Late Night, Saturday Night

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

©2001 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


                It was only three hours into my shift and we were dead.  I’m not sure that’s a good thing to say about my job.  I work the front desk at the emergency room of the local hospital.  My job is always interesting to say the least.

                Tonight was one of those nights I thought would never end.  I was lucky enough that the nurse and emergency room tech were friends.  We’d spent the majority of out night chatting in the nurse’s station only with slight interruptions from the hospital’s switchboard.

                I’d made myself comfortable sitting on the desk and Ann, Karen and I were in the middle of a conversation.

                “I just have to convince Larry to let me get pregnant again.”  Karen was thirty-six and had just given birth in November to a healthy baby boy.  Unfortunately the delivery didn’t go as well from her end.  She was taken down for an emergency c-section and in the end crashed during the simple surgery leaving her on a vent fighting for her life.  Numerous doctors had told her that getting pregnant again could be deadly.

                “Are you sure you want to risk it?”  I asked.

                “Michael shouldn’t be an only child.”  Karen and her husband, Larry had tried for years to have children without being able to get pregnant.  This time it had worked.  “Besides we have those embryos frozen and I don’t want them to go to waste.”

                Karen had her back to me and I rolled my eyes causing Ann to chuckle.  How could someone risk their life for something like this?  Having Michael was a miracle in it’s self, why couldn’t they be happy with him.  “I wouldn’t risk your life.”

                Karen continued to tell me that she planned on doing it.

                “I still can’t see why!”  I was never going to understand.

                “Help Me!” Someone screamed from the lobby.

                I jumped off the desk and ran out of the nurse’s station to see what was going on followed quickly by Ann and Karen.

                “It’s-It’s my friend,” a young blond said slightly out of breath.

                “What’s wrong with him?” Ann asked.

                “He passed out!”  He pointed back toward the Emergency Room entrance.  “He’s in the car.  Come help!”

                I turned and picked up the phone to dial the EMS for help while Karen and Ann went out to triage the patient.

                Ann came back in and ran for the ER grabbing a cot.  “Call the float and Respiratory stat!  Also call Deveda in for x-ray.”  This is the excitement that I lived for.

                Everyone was on his or her way.  Karen, Ann and the two guys from the EMS cam pushing the cot back in with the patient.

                “Stay out her and give Stef any information she might need,” Ann said pointing the blond in my direction.

                “Have a seat,” I said sitting down behind my computer.  I pulled the necessary papers from the trays next to me and finally looked up at the person in front of me.  My breath hitched in my throat.  I always promised myself tat if I’d ever met him or any of them I’d remain calm.  Funny how you think it would be easy but it isn’t.

                My hands were shaking.  By the look on his face I had a feeling that he realized that I knew who he was.  “I’m sorry I’m nervous,” I barely got out.  Not only were my hands shaking so were my legs.  It was a good thing that her couldn’t see under my desk.  “Lance, er, Mr. Bass, I have to ask you a few questions.”  I wanted to slap my forehead I was being so stupid.

                “I’m not sure how much I can help.”  He leaned forward across the desk.

                “Do you know his date of birth?”


                “Has he been here before?”

                “I don’t know.”

                I smiled.  Man his eyes were so green.  “How about his name?”  Or his driver’s license might be helpful.”

                Lance handed me his friend’s license and I tired to enter the information into the computer but due to my shaky fingers I kept hitting the wring keys.

                “I’m sorry this is taking so long,” I said smiling again out of nervous habit.

                An alarm went off in the ER and Lance jumped.  “What’s that?”

                “The telemetry machine.  It’s just monitoring your friend’s heartbeat.”  I said trying to calm him down.  “Can I get you anything?”  The phrase coffee, tea, or me quickly ran through my head.

                “I’m fine thank you.”  He pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned it on.

                “You have to go outside to use it.”


                “The phone,” I said pointing to his cell.  “You have to go outside to use it,” I repeated.

                “Oh.”  With that Lance walked back out and I hoped and prayed that he’d come back soon.

                “Where’s the friend?” Ann asked.

                “Outside using his phone.  How is he?”

                “Sick.  When he comes back in tell him to take a seat in the Consultation room.”

                “Okay.”  That was never a good sign.  It usually signaled that the patient had died.  I could still hear the telemetry machine so I knew that wasn’t true.  I always hated telling people to wait in the Consultation room.

                Lance came back in and tried to walk straight back to the ER.  “Wait.  You can’t go back there.  You have to stay in there,” I said pointing to the small room with a couch right outside the ER doors.

                “I want to see how he’s doing.”

                “The nurse asked that you wait in there.  I’ll go get her if you stay in there.”  I said trying to reassure him.  “I’ll be right back.”

                I hurried off into the ER and found Ann.  “He’s back and he wants to talk to you.”

                “I’ll be right there.”  Ann grabbed the doctor and followed me out the doors.  They shut the Consultation room door and I wondered what was going on with the friend.

                Minutes seemed to tick by slowly.  They were still shut up in the Consultations room.  The door finally opened briefly and Dr. Smith walked out.

                Ann stepped out next closing the door behind her.  She walked back to the ER and returned with the little yellow slips they give me for an admission.

                “ICU?” I questioned.

                “Yeah.  OD,” Ann simply said returning to her post.

                I quickly changed him from an ER patient to an Inpatient.  I wanted to open the Consultation door and ask how Lance was doing.  At that moment he was more than just the pop star that I thought I knew from television and radio, her was a friend of a patient that had tried to OD.  Instead I sat quietly until he was ushered from the room to follow his friend’s cot to ICU.

                The rest of the night paled in comparison.  We’d been pretty steady and the conversation with Karen and Ann from earlier was forgotten, so was Lance and his friend.

                I relayed the relevant information to Lori, my replacement and gratefully left for the night.  I was always tired after working second shift but due to all the recent excitement I also knew I would not be able to sleep without unwinding.

                I cautiously walked out to my vehicle cursing the fact that employees have to park way out in the boonies.  As I approached my car I froze.  There was someone standing next to it.  I tried to scream but made no noise.

                “Hello,” his sexy deep voice drawled.

                “Lance!” I said in almost a scream.  “You scared me!”

                “Sorry,” he said holding out a rose.  “Thanks for being so nice earlier.”

                “I was just doing my job.”  I barely got out as he moved closer.

                “You want to go get a drink or something?”

                “Sure.”  I said realizing that’s just what I needed, a good stiff Rum & Coke.

                “How about your place?” he asked.

                “Um … sure … fine,” my brain barely let the words escape my lips.  How was I going to survive having Lance at my house?  “You can just follow me.”

                “It’s my friend’s car.  Can I just ride with you?”

                Escaping my dumb blond tendencies I picked up on where this was going.  Even though I couldn’t imagine why on Earth Lance Bass wanted to go home with me I went with it.

                I clicked the unlock button on my key chain and we were soon on our way to my house.  If I thought it was difficult typing with Lance across the desk from me driving was near impossible.  I’d compare it to your first time behind the wheel during driver’s training.  Even worse for me in my tiny Mazda Miata.  I reached down to shift into drive and Lance grabbed my hand.

                We rode the whole six-minute drive in complete silence with Lance only releasing my hand so I could place the car back into park.

                “You have a very cute house.”  Lance commented as I fumbled to unlock the small two-bedroom ranch that I’d only bought the year before.

                “Thank you,” I said finally unlocking the door.  I reached in and flipped on the light praying that it wasn’t too messy.

                “Even cuter in here.”  Lance walked around looking at the photos of my family I had in various places throughout the room.

                He sat down in one of the recliners and I went to work making myself a drink.  “What would you like?”

                “Whatever you’re having.”

                I quickly poured another Rum & Coke and took it out to him.  “Why don’t we sit out on the deck, it’s a beautiful night.”

                “You have a great backyard.”  Lance commented walking around the meticulously manicured lawn.

                “It’s my baby,” I cooed.  I used the yard as an escape from everyday life with death and sickness at work.  I took solace in the lush green yard and the bountiful gardens.

                Lance returned to the deck and stood before me.  “How does one go about getting lucky enough to have great care from these hands?”  He took our drinks and placed them on the round table.

                I was speechless.  My hands seemed so small in his much larger ones.  I wasn’t expecting it when her leaned down and captured my lips.  The very gentle kiss quickly turned more passionate.  When we broke apart it felt like I’d stopped breathing.

                Lance took my hand pulling me back inside.  “We don’t want to give your neighbors a show.”

                Like a child I followed without questioning him.  I’d never done something like this before.  Well okay there was that one time but we’d been hot for each other for months.  We got what we both wanted or needed then never bothered each other about it again.  I didn’t want that with Lance.  Not a one night stand.  I really wanted this to be more.

                “Where’s the bedroom?”  Lance asked brining me back to reality.

                “Down at the end of the hall,” I answered against my better judgment.

                He quickly swept me up in his arms and carried me down the narrow hall.

                Setting me back on my feet Lance went to the radio switching it on.  “Dance with me?”

                We swayed to the sultry slow song that the radio provided.  I felt suddenly at ease in Lance’s arms.

                I yawned and Lance smiled down at me.  “You had a busy night.  I should get you to bed.”

                He took my hand and led me over to my canopy bed.  God only knows what possessed me to make the bed this morning when I woke up.  He sat me on the edge of the bed and removed my shoes.  I never knew how sensuous that simple task could be.  Lance slid his hand up my leg and under my short skirt pulling my pantyhose off.  I moaned just from his touch on my thighs.

                He leaned up on the bed and claimed my mouth in a passionate kiss as he yanked the blouse that I was wearing out of the waistband of my skirt and pulled it over my head leaving my lips just long enough to complete this task.  Next was my bra, which he almost tore from my body. 

                I reached down and undid the button on his jeans and helped him out of them.  He broke away to pull his shirt over his head and kick his jeans and shoes off.

                Climbing back on the bed her pulled my skirt up.  He slid his fingers down me to find me wet and very ready for him.  I arched up as he slid his finger inside of me.  “Oh my …” I moaned.

                Lance stopped momentarily, “Um … do you have …”

                “Top drawer in the bath room.”

                Lance hoped off the bed and was back in a flash.  He removed the condom from the package and I helped him put it on.  He kissed me once more before burying himself deep inside of me.  It didn’t take long before we were both screaming out in ecstasy.

                Lance climbed out of the bed and went to the bathroom.  I pulled my skirt off and grabbed my robe off the chair.  I was sitting on my side of the bed when he returned to my room.

                He was completely naked when he returned to my room.  The man was fabulously built.  He smiled and walked over to me kissing me lightly on the lips.  “May I spend the night?”

                “Sure,” I said even though I wasn’t sure I wanted him to.  I never brought men home like this.  Never.

                “Mind if we stay up and chat for a bit.  I’d like to get to know you a bit better.”

                I laughed.  How silly was this.  Usually you got to know the person before you slept with them.  “What would you like to know?”  I asked really wanting to just climb under the covers and sleep.

                “Anything.”  He climbed into the bed on the other side and pulled me to him.  He spooned up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.  “What were you like as a child?”

                “Spoiled rotten.  I always got my way.”  I laughed at how silly that sounded.

                “Me too.”

                “I just can’t see that.”

                “I always get what I want.  I wanted you the first moment I saw you tonight and I would have done anything to have you.  Now I’ll do anything to keep you.”  Lance said in my ear.  His warm breath on my skin gave me chills.  He was on the right track.  At that moment there was nothing that would tear me away from him.

                We continued to talk all through the night and Lance actually fell asleep mid sentence.  I pulled the covers up around us and curled right up next to him drifting off into what was the best sleep that I’d ever had.


The End


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