Lake Life

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

©2002 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


                The sun glistened off the lake outside her bedroom window.  Marcia was glad that Carol had talked her into renting the cottage for a week.  She was curled up in the wrought iron bed, staring out at the lake.  It was heaven.  She was convinced.  Where else could you fall asleep and wake up staring at the lake through three huge windows?  Snuggling deeper into the down comforter, Marcia fought the early morning coolness.  She loved it here.  She never wanted to leave.

                It was always quiet, or so she thought.  Just as the thought passed through her mind a booming bass line from the cottage next door.  She tried her hardest to ignore the music coming from the cottage next to hers.  Why in the hell had someone built these cottages so close together in the first place?  She tried to pull the covers over her head to drown out the music, she added a pillow.  Nothing was working.

                “What the hell?” Finally Marcia stood up on her bed and looked out the windows that ran along the top of the wall.  They provided a bird’s eye view into her neighbor’s bathroom.  There was a younger man standing there dancing in the middle of the room.

                He was wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top looking all sweaty like he’d been working out or something.  “It’s gettin’ hot in here so take off all your clothes,” he sang along with the radio.  Go right ahead, Marcia thought now very thankful that the cottages were so close together.  “I am gettin’ so hot.  I’m gonna take my clothes off.”  He continued to dance to the music as he pulled the wet black tank over his sweat soaked hair.  The man placed his fingers in his hair shaking making it look all wild.  Marcia covered her mouth to stifle a giggle.  She felt like she was intruding, but couldn’t help but continue to stare.

                He turn toward the shower and stared the water causing steam to begin to form in the tiny room.  “Oh no,” Marcia whispered.  But she was pleasantly surprised when he stopped to open the window letting the steam escape and returning her perfect view. She mentally noted that her windows were open also so she had to remain quiet.  She saw his face for the first time and was awestruck by his bright blue eyes and chiseled features.  He was beautiful.

She couldn’t help but take note of the size of his arms, he obviously worked out and it showed.  He was still moving to the groove as the music changed to anther song she didn’t recognize but obviously he did because he continued to sing along.  Man he has a great voice, she thought.  She started to feel like a Peeping Tom as he removed his shorts and was standing there in boxer briefs.  He had some fine thighs, another area he must take pride in.  Slowly he ran a finger around the waist band of the undergarment before sliding them down and stepping out of them.  Marcia had to cover her mouth so se wouldn’t gasp out loud.  He was huge.  She’d never see anyone that big.  She was still staring when she realized that he’d stepped into the show.

She sank back down into her covers and sighed.  What a way to wake up.


                It was well after noon and Marcia was out front sitting on the edge of the pier reading a book when she sensed someone else’s presence.  Turning to face her neighbor’s house she saw him walking her way.  He waved at her and she could feel the blush creep up her cheek.  Control yourself, she scolded.

                “Hello,” he said, holding out his had for her to shake.

                His hand was soft and she almost sighed and she shook his hand.  “Hi,” Marcia said with a smile.

                “I’m new here.  My name is Josh, but you can call me JC.”  He thought that she looked cute sitting there with her legs dangling down in the lake while she read some ten cent romance novel.  He could show her a better time than anything she could ever read in one of those things.  He’d seen her this morning watching him in the bathroom and was only upset when she wasn’t there when he emerged from the shower.  He wondered if she heard him while he was in the shower.

                “I kind of like Josh, I’m Marcia.”  He had on wild swim trunks and a black tank and if there weren’t kids out playing at the neighbor’s on the other side Marcia probably would have had her way with him right there on the spot, but that could wait till later.  She could find out just how much fun that bed in her cottage could be and just how sweaty Josh could get.  Marcia could get used to living the lake life.


The End


Pleas tell Stephanie what you thought of this story!