The Private Session

By:  Stephanie Woodworth

©2002 Chaotic Bliss Fan Fiction


“C’mon lil J, can’t you just cooperate for once,” Victoria whined, standing with her hand on her hip and her camera balanced on the other.  She looked over to where Justin stood.  Why was he in such a fowl mood?  She’d taken photos of the guys for years and had never had a problem getting Justin to poise for her camera.  “Do you want some music?” she looked at him hopefully.

When he didn’t answer she walked over to the stereo and pressed play on the CD player.  She waited for the music to begin.  Today was hell on her, her assistant, Linda had called in ill and Vix was on her own.  The first note had her tripping over cable to get back to the stereo to turn it off.  What luck!  How could she have known that a Britney song would be the first on that CD.  “Sorry J.”

“It’s okay.”  Justin said sitting down in a chair off to the side of the set.  He was leaning back in the chair more than sitting up and the cute little pout he had on his lips had Vix wanting to run over a hug him.  He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees.  “Why can’t I have what you and Jace have?”

Vix smiled at the mention of her boyfriend.  She had officially been “dating” JC Chasez for two months, but they’d been secretly seeing each other for well over a year.

Justin and Vix had spent a great deal of time together and he’d come to see Vix almost like an older sister.  Justin talked to her about everything, problems with Brit, the other guys, other girls or just anything on his mind.

Vix placed her camera down and walked over to Justin running a hand through his curls.  “What’s wrong lil J?”

Before she could respond, Justin had pulled her down into his lap and his lips were pressed to hers.  Her heart told her that she needed to push Justin away and stand up, but her head was screaming a different tale.

Justin finally pulled back leaving Vix’s lips aching from his crushing kisses.  “I’m sorry.  I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long,” he whispered, leaning in for one more kiss.  “I need you,” he added, fondling her breast through her light blouse.

“Ja-” she began, Justin placing a finger on her lips before she could finish his name.

“Please Vix, just for today, just for right now, please let it be us.” He looked her right in the eyes and continued to beg her.  “Let it be me and you. Only us.”  He removed his finger from her lips and replaced it with his lips kissing her lightly at first, then allowing his tongue to seek entrance.  She tasted sweet like watermelon.

Vix had often wondered what it would be like to kiss Justin.  He seemed to ooze sex.  From his crooked, cocky smile to the way the boy moved his hips when he dance, he was pure liquid sex.  Sampling his kisses now she came to realize that she’d been right.  He knew just what to do, where to touch, how to lick, how much pressure, how much pain.  As a silent approval Vix pulled back slightly and lifted her shirt over her head.

Justin wasted no time, he quickly unfastened her bra freeing her ample breasts for him to fondle and suckle.  “You’re beautiful,” he mumbled against her skin.  He caught the outline of her camera in his peripheral view and reached for it.

“What-what are you doing?” she asked, stunned.  She hated having her picture taken.  He snapped a few pictures before she wrestled the camera away from him.  It’s not a toy, Justin.”  She would have to destroy the roll of film, not that any of the earlier shots of Justin were any good anyway.

Justin pulled her down to the floor with him.  “Please Vix, let’s have a private photo shoot.  I’ll poise for you.”  He pulled his shirt over his head and went to work on the button on his jeans.

“Naked?” she asked slightly shocked.  She watched as he continued to disrobe.  She’d seen naked men before, but Justin Timberlake was top grade.  He was muscular, tan and tone.  His ass was tight and he just looked amazing.  Without thinking Vix just started snapping pictures.  She had finished the roll before she realized it.  She leaned down and kissed his gorgeous lips before she stood to change the film in her camera.

“Don’t leave,” he pouted.

“Out of film.”  She said holding up the camera to accentuate her point.

“Are you going to let me take pictures of you?” he asked.

“I hate having my picture taken and you know it.”  She knew that he’d followed her over to her work station and could feel his breath on the back of her neck.

“I think you’re sexy.  I want to take your picture.”  How could she say no to a request like that?  He turned her around and took the camera from her hands.  “Take off your pants.”

She obeyed and Justin snapped frame after frame of her shimmying out of her tight jeans and underpants.  Vix kicked them off to the side and Justin grabbed her hand.

“What’s this for?” he asked holding up a piece of black satin material.

“A prop that I used not too long ago.”

“Can I use it?”


Justin placed the material down across the cold linoleum floor before leading Vix over to it.  “Lay down.”

Vix felt very exposed as she laid down on the soft material, Justin staring down at her.  Her skin warmed from where his eyes skimmed up her legs and across her torso.  Before she knew it she he’d placed the camera down on the floor next to her and was kissing his way up her inner thigh.  He pulled back picking up the camera and snapping pictures of the same path.  He continued this until Vix could no longer lay still.  “Please Justin,” she begged.  He was driving her insane.

He placed the camera down next to them leaning up to take her lips in a deep soul searching kiss.  For a mere second Victoria had second thoughts about what was going to happen here.  For just an instant the image of JC flashed behind her eyelids, then Justin slowly thrusted into her and all else was forgotten.  She gripped helplessly at the satin material as Justin found a rhythm that soon found Vix falling over the edge and Justin following.

They cleaned up the studio in silence and it was a silent oath among them that this was never to be brought up again.  Vix will never be able to forget the day Justin Timberlake rocked her world; she had pictures of ever single detail, including the one she snapped of his face as he came for her.  The pictures from that day stay stashed in her studio in a lock box and her memories of Justin in a special place in her heart.


The End


Pleas tell Stephanie what you thought of this story!