Thank You

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

© 2001 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


my tea’s gone cold, i’m wondering why i got out of bed at all/the morning rain clouds up my window and i can’t see at all/and even if i could it’d all be grey, but your picture on my wall/it reminds me that it’s not so bad, it’s not so bad/i’m late for work again/and even if I’m there, they’ll all imply that I might not last the day/and then you call me and it’s not so bad, it’s not so bad and


                Chloe stared out the window trying to see through the heavy morning fog.  The rain falling mixed with the snow on the ground cast an eerie morning haze.  She lifted her mug of tea to her mouth cringed when the cold liquid touched her lips.  How long had she been staring out the window?  She glanced at the clock on the wall.  “Oh shit,” she muttered.  She was running terribly late.

                Her attention was once again deterred from getting ready for work as she pondered the reason for getting out of bed at all that morning.  She spotted the newly framed picture on the wall.  Only a month before had she been that smiling bride.  Oh how she wished she could go back to that day.

                Chloe slowly returned to getting ready for work only to realize that even at this rate she’d never make it to work on time.  She picked up the phone and dialed the office as she tried to pull her pantyhose up.

                “Timberlake, Buchanan and Nichols Advertising this is Beth how can I direct your call.”

                “Beth it’s Chloe, I’m running late again.  Tell them I’ll make it in soon.”

                “I’ll give them the message.”


                Chloe went back to getting dressed.  She hated wearing these suits.  She longed for the day she wouldn’t have to anymore.  That day would get here soon enough.

                Rushing out the door she looked one more time to the picture of Justin and her hanging on the wall, what a strikingly beautiful couple.  Justin in his tuxedo looking amazingly calm and her in the strapless white gown.  Her normally straight black hair pinned up in a bun.  The smiles on their faces were illuminating.  It was very obvious how much they loved each other. 

Where was that smile now?  Why couldn’t Justin be here now?  Only a few more weeks and they’d be together again.  I guess that’s not so bad.  Just live day to day.  You’ll soon be with him all the time.  Only a few more weeks.

                Chloe popped two Advil and swallowed them down with the now room temperature tea.  Wine always gave her the worst hangover.  What the hell was I thinking drinking all that wine last night over dinner?  Why didn’t I tell the girls that I shouldn’t be drinking when I have to work the next morning?  Chloe climbed into her car and turned the key.  Nothing happened.  “Shit.”  She laid her head on the steering wheel cursing the throbbing in her head.  At this rate she’d never make it to work, even if she did what good would she be?  She said a silent prayer and tried the key again.  She rejoiced when the car purred to life.  “Thank you God.”

                Pulling into her parking spot at work Chloe grabbed her Vera Bradley briefcase and purse and ran for the door.  The meeting would most likely be over by now.

                She stopped at the receptionist desk.  “Good morning Beth.  Any messages?”

                “Good morning again.  Only a few.  Bruce and Tim are in the boardroom.”  Beth handed her a stack of pick message slips.

                “Thanks.”  Chloe took off towards the boardroom.  She stopped with her hand on the doorknob.  Get it together!  She slowly opened the door and smiled at her partners.

                “Good morning Chloe.”  Bruce Nichols said from his place ad the podium.  He stood 6’2” and looked like a body builder.  His bright red hair was cut very short and he was wearing his typical black business suit.

                “Sorry I’m late,” she said trying to get situated without making too much noise.

                “May I continue?”

                Chloe nodded and listened as Bruce finished his pitch to the customers.  She could barley keep her mind on the subject at hand.  Her thoughts drifted to Justin and where he was at that very moment.  She looked at the calendar and realized that they were in California.  Maybe if I leave now I can fly out and surprise him.

                Tim’s persistent tapping on her shoulder interrupted her daydreaming.  Chloe shook the thoughts of Justin from her head and smiled over at Tim.  His huge frame was towering over her.  “Meeting’s over.”  He smiled.  At forty-five he’d been lucky enough to be married to the same beautiful woman for twenty-five years.  Raised three kids and now had two grandchildren.  His once black hair was now grey and thinning.  He remembered what it was like to be a newlywed, and he was blessed that he never had to spend more that a day or two away from his wife.  “Why don’t you take the day off?  Looks like you could use it.”

                Chloe gathered her belongings.  “Thanks Tim.  I’ll be fine.  Just a slight headache.”

                “Okay,” Tim picked up his notes and left the now empty boardroom.

                Chloe sat in silence.  She looked around the room and remembered all the times she’d spent here pitching ideas.  She’d miss all this.  She loved her job and was excited when she was named partner six months earlier.  She also loved Justin and loved being married to him.

                The boardroom door opened and Barb, Chloe’s assistant, walked in.  “There is a phone call for you on line three.”

                “Thanks.  I’ll take it in my office.”  She quickly picked up her things and went to her beautiful corner office.  The view of the city always took her breath away.  She picked up the phone and hit line three.  “Chloe Timberlake.”

                “I love the way that sounds,” Justin said on a sigh.

                “Oh Justin,” Chloe said tears threatening to fall.  “I miss you so much.”

                “I miss you too,” Justin looked around hopping that no one was listening.  “What are you wearing?”

                Chloe stifled a laugh.  “Navy suit, cream blouse.  Same old boring stuff.”

                “Your suits are far from boring.” He said imagining what his wife looked like.  “And underneath?”

                “Justin you are so bad.”  Chloe smiled a real smile for the first time all day.

                “And you love it.”

                “I love you.”

                “I love you too.  Now what are to wearing under your short suit?”

                “I never said it was short.”

                “It is in my imagination.”  Chloe giggled like a schoolgirl.

                “Matching cream lace bra and panties.”  Chloe sat down in her chair and twirled around looking out the windows.  “And you, Mr. Timberlake, what are you wearing?”

                Justin whispered into his phone, “Nothing but a smile.”

                Chloe about fell out of her chair.  She cleared her throat.  Tears began to stream down her face.  “Thank you Justin.”

                “For what Baby?”

                “For making a bad day better.”  They spoke for a bit longer before hanging up.


i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life/oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life/push the door, i’m hove at last and i’m soaking through and through/then you handed me a towel and all i see is you/and even if my house falls down now, i wouldn’t have a clue/because you’re near me and/i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life/


                Chloe went back to working or so it seemed.  She sat for long period of time staring and thinking of Justin.  By the time it was time to go she’d not accomplished more than she would have had she mot come in at all.

                She put her raincoat on and picked up her purse and briefcase.  “I’m going home for Barb.  Have a nice weekend.”

                “You too.  Night.”  Barb said as she continued her task before she too was heading home.

                As Chloe pulled her car out of its parking space she sighed.  Another weekend at home alone.  She drove in silence just listening to the rain falling.  The weather today sure matched her mood.

                She was nearing her housing addition when her car died.  “Oh damn.”  Chloe reached for her cell phone only to find it not in its holder.  “Can this day get any worse?”

                She hid her briefcase under the back seat and grabbed her purse.  Opening the door she stepped out into the pounding rain.  Couldn’t it at least be spring?

                She began to run in the direction of her house.  Only four blocks.  She was half way there when she could no longer run in her heels.  She kicked them off and ran the remaining two blocks in the stocking feet.

                Chloe reached her house and prayed she had a house key on her key ring.  She always used the garage door opener to gain access to the house.

                Rummaging through her purse she found her keys and quickly found the house key.  As she opened the screen door the front door swung open.  Fear ripped through her body and before she could scream she saw Justin standing there holding a bath towel.

                “Chloe you’re soaking wet.”

                Tears mixed with her rain-streaked face.  Seeing Justin made her forget about her cold soaking wet body.

                “Come in,” he reached for her.  She was still too shocked to move.  He picked her up and carried her into the house.  “Why are you soaking wet?”

                Chloe couldn’t believe that Justin was holding her.  Instead of answering him she pinched him.  “What’d you do that for?”

                She wrapped her arms around his neck.  “You’re really here!”  She hugged him tighter finally releasing him she kissed him.

                Justin began walking up the stairs to the master bedroom.  “I came home to surprise you.”

                Chloe grinned at her husband.  “I’ve missed you so much.”

                Justin kissed her again.  “I’ve missed you too.”  He walked into their bedroom and sat her down on the counter by the bathroom sink.  He slowly began to pull her wet clothes off of her now shivering body.  “What happened that you got all wet?”

                “My stupid car broke down again.”  She watched as Justin turned and ran a bath before returning to finish undressing her.

                As he peeled away the wet clothes he was very happy to see the matching undergarments that she said she was wearing.  He reached behind her back and easily unclasped her bra.  His mouth found hers again and this time the kiss was one that relayed all the want and need they were feeling.

                Justin pulled away and picked Chloe up placing her carefully in the warm bath.  “I’ve made a decision.”

                “Uh huh,” Chloe moaned as Justin began to wash his wife’s back.

                “Never again are we going to spend more that two days away from each other.”  He leaned down and kissed her.  “Okay with you?”  Chloe nodded and laughed.  “What’s so funny?”

                Without saying a word Chloe pulled her husband into the tub with her.  She laughed as she splashed about.  “Sounds good to me.”  She smiled up as him as he kneeled between her legs.  “I love you so much Justin.  Thank you for making every day one of the best days of my life.”


The End


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