
By:  Tara


                He padded out of the shower, towelling his short hair dry.  After dressing quickly he tossed the towel onto his bed, his eye catching the piece of paper on his pillow: One hour, Barney's, I'll be waiting ... Kim.  He smiled, smelling her perfume lightly scenting the note.  They'd met two days earlier at a nearby club.  She was beautiful, incredibly hot and she'd been hanging all over him the entire night.  His lips parted with desire as he thought of her body pressed up against him on the dance floor, her full, sensual lips and smoldering eyes.  He had to see her again.  He paced the room for a while, periodically checking the hotel hallway.  When House was momentarily distracted he slipped out of his room and bolted down the hall towards the elevator, a sly grin spreading across his face as the elevator hummed into action.

                Pulling his sweater hood up he got out of the elevator at the lobby and casually strode out of the hotel.  He walked the short distance to the club, whistling softly to himself.  As promised, she was waiting for him.  His groin throbbed in anticipation as his eyes took her in her revealing outfit.  It caught him totally unprepared.  He'd been looking at the gorgeous young woman one moment and heard the movement behind him too late to turn and prevent the sudden, sharp blow to his head.  He slumped to the ground, moaning softly.  His thoughts were cloudy, like he was trapped in a fog.  His mind, the tiny part that remained coherent throughout was reeling.  "Kim ...."  He gasped, trying to warn her.  As everything started to turn black he swallowed thickly, going out without his bodyguard was really going to cost him this time.


                "BROWN!  TANNER!  My office, NOW!!"  Captain Oliver sounded really pissed off and the two detectives looked at each other, shrugging.  They had just walked into the bullpen, what could they possibly have done already?

                "Yes, sir?"  Detective Jim Brown asked cautiously.

                The captain looked at two of his best detectives, motioning for them to close the door.  "Sit down, gentlemen."  Blair and Jim did as they were told, their tall captain folding his large frame into the chair across from them at his desk.  "We have a problem."  Captain Oliver announced, raising a hand to massage at his temple.

                "As I'm sure you're aware, ‘NSync is in Chicago this week.  They're scheduled to do a couple of shows."

                Blair glanced out the window at the dozens of signs littering the buildings and hanging from every lamp post.  "You don't say ..."  He muttered to no one in particular.

                Oliver shot him an exasperated look.  "Last night one of the band members disappeared from the hotel they're staying at.  Hotel surveillance cameras show him leaving, but the bodyguard didn't see anything ..."

                "He's probably just out goofing around, Tom."  Detective Jim Brown sighed. 

                "Well, no one's heard from him since then."  Oliver told them.  "Their manager is now all over my ass to find him before word gets out that he's missing."

                He reached into his drawer, pulling out a photo and slid it across the desk.  "His name's Justin Timberlake, 19 year old, male caucasian, blonde hair, blue eyes."  He handed them a second piece of paper.  "Their manager faxed this over last night.  Apparently one of the other band members found a note in Timberlake's room from someone named Kim."

                "If that's even her real name ..."  Blair muttered to no one in particular, scanning the note quickly.

                Tom nodded.  "The manager went down to Barney's himself, but there was no sign of Timberlake.  You might just as well start there too, seeing as it's all we have to go on."  The detectives' nodded, standing to leave the office.


                The pain was almost more then he could bear.  He groaned, his hand moving to the back of his head, gingerly fingering the baseball sized lump he found there.  How long had he been here?  He tried to think past the pain, attempting some deep breathing ... no, that hurt too much.  Definately some ribs were broken.  He shivered involuntarily, trying to coax his body into a tight fetal position.  No, the broken ribs wouldn't allow that either he thought, gasping in agony.  He heard a door open and flinched, his muscles tightening up, his breathing shallow as the footsteps approached him.  He tried to prepare himself for the next blow as the hand lightly touched his bare skin.

                "Hey, Baby.  Wanna play?"  The female voice breathed with excitement.  Her hand stroked down his bare back to his hip.  She chuckled as her captive's muscles tightened even more, anticipating the next blow. // That voice ... // His left eye was swollen shut, but he forced his right eye open at the familiar sounding voice, blinking from the bright light in the room.  His hands and feet were tied in front of him.  His right wrist was badly sprained, perhaps broken.  Both hands were badly swollen, tingling from the lack of circulation.

                "Kim?"  He choked out, his throat sore.  "What ...?" He was silenced by a vicious back hand to the face.

                "I asked you a question maggot."  She growled, grabbing his short hair, yanking his head up.  He gasped at the stabbing pain in his chest from the motion.  "Well?" She demanded harshly as she released her grip, watching him crumple back to the ground in a heap, nearly crying from the pain.  The hand squeezed his butt.

                "How about it?  Wanna play?"  She purred lightly, stroking his genitals.  Justin sputtered with anger at his inability to control his body from responding to her touch.

                "Go to hell."  He snapped, relieving himself all over her hands.  He cried out as she grabbed him by the throat.

                "Oh come on, you know you want me."  She told him.  "You were so hot to get into my pants, weren't you, Justin?"

                "My dick would freeze and fall off if it ever got near your pants you frigid bitch."  Justin muttered. He was too tired, sore and angry to care how crude his words were.  Her eyes narrowed to slits as she drew back her foot to kick her captive.  He managed to get his hands down far enough to protect his genitals but ended up taking the blows in his already damaged rib cage, aggravating the injury.

                "You need to learn some respect, Justin."  She growled, crossing the room to a large chest.  She opened it, producing a long, metal device with two menacing looking electrodes on the business end of it. "Ever seen a cattle prod?"  She taunted, stalking towards him.

                Two men came out of the shadows, grabbing his arms roughly.  The wrist was definately broken.  Justin screamed out in agony as they applied metal bands to his wrists and ankles and then forced his body into a spread eagle position, securing him to the wall.  "No .... please ..."  Justin pleaded as she pressed the prod against his genitals, pressing the button, sending a jolt of electricity through his tortured body.


                "What have you got, Serena?"  Jim asked, ducking underneath the yellow tape, crouching down beside the medical examiner.  Her team had been combing a 5 kilometre area around Barney's since dawn.

                The bat had been thrown into some nearby bushes.  There was a dark crimson stain at the thicker end of the bat, barely visible among the caked on mud and grass due to the recent heavy rains.  "Any prints?"  Blair asked, curious as she carefully dusted the bat with some black powder.

                "Doesn't look like it."  Serena told him, sighing quietly as she slipped the bat into an evidence bag.  "I'll get this to the lab and let them clean it up."

                "I'd like a copy of the lab report when you get it."  Jim told her as they stood.

                "You'll get it."  She promised.  "Is there anything else?"  Jim shook his head, turning back to Blair as she walked off to give some more directions to her team.

                Jim and Blair walked back towards the building where a uniform was arguing with the club's owner.  "How much longer are you going to be?"  The angry man sputtered, his hands waving around in the air.

                "As long as it takes."  Jim deadpanned, his jaw spasming, indicating his lack of tolerance, or patience.  "Sir, we're going to need any records you may have of who's been in and out of your business for the past two or three days."

                The man screwed up his face, "Yeah, right, cop.  I run a club for Christ sake.  People don't sign in or anything ..."  He started to continue, but closed his mouth at the look he got from the large detective.

                "We'll be needing the videos from the surveillance cameras too."  Jim continued dryly, his eyes glancing up at the cameras mounted at the entrance to the club.

                "Yeah, yeah ... whatever."  The owner muttered, stalking off.


                He was starting to lose it.  His body was one solid purplish bruise ... all except for the reddened welts across his chest and groin where the cattle prod had burned him.  Even his hair hurt.  His throat was so dry his tongue was starting to swell.  He cringed as he heard the door opening again.  "So, are you ready to behave yet?"  She asked, dangling a bottle of water in front of his face, smiling as his eyes stared longingly at the liquid.

                "Yes ..."  Justin said submissively, his voice hoarse.

                "Good boy."  She smiled, setting the glass down as she reached over to release one of his wrist restraints.  "Now, all you have to do is write a little note for me and I'll let you have the water, Justin."

                "A note?"  He repeated wearily.

                She nodded, producing a pad of paper, sticking the pen in his free hand.  She held the pad while dictating what he was to write.  "Hey, guys, it's Justin.  Sorry to duck out on you like I did ... it was the only way though.  I'm with my friend Kim, but don't worry, I won't miss our shows." // If I'm alive .... // He added silently.

                "Now, sign it."  She ordered, smiling as he did as he was told.

                "Wasn't that easy?"  She purred, uncapping the bottle.  She handed it to him and watched him drink eagerly as she set the note aside.

                "They won't buy it you know."  He breathed in between gulps.  "They know me better then that."

                "We'll see."  She smiled.

                "Why are you doing this?"  Justin asked as he finished downing the precious liquid. "I haven't done anything to you."

                "It's always about you, isn't it?  People have been catering to you for way too long, little boy."  She stared at him, her eyes burning with icy anger.

                "What are you talking about?"  He asked, confused.

                "You're all alike, you know."  She told him.  "So damn spoiled and selfish.  You never think of anyone but yourself.  It's always about what *you* want.  Screw everyone else, right?"

                "You really don't know anything about me, do you?" He laughed humourlessly.

                She grabbed him by the throat, squeezing, *hard*.  "Oh, Justin ... where did they find you?  You're so good ... so pure ..."  She taunted.  "You would never think of women as objects ..."  Her lips curled back in a sneer as she let him go, taking pleasure in watching him gasp for air.

                "I have no idea what you're talking about."  Justin admitted, wincing as he took each breath.

                She shook her head at him, studying his naked body in a way that made him feel incredibly uncomfortable.  Her fingers stroked down his chest to his genitals, fondling him.  "How many women have you hurt ... broken promises too ..."  She growled, tightening her grip on his member with each syllable, watching him writh in agony.

                "I don't play those kind of games."  Justin whimpered.  He wanted to die ... anything would be better then being here.  There were professionals that could learn a thing or two from this woman.

                "Bullshit."  She snarled, digging her nails into his tender flesh before releasing her grip.  She grabbed his arm, slamming it back up against the wall and reached to fasten the restraint again.

                "No ... don't."  Justin whimpered brokenly.  "Please .... I'm begging you ..."  His wrists were swollen and numb from the devices already.

                "What do I get in return?"  She asked, curious.

                "What do you want?"  Justin replied quietly.

                "Just a little game, that's all."  She motioned to one of the two men that had been with her earlier.

                "What kind of game?"  Justin asked cautiously, feeling very ashamed and dirty at the way the man was looking at him.

                "What do you think, Mark?"  She giggled.  "How does a blowjob sound for starters?"

                "You have got to be kidding."  Justin's eyes widened at the suggestion.

                "Oh, come on, babe," Mark taunted, "I'll even use a condom."

                "No ..." Justin shivered as he came closer.  The very idea making the bile rise in his throat.

                "It's that or nothing, Justin."  She said coldly. "What's it going to be?"

                Justin was nearly sick as he heard the man's zipper. "No ..."  He said again, lifting his arm back to the restraint, griting his teeth from the pain in his side. 

                "Too bad," Kim smiled ferally, "‘cause you're doing it anyhow."

                "What?  But you said ..."

                "I lied."  She shrugged.

                "No ... please ... oh god ... no ..."  Justin begged as Mark released the other restraint, letting the prisoner fall to the floor heavily.  His mouth was forced open as Mark jammed his cock into the singer's mouth.  Justin started gagging.  In total desperation he clamped his jaws down, *hard*.

                Mark started screaming in pain. // God, just take me now ... // Justin pleaded silently as he felt the cattle prod against his body, the electricity surging through him.  His body convulsed with pain and he relaxed his jaws.  Mark dropped to the ground, holding his privates protectively, screaming obscenities.  Justin felt himself slipping into the bliss of unconsciousness as he was beaten ... again.


                Jim and Blair sat in one of the conference rooms at the precinct going over the surveillance tapes from Barney's.  Blair finished his third cup of coffee, and stood, crossing the room to pour himself a fresh cup.  "This is getting us nowhere."  He grumbled, raising his hand to the bridge of his nose, massaging at the tension he felt building there.

                Jim sighed in agreement.  "Last one."  He announced, slipping the final tape into the VCR.  He sat back, almost falling into an easy drowse when he happened to glance at the right hand corner of the screen. 

                "Hold on."  He said quickly.  "Rewind it a little."  Blair grabbed the remote and did as he was asked.  "There ..."  Jim pointed out two people in the background dancing.

                "It's definately him."  Jim said, continuing to squint at the screen though.  "I can't make out the woman's face though."  She was partially hidden behind another couple.

                They took the tape down to Samantha in the lab.  "I can scan it for you ... blow up a few frames."  She suggested.  "It's going to take about an hour though."

                "Do what you can, Samantha."  Jim told her, handing over the tape.  "We need every bit of help we can get on this one."


                Even after he lost consciousness they continued to beat him.  But, without his screams they soon lost interest.  "Let's take him out back."  The other man suggested.  "Get rid of the body.  No one's ever going to find him there."  Their nearest neighbours were 20 minutes down the road.

                "You're assuming he's dead."  Kim said coldly.

                "Kim," Mark sighed, "it's supposed to be like twenty degrees below zero out tonight.  If he's not dead now, he will be.  No one is going to be able to survive out there ... not in his condition anyhow."

                She stared at the two men as she grudingly complied.  "Fine, just get rid of him already."  Before she turned to leave the room however she kicked his still form one last time.  "That's for Becky."  She announced, turning sharply on her heel and storming out of the room.  Mark and Andy dragged Justin's body out into the woods behind their home, depositing him in a snowbank.  As a final indignation they relieved themselves in the singer's face before turning and heading back up towards the house, never once looking back. 

                Justin moaned as he started to come back to himself.  His body was throbbing and he was cold ... hell, he was freezing.  He'd been out in the snow for almost forty minutes, at the mercy of the elements.  He tried to stand, but was too stiff and sore.  Whimpering from sheer exhaustion and the pain he curled himself into a tight ball, quietly praying.  He was beginning to black out again from the cold, but he just too weak to care any longer.  He just wanted it to end.


                "Lara!  Wait up!"  Erin laughed happily.  She and one of her closest friends had decided to go horse back riding after dinner that night.  They saddled up two quarter horses, bundled up and set off.  They always rode down to the small stream by the woods and back again.  This time, however, something was urging Lara to venture further inside the woods.  Every time she looked up and saw the treeline approaching the nagging feeling would return.

                They reigned in their horses at the woods, stopping to catch their breath and treat the horses to an apple snack.  "Ready to go back?"  Erin asked a few moments later.  Lara didn't answer, she was staring into the woods.  She wasn't overly religious, but she did have her convictions.

                "Lara?"  Erin repeated for the second time, pulling her friend out of her reverie.  "Where were you just now?"

                "I don't know," Lara admitted, looking up at the heavens, "but I think ... no, I know that I'm supposed to keep going."

                "Into the woods?"  Erin made a face.  "Girl, how cold are you?"

                "I can't explain it."  Lara said quietly, nudging her horse into a gentle walk.  "It's just a feeling ... something isn't right."

                Erin shrugged, following her friend into the woods.  She wasn't going to leave her best friend alone out here to get lost.  They walked for about ten minutes before Lara put her hand up to her eyes, squinting into the distance.  Without warning she kicked her horse into a run.  "Lara ... wait!"  Erin yelled after her.

                A little ways away she slowed her horse, dismounting.  She walked cautiously towards the object that had caught her attention, suddenly realizing what it was.  "Oh my god."  She breathed, dropping to her knees beside Justin's body.

                Erin's eyes opened wide as she caught up with her friend.  "Is he dead?"  She asked quietly, a little shell shocked.

                "I don't know."  Lara told her, taking her glove off, feeling for a pulse, smiling when she found one ... weak and thready, but it was there.

                "Here, help me."  Lara asked.  Together the two of them hoisted Justin up onto Lara's horse.  She mounted quickly behind him and slipped off her jacket, wrapping it around his body for warmth.  "Hold on, okay?"  She whispered into his ear before grasping the reins.

                "Let's get him back to the house and in front of the fire."  Lara told her friend.  Together they kicked the horses into a dead run, heading back the way they'd come.


                Warmth ... Justin groaned, his eyelids flickering back and forth.  Someone's arms were around him ... holding him.  Coming back into full awareness he lay unmoving, almost afraid to open his eyes for fear of losing this feeling of security.  The body against him shifted, a hand caressed his face.  "Who could do this to you?"  A female voice said brokenly.  "I'm so sorry ...."  She trailed off, laying her head against his chest, whispering a prayer for him.

                Justin allowed his eyes to open.  He was in front of a roaring fire, wrapped in a soft blanket.  He didn't recognize the woman in his arms, but somehow, that didn't matter.  "Thank you."  He said softly to the woman who had saved his life.

                Startled she jerked her head up.  He was looking into an angelic face, completely mesmerized by her eyes.  "You're awake ..."  She said, a smile spreading across her face.  "How do you feel?" 

                "Like I've been hit by a truck."  Justin admitted.  "Then it backed up and hit me again."

                "Are you in a lot of pain?"  She asked, her voice soothing.

                "Only when I move."  Justin smiled at her, slowly coaxing his hand up to her face.  "I'm Justin.  What's your name?"

                She blushed at his intense stare.  "I know who you are ...  I'm Lara."

                "Thank you for saving my life, Lara."  Justin whispered softly.  "Thank you for everything."   His eyes glistened with tears.  He gently pulled her down to him, brushing his lips against hers.

                She moaned into the tender kiss, her hands cupping his face.  When he grimaced with pain she pulled away quickly, scrambling to her feet.  "Oh god, I hurt you.  I'm so sorry I didn't mean to ... why are you looking at me like that?" 

                "You're beautiful, that's all."  Justin smiled at her.

                Lara blushed furiously, suddenly remembering she was stark naked.  "You ... you were so cold and I ..." She tried to get out, fumbling for words.

                "I know," Justin tried to put her at ease, "thank you for doing it."

                A timid smile crept back into her face.  "I'll be right back."  She said nervously, bolting into the next room, appearing a few moments later fully dressed.  Justin chuckled to himself.

                "This is just my winter cottage," she told him quietly, sitting back down beside him, pulling her knees up to her chest.  "I don't have a phone, but my friend Erin took one of my horses to get you some help.  She was with me when I found you.  She left about an hour ago, so she'll hopefully be back soon."

                "She went out in this weather?"  Justin was amazed.

                Lara smiled at the concern in his voice after all that had happened to her.  "It's not so bad."  She smiled.  "And, we're both experienced riders.  She'll be fine."

                Justin shook his head in amazement, "I don't have the words to tell you how much everything you've done means to me ..."  He trailed off, tears slipping down his cheeks.

                "You just did, Justin."  She told him quietly, leaning over to brush her lips against his cheek.


                Meanwhile, Jim took the images Samantha managed to give them over to the hotel.  He passed the image around the remaining members of the group.  "Do any of you recognize her?"

                Joey stared intently at the woman in the picture.  "Yeah, I think so ..." he nudged JC.  "Didn't J dance with this chick at the club the other night?"

                "He danced with a lot of women, Joey."  JC muttered.

                "No, but this one was different, she was all up on him, man." 

                Jim quirked an eyebrow, sighing as his cell phone rang, "Brown."

                "Hey, Jim," Blair's voice filtered over the phone lines, as his hands were flying over the keyboard in front of him, "I think I may have found something here."

                "I'll be right there."  Jim stated, hanging up quickly.

                "Did you find him?"  JC asked hopefully.

                "Not yet, but we may be getting a little closer."  Jim told the younger man before leaving.

                Blair was still at his laptop when Jim burst into the bullpen.  "Check this out, man."  Blair told him.  "I took a chance and sent a description of this woman through our database.  It was a long shot, I know, and trust me, I've waded through so many damn rap sheets and articles that my head is spinning, but this one is just uncanny ..."  He looked up, noticing that Jim was no longer even listening to him.  He was staring at the image on the screen. 

                Local girl, 20, murdered by pop singer boyfriend ...There was a picture of the victim, her name was Becky and one of her family standing around the small casket.  Blair pointed to the woman on the left, sticking the photograph up against the screen.  "Now, tell me they don't look alike."

                Jim nodded, patting his partner on the back.  "Do we have an address?"

                "Yeah, it's just outside of town actually ..."  The doors to the bullpen were suddenly flung open as a frantic young woman burst in.

                "Please, we need help."  Erin gasped, out of breath. "He's hurt really bad."

                "Who's hurt?"  Jim asked, crossing the bullpen, guiding the young woman to his desk.

                Lara and I were just out riding and we found him there ... just lying in a snowbank like he was dead ...."  Her eyes widened, noticing the picture on Jim's desk.  She picked it up, staring at it, shell shocked.  "Oh, god ... that's him!  You know, he looks an awful lot like that guy from ‘NSync ... "

                "He *is* that guy from ‘NSync."  Jim smiled at her.  "He went missing three days ago.  We've been trying to find him ever since."  Erin's jaw dropped open.  She'd been so caught up in the heat of the moment that she hadn't realized who he was.

                Blair handed her the second photograph, "Do you recognize this woman?"

                "Yeah, that's Kimberley Strauss.  Her family owns the house down the road from Lara's."  Jim and Blair exchanged pleased looks.  "Why?"

                "She may be involved in his abduction."  Jim told her.  "How much do you know about her?"

                "Not much," Erin shrugged, "she's not exactly the social type y'know?"


                She splinted his wrist for him and rolled some elastic bandages tightly around his chest, trying to help ease the pain of his broken ribs.  Afterwards, she fished some asprin out of her closet, handing it to him with a glass of water.  "I'm sorry, it's not much, but ..."

                He put his fingers over her mouth, "This is wonderful, Lara.  Thank you."  She smiled at him.

                "Do you think you can eat something?"  She asked him. "I can make us some dinner while we wait for Erin to get back."

                He was starving.  "Lara," Justin said softly, sensuously, "you've been too good to me already.  I feel like I'm totally taking advantage of you ..."

                "You're not taking advantage of me, Justin."  She interrupted.  "I offered, remember?"  He smiled at her.  "I made some chili yesterday.  I can heat us up some if you'd like."

                Justin nodded, watching her retreat into her small kitchen.  The meal was delicious ... he ended up having three bowls of chili.  "I thought you looked hungry."  Lara teased him as he just about licked his bowl clean.

                Justin laughed softly, "Lara, you've done so much for me ... tell me how I can repay you?"

                She blushed, "You can sing my favourite song for me."  She said quietly.

                "Name it."  Justin smiled broadly at her.  At her request he serenaded her with ‘God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You', holding her hand, staring into her eyes.  "You know," Justin whispered, pulling her towards him, "He really did ... you're my angel, Lara."

                Tears streamed down her face as he kissed her again, this time much more passionately.  He chuckled, looking at her.  "You do know that I'm falling completely and hopelessly in love with you, right?"

                "I can live with that."  She murmured, gently touching his cheek.



                He spent a few weeks in the hospital, but with Lara's help and the support of his fans, family and bandmates Justin was soon back on his feet and in good spirits again.  Kimberley Strauss and her two brothers were subsequently arrested and charged with attempted murder, sentenced to life in prison.  She took three days of his life, but Justin would not give her a moment longer.  He pushed the ordeal out of his mind and continued with his career ... finally marrying his ‘angel' only a few years after they had met.

The End

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