
By:  Cindy


Highway run, into the midnight sun

Wheels go ‘round and ‘round,

You’re on my mind

Restless hearts sleep alone tonight

Sending all my love along the wire


Cindy ~

Hey, baby.  I’m lying in my bunk on the bus thinking of you.  I miss you so much.  It feels like forever since I’ve seen your face…touched your body…made love to you.  God, I miss making love to you. 


I’m listening to the Journey CD you made me.  Put your copy in and listen to “Faithfully.”  That is now officially our song.  It says everything I’m feeling right now.  Sometimes I just want to tell the guys that I quit.  I want to run home to you and never leave again.  Wouldn’t that be heaven on earth?  We could stay in bed for days and only get up to feed our bodies to keep our strength up.  Man, that would be the life, huh?


They say that the road

ain’t no place to start a family

Right down the line it’s been you and me

And lovin’ a music man

Ain’t always what it’s supposed to be

Oh, girl, you stand by me

I’m forever yours…Faithfully


I can’t believe you put up with this type of life just to be with me the little time we have together.  You are perfect.  You could have any man you wanted and it kills me to think of all the propositions you must get while I’m away.  I don’t know what I have that holds your interest, but I hope it never goes away. 


Well, enough of my whining.  I love you…forever…faithfully.  I hope we can take a break soon.  I need you so bad.  I get more and more depressed every minute I’m away from you. 


Yours always



Circus life

Under the big top world

We all need the clowns to make us smile

As he folded the letter and stuck it into the envelope his bunk curtain flew open. 


“Get up pretty boy!”  Chris sang


“Shut up, Chris.”  Lance snapped


“Awwwwwww, is Lancey missing his baby again?”


“Not again…still.  I wanna go home.”  He whined. 


“I know, but not now!  We gotta go!  Songs to sing, people to meet, all that shit.”  Chris dragged him out of his bunk and pushed him down the aisle.  Tons of screaming fans met them in front of the hotel. 


Lance handed his letter to one of the bodyguards. 


“I’m making a run for it.  I can’t deal with the fans right now.  Mail this RIGHT now, okay?”  The other man nodded.  “Thanks, it’s really important.”  He smiled at the huge man and ran towards the lobby. 


Through space and time

Always another show

Wondering where I am

Lost without you


Once in his room, he went immediately to the bed and took out his cellphone. 




“Hey, baby.”


“Lance!  Hey!  Where are you?”  She was thrilled to hear his beautiful voice on the line.


“Um, Milwaukee?”  He guessed.


“You don’t sound too sure!”  Cindy giggled.  He loved the sound of her laughter.  He loved everything about her. 


“I’m not.  The only thing I’m sure of is that I’m here and you’re not.”


“Are you okay, baby?”  Concern filled Cindy’s voice. 


“No.  I miss you so much.  The guys are ready to kill me. I’m such a whiney butt all of the sudden.”  He chuckled and her heart melted.


“I miss you just as much, I assure you.  Just know I love you, okay?  I’m not going anywhere.  I’ll be here whenever you get a free moment.” 


“I love you, Cindy.” 


“I love you, baby.” 


“Damn, I gotta go.  Somebody’s beating on my door.  I’ll call you after the show if you want.  Will you be up?”


“Of course.  Have a great show.  Love you.  Bye.”


“Bye.”  He hit end on his phone and sighed deeply.   “I’m coming!”  He yelled at the annoying person on the other side of his door. 


He opened the door to see Tammi standing there.  “Hey, Lance, long time, no see.”


“Tammi, what are you doing here, and how did you get up here?”  He frowned at her. 


She brushed past him into his room.  “Don’t frown, baby.  Tammi is here to make you feel good.”  She sashayed up to him and put her arms around his neck.  “What?  No kiss for me?”


“No!”  He pushed her away.


“I thought you liked me.  I don’t turn you on anymore?”  she pouted.


“Tammi, you’re beautiful, and sexy, and yeah hot as hell, but no, I can’t go there.  I have a girlfriend.”


“Never stopped you before, as I recall.”  She rubbed against him.


“Not anymore.  I love her.  I will marry her someday.  And I will never cheat on her.  She is my whole life.”  He looked dead into her eyes as he spoke and she had to turn away.


“Okay.  I guess I’ll be going then.”  She picked up her purse and headed for the door.


“Tammi?”  He spoke.  She turned around quickly thinking he changed his mind.


“Yes?”  She waited impatiently to see what he had to say.


“It was good to see you, but you shouldn’t do this to yourself.  You’re a good person.  Find you a good guy to settle down with.”


“Fuck you, Lance.”  She turned and walked out the door, slamming it.


He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.  Only about an hour until time to leave for the venue.  He couldn’t concentrate to do any actual work so he just laid on the bed and thought of Cindy.




After another awesome show the guys were in the van heading back to the hotel. 


“Lance, we have something for you.”  JC said.


“Oh, God, what is it?”  He looked worried. The guys were crazy. 


“Don’t worry, bud, you’re gonna love it!”  Justin handed him an envelope.  He opened it quickly.


“A ticket?  To Mobile?  For today?”  Lance looked at them.


“Go see her.  You’re driving us nuts.”


“But we have stuff tomorrow, I can’t…”  he was cut off.


“GO!  We can do the “stuff” without you!”  Chris grinned. 


“Am I that bad?”  He asked.


“YES!”  They all yelled in unison and he laughed with them. 


“There’s a return flight ticket there for Detroit.  Just meet us there tomorrow.”  Joey pointed out.


“Ya’ll are great.  Thanks.  I really do need to see her.  I can’t function anymore, it’s been too long.”


“We know.”  JC smiled.  “Enjoy your time with her.” 


“She’s wonderful and she deserves to see your stupid ass sometimes, too.”  Chris added.  “Though I don’t know what she sees in you at all.”  He teased him but then patted him on the back. 


And being apart ain’t easy on this love affair

Two strangers learn to fall in love again

I get the joy of rediscovering you

Oh girl, you stand by me

I’m forever yours…Faithfully


He entered her house quietly and snuck into her bedroom.  He stood there, just watching her breathe.  Her auburn hair spilled over the satin pillow.  He had to force himself breathe.  Finally he moved toward the bed and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.  She stirred, but didn’t wake up.  He touched her face gently, not wanting to scare her to death.


“Cindy?”  He whispered.  “Wake up, baby.”  Her eyes fluttered open and a look of horror crossed her face.  “It’s me, baby, it’s Lance.  Don’t be scared.”


“Lance?!  Oh my God!”  She grabbed him around the neck and pulled his mouth to hers.  “Mmmmmmmm.”  She devoured his mouth.  Between kisses she tried to talk.  “You didn’t call…but…this is…better…”


He pulled away to look at her.  “God, you’re beautiful.  After the show tonight the guys gave me a ticket.  Apparently I’m annoying them pining away for you.”


“Well, I owe them big time.  Whatever they want!”  She pulled him to her again and placed soft kisses all over his cheeks, eyelids, forehead, nose.  He breathed in her scent and once again committed it to memory.  He pulled away for a moment to remove his shoes and socks, then laid down next to her. 


“I only have a few hours.  I want to spend them making love to you.”


He kissed her, probing her mouth with slow, smooth strokes of his tongue.  She moaned again.  She tasted so good.  His hand moved to a breast and caressed it through her silk gown.  Her nipple hardened immediately with his touch.  He loved watching her body react to him.  He slid his hand down her side, across her hip, to her thigh where the edge of her gown was.  With a tedious slowness, he pulled the gown up uncovering her body inch by inch.  He licked his lips as each piece of her was revealed.  She sat up and he pulled the gown over her head. 


He laid her back onto the bed gently and sucked on her neck and collarbone.  “Lance…” she sighed. 


“I’m here, baby.”  He breathed onto her nipple before taking it into his mouth.  She tugged on his t-shirt, untucking it from the back of his jeans while he feasted on her nipples, alternating his attention from one to the other.  She managed to get his shirt off so she could massage his back while he worked on her.  She ran her long nails up and down his back causing him to moan against her flesh. 


He moved lower, sucking, kissing and licking all over her stomach.  He slid her panties off and ran his hands up her thighs, slowly pulling them apart.  He kissed all around her center, causing her to squirm with need. 


“Baby, please?”  She grabbed his hair and pushed him closer to her.  He didn’t want to torture her any longer so he snaked out his tongue and brushed it lightly across her clit.  “Oh, God!”  She growled.  Her cries of ecstasy were music to his ears.  It had been so long since he had heard them.  He knew just where to touch her to make her go insane.  His tongue slid into her burning wetness and he lapped up her sweet juices while massaging her clit with his thumb. 


Her grip on his blonde spikes tightened and he knew she was close.  He inserted two fingers into her and began to pump them in and out.  His mouth closed over her clit and sucked it hard. 


“Oh, shit, Lance!”  She panted and her body began to shake.  Her walls tightened around his fingers and he felt her juices flow freely.  He removed his fingers and licked her clean as she came down. 


He moved back up her body, planting soft kisses along the way.  She was still breathing heavily.  When he reached her face, he stared into her eyes.  He knew he couldn’t love anyone more ever again.  “I love you, Cindy.”  He whispered, then claimed her mouth with his. 


Cindy ran her hand across the huge bulge in his jeans and he moaned into her mouth.  She tugged at his belt and managed to get his pants undone with shaky hands.  He broke the kiss and rolled over to get his pants off.  When he returned to her side, she reached out for his cock and gently glided her hands up and down the stiff shaft.  He didn’t need any more foreplay, he was ready to go.  He moved over her and tried to enter her.


“Uh uh.”  She said. 


“Why?”  His lust filled eyes also showed confusion. 


“You tasted me, and I want to taste you.”  She pushed him off her and licked her lips.  As she slid down his body, her long hair tickled a trail across his chest.  She massaged him gently with her hands and didn’t waste any time getting her mouth onto him.   She took him completely into her in one stroke and his sharp intake of breath was all she needed to hear to know she was driving him insane.  She bobbed slowly up and down on him, stroking him with her tongue.  No one had ever made him feel this good.  She had no inhibitions.  She loved him unconditionally.  His heart was ready to burst with all the love he had for this woman.


“Cindy, God, that feels so good.”  He tangled his hands in her beautiful hair.  “I’m gonna…cum…” The grip on her hair tightened.  She slid him as far into her mouth as she could and sucked harder.  “Shit!”  He yelled as he spurted into her mouth.   “Oh, baby…”  He panted.  He pulled her back up his body and kissed her passionately.  “Damn, that was…”


“Good?”  She smiled. 


“Ummmmm, no words to describe it…”  He kissed her again and began rubbing her clit.  She ground herself into his hand. 


It didn’t take him long at all to recover.  He wanted to be inside her so badly.  He rolled over on top of her and slid quickly into her. 


“Mmmmmmmm.”  She moaned as he filled her completely, hitting her cervix. 


“God, I missed being inside you.”  He began to move slowly in and out of her slick hole. 


“Missed…you…baby…”  She breathed between thrusts.  “God, I love you, Lance.”


“Love you.”  His speed increased.  He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment.  He lifted her up onto his lap and held her close to him.  She swiveled her hips and rode him slowly.  They stared into each other’s eyes, bonding their souls in the moment. 


They both felt the need to speed up to quench their burning desires.  He laid back and she bounced on his shaft as fast as she could.  The friction they caused was sending them both over the edge.  He ran his thumb over her clit.  She grunted and somehow increased her speed.  He could feel her walls begin to tighten on him. 


“I’m there, baby, come with me.”  She panted.  He continued to rub her clit and shot his load deep inside her folds as she squealed in delight.  She fell onto his sweat-covered chest in exhaustion. 


“Marry me?”  He said, breaking the silence.  Her head popped up from his chest in shock.




“Marry me, Cindy.  I love you so much.  I don’t ever want to lose you or be with anyone else.  Believe me, I have had opportunites, but I can’t even look at another woman without seeing your face.” 




“You don’t want to marry me.  I understand.  My job sucks.  My life is too much for you.  It’s okay.”


“No.  That’s not what I was going to say.  I was not expecting this at all, but I’m so glad you’re here and that you asked me to marry you.  I have had propositions, too.”  He frowned at the thought.  “Don’t frown.”  She rubbed the wrinkles on his forehead until they softened.  “I love you more than anything in this world.  I know it’s not the perfect situation, with you being who you are.  But I understand all that.  I’m content to have you when I can, sharing moments like this.”


“But?”  He asked.


“There are no ‘buts’.  To marry you would be the most wonderful thing in the world.  I don’t think I’m worthy of you, but I won’t argue.  If you say you love me and want to marry me, who am I to argue?”  She smiled sweetly at him.   


“Was that a ‘yes’?” 


“Yes, baby, yes!”  She hugged him tightly to her.  “I love you, Lance.”


“Oh my God!  We’re getting married!”


They made love again and fell asleep in each other’s arms.  She awoke to her alarm clock at 6:30.  She jumped up but couldn’t move.  Their bodies were intertwined.  She didn’t want him to wake up so early knowing he had a long day ahead.  He woke anyway as she tried to unwind herself from him. 


“Where you going?”  He mumbled. 


“Just turning this alarm off and calling in sick, baby.  What time is your flight out today?”




“Good, get some more sleep.”


“I don’t wanna sleep, I want to see you while I’m here.”  He whined. 


“Baby, we’ve got the rest of our lives together.”


“But I’m here now.  I can sleep on the plane.”  He grabbed at her and pulled her back into bed next to him.  He snuggled close to her.


“I still need to call work.”  She told him. 


“Call later.”  He kissed her shoulder. 




“Sorry about asking you to marry me without the proper ring and everything.”


“Don’t ever be sorry.  I don’t need a ring, I have you!  It was the most wonderful night of my life, okay?”


“Okay.  Mine, too.  Best night of my life.”  He sighed and she watched him drift back off to sleep.  She laid there for quite a while just watching him.  He was hers, all hers.  And he wanted to marry her.  Wow. 


She took him to the airport later that morning and they had an emotional good-bye.  He promised not to wait so long to come see her again.  He didn’t sleep on the plane, either.  He was too excited.  She loved him and wanted to marry him.  Wow. 


The guys were grateful to have the old, even though tired, Lance back.  When he told them of the engagement they all said it was about time.  He thanked them again for giving him the best night of his life.




Cindy checked her mailbox a few days later and frowned at all the bills.  Her face lit up when she saw a letter from Lance.  She ran inside and opened it quickly.


She noticed the date at the top.  This was the day he had called her all depressed.  That was the night he showed up.  She looked through her CD case and found the Journey CD.  She went to cut 4 and “Faithfully” began to play.  She had always loved this song, but he was right, it did have a special meaning for them.  As the song ended, tears filled her eyes.  She sang the last two lines along with them. 


Faithfully…I’m still yours.


I’m forever yours, ever yours…



Lyrics from “Faithfully” by Journey


The End


Tell Cindy what you thought of this story!