A Night Out

By: Memphis

Rain hit the windshild of the Limosine as it pulled up to the club.  Britney turned to Justin "I wish I knew it was going to thunderstorm, I wouldn't have worn silk"

"Here take my coat, and I'm glad you wore silk" He smiled as he draped the coat over her shoulders kissing her cheek gently.

"Thanks Just." Brit looked out the window  "Is this the place?"

"Yup - The Pink Fuzzy Tailed Bunnies. Only Chris could pick a club like this.  I hear it's pretty cool inside. They play a lot of retro stuff."

Britney place her arms through the sleeve of the coat "As long as they don't play the chicken dance I'll be fine."

"Well I could request it." Justin teased as Brit slapped his arm.  "Ok, ok I was only kiddin'."

Justin and Brit ignored the crowds standing outside with umbrellas and ran into the club.  JC Chris and Joey were already on the dance floor.  Lance was sitting at a corner table in the VIP section with a cute blond.  Brit went to join the others on the dance floor while Justin went to meet the date du jour nestled in Lance's arm. 

"Hey Bass, who's your date?"

Lance looked up and blushed "Hi Justin, this is Jen."

"Hey Jen nice to meet ya. Why don't you two take a break and come and get your groove on" Lance shot a look  "...on the dance floor, man on the dance floor."   Justin smiled.

Joey breathed heavily as he flopped into the chair "Hey Justin, good to see ya...Man I gotta start hitting the treadmill more often if I'm dance like that."

"Joey you don't hit the treadmill, maybe that's your trouble."  Justin replied "Besides you know better than to try and keep up with JC - that man is non-stop on the dance floor."

"I know,  I know. I was doin' fine 'til your girl came and turned on the heat."


Joey took a sip from his glass "You know how Brit likes to shake her thang on the dance floor, and well JC's followin' her lead. You better get out their man, it's getting nasty.."

The hard beat turned soft as Take My Breath Away filled the club. Justin decided now would be good time to interrupt. "Excuse me Jay, can I dance with my girl?"

"Sure Justin" He moved away and joined the rest of the guys at Lance's table.  Joey and Chris were scheming where to go next while Lance and Jen starred into each other's eyes. "Ya know they have private conference rooms in this place, I could hook ya up!" JC took a drink of beer as he sat next to Lance.

Lance looked at JC "Great, you wanna join us?"

JC's mouth dropped and Jen laughed "Lance I didn't know you played that game?"

"I was being sarcastic, JC.  Besides I think we're all gonna go to a late dinner or at least that's what I overheard."

"That would be great, I'm starving. But first we have to pry Brit and Justin apart."  JC stared at the two on the dance floor.

"Chris has that covered - he was talking to Justin while you were doin your thing on the dance floor.  This place is cool and since we're really not feeling it tonight we need to get Brit to feel the same way. So we asked the DJ to make sure the next song is the Chicken Dance. He was happy to oblige and Brit hates that song so i think we'll get her to leave."

JC laughed "That's priceless, boy is Justin gonna pay for that later."

"Ah he can handle it - besides it's the only way we'd get her to leave. Come 'on the cars are outside and I wanna get a head start."

The End