Late Night Snack

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

© 2000 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


Read the beginning of this, Truth or Dare.


                “Are you hungry?” Gina asked.

                “I could eat,” Joey said with a smile.

                “Let’s go see what’s in the kitchen,” She said leading the way.

                They barely made it into the kitchen before Gina was wrapped in Joey’s arms and their lips found each other.  Joey backed her towards the refrigerator.  He sung the door open never breaking their kiss.

                “What are you doing?” Gina asked with a pout.  “I was using the food thing as an excuse to get away for the others.”

                “Good work, now let’s use the food for fun,” Joey said with a devious smile.

                “What kind of fun?”

                Joey grabbed a bag of grapes but put them back when he saw the chocolate syrup.  He removed the top and popped the bottle into the microwave.  Returning to the freezer he grabbed a carton of vanilla ice cream.  “Ever been a sundae before?”

                “Can’t say that I have.”

                Joey helped Gina out of her suit and sat her on the kitchen table.  “Well then you are in for the time of you life.”

                Joey grabbed the syrup out of the microwave.  He opened the ice cream and scooped some out with his fingers.  He smeared the cold, icy substance across Gina’s chest causing her to jump.

                “Oh my gosh that’s cold!”  Before she could say another thing Joey was lapping up the ice cream. 

“Yum needs some chocolate syrup.”  He grabbed the freshly warmed liquid adding more ice cream before pouring the syrup across Gina’s chest then quickly licking the mixture.  “Want some?”  Joey asked with a devious grin.

“Uh huh,” Gina moaned as Joey licked up more ice cream before capturing her mouth in a deep and sensuous kiss.  He broke the kiss long enough to remove his t-shirt and jeans.  With one quick move her cleared the kitchen table and laid Gina down on it.

Parting her thighs he began a slow to slowly lick his way to her center.  He grabbed more ice cream and smeared it over her inner thighs before licking it up.  Gina bucked off the table from the mixture of the cold ice cream and Joey’s hot mouth.  “Oh god …” she moaned.

Joey entered her and soon they found a pace somewhere between need and frantic.   It wasn’t long before Gina was screaming Joey’s name and Joey was collapsing onto of her completely spent.

                Their breathing returned to normal and Joey helped Gina up off the table.  “Think we should clean up our mess?”

                “Not yet what do you say to a nice warm shower to remove all this sticky ice cream.”  Gina suggested.

                Joey took Gina’s hand and followed her toward the bathroom.  “I don’t think I’ll be able to think of a sundae the same way again.”  Gina said laughing.

The End

Tell Stephanie what you thought of this story!


Also read the other stories in this series: Beach Blanket Bingo, Dancing On The Ceiling, and Hot Tub Delight!