Don't Run

By: Tracy H.

~I'm such a dreamer/When I'm sleeping, I'm thinking of you/A million roses, waterfalls, around a bed for two/Sippin' fruits with the best babe/I'm not here for the rest babe/Need your candlelight, sweet love tonight/I can't afford to lose you~

What a beautiful vacation think, eyeing the cool, clear water cascading over the cliff. The rocks sparkled in the sun from the sprays of water, and rainbows were everywhere you looked. Too bad there's no one to share it with. This place held memories...too many memories... This was where you had first met the love of your life, and also the same place you had lost him. What had gone wrong? What had you said? The good times outweighed the bad in your mind, and your final goodbyes were a blur.

You stepped to the edge of the lagoon, letting the water lap against your ankles as you crossed your arms over your stomach. Butterflies were swarming in your lower abdomen, and you smiled, placing a hand on the barely visible lump that was your unborn child. Tears rolled down your cheeks as you realized that you would have no one to share your joy with. No one to hold your hand when you got scared. No one to tell you everything would work out fine. No one to help raise your child.

"Don't you get it? I don't want to be tied down right now. I'm too young." His parting words ran thru your head, the shock of the memory making the tears come faster. "You're just moving too fast for me. Maybe we shouldn't see each other anymore."

"Oh Jordan," you whisper, the birds your only witness. "Why did you run from me? Why did you push me out of your life?" You knew that he was covering his true emotions. He was the one that always talked about marriage. He was the one so into commitment. And yet, he was the one that had broke it off. All he had left you with was questions, a broken heart, and his child...which he didn't even know about. It had been four months ago to the day that you had swum together in this very lagoon. Played beneath this very waterfall. Conceived the child that was growing inside you....

You dive into the water, swimming hard and fast thru the crystal water. Trying to block the pain and memories from your head and heart. Finally, gasping for breath, you stop behind the waterfall. You climb onto the rocks that are hidden from view, carefully seeking the shelf you know is there. Once on your ledge, you let the tears flow once again, as you hold your belly and cry...for the love you lost, and for the child you are carrying. You cry yourself to sleep, laying back against the rock wall, in the same place that had been you and Jordan's secret spot, where you had lain in his arms, oblivious to the fact that a life had just begun.

~I feel like the world is on my head/I dont wanna lose what made me a man/Still when I call your name/I wait, you'll say, you're so far away~

You sit up, surprised. You hadn't meant to fall asleep, especially not here, but you had. You rub the stiffness out of your neck and slowly get up to begin the descent down the wet rocks. "Why did I even come up here," you mutter to yourself, carefully picking your way down. Your foot slips and you scream before getting your footing once again. You complete your treacherous journey and breath a sigh of relief as you finally lower yourself into the water safely. You tread water for a minute, letting your heartrate slow, before you swim out into the open air.

"Are you alright?" A voice calls once you emerge from waterfall.

You glance up and freeze. Jordan! What's he doing here? You wave and call back "Yeah! Thanks," and swim to the opposite shore, hoping he hasn't recognized you.

Not wanting to get out of the water, in case he has recognized you, you sit on the shallow beach, letting the water slap against your thighs as you pull your knees to your chest and bow your head against them. Cautiously peeking thru your lowered lashes, you notice that he is taking off his shirt. You gasp at the sight of his sleek, tanned form, sweat glistening in the sun. Your body tingles at the memory of that body against yours. "Dammit! You can't think about him like that anymore," you scold yourself.

He dives in the water and you notice that he is swimming towards the waterfall. You figure it's now or never and swim back to the opposite shore, so you can collect your clothes and leave. Paying him no attention, you hurriedly climb out of the water and rush to your towel. "Damn! I hope he didn't see this!" You realize that you had worn the T-shirt that you and he had bought the last time you were here. It had both your and his faces, cheek to cheek, airbrushed onto the front of it. And it was lying, faces up, less than 10 feet from his clothes. "No...he would have said something," you tell yourself, folding the shirt up after wrapping the towel around your waist.

You turn back to face the water, and he is gone. You figure he went behind the waterfall, "But why?" you wonder. "It's not like he misses us. He broke up with me, so why would he want to relive old memories?"

Curious, you begin to follow the shoreline to the path you know is hidden among the trees. You carefully pick your way up the rocky slope, listening for a sign that someone is up there. All you hear is the roaring water. You round a boulder, and stop. Standing before you is the love of your life. Jordan has his back to you, and he's leaning against the wall of rock, his arms wrapped around himself. As you quietly slip closer, you hear him singing softly to himself....

~It took me some time to understand/What all along I held in my hands/If you give me one more chance/I'll prove, I'm true, to you/Now every night it seems so wrong/I'm here all alone where you belong/ Girl let me turn you on and on~

Your heart skips a beat as you hear the words he's saying, here, in YOUR place. Could he really.... No. I won't even think that. I won't even dare hope, you tell yourself. Not daring to get any closer, you gaze longingly at his back, following his spine from under the dark curls at the base of his neck, all the way down to the waistband of his shorts.

It takes a minute before you realize that you are no longer looking at his backside. Your eyes widen and you slowly travel up his body, till you are looking into his deep brown eyes. "Uh, hi." You stammer, a shiver running down your spine.

"Hi. I was wondering how long it would take you to come up here." His eyes give away nothing of what he is thinking. You always hated that. "I knew it was you...I saw the shirt."

"I'm sorry, Jordan. I'll leave." You turn to go, but his firm grip on your upper arm prevents you from taking another step.

"Please, Tracy....stay." Jordan moves closer, slowly wrapping you in his arms. Your cheek presses against his chest and you close your eyes, reveling in this moment. Feeling your bodies together, as you listen to his heart beating, pounding.

"Why, Jordan. I thought this was what you wanted. Well, not this, but..." your words are cut off as he raises your mouth to his. His kiss weakens your knees, and you are thankful for his strong arms. His tongue gently searches your mouth, caressing your tongue and lips, before he breaks contact.

"I'm stupid," he says, pulling back slightly so he can look into your eyes.

"Well, I knew that," you answer, not wanting to give in quite as easily as your body was.

"I'm serious, baby. I shouldn't have left you like that. I was afraid." He cupped your chin in his hand, his thumb caressing your cheek. "I love you, Tracy. That has never been in least, not for me. I just.. I needed time, and space. Can you forgive me?"

You almost can't speak. His words and his touch have left you breathless. But finally you find your voice. "I have to know, Jordan. Can I trust you again? There is more at stake this time."

"Huh? What do you mean, Tracy? More at stake?" Jordan looks at you, confused.

"Just answer me, Jordan. I have to know that this is forever."

"For as long as you want me, baby. I promise." His eyes catch yours, and you see in them that he is serious.

You unhook your towel and let it drop, stepping out of his embrace. His eyes travel over your breasts, slightly swollen and covered by a red bikini top. They continue down your stomach and you can see the reaction his body has to the sight of you. He starts to pull you back against him, but you resist. "Jordan, look at me. What is different?" He gazes at you again, letting his eyes linger on your long legs, then slowly taking in your slightly rounded belly. His eyes widen in realization.

"Oh my God! Is ... are ... is that what I think it is?" Jordan steps closer, placing his hand over your lower belly.

"If you are asking if I'm pregnant, then yes, I am." You try to ignore the tingling sensations his hand is causing you as he gently rubs your abdomen. You gasp as his hand slips under your bikini bottoms, fingers searching for your heat.

"Well, why don't we celebrate," he growls into your ear as his fingers stroke and probe you, sending tremors throughout your body. He presses you back against the rock wall and captures your mouth in another heated kiss. A long awaited reunion of flesh is about to take place, and you can't help but cry out with pleasure.

His fingers continue their stroking and rubbing and probing as your hips move in time with his hand. His tongue caressing yours, his teeth nibbling and his lips sucking, making you moan with the intensity of it all. His free hand reaches up and cups your breast, gently squeezing the nipple that is already hard and ready for his touch. He moves your bikini top to the side, wanting to feel your skin against him.

"Just take it off, Jordan," you groan, eager to be one with him as soon as possible. His hands were wonderful, but it had been too long. You want him, ALL of him, and you want him now. You shift away from him, frowning at the loss of contact, but wanting to remove clothing, yours and his. You grin mischeviously up at him as you drop to your knees and begin lowering his swim trunks. He runs his hands thru your hair as you kiss his navel, lightly dipping your tongue inside. Tracing circles around his belly button, you caress his thighs with your fingertips, slowly pushing his trunks lower and lower, till he can step out of them. Your hands trail back up his legs as your mouth and tongue slip lower. His hands tighten in your hair as you ever so softly flick your tongue over the head of his penis.

"Oh God, baby," he whispers, barely audible over the rushing water beating down around you. You encircle his erection with your lips, easing him all the way in, sucking your way back up and repeating the motion again. His hips thrust forward, not wanting to lose contact with your mouth and tongue. You wrap one hand around his shaft and continue licking, teasing, sucking as his moans become louder. All of a sudden, he grabs your shoulders and hauls you to your feet. "Not yet!"

He carefully leans you back against the rock wall, gets down on his knees, and throws your leg over his shoulder. "My turn," he grins, slipping a finger inside you. His thumb rubs lightly over your clit as you gasp, tightening your leg around him. He replaces his thumb with his tongue as his finger slides in and out. He tenderly nibbles on your clit as he slides another finger inside, picking up the tempo some. Your hips meet his every thrust, your mind reeling with the intense pleasure he is inflicting on your body.

"Oh Jordan!" you cry, grabbing his hair as you cum. His tongue quickens, causing mini-orgasms to spin off the first one. Your body quivers, shooting sparks along your spine. Your eyes roll back and then shut as the tremors slowly ebb. Jordan removes your leg and stands, his fingers slowly slipping out and up your belly to your breast, where he squeezes gently on the nipple. You whimper, enjoying the sensations he has caused.

"I love you, Tracy," he whispers as you slowly open your eyes. His face is barely an inch away and you pull him to you for a deep kiss.

"I love you too, Jordan. I want you, now," you demand, ending the kiss. He nods, leading you back to your spot of soft moss farther down the ledge. Your place, where your child was conceived 4 months ago.

He kneels down beside you, placing his hand on your rounded belly. "This is okay, isn't it?" He asks, worry evident in his voice.

"Of course it is, Jordan. Now come here." You pull him down beside you, pressing your body against his. You had dreamed of this for the past 4 months, and you planned on savoring every detail, in case this was just a dream.

"I feel like I'm dreaming," Jordan says exactly what you are thinking. "I thought I had lost you forever, but here you are. And you are having my baby....our baby," he corrects himself. He lifts your hand to his lips, tenderly kissing each fingertip, then nuzzles your palm, his tongue lightly tickling the underside of your wrist, before he places a kiss there. You inhale deeply, heat once again flooding your body.

"You know what that does to me, Jay," you purr, rubbing your leg up the inside of his thigh to caress his erection.

"I sure do," he mumbles against your wrist, licking and nibbling his way down your arm.

You growl and shove him over onto his back. "Enough of your games, Mr. Knight! I want you inside me!" You straddle his waist, easing down onto his rock hard shaft. You both moan as he slides deep inside of you, touching your very soul. You begin rocking back and forth, as he grasps your buttocks and squeezes.

"Oh yeah," he pants, pulling you down as far as you can go. He uses your hips to manuever your clit against his pubic bone. Rubbing and thrusting, you feel a white hot tremor taking over your body. You throw your head back and cry out as your orgasm hits you, and you ride Jordan harder and faster as the sensations wash over you. He groans, shoving himself as deep as possible inside you as he cums, your wild bucking pushing him over the edge.

"Oh wow," you whisper, collapsing against his heaving chest. You run your hands around his neck and listen to his heart pounding against your ear. He wraps his arms around you, one hand tracing lazy circles up your spine.

"You can say that again," he gasps, trying to catch his breath.

"Oh wow," you giggle. Jordan grabs your sides and rolls you over on your side, tickling you. "Ok, I'm sorry," you whine, trying to fend off his hands. "You said I could say it again, so I did!"

"I know what I said, Tra. But it was figurative!" He caught your hands in his and pulled them over your head, rolling you onto your back. His mouth caught yours in a kiss as full of passion as your lovemaking had been. It took your breath away with its intensity. "I love you, Tracy. And our baby," he says, looking into your eyes. He releases your hands and slowly lets his fingers trail down your hair, to your shoulders, over your breast and down to your belly. He spreads his hand out, covering the slight mound that is your growing child. You cover his hand with yours and smile up at him, tears glistening in both of your eyes.

"Don't run, Jordan," you whisper.

"I won't, baby," he promises, kissing you once again.

The End

Please tell Tracy what you thought of this story!