Last Call

By:  Cindy

The bass pounded through my chest as I watched people on the dance floor. It was my first night bartending at Paradise. The club was well established in Orlando and I knew I stood to make lots of money here. I’ve been bartending for about fifteen years and had seen it all and heard it all. Nothing surprises me anymore.

I was sort of a wallflower, really. I was comfortable behind the bar, not on the other side getting asked to dance. This was my safety zone. Not that I didn’t get hit on ALL the time by the bar’s patrons. I did. My sharp tongue usually turned them off immediately. It was my defense mechanism to keep people at arms length. I guess it worked pretty good. I had not had a date in years. And I didn’t want one, either. I had been hurt one too many times so I just removed myself from the equation.

The bar was jumping and I was busy keeping up with the drink orders.

“What’ll you have?” I asked the next guy in line without even making eye contact.

“Cosmopolitan, please.” Was the answer. The voice was so deep I had to look up at him. The green eyes that met mine were incredible. I almost lost myself but recovered quickly.

“Ooooh, classy drink.” I smiled and walked away to fix it for him. I took his drink back to him. “$4.50.” I said. He handed me a ten dollar bill and I turned to get him change.

“Keep it.” He said and smiled. Beautiful teeth, too. Hmmmmmm.

“That’s a big tip.” I said to him. “You can get another whole drink with that.”

“It’s okay, I’m only gonna buy this one drink.” He held it up to toast me and took a sip before turning and walking away.

‘Hmmmmmmmm.’ I thought. ‘That was different. Too bad he only gets one or I’d make some money off him.’ I tried to get my mind and my eyes off him and get back to work. It didn’t happen. He was on the dance floor all night with, I swear, every hootchie in the place. I also saw a drink in his hand all night. I figured out eventually that the women were buying his drinks. For a drink he’d dance with them. Quite a little system he had going on here.

At about 2 a.m. I saw him leave with one of the girls. Now that the show was over I began cleaning up the bar for close at 3.

The club had a lot of regulars and we all got to know each other. Well, as much as I’ll let anyone get to know me. That guy from my first night was a regular, too. Not every weekend, though. Maybe he traveled for a living or something. I didn’t know much about him, not even his name. Every time he came in, he ordered one drink, always from me, with that killer smile. Then he danced all night, only to leave with a different chick. He was going through them like wildfire. I was amazed. Most of those girls were regulars and knew what he was doing. They didn’t care. They all seemed to want to be next in line.

One night I was on break and in the restroom. I heard a couple of the girls chatting while they touched up their makeup.

“Damn, he’s so hot. It better be my turn soon! God, I hope I get a turn!” One of them said. I knew immediately who she was talking about.

“Girl, you don’t know what you’re missing. I’ve never had done to me what he did to me!” The other girl gushed. “He is a pro, that’s for sure. I just wish he’d do me again. He’s never gone back for seconds as far as I can tell.”

I walked out of the stall and over to wash my hands. “Oh, hey, Erin.” They said in unison.

“Hi, girls.” I smiled back.

“So, Erin, have you had a turn with him?” One of them asked me.

“No, of course not!” I told them.

“You don’t want a turn?” The other asked, completely confused that I wouldn’t want to.

“Well, no. I’m not really into one-nighters and that’s what he seems to want. Maybe I’m not his type. Doesn’t matter, though. I have a question for ya’ll, though.” I turned to face them. “What’s so great about this guy that ya’ll are falling all over each other to get with him?”

“You’re kidding, right?!” They both said.

“Oooh, in stereo!” I giggled. “But I’m not kidding. Don’t ya’ll care more about yourselves than that?”

“You don’t know who he is, do you?” I shook my head no. “That’s Lance Bass out there!” I stared at them blankly. “Lance of *NSYNC...hottest boyband in the world...BYE BYE BYE...You really didn’t know did you?” Their eyes were as big as saucers.

“I don’t really keep up with celebrities and musicians. I know that song cuz they play it in here. That’s as far as my knowledge goes.” I stated.

“Wow. He’d probably love to know that you didn’t know who he is. Stars eat that shit up!” She grinned. “We can probably get you a hook up easy.”

“No! No thank you. I don’t need any hook up! I’m just fine.” I was getting worried. A man is the last thing I needed right now. Especially one like that.

“You’re nuts! He is amazing! I can’t count how many times he made me come.”

“Okay, TMI girls. Time for me to go back to work.” I covered my ears and headed out of the bathroom. I hustled back to the bar. On the way I spotted him. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back and quickly broke eye contact.

It was so busy I lost track of everything else going on in the bar. When I finally slowed down around 2:30 a.m. I scanned the bar and he was gone. The two girls from earlier were gone as well. I couldn’t help but wonder if the other one got her turn tonight.

“You sure I don’t need to stay with you, Erin?” Todd asked me.

“Nah, I’m almost through. Go ahead. I’m leaving in a second. See you tomorrow.” I told him. Everyone left but me and I finished cleaning up.

I walked toward my car after locking up the club. I heard thunder in the distance and it was hot and muggy. I pushed the button to unlock my Mustang. When I reached down to open the door I heard a deep voice...

“A beautiful lady really shouldn’t be walking around by herself in the middle of the night.” I jumped and whipped my head around. It was him. Lance. I still didn’t know him from Adam so I quickly tried to get into the car. He grabbed the door and held it open.

I was terrified. “Wh...what do you want?” I barely got the words out of my mouth when his mouth closed over mine. I pushed on his chest to no avail. When he finally broke the kiss I tried to scream. He put his hand over my mouth. I was no match for him and the fear was intense.

“I’m not here to hurt you, Erin. I’ll leave right now if you want me to. I just want you.” His eyes burned into mine.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve, Lance Bass!” I yelled at him. “You always go around scaring the shit out of women?! Is that how you get your thrills?!” I pushed him away from me and started to get in my car.

“I’m sorry.” He was looking at the ground.

“Yeah, sure. Look, I’m not fooled by you. I know what you do here every night. I’m not an idiot! I don’t wanna be a part of your little game.” I stood with my arms crossed, frowning at him. Damn, he was beautiful, though...

“This isn’t a game.” He said. I rolled my eyes. Was it getting hot out here or was it just me? He walked toward me and I just stood there. He leaned down and claimed my mouth with his again. I was Jell-O.

‘How can this man make me feel this way? I can’t stand his type.’ I tried to keep my mind off his lips on mine. He licked across my lower lip trying to gain access to my mouth. Involuntarily I parted my lips and let him in. When his tongue touched mine I was lost. My whole body was on fire.

I felt raindrops begin to fall on us. Just a peppering shower but it turned me on to no end. Lance had moved his mouth to my neck as I held his head to me. When he realized it was raining he pulled away from me. I was wearing a low cut tank. The rain hit my chest and dripped between my breasts. He looked down at them and licked his lips. He bent down and starting at my cleavage ran his tongue up my chest to my neck then back over to my mouth. I felt as if my skin was being burned everywhere his tongue touched me.

I felt myself being moved, but was too out of it to wonder where I was going. I figured it out soon enough when he laid me down on the hood of my car. He pulled my knees up and settled down between them. He never broke the kiss. His hands roamed my body and gently pulled my now wet tank up over my head. He pinched the front hook on my bra and released my breasts. The rain was coming down harder now and it tickled my uncovered chest. He ran his hands across my nipples and they stood at attention for him. He grinned and took one bud into his mouth. Damn! Between the rain practically stinging my hot skin and his mouth working it’s wonders I was going insane. He continued to rub his hands over my other breast, stomach and sides. His wet hands sliding easily over my skin.

He began to work his way down my body. I felt my mini skirt sliding up my thighs. It was soon around my waist. Lance licked the inside of my knee and up my thigh. Before I knew it my panties had been ripped from my body. I let out a shriek and he grinned evilly.

“You like that, Erin?” I only nodded. I couldn’t speak. He ran a finger up my slit then put it in his mouth. “Mmmmmm, sweet as sugar.” He moaned. He stood back to take me all in, lying there on the hood of my car. The rain was pouring down now. He watched it drip down between my legs and mix with my juices. “Damn, woman, you are so sexy.”

Just his words caused me to writhe on the hood. I couldn’t stand the fact that he wasn’t touching me. I sat up and grabbed the front of his shirt. I ripped the buttons off and slid the wet material off his body. It was my turn to watch the rain cascade down his chest. I licked up the middle of his chest and he moaned. I continued licking until I reached his adam’s apple and stopped to suck on it. He moaned again and I could feel the vibrations through my entire body.

He pushed me back onto the hood and lowered his head to my center. No teasing, he went straight for my clit. He sucked it into his mouth and rubbed his tongue back and forth over it.

“Oh...My...God!!” I screamed. My words only made him suck harder. He inserted two fingers into me and began sliding them in and out of me. It didn’t take long for me to reach the pinnacle. He did amazing things with his mouth. He pulled his fingers out of me while I was still spasming. It was raining so hard I couldn’t really open my eyes. I didn’t see him drop his pants but felt the head of his dick rub across my clit.

“Uhhhhhh.” I moaned. “Don’t tease.” I heard him chuckle then he entered me so fast I gasped for breath. “Oooh, so good.” I panted. He was slamming into me so hard I was sliding all over the car. I couldn’t get any traction. He held tight to my hips to steady me. I was oblivious to the thunder and lightning crashing all around us.

He pulled me up to a sitting position and continued to pound into me while he sucked on my neck. His hands were tangled in my wet hair. I heard his breathing quicken and knew he was near the edge. He reached between us and massaged my clit.

“God! Lance!” I screamed as I came.

“Mmmmmm, Erin!” He growled as he came soon after me. He pulled me close into a hug and stayed inside me. “You are so fucking hot.” He breathed in my ear.

“Yeah, unfortunately so are you.” I breathed back.

“Hey!” He looked into my eyes and I felt like he could see my soul. Suddenly he pulled me off the hood and led me over to the door. He opened it and climbed into the driver’s seat. He pushed the seat all the way back and reclined the seat.

“Climb on.” He ordered. Electric shocks ran through my body at his forcefulness. I straddled his hips and pulled the door closed. He was hard as a rock again. I lowered myself onto his huge erection.

“Now, this is more like it.” I said to him. I began slowly sliding up and down on him, moving my hips around. I was turned on immensely by watching the effect I was having on him. He licked his lips and watched himself slide up into me.

“You are so tight and hot.” He growled. “Mmmmmm, that feels good.”

“Glad to be of service, sir.” I said as I increased my rhythm. The car was filled with sounds of our moans. This ecstasy went on for what seemed like forever. The man had some serious stamina. I was in erotic overload. I bent down over him and sucked on his bottom lip. He grabbed my face and kissed me with such passion you wouldn’t know we hardly knew each other.

I sat back up and continued my ride. I reached my hand behind me and massaged his balls. He bucked his hips and began to thrust harder up into me. He forced my hips down on him harder and harder.

“Mmmmmm, I’m coming!” He screamed. He brushed his thumb across my clit and that was all I needed to join him.


“So fucking hot.” He whispered as he held me close.

We laid there together for a few minutes then he stirred. He lifted my hips off him and sat me down in the passenger seat. Without a word he got out of the car and gathered our wet clothes. The rain had stopped and there was a muggy haze across the parking lot. I moved back to the driver’s seat. He came back to the door and handed me the clothes. He had put his pants on. He leaned in and pecked me on the lips. No more words were spoken as he walked to his truck and drove away.

I sat there in a daze for a while. I don’t know how long. I pulled my skirt back down but had no panties to put on. I slid the wet tank back on and my nipples hardened at the coldness of the fabric. I was still so hot for him. I drove the short distance to my house and went straight to bed. I didn’t want to wash his scent off me. I didn’t sleep much that night. Thoughts of him filled my head.

I had mixed emotions about going to work the next night. I figured he’d be there and I would have to watch him leave with another woman. I was right. He came in as usual and ordered his one drink from me. The only difference was that he winked at me when he handed me the ten dollars. I took it from him quickly and turned away. I couldn’t help but watch him do his thing. Like clockwork he left at 2 a.m. with a bimbo on his arm. ‘Bimbo, ha!’ I thought to myself. ‘I’m just one of his bimbos.’

Now I understand what the girls were talking about that night in the bathroom. I’m just another one of his games hoping for a replay.

The End

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