Let Me Entertain You

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

©2000 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


                “Hello this is Camille . . . I’m not able to take your call right now . . . leave a message after the beep . . . .” beep

                “Cammie, it’s Lance.  I’m home early.  Are you free tonight?  Call me.  Love you!”

                The phone rang as soon as Lance hung it up.  “Cammie?”

                “No . . . Joey,” Joey laughed.  “Hey Lance, what’s up?”

                “Just unpacking,” Lance wondered why Joey was already calling him.  “What do you want Joe?”

                “The guys and I wanted to go out tonight, somewhere new.  It’ll be fun.”

                “I’m not sure, um, I’m waiting to hear back from Cammie.  No offense, but I’ve seen enough of you lately.”

                “Come on, we never all go out.”

                “There’s a reason for that Joey,” Lance thought for a moment.  “Where’d you say we were going?”

                “It’s a surprise.”

                “Come on tell me, I hate surprises.”

                “Nope man, I’m sworn to secrecy.”  Joe prayed that Lance would go.  “Call Cammie back and tell her that you’ll see her tomorrow.”

                “Okay, sure.  What time?”  He regretted it the second that he agreed.  They really didn’t all go out together because when they did trouble usually followed.

                “We’ll meet you at you house, say nine?”

                “Okay.  See ya then.”  Lance hung up and dialed Cammie’s number again.  After listening to her sweet voice he quickly left a message, “Hey Cam, it’s me again.  I’m going out with the guys.  I’ll call you tomorrow.  Love you!”

                He finished unpacking, showered and dressed for the night out.  They’d be there in just over an hour and he was having second thoughts.  He hated surprises.

                He finished getting ready and poured himself a drink.  Joey was the first to arrive and Lance tried again to get their destination out of him.

                “Sorry man, sworn to secrecy,” he grabbed a Bud Light out of Lance’s fried and opened it.  “The guys would kill me if I told you.”

                “Come on I won’t tell them.”  The door chimed, “Saved by the bell.”  Joey took another sip of his beer as Lance went to answer the door.  His other three band mates entered the house.

                “Ready to go?”  Justin asked.

                “Where are we going again?” Lance asked trying to get the info out of his young friend.

                “Nice try man,” Justin said, “No way I’m going to tell you and get the others mad at me.”

                They all piled into Joey’s SUV and Joey sped off to their mysterious destination.

                When they pulled up in front of a “gentleman’s club” Lance began to get nervous.  “We can’t go in there!  What if it gets out to the press?”

                “Don’t worry so much.  We’ve been here before.  It’s cool.”  The guys led Lance into the club, paid the cover and walked to the tables right up next to the stage.

                “Why are we sitting so close?”  Lance stammered.

                “Best seats in the house,” JC said as he took to seat to Lance’s left.

                They sat and watched a few of the girls dance.  “This place is a lot classier than most,” Chris commented as he took a swig of his beer.

                The lights dimmed and they heard the DJ announce the next girl.  “Are you ready?” he paused.  “I said, are you ready?”  The club cheered.  “Here’s our very own Peach!”


                “Yo Peaches, hurry up doll it’s your turn,” Steve, the burly man that kept the girls safe, yelled.

                “Coming,” she yelled as she straightened her wig and checked her make-up for the last time.  She ran past Steve, grabbed her chair and ran up the three stairs to the stage.  She positioned herself with her back to the club and sat down on the chair waiting for the music to start.

                Prince’s “Peach” began to play and she tapped her foot to the beat of the music waiting for her cue to start her routine.   The tempo changed and she stood tossing the chair off the stage towards Steve.  She went about the new routine, taking of her skimpy bra and short gold shorts.

                The song was almost over and this part of the routine called for her to dance right in front of the man at the very tip of the stage.  As she headed to the end of the stage she froze.  For there sitting at the end of the stage was her boyfriend of a year.


                Lance sat in total awe as the woman walked on stage.  She was breathtakingly beautiful, long legs, great arms, and extremely tan.  She could really dance.  As the song came to an end she was dancing right in front of him.  He couldn’t believe what he saw the dancer was Camille!  A stark black wig replaced her normal strawberry-blond curls.  She’d lost weight since the last time he’d saw her.  Not too much but enough in all the right places.

                They noticed each other at just about the same time.  Camille bolted from the stage and ran past Steve.

                “Hey . . . hey, you’re not done Peaches.”

                “Steve, I’ve got to go.  I’ll get someone to cover my later performance.”  Camille ran into the changing room.  She quickly dressed.  “Shell, will you take my late routine?  I’ve got to get going.”

                “You sick honey?”

                “No, something just came up.  Listen if anyone comes looking for me don’t tell them I left.”  Camille finished throwing her things in her bag and bolted out the back door.  She ran to her car and was out of the parking lot before Lance ever went running after her.

                Lance looked around at his friends.  “Did you know that she worked here?”  The four men looked from one to the other hoping that one of them would speak.  No one did.  Except for Lance.  “This was some surprise.”  He stood and headed to where Cammie ran off.

                He tried to go backstage but Steve stopped him.  “This is an employee only area.  You have to leave.”

                “But I’m looking for Camille.  The dancer that just ran through here.”


                “Yeah, yeah, Peaches.  I need to talk to her.”  Lance tried to push past him.

                “No one is allowed backstage.  I thought I already told you that.”

                “She’s my girlfriend.”

                Steve just folded his arms and shook his head.  “Sorry man, no way.”

                Lance turned and walked back to the table.  “We’re leaving.”

                “Sorry Lance,” Joey said, “I never knew she’d bolt.”  Lance never said a word to the guys as they drove home.  He needed to find Camille.  He jumped out of Joey’s car and ran into his house.  He grabbed his keys and jumped into his car.  He headed to her house and let himself in.  He must have sat there for hours before she ever came home.


                Camille didn’t know what to do after she left the club.  She didn’t want to go home.  She was scared that Lance would be there.  She drove around for hours before finally deciding to head home.  She unlocked the door and flipped on the lights.  She jumped when she saw the figure sitting on the couch.  “What are you doing?”

                “Waiting for an explanation.  There has to be a good one.”  Lance stood and paced the room.  “You could have ruined me if anyone found out that my girlfriend is a stripper.”  He stopped and looked at her.  She still had on the make-up she was wearing earlier, but had lost the wig.  She was wearing her normal clothes.  “Why are you stripping?”  He was obviously hurt.

                “I needed money and one of the girls in my class said stripping paid well.”

                “I would have given you all the money in the world.  I’d asked you to move in with me.  Wasn’t I good enough?”

                She walked over to him.  “Lance, it’s not you.”  She tried to touch him but he pulled away.  “I don’t want your money.  I needed to be able to support myself.”  She walked away from him.  “People were saying that I was a kept woman.”  She sat down on the couch and put her head in her hands.  “I needed the money.”  Tears began to run down her face.  “I needed the money,” she repeated.

                “You could have just asked.  I’ve never given you money so people shouldn’t have been talking about you.  I love you Cammie.  I would have helped.”  Lance placed a hand on her shoulder.

                She looked up at him.  “You keep talking in past tense.  Is it over between us?”

                He pulled her up off the couch and wrapped his arms around her.  “Oh no Cammie it’s not over.”  He kissed her forehead.  “I love you too much to have this get in our way.”  The first kiss was light and reassuring.

                “I’ve missed you so much.  And after tonight I thought I’d loose you for sure.”  Cammie was still crying.

                Lance got a smirk on his face.  “Cam, honey, why didn’t you ever dance like that for me?”

                “I guess it just never came up.”  Cammie smiled, and then grabbed hold of Lance’s hand.  She led him to her room, pulling the chair from her desk out for him to sit on.  “Stay put.”  She walked back out into the other room and grabbed her bag.  She brought it back with her and placed the Prince CD in and programmed it to play number 15 repeatedly.  She hit play and turned towards Lance.  She swayed to the music as it started.


How can I put this in a way so as not 2 offend or unnerve?

But there's a rumor goin' all around that U ain't been gettin' served

They say that U ain't "U know what" in, baby, who knows how long

It's hard 4 me 2 say what's right when all I wanna do is wrong

Gett off – 23 positions in a one night stand

Gett off – I'll only call U after if U say I can

Gett off – Let a woman be a woman and a man be a man

Gett off – If U want 2, baby, here I am


She began to unbutton her top and watched as Lance’s eyes followed her agile fingers.  She left the shirt hang open and continued to dance.  She made her way over to Lance dancing right in front of him.  She finally straddled his lap and began to grind to the music.  He pushed her shirt off her shoulders allowing it to float to the floor.  Their lips met in a fierce kiss.  They couldn’t get enough of each other.  Lance easily unfastened Camille’s bra tossing it behind them.  His mouth quickly found her breasts gently sucking one then the other of her nipples in his mouth tugging lightly on them with his teeth.  Camille stopped grinding spellbound by the feelings that Lance was causing.

She pushed back and stood again.  She began to unbutton and unzip her jeans and pushed them off her hips letting them drop to the floor.  She stepped out of them and did the same thing with her panties.  She was standing before Lance completely naked.  She held her hand out for him and when he took it she pulled him up to her.  She began to untuck his shirt and pulled it over his head.  His jeans joined hers on the floor along with his boxers.

Lance picked her up and carried her to her bed.  He laid her down and picked up her left leg.  He began planting kisses from her toes all the way up to her inner thigh.  He repeated the same path on her right leg until he could tell that she could hardly take anymore.  He went to the area that he knew she wanted him to pay attention to most.  He ran his tongue over her and was pleased when she arched off the bed.  He continued to torture her with his tongue while he inserted first one then another finger into her.  He knew that she was close to climax.  Just then she began to tighten around his fingers. 

“Oh my . . . oh Lance,” she screamed as the orgasm catapulted her body into ecstasy.

He crawled up her body kissing all the important parts as her went.  He captured her lips and explored her mouth with his tongue.

“Mmm,” Lance moaned as she grasped him and guided him into her.  She was tight and very ready for him.

The pace was anything but calm and loving.  It was as if they were in a hurry to get as much as they could as fast as they could.  Lance felt Cam begin to tighten again and knew that his release wasn’t far behind.  With one more thrust Cammie’s climax ripped through her and Lance’s followed.  “Oh god!”  Lance collapsed on top of her kissing her.  “I love you so much Cammie.”

Fresh tears streamed down her face.  “I love you too.”  She propped herself up on her elbow and started giggling.


“I was just thinking how irate my parents would be if they found out I was dancing for money.  They probably never expected me to use my dance lessons for stripping.”

“Well they’ll never have to find out because you won’t be dancing for anyone but me from now on.”  Lance kissed her again before they fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

The End

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