Cellophane & Argentina

By:  Dayse

<rachel> cellophane

<Dayse> That stuff is fun <g>

<CJ> Argentina

* rachel laughs

<Dayse> Oh man...

<rachel> this is gonna be interesting

<Dayse> Argentina is where? :)

<CJ> south america



"I am so tired," Joey breathed slumping his head against JC's shoulder.

JC smiled gently and put his hand briefly against Joey's hair. "Isn't that my line?"

Yawning widely, Joey rubbed his eyes and blinked blearily out through the tinted windows of the limo. "Are we there yet?"

"The hotel is still about an hour away," JC said and chuckled at Joey's slight groan. "Hey, come on - wake up. Here, have some of these complimentary chocolate things I found by the window. Maybe the sugar'll wake you up."

At the sound of cellophane opening and tearing, Joey popped open an interested eye and watched as JC's long fingers worked loose a perfectly round ball of chocolate from the see-through pink wrapping. "What kind? Does it have stuff in it? I hate that disgusting cream stuff."

Putting one in his mouth, JC licked his fingertips and shook his head. "Nope, this 100% pure milk chocolate from..." he looked at the bottom of the package, "Argentina."

Joey made a face. "Argentina? They make chocolate in Argentina?"

"Apparently," JC smirked and ate another piece. "Pretty damn good chocolate, too. You want one?" He dangled the candy close to Joey's lips, watching in amusement as brown eyes followed it back and forth.

Joey's mouth opened and JC couldn't help but shiver slightly as a tongue licked wetly over his fingers before sucking the candy in. Joey ate with his eyes closed and JC watched his cheeks move as he chewed. "You know," he said as he reached into the cellophane for more. "Argentina is a very diverse culture. They have a lot of good exports."

"I'm imagining you're saying this, aren't I?" Joey asked, opening his eyes and swallowing. He licked his lips. "Can I have another one?"

Holding the candy up to Joey's face, JC pushed it against Joey's mouth and grinned when it disappeared into his mouth. "You feeling awake yet, Joe?"

"I'm glad we have the limo to ourselves," Joey said. "Well, the back seat anyway."

"For about an hour," JC nodded and leaned in to kiss chocolate off Joey's lips. He teased at the buttons of Joey's shirt. "Plenty of time."

Faking ignorance, Joey batted his eyes and shifted on the leather interior, moving further under the other man. "Plenty of time for what?"

"For chocolate, for sex." JC kissed him again, slipping his tongue into his mouth and tasting more chocolate. The limo rode steadily on and even as traffic whirled on around them, JC felt himself being consumed by the sensations of being with Joey - his body and touch. "I want you right here."

"Oh really, Chasez?" Joey moved a hand in between them and squeezed him gently in a long luxurious stroke. "Want me for what exactly?"

The buttons of Joey's shirt came undone, the green fabric pulling apart to reveal an expansive chest and stomach. JC let his fingers dance over the sides of Joey's chest and waist, his thumbs hooked at Joey's jeans. "Oh, I think you can figure it out."

"You think I'm as easy as two chocolates and few kisses? Please..." Joey pushed JC away easily, stumbling the other man onto the limo's other couch. His eyes danced with mischievous glee and JC groaned inwardly. Joey. Joey in one of his moods.

"Maybe I want to be romanced. Maybe I want you to whisper sweet nothings in my ear, maybe I want to go to Argentina and see this diverse culture you're talking about." Joey played with the button of his jeans, pulling at it with his fingers tips and letting his hand splay over his navel. "I need to know I'm not just a lay for you, Chasez." He smiled.

Pouting with his bottom lip, JC watched Joey's hips and moved to sit up straight. "I hate it when you get like this," he complained.

"Get like what?"

"All...all coy," JC growled in frustration and started to take off his shirt. "You know you want to have sex, I know you want to have sex, why do you string me along like this? Is it funny to you that I get a hard-on during a concert?"

Joey laughed. "Actually, yes. Actually." He smirked and watched JC pull his own shirt over his head. "Who told you to take off your clothes?"

The shirt flew into Joey's face and, momentarily blinded, Joey didn't see JC take a lunge for him, pushing him back down onto the limo's seat. JC straddled his waist and pulled the shirt away from his face to smile down at him. "You like me without my clothes, admit it."

Two strong hands went up his back, massaging and caressing lightly and Joey gave a slight shrug, not quite hiding his own grin. "Maybe..." His voice trailed off. "I want more chocolate."

JC rubbed his thighs roughly, scratching the denim across his skin. He moved up so that he had one knee in between Joey's legs and planted an open mouth kiss against his neck. "I want a lot of things."

"I hear cellophane. You're crushing them." Joey batted at JC's knee and frowned at the rumpled package. "See? They're all melted now."

Moaning, JC kissed Joey's mouth hard, his tongue probing deeply as he sucked at a silken bottom lip. He ground his hips down against Joey's while pushing his knee up to rub the bulge of Joey's jeans. "Joey, forget about the damn chocolate, I'll get you more."

"But it won't be from Argentina..." Joey reached two fingers into the bag and pulled out a collapsed candy. He stuck it in his mouth and licked thoughtfully before sucking his fingers.

JC was so damn fun to tease.

"You do realize you're just begging to be fucked?" JC undid Joey's jeans and tugged them down his hips, let his hands wrestle with the elastic of Joey's boxer briefs.

"I realize no such thing," Joey giggled and squirmed when JC gave his thigh a sudden whap with his hand. "Hey! No hitting!"

A light nip at his earlobe, then at his neck and JC let his hand snake down the front of Joey's boxers where he found heat and steal. He stroked gently, watching Joey's face for a reaction and was satisfied as the other man grew suddenly quiet, his eyes closed and lips parted in arousal.

Reaching down to undue his own pants and pushing them down just enough to get the job done, JC withdrew his hand and felt his heart race to keep up with the beating pulse of his arousal. "You know what I love about you, Joe?" he asked, kissing his mouth, kissing his cheeks.

Joey's eyes were barely open as he looked up searchingly into JC's face. "What?"

Licking his own palm, JC stroked himself a few times before shifting Joey's legs further apart and positioning himself against his butt. His cock ached to be inside him, to thrust and be buried deep where it was tight and hot and complete. Joey whimpered and squirmed under him, making JC grow even harder.

"Everything. I love everything about you." JC didn't even blush. Their mouths met and JC pushed into Joey slowly, letting the other man adjust, letting himself get use to the feeling of being inside him. He was flush all over, he felt as if there was entirely too much blood for his body and his bones ached for release.

"Fuck," Joey breathed and gripped at JC's shoulders. "Oh, God..."

JC thrust into him again, pulling back almost completely before pushing in all the way. Joey moved with him, the leather making plastic sounds under them as they fucked and JC felt the pressure build up inside of him, making his head spin as he thrust again and again and again.

Somewhere outside a car horn blared and JC's hand closed around Joey's own cock, squeezing and stroking him to come. He felt Joey tighten around him, making him shout out in a way that he KNEW the driver would hear and damn if they wouldn't have a lot of explaining to do...

"Josh..." Joey whispered his name and came hard, his back arching and his head falling back as his orgasm rocked him. JC felt it hit him like a trigger, like a domino, he came soon after and Joey moaned as he drew out slowly.

Their heavy breathing momentarily fogged the windows before JC pulled away and leaned back against the cool glass, his eyes hooded and his skin flushed pink with the rush of sex.

Joey smiled up at him and shook his head. Laughed. "Damn, what'd they put in that chocolate again?"

"I don't know," JC said and moved towards Joey again. "But we have a whole bag left."

The End

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