Gett Off

By:  Lara

How can I put this in a way so as not to offend or unnerve…but there’s a rumor goin’ round that you ain’t been getting’ served…they say that you ain’t you know what in baby who knows how long…it’s hard for me to say what’s right when all I wanna do is wrong…

 “This sucks. It sucks. It completely totally sucks.” Lance tore off the earphones in disgust and stomped out of the recording booth. Joey and Chris looked at each other. Justin started after Lance, but JC pulled him back.

“Let him go blow it off,” he told Justin.

“What the hell is his problem lately?” Justin asked. JC shook his head.

“Too much peroxide in his hair?” Joey suggested. Chris smacked him.

“Like you’re the Hair Police or something, Joe. What color will it be NEXT week? Smurf Blue?”

“I thought you liked my hair, Baby…” Joey ran his hands up and down his body and Chris pretended to gag.  They both laughed, Chris pretending to deck Joey.

“You guys are just wrong,” Justin said, shaking his head. He went out of the mixing room and down the hall to get a soda. 

“Hey…I bet I know what’s wrong with Lance,” Joey said, running after him.

“Really?” Justin said, not really paying attention.  He studied the vending machine, trying to decide what he wanted.

“He needs to get laid.”

All of Justin’s change hit the floor. “Excuse me?”

“Yeah…God…that boy needs some dick like I don’t KNOW what.”  Joey bent down to pick up the coins. Justin stared at him.

“He needs what?”

“C’mon…Jus…you had to know that.  Lance likes boys. And that’s cool.”  Joey handed Justin his change.  “We talk a lot about it on the bus, ya know?  He’s lonely…I mean, it’s a sex thing…he’s a damn horndog under all that Southern charm…but he’s lonely.  I got Kelly…Chris has…well…himself, right now, and Jayce has Bobbie.  And you have Brit.”

“Yeah,” Justin said vacantly, remembering the look on her face when they had broken up the week before. No one knew, and he wanted it that way for a while.

“So, I guess he’s a bit stressed. He’s a perfectionist to begin with, and right now he’s so down on himself that nothing is good enough.”  Joey whistled as he walked back to the recording area. 

Justin wandered outside, forgetting about his soda.  He caught sight of Lance, who was leaning against the railing near the parking lot. He was angrily kicking at rocks, muttering to himself.  Justin sighed, really wishing Joey hadn’t felt the need to “come out” to him on Lance’s behalf. Now all the secret desires and dreams Justin had been hiding had a reason to surface. Lance really DID do all the things that Justin dreamt about alone at night…Lance really DID like the feeling of a man next to him…touching a man…tasting…

“Oh, God,” Justin said weakly, not realizing he had said it out loud. Lance turned around sharply, his green eyes focusing on Justin.


“Uh…nothing,” Justin whimpered, turning away.  He needed to get his cool back.  “You okay?”

“Yeah…just mad at myself. I can’t get this shit to save my life today.” Lance angrily kicked some more.

“Let’s go out tonight,” Justin said quickly, putting his “best friend” face on. “Just you and me. We’ll get it on…I mean, get our grooves on.”

“Okay,” Lance said, smiling slowly. “That’d be cool.”


Naw little cutie, I ain’t drinkin’…but scope this I was just thinking…you plus me, what a ride…if you was thinkin’ the same, we could continue outside…lay your pretty body against a parkin’ meter…strip your dress down like I was strippin’ a Peter Paul’s Almond Joy…lemme show you baby I’m a talented boy…



“I think we’ve had enough,” Justin said after their fourth round of drinks. “We didn’t drive, did we?”

“Um…” Lance desperately tried to remember. “No. I remember getting in a taxi.”

“Good.” Justin downed his beer and stood up carefully. “Let’s go.”  He watched Lance weave on his feet as he struggled to stand up.  Justin swallowed deeply. He hadn’t drank as much as Lance THOUGHT he had, and he hadn’t gotten anywhere close to how much Lance had drank.  He wanted a pleasant buzz, enough to make him brave, and he wanted Lance drunk enough that he wouldn’t punch Justin if Justin got around to telling him the truth.

“Damn…this street is dark,” Lance commented as they stood outside of the tiny bar and waited for a cab to drive by.  “No one will ever drive by here.”  He leaned against a parking meter in an effort to stay upright.

“They will soon enough,” Justin said, then took a deep breath. He looked into Lance’s pretty eyes and sighed. “Lance, I need to tell you something.”

“Yeah?” Lance giggled as he almost fell over.  Justin opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He boldly put his hands on Lance’s shoulders, pulled him close, then kissed him.

Lance froze for a moment, his lips not moving. Justin pressed a bit harder, then pulled back.  “Shit…well…that didn’t go well…I guess…oh…never mind.” Justin released Lance, looking down at his feet.  How embarrassing.  He managed to look at Lance.  Lance was staring at him as he reached up to touch his lips.

“You kissed me.”


“Were you planning on anything else?” Lance’s voice was unreadable.


“Anything else you’ve thought about doing?”

Ideas ran through Justin’s mind…Lance leaning against the wall of the building in the side alley as Justin went down on him…Lance bent over that parking meter as Justin thrust into him…Justin stripping Lance in the back of the taxi… “No…um…no…guess it’s the alcohol.”

“You sure?” Lance took a step towards Justin. “You have Britney.”

“Not anymore.”

“Why not?” Lance snapped.  “The sex not any good anymore?”

“There hasn’t been any sex! Not for a while!” Justin protested, wondering why Lance was so angry about Britney.

“Why not?”

“Because I want sex with you, not her!”  Justin almost yelled. Horrified, he snapped his mouth shut. Mercifully, a taxi came around the corner, and Lance almost jumped in front of it.

“Get in,” he snapped, shoving Justin into the back seat.  Justin squirmed across, pressing himself against the side door.  Lance didn’t touch him, didn’t even look at him. They arrived at the hotel and Justin tossed some money at the driver, jumping out of the taxi and running into the hotel.


Gett off…23 positions in a one night stand…gett off…I’ll only call you after if  you say I can…gett off…let a woman be a woman and a man be a man…gett off…if you want to baby here I am…



Justin ran up the six flights of steps to their floor, ignoring the elevator. He was amazed to find tears running down his face. Dammit…now Lance would never even TALK to him again.  Good one, Justin. Just blurt out that you want his ass bad, and that you left Britney for him. Wonderful.  He skidded to a stop in the hallway as he saw Lance leaning against Justin’s hotel room door. Apparently Lance wasn’t drunk enough. He looked pissed.

“Unlock it.” Justin did as Lance requested and Lance walked into the room. Justin shut the door behind him.  “Is this just some one night thing? Let’s explore gay sex and then move on?” Lance snapped.

“N-no…Lance…I don’t…I…” Justin closed his eyes. “I just want you…in every way.”

“Every way…how many positions do you know, Justin?” Lance smirked, and Justin almost didn’t know him. This Lance was new and unrecognizable.

“I…I…I mean outside of this. I want to be with you.” Justin’s blue eyes were sincere.  Lance’s façade fell.  “You’re alone…I’m alone…I want to be with you.”

“You want to fuck me…that’s what you mean, right?” Lance looked confused.

“No…well…yeah, hell yeah…but more…why is that so hard to believe?”

“You’re Justin…you can have anyone…I’m just…”

“God, Lance, shut up, okay?” Justin said angrily.  “I’m not all that…and if you’re not interested, fine. Forget I said anything and we’ll just go on as we were.”  Justin glared at him.

“You think about me.”


“You want me.”

Justin swallowed deeply. “Yes.”

Lance’s hands were up in Justin’s curls as his lips nibbled on Justin’s ear. “I’ve thought about…dreamt about…but I never…”

“For God’s sake, shut UP, Lance!” Justin murmured, running his hands over the body he had fantasized about.  “I don’t want to talk now.”

“No talking…oh Jesus GOD no talking…” Lance gasped as Justin fumbled with the snap of his jeans and began to peel them off. Lance stepped out of them and pulled his shirt up and off.

“Been wanting this for so long…” Justin admitted, running his hands over Lance’s naked body.  Lance just as quickly pulled Justin’s clothes off and began to pull Justin to the bedroom.  “No…Lance…here…I can’t wait…” Justin had the need to take Lance as soon as possible…here…in the living room…wherever he could get him HOWEVER he could get him.

Lance fell to his knees, taking Justin’s hard cock in his hands.  His mouth was hot and wet as it surrounded him, and Justin let out a low moan. He couldn’t keep from pushing at the back of Lance’s head, pushing that warmth around him harder and deeper.  Justin felt himself getting close, so he pulled at Lance, getting Lance to stand up.

Lance turned around, pushing his naked body back against Justin. Justin growled as his cock hit Lance’s backside.  Lance teasingly moved his hips so he could grind against Justin. Justin slid his hands up over Lance’s chest, picking at Lance’s nipples. Lance turned his head to kiss Justin, his lips pulling at Justin’s tongue.  Justin forced Lance to take a few steps forward, making Lance lose his balance and fall over the arm of the sofa. Justin smiled. Just where he wanted him.

Justin licked a line down Lance’s spine, and when he reached the bottom he carefully spread Lance, licking and sucking until Lance was screaming for him not to stop.  A finger slowly went inside, then two.  “Fuck…Justin…yes…more…” Lance panted, grinding himself against the cushion of the sofa.  He rode Justin’s fingers, panting and begging for more until Justin was about to cum just from the sound of Lance’s voice.

He pulled away and Lance whimpered. Justin walked around the sofa, grabbing the cushions and pulling them to the floor. “Lay down,” he ordered, and Lance quickly obeyed.  He started to lay on his stomach, but Justin shook his head.  Surprisingly flexible, Lance pulled his legs up until his knees were almost at his head.  Justin held out his hand, and Lance licked the palm, getting it wet. Justin used that hand to lube his cock, and he carefully inched it into Lance.  “Lance…” Justin whispered, burying himself inside.

“More…more…” Lance begged, his head thrown back. “More…”


Everybody…grab a body…pump it like you want somebody…gett off…


Justin had fucked Lance on the floor, over the back of the sofa, and onto the floor again, and he was surprisingly not even close to cumming. And he wasn’t gonna let Lance cum, either. He wanted to torture him the way HE had been tortured for months, watching Lance smile and sing and breathe and never even THINKING he had a chance with him.  Lance finally took the upper hand.

“You’re an evil bastard,” Lance growled, pushing Justin until HE was flat on his back on the floor.  He straddled Justin’s waist, lowering himself down onto Justin’s cock.  He pinned Justin’s arms to the floor and began to ride him…hard.  “And you’re gonna cum.”

“Oh…Lance…no…” Justin moaned, writhing.  “So good…so tight…”

“If you ever want this again, Justin, you’re gonna cum,” Lance said, lowering his voice even more then Justin thought possible. Justin whimpered, shivers racing through his body. “You’re gonna cum for me if you ever wanna fuck me again…”

“Lance…God…oh…” Justin began to pant, thrusting up into Lance.

“If you wanna see ME cum…you’d better cum for me…” Lance said in a convincing tone. Justin let out a shout and finally came, shooting up into Lance as he whimpered Lance’s name.  Before Justin was even finished, Lance had a hold of his own cock, stroking and moaning until he came as well, all over Justin’s chest.  He reached  a hand down, dampened it, and gave it to Justin to suck clean, which Justin did, willingly.  Justin pulled Lance down into a passionate kiss, then finally released him. Lance moved to sit on the floor, leaning against the sofa.

“Wow,” Justin said softly. “That was better then any fantasy.”

“You really want more?” Lance asked, and Justin nodded.  “This isn’t a one night stand?”

“Unless you don’t want me to call you tomorrow morning to have breakfast together…” Justin said nervously.  Lance finally smiled.

“No, I don’t. Because I want to stay here tonight.”  He got up and went to the bedroom, scratching his head and yawning.  Justin followed, a smile slowly crossing his face.

The End

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