
By:  Cindy


Lyrics from “Cinderella” by Britney Spears



                I used to be your girlfriend and I know I did it well.

                Oh, yes, you know it’s true.

                You call me Cinderella, all you had to do was yell.

                And I’d be there for you…


She touched up her lips and eyed herself carefully in the mirror.  He’d be home in a few minutes.  It had been a little over a month this time since she’d seen him.  The house was spotless, dinner was warming in the oven.  Everything was perfect.  She just hoped he’d think so, or at least comment on it one way or another. 


She paced the living room, not wanting to sit down and wrinkle her skirt.  He would never let her meet him at the airport.  Instead he always took a cab home.  She had called and the plane landed on time.  Nerves.  Why the nerves?  She knew why. 


The car door slammed and her heart began to beat double time.  She went to the door to meet him.  He was never one for severe attacks of affection as he entered the house so she held herself back. 


“Hey, honey.  Glad you made it home safe.”  She said as he walked into the foyer. 


“Hey.”  He put his bags down and kissed her on the cheek.  She closed the door, trying to mask her disappointment from the kiss.  “I’m gonna take a shower, care to join me?”  He looked her up and down. 


“Sure, baby.  I’ve missed you so much.”  She moved to hug him, but he turned and headed for the bedroom.  She followed along behind him. 


‘So much for the new outfit and being all fixed up for dinner.’ She thought to herself.  By the time she made it to the bathroom his clothes were off and he was waiting for the water to heat up.  He stepped into the large shower without even looking back at her.  She sighed and began to remove her clothes. 


He was rinsing off his body when she entered the shower.  God, she still got weak when she looked at him.  His eyes were closed as he leaned his head back into the spray to rinse away the shampoo.  She stood against the back wall of the shower and followed random bubbles down his body.   


He wiped his eyes and opened them.  He could see the want and need in her eyes.  He took her hand and spun her around, pressing her against the wall.  He lifted her leg and she placed her foot on the ledge.  He entered her completely and began pumping.  It was a good thing that watching him rinse off had turned her on a little bit or she would’ve been completely dry.  Lance never was big on foreplay.  It was still a little painful.  As usual, it didn’t last long.  He came, grunting, as he bit down on her shoulder. 


He cleaned off his now soft member and got out of the shower, leaving her without a word.  Her bottom lip quivered as she cleaned herself up.  She was drying off when he stuck his head back in the bathroom. 


“I smell something.  What’s for dinner?”  He asked. 


“I made a huge pan of lasagna.  It’s ready, I just need to get everything set up.” 


“Um, I don’t really feel like lasagna tonight.  Do you have any steaks?” 


“N-no, but I can run up to the store if you want me to.”  She said weakly. 


“Yeah, can you do that?  I really am craving some red meat today.”  He walked out of the bedroom.


“I’ll go as soon as I’m dressed.” 


Lance was on the couch watching a football game when she entered the room. 


“You need anything else from the store, baby?”  She asked sweetly.


“Get beer if we don’t have any.”  He said, not moving his attention from the TV.


“I’ll be back in a few minutes.”  He didn’t acknowledge her at all. 



Part 2


Cindy tried not to cry on the way to the grocery store, but it happened anyway.  Where had she gone wrong?  She had been everything to him and he showed absolutely no emotion toward her whatsoever.  The store was only a few miles from the house.  She sat in the car a little while, making sure the tears had dried up.  Crying in the store was way too embarrassing. 


She grabbed two potatoes, then made her way to the meat department and picked out a couple of rib eyes.  She was headed toward the beer when someone grabbed her from behind. 


“Hey, Sweetie!”  JC said as he hugged her and kissed her mouth quickly.  She couldn’t help but realize that she got more affection from one of her boyfriend’s best friends than from her boyfriend himself.


“Jayce, it’s wonderful to see you.  What are you doing outside?  I thought you slept for three days any time ya’ll come home.”  She giggled. 


“Well, I plan on doing that as soon as I eat something.  No food in the house whatsoever.  I’m so sick of restaurant and fast food.  I’ve gotta cook me something.  So, what are you doing out.  Isn’t Lance home?”


“Yeah, he’s there.”  She looked down at her hands.  “I had made some lasagna but he really wanted a steak, so I’m getting him one.”


“What?!  He made you come to the store after you already cooked?”  Anger danced in JC’s eyes.


“He didn’t make me come, I wanted to.  You know I only want him to be happy.” 


JC decided not to comment.  He was furious at Lance.  “Well, I’ll let you get back home to him and fix his steak.  Tell me, does he make you cut it up for him, too?”  Cindy saw the anger flash in his eyes. 


“No, he doesn’t.”  She answered.  “Jayce, it was great to see you, but I better get going.”


“Yeah, well, be good, Sweetie.”  He kissed her cheek this time and walked away.  Cindy grabbed a case of Bud Light and headed to the checkout.


Outside as she was getting into the car, JC waved to her across the parking lot. 


“Go home and sleep, Jayce!”  She waved. 




Cindy entered their house and put the grocery bags on the counter.  She opened a beer and took it to Lance.  He was still sitting in the same spot on the couch but was on the phone. 


“I gotta go.  I’ll talk to ya later.”  She heard him say as she entered the room.  She handed him the beer and went outside to start the grill. 


“Who was that on the phone, baby?”  She asked when she came back into the room.


“JC.”  Lance said.  Cindy frowned.  That was doubtful.  She knew he was mad at what Lance asked her to do, but he’d never call him and say so, would he?


“Hmmm.  I just saw him at the store.”  Lance looked up at her.  Was that a guilty look on his face?  She decided not to say anything else.  She went to the kitchen to get the steaks. 


Dinner was quiet.  When she did say something to him, she only got one-word responses. 


                From time to time I tried to tell you what was on my mind.

                You’d tell me “Not today.”

                “Come back, do that, my Cinderella.”

Was all you had to say.


“I’m going to bed.”  He wiped his mouth and stood up.  She followed him into the bathroom and watched him brush his teeth. 


“Baby, can we talk for a few minutes?” 


“About what?  I’m tired and we’re leaving again at noon tomorrow.”  He sighed as he walked into the bedroom and stripped down to his boxer briefs. 


“You’re leaving again?  For where?”  She whined.


“L.A.  We’ve got some stuff to do.”  He slid under the covers.  “Unpack me and wash everything.  Repack different clothes, though.  I don’t wanna be in the same shit again.” 


“Sure, but I need to tell you something.”


“Not today, Cindy.  G’night.”  He rolled over onto his side, facing the wall.   


She did as she was told and washed his clothes, repacked him, and cleaned up the kitchen.  Afterwards, she sat on the couch in the dark, deep in thought.  Eventually, she got up and joined him in the bed.  He had rolled onto his back.  She snuggled close to him and put an arm over his chest.  She prayed he wouldn’t move so she could fall asleep holding him like this.  He didn’t move.  She sighed and fell into a fitful sleep.



Part 3


The next morning, Cindy fixed Lance his favorite breakfast of French toast to send him on his way.  She didn’t broach last night’s subject again and, of course, he didn’t ask.  He kissed her cheek at the door when the cab arrived. 


“I’ll be back in a week or so.  Not sure, really.” 


“Okay.”  She mumbled. 


The tears began as soon as she closed the front door.  She wandered back to their bedroom and snuggled up with his pillow.  Sobs wracked her body until she fell asleep.


Cindy woke when she heard the doorbell.  She wasn’t sure if it was the doorbell.  Then she heard it again.  “UGH!  Who could it be?”  She stretched and got up. 


She padded slowly to the door.  In the meantime, the doorbell rang again.  She looked through the peephole and saw JC on the porch.  She opened the door quickly.


“Jayce?  What are you doing here?  I thought ya’ll were all going to L.A. today?”  She spewed.


“Huh?  We’re off for a month.  I don’t have to go anywhere.  What’s going on?”  He looked confused.


“Lance left for L.A. today.  He kept saying ‘we’, so I just assumed ya’ll were all going.  Oh, come in, I’m sorry, Josh.”


“Maybe it’s for Happy Place or something.  I can’t believe he didn’t tell you where and why he was going.  What the fuck is wrong with him?”  JC’s fists were clenched.


Tears began to fall again.  Cindy ran her hand through her disheveled hair.  “My world is about to crumble, Josh.”  JC pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back as she cried. 


“Tell me what’s been happening?  I mean, if you want to.  I think you need to talk about it.”  JC peeled her off him and looked into her red eyes.


“He is lying to me, I know he is.  Josh, I know he’s one of your best friends, but I feel like we’re friends, too.” 


“Of course we are, honey.”


“Does he cheat on me, Josh?”  She braced herself for the answer she knew would come.


“I really don’t know, Cindy.”  She rolled her eyes.  “I mean it.  You know I don’t go out partying with him and Joe too much.  I swear to God I’ve never seen him leave a club with a girl, bring one back to the room, or see one leaving his room in the morning.   I’ve never seen any of that.  But I’m always sleeping as much as humanly possible, so I’m not the one to ask about that.  Joe would know for sure.”  He squeezed her hand.


“Did you call here last night after I saw you at the store?”




“He was on the phone when I got home.  He got off quick when I came in.  I asked and he said it was you.  I told him I had just seen you in the store.  That was the only time all night he actually stopped what he was doing and looked me in the eyes.”


“Busted.”  JC said.


“Yeah.”  She sighed.  “He won’t listen when I try to talk to him about me.  Josh, I’m going crazy in this house all the time, especially with him gone most of it.  I want to get a job.  I need to find ME.  I got lost in him somewhere over the past two years.” 


“I can see that.  I’d go nuts too if I wasn’t doing something all the time that interested me, that I loved.” 


“I’m like Cinderella or something.  All I do is clean and cook and wait around for him to come home, fuck me, and leave again.”  JC blushed.  “Sorry about that.  But it’s what it is.  I guess that’s all I’m good for.” 


“Don’t ever say that!  That makes me so damn angry!”  He touched her cheek.  “If you were mine, I’d never leave you alone.  I’d be happy for you to have a career of your own.  And I’d never fuck you.”  He licked his lips and looked deeply into her eyes.  “I’m sorry, you don’t need this right now.”  He removed his hand and tore his eyes away from her. 


“Um, Jayce, why did you come here tonight anyway?”  Cindy was uneasily trying to change the subject. 


“I thought about your famous lasagna all night and all day.  I figured you’d be eating it tonight.  I thought I’d crash.”  He chuckled uncomfortably. 


“Well, you are welcome to join me.  I do make a killer lasagna.”  She stood to go to the kitchen.  “I just need to heat it up and get some salad together.”


“I’ll help you.  I can tear lettuce like nobody else.”  He smiled and his eyes sparkled. 


“I’m sure you can.  C’mon.” 


The conversation over dinner never stopped.  Cindy was amazed at the difference between JC and Lance.  Of course Lance used to talk to her…


JC helped her clean up the dishes.  He washed and she dried and put up.  That was something Lance had never done. 


“Well, I’m gonna leave.  You gonna be alright?”  Concern filled his beautiful blue eyes. 


“I’ll be fine.  I’m going to have to make some changes in my life.  It’ll be hard, but I can’t live like this anymore.” 


“Lance is a prick.  I’m here for you if you need me.  Just give me a call and I can be here in less than five minutes.”  He took her face in his hands and planted a soft kiss on her lips.  He blushed as he moved away from her.  “Sorry, just kinda needed to do that.”


“Thank you, Josh.”  She stood on her tiptoes and leaned in, placing her hands on his chest.  She took his mouth with hers and sucked on his bottom lip.  His hands went immediately around her waist and pulled her closer to him.  Her tongue swept across his lip and he moaned against her mouth.  “Josh…”  She whispered.  He opened his mouth and her tongue slid inside his warmth.  He felt himself spiraling out of control but managed to pull himself back. 


“I think I better go now.”  He said.


“Josh, I’m sorry.  It’s just…I mean…” 




“You don’t know how long it’s been since I actually kissed someone.  Lance doesn’t kiss me anymore.  He hasn’t for a long time.”


“Honey, you’ve gotta do something about that.  If he can’t be what you want, you need to find someone who can.”


“I know, but I love him.”  She wrapped her arms around JC’s waist and cried.  He rested his chin on her head and let her cry.  When the tears dried up he let her go. 


“Call me if you need anything.”  He kissed her forehead and left before he was unable to fight the urge to kiss her again.



Part 4


Over the next few days Cindy got her resume together and sent it out to some places.  She also looked at some apartments.  They were all so expensive.  She really needed a job first so she could gauge her expenses better.  For some reason, she felt the need to leave Lance’s house in order before she could leave him.  She cleaned everything from top to bottom. 


JC called her every day to check on her but she had not seen him again.  He knew if he went to her house he’d do something he shouldn’t do.  Lance was his friend, no matter how big of a dick he was.  


One day his doorbell rang unexpectedly.  He was in his studio writing.  The lights flickered alerting him silently.  He ran up the steps from the basement and went to the door. 


“Cindy, hey.”  His breath caught in his throat when he saw her.  “Come in, come in.”  She had an armload of stuff and he tried to help her with it.  “What is all this stuff?”




“You sound unsure about that.”  He chuckled. 


“I meant it’s dinner, but I don’t know if you’ve had dinner yet.”


“Okay, cool, cuz I haven’t.”  He laughed again. 


“Good!”  She smiled and he melted into a puddle.  She followed him to the kitchen and set everything up. 


“That smells amazing.”  He leaned over her shoulder as she stirred the beef stew. 


“Back off, Mister.  It’s not warm yet.” 


“C’mon, gimme some.”  He tried to wrestle the spoon away from her.


“NO!  Be nice or I’ll send you to bed without dinner.”  She scolded. 


“Will you be coming with me?”  He said seductively.  She blushed and opened her mouth to throw out a comeback but failed miserably.  “Sorry about that.”


“Don’t be.  It’s nice to feel wanted again.”  She spooned up some stew and held it for him to take a bite. 


“Mmmmm, yum.”  He purred.  She felt a chill run up her spine.  “I think it’s ready.”


Over dinner Cindy told JC about what she’d done all week.  He was ecstatic she was going to move on with her life.  He didn’t want to get his hopes up but she was there…at his house…making him dinner.  But she’d be on the rebound big time.  Then there was Lance.  Fucking Lance.  What a piece of work.  He was glad he didn’t have to see him every day right now.  It was going to be hard enough when they got back to work in a few weeks. 


“Jayce?  Earth to Jayce.”  Cindy waved her hand in front of his face. 




“Where were you?  Waaaaay out there.”


“Sorry, did you say something?”


“Well, I said I was going to do a little strip tease for you, but you didn’t seem interested…”  She stood up and cleared the table while he sat there with his mouth hanging open.  “Better watch out, something might fly in there.”  She put a finger under his chin and pushed his mouth closed. 


She piled the dishes in the sink and started filling one side with hot soapy water.  JC stood and moved behind her.  He put a hand on either side of her on the counter. 


“You don’t have to do my dishes.  Leave them.  I’ll do it later, you cooked.”  His breath was hot in her ear and chill bumps appeared all over her body. 


“It…it’s no problem, I’ll do it.”  She breathed.


“Let me help then.”  He ran his hands down her arms and placed them over hers.  He kept his hands on hers as she washed the dishes.  Occasionally he would run his sudsy hands up her forearms then back down to immerse them in the water with her hands.  She was rinsing a glass when his lips made contact with her neck.  JC’s eyes were closed but he heard the crash of breaking glass. 


“Oh, shit, Jayce, I’m sorry!”  She turned off the water to clean up the glass that covered the sink. 


“Leave it.”


“God, I’m such a klutz.”


“I said leave it.”  He turned her around in front of him, wedging her between his body and the counter.  His eyes were a different shade of blue now. 




“Shhhhh.  Make no mistake about it, you ARE wanted.  God, I so fucking want you right now.  I stayed away because I know this isn’t right, but you came to me.”


“I know.  I couldn’t stay away.  You made me feel in one night and with one kiss more than Lance has made me feel in two years.”


His mouth crushed down onto hers.  They explored each other’s tongues heatedly.  JC broke the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers.  His eyes were still closed.  “God, I wish I had known sooner.  I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you.  I saw you first, you know?”  Cindy shook her head ‘no’.  “But I was with Bobbie at the time and couldn’t act on my feelings.  Lance got to you first.  I thought I was over it until the other night.”


“Josh, make love to me.”


“Honey, there’s nothing I want more in this world than to make love to you right now, but I don’t want to move too fast with this.  You’re rebounding.” 


“Josh, please.”  She pleaded with him.  Her hands, still wet from the dishwater ran up under his shirt and caressed his abs.  His stomach sucked in when she touched him.  She unbuttoned it starting at the bottom.  When she was through, she planted a kiss on the center of his chest.


“Jesus.”  He whispered.  “Are you sure, honey, cuz pretty soon there’ll be no turning back?”  Her hand moved down and pressed against his erection.  “Okay, no turning back.”  He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.  He carried her to his bedroom and laid her down gently on the huge bed. 


Part 5


JC undressed Cindy slowly.  He kissed every inch of flesh as he uncovered it.  Cindy’s body was on fire.  It seemed that of the millions of nerve endings in each centimeter of her skin, he was making contact with every single one of them.  Once she was completely nude he sat back and looked down at her. 


“You are so beautiful.  I’m in love with you, Cindy.  I just wanted you to know that before this goes any farther.”


“Touch me, Josh.”  He rolled her over and kissed the small of her back.  She whimpered.  He kissed all the way up her backbone while caressing her sides.  When he turned her back over there were tears in her eyes. 


“Baby, what is it?  Did I do something wrong?”  Panic filled his eyes.  She placed a hand on his neck and pulled him back down to her. 


“No.  Everything is perfect.  Better than perfect.  I never knew I could feel this way and you haven’t even touched me where I’m dying for you to.”


“You really have never been made love to properly, honey.  That’s so sad, but I promise you, after tonight, you’ll know the difference.”


“I already know the difference, but please, show me more.” 


JC continued his assault of her senses.  He licked and sucked her skin until she thought she couldn’t take any more.  He had worked his way down to her center.  His hot breath caressed her.  He pulled her lips apart and flicked his tongue across her clit.  She gasped.  He closed his lips over it and sucked lightly.  She squirmed beneath him and fisted the comforter below her. 


“Jooooshhhhhh.”  She groaned as he slid a finger inside her warmth.  She ground her wetness against him.  She was amazed at how wet she was.  Lance never gave her time to get ready.  Now she was gushing.  The feeling welling up inside was something she didn’t understand.  “Oh, shit, Josh, oh!”  She squealed as her orgasm shook her.  “Too many clothes, Josh.” 


She sat up and unbuttoned his pants and slid the zipper down.  His erection was fighting to be freed.  When he pushed his pants down and it was released she took it into her hands eagerly, stroking him with long, slow strokes.  When she lowered her head to taste him he stopped her. 


“Tonight is about you.”  He grabbed a condom out of his nightstand and sheathed himself.  He pushed her down against the bed and moved over her.  “I love you.”  He whispered as he entered her.  He stroked her insides slowly, pulling completely out and sliding completely back in with every thrust. 


“Oh, God, Josh, I’ve never felt anything so good.” 


“Me neither, baby.”  JC said between kisses.  She felt so good he was having trouble holding back.  He wanted to make this last for her.  He stopped moving and massaged her clit in a circular motion while he calmed down a bit.  When he was ready to move again, he pressed his hand on her lower abdomen.  When he entered her again, he immediately hit her G-spot causing her to scream out.  When he hit it again she made the most incredible sound.  He came immediately.  He had no choice with the reaction he was getting from her.  “Cindy, oh, shit!”  He buried his face in her neck as she shook beneath him. 


She clung to him like her life depended on it.  She didn’t want him to move and that feeling of contentment to be gone.  Sooner than she was ready for, he did move off her.  He got rid of the condom and reappeared immediately by her side. 


“Josh?”  She asked as she turned onto her side to look at him.


“Yeah, honey.”  He pulled her closer.


“Nobody has ever looked at me like you’re looking at me right now.  I can’t explain what I’m feeling.”


“You don’t have to.  I know you’re dealing with a lot of shit right now.  I’m here to be whatever you want me to be.”


“God, I wish I didn’t have to go back there at all and deal with him.”  She sighed. 


“You have to.  End it or fix it, whatever you want.”


“You don’t want me to fix it, right?”


“Well, no, of course not, but it’s up to you.  I love you, but you love him.  I can’t compete with that.  This is your life you have to take control of.  If you do stay with him, I’ll be miserable, but I want you to be happy.”


“You’re amazing.  Just hold me, Josh.  I feel safe and happy in your arms.”  She snuggled deeper into her Josh cocoon.



Part 6


Cindy woke refreshed.  She hadn’t slept so well in months.  As she looked at the gorgeous man lying next to her she knew why.  He loved her for her.  Now she knew what that felt like and it was incredible.  She wriggled out of his arms and went to take a shower. 


Under the steaming hot water she planned her day.  Most of her things were in boxes in the garage.  She just needed to put them in her truck.  Where would she go?  She felt a draft.  She turned and JC was standing there watching her.  She blushed slightly.


“Mind if I join you?”  He asked seriously.


“You better.”  She grinned.  He jumped in and pulled her into a fiery kiss.  “Mmmmmm, good morning.” 


“Morning, beautiful.”  He kissed her neck, sucking on the wet skin there. 


“Oooh, I like that.”  She moaned. 


“Good.  Let’s see what else you like.”  He pressed her back against the shower wall and slid a hand down to her center.  He slowly massaged her in all the right places.  It wasn’t long before she was dripping wet with need for him again.  She removed his hand from her and knelt in front of him. 


“Now I wanna see what you like.”  She told him.  His cock jumped when she took it into her wet hands.  She slid them up and down slowly, occasionally brushing across the tip.  He put one hand on the wall and the other on the door of the shower to brace himself. 


When she slid him completely into her mouth in one quick motion he growled, “Lord help me…” She kept one hand on his shaft, pumping him in time with her mouth.  The other hand wandered all over him, teasing his balls, his ass, his thighs.  “Cindy, baby, stop, I’m gonna cum.” 


He pulled her to her feet and pressed her back up against the wall.  He lifted her legs and pressed himself inside her.  “God, you feel so good.”  He panted as their mouths devoured each other.  He pounded into her forcefully, then remembered her comments about Lance.  “You okay, baby, am I hurting you?”


“Don’t…stop…Josh…please…harder!”  She panted.  He did as he was told and slammed into her burning core.  She growled in pleasure, making him work even harder to please her.  “Josh!  Coming!  Oooh!”  She screamed as she reached the heights of pleasure.  He came soon after, murmuring loving words and swearing in between. 


They dried each other off and went to lie down on the bed.  “Josh, I need to ask you something.”


“Anything.”  He twirled wet strands of her hair in his fingers.


“Can I stay here for a couple of days?  I mean, at least until I find somewhere to live.  I want to get my stuff out of Lance’s before he comes home.”


“You can stay here forever if you want.”


“I can’t do that.  I need to find ME out there somewhere before there can be an US, Josh.  Do you understand what I’m saying?”


“Yeah, I know.  Stay here as long as you need to.  And wherever you find YOU, I’ll be there waiting.”



Part 7



                Here I am, so try to forgive me

                I don’t believe in fairy tales.

                Here we are, with nothing but honesty.

                I’ve had enough.  I’m not gonna stay.


When she entered his house a strange feeling came over her.  She went to the stairs to put her overnight bag in their room.  Something just didn’t seem right.  When she entered the bedroom, the bed was unmade. 


“I could swear I made that bed yesterday.”  She said aloud to herself.


“You did.”  She practically jumped out of her skin.  “My question is why the fuck weren’t you here sleeping in it last night?!”


“Lance, you’re home early.” 


“Where the fuck were you, Cindy?”


“If you had called, maybe I would’ve had some dinner ready for you.”


Maybe?  What is going on?  And I did call. I called your cell too.”  His face was red with anger.


“Ooops, I guess I left it here on the charger.  Can we talk now, Lance?”  She didn’t know where this courage to stand up to him was coming from but she liked it. 


“Jesus, this again?  What is it?  You want a job, you want marriage, you want kids, what is it this time?”


“Oh, I’ll have my job, and a marriage, and kids, but not with you.  I’m leaving you, Lance.”  She stared straight into his cold green eyes, never faltering.


You’re leaving me?  Yeah, right.  Whatever.  Cook something.  I’m taking a shower.”  He dismissed her with a wave of his hand and walked into the bathroom.   


She took a deep breath and pulled the letter out of her purse.  She had rewritten it a hundred times.  She knew he wouldn’t talk to her.  He didn’t give a shit about her.  She was just a maid, a slave, a whore to him. 


She put the letter on the bed and left the room.  She sat in the car for a moment after loading up the boxes.  Starting the car, she whispered, “Good-bye, Lance.” 


                I’m sorry for running away like this.

                I’m sorry, I’ve already made my wish.

                But Cinderella’s got to go.

                I’m sorry, just trying to live my life.

                Don’t worry, you’re gonna be alright.

                But Cinderella’s got to go.


Lance wandered into the kitchen after his shower.  He called for Cindy but got no answer.  He frowned and walked back into the bedroom and saw the letter on the bed. 


Lance ~

I knew you wouldn’t listen to what I had to say,

so I wrote it down.  I love you.  I always have,

but I can’t live with you any more.  All I’ve been

to you for the last year or so is your maid, your

slave, your whore, your “Cinderella”.  I no longer

have a life.  Mine just revolves around you. 

That’s not the way a relationship is supposed to

be.  I had forgotten.  I can’t live like that any longer. 

I know now that I can find someone out there who

will love me for what I am.  Someone who will

support me in whatever I choose to do with my life. 


I know you’ve lied to me.  I’m pretty sure you’ve

cheated on me.  I deserve better than you. 


The last dinner I’ll ever cook for you is warming in

the oven.  Enjoy.     


                I’m sorry you couldn’t look beyond yourself to see

                how great we could’ve been together.  Your loss, baby.

                                                                                                ~ Cindy


                You used to say “I want you”.

                You cast me in your spell.

                I did everything you wanted me to

                But now I shout

                I’m free from all your lies.

                I won’t be blind, you see.

                My love it can’t be sacrificed

                I won’t return to me.


The End


Tell Cindy what you thought of this story.