The Sound of Your Voice

By:  Dayse

Subject: Clubbin' Clubbin' Clubbin'


Hey Joe -

I'm STILL pissed at you 'cuz you decided you wanted to go off on your own for your break instead of hanging out with us but I guess I can forgive you. I GUESS. But I'm all broken hearted, you know that, right? Heh.

We went to a club last night and it was a blast! There was this chick there that had the fucking FRESHEST ass. I'm talking boom boom boom, Joe - she was tens all the way! I don't give a shit right? Well...there were cute guys there, too. At least that's what Josh says, not that he did nothing about it, he's so hung up on you.

Anyways, hit me back I miss you, you bastard. Fucker. Leaving us like this! Heh heh heh. Hit me back.





Subject: Big Horny Bastard


WAZUUUUUUP? Joey! Dude! I can't believe you ditched us up like that man. What's UP? Man did I ever tell ya how much I hate using this damn email thing? I mean I suck at typing and I keep making mistakes and having to go back and fix them because Lance is giving me a big ass hard time about it.

Now he's denying it but it's true!

But I guess I had to e-mail you because you haven't been answering your cell phone, what's up with that? You getting laid so much that you can't even turn that on? Hah I bet that's it!

Seriously Joe, call us. Or call Josh, he misses you.

Okay later, Supes!





Subject: Rehearsal and vacation


Hello Joey,

How's it going? I hope you're having a good vacation, you must be since you haven't been calling or answering your phone. I don't mean to guilt trip you or anything but can you just call one of us? Let us know how you are? I know, I're a big boy and you're probably all pissy that we're bugging but you know how it is.

Thing is, now I'm thinking if you aren't answering your phone, why the hell should we think you're answering e-mail? You hate e-mail almost as much as Justin! Shit, Joe, I just hope these get to you. Maybe you decided to hiking for your vacation or something and can't get to a phone - but you SAID you would call, so...

Anyway, don't forget to get back here for rehearsal. March 11, 10 in the AM, Nomad Studios in Orlando. I've attached more info. If it doesn't automatically preview at the bottom of this e-mail, just click on the little paper-clip thingy in the corner.

See you then,






Subject: From JC


Joey -- I know the other guys have e-mailed you, just thought I would drop you a line. Things are good here I wrote a new song that I put at the bottom of the letter if you wanted to read it. You do not have to I know you probably have a lot of things going on right now but you always seem to have some good ideas and I like hearing your feedback on stuff.

I miss you.

LOL wow that was a lot easier to say in e-mail than it would be if I were on the phone or face to face with you. I guess that is why people like these things so much.

See you soon.

Take care of yourself and don't do anything I wouldn't do,

Joshua Scott Chasez




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Hey, man! Your phone is workin', that's great! We were all startin' to get a little worried and stuff. But I guess if your phone is working and it wasn't before that can only be good news, right? Maybe Lance was right and you went camping or hiking or something even though everyone was saying how stupid that was since you hate that sorta thing! But first time for everything, right?

"I don't have to worry about wasting tape on your answering machine either 'cause you got one of those services, right? So I can talk as long as I want, nyah, nyah, nyah." Laugh. "Sorry, I guess I'm just a little relieved. Fucking bastard not fucking calling and making me worry. Call me, Fatone, I mean it!"




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Joe, hey! Chris said that your phone was workin' so I thought I'd just leave a message too, ya know? How ya doin'? Call back, my cell phone or at the house or page me. I'll call you right back if I don' pick up right away. Heh, and uh...guess what? I, uh...I sorta asked Brit to marry me. Heh, ain't that messed or what? I was sorta jokin' when I said it, we're so young and all dat, that I like asked it seems right, ya know?

"Whew! See what happens when you go away for a couple of weeks? Give me a ring, dude. Later."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"This is Lance, but well...duh, right?" Laughs. "Chris and Justin have tried calling you and we've ALL e-mailed you and it's been two weeks so now we're sorta worried. I guess it's 'cause it's like we're always together and then suddenly when we're not...I don't know. It's weird and we're worried even if we shouldn't be. So call one of us or e-mail one of us or hire a sky-writer or maybe use smoke signals. Just...Please contact one of us, Joe? Ok, bye."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Joey?" Pause. "If you're there, Joe, pick up, huh?" Pause. "'re not picking up. Um, okay - this is Josh and I just thought I'd call. I'm at the studio so when you get this please call me here or on my cell or leave a message on my home phone. Even if it's real late 'cause I just need to hear your voice and not some automated message, you know? Alright, bye then, buddy."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"...." Sighs. "Joey, I'm so fucking tired of hearing this message."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Pick up. Pick UP, damn you. Fuck. FUCK." Pause. "I bought a ring today, a real nice expensive one that has like emerlads and diamonds on it. It came in that nice lookin' velvet case and inside it was satin or silk or something. Deep blue, real...pretty, I guess. I wanted something pink or purple, 'cause you know how much Brit likes those girly colours, but they didn't have any real nice ones like that. So. I have the ring. I'm looking at it right now and I'm thinking about how I'm gonna ask her. Ask her right. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe.

"Pick up the phone, Joey, for the love of God, pick up the phone."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Hey, Joe. Ok. Um. I'm scared shitless now. It's been over a month and...and no word. I don't know where you are, your parents don't know where you are, STEVE doesn't know and you tell him everything. People are starting to wonder if maybe you're lying in a hospital somewhere with amnesia, not knowing who you are or nothing. Rehearsal's tomorrow, if you don't show up then...Then fuck, I don't know. CALL. ME."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"This is Josh. Hey. I'm not even mad anymore. If I just see you tomorrow and you're smiling and joking and you laugh about how stupid we are that we were so worried, then I'll be the happiest damn person in the world. But I just had to call. I --

"I don't know why but I suddenly feel like I should tell you stuff, to this stupid automated message. But you know what, Joe? I'm gonna wait. I'm just gonna say that I have to talk to you and maybe you'll - maybe that'll make you call or something. Ok. Bye."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE! DAMN you! GODDAMN YOU! Oh fuck, you didn't show up for practice and so we had to tell Johnny and Bill how we haven't heard or seen you since the beginning of break and now they're all goin' ape-shit. We're all going NUTS, you fucking piece of SHIT! You CALL! You FUCKING CALL, you BASTARD!"




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Joey? Joey, Joey, Supe, come ON, please pick up the phone. Just hit little talk button, just - just put it to your ear and grunt or moan or make some sorta sound that isn't 'this is joey, leave a message' and I swear I'll never make fun of you again. None of us will.







"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"The cops are looking for you. Your face is in the news and you're like officially missing now or something. It's so scary. You're missing but that damn message still plays every time and we still keep calling. We just keep calling and there must be SO many of them by now. The cops think you coulda just run away - the pressures and stress of being Joey from NSYNC finally gettin' to you or something. None of us believe it though, we know the real you and we know you'd never leave us like this if you could help it.

"I don't know why we keep calling.

"Maybe it's cause we think, somehow, that these are still getting to you somehow, that you're listening to our voices and it's helping you. Maybe these messages are the only thing that's getting you through the day where you are. I don't know. Jesus Joey, if only we knew where you were."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"It's me again: Josh. They've stopped looking. The others...I don't know, they aren't gonna call you no more, so it's just me. Chris cried today, called you a bastard and a son of a bitch and he feels real bad. Justin just goes off by himself a lot, don't talk much to anyone, you know? And Lance...I don't know about Lance. He's quiet a lot - I see him just sitting and thinking and staring. I think he's like Chris, he blames himself.

"They don't know I keep paying your cell phone bill. I - if I don't then they'll cut it off...and this message'll go away and then you'll NEVER be able to pick up. But you will pick up, soon, right? I'll keep callin' 'till you do."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"There must be so many messages now, I wonder if the system deletes them or just keeps 'em until you get them. I hope it's the later one, I really do.

"I keep thinking you'll pick up, I don't know - maybe one day you will."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"I love you. Please. Please. Call me."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"I'm sorry for that message I left last time, it probably took you off guard. I just had to say it and it just sort of came out. I miss you so much. I miss you like crazy, I can't stop thinking about you, I meant what I said, too, I don't regret it. I love you, I love you, I love you."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."





"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."





"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Sorry....just had to hear your voice."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Bastards! Fucking bastards!" Sobs. "God, oh God, Joe, they want to replace you. FUCKING Johnny and his FUCKING black heart! Th-they just...just came in and said they wanted another fifth. Like...fuck, I'm so sorry, Joey, I swear they don't mean it. You can come back, don't let this keep you away. What if you're watching the news somewhere and you see that Jive Records is looking for another NSYNC member? Shit, shit, shit...

"If you just call me everything will be okay again.

"Call - please?"




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Lance found out about your cell phone. He walked in when I was about to call you and he asked me who I was on the phone with and I just told him. He looked at me kinda funny, still does, I think I mighta worried him. But he shouldn't be worried about ME, he should be worried about YOU. You, out there somewhere by yourself with none of us around. Don't be scared, wherever you are, I know you'll get these messages one day and you'll call back and everything will be like it was before.

"I love you. I love you, Joey. Call me."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Justin is gonna marry Brit in a year, after her tour's over and we're...I don't know where we're gonna be. We took a stand, Joe, took a stand for you. We said fuck Johnny and fuck his 'new fifth'. He can shove that new fifth up his fucking ass. We're not NSYNC without you.

"I'm not me without you."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Sorry I haven't called in a while, forgive me? But the others are making me see some shrink, they say I'm depressed. But I'm not, I just don't like going out as much anymore, so big deal. It's not as if I really did before, you know? And when I did it was only with you.

"I wish I had told you when you were here, how much I love you and respect you. How much your singing makes me want to just sit back and listen forever. I wish we had kissed just once.

"But we will, someday. 'Cause you'll be home, soon, right?"




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Happy Birthday! Oh my God, you're 25! You're 25, Joe! We should have a party, a big motherfucking blow-out just you, me and the guys, just like we use to. Actually, wait - we never did that, did we? It was always me, you, the guys and fifty other people we never knew.

"Really, I never liked those big party scenes, it'll be more fun with just the five of us. Or just us, Joe. Have I told you how much I love you? Call me..."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"I'm not crazy, I swear. Lance said I was crazy for calling you, but I'm not, I'm not.

"I'm not. How can I be crazy for wanting to talk to you? To hear your voice? What if the ONE day I stop is the day you would have picked up?

"Please, Joe. Please pick up so I can show them I'm not crazy, please..."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Justin asked me to be best man at his wedding, but I said no. I can't leave the house, what if you call? It'd kill me, Joe, if I got back and saw that you had left a message 'cause I wasn't home. It really would. But he looked so nice in his tux and Brit was just glowing.

"He looked sad, probably just nervous about the whole marriage thing. I still say he's a little young but they love each other so much, Joey, about as much as I love you.

"Call me so you can tell me you love me, too?"




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Chris misses you, I can tell. He wears your shirts, he looks so small in them. I like putting my head on his shoulder, the shirts smell like you. But I can't look at him because it's like...There's Chris in Joey's skin. It isn't right.

"They gave me some medication today at the hospital I go to see that doctor at. Some yellowy pills that taste bitter. I say I take them but I don't.

"She doesn't know about the phone-calls, I don't think she'd understand. If you called, Joe, then I wouldn't have to go to the doctor anymore, I hate that bitch.

"I love you. Goodnight."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Joey? I'm lost, I don't know where I am. I was so tired of waiting for you so I just came looking for you and now I'm lost. It's so cold, I'm so cold. But your voice sounds nice. I could listen to it forever..."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"You sound closer now...maybe I'm getting somewhere after all..."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"You almost picked up that time, didn't you?"




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"I love you. See you soon."




"This is Joey, leave a message and I'll get back to ya."



"Joey." Pause. "This is...this is Lance. I can't believe I'm doing this. I guess I just couldn't think of anything else to do. Josh disappeared a few weeks ago, no one knows where he is, they can't find him, we're all...Joey, I don't even know WHERE to begin so I'll just end it now.

"We love you, we miss you. We hope you've found each other."

The End

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