Can't Help Myself

By:  Dayse


<CJ> hey, can I weasel a birthday fic out of anyone?

<Rachel> what do you want CJ?

<CJ> Joey :)

<Dayse> hm :)

<Shell> Joey story huh...

<CJ> I'll take anything that people will give me :)

<Shell> which would you like from me CJ?

<CJ> hmm....I want a Joey/Justin story...

*Dayse sighs for Justin/Joey

<Rachel> oh...Joey/Justin...


Justin smiled coyly as he glanced at Joey's naked form as he crawled from the shower, beads of water dribbling down his wide chest and dimpled back. He wanted to touch, to put his mouth against that water, but held himself back by closing his eyes.

It was hell sharing a hotel room, absolute hell. Whose bright idea had that been anyway? They were fucking *NSYNC - they could afford individual rooms for pete's sake but nooo...they had to double up, they had to SHARE. Justin pouted, and he always ended up with Joey. He was starting to think it was some sort of conspiracy.

He didn't know when exactly it had started, this feeling he got deep in the pit of his stomach every time Joey smiled at him or winked at him or even brushed his shoulder with a hand or arm. But he knew he loved it, it fed him through the days he starved, quenched his throat of the thirst for companionship.

Joey made him feel like part of something special, even if he didn't mean to.

God, I got a crush, Justin thought, half in disgust, half in amusement. I got a crush on another GUY, on one of THE guys. It was bad and it was wonderful and Justin didn't know what he would do if the feeling ever went away.

"Just?" The sound of Joey's voice caused him to jerk his head up and look at him with slightly sleepy eyes. What time was it anyway?


Joey smiled in the way he had, a slow, glowing thing that spread and warmed his face. "You're sitting on my towel."

"Oh, sorry." Justin moved off the arm chair and handed it over, careful not to let his hand brush against the other man's. He cleared his throat, felt the steam leaking from the bathroom choke him slightly and moisten his skin.

Joey started to dry off, rubbing at his chest and arms, seemingly unaware of Justin's eyes transfixed to his chest and body. Water continued to run from his hair down his neck and back. The bathroom door was wide open and inside Justin could see Joey's shaving kit sitting on the edge of the sink.

"You going clubbin' tonight?" Joey asked, his voice slightly muffled as the towel moved over his face. "I think JC might come but Chris has something with Dani."

Justin didn't want to go out, all he would see and do if he did was gaggle with strangers, touch people that WEREN'T Joey, lose Joey to a crowd of gyrating, nameless bodies. He bit his lip, looked down at the book in his lap. "I don't really wanna," he said.

"Why not?" Joey asked, a small pout in place. His hair stuck up in unruly spikes, his arms flexed as he twisted the towel in his hands. Justin swallowed and tore his gaze away. God, he couldn't DO this anymore.

"You not feeling well?" Joey asked, taking a step forward, his voice gentle and concerned. "You look a little...pale."

Joey was SO close, Justin could feel the heat radiating off his body, could practically taste the shower water in his mouth. He smelled like soap and sweet perfume, Justin shifted in his chair uneasily. "I-I'm fine." No. NO - his voice wasn't supposed to have shuddered!

Deep brown eyes, brown eyes that could trick people into looking hazel, softened. Joey leaned in closely and Justin felt his breath along his cheek. His eyes met Joey's and suddenly the room went silent. Dead silent. Justin tried not to run.

"Are you sure?" Joey asked. A tongue flicked out to lick his lips, his eyes drifted over Justin's body and Justin didn't have to look down to know that he had a hard-on. That Joey was staring at his lap.

Justin didn't speak, what was there to say? Now Joey would leave or hit him or laugh and Justin would play it off and laugh, too, and the next hotel room would come. More bland wall paper, more over-priced furniture and life would move on.

But Joey remained quiet, his eyes shining and his lips slightly parted with each breath he took. His hands were planted on the arms of Justin's chair, trapping him.

"'Cause you look like you're in pain, Justin," Joey went on, his voice so steady and so calm and so damn GOOD. Joey tilted his head slightly to the side. "You look like you might have a fever."

The words made him flush, hotly. Like a hypnotic suggestion Justin's body seemed to obey Joey's words.

Joey leaned in, his breath tickled Justin's earlobe, his lips brushed a few stray curls. "You look hot."

It made him moan. God, he KNEW. He KNEW and he...

Fingers touched his neck and Justin's pulse jumped, his whole body JUMPED without moving an inch. Those fingers were jolting electricity, they were God and RELIGION and FUCK everything just don't let go...

Joey was sucking at skin. His teeth a solid brush of sharpness over his neck and Justin swallowed again, closed his eyes tight and fell back against the gentle cushions of the armchair. Joey, God, Joey...Don't stop. Anything, just don't...

What if he opened his eyes and it was a dream? What if he opened his eyes and Joey was gone and he was alone?

"I'm real good with fevers," Joey whispered and his breath tickled him again, but now his lips followed his breath like rain following thunder. "Do you want me to take care of you, Justin?"

His head fell forward in a nod, a boneless gesture of begging and pleading and yes yes yes please.

Joey's hands traveled down his thighs, squeezed gently at his crotch and Justin moaned again. His hips thrust up and it was all he could not to just come right then and there. Joey's nakedness felt like his own, his skin was everywhere, water fell and dripped and Justin needed it all so bad. He was gonna cry or die or something if Joey didn't keep going.

A belt came undone. A button unsnapped and a zipper fell. Justin felt exposed and cold and he shuddered, still couldn't bring himself to open his damn eyes.

Joey was kneeling and his chest pressed against the roughness of jeans and cushion. Justin felt a soft wet kiss fall on his stomach, felt a tongue lick him in the same place and he felt the wet all over.

All fucking over.

"Joey..." His breathy sigh filled the room and Joey's mouth descended down onto him, taking him into his mouth with an ease and luxury that nearly scared him. Justin whimpered, his body going slack.

Joey's tongue swirled, his throat worked at taking him and he swallowed gently making a soft gulping sound of submission. His hands played with Justin's own fingers.

The world spun, his hips ached with the pressure he was giving to hold them down. Joey was sucking his dick and that one single idea made Justin moan again, made him almost open his eyes.

His hand fisted in hair, wet hair that was clean and sweet from the shower and Joey made a soft sound in the back of his throat. The vibration made Justin give a small thrust.

The thrust made him want more.

He thrust again his whole body jerking up to be more, just more. Justin's head tossed, he bit down hard on his lip.

His cock rested on the pillow of Joey's tongue, he felt the barest scrape of teeth and cheek and before he could even think of what was happening, of how fast the sensation was rushing over him, Justin came, crying out loud and giving one last thrust into the man who was on his knees before him.

Joey swallowed. Swallowed like some two-cent groupie and Justin felt his tongue licking lazily at him before he pulled away, leaving coldness and dampness in his wake.

When he heard him get to his feet Justin finally opened his eyes, stared up at Joey to see black butterflies dancing around him from the sudden light.

Joey smiled lazily. "Happy birthday."

The End

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