Shake Me

By:  Cindy

Lyrics by Cinderella

I met this girl around quarter to ten

We made it once, she said "make me again"

She wrapped her love around me all night long

In the mornin' we were still goin' strong

It was early.  Too early for me to be going into the hotel’s casino/club.  But I went anyway.  The security staff just rolled their eyes at me when I asked two of them to come along.  I quickly reminded them how well they got paid to sit around in clubs.  Lucky for me only women over 21 were allowed in that place.  Maybe that’s why I didn’t mind venturing out.  I was just in the mood for some loud music, a couple of drinks, and maybe a nice grind or two against a tight ass.

When I walked into the club the thundering bass beat sped my blood up immediately.  I wasn’t even familiar with the song, but it had a great hook to it.  I bobbed my head as I made my way to the bar for a drink.  I turned around at the bar and propped my elbows back on it.  As I scanned the room, I noticed there weren’t many people here.  Just like I like it.  Go in early, mingle a little, get my groove on, be in bed by midnight. 

The bartender came back with my drink.  I turned back around and checked out the dance floor.  There were only three couples on the floor.  The usual.  Girls dancing circles around their male counterparts, who painfully tried to keep the beat.  I chuckled to myself.  A great dancer, I’m not, but I was better than those guys. 

It was then that I spotted her…dancing alone.  Her sensual movements went perfectly with the flow of the music.  I felt a chill run up my spine.  Her eyes were closed.  She was in her own little world, running her hands up and down her sides and occasionally into her hair.  I wondered if she knew what she was doing to me.  I managed to look around the club and saw several other men ogling her.  No one ventured out to join her.  I knew why.  She was such a purely sexual creature, we were all mesmerized. 

Of course, there was the possibility she had already shot down all the other men in the room.  I downed the rest of my drink in one gulp.  I figured I’d take a shot.  Sometimes it helps to be an international celebrity, but it could really suck to be that same celebrity who gets shot down by the most beautiful woman in the room.  She definitely was worth giving it a shot.

I walked onto the floor and stood in front of her.  As if she felt my presence, she opened her eyes and looked into mine.  My heart stuttered a bit, then resumed regular rhythm.  Even in the dim light of the dance floor, I could see what a deep green her eyes were.  They were amazing. 

“Dance with me?”  I mouthed, knowing she couldn’t really hear me.  She only nodded her head and danced closer to me.  The way she moved in that tight little black leather skirt.  Well, there are no words.  It hugged her curvy hips and upper thighs perfectly.  She turned around and I watched her back her ass into my crotch.  At least I got what I came here for, a grind with a tight ass.  The only problem was, I wanted more of her.

I put one arm around her waist and rested my hand on her lower stomach, pressing her tightly to me.  My other hand ran up and down her hip and thigh.  She had on a strappy little shirt and I could see the perspiration glistening on her back.  I restrained myself from licking a line up her backbone, but it was definitely tempting.  I wanted a taste of her. 

When the song was over, she turned around in my arms and straddled my thigh.  I could feel the warmth of her center on my leg.  Was she as turned on as I was at that moment?  I sure hoped so.  The song was a slow groove and we rubbed against each other at a steady pace.  I knew she felt my growing arousal against her hip when she pressed harder into me and ran her tongue across her bottom lip and bit down gently on it.  I think I let a soft moan escape my lips when she did that because she smiled seductively at me.

“Let’s get out of here.”  She whispered into my ear, then bit down on the lobe.  I didn’t need to be asked twice.  I grabbed her hand and led her off the dance floor.  I made a beeline for the door and nodded at my security that we were done for the night.  They scrambled to catch up to us and rode in the elevator with us.  Nobody said anything.  We didn’t even look at each other. 

I already had my key out before the elevator stopped on my floor.  I pulled her behind me down the hall and quickly entered my suite.  She had me turned around and pressed against the door before it even closed completely. 

“I’m…” I began, but she covered my mouth with her fingertips. 

“No words.”  Her mouth was soft and hot as my tongue entered it.  I moaned again, loving the taste of her.  My shirt was off already.  How did she do that?  She kissed down my neck and sucked on a nipple as she undid my pants.  She was on her knees, licking around my navel.  I leaned my head back against the door and closed my eyes as my pants slid down my legs.  Suddenly her mouth was surrounding me.  Still soft and hot, so wet, as she sucked me as I have never been sucked before, with total abandon.  My hands tangled in her hair as she let me fuck her mouth.  I didn’t last long.  Not with her doing what she was doing to me.  I came hard and fast and she drank my juices down.

Now let me tell ya it sure feels good

First time I saw that girl I knew it would

Now let me tell ya it sure felt right

No pullin' teeth she didn't want to fight she said

Shake me / All night

She said Shake me

Shake it don't break it baby

Shake me / All night

She said All night long

All night long baby

She left me leaning against the door and walked into the bedroom.  I conjured up all the strength I could muster to follow her on shaky legs.  I stood at the door and watched her undress.  She dropped the tiny shirt.  She wore nothing under it.  The little leather skirt slid down her legs revealing a tiny black lace thong.  I could feel myself getting hard again already.  How’s that for a speedy recovery time?  She walked over to me and took my hand.  She pulled me along toward the bed.  When we got there, she pressed her chest against mine, looked me in the eyes and said, “Now I want you to fuck me.”  I think I growled at her as I pushed her onto the bed.  I devoured her skin, sucking and biting my way down to her center.  I ripped the thong off her and she gasped and spread her legs wide for me.  I slid two fingers across her clit, then buried them into her dripping pussy.  God she was wet and hot.  I pumped in and out of her while rubbing her clit with my thumb. 

“I said FUCK ME!”  She screamed.  I removed my fingers and positioned myself over her.  “NOW!”  She ordered me.  I slammed into her, filling her to the hilt.  “Oh yeah, baby!  Like that!” 

I pounded into her over and over again as she squeezed my dick inside her.  Her hips met my every thrust with equal force.  I was getting dizzy.  I slowed down to catch my breath and she wrapped her legs around me, pulling me as deep into her core as I could go.  God, I never wanted that feeling to end. 

I think we tried every position known to man that night.  I came four times.  I’ve never done that with anyone but her.  We finally dozed off around five in the morning.  When I woke, she was gone.  There was nothing in the room to show she had been there except for her torn thong, still lying on the floor next to the bed.   

Screamed and scratched and rolled out of the bed

I never really got her out of my head

And now and then she makes those social calls

Gives me a squeeze gets me kickin' the walls

I never got her name.  But the next time we toured, she was there.  I saw her on the third row at our show.  She gave me that knowing smile and I sent one of the bodyguards down to get her for me.  She always has the same effect on me, then she’s gone in the morning when I wake up.  One time I tried to stay up to stop her from leaving, but I fell asleep anyway. 

Now I always make sure we hit her city on every tour. 

Now let me tell ya it still feels tight

And we were shakin' after every bite

I feel her comin' in the middle of the night screamin' higher

Shake me / All night

She said Shake me

Shake it don't break it baby

Shake me / All night

She said / Shake me

oooh yea


All night, keep the fire burnin' cause we're doin' all right

All night, come on and shake it right

Shake me!

 The End

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