I Dare You

By: Tracy

"Christina, over here!" Christina headed across the jam-packed living room when her friend Tracy called her. "Where the hell have you been?" Tracy asked her.

"Had to work late. Should've known you would be in the middle of all this," Christina commented as she glanced around. Music was blaring from speakers she hadn't been able to locate and bodies were pressing in all around. "Whose house is this?"

"A friend's," Tracy replied as she lifted her almost-empty glass in the air, barely avoiding having it knocked out of her hand by a rowdy couple. "Did you have trouble with my directions?"

Christina laughed in response. One thing her friend was notorious for was giving lousy directions, among other things. "I'm here, right?"

"Yeah, now we can really have fun! Wanna drink?" Tracy didn't wait for an answer. Instead, she grabbed Christina's arm and began pulling her through the crowd to the bar. "One screwdriver and one Sex on the Beach, please."

The bartender winked at Tracy. "What a combination. Do I have to ask what's on your mind?" Christina rolled her eyes at his lack of originality. Tracy handed Christina a glass and blew the bartender a kiss.

"Don't give up your day job, babe," she called as she led Christina into one of the largest dining rooms she'd ever seen. Though, if not for the formal dining table, it would've passed for a ballroom. "Over here, Tine. There's some people I want you to meet."

Christina sighed as she watched her friend chatting with people right and left. Parties usually made Christina nervous. Especially parties where Tracy was the only on she knew, which was how it usually was. She wasn't quite as outgoing as Tracy, preferring to hang with a few close friends instead of stepping into a mad house such as this. But Tracy had practically begged her to come here tonight, and she could be very persuasive when she wanted something.

She ran a hand over her short brown hair, feeling self-conscious among all these strangers wearing outrageously fashionable attire. She regretted having worn a pair of form-fitting black jeans and a pale pink silk tank top. She felt a bit under-dressed compared to the revealing dresses most of the women were wearing.

"C'mon, Teen," Tracy yelled above the deafening beat. "They're right out here." At least Tracy's not wearing a dress, Christina thought, as Tracy dragged her to the huge glass doors at the other end of the room. Skin tight black leather pants and red silk hanky halters were almost like a uniform to her friend. Though the colors varied based on Tracy's mood, Christina could count on her friend to be wearing basically the same outfit at every party.

Tracy pushed open one of the French doors and motioned for Christina to follow her onto the patio. Once outside, Christina breathed a sigh of relief. The music out here was quieter, and not as hardcore. There were fewer people than inside, and they were spread around the large yard in small groups. Tracy led her over to a couple of women near the fountain. "Hey girls, this is Christina. Christina, these are the girls."

"Hi," Christina said shyly as a pretty redhead reached for her hand.

"Hello, Christina. Since Tracy doesn't know how to introduce people," she paused, glaring teasingly at Tracy; "I'll do the honors. My name is Chris and this is Suzanne. Nice to finally meet you."

"Thanks. It's nice to meet you, too. Tracy's told me so much about you." Christina liked these women. They seemed friendly, unlike some of the girls at the party who glared openly at her for no apparent reason. "Is this one of your houses?" Christina asked as she gazed around the yard.

"Well, you could say so, kind of," Tracy answered. "Suzanne is doing the guy who owns this place." Christina laughed as Suzanne pretended to hit Tracy. "What? I didn't lie!"

"Suzanne's boyfriend lives here, and loves to party," Chris explained. "And they usually get outta control, that's why we stay out here."

"So I help liven it up out here a bit, cuz otherwise we wouldn't have much fun," Tracy laughed. Christina didn't doubt that Tracy was telling the truth. Her friend loved to have fun and wanted everyone around her to have fun, too.

"So let's get this party started," Tracy said. Christina noticed the twinkle in her friend's eyes and groaned inwardly. That look had gotten them both into trouble before.

"What did you have in mind, Trace?" she asked, unsure whether she really wanted to know.

Tracy glanced first at Chris, then Suz, before stopping on Christina and wiggling her eyebrows. "Let's play 'Dare'." Christina cringed. Tracy knew Christina couldn't turn down a dare!

Suz and Chris agreed and Christina nodded a bit uneasily as Tracy led them to a nearby table.

"Who's first?" Chris asked as she took a seat. "Never mind, I'll go first. Suzanne, I dare you to go over to the diving board, do a striptease down to your underclothes, then dive in."

Suz protested halfheartedly before getting up and heading to the pool. Christina couldn't believe that she actually did it, drawing hoots and wolf calls from a group of guys seated near the cabana. One of the men met her at the other end of the pool with a towel.

"Who's that," Christina asked as Suzanne made her way over to the table wrapped in a huge beach towel.

"That's her man's brother," Chris explained. "It's your turn, Suz."

Suz grinned as she slowly stared at each woman. "Tracy, I dare you to grab the next guy that comes out of the house and kiss him. You know how I mean, too."

Tracy laughed, walked up to the French doors, and waited. She didn't have to wait long. In less than two minutes, a gorgeous dark haired man exited the house, walking directly into Tracy as she stepped around the door.

"Sorry, I didn't see..." his eyes widened in surprise as Tracy wrapped her arms around his neck and covered his mouth with hers. After a few seconds, his arms wound around her and he happily returned the kiss.

Christina was cheering and yelling with Chris and Suz as Tracy pulled away and nonchalantly walked back over to the table. The guy was staring at her, too shocked to move. Tracy sat down, licked her lips, and said "My turn!"

"Don't tell me," a deep male voice behind Christina caused her to jump. "Tracy decided to liven up my party and you guys are playing 'Dare'." Suzanne nodded as the man wrapped his arms around her shoulders. "So that's why my brother said you look good wet," he murmured as he nibbled her neck.

"Christina, that's Mark. He's the owner of this place," Tracy explained. Turning to the couple who were now kissing each other with enthusiasm, Tracy muttered, "Get a room! We're trying to play a game here."

Mark waved a hand at Tracy before picking Suz up out of her chair and carrying her towards the house. "That's the last we'll see of them for awhile! Now, it's my turn." Tracy thought for a second before smiling at Christina.

"I don't like that look," Christina groaned.

"I dare you, Christina, to give someone of my choosing a lap dance." Christina's eyes bugged out. "In fact, see that guy sitting by the pool? The one with the fantastic taste in pants?" Tracy motioned to a man wearing pants similar to hers. She couldn't see his face, and wasn't too thrilled at what she was supposed to do.

"I can't," she mumbled, turning red.

"You have to. I dare you!" Tracy challenged; knowing full well that Christina couldn't not do it. "I'll be right behind you, so you won't have to go over there alone, but you have to sit on his lap, and go to town. Give him a lap dance he won't soon forget!"

Christina slowly got up and started over towards the group of men. Tracy and Chris weren’t far behind. With one last look back at her friends, Christina tapped the man on the shoulder. "Excuse me."

"Yes?" Christina almost gasped as he turned to look at her. His eyes were so blue, and seemed to look right through her. "Can I help you?" He was gorgeous. His cheeks dimpled up as he smiled at her, and he ran a hand through his wavy light brown hair.

"Actually, I think it’s the other way around. How about I help you." Christina couldn’t believe she had said that, but there was no turning back now. The confusion in his eyes turned to surprise as Christina threw a leg over his lap and sat down facing him in the chair. Forgetting about everyone else watching, she stared into his eyes and began grinding her ass against his crotch. He placed an arm on her back, holding her in place and she ran her hands up into his hair. The music seemed louder over here, and she moved to the beat. She felt him harden beneath her as she rotated her hips, her breath coming in short gasps as her own excitement took over.

His right hand ran up her side as she gyrated, finally cupping her breast. He gently rubbed her nipple through her top, causing it to harden. His other hand was holding her hip, moving her up and down, pulling her tighter against his crotch as he ground into her. Christina couldn’t think, could barely breathe. She was losing herself in his eyes and the sensations he was causing with his fingertips, not to mention what rubbing against his dick was doing to her. She could tell she was wet, and nearly to the point of orgasm. She grabbed his head and pulled it to her, kissing him deeply. Their hips continued the dance as they clung to each other. As his tongue slipped into her mouth, she felt a burning sensation deep in her belly and then everything exploded at once. Her body felt like it was flying while her mind was sinking into a black hole. She pulled away and gasped loudly.

Glancing at the man who had just given her the best orgasm of her life without even having actual sex, Christina blushed. "I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…I mean, I didn’t…"

He placed a finger over her mouth to silence her and smiled. "Just don’t move for a second please," he whispered. His breath was slowly returning to normal and she could tell that he was still very aroused. "I just need a second to recover."

"No problem," she said, finally realizing where she was, and that they had an audience. The applause brought her crashing back to reality. What on earth had she done? This wasn’t something she did on a regular basis. Damn Tracy and her games! On the other hand, Thank you Tracy, and your games, she thought as she recalled the way his body felt against hers. She would’ve never had the nerve to talk to this guy, let alone sit in his lap and get herself off.

"Okay, I think I’m fine now," the man said, and Christina slowly stood up. "I’m Joe, by the way. And you are?"

"Christina. Nice to meet you."

"I believe the pleasure was mine…at least, almost." He laughed. "Where are you going?" He practically jumped out of his chair to catch her as she started to walk away.

"I’m going to go back over to my friends. See, this…what just happened, well, it was a dare." Christina was trying to figure out how to explain this without making herself seem cheap and hurting him. "My friend, Tracy, she has this weird perception of fun."

"Say no more. I know Tracy, well, I know about Tracy." Joe chuckled.

"She’s not like that," Christina protested, not liking his tone.

"No, I’m sorry, I don’t mean like that. I mean, I know about her games. She loves to play Dare and she isn’t afraid to do crazy stuff, or have others do crazy stuff. I wasn’t trying to imply anything dirty."

"That’s not how it sounded, but I’m glad you explained. Anyway, it was nice meeting you. Have a nice evening." Christina turned and tried to keep from running back to where Chris and Tracy were waiting.

"Nice meeting you," Joe called after her, unable to take his eyes off of her.

"All I have to say is, WOW!" Tracy grinned as Christina made it back to the table, her face as red as Tracy’s shirt. "Now that is what I call a lap dance!"

"I have never been so embarrassed in my life," Christina fumed, trying to get over the sensations grinding against Joe had caused.

"Embarrassed? Why should you be embarrassed? It’s not like he was forcing you off his lap," Tracy pointed out. "In fact, he looked like he didn’t want you to get up. Didja make him come?" Tracy’s boldness didn’t shock either other woman at the table. It was typical. Chris was obviously waiting for Christina’s answer also.

"Yeah, Teen," Chris said, using Tracy’s nickname for her. "How was it? I mean, did he actually come? You sure looked like you did!" Christina stared at the women, unable to think, let alone answer.

"She did! There is no other reason she can’t speak right now. Way to go, Christina! So, did you get his number?" Tracy was enjoying the stunned look on her friend’s face. She knew it had been awhile since Christina had been with anyone. She had a self-defeating attitude towards relationships that Tracy was hoping she would get away from.

"No, I didn’t get his number. I have to get a drink, I’ll be back." Christina hurried towards the house, putting as much distance between herself and Joe as possible. She could still feel his eyes on her and just the thought of him got her all warm again.

"Well, I guess that leaves me and you, and you haven’t had a dare yet," Tracy told Chris. "And it’s got to be something really good, too." Chris almost shuddered at the look in Tracy’s eyes. She could be very naughty when she wanted to be, and it looked like that’s what she was planning. "I know! I dare you to seduce Donnie in the cabana. You always said you fantasized about doing someone in a public place, and you also have fantasized about Donnie. So that’s your dare."

Chris gulped, knowing that she couldn’t back out now, but not wanting to take a chance on being rejected by the guy she had been dreaming about since Suzanne and Mark had introduced them. "Well, what the hell. Worst he can do is laugh at me and tell everyone what I wanted to do. Nothing like public humiliation to get me hot." Chris stood up and slowly headed towards the group of men by the pool. Tracy smiled slyly, thinking how she had had the easiest dare.

"Hello fellas. Donnie, can I speak to you for a moment? In private." Donnie nodded and followed Chris to the cabana.

"What’s up?" he asked as she shut the door behind him. The only light in the room came from a small window facing the security lights at the rear of the property. Chris was glad for the darkness, as it helped hide his face. She didn’t want to see the laughter on his face when she began her dare.

"You tell me," she whispered, stepping closer and running her hands down his chest. Donnie was shocked. Chris had never come on to him in any way before. They were buddies. Thrown together when his brother and her friend wanted company for an evening, and then ditched when the couple inevitably disappeared to engage in ‘one-on-one’ sports.

What the hell, Donnie thought. Might as well take advantage of the situation. He leaned down and covered her mouth with his, pulling her tightly against him.

"Where did Chris go?" Christina asked, sitting back down at the table with Tracy.

"Fulfilling her dare," Tracy explained, tapping her empty glass against her hand. "Damn, I need a refill." Christina chuckled. Tracy was bored. It was obvious, since Tracy always fiddled with things when she was bored or restless.

"So what is her dare?" Christina looked around the yard trying to see what outrageous stunt Tracy had sent her on.

"She’s in the cabana getting busy," Tracy got up. "I’m going back inside for another drink. I’ll be right back." Christina nodded, her gaze resting on Joe, who was talking to the dark-haired man Tracy had kissed.

"No problem, I’ll be right here." A plan was formulating. Tracy wasn’t getting off that easy. Not after what she had dared Christina to do. There was no way she was ending the game without a bit of embarrassment on Tracy’s part. She loved her friend dearly, but Tracy always seemed to get the baby dares. It was time for her to be on the receiving end of a triple dog dare. While she was thinking, she didn’t notice Joe heading her way.

"Hello again, Christina. May I sit down?" Joe’s voice brought Christina out of her thoughts with a quickness.

"Uh, sure. Hello." She was uncomfortable. What do you say to a guy you just met when you dry fucked him in front of a crowd of people? "Nice weather tonight." She cringed at the stupidity of her comment.

"Sure is. So, how do you know Mark? Though it’s not a prerequisite to attending one of his parties. Most people just see a bunch of cars and hear loud music and crash it." Joe laughed, trying to break the tension between them.

"I don’t really know Mark, just met him tonight. I’m here because Tracy told me I had to be here," Christina smiled shyly.

"Do you always do what Tracy says?"

"No. Unless we’re playing her favorite game, which as you know is ‘Dare’," Christina took a swig of her drink, welcoming the buzz that she was getting from the Sex on the Beach. It helped loosen her up a bit, making it easier to talk with Joe, whom she was growing more and more attracted to by the minute.

"I’ve heard her mention it, but how exactly do you play?"

Christina blushed slightly, not really wanting to let him know that he was used in a dare. "Well, see…um, one person dares another person to do something, and that person has to do it."

"Has to? Can’t you say no?" Things were falling into place in Joe’s mind, and he wasn’t too sure he liked what he heard.

"Sure, you can say no if you want to. It hasn’t happened yet, though. Tracy knows that I can’t turn down a dare, no matter how crazy. I think you found that out. Not that I didn’t enjoy myself." Christina couldn’t believe she had actually told him that. It just slipped out.

"So you were dared to do that to me?" Joe asked.

"Yep. Tracy pointed you out and dared me to do that. That’s also why Suz did her striptease and went swimming in her panties. That’s why Tracy grabbed that guy you were talking to and kissed him like that. And it’s also why Chris is in the cabana with some guy, doing Lord only knows what." Christina giggled at the shocked look on Joe’s face. "It’s usually really fun. No one gets hurt, the dares aren’t that dangerous."

"No, I guess not. But considering what you guys did, don’t you think Tracy got off easy? I mean, it’s not that hard to just walk up to someone and kiss them, but to strip, or seduce someone, or give a total stranger a lapdance, that takes balls."

Christina nodded. "I was thinking the same thing. I’ve gotta come up with something great, but I just don’t know what."

Joe grinned at her, his blue eyes twinkling. "I have an idea, here’s what we’ll do." He leaned over and began whispering in her ear. Christina had to force herself to forget how wonderful it felt to have his warm breath on her ear and concentrate on what he was saying.

"What are you two plotting?" Tracy interrupted their whispering, pulling her chair out and sitting down.

"Oh, nothing really." Christina giggled, glancing from Joe to her friend. "Just coming up with a dare for you."

"But I already did my dare. Glad to see you two getting along though. Christina, this is the guy I’ve been trying to set you up with for months now. Maybe next time you won’t get so testy when I try to help you out in the relationship department." Tracy took a gulp of her screwdriver. "And furthermore, Mr. McIntyre, I don’t appreciate you whispering about me! Last time you did that, I lost my damn shirt to that brother of yours." Joe chuckled at her response.

"Hey, I wasn’t the one who said they could remove your shirt without losing any of the buttons, that was Tommy."

"But you talked him into it." Tracy eyed the cabana. It had been damn near 25 minutes since Chris had disappeared with Donnie. Guess she’s getting lucky, Tracy thought.

"Anyway, the game is not over yet. You got an easy dare before, and we didn’t, so you’re going to get another one. Besides, I haven’t had a chance to dare anyone yet. And since you’re here…" Christina trailed off, leaving Tracy to fill in the rest.

"Then I’m the next victim, right? Fine, what’s my dare?"

"I dare you, well, we dare you, to spend the night with someone. And when we say ‘spend the night’ we don’t mean sleeping, with a man of our choosing." Tracy nearly choked on her drink. She stared at Christina, unable to believe her friend would come up with something like that. "Don’t worry, we have the man picked out, and he’s safe. He’s not violent, doesn’t have any diseases or wives to worry about, and I’m sure he would be willing."

"Yeah," Joe added. "He seemed pretty interested after you played tonsil hockey with him on the patio earlier. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind a rematch." Joe turned towards his friends. "Hey, Jordan! Come over here." The tall, handsome man walked over to them.

"Yeah, Joe, what’s up?"

"This is Tracy, I’m sure you remember her from earlier? Anyway, she has something she would like to ask you." Joe nodded to Tracy. She glared back at him, unable to believe this was happening. As Jordan turned to look questioningly at her, she noticed Joe mouth the words ‘I dare you’.

"Hello Jordan, it’s nice to see you again. Anyway, I was wondering…if you aren’t doing anyone tonight, how about coming back to my place?" Christina nearly laughed aloud at her friend’s bluntness. It didn’t surprise her, but seeing how against this idea Tracy had been, it was funny.

Jordan looked surprised. He looked from her, to Joe, to Christina, who all seemed to be waiting for an answer. "Uh, I’d be happy too?" he asked, not quite sure what was happening, but if it involved getting to sleep with this woman, he wasn’t going to argue.

"Fine, let’s go. Christina, I’m sure you’ll be all right here. Tell Chris I said goodbye, and I’ll be calling tomorrow for details." With that, Tracy stood up, smacked Jordan on the ass and headed around the house to her car. Jordan grinned back at Joe and Christina as he hurried after the little firecracker.

"Oh, they’re going to get along great," Joe commented, watching them go. Christina nodded, suddenly feeling strange sitting here with him. "Now, do I get to dare you? Or is the game over?"

"Well, I don’t know. It doesn’t really have a beginning or an end. It just starts with ‘I dare you’." Christina stared at him, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

"Well then, I dare you to accompany me back to my place and finish what you started in that chair down there. I dare you to let me do things to you that I guarantee you’ve never had done before." Joe challenged her. Christina gulped and looked down at her hands. "I dare you," Joe whispered, leaning closer.

"You already know I can’t turn down a dare," Christina muttered, unable to look at him.

"Do you want to turn it down? Or are you a little curious? I already know I can turn you on." Joe kissed her ear lightly, then moved down to nibble on her neck. "You won’t be sorry," he mumbled against her collarbone as one hand slowly traced circles up the inside of her thigh. "I want to touch you, taste you, feel you trembling around me."

Christina sighed as his mouth and his hands and his words made her body ache. "I accept that dare," she said before he pressed his lips against hers. "Let’s go!" She jumped out of her chair and grabbed his hand, practically dragging him around the house to her car.

Once in the car, it took all of her willpower not to pull over to the side of the road and jump him. But finally, they arrived at her house. As soon as she unlocked the door and pushed it open, Joe was pressing her back against the wall and touching her everywhere. He quickly removed her tank and began caressing her breasts with his hands and mouth. His tongue flicked across her nipples, causing them to harden into little nubs while his hands fumbled with her jeans. She snatched his shirt over his head, not wanting his mouth away from her for even a second. Before long they were both naked and panting. "Should we take this to the bedroom," she breathed as his hands gently kneading her rear end.

"I don’t care where we go," Joe said, nibbling her neck. He slowly moved lower, savoring every inch of her skin. He finally got down on his knees and placed kisses around her navel before travelling lower. Christina gasped and grabbed at his hair as his tongue found her clit. He wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted to taste her! She moaned as his mouth and hands brought her closer and closer to the edge. Just as she was about to come, Joe stopped and looked up at her. Not speaking, he lifted her up, holding her against his chest as he carried her into the living room.

Placing her gently on the couch, legs spread out on either side of him, he once again kneeled before her. Only this time, he entered her not with his tongue, but with his rock hard erection. Christina groaned in ecstasy as he began thrusting into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and dug into his back with her fingernails. Joe was sucking on her nipples as he moved, and Christina couldn’t seem to get as close to him as her body wanted. She arched her back and pulled him tighter, riding him hard as her body started over the edge.

"Christina!" Joe hollered, as he erupted inside of her. Christina’s own orgasm enveloped her as his thrusting slowly ceased. She shuddered. Finally sated, Joe withdrew himself and laid her down on the couch, climbing up beside her and wrapping her in his arms. She could hear his heartbeat in her ear as her breathing slowed and she nestled close against him.

"That was amazing. You’re amazing. You know, I could really get used to this," Joe murmured sleepily.

"Yeah? Well, I dare you…" Christina said, just before drifting off to sleep.

The End

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