Jury Duty

By:  Cindy


“Damn!” I whined.


“What is it?” Erin asked me.


“I got a stinkin’ Jury summons in the mail.”


“What’s the date? It’s not going to interfere with the concert, is it?”


“Shit, I didn’t think of that….um…..no….it’s for April 16th, thank God!” I breathed a sigh of relief.


“Good thing, I’d hate for you to have to skip out on jury duty for NSYNC.” She teased.


“Yeah, me too!” I joked.


We were going to NSYNC’s concert in May and didn’t want anything to get in our way. We had third row seats and couldn’t wait.


I turned my jury notice in to my boss.


“Aw, again!” He said to me. I had been called just a few years before and he had gotten me out of it since we were so busy at work.


“Yeah. Their computer just LOVES my drivers’ license number.”


“Can I get you out of it again?” He asked.


“Well, I think I probably should go this time. Nothing’s really going on here right now so it’ll be fine.”


“Okay.” He said. I really didn’t want to go but I have to do my civic duty and all that nonsense.


My time arrived and I had to get up extra early to make it downtown by 7:45 a.m. That almost killed me. I’m not a morning person.


Of course they made us wait around for hours before putting us in panels and sending us to a courtroom to be chosen. I was in the first panel, so we had to sit on the front row of the benches. When I got settled I looked at the people sitting at the tables. My breath caught in my throat.


The tables weren’t like you see on TV. They were facing the audience. We could see everyone’s faces perfectly. Lance Bass was sitting at the table right in front of me. Ohmigod! Am I sweating? Is it hot in here? We made eye contact. I fidgeted in my seat and crossed my legs.


The judge began to speak and I willed myself to listen to him. He explained that this was an automobile accident case with injuries. Lance was the defendant. Funny I had not heard anything about him being in a wreck. I guess they covered that up pretty well. There was mention of alcohol being involved. ‘Bless his heart’, I thought. No! I can’t do that. I have to be impartial. ‘Yeah, right.’ I told myself.

The plaintiff’s attorney began with a string of boring questions. First we had to stand and tell if we were married or not and what our spouse did for a living. When my turn came, I stood and announced I was single. We made eye contact again. Damn, those eyes.

He went on to ask us if we had State Farm insurance and had to write down the names of everyone who did. He even asked us all if we had ever been in a multiple car accident. Duh, so many people had. He had to know what the accident circumstances were, any injuries, etc. He asked if we had ever been on any juries before. I raised my hand for that one.

“Yes, ma’am?” the attorney asked me.

I stood and said, “Sidney O’Hara. I served on two civil cases, both work-related injury cases.”

“Do you remember the verdicts?” he pried.

“One we found for the plaintiff and I don’t recall the other verdict.” I answered, then sat down and re-crossed my legs. I felt his eyes on me again and I think I visibly blushed.

The questions continued. Finally he was finished and the defense attorney stood up.

”My name is Robert Anderson and I am the defense attorney in this case. First of all, I’d like to ask you all if anyone knows my client, Mr. Lance Bass, on a personal basis, or is related by blood or marriage.” No one raised their hands.

“Mr. Bass is a relatively famous person. Does anyone here know who he is?”

I raised my hand, as did a few others. Most of the people were much older than me and had no clue who he was. I was the only one on the front row so I had to go first. I stood again.

“Yes, Ms. O’Hara?” the attorney said.

‘Wow, he remembered my name.’ I thought to myself.

“I know who he is. I am a fan.” I stated honestly.

“How big a fan? Do you own albums, go to concerts?” he asked.

“Yes, I own all of their albums and have seen them numerous times. I will be seeing them again in May.” God, he smiled at me!

“Will being a fan of his cause you to be impartial in this case? Would you be able to render a ‘guilty’ verdict against him if the evidence pointed that way?”

“I wouldn’t be swayed by knowing who he is.” I answered.

“Thank you, Ms. O’Hara.” I sat back down. A few others knew who he was and answered their questions.

One girl was almost hysterical being in the same room with him. When she was asked the same questions she replied, “I love him and I couldn’t find him guilty of anything!” Everyone laughed, including Lance.

“Well, I think she can be stricken from the jury right now.” The judge said. We all laughed again. “You may leave, Ms. Johnson.” He told her.

“Bye, Lance!” She waved at him. Lance waved good-bye to her.

Finally they sent us on break to decide who to strike. I felt sure I wouldn’t get on this case. I’d get to see him one more time before they got rid of me. They called us back into the courtroom and called out numbers until they were down to their final twelve. I had my purse ready to leave as they called the names. As I suspected, I was not called.

“Thank you, ladies and gentlemen that were not picked. I need you to return to the jury room to be assembled for another case.” We stood and filed out of the room. I turned for one last glimpse before leaving. He was looking and I smiled a small smile. I wished I could stay to hear what happens to him.

More waiting in the jury room. I did get picked for the next case, another auto accident. It was so boring and I couldn’t get my mind off Lance. He was in the courtroom next to mine. I could feel his presence in the building. It was all I could do to listen to the evidence they were giving us.

We didn’t deliberate for very long. It was an open-and-shut case against the defendant. We found him guilty and awarded the damages. The judge told us we were free to go for the afternoon, but had to return in the morning.

There was a huge crowd trying to get into the elevators. There was no way we’d fit into the first one so we waited for the next one to arrive. I was in a daze, staring out the window when the elevator opened. We shuffled in and as I entered, I saw him.


Lance was leaning against the side wall by the floor number panel. His eyes were burning into me. The back of the elevator was full so I turned around right in front of him and stood there. The doors closed and the elevator went down one floor before stopping again. A huge man who must have been 350 pounds walked onto the elevator. We all had to move. I took a step back and my ass grazed the front of his pants. I could hardly breathe but managed to glance around at him and whisper,

“Sorry about that.”

“No problem.” He said into my ear as he wrapped one hand around my stomach and pulled me back onto him. I could feel his excitement through his dress pants. He removed his hand from me for a second to push the third floor button on the panel. I smiled slightly when the hand reappeared moments later.

The elevator continued to creep down, stopping several times. No one else could possibly fit so the doors opened and closed. Finally we reached the third floor and the doors opened again.

“Follow me.” He mouthed as he squeezed around me to get out.

“Excuse me.” I said to the huge man in front of me.

“Sure.” He said back.

I followed Lance into the lobby. No one was around. The sign said this was the domestic relations court floor. He grabbed my hand and led me down the hall.

“Um, where are we going?” I asked as he looked around.

“Good. In here.” He pointed at one of the courtrooms.

“Why?” I questioned. He said nothing, just led me into the courtroom and up to the judge’s bench. “Lance?”

“Well, everyone is at lunch, right?” I nodded. “So…we can be alone here for a little while, at least.”

“And why would we want to do that?” I smirked at him.

“Oh, come on. You know what you were doing to me in there earlier, crossing and uncrossing your legs like that. Thank God they didn’t make me stand up.” He smiled sexily at me and licked his lips.


“Uh huh.” He said as he leaned in to attack my mouth with his. One hand grabbed a handful of my hair and the other my lower back and pressed me to him. His tongue begged for access and I granted it to him.

‘I can’t believe this is happening.’ I thought to myself. ‘We are sooo gonna get caught.’

He broke the kiss and led me up to the judge’s area. He rolled the chair back and lifted me up onto the desktop.

“Lance, what…”

“Shhhhhh, just go with it.” He pushed my knees apart and walked between them. He kissed down my neck and began undoing the buttons on my blouse. I was terrified of being caught, but it was also such a turn on. I knew I didn’t want to be completely naked here. After a few buttons had been undone he reached in and pulled one breast out of my bra. I sighed as he began licking around my nipple. He took me into his mouth and sucked hard. I grabbed his head and pressed it to me and he increased the suction. His hands roamed downward and began sliding my skirt up. He ran a finger up my slit through my panties and I gasped.

“Don’t worry, baby, I’m gonna take care of you.” The next thing I knew, my panties had been ripped off. He pushed me back so that I was lying down on the desk. He licked up my inner thigh and flicked his tongue across my clit.

“Ohmigod!” I squealed. I grabbed for anything I could find to hold onto and knocked the judge’s name sign onto the floor. It crashed to the floor and I jumped at the noise we were making.

“Relax, baby, nobody’s around.” Lance put his lips around my clit and sucked it into his mouth.

“Sweet Jesus!” I moaned. I heard him chuckle. He removed his mouth to look up at me. I grabbed his spiky hair and pushed him back in to finish what he started. “Don’t you dare stop now!” I ordered him. His fingers began working inside me. I was writhing all over the desk, knocking other items to the floor. At this point, I didn’t care anymore. Soon I could feel my release nearing. I silently screamed his name as my juices poured onto his face. He continued to lick me until my spasms subsided.

I sat up, grabbed him by his tie, and pulled him up to me. I sucked his tongue into my mouth and tasted myself on him. I spotted the judge’s chair behind him and hooked the arm with my foot. I pulled it up behind him.

“Sit.” I said.

“Yes, ma’am.” He retorted.

I jumped off the desk and kneeled down in front of him. I made quick work of getting his pants unzipped. I was holding his engorged cock in my hand, just staring at it’s size.

“You like?” He smirked at me.

“Mmmmm hmmmm.” I said as I licked my lips. I wasn’t wasting any time. I took as much of him into my mouth as possible and began to work up and down.

“Shit, baby! What a mouth you’ve got.” He moaned. I continued sucking furiously as I listened to the sounds he was making for me. I felt him harden and braced myself for the explosion. “FUCK!” He yelled as his warm liquid slid down my throat. I wiped my mouth as I slowly stood. He grabbed my hands and pulled me over him. “Wow.” He said as he pulled my face to his. He kissed me so tenderly I melted into a puddle. “Now, get on here and ride me.” He demanded. I looked down and was surprised to see him at full attention already.


“Incredible recovery, Mr. Bass.” I smiled.

“Can’t wait to be inside you.” He grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap. He flung my legs up over the armrests. I raised myself up and slowly slid down onto his huge shaft.

“Oh, God!” I sighed once he was completely inside me.

“Ride it!” He growled. I looked into his eyes and saw the raw need in them. I began moving up and down on him slowly. “Faster!” He told me. I grabbed the back of the chair behind his head and used it as leverage. I slammed down on him then lifted myself up again and again. I just knew we were going to break this chair. He was pinching a nipple with one hand and rubbing my clit with the other. I was in total sensory overload.

“I’m coming again, Lance!” I panted.

“Not yet, you’re not.” He removed his hand from my clit and I screamed inwardly.

“Lance?” I whimpered. He stood with me still on him and sat me back on the edge of the desk. He laid me back again and began pounding into me. He put one of my legs up on his shoulder and ground into me sideways. He was driving me insane.

“Oh…God…Lance…let…me…cum.” I grunted between thrusts.

“Cum with me, baby.” He ground his thumb into my clit and I screamed my orgasm. He followed directly behind me. “Jesus Christ!” He growled.

He didn’t move from inside me but pulled me up to him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him on the throat. I loosened his tie a bit as he was sweating and getting his collar all wet. I planted little kisses and licks on his neck.

“You are one amazing woman.” He said into my ear.

“I know.” I said back, looking up at him sexily.

“And so modest, too.” His eyes widened at my attitude.

“You’re not so bad yourself.” I kissed him softly on the mouth then moved back from him, causing his limp cock to slide out of me. I heard him whimper. I must admit, I was saddened by the loss myself. I started buttoning my blouse and looked around for my panties. They were on top of the court reporter’s steno machine. We giggled. I put them back on and straightened my skirt. I ran a hand through my damp, sweaty hair.

“You look so damn good. That just-fucked glow.” I smiled.

“You too. Too bad you have to go back into the courtroom and look professional now. I’m done for the day.” I teased.

“Shit! What time is it?” He panicked.

“It’s 1:45.”

“Good. I have to be back in there at 2:00, plenty of time to go wash up a bit.” He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I chuckled.

“Well, I’m outta here.” I stated.

“Wait!” He hurried to my side. “I wanna see you again.” His eyes became innocent and longing.

“Sure you do.” I told him.

“I do. I mean, didn’t you enjoy that just now? You sure seemed to be enjoying that.” He reasoned.

“I definitely did.”

“Then why can’t we do it again?” He almost whined.

“Lance, I think that was a one-time thing. It wouldn’t be so good again.” It was all I could do to lie to him like that.

“What?! What do you mean?!” He looked hurt. That’s just great. No way he wanted this to go anywhere.

“It was just a quick fuck for you to let off some stress over this trial. I’m not usually into those, but hey, it was Lance Bass, who am I to say ‘no’.”

“You just did this because of who I am?” Now he really looked hurt.

“Please, stop it with the puppy dog eyes. It’s not like you intended on us living happily ever after after something like this. It was amazing, you’re a hot, hot fuck, but that’s all it was. I gotta go. You don’t wanna be late for trial.” I kissed him one time on the cheek and walked away, not looking back.

I decided not to go to work that afternoon. I went home and took a long, hot bath and put on my spaghetti strap, short gown and robe. I ordered some Chinese take-out and lounged on the cough waiting for it to arrive. I went over and over my escapade with Lance. Damn, should I have told him I’d see him again? I continued to ponder my stupidity when the doorbell rang and brought me back to reality.

I got my money ready to give the delivery guy. I didn’t check the peephole, just opened the door. Instead of the regular delivery guy, Lance was standing at my door holding Chinese take-out.

“What the hell? How did you find me? What are you doing with my food?” I spewed. I looked over his shoulder and saw the delivery guy waving at me. I smiled and waved back, then returned my attention to Lance. “Well, I’m waiting for an answer.” I crossed my arms in front of me.

“I did a bad thing.” He lowered his eyes to the ground. “I got your address from the jury listing. Don’t say anything, I know it was wrong, and illegal, and all that shit. I just had to try again. I’ve been thinking about you all day long….”

I took the bags out of his hands and sat them on the foyer table. He was still in his suit and tie and looking sexy as hell. I walked back over to the door and grabbed him by the tie. I pulled him into the house and closed the door.

The End

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