Last Will And Testament

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

©2001 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction

January Challenge Story


The thunderstorm boomed outside the window.  How long had she been staring into space?  Rhiann turned and walked back into the conference room.  “Thanks for meeting me here everyone.”  She took a seat at the huge table and looked at the faces of his friends, their friends.  “I know this isn’t the happiest of occasions, but bear with me.  Maybe later we can all get up and do the chicken dance just to lighten the mood.”  She tried her best not to laugh.


“Okay, as you all know we are here for the reading of the last will and testament of Christopher Kirkpatrick.”  She opened her purse and pulled out a crumpled up piece of paper.  “I’m going to try to read this just as it is written, so here we go.”


“To JC, I give you my treadmill obviously I only used it as a clothes rack so maybe you’ll get more use out of it.”  Rhiann smiled at JC who was sitting across from her.  “He never did use that machine.  I joked the day we bought it that we should have bought a dust cover for it.”


“Next is Joey.  To the Phat-one, I leave more solos.  Singing Celebration is getting old and it’s time for a new song.”  Joey tried not to smile but this whole situation was silly.  “To Lance, I leave my Playboy bunny picture.  You know what I’m talking about, the one with the pink, fuzzy, tailed bunnies that we took while we were chilling at Hugh’s crib.”  Rhiann could no longer keep a straight face.


She tried to keep from chuckling as she read ahead.  “To Juju,” she giggled.  “A blow up doll for those lonely nights away from your girl.”  Rhiann glanced at Justin and then to the back of the room where Britany stood.  “Sorry J, I was just reading …” the door of the conference room opening interrupted her. 


A huge pink cake was pushed in by the aforementioned pink tailed bunnies.  They began a rendition of happy birthday that resembled Marilyn’s version to President Kennedy.  Just as the song ended the top of the cake busted open and Chris jumped out singing the finally “Happy Birthday to me”.


The bunnies help Chris climb out the cake.  “Thanks everyone for coming!  This is a great way to celebrate my 30th birthday!”  He kissed Rhiann.  “And thanks to you baby for helping with the reading.”  He hugged each of the guys.  “Now let’s really celebrate, party down the hall in the ballroom!”  They all left the room arm in arm with their dates.  “Okay Joey for good times sake let’s sing that song one more time!”  Chris began the song, “There’s a party going on right here a celebration to last throughout the year!”


The End

Tell Stephanie what you thought of this story!