Last Call

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

© 2000 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


                “What’ll you have?”  Nadia asked not even bothering to look up at the person standing in front of her.  It had been a long night and she was tired.  If she didn’t make great tips she’d have quit this job a long time ago.

                “Bud Light and your phone number,” a male voice answered.

                Nadia looked up.  “Like I’ve never heard that before,” she said handing him the bottle of beer.  “$3.50.”

                He slipped a five-dollar bill across the bar.  “Thanks.”  What a bitch!  A very gorgeous bitch, but a bitch none the less.

                Nadia watched the dark haired gentleman walk away.  He was wearing tight leather pants and a grey cable knit sweated.  He returned to a group of guys across the club and Nadia couldn’t help but think that they looked familiar. 

                “Hey Nadia, want to help me down here?” Kurt yelled.

                She wiped her hands on the apron she wore and walked to the other end of the bar.  Every chance that she could she tried to find the guy from earlier.  The night seemed to fly by and before Nadia knew it the band was saying her favorite phrase. 

“Last call for alcohol.  You don’t have to go home you just can’t stay here!”

“Hey Kurt, why don’t you go home.  I can handle closing by myself.”  There were only a few remaining in the club and she knew that once the band stopped they’d all leave. 

“You sure?”

“Yeah, go home to your wife.”

“Thanks Nadia I owe you one.”  Kurt took off for the door before she changed her mind.

Nadia went about restocking for the next night when she heard an ‘ahem’.  “Last call what do you want?”

“Well I still want your number, but if that won’t work how about I drive you home.”

“Listen, you seem nice and all, but I’ve heard every line imaginable.  It won’t work.  Now did you want something to drink?”

“Sure, I’ll take another Bud Light.”  Joey watched as the small-framed woman reached into the cooler to grab the beer.  She was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a cropped shirt the exact color of her brilliant blue eyes.  She opened the bottle and handed it to him.  “$3.50.”

This time along with the five-dollar bill he slipped her a piece of folded up paper.  “What’s this?”  She opened it.  The Omni Severin room 1210.  “Listen I don’t think you get it.  I don’t date, sleep with, call, or whatever patrons of this club.”

“It’s if you change you mind.”

“Thanks but I won’t.”  She wiped off the bar mentally kicking herself.  Do you know how long it’s been since you even kissed a guy, let alone had sex, her brain asked.  “Have a great night.” 

“Thanks for coming out we are Sucker Punch and we’ll be back here tomorrow.  Remember to tip your bartenders and drive safely.”  Alyssa the lead singer said before the lights came up.  She walked over to the bar.  “How was it tonight?” she asked Nadia.

“Fine, tips were great, but that guy over there has tried to pick me up twice.”  Nadia poured Alyssa a glass of water.

Alyssa turned to look at the group still standing by the stage.  “Which guy?”

“The one wearing the grey sweater.”

“Nadia, do you have any idea who that is?”

Nadia stared at her dumbfounded.  “No, should I?”

“Do you live at this club?  For that matter, do you live under a rock?  Those are the members of NSYNC.”  Alyssa said with a grin.  “And the one that you pointed to is Joey Fatone, resident flirt and all around Casanova.”

“Great just what I need.  Like I don’t get enough attention working here.”

“Honey, if you don’t want attention you shouldn’t wear the painted on jean look.”

“Criticize much.  Look at what you’re wearing.  A hanky and a leather skirt.”

“Yeah, but if that fine specimen of a man would even look at me once I would do anything that he asked.”

“He gave me his hotel room number,” Nadia said flashing the piece of paper.

 “You are downright insane if you don’t go after that boy.  If nothing else it will be a great story to tell all your friends.”  Alyssa took her glass of water and walked away.  Nadia watched as she walked straight over to Joey.  She leaned in and whispered something in his ear before heading back stage.

What the hell is she doing?  Nadia continued to watch before returning to straighten up the bar.  After a half hour the group was gone and the place empty.  She walked over to the doors and locked them before returning to the bar.  She reached up on a shelf and flipped on the stereo.  She was just about to count down the register when she heard the station change.  Turning around she found Joey standing on the other side of the bar.  “What the hell are you still doing here?  We are closed.”

“I didn’t get to dance with the most beautiful woman in the club tonight and thought that I should stick around to make sure to change that.”

“I could call the police.  You are trespassing!”

Joey walked through the swinging door and had her in his arms before she could do anything.  “You wouldn’t call the cops on me, would you?”

“Let go of me,” she said struggling to get free.  “How did you get back in here?”

“Your friend, the lead singer.  Anyway, you know that you want me.  You’ve been staring at me all night.”

“I think you have a very overactive imagination.”

“Yeah, well I’m imagining you wearing nothing at.”

“I think your nuts!”  Nadia yelled.  Joey grinned then let loose of the hold he had on her.  “Thank you.  Now would you please leave.”

“What if we start over, no lines.”  Joey smiled holding out his hand.  “Hello, my name is Joey Fatone.”

Nadia couldn’t help but smile.  He had an awesome grin and he was beginning to grow on her.  “Yes, so I’ve heard.  I was also told that you were a player.”

“I thought we were going to start over,” Joey pouted.

“Okay, okay.  My name is Nadia.  It’s very nice to meet you Joey.”

“Now how about that dance?”  Joey walked over to the stereo and flipped stations until he found a song that he liked.  “How’s this?”

“Slow, but it will do.”  Nadia followed him out on the dance floor.  He pulled her close as they started swaying to the music.  Before she could help herself she was laying her head on his chest.  She could hear his heartbeat and was becoming so lulled by it that she didn’t even notice that they stopped dancing.  She looked up, “What?”

Joey pulled the clip holding Nadia’s hair up letting her dark hair frame her face.  “You’re very pretty with your hair down.”  He picked her up by her arms bringing her lips to his.  To his surprise she didn’t fight his advances and continued to deepen the kiss.  He took two steps forward setting Nadia on the edge of the stage.  He broke the kiss long enough to yank her shirt over her head.  He quickly unfastened her bra tossing on the stage behind them.  He suddenly stopped.  “Are you sure about this?”

Nadia nodded before sliding her hands under his sweater and lifting it off.  The rest of their clothes soon followed.  He took extra care in stimulating both of her perfect breasts giving each equal attention with his mouth and tongue before kissing his way back down slowly, causing her to shudder. 

He gently laid her back on the stage starting at her left foot and kissing his way up to her middle.  He stopped to look up at her face before her ran his tongue down her clit then dipping it into her.  He continued to tantalize her while he slid first one, then two fingers inside of her.  He soon replaced his fingers with his tongue, once again making her squirm with pleasure. 

“Oh fuck,” she screamed as her orgasm coursed through every fiber of her being.

“Did you like that?”  Joey said coming up to kiss her.  He parted her legs with his, thrusting into her.  She tilted her hips taking in even more of him.  They held still for a moment adjusting to each other’s bodies. 

Nadia expected Joey to be fast and furious in this area, but so far he proved her wrong.  He began a gentle rhythm almost driving her insane.  “Faster, please, faster,” she begged.

Joey obliged her pleas quickening the pace and soon sending them both over the edge.  Joey fought to catch his breath.  “Wow, guess your friend was right.”

“What friend?’

“The singer.”  Joey stood handing her clothes back to her while he redressed.  “She said that I shouldn’t leave until I convinced you to come back to my hotel room with me.  She’s the one who let me back in.”

“She did did she.  Well remind me to thank her tomorrow night.”  Nadia got dressed.  “So how long are you in town for?”

“Just until tomorrow, why?”

“Well, guess I’ll have to take you up on that offer to go back to your hotel room after all.”

“You will,” Joey said surprised.

“Oh yeah.  Baby that was the best sex I’ve had in a long time and I have plenty of time the rest of the night to see if it can get any better,” she said with a grin as she hopped off the stage leading him out of the bar.

The End

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