One More Day

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

© 2001 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


            Audra began her normal morning routine, a stop at the local church to light a candle and then onto work.  Her days seemed identical.  Work, home and sleep only to do it all over again.  Little did she know that today would change all that.

            “Morning Audra,” Janice cheerfully greeted her co-worker.  With almost twenty-five years separating their ages Janice tended to mother Audra just a bit.

            “Mornin’,” Audra was running late as usual.  She quickly put her bag away and began her morning medicine pass.  It was late morning before she had time to chat with Janice again.

            “Did you do anything exciting last night?”  Janice asked knowing full well that Audra never did anything exciting anymore.

            “The usual, but I had a very strange dream.”  She stopped charting and turned toward Janice.

            “Audra, you need to get out more.”  Janice teased.

            "No, wait till I tell you what the dream was about before you tell me to get out more."

            "This sounds serious Audra."  Janice stopped charting giving Audra her full attention.

            "I'm not sure when I had the dream but it seems like right before I woke up.  I was visited by this person.  Or I think I think it was a person … I'm not sure.  Anyway it informed me that I've been chosen to have one wish, anything my heart desires.  I asked what it meant by my heart's desire.  It informed me that I could wish for anything and that it would come true.  It also said for me to be very careful what I wish for and how exactly I word it. "  Audra stopped to see what Janice thought so far.

            "Very strange.  What'd you eat before bed?"

            "Janice, this seemed too real for even a dream.  It was very eerie."

            "Have you thought about what you'd wish for?"

            Even though she only had one wish, she had given this much thought.  In the end it was her heart that made up her mind on her wish.  "I don't think I'm even going to try it."  Audra said turning back to her charting.

            Janice grabbed Audra's chair spinning her back around.  "You're kidding, right?  You believe in psychics and pray daily!  Your not going to at least try to wish on something … an eyelash … a star … anything!"

            "I don't know.  I think it was all jut a crazy dream.  I'm not sure that I could put my heart out for it to be broken again."

            That's what Janice had thought the problem was.  The poor child had been through so much in the last year.  She wondered how Audra got out of bed some days.  "Audra, just try it for me.  Out of curiosity if nothing else."

            "I'll try."  That's where the subject ended for the day.  Actually the wishing wasn't mentioned again for two days.

            They were once again sitting in the nurse's station charting when Janice asked, "So how's the wishing going?"

            "Oh I totally forgot," Audra lied.  She'd tried everything she could think of, she'd wished on a star, an eyelash, when the cross she wore around her neck met the clasp of her necklace. 

            "You've gotta give it a try."

            "I will I promise."  Audra went back to charting trying to forget about the stupid dream and all the wishes that were never answered.

            "Hey what’cha talkin' about?"  Danielle interrupted.

            "Nothing," Audra said quickly.  Except for Janice, Audra hadn't told anyone about the dream.

            "Okay," Danielle said wondering just what she'd walked in on.  "Audra, do you wanna run to the mall with me after work?"

            Going anywhere with Danielle was a chore in Audra's book.  Danielle was loud, outspoken and sometimes rude.  "I'm not sure … I, um … wanted …"

            "Go," Janice interjected.  "You never get out."

            Audra shot Janice a death look before answering.  "Sure I'll go."  She could just kick Janice.

            "Great!  Wanna just leave from here?"

            "Yes, that's fine."  Audra said wanting to sulk.

            "Alrighty then!"  Danielle went back to answering call lights.  She was five years younger than Audra and worked at the nursing home as a CNA.  She'd gone to the same high school as Audra and grew up down the road from her.

            Where as Audra went away to college right after high school, Danielle was pregnant by eighteen.  She lived with her grandparents and just recently started dating one of Audra's good friends.  This connection made Danielle think that she and Audra should now be good friends too.  Audra didn't feel the same.  "Why'd you tell her that I'd go?"  Audra asked upset.

            Janice reached in her pocket pulling out a penny and flipped it to Audra.  "Make a wish at the fountain."

            Audra's face lit up, she hadn't thought of making a wish at a fountain.  "Thanks."




            The shopping trip was uneventful.  Danielle charged tons of clothes for herself and her daughter on her boyfriend's charge card.  Audra made her wish in the big fountain in the middle of the mall.  It was now two days later and still her wish hadn't been granted.

            Running typically late Audra was very upset when the phone stopped her for leaving the house.  "Hello!" She yelled after running back for the phone.


            "Yes."  Who the hell was calling this time of the morning?

            "This is Mrs. Kent, your neighbor."

            "Hello Mrs. Kent, how can I help you?  I'm running late."

            "I was outside last night getting Mr. Bones in the house.  He's getting so big, you know.  He's an awfully good dog."

            "Yes Mrs. Kent I know.  I'm in a real hurry Mrs. Kent.  I'm late for work"

            "I'm terribly sorry dear.  Like I was saying I was outside last night and I noticed lights on in the house.  I wasn't trying to be a nosy neighbor or anything but I just thought it was strange."

            "Thank you Mrs. Kent.  I'll have someone look into it."  Audra looked at her watch, she would have to pass up on going to church this morning.

            "When are we going to see you again?  It's been months since you were home."

            "I live here now Mrs. Kent.  This is my home."

            "Nonsense dear this will always be your home." 

Mrs. Kent hung up before Audra got a chance to correct her again.  The old woman is loosing it, Audra thought as she grabbed her bag and headed for the car.

A half hour late, Audra came storming into the nursing home.  “Damn it!” she screamed when she hit her knee on the nurse’s station.

“What’s wrong Audra?”  Janice asked.  Audra was always pleasant and never cussed.

“It’s been an awful morning.”  Audra quickly grabbed her cart and began passing morning meds.

“Are you feeling better?”  Janice asked later that morning.

“I’m feeling fine.”  She was actually dreading the call she had to make.

“Anything that you want to talk about?”  Janice asked concerned.

“My neighbor in Florida called and said that something was wrong with the house.”

“You have a house in Florida?” Danielle asked budding into the conversation.

Audra smacked her forehead.  She might as well take out an ad and tell the world now because Danielle will tell everyone anyway.  “Yes, I still own a house in Florida,” Audra said quietly.  “But I really don’t want people to know that,” she quickly added.

                “When did you live in Florida?”  Danielle asked.

“I really don’t think Audra wants to discuss this right now.  Why don’t you get back to work?”  Janice suggested trying to get Danielle to leave Audra alone.

“Didn’t the house belong to your boyfriend or something?  I remember hearing rumors about it.”

“Danielle, you need to go find something to do.”  When it looked like Danielle wasn’t going to move Janice added, “Right now!”  Danielle finally left.  “I’m sorry sweetie,” Janice said wrapping a protective arm around Audra’s shoulders.

Audra let the tears threatening to fall slide down her cheeks.  “I don’t think I want go back to that house.”

“Do you think you can find someone to check it for you?”

“I’m going to have to try.”  Audra opened her bag and grabbed her cell phone.  She scrolled through the phone book until she found the number she needed.  She hit send and held her breath until someone answered.


“Kelly?” she paused.  “This is Audra.”

“Oh my goodness it’s been forever.  How are you doing?”

“I’m getting along better now.  How are Joey and Briana?”

“I think that they’re both going through their terrible twos,” she said laughing.  “Briana is getting so big.”  Kelly wondered why Audra was calling.  It’d been almost a year since she’d seen her last.  “You need to come and visit some time.”

That’s just what I’m trying to avoid, Audra thought.  “Yeah I need to find time.”  She looked around hoping that Danielle wasn’t eavesdropping.  “Kel, is Joey around?”

                “No, he’s in Texas finishing a movie.  Is there something I can help you with?”

“Um … yeah, could you go check out the house for me?  My neighbor said there was a light on or something.”

“I really wish I could but I’m actually on my way out the door to visit Joe in Texas.”

“I see.  How about Phyllis or Joe Sr.?”

“Well, I’m sure they would if they weren’t in Europe.”

Audra was desperate.  “Jeanine or even Steve.”

“I'm not sure.  You can try to call them.”  Kelly rattled off their numbers to Audra.  “Audra, you need to come visit us, we all miss you very much.”

Again tears filled her eyes.  She doubted that everyone missed her.  She knew that not everyone missed her.  “I’m not sure I’m ready to come back to Florida,” she finally confessed.

“Whenever you are ready please come and visit us.”

“I will.  I promise.”  Audra tried Steve and got no answer.  She left a message at Jeanine’s.  Next up on the list … Justin.  She tried his cell first.


“Justin, it’s me, Audra.”

“Hey darlin’, what’s going on?”

“Are you in Orlando?”

“No, I’m in LA with Brit.”

“Oh,” she said once again disappointed.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.  I just need someone to check on the house.”

“Sorry I’m not much help.”

“Thanks anyway.”

“Hey, why don’t we make plans to all get together.”

“We’ll have to do that.”  She wanted to bawl.  “J, I’ve got to get back to work.  Tell Britney hello for me.”  She hung up with Justin and sent a silent prayer.  Please let Chris or JC help me.

Audra tried JC first.  She didn’t get an answer anywhere.  Last resort she tried Chris.  Again no answer at his house or his cell.  The last number she had was for his office.


“Chris Kirkpatrick please.”

“Can I tell him who is calling?”


“One moment please.”

“Well, well if it isn’t my favorite girl.”

“Hello Chris, how are you?”  She knew that there was no way he’d be able to help from New York either.

“I’m great and just how are you?  I haven’t heard from you in over a month.”

“I’ve been busy.”

“So have I and that’s really not a good excuse.”

“I know.”  Audra realized that no one was going to help her.  She knew that going to Orlando was inevitable.  “I’m actually going to be in Orlando this week.  If you’re going to be in the area let’s get together.”

            “I wasn’t planning on it, but for you I’ll make the trip.  I’ll give you a call when I get into town.”

            “That’d be great.”

            “Are you staying at the house?”  He knew that she hadn’t been back there since that night.

            “I think so.”

            “You can always stay at my place.”

            “Thanks, but sooner or later I’ll have to face the house.”  And it’s memories, she thought.

            “I’ll see you soon then.  Love ya.”

            Audra put her head down on the desk and finally cried.  “Are you going to be okay?” Janice asked.

            “I’m going to have to be.  I need to get some time off work, I’m going to Orlando.”




            Less than twenty-four hours later Audra was on a flight bound for Orlando.  She’d asked for some medicine to keep calm for the flight.  She slept peacefully most of the way.

            Once on the ground she found the rental car lot and picked up the car she’d requested.  The trip that she’d driven hundreds of times seemed to take forever.  She picked up her cell phone when she was almost to the gated housing edition.  “Mom?”

            “Audra, are you there?”

            “Yeah, I’m almost to the house.”

            “Are you doing all right honey?”

            “I’m fine … I’ll be fine.”  Why did she feel like that’s all she’d said for the last year?

            “Call when you find out what’s wrong.”

            “I will.”

            “I love you Audra.”

            “I love you too Mom.”  Audra hung up and called Mrs. Kent to let her know that she’d be at the house for a couple of days.  The older woman seemed very excited.

            Finally pulling up to the huge two-story house Audra sighed.  She still couldn’t believe that she was actually there.  She knew that the house would be the same way that she’d left it twelve and a half months before.  The yard was still well manicured.  The trees seemed bigger, but nothing else changed.  At least nothing on the outside.  In a way Audra was pleased to find that there really was a light on in one of the bedrooms upstairs.  She’d hoped that Mrs. Kent wasn’t trying something just to get her to visit.

            For a woman old enough to be her grandmother, Mrs. Kent was almost more active that Audra.  She still emailed her constantly and even though Audra didn’t return her emails that didn’t stop her.  Audra was really surprised when she called.

            She’d been sitting and staring at the house for a good twenty minutes before she finally got out of the car.  She grabbed her purse and small suitcase and walked up the front steps.  The key in her hand easily slid into the lock and she opened the door slowly hoping that she’d dreamt the last year and by some miracle he’d be waiting for her.  She quickly punched the code into the security system as if she’d never been gone.

            The house was quiet, too quiet.  Audra had never been scared of the dark in her life, but at that very moment she needed every light on in the house.  As she flipped on the light the first thing to grab her attention was the huge matted photo hanging above the fireplace.  It brought tears to her eyes.  What a wonderful day that was.

            Audra wandered around the first floor checking out the kitchen, den and finally back into the living room.  The house was exactly how she’d left it.  Nothing had moved, nothing changed.  Except he won’t ever call this his home again.

            “Maybe it’s time I sold this place,” Audra said while she ran her finger over the dusty end table.

            “Could you really part with the house we made a home together?”

            Audra was afraid to turn around.  What if she was hearing things?  She’d rather continue to let her imagination play games with her than face reality.  Lance was gone, he was never coming back.

            “Audra,” she could almost feel the warmth of his breath across the nape of her neck.  When Lance finally touched her, Audra knew deep down that this wasn’t a dream.  He really was there.  “I’ve missed you so,” he said running his hands down her arms.

            Audra couldn’t help but cry.  This couldn’t be real; this had to be a dream.  She only wished that she’d never wake up.  She slowly turned and looked into the crystal green eyes that she’d loved so much.  “Am I dreaming?”

            Lance wrapped his arms around her tight.  “This isn’t a dream,” he breathed in the heavenly scent of her.  “I love you.”

            “I … I wished for … for,” she couldn’t get out the words.

            “I know,” Lance said running a hand down her face.

            The whole thing was so surreal to Audra.  She’d buried Lance over a year ago.  She stood and watched as the love of her life was lowered into a hole.  How was this happening?  Fresh tears streamed down her face.  “I love you so much.”

            “Please don’t cry.  Haven’t you shed enough tears this last year?”  Lance held her tight trying to calm her.

            “The lights that was you?  How long have you been here?”

            “I just got here.  The lights were them.”

            Audra cupped Lance’s face.  “I love you.”  Over the last year she’d realized that she’d never said that enough.  She lightly kissed him.  “Make love to me.  Please,” she begged.

            Without hesitation Lance picked Audra up and carried her upstairs to their room … their bed.  He placed her gently on the bed and slowly removed her shoes and clothing.  “You are the most beautiful woman that I’ve ever seen.”  He left her sitting completely naked while he stripped of his clothes.

            He slowly kissed her lips.  “I always loved making love with you.”  Audra couldn’t help but cry.  “Please don’t cry.  These are things I should have told you before.”  He kissed her again more deeply as his hands ran up and down her arms.  “You are the love of my life.”

            Lance pushed her down on the bed, slowly and exquisitely making love to her.  Audra had never experienced anything like it in her life.  She felt like her heart would explode from all the love she felt.  She was trapped in another world as wave after wave of pleasure rippled through her body.  “I love you so very much,” she said as he collapsed next to her.  Lance simply kissed her forehead and snuggled closely behind her.

            “We can’t sleep,” she said sitting straight up in bed.

            “Your not even the least bit tired after that?”  Lance asked with a smirk on his face.

            Knowing that her wish had only been for just one day with Lance she knew that she could sleep when … she couldn’t finish her though.  She didn’t want to imagine him gone just yet.  “Are you hungry?”  Lance simply looked at her.  He hadn’t eaten in over a year and he wasn’t hungry.  Hell he didn’t even know if he could eat.  “I have to run to the store.  I was going to go tomorrow,” Audra said.

            “Don’t leave,” Lance said kissing her neck in just the spot he knew drove her insane.

            “Oh god,” she moaned.  “Food can wait.”  Audra added as they made love again.

            “Lance,” Audra began than turned in his arms to face him.  She ran a hand down his perfect face and over the small scar above his eye.  “Did it hurt?”

            “Did what hurt, baby?” he asked kissing the tip of her nose.

            “Dying,” she whispered.  “What did it feel like?”

            “I don’t know.  I don’t think that it hurt.”

            “It hurt me.”  She tried to never remember the day that the police officer came to the door.  ‘Are you Mrs. James Bass?’  That tripped something deep inside her.  She knew instantly that nothing he said was going to be good.  She didn’t even answer him, but he continued any way.  ‘Mr. Bass was involved in an automobile accident tonight.  I’m sorry, but there was nothing anyone could do.  He died at the scene.’  She remembered falling to her knees because her legs couldn’t support her weight any longer.  ‘Mrs. Bass are you okay?  Ma’am? Is there someone that I can call for you?’

            Somehow Chris showed up at her house at that very moment.  He saved her.  ‘Audra, what’s going on?’

            ‘Are you a friend of the family?’ the officer asked.

            ‘Yes,’ Chris said kneeling beside Audra.

            ‘I’m not sure she understood what I just told her.  She’s not showing any emotion,’ the officer rambled.

            ‘What?’ Chris asked.

            ‘Mr. Bass, he was killed in an auto accident tonight.  He died at the scene from major head trauma.’

            Audra tried to stop dwelling on the past, but the last time she’d seen Lance he was still coated in blood.  They made her go to the morgue to identify the body.  How much can one person take before they break?  She survived that.  She survived the on set of family and friends.  She survived the fans and all the love and support that they tried to give her.  She even survived burying the love of her life, the father of her unborn child, her true sole mate.

            She actually never cried.  She walked around like a zombie doing as other told her.  Feeling what others thought she should be feeling.

            She survived everything up until she lost the child she was carrying.  Her last piece of Lance.  That’s all her heart could take.  In less than ten days she’d lost too much.  She didn’t even pack.  She locked the house, drove to the airport and flew away from Orlando.

            “You never told me you were pregnant,” Lance said running a finger down her cheek.

            “I was planning to.  I wanted it to be special … unique.  Something you’d always remember.  It was our first child.”  Audra pulled away from Lance and got out of bed.  She opened the dresser and grabbed out a nightgown from just where she’d left them.  It felt as though the last year had never even happened in some ways.  “I was shocked when I found out I was pregnant.  I couldn’t believe it.”  She smiled down at him remembering.  “It had to have happened when I was visiting you in Las Vegas.  We weren’t careful more than once that weekend.”  They’d discussed waiting until they’d been married five years before they’d start a family.  Maybe by then NSYNC wouldn’t be touring as much and they’d be able to be more of a normal family.

            “That was a great weekend.  I used to love when you’d show up in a city we were in.”  He too got out of the bed and pulled on pajama bottoms.  They made their way back to the family room and curled up on the couch together.

            “The doctor said that all the stress I was under was too much for the baby.  I was just barely two months along.  I never knew how much I’d wanted to be a mother until that moment.”

            “Do you still want to have children?”  Lance asked quietly.

            “Honestly I doubt that I will ever love someone again.  How can, I still love you.”

            As much as it hurt, Lance knew that Audra was going to fall in love again, going to have babies without him.  “It’s all still to fresh for you to look at it objectively.  You’re only twenty-six years old.”

            “And you were the same age when I kissed you goodbye before they closed the casket.”  She looked up at her wedding portrait again.  “We were so happy.  Why’d it have to happen to us?”

            “Why does anything bad happen to anyone?”

            “I loved you so much,” she said as she began to cry again.

            “I don’t think that God sits there and determines who loves more.  It was just my time.  It was inevitable.”

            Audra jumped up.  “No!”  She paced around the room.  “How can you tell me that it was inevitable?  I’ve seen the reports.  I’ve seen the pictures.  That … that ..”  She still couldn’t get the images of Lance’s body in the pictures at the scene out of her memory.  The semi that had ran Lance’s car off the road had pinned Lance in the car.  It took hours for them to finally free his body from the wreckage.

            “He pays everyday for his mistake.”

            Audra stopped and looked at him.  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?  I lost you.”  Audra turned and looked out the window.

            “He lost a lot too.”  Lance walked over to Audra and placed his arms around her.  “His life is nothing now.  His wife left him.  His children won’t talk to him. He can’t find a job and most days doesn’t want to continue living.”

            Audra felt safe wrapped in Lance’s arms.  “Can you stay forever?”

            Lance let go of his hold on her.  “You know that’s not possible.”

            “Can’t you tell them that I messed up … that I meant to wish for the rest of my life with you.”  She turned to face him.  She was shocked to see tears in Lance’s eyes.  “I’m not sure I can loose you again.”

            “Unfortunately I can’t stay longer than they have already planned on me staying.”  He looked at the clock on the wall.  It had long ago stopped working.  Oh how he wished today was like that, a day that would never end.  “What time is it?”

            She looked at her watch and wanted to lie.  “3AM.”

            “We have about twenty hours together.”  Not long enough.

            “Well then we have lots to do in a short amount of time.”  She smiled at him when she got an idea.  “Can you go outside of the house?”

            “I won’t disappear or anything if that’s what you mean.  It’s risky though.”

            “C’mon, Lance you used to be good at disguises.”  She kissed him.  “Let’s go get dressed.”

            “Where are we going?”

            “You’ll see,” Audra said over her shoulder as she ran up the stairs.

            Lance raced after her and found her going through her drawers.  He pulled her back and took the clothes from her hand.  “Just a second.”  He pulled the nightgown over her head and led her back to their bed.  “I want to make love to my wife one more time before we go anywhere.”

            Two hours later they were in the rental car on their way to the coast.  “I want to watch the sunrise with you.”  She smiled at him while she drove.  “Are you upset that I wouldn’t let you drive?”


            Lance had been really quiet since they’d gotten in the car.  “What’s wrong then?”

            “It’s just strange riding in a car.”

            “Oh I never thought about that.  I’m so sorry if you are uncomfortable.”

            “I’m fine.”  He reached over and squeezed her knee.

            “I love you,” Audra said again with a smile.

            They enjoyed the sunrise wrapped in each other’s arms while sitting on the cool sand.  The nearby water lapping up onto the shore and the birds flying around made it almost picturesque.  Audra would remember this moment for the rest of her life.  The beginning of a perfectly wonderful day.

            On the way home Audra stopped to get food.  She was going to make a romantic dinner and try to fit a lifetime in the few short hours that they had left.

            Lance was quiet again as they drove home.  “Honey, what were you thinking about?”  Audra asked as they carried groceries into the house.

            “How are my parents?”  He knew that they were perfectly fine, but had to broach the subject with Audra somehow.

            “Fine I guess,” she said then tried to change the subject.  “Do you think you could find a good bottle of wine to go with dinner?”

            “When did you see them last?” he asked ignoring her request.

            “Why is this coming up now?”

            “Audra, why’d you treat my parents so terribly?”

            “They wanted to take you away from me.”

            “How could they do that?”

            “They wanted me to box up all the things that belonged to you and send them to them.”  She folded the paper sack from the groceries and put it under the sink.  “You were my husband.  I wanted your things.”

            “I was their son.”

            “They had your house in Mississippi with all the awards and all your belongings there.  They had all your photos from childhood.”  She tried to find something to do so she wouldn’t have to look at Lance.  “They had more years with you, more memories.  Why’d they want my things that reminded me of you?”

            “What did you take with you?”

            “Nothing!  I took nothing but my memories.  I couldn’t take anything with me.  It hurt too bad.”

            “Did you have to get a restraining order?  What were they going to do to you?”

            “I wasn’t thinking straight.  I was hurting.”

            “I know.”  She finally looked at him.  “I don’t want to fight with you.  Our time is too short.”

            “I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have started it.”

            “Why don’t we go through your things and pack them up.  I’m thinking about selling the house anyway.”

            “But you love this house.”

            “I know, but I don’t even live here anymore.”

            “Why did you move back in with your parents?  You have more money than you could ever spend.”

            “They simply offered.  It was easy I guess.  They wanted to take care of me and I need to be taken care of.  It got so comfortable that I never left.”

            “You can’t want to stay there for the rest of your life.”

            “Why not?  I’m home there.  My family lives there.  I have a great job there.”

            “You were happy once here too.”

            “I was happy here because you were here.”  Audra took hold of Lance’s hands.  “We could discuss this forever, but we don’t have forever.  Please let this drop.”

            “Let me draw you a bath,” Lance said grabbing Audra’s hand and leading her toward the stairs.

            “As much as that appeals to me I know what you’re thinking Mr. Bass.  Why don’t you go make dinner and I’ll be back down in a bit to help.”  Audra started for the stairs.

            “Oh no you don’t.”  Lance grabbed Audra around the waist and pulled her to him.  “I know this game too.  You disappear and I’m stuck making dinner.  If we work together it’ll get done faster.”

            “Fine,” Audra conceded.

            Dinner was well on its way when Lance and Audra finally went up stairs.  Lance jumped in the shower in the guestroom while Audra soaked in the tub in their room.  An hour later Audra came down the stairs wearing a floor length gown that she’d bought but hadn’t worn yet.  She’d done her hair and make-up, something else she hadn’t done in over a year.  She rarely went out and in the small town she lived in she never found the need to wear make-up.

            “Oh wow!” Lance exclaimed when he caught sight of Audra.

            “You like?” she asked coyly.

            “Absolutely.  If we hadn’t spent over an hour making dinner I’d tear that dress off of you and show you just how much I like it.”

            Audra kissed him and stood back to admire his attire.  “I always loved you in that suit.  I wanted…” she stopped.

            “I know,” Lance said kissing her forehead.  “I’m kind of glad that you didn’t bury me in it.”

            Audra laughed.  “You know,” she began, “this is all kind of morbid.”

            “Well then let’s think of better times.”  Lance grabbed the bottle of wine and poured each of them a glass.  “To better times,” he said raising his glass.

            “To better times.”  Audra clinked her glass to Lance’s, then raised it to her lips.  “Very good.  Great choice.”

            “Thank you but I can’t take credit for it, I think it was a gift from JC.”

            “He has great taste,” she giggled.  “In wine and women, or so I’ve heard.”

            Lance loved that wine still made her giggle.  “I love your laugh.”  He kissed her full on the lips.  The kiss seemed to take on a life of it’s own and before they ended up undressing each other right there in the dinning room Lance broke away.  “Dinner.”

            “Um … yeah I guess we should eat.”  She went into the kitchen and grabbed the food.  “Dinner is served.”

            “Nothing like Hamburger Helper to win over your fella.”

            “You knew I didn’t cook before you married me.”

            “It was one of my favorite things about you.”

            “I’m so glad that instead of getting upset with me you hired a cook.”

            They continued the small talk throughout dinner.  “Wanna take this into the family room?” Lance asked grabbing the half-empty bottle of wine.

            “Sure just let me pick up the dishes.”

            “Let it go.”

            Audra dropped the napkin she was holding, blew out he candles, and grabbed her wine glass, “After you.”

            Lance led the way to the family room.  “Make yourself comfy on the couch, I’ll come join you soon.”  He placed his glass and the wine on a nearby table before starting the fireplace.

            “It’s hot outside tonight.”

            “For the mood then,” he said sliding in next to her on the couch.  He raised his glass.  “To love at first sight.”

            Instead of toasting Audra added, “To marrying the man of my dreams.”  This time she toasted and downed the rest of her glass of wine.  Lance quickly refilled it.  “Are you trying to get me drunk, Mr. Bass?”

            “Is it working, Mrs. Bass?”

            “Uh huh.”  Audra moaned as Lance began nibbling on her neck.  She quickly pushed away from him.  “As much as I’d love to spend the next couple of hours wrapped in your loving arms there is still stuff to discuss.”

            “Okay,” Lance said surprised.

            “I know I didn’t want to talk about it earlier but I really think I’m going to sell the house.  Do you want me to send your stuff to your parents?”

            “You don’t have to sell this place.  I kind of like the fact that it’s here, almost like a shrine to us.”

            “Lance, there really isn’t an us anymore.”

            “I know,” he stood and crossed to the bar.  “Want something harder?” he asked holding up a bottle of rum.

            “I think I’ll stick with the wine.”

            He poured himself a stiff rum and coke and returned to the couch.  “Hell give it to whomever you want.  List it all on eBay if you feel like it.”

            “How tacky would that be?” she giggled at the idea.  “How about I just list our honeymoon video, that alone would support me for the rest of my life.”  She laughed even harder.

            “That’s so not funny!  My parents would have heart attacks.”

            “You parents, how about the fans that thought you were the good one.  That video would sure be an eye opener.”  Audra leaped off the couch and ran for the video cabinet.

            “You wouldn’t!” Lance shouted chasing after her, knocking over the coffee table in the process.  He grabbed her from behind and pulled her to him.  “Tell you what let’s make a new video.  Right here.  Right now.”  He pulled the small zipper on her dress down and watched as it pooled at their feet.  He loved that she’d not worn any undergarments.  “How naughty!”  He kissed her back in the middle of her shoulder blades.  “You are perfect.”  Slowly he ran his hands down her sides causing her to giggle.  “I don’t think that this is a laughing matter.”

            Lance quickly spun her around to face him.  He pulled her body tightly against his; dropping kisses on each of her breasts.  “I think you’re wearing too much clothing,” Audra said pushing his jacket from his arms and letting it fall toe the floor.  Surprising both Lance and herself she grabbed hold of his shirt ripping it from his body as buttons flew everywhere.

            Lance grabbed her arms.  “Want it rough?  I can do rough!”  He walked her back until she was pressed against the wall.  “How bad do you want me?”  Lance asked undoing his belt and pants.

            Audra hadn’t seen Lance like this before.  “I need you,” she begged.

            “That’s not what I asked!”  Lance shouted picking her up.  “How bad do you want me?” he asked again running a hand down between them to her center.  He played at her entrance teasing her.  “C’mon Audra, I want you to beg.”

            “Oh Lance,” she moaned as he slid first one then another of his long fingers into her.  “Please!  Oh god please,” she finally begged.

            Lance stopped teasing and lifted her up pinning her to the wall.  He wrapped her legs tightly around his waist for stability.  Lance quickly pounded himself into her.  “Oh god Audra you are so wet,” he moaned as he continued to fuck her.  He captured her mouth in a deep kiss, almost a battle of wills.  He wanted to watch her eyes as he brought her to orgasm.  “Look at me Audra!  Look at me!” he ordered.

            “Oh Lance I’m so close,” Audra moaned.  “Oh my god!” she screamed as her orgasm overtook her body.  Lance pumped a few more times before his own release.  “I love you,” Audra said planting kisses over his chest.  She wanted to beg him to stay to be here forever and always.

            Lance kissed Audra lightly.  “I wish I could stay.”

            Silently they picked up their discarded clothes.  Lance started to pick up the room from where they’d ransacked it.  “Leave it.”  Audra grabbed his hands.  “Leave it all.  I’ll get it tomorrow.”  She led him up the stairs to their room.  “It’s late and I want to fall asleep in your arms.”

            She pulled the covers back and climbed under them while Lance did the same.  Turning to him she asked, “Can I get pregnant?”

            “I don’t know,” he kissed her forehead.

            “We haven’t used anything.”


            “I know.”  Lance pulled her close.  “I doubt it though.  It’d be really hard to explain.”

            “Lance,” Audra said staring up at him.

            “What sweetie?”

            “Would you make love to me one more time?”

            Lance gladly obliged.  This time they were able to take their time to explore, to arouse, and to give each other complete pleasure.  “I love you so much,” he cooed as they laid wrapped in each other’s arms.

            “Please don’t leave me,” Audra sighed as she finally drifted off to sleep.




            Through the remaining early hours Audra slept peacefully never moving from her spot.  The cool morning air awoke her suddenly.  Audra slowly turned over already knowing what she’d find.  “Lance,” she screamed in anguish.  The feelings that she felt were almost worse than when he first left her.  She gripped his pillow tightly and started to sob.

            Chris heard her scream as he shut his car door.  He didn’t plan on arriving at Audra’s this early, but he couldn’t wait to see her.  He’d finally faced his feelings; he loved her.  He always had.  Now was the time to tell her.  He’d wanted to take care of her when Lance died.  So did everyone else and he was very sad when she decided to move home with her parents.

            He quickly ran to the house surprised when he found the front door unlocked.  As he entered the house he was shocked to see the family room area ransacked.  Oh god!  “Audra!” Chris screamed.  When he didn’t get a response he took the stairs two at a time.  He felt funny when he busted into her room and found her lying naked hugging Lance’s pillow.

            “Chris,” she said surprised.  “What are you doing here?”

            “You knew I was coming,” he said trying to catch his breath.  He turned trying not to stare at her beautiful naked body.

            Audra pulled the covers around her sensing that Chris was uncomfortable.  She glanced at the clock.  “It’s only 9 a.m.”

            “I wanted to see you.”  Chris turned back around not caring if she was covered or not.  “I have things that I need to tell you.”  He walked over to the bed and sat down.  “Why are you crying?”

            Audra wondered if she should tell Chris that Lance had been there.  “Early mornings are still rough,” she said opting for the easy explanation.  She let go of Lance’s pillow.  She was amazed that it no longer smelled like him.  Audra sat up and pulled the sheet around her.  “It’s great to see you, Chris.”  She reached out to hug him.  “I’ve missed you.  Let me pull on a robe and I’ll make you breakfast.”  Audra hadn’t seen Chris in just about a month.  He always tried to visit her in Indiana as often as he could.

            “No.  This can’t wait.”

            Audra laughed.  “It can’t even wait while I make my famous runny eggs and burnt toast?”  She laughed harder.  “You just don’t want to risk food poisoning.”  Audra got out of the bed and reached for her robe.

            “I love you,” Chris simply said.

            Audra turned dropping the sheet that she was clinging to her chest.  She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.  Shutting her mouth she tried it again.

            Chris jumped across the bed and pulled the sheet back around her.  “I can see that the news shocked you.  I’ll leave and let you think about it.”  He quickly ran from the room.

            Audra stood dumbfounded for a moment.  Had Chris just told her he loved her?  How was this possible?  She dropped the sheet, pulled on her robe and quickly followed Chris.  “Wait!” she yelled as she hit the top of the stairs.  “Don’t you dare leave this house.”  Chris stopped at the bottom of the stairs.  When Audra finally caught up with him she asked, “How the hell can you love me?  How is it possible?”

            “C’mon Audra your beautiful, funny, loving, tender,” Chris pulled her to him and kissed her shocking both of them.  “I’ve loved you forever … since I first meet you in the hospital.  Who would have guessed that Joey having a baby would have brought two beautiful females into the group?  I loved you then and I love you more now.”

            “But …” she couldn’t come up with anything to say.  She was in awe at how right it had just felt to have him kiss her.  This was Chris.  This was one of her husband’s best friends.  “I can’t … I don’t …” Audra pulled out of his arms and paced.  “What am I supposed to say?”

            “I was hoping for something along the lines of ‘I love you too Chris’,” he said with a slight smile.

            “I do love you Chris, but I’m not sure I LOVE you.”  Audra had all these feelings battling in her head, in her heart.  Lance was just there hours ago holding her, loving her.  Why was it that she wanted to spend the same intimate time now with Chris?  Had she felt this way about him before he actually brought it to her attention?  She loved spending time with Chris and was very grateful for him over the last year.  Out of the group he was the only one that called, that took the time to visit her in Indiana.  He got to know her parents.  Why didn’t she see the signs sooner?

            When Chris came to visit he’d always bring the latest Fu wear.  He always sent flowers or cards just to tell her that he cared or that he missed her.  Audra thought that they were just from guilt.  Chris was supposed to met Lance at the house that afternoon and he got hung up at the airport signing autographs.  Already running late he thought he’d call Lance and tell him.  Lance didn’t answer his cell.  Chris swung by his house before finally making it to Lance’s.  That’s when he met up with the police officer that informed him of Lance’s death.  That was the first time that he ever held Audra in his arms.  Thinking back it felt safe and right to be in his arms.

            “Chris, I’m going to get dressed.  There are lots of things that we need to discuss.”   Audra turned and ran up the stairs.  She shut her bedroom door and sighed.  What am I going to do?

            Crossing the room to her dresser she found a letter addressed to her.  Her name was written across the front in Lance’s handwriting.  With trembling hands she picked up the letter and carefully opened it.


My dearest Audra,


            We were blessed.  We had two magical years together and one heavenly day.  I could never ask for more.  I’m writing this as I watch you peacefully sleep.  I watch you sleep often, but this is the first time in quite awhile where you are truly at peace.  I’m glad that I could help you with that, if nothing else.

            I love you more than you’ll ever know and I’m very grateful that someone allowed this sweet day together.  Greed makes me wish that it would never end, but I know that our time together is drawing to a close.

            I have a few things that you need to know.  I was hurrying home to be with you that day.  I wasn’t paying attention and the accident may have been partially my fault.  I wanted to see my wife.  I used to hate when we were apart.  Now we’ll never be together again.

            This next part isn’t going to be easy for me.  I know that you said you don’t think that you will love again.  I know for a fact that you will.  He loves you very much and I know that you love him.  He’ll make you happy.  He’ll give you the babies that you deserve and that deserve a mother like you.

            Sell the house if you’d like.  I know it’s silly to keep it.  I just hope that you don’t keep it as a shrine to us.  You were right, there isn’t an us.  There’s just a beautiful woman who’s gone through way too much already in her young life.

            If you feel the need to give my parent all my stuff feel free to do so … just don’t give them the honeymoon tape!  And don’t sell it on eBay either.

            The last day was wonderful.  I wish we could have hundreds more.  When you light a candle for me I’ll be there.  If you ever need to talk I’ll listen.

            Please listen to Chris he truly loves you.  I know that you love him.

            I will love you always and forever.




            Audra dropped the letter on the dresser.  How could Lance have known that she had feelings for Chris?  How could he have known and still made love to her?  She threw on a pair of sweats and a shirt before running back downstairs.

            She found Chris picking up the dinner dishes.  “Did you have someone over?”

            “An old friend,” Audra took the dishes from his hand.  “Leave them.”  She pulled him into the family room.  “Sit.”

            “Audra,” he began.

            “Please,” Audra insisted.  “You shocked me this morning.  I wasn’t expecting it.”  She kneeled down and took his hands in hers.  “I love you too, Chris.”  Audra tried not to cry.  “I have for awhile.”

            “But you just said that you didn’t.”  Chris said confused.

            “I was scared, but I realized that I had nothing to be scared of.”  Audra moved closer and ran a finger down Chris’s cheek.  “Loving you is right.  I just thought that if I loved you I couldn’t love Lance anymore.  I was wrong.  I can love you both.”

            Chris stood and pulled her up with him.  “I don’t want to take his place.”

            “You never could.  Lance has a special place in my heart, but he no longer controls my whole heart.  In a way he had to show me that I could love again.”

            Chris pulled her to him and kissed her.  “What now?”

            “I start living again.”  She laughed.  “First I’m moving back here.  I ran away and I don’t need to run anymore.  Then I’m selling this house.  Will you help me move and find somewhere to live?”

            “I’d love to.”  Chris held her tight in his arms.  “I love you, Audra,” he said because he loved saying it.

            “I love you too, Chris.”

            Audra did just as she said.  She quit at the nursing home and moved back to Florida.  Instead of finding a new place to live she moved in with Chris just in time for Karsen James Kirkpatrick to be born.  He had his mother’s coloring, his father’s ears and the most beautiful green eyes.  Obviously a gift from Lance.


The End


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