stef had planned for him for the evening.  She wasn’t sure if it was him or the wine, but she had never done anything like this before in her life.  She was extremely shy in high school not actually having her first real kiss until the summer between her freshman and sophomore year.  It wasn’t from lack of trying, but she was in college before she lost her virginity and lost no time in playing catch-up.  She wanted to think that this wasn’t a one-night stand, but somewhere in he subconscious she knew it was.

                Joey walked her back into the foyer and untied the sash holding her kimono shut.  He grinned when he found she wore nothing underneath.  He’d had his fair share of women and there was something very different about this one.  This is one of those that you don’t sleep with and never see again he thought as he continued to back her into the house.  

                She easily slipped his jacket off his shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor.  She continued to undress him leaving a trail of clothes to her bedroom.  He simple picked her up and placed her on her bed.  He slid his hand down her long leg and began to kiss his way back up.  He stopped short of the spot she wanted him to pay attention to most.

                They ravaged each other’s bodies the rest of the night and most of the next day.  In complete exhaustion they finally fell asleep wrapped tight in each other’s arms.

                Stef didn’t even open her eyes when the phone rang.  She felt on the nightstand for it and answered it.  “Yeah, this better be good.”

                “Too much wine last night?”  Bess asked with a giggle.

                Stef looked over at Joey who was still sound asleep.  She carefully slid out of the bed and pulled on her kimono that had landed by the door.  “I just went to sleep about,” she paused and looked at the clock, “Damn I’ve only been asleep for an hour.”

                “And what were you doing up so late, Miss I-have-to-be-to-bed-by-nine?”

                Stef smiled as she looked back at Joey one last time before walking out the sliding door to the deck.  She sat down on one of the chairs and pulled her legs up to her chest before barely whispering, “Falling in love.”

                “What did you just say?  You didn’t just say that … no way that you just said that you fell in love last night.  With who?”

                “Someone much younger than me and famous.  I don’t’ know what I’m doing.  She the guys with the straight jackets over I’m certifiably nuts!”

                “Young and famous … a Backstreet Boy?”  Bess teased.

                “No, Joey Fatone from NSYNC.”

                “Jesus Stef, I was just kidding about the Backstreet Boy thing.”

                “Well, I’m not.”  She glanced back over her shoulder to make sure that the door to her room was still closed.  “A very handsome, very naked Joey Fatone is sleeping soundly in my bed.  And let me just tell you that boy can do things that should be considered illegal.”

                “Ugh … way too much information Stef.”

                The door opened and Stef looked back.  Joey had the blanket from her bed wrapped around his waist.  “Listen Bess, I’ve gotta go.  I’ll call you back later.  Bye.”

                “Who’s Bess?”

                “One of my partners.”  Stef stood and stretched.

                Joey walked up and wrapped his arms around her waist.  “I woke up and you were gone.  I was lonely.”  He kissed her forehead.  “Come back to bed, Beautiful.”

                “As tempting as that is why don’t we get something to eat.  I’m starving.”

                “Can you cook?”  Joey pulled her tighter to him.

                “Of course … peanut butter and jelly okay?” she teased.

                “Yum, my favorite.  Will you even cut my crust off?”

                “Of course how else can you eat pb&j?”  She kissed him before pulling back and heading back into the house.


                That’s how it all began.  They became a permanent pair.  He introduced her to all his friends and she fit.  It was a perfect match, almost like they’d been created for one another.

                It was a Friday night in early July and they had plans to go out for the evening with Lance and his wife, Lara.  Stef was getting dressed and just walking back into her room from the shower.  She screamed when she saw something lying on her bed.  She slowly walked up to the box and opened it.  There was another box inside of it once again she opened it.  This continued until she found a small black box, a ring box in the bottom of the last box.  She cautiously flipped the lid open and gasped.  The diamond ring in the box was exquisite.  She covered her mouth that was gaping open in awe.  She glanced around the room looking for Joey, but he wasn’t there. 

                Still damp from the shower she ran around the house looking for Joey.  When she entered the family room he stood there holding a single white rose.  A banner was hung across the fire place that read ‘Stephanie will you marry me?’  Stef simply nodded her head.  He walked over to her in two quick strides and swept her up in a hug.  Stef squealed in delight.

                “I love you more than anything in the world,” Joey said placing Stef back on her feet.  He grabbed the box out of her hand and slid the ring on her finger.  He bent his head to hers and kissed her sealing their fate.       Needless to say they were late meeting up with Lance and Lara that evening. 

They married in October / She made a beautiful bride / His whole world revolved around her / They had a picture perfect life


Wedding plans took over Stef’s life and she was beginning to consider eloping in Jamaica. 

It was going to be a simple wedding, family and a few close friends.  Lara was going to be Stef’s matron of honor and Lance was Joey’s best man. 

They’d thought about getting married in a church and Stef finally sold Joey on her dream wedding.  They’d planned on getting married in the small town that Stef’s parents still lived in.  Hopefully Mother Nature would play her part and have the trees in Stef’s parent’s yard the perfect colors of fall and the weather just cool enough, but not too cold.  Stef always wanted to get married in October.  She’d picked out the perfect dresses for Lara and herself.

As October 3rd arrived Stef became more and more nervous.  It was the week of the wedding and they were on their way to the airport and the private jet they’d rented to fly Joey’s family and the group to Indiana.  Joey came up behind Stef and nuzzled her neck.  “Hey beautiful,” he whispered.

She leaned back into him loving the way it felt to be in his arms.  “Hey yourself.”

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yep.  Everything’s done.  All that’s left is for me to marry this wonderful man that I’m deeply in love with.”  She turned to face him and couldn’t help but mirror the smile on his face.

They boarded the plane with their friends.  They’d all planned on partying on the plane, but decided to save it till they got to Indiana.

The rehearsal and the dinner that followed went well and Stef found herself kissing Joey goodnight.  “I’ll see you in the morning.  We’ll have picture’s before the wedding.”

“I can’t believe that your mother is making you stay here and we can’t spend the night together,” Joey whined.

“Just think, after tomorrow we’ll be together for the rest of our lives.  Then you’ll wish my mother was allowing you to stay at a hotel and not with me,” she grinned.

Joey kissed her passionately, “I highly doubt that.  You are the most beautiful woman that I’ve ever seen.  I’ve loved you from the very first minute that you walked into the party ten months ago.  I will always love you.”  He kissed her one more time and left for the hotel.

The next morning the weather decided to cooperate.  They began to decorate for the wedding.  They’d decided to use the gazebo in the backyard as the location for the ceremony.  Stef was up on a ladder attaching small lights to the ceiling when Joey walked up.

“Don’t break one of those gorgeous legs, it would ruin my plans for you later tonight,” Joey joked.

“Then why don’t you get your cute little ass up here and finish hanging these lights.  I can go help Lara finish with the decorations at the wedding hall.”

Steve and the rest of the guys walked up and watched as Stef climbed off the ladder and Joey climbed up.  “Hey, I thought you weren’t supposed to see each other before the wedding,” he commented.

“We don’t believe in that nonsense, do we Beautiful?”  Joe asked.

“Nope.”  She smiled at the guys.  “Make sure he’s dressed in time.”  She looked up at him.  “And make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.”  She walked off laughing.  She went into the house and changed before she hopped in her mother’s convertible and drove off to the Knights of Columbus where the reception was being held.

When she walked in she was happy to see that Lara had everything under control.  Bess was the first to approach her.  “She’s good,” she said pointing in Lara’s direction.  “She has everything organized and running smoothly.  I tried to get her to come and work for me, but she turned me down.”

“Told her that I love my job working for Free Lance.  Not to mention the benefits are good, I get to sleep with the boss.” 

The women all laughed and watched as the club turned into a fall paradise.  The normal long tables had been replaced with round tables decorated in earth tones and had huge sprays of fresh flowers in the middle.

Stef began to get teary.  “What’s wrong honey?” Lara asked putting an arm on Stef’s shoulders.

“Nothing.  Tears of happiness.  I’ve never been so happy,” she smiled through the tears.  “We’d better get going.  We still have hair and make-up to get done.”

The women returned to Stef’s parents that had been nicknamed ‘Wedding Central’.  Luckily none of the fans had figured out that the wedding was today, and if they had they weren’t bothering them.

They had to be in the back yard by two for pictures but before that Stef’s mom had made a special lunch for everyone.  She made her famous Lasagna.

Six thirty approached and Stef nervously waited inside the house for the music to start.  The guys were all outside in the gazebo and ready for the ceremony to start.

Joey looked sharp in his Armani tuxedo.  Lance and Steve stood beside in matching tuxes.

Lara and Bess took the couple last minutes before they were required to walk down the isle to fix their dresses one last time.  They wore burgundy dress that fell right below the knees.  A matching stole accompanied the spaghetti strap dress.  They carried a nosegay of deep red roses and daises.  

Kenny G’s “The Wedding Song” started and Bess exited the house through the sliding glass door.  Lara followed and as the music tempo picked up Stef followed them to the gazebo.

Stef slowly walked down the linen lined path.  Her Vera Wang gown was simple, yet subtly elegant.  It had a square neckline and cap sleeves.  The bodice was intricately decorated with small beads and gold colored treads.  The skirt was plan and the small train swished behind her as she walked.  The dress had a row of buttons running up the back.  This was one thing she knew the dress needed for sure.  She could hardly wait to have Joey help her out of it later.  She wore a simple veil and a tiara to hold it in place.  Her hair was swept up in a French twist and she allowed ringlets to cascade down her back at the nape of her neck.

Reaching the gazebo Stef couldn’t stop the tears from falling.  This was her dream wedding come true.  How many nights had she laid in her bedroom and dreamt of a night like this.  As she reached the end of the isle she looked into Joey’s eyes.  Tears glistened in his deep brown eyes.  He smiled down at her as they clasped hands and turned toward the minister, who was a family friend and extremely honored to be marrying Stef.  “Good evening everyone, we are gathered here tonight to join this young couple in matrimony.”

Stef couldn’t stop glancing at Joey.  He was so handsome in his tux.  She felt so blessed to be marrying him.  She continued through the steps of the ceremony not really hearing what was being asked of her but obviously answering the questions correctly.

                “It is my pleasure to present to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fatone Jr.”  The small crowd gathered applauded and Joey and Stef kissed, sealing their lives together.

                They’d arranged for a trolley to take them and the wedding party to the reception.  The reception hall was being monitored by sheriffs and anyone wanting to gain access needed to show their invitation and a special coin they’d received only days before.

                The reception seemed to be going well.  It was time to cut the cake and Joey fought the urge to shove the cake in Stef’s face, although Stef couldn’t and ended up smearing cake in his trademark goatee.

                The professional photographer hired took picture after picture of the newlyweds as they kissed and smeared cake all over each other’s faces.

                “Joey,” Stef squealed.

                “You love it and you know it,” he grinned down at her.

                “I hate to break up you two children, but let’s get this party started,” Steve stated handing Stef a towel.

                “Yeah, it’s time for the first dance,” Lara added.  “Let’s go you guys.”

                Joey helped Stef get the rest of the cake and frosting off her face.  As soon as they reached the dance floor strains of NSYNC’s song, This I Promise You began to play.

                Stef wrapped her arms around her husband.  “Still think it’s cheesy to dance to one of your own songs?”

                “Actually I think this song is perfect, you’re perfect.  This whole day has..”

                “Been perfect,” Stef finished.

                “Exactly.  And tonight will be beyond perfect,” Joey added with a sly grin.

                Just as Joey promised their wedding night was perfect and so was their married life.  Joey and the guys went back to the studio to record the new album, Stef went back to work at the law firm and somehow they always managed to find time to spend together.  Their life was beyond perfect.

But when the baby came in August / Time started spinning like a wheel / She expected to feel tired / But she never thought she’d feel / Invisible


                “Push Stef,” the doctor yelled.

                “Come on Beautiful you can do this,” Joey encouraged from his spot beside the bed. 

After twenty hours of labor Stef felt like she’d been through hell and back.  The pains were almost unbearable.  “I can’t do this anymore.”

“Yes, yes you can.  You have to.”  Joey kissed her forehead.

“Just a couple more pushes Stef and you’ll be all done.  You’ll have that beautiful little baby that you’ve been waiting so long for.



                Stef couldn’t believe how tired she’d been since she’d had Preston.  She was trying to take care of the house, the baby, her clients at the firm.  Joey never held her anymore never called her beautiful.  They hardly tried to spend time together alone anymore, they were either too tired or too busy. 

Stef was finally sick of it.  She had a gorgeous husband that would rather be on the road touring than home with her and their baby.  She wasn’t going to stand for it any longer.  She called a few people and found out which hotel the guys were staying at in New York.  She booked a flight and arranged it so that she could gain access to Joey’s room while they were on stage performing. 

In the year that they’d been married she’d never rendezvoused with him while he was on the road.  Maybe that’s what their marriage needed, a lit bit of surprise.  Well tonight Joey Fatone would get the surprise of his life. 

Stef had all the arrangements for her trip done.  One last thing, Preston.  The phone rang into her ear.


“Lara can you keep Preston for the night?”  Stef blurted out.

                “Sure honey, is everything okay?”

                “Hopefully after tonight it will be.  I’ll drop him off in about an hour.”  She hung up and finished packing their bags.  “Mommy’s going to get daddy to notice her tonight.”  Stef said as she picked up 4-month-old Preston.  She dropped him off at his ‘aunt’ Lara’s house and was soon on a plane to New York.

‘Cause lately he’s been overlooking quite a lot / So tonight in lace and candlelight / She’ll prove to him she’s not / Invisible


                As Stef made her way to New York Joey and the guys put on their normal show.  Stef had arranged for champagne and strawberries.  She’d brought along enough candles to start a small room on fire.  Stef quickly showered to get the traveling feeling off and slipped into her new lace negligee.   She spun around and watched the bottom twirl out.  She fixed her hair up in a loose up do, one that Joey would be able to undo by pulling out only one clip.

                She set the candles around the hotel room and even added a few in the bathroom.  She glanced at her watch noting that the guys should be beginning the last song of the concert and that they’d be heading to the bus in just under ten minute.  If all went well Joey would be here in the next half hour.

                Stef lit all the candles and drew a bath for Joey.  He’d be hot and sweaty from performing and wanted him refreshed before she told him of her plans for him for the evening.

                Stef sat patiently waiting for Joey to return to the room.  Maybe I should have gotten one of the guys in on this.  What is Joey goes out tonight without coming back to the room.  She was just about to what if her self into insanity when she heard the door open.

                “It’ll just be ten minutes Lance.  I’m gonna shower and change then I’ll meet you to go out,” Joey said as he entered the room.  When he turned around he was shocked to see candlelight flickering throughout the room.  “Hello?” he asked as he walked farther into the room.  “Maybe I have the wrong room.”  Nope that’s my stuff, he thought as he set his bag down. 

He rounded the corner into the sleeping quarters and that’s when he saw her.  It was amazing that she still took his breath away.  “What are you doing here?”

Great he doesn’t even want me here.  “I thought I’d surprise you.”  She sat up and pulled the matching robe around her shoulders.  “If you want me to leave that’s fine.”  She began to blow out candles.  “I should have called and made sure it was alright to come.”  Tears were streaming down her face.  He doesn’t want me.  Her fears got the best of her and she was panicking.

Joey walked up behind her and grabbed her before she blew out any more candles.  “Why are you doing that?” he whispered into her hair.

“I thought that you didn’t want me here.”

“Oh god no I’m so glad that you are here.  I’ve missed you so much Stef.”  He pushed her robe off her shoulders and stared at the slight piece of lace under it.  “You are so beautiful.”  He picked her up and carried her off to the bed.  They spent the rest of the night and most of the next day there.

“Wonder what happened to Lance?”  Joey asked as her laid next to Stef lightly running a finger over her shoulder.

“He probably found the plane ticket that I left in his room.  He’s probably at home listening to Lara explain why they need to have a child so Preston will have a playmate.”

Joey laughed.  “You Mrs. Fatone are very good.  Does everyone know that you were coming to surprise me?”  Stef shook her head.  Joey leaned down and placed a delicate kiss on her shoulder.  “I really have missed you.”

Stef wiped a tear away that slide down her cheek.  “I’ve missed you too.  I love you Joey.”

“Please don’t cry beautiful.”  Joey kissed her passionately on the lips.  “Tell me what’s bothering you.”

“I just thought that you didn’t want me any more.  I felt invisible.  You never … you never,” she sobbed.

“Please don’t cry.  Let’s make a pact that we’ll never let it seem that the other is invisible again.  Never.”  Joey kissed his wife and they ended up spending the rest of the night locked in a lover’s embrace.  After Stef surprise visit their lives returned to how they had been in the beginning of their relationship.  A day never went by that Joey didn’t tell Stef how beautiful she was and they always made sure that they had alone time just the two of them even after Kathryn joined them nine months later.

A love deep inside / Invisible / So much more to her than meets the eye / Invisible

The End

Let Stephanie know what you thought of this story!