Just A Fantasy

By:  Cindy

Part 1 

He paced back and forth outside the bedroom. The door was cracked a little and he could see Lara clicking furiously away on her laptop. She was propped against the headboard of their bed. He could tell she was on a roll by the wrinkles evident between her eyebrows. He loved those little wrinkles that appeared when she was deep in thought.  

The clicking stopped. He stopped pacing. 

“Josh?” He shyly stuck his head into the room. “Honey, what are you doing?” 

“Nothing, don’t want to bother you, Sweetheart.” He smiled weakly.  

“And you think pacing outside the door doesn’t bother me?” She giggled.  

He sighed deeply and entered the room. “I’m sorry. I just…” He sat on the edge of the bed.  

“Tell me. Something is definitely bothering you.” Lara closed the laptop and moved to sit next to him.  

“Dunno where to start, really.”  

“Okay, now you’re scaring me, baby.” She moved behind him and began to massage his shoulders. “You know you can tell me anything.”  

“I know. Ahem.” He cleared his throat nervously. “The other night…when we were talking about…um…” 

“Fantasies?” She finished his sentence for him.  

“Yeah.” He stalled again.  

“Oh, Josh, is it bothering you, my fantasy, I mean? You know it’s just a fantasy. I’d never act on it.” She moved back beside him and turned his face to look into his eyes.  

“That’s not what’s bothering me.” He frowned. “Since you told me your fantasy, I’ve thought about it constantly.” 

“You WANT me to do it? You’re turned on? You want to watch?” She fired questions at him.  

“Not exactly.” 

“Josh, honey, tell me.” Lara said impatiently. 

“What if I told you I have my own fantasy?” He looked scared. 

“Okay, tell me.” She held her breath. 

“Your fantasy is to be with Justin…” She nodded. “So is mine.” He blushed and stared down at his hands.  

“Wow.” Lara whispered. 

“You’re really weirded out now, aren’t you?” He looked pitiful. He wished he could take back what he had told her.  

“No. Actually, I was thinking how fucking hot that would be to watch and be a part of.” She licked her lips and looked deeply into his eyes. 

“You never cease to amaze me, Lara. I love you.” He pulled her head to him and kissed her passionately. When he broke the kiss, he breathlessly said, “Now to work on Justin…” 


Part 2 

“Dude, that was hot, J.” JC spoke to Justin from the mixing board. Justin had just finished recording a sexy solo for a song JC wrote.  

“Do I make you horny, baby?” Justin asked in his best British accent. 

‘God, if you only knew…’ JC thought. “Yeah, right. Lara would love that wouldn’t she?” JC dodged. “But seriously, that is so going to have to be on the new album. I’ve never heard you sing like that in all these years.”  

“Awww, shucks.” Justin feigned embarrassment. 

“He’s right, Ju, that was really beautiful.” Chris said, seriously. 

“God, I’ve gotta get outta here. Even Chris is getting all mushy on me!” Justin pulled off his headphones and walked out of the sound booth. “Jayce, let’s go get some lunch.” 

“K, hang on. I need to clean up this track real quick.” JC fiddled with a few knobs and played back the track. Chill bumps covered his arms and legs as he listened to the playback.  

“Wow, I am the shit, aren’t I?” Justin giggled. Chris punched him in the stomach. “Ow!” He whined. “C’mon Jayce.” He tugged on JC’s arm and he finally stood up to leave. 

“We’ll be back later, Chris.” Chris waved at them as they left the studio. They had been recording in Chris’ home studio. He had just added it to his house and had been begging them to come over and try it out. JC put it through all sorts of tests and promised Chris he had definitely gotten his money’s worth on his system. Chris grinned like a Cheshire cat.  

“So, where to?” Justin asked as they climbed into his Porsche. 

“Hmmm?” JC asked. 

“Where do you wanna eat?” He started the car and pulled out onto the street. He clicked through the radio station settings looking for something, JC didn’t know what. 

“Oh, I don’t care. Not really very hungry.” 

“You’ve been preoccupied today. What’s up? Everything okay with Lara?” Justin loved Lara to death. He hoped his two favorite people weren’t having problems. 

“Lara’s great. She’s amazing, but you know that. We’re perfect. Well…almost perfect…” JC stared out at the passing scenery. He had said the last part under his breath but Justin heard him.  

“What do you mean?” 

“Oh, you heard me. Um, nothing. Hey, how about there?” JC pointed at the Chili’s restaurant. 

“Thought you weren’t hungry.” Justin chuckled as he maneuvered into the turn lane. 

“Changed my mind.” JC wiped his sweaty palms on his jean-covered thighs as Justin parked the car.  

They were seated immediately and JC put the menu up in front of his face so he could sigh deeply without Justin seeing him. ‘I can’t fucking do this.’ He thought. He was interrupted by the waitress. She obviously recognized them, but remained calm. For that they were both thankful. They gave her drink orders and she practically skipped away from the table. JC’s eyes met Justin’s as they laughed at her.  

“Jayce, something is definitely different about you today. Spill it. I’m your bestest friend. You can tell me anything.” 

“I don’t think I can tell you this.” He sighed.  

“We’ve been everywhere together, done everything together. What can you not tell me? I know all your deepest, darkest secrets already.” 

“Just decide what you’re having, okay?” JC tried to change the subject.  

“Fine, but this conversation is NOT over.” Justin smiled widely and JC melted.  

‘Food, must decide on food.’ JC chanted to himself. He perused the menu and decided on the fajitas. Justin, being a true Southern boy, chose the country fried steak. A blushing waitress took their orders and left them alone again. 

“Jayce?” Justin started in on him again as soon as the waitress walked away. 

“Just leave it alone, J.” Frustration laced his voice.  

“Can’t. This must be really good stuff. I need to know.”  

“Shit. Um, okay. Here goes.” JC took a deep breath and held it. He let it out slowly and cleared his throat. “You like Lara, right?” 

“Yeah, she’s da bomb, man. You know I love her to death. So this is about her?” 

“Partly.” The sweaty palms were back in full force. “We were talking the other night about stuff.” 


“Yeah, like fantasies and stuff.” 

“Ooooh. I knew this would be good. What did ya’ll do? Is she into kink?” 

“Shut up and listen would ya?” Justin pouted for a half a second then broke into one of his award winning smiles again. 

“She has a thing for you.” JC couldn’t look at him so he stared at his fork intently.  

“ME?! Really?” 


“Shit, so are you about to ask me what I think you’re about to ask me?” JC nodded. “Wow. She wants me and you don’t mind?” He shrugged. 

“Actually, the idea kinda got me…” 

“HOT?” Justin asked, surprised.  


“You wanna watch?”  

Part 3 

They were interrupted by the waitress with their food. JC was glad for the break in this conversation.

“So, everything okay?” The waitress asked. “Can I get you guys anything else?” 

“No, looks good. Thanks.” Justin said quickly, ready for her to move on. 

“Okay, just holler if you need anything at all.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she walked away. Justin chuckled at her again. 

“So?” Justin pried. 

“What? Oh. Do I wanna watch, right?” JC frowned. “How do I answer that?” 

“Well, either you want to watch or you don’t.” Justin said with his mouth full of mashed potatoes. 

“No. Um. I want to…participate.” JC took a big gulp of his Coke, trying to wash away the words he just said.  

“Wow.” Justin whispered. “And Lara’s down with that?” 

“Lara’s very down with it.” JC didn’t know how he was managing to look Justin in the eye. 

“Wow.” He said again.  

“Dude, is that all you can say?” 

“A three-way? Really?” Justin was dumbfounded and loud. 

“You wanna keep it down? No need in letting the WHOLE restaurant in on this.” 

“Sorry, but damn, you really caught me off guard with this one.” 

“I know. And if you’re not into it, I totally understand.” 

“Oh, I’m way into it.” Justin grinned his glowing grin and JC fought back an erection by thinking of his mother. “Have you ever done a three-way, Jayce?” 

“No, you?” Justin shook his head ‘no’.  

“So when do we do this?” Justin looked ready right now. JC knew he was ready right now. He knew he should tell him what he really wanted from Justin, but he just couldn’t.  

“Whenever, man.” JC shrugged nonchalantly, desperately trying to hide his excitement.  

“Tomorrow night?” 

“Great. I’ll tell Lara tonight and we’ll have dinner first, okay?” Justin nodded, his mind wandering to thoughts of what was to come.  

The rest of their lunch they made small talk then headed back to Chris’ to work on some more songs. They never mentioned the plans for the next night again. 


When JC got home, Lara was in the kitchen getting dinner ready. She was at the sink with the water running and didn’t hear him come in. He snuck up behind her and placed his lips softly on the back of her neck as his arms went around her waist.  

“Oh, shit!” She squealed. “Jayce, God, give me a heart attack why don’t you?!” She turned in his arms and put her wet fingers around his neck in a choking motion. “UGH! Don’t ever do that. My heart’s beating out of my chest!”  

“Good, now that you’re already freaking out, let me add something else.” He grinned evilly at her. His blue eyes sparkled. 

“You talked to Justin didn’t you?” Panic laced her voice. 

“Yep. He’s all for it.” 

“He is? Wow.” She suddenly was extremely nervous.  

“That’s what he kept saying. Wow. There’s one thing, though.” She looked at him questioningly. “I told him I wanted to participate, but not that I wanted to actually BE with him. I just couldn’t.” 

“So what happens now?” 

“He’s coming over tomorrow night for dinner and…dessert.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.  

“Oh my God. Tomorrow? So soon? What’ll I wear? And I have to cook dinner, too? God, Jayce, are you trying to kill me here?” 

“I’ll pick up dinner on the way home. What would you like?” 

“Shit, I don’t know. I’m going to have sex with Justin tomorrow night and you’re asking me what I want for dinner?! Like I’ll be able to fucking eat!” 

“Hopefully I’m going to have sex with him, too.” JC mumbled.  

“I hope so, honey, cuz that’s gonna be so fucking hot.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Are you really sure about this? I don’t want anything to come between us.” 

“You’re not going to fuck him and decide you don’t want me anymore are you?” JC asked her.  

“No. You’re not going to fuck him and decide you don’t want me anymore are you?” She giggled.  

“Doubtful, but you never know, do you?” 

“Fuck you!” She slapped his face softly and went back to the sink.  

He walked up behind her and grabbed her breasts. He pinched them gently then moved his hands down her stomach. 

“What are you doing?” She sang. 

“Fucking you?” He growled into her ear. 

“What about dinner?” She whispered as his hands reached her center. 

“I just want to eat you.” He bit down on her neck. She quickly shut off the water and turned off the burners on the stove before grabbing his hand and running toward the bedroom.  

Part 4

The next day it was business as usual at Chris’ home studio. Justin and JC completely skirted the issue of the upcoming evening’s events. Chris thought they were acting a little strange, but who was he to judge strange. He shrugged it off and went about his business.  

Lara got absolutely nothing done all day. Her boss caught her daydreaming too many times to count. At around 3:00 he confronted her. 

“Look, Lara, obviously something’s going on with you. You’re not getting anything accomplished. Why don’t you just call it a day, huh?” He smiled at her. She was so thankful to have a cool boss.  

“I’m okay, really. Anything I can do for you?” She asked, trying to keep her mind off Justin and JC.  

“You can get the hell outta here. I hope you come back tomorrow with your head on straight.” 

“Don’t count on it, Bob.” She winked at him as she grabbed her purse and sprinted to the time clock. “See you tomorrow…maybe!” She waved over her shoulder and ran out the door before he could change his mind.  

Lara went straight home and looked over the house critically. She fluffed pillows on the sofas and dusted the coffee table.  

“What am I doing? It’s just Justin. Like he’d notice I dusted.” She blew the hair from her eyes. “Bath. Long, hot, bubble bath. That’s what I need.” She ran upstairs and entered her bedroom. She had almost forgotten to put the candles out. When she finished strategically placing them around the room there were about 40 of them. “Justin and JC by candlelight. Doesn’t get any better than this.” She giggled.  

The phone rang as she was running her bath water. Lara answered the bathroom extension. 


“Hey, baby, what are you doing home? You’re not sick are you?” JC sounded concerned. Lara wondered if it was for her health or the thought of having to scrap tonight if she was sick. She laughed inwardly.  

“Bob said I was useless so he sent me home.” She giggled. “So now I’m filling up the tub and I’m going to soak in some smell good stuff for a while.” 

“Mmmmm, wish I was there. We’re really on a roll here. Got a great tune in the works. We’re hoping to finish it today before we leave.” 

“Don’t make me wait too long. I’m already chomping at the bit here.” 

“Me too, baby, me too. Don’t worry, we’ll leave here by 5:00 whether we’re finished or not.” 

“Okay, well, I’ll see you soon. Don’t forget dinner, not that I’ll be eating.” 

“You’ll be needing your strength, baby doll.” JC’s voice dripped with sex.  

“Ugh! Don’t do that, Jayce. Not on the phone when I can’t have you.” 

“Just getting you revved up for tonight. See you soon. Love you.” He sang the last two words.  

“Love you, honey.” She sighed deeply and stepped into the massive garden tub. The water was scalding. She sank deep into it and laid back to relax. Relaxing wasn’t really an option with the visuals that were running through her head. She decided to bathe, shave, and exfoliate. She got out of the tub and dried off. She had just enough time to paint her fingernails and toenails and throw on a small hint of makeup. Lara was never one for a lot of makeup. JC loved that about her. She was naturally beautiful and didn’t need much to accentuate that beauty.  

She was running the brush through her hair one last time when she heard the door open downstairs. Her heart skipped a beat. She knew it was probably only JC, but the thought of Justin arriving soon had her stomach doing back flips.  

Lara made her way downstairs and was met with the scent of Chinese food. JC was setting the boxes of take-out on the dining room table. He froze when he looked up and saw her. 

“Damn, you never look that good just for me.” He mumbled.  

“Excuse me? I look this good every day for you.” She sauntered over to him and kissed him passionately. “Have a nice day at work today, honey?” She teased. 

“Yeah, I got to look at him and listen to that voice of his all day long.” He dished it right back to her.  

“Jerk.” She pinched his ass and he yelped. 

“I’m gonna go take a quick shower. He should be here any time now. Don’t get started without me.” He winked at her and ran up the stairs two at a time.  

Lara picked up a magazine and thumbed through it trying to occupy her time. She was a bundle of nerves. She finally gave up on the magazine. Was that a car door? Were those headlights? She was going nuts. Wine. Wine would be good. She went to the kitchen to pour a glass of wine and as she walked back into the den the doorbell rang. She almost dropped the crystal stem. “Shit! Calm down, Lara!” She whispered to herself.  

There he was at the front door. Justin. Fucking Justin Timberlake. She’d seen him a million times before. This time was different. He was looking at her in a very different way this time. She realized she was kind of staring at him and stepped aside for him to enter the house.  

“Hey, Lara.” He awkwardly bent to kiss her lips. They always exchanged a kiss on the lips when they saw each other. This time was different. Apprehension. Nerves. Sexual tension. They were all present. “You look beautiful.” He said softly. 

“Thank you, so do you.” She smiled up at him then her eyes wandered all the way down and back up his long, lean body. He wore black jeans and a simple royal blue long-sleeved henley t-shirt. It made his eyes practically glow. He had the sleeves pushed up just below his elbows. Lara was dying to run her hands across his strong, hairy forearms.  

“Jayce home yet?” He broke the silence. 

“Yeah, he’s up in the shower. He should be down in a minute. You want some wine or a beer?” She picked up her wine glass and took a big gulp of the red liquid.  

“Beer, yeah, that’d be great, thanks.” He walked over to the couch and sat down. He couldn’t stop his leg from bouncing. He felt like Chris, unable to sit still for two seconds. Lara reappeared with his beer and they sat in a painful silence until JC appeared.  

“Hey, man. Glad you made it. Ya’ll ready to eat?” ‘Why was he so calm?’ Lara thought.  

They moved into the dining room and helped their plates. Lara put a little bit of food on her plate but knew she wouldn’t be able to eat. Justin and JC both filled their plates full. JC pretended to eat as he watched Justin twirl his Lo Mein noodles on his fork. Justin was the only one who seemed unfazed by what was about to happen.  

For Lara, dinner was a blur. She watched Justin. She watched JC watching Justin. She watched Justin some more. Did Justin see JC watching him? She wasn’t sure. How could he not see the lust and the need in JC’s eyes? Finally it seemed that Justin had stopped eating.  

“Can I get you anything else, Justin?” Lara asked calmly.  

“Dessert?” He licked his lips and looked at her in a way that made her insides quiver.  

“I think that can be arranged.” She stood and walked over to where he sat. She traced her fingers up his neck and over his jawbone. When her fingers reached his chin she lifted up his face and claimed his mouth with hers. His lips were soft and tasted of soy sauce. Something about that added saltiness turned Lara on immensely. She licked across his lips to taste more of him. He snaked out his tongue and licked her lips as well. Their hot tongues met in the middle and began their dance. Lara let out a soft moan and Justin reached out to touch her hips as she stood over him. She removed her lips from his and took his hands from her hips. She pulled him up from the chair and began walking toward the stairs. She held one hand out to JC. He stood and took her hand. She led them up the stairs to the bedroom. When she opened the door her breath caught in her throat. JC had lit all the candles. The room was bathed in the most incredible light. Lara looked at JC. The flames were reflecting in his eyes and Lara had never seen such a hunger in them.  

“Jayce?” Justin whispered nervously. 

“Yeah, J?” 

“You sure about this, man? We can still stop.” 

“I’m good. Lara?” He looked down at her standing between them.  

“I’m ready. Let’s do this.” She kissed JC and turned to Justin.  

Part 5 

Lara put her hand on Justin’s chest, walking him backwards to the bed. He kicked off his shoes and crawled onto the bed on his knees. Lara followed him on her knees onto the middle of the bed. JC took a seat on the edge of the bed and watched intently as tongues swirled around each other. They licked and sucked each other’s skin feverishly.  

JC could no longer sit idly by. He wanted a piece of the action. He was aching to touch Justin’s perfect body. ‘How would he react to that?’ he thought to himself. ‘Only one way to find out.’ He got off the bed and walked over behind where Lara was kneeling on it. Lara had pulled Justin’s shirt out of his jeans and was running her fingers around the waistband of the jeans, igniting little fires along the way. JC reached a hand around Lara and lightly grazed the stubble on Justin’s head.  

Justin visibly jumped. He knew where Lara’s hands were. He broke the kiss with Lara and met JC’s eyes behind her. There was no mistaking the look in JC’s blue eyes. Justin swallowed hard. Lara had moved to nibble on his neck so he was basically face to face with JC. Justin licked his lips and JC decided he had to taste him. He moved forward, holding his breath.  

‘Damn, Justin licked those pouty lips again. Did he just move toward me? Oh, God, he did!’ JC screamed inside. Justin leaned into Lara, meeting JC halfway. When their lips met, both of them moaned. Justin was the first to lick across JC’s lips. JC’s eyes flew open. He saw that Justin’s eyes were closed and that his tongue was snaking out to taste him. He eagerly obliged and opened his mouth. It was a lot different than kissing Lara, JC decided. His mind was reeling and he didn’t know how he was managing to analyze this kiss. He couldn’t shut it off. Lara? JC just remembered she was there, too. He broke the kiss and looked down at her. She had stopped licking on Justin as soon as she realized what was happening.  

“Sorry, honey, I know this is about your fantasy tonight.” JC whispered, kissing her softly. She bit her lip and looked back and forth between them. Justin had a look of sheer lust on his face, but he was looking at JC, not at her.  

“It’s okay, Jayce, that was so hot. I have to admit, this was another fantasy of mine. Kiss him again, please.” JC looked at Justin for his approval.  

“Yeah, it was hot, Jayce. Kiss me again.” Justin grabbed the back of JC’s head and pulled him onto the bed in a heated kiss. Justin tumbled backward and JC ended up on all-fours, hovering over him.  

“Shit, J, wasn’t sure if you’d be up for this. I thought I might have to beg a little.” JC smirked.  

“I’ve always wanted to do this, Jayce. Begging is optional.” He grabbed JC by the hips and pulled him down onto his body. Their long legs intertwined as they caressed each other’s bodies.  

Lara was beginning to feel a little left out as they groped each other. She laid down beside Justin and took one of his hands off JC. She slid his index finger into her mouth and began to suck it slowly. He groaned and stopped kissing JC to look at her.  

“Oh, baby, yeah.” He slid another finger into her mouth and looked at JC. He took the hint and slid his finger into her mouth as well. She pulled their fingers out of her mouth and looked at JC.  

“Honey, I think Justin has on too many clothes. What do you think?”  

“You’re so right, baby.” JC slid off Justin. He could see the outline of his hard cock through the tight jeans. He couldn’t resist running a hand across the bulge and Justin breathed in through his teeth.  

Lara lifted his shirt slowly, uncovering his perfect abs inch by inch. She licked a patch of skin here and there as it was unveiled. JC was busy with Justin’s belt and zipper. He had seen Justin naked a million times and knew what a sight he was to behold. This time was different, though. Lara completely removed the shirt while JC slid the jeans off. This time, Lara ran her hand across the front of his black boxer briefs. She scratched down Justin’s sides with her fingernails, bringing them to rest just inside the waistband of the briefs. She slid them down to uncover his dripping cock. She took it gently into her hand at the base and flicked her tongue across the head, catching his juices. She pumped him a couple of times and looked over at JC questioningly.  

“Yeah, JC, please.” Justin begged. JC wasn’t about to argue. He slid his tongue up the shaft and across the tip slowly. Justin’s cock jumped involuntarily as he watched his best friend lick him. “Holy fuck, Jayce.”  

“J, you taste good, man.” JC breathed against him before licking him again. He sucked up and down one side of Justin’s cock as Lara did the same thing on the other side. Their lips and tongues would make contact occasionally. Justin was fisting a handful of both of their hair as they teased him mercilessly.  

“Somebody suck me hard, now!” Justin finally growled. Lara deep throated him immediately. “Fuck yeah! Jayce, you, too.” He pulled Lara off him and JC replaced her. He didn’t take him in as far. He wasn’t really sure what to do but he knew what felt good on him, so he figured he had a working knowledge of the blow job. He was getting no complaints from Justin. He was thrusting up into his mouth forcefully.  

“Save some for me.” Lara said as she watched Justin’s face contort. She knew it wouldn’t be long. When JC felt Justin coming, he removed his mouth. He and Lara both jacked him off as he spurted his cum into the air. They fought for spots on his skin to lick it off of.  

“Holy shit. You two are amazing.” Justin panted.  

“You ain’t seen nothing yet, J.” JC told him. He leaned over to kiss Lara’s swollen lips. “Baby, I think it’s your turn.” Lara’s eyes lit up as she crawled between them on the bed.  

“Both of you need to be naked.” Justin told them. They undressed Lara and then Justin helped Lara undress JC. Arms and legs were everywhere as the two men began to plant kisses and light touches all over Lara’s body. 

Part 6 

Lara took turns looking at them as they slowly tortured her body. She had never been so turned on in her life. Then, as if on cue, they each took a nipple in their mouths and sucked her. 

“Holy shit!” She squealed. She put a hand on the back of both of their heads and pressed them to her. “Oh, yeah.” She writhed between them.  

They must have been sharing some sort of cosmic connection because JC and Justin slid their hands down to her wet mound simultaneously. She spread her legs eagerly for them, draping one over JC’s legs and the other over Justin’s. Justin played with her clit and JC ventured further down and slid a finger inside her. The dual stimulation was incredible. Justin lifted his head from her chest and kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth as far as it would reach. Lara sucked on it like it was her lifeline. JC added another finger and she ground herself into his hand. Justin slid a finger inside her, joining JC in her hot core.  

“Fuck! I need one of you in me right now!”  

“Baby, whatever you want.” Justin said into her ear. He looked at JC as if he was asking permission. JC nodded and withdrew his fingers from her. Justin grabbed his hand and licked her juices off his fingers.  

Justin crawled to the edge of the bed looking for his pants. He found them and dug for a condom. JC sat up and took it from him. 

“Let me.” The look that passed between them almost made Lara come right there. JC gently rolled the condom onto Justin’s raging hard on. He kissed Justin hard on the mouth then moved aside. Justin looked down at Lara and smirked. She ran her foot up his thigh, then up his side. He gave a primordial growl and lowered himself onto her body. His throbbing cock pressed against her. 

“Justin…please.” She grabbed his ass and dug her fingernails into it, pulling him to her. He slid quickly in, surrounded by her wetness. “Oh, God, Jus…tin” she panted as he pounded into her. JC sat beside them, stroking himself. Justin watched him intently as he rode her hard. JC’s piercing blue eyes watched Justin’s face.  

“Don’t…don’t cum, JC.” Justin told him. 

“I need to, man.” JC whined.  

“I want you to fuck me, Jayce. Don’t waste it.” JC’s hand stopped moving across his erection. He blinked a few times, wondering if he heard Justin right. “You heard me right.” Justin said, as if he could read his mind.  

“O…kay.” JC managed. He looked down at Lara’s passion-filled face. ‘God, don’t forget she’s here, man’, he thought to himself.  

He ran his hand between them and stroked her clit. Her head thrashed back and forth as an orgasm immediately overtook her body. Justin moaned as her body clamped down around him. He slammed into her as she continued to convulse below him.  

“Lara, damn.” Justin grunted. “Coming…” He exploded with a growl. “Fuck! Lara, mmmm, so good, baby.” He fell onto her and kissed her mouth and neck. He rolled off her toward JC. He had his back to him and felt his hard cock against his ass. He pressed his ass against JC and there was an audible moan from his best friend.  

“Thank you, Justin.” Lara’s eyes were half-closed by passion’s aftermath.  

“No, thank you. Both of you.” He kissed her again, then turned around to kiss JC.  

Part 7 

“Will you fuck me, Jayce? I want to know what it’s like being with somebody like that. Being with you like that.”  

“I want that, too, J. I’ve never done this before though.” 

“I’ll handle this.” Lara scooted away from Justin’s warmth and opened the night stand drawer. She pulled out another condom and some lubricant. Justin rolled onto his back and looked at JC, puzzled.  

“She loves gay porn. I’ve never really watched it with her but it really gets her going. Seeing it live and in person is gonna drive her to pure bliss.”  

“Who woulda known?” He whispered. Justin was amazed by this woman’s take on human sexuality. Why couldn’t he find a woman as open-minded as this? Britney was the ice queen. He was glad that was over.  

“Okay, baby, you ready for this?” She looked down on Justin’s exquisite body. 

“Yeah, I think so.” He looked at JC. 

“Anytime you want to stop, you tell me, okay? I don’t want to hurt you.” Justin nodded. 

“And it will hurt, J. Just don’t tense up. Try to relax and go with the feeling.” Lara told him. JC was harder than Lara had ever felt him as she slid the condom on his cock. She knew that if she analyzed that she should be jealous but this was too hot of a situation to let that happen. She poured the lubricant over the condom and coated him completely. She took JC’s hand and poured some lube on his fingers. JC teased Justin’s ass with a finger and he visibly tightened, not used to being touched there.  

“Relax, J.” JC whispered calmly. He inserted a finger into the tight hole. Justin tensed again, but JC continued, sliding his finger out, then back in slowly. He felt him relax and picked up the speed of his finger. Justin began to move around, pressing down toward JC’s finger. JC took that as a good sign and added another finger to the equation. Justin moaned. “Feel good, J?” JC asked him. 

“Oh, God, Jayce, you have no idea.”  

“You can show me later.” Justin nodded. 

“Absolutely. You’ve gotta feel this.”  

“I think he’s ready, baby.” Lara said. JC looked up at her. “It’ll be fine. You can do this. You want this, right?” 

“Oh, yeah.”  

“I second that emotion. C’mon Jayce, fuck me.” Justin growled. His blue eyes had become about three shades darker. “Where do you want me?” Justin asked.  

“Uh…” JC looked at Lara.  

“On his back like this will work. You can see each other’s faces this way. You know the other way, all you’ll see is the back of his head.” 

“I wanna see his face.” They said in unison. They both smiled and Lara moaned.  

JC positioned himself between Justin’s legs. Lara took one of his legs and put it up on JC’s shoulder. JC pressed himself against Justin’s opening. He tensed. 

“Remember to relax, Justin.” Lara’s voice was soothing. She stroked his cock, hoping to take his mind of the pain that was coming. She nodded at JC and he slid slowly inside. Once his head was inside, he stopped due to the grimace on Justin’s face. A few seconds later the frown faded and Justin moved a little. 

“More, Jayce.” JC moved deeper into him. He was overwhelmed by the tightness and the incredible feeling of being inside Justin Timberlake. Once he was completely sheathed in Justin, he stopped. “Jayce, fuck me, baby.” JC didn’t need to be prodded further. He began a slow pace in and out of Justin’s ass. He gripped tightly on Justin’s hips as he moved all the way in and all the way back out. He pressed harder and harder the more he thrust into him. Justin let out a scream when JC hit his hot spot. “Fuck! JC. Jesus!” JC was pounding into him now, slamming into his spot over and over. Lara was in awe as these two beautiful men fucked in front of her. JC was ready to explode.  

“I’ve gotta cum, J, can’t stop it.” He panted.  

“Cum, JC, cum in me.” JC slammed into him once more, then he came harder than he ever had before.  

“Holy Shit, J!” JC screamed. He pulled out and discarded the condom. Justin was still hard.  

“Jayce, I’ve gotta fuck you like that. You won’t believe how it feels.” He reached in the drawer to retrieve another condom. JC’s knees were weak. He fell onto his back to catch his breath.  

“Gimme a second, k?” Justin nodded but was lubing up his cock.  

“Roll over, Jayce.” JC was still panting, but quickly got up on all fours, facing Lara who was leaning against the headboard.  

“Love you, baby.” He said to her. Just then, Justin inserted a finger into his ass and his eyes closed in pleasure. When they opened, Lara was playing with her clit in front of him. “Come here, baby.” JC told her. She slid down to him and he licked at her clit as Justin finger fucked is ass.  

“You ready?” Justin asked eagerly. JC lifted his head from Lara’s pussy to nod. Justin slid in slowly but JC pushed his ass back onto him, begging for more. Justin obliged and was fully inside JC.  

“Oh my God.” JC said. “Go, Justin, fuck me.”  

“Oh, Jayce, this is so fucking good. Suck Lara for me, baby.” JC lowered his head again and devoured Lara’s hot pussy. She came quickly from the oral and visual stimulation. JC lapped up her juices as Justin pounded away in him, slamming into his hot spot. He didn’t know how, but he was hard again. Justin began to groan and shot his load into the condom. He pulled out and discarded it. When he saw JC’s hard cock he pushed him onto his back and took it into his mouth. Lara kissed JC’s lips as Justin sucked him off. When Justin slid his fingers back into JC’s ass, he came forcefully into his mouth. “Mmmmmm.” Justin drank him down.  

“God, Justin, shit. Where’d you learn to suck dick like that?” 

“Must be a natural.” Justin grinned as he licked JC’s juices off his lips. 

“Must be. You’re good at everything else.” He chuckled. Justin crawled up his body and kissed him softly. Then he leaned over Lara and kissed her. She pulled him down between them and they fell asleep, limbs intertwined.  

The End

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