The Concert

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

© 2000 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


            The weather outside was perfect for an outdoor concert.  Stef was excited about seeing Bon Jovi perform live.  She’d bought the tickets months before and planned on going with her sister, Gina, her brother, Nick and his girlfriend, Mary.  That was until her boyfriend, Lance showed up unexpected.

            “I can’t believe that you talked me into going to this concert with you.”  Lance complained again like he had the entire way to Indianapolis.

            “Sweetie, I bought the tickets months ago and had no clue that you were going to be in town this weekend.  We told you that Gina would have come instead and you could have stayed home with the twins and Kaleb.” Stef was glad that Gina didn’t throw a fit when she told her that Lance was going in her place.

            “I know,” Lance pouted again.  “What if I get recognized?”

            Stef pointed to the back seat where Nick was sitting.  “That’s what he’s here for.”  Her 6’4” brother was sitting in the back seat with Mary.  “He’ll keep you safe.”

            “What?”  Nick asked bringing his attention back from whispering in Mary’s ear.

            “I was just telling Lance that you’d keep him safe and play bodyguard tonight at the concert.”

            “Sure I will,” Nick stated flexing his muscles just for show.

            “Don’t worry,” Stef tapped Lance’s knee.  “We’ll sit way at the top of the hill.  No one will bother us there.”

            Stef pulled the car into the lot at Deer Creek.  Lance was still pouting.  “You know we could have made your presence known and maybe we could have met the guys in the band.”

            “I don’t think that’s necessary,” Lance said with a grin.  “I know what you’re like when you get backstage passes.”

            Stef giggled remembering the night that she’d met Lance backstage while working at the very venue.  “You have nothing to worry about I have you and Jon Bon Jovi’s happily married.”

            Lance swatted her behind before leaning over and kissing her.  “Have I told you that I love you yet today?”

            “No and I was seriously thinking that I might have to go backstage to find me a new boyfriend.”  She pulled on the beak of his cap. ”I love you too.”  She kissed him.

            “Come on you two let’s get a move on.  The sooner we get in the less likely NSync boy will be noticed.”  Nick teased.

            They all headed for the venue and just as Stef promised they went to the top of the hill unnoticed.  “See Lance, no one here probably even listens to your music.”  Stef placed the blanket on the grass for her and Lance to lay down on.

            “If you don’t mind, we are going to sit right over there.”  Nick pointed to an open area just to the left of where Lance and Stef were.  “I’ll keep an eye on the two of you just in case,” Nick winked at his sister.

            “Don’t worry, we’ll yell if we need you,” Stef snuggled down closer to Lance.

            The show began and the crowd in front of them stood.  “This really sucks,” Lance complained.

            “Well what did you expect?  We couldn’t have sat in with them it would be too much a risk.”  Stef stated pointing at the sea of people in front of her.  “At least we can enjoy the music,” she kissed him, “and the company.”

            “We could have done that back at your house,” Lance whined again.

            “Yeah but this is better and it’s live,” Stef kissed him again.  “I have an idea.”  The devious smile that spread across Stef’s face worried Lance.  She ran her hand down his chest and stopped at the waistband of his shorts.

            “Don’t start anything that you don’t plan on finishing,” Lance moaned as Stef ran her hand across the bulge in his jeans.

            The sun had set long ago and there weren’t any lights at the top of the hill where they were sitting, you could barely make out where Nick and Mary were sitting.  There was no way they’d get caught so Stef decided to continue what she’d begun.  She unzipped Lance’s pants and helped slip them off his hips.  Lance quickly followed her lead and pulled her skirt up only to find she wasn’t wearing anything underneath.  This turned him on even more.

            He ran his hand between her legs finding that she was very ready for him.  he slid a finger into her causing her to moan.

            Stef moved to sit on his lap enveloping him fully inside of her.  They sat still for a moment and as the band changed songs she began to move on top of him.  They quickly found a rhythm while the excitement built around them with the screams of the crowd and the deep bass in the song.  Stef threw her head back as her first orgasm ripped through her.  She screamed as loud as she could as her muscles convulsed around Lance.  They’d never been together like this.  The pulse of the music and the risk of getting caught heightened the sexual experience.  It wasn’t much longer after the first orgasm that Stef was once again reaping the effects that Lance was causing her body.  Lance followed close behind pulling Stef down one last time before exploding in his own mighty orgasm.

            “Oh wow,” was all Lance could say.  He leaned forward and kissed Stef hard on the lips.  “I’ve never enjoyed a concert more than this one.”

            “Me neither, aren’t you glad that I talked you into coming?”  Stef just giggled.

The End


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