
By:  Lara


“He’s pining,” Joey said with amusement, watching Justin talk to Lance.

JC sipped at his drink and looked across the bar.  Justin laughed at something Lance had said, placing a hand on the base of Lance’s neck, where it met his shoulder.  JC’s eyes narrowed.  “Who’s pining?”

“Justin, silly.”  Joey laughed at the way Justin took Lance’s drink and sipped it, giving Lance a coy look.  Lance, however, was looking elsewhere and missed it. “He is SO pining over Lance.”

“Over Lance?  Are you crazy?”  JC tried to laugh it off, but he felt anger tighten his throat.  “Justin’s not gay…or even bi.”

“How do you know?”  Joey turned his brown eyes on JC. “Have you asked him lately?”

“Well, no.”

“Do you think that because YOU’RE gay, you can read it in everyone else?”


“There you go.”  Joey finished his beer. “And Lance doesn’t exactly fight him off. Have you ever really watched them together?”  Joey sighed.  “I’m tired. I’m outta here. You gonna get the babies home safe?”

“Yeah,” JC said absentmindedly, watching Justin giggle drunkenly and lay his head on Lance’s shoulder. Lance laughed as well, reaching up to touch Justin’s cheek.


“Jayce, you’re the best!” Justin declared as they tumbled into the back of the taxi.  “Isn’t he, Lance?”

“The very best,” Lance agreed, only slightly more sober than Justin.  JC sat between them, rolling his eyes.

“Thanks, guys.”

“JC, if I was gay, I’d totally wanna fuck you,” Justin said dreamily, leaning his chin on JC’s shoulder.  JC shoved him away.

“Shut up, Justin.”  JC stonily stared a head. Lance put a hand on his knee.  JC shoved him away as well.

“And you, Lance.  You, too.”

“But you’re not gay, so why don’t you shut up?” JC snapped, losing his patience.

“Jeez.  Sorry. What crawled up your ass?”  Justin stared out the window and pouted.


“Lance, you shut up, too.”  Lance frowned and stared out his window.

JC got them into the hotel and past the few fans that waited outside in the rain.  He got Justin into his room, then headed for his own.  “JC,” Lance said weakly.

“Good night, Lance.”  JC let himself into his room, pulled off his shirt and wifebeater, and sat on the edge of the bed to wait. He waited less than ten minutes.  He answered the knock on the door. “Yes?”

“Can we talk?” Lance asked timidly.  JC stepped aside and allowed Lance to enter.  Lance bit his bottom lip as JC shut the door. “JC, are you mad at me?”

“Brilliant deduction, Sherlock,” JC said wryly, pouring himself a glass of wine. 

“Was…was it Justin?”

“Apparently he’s quite taken with you, Lansten.  Pining was the word Joey used.”  JC’s blue eyes were without emotion.  “And apparently you haven’t exactly been turning him away. Is there something Justin has that I’m lacking, Lance?”

“No, JC, of course not.”  Lance looked down at his feet.  JC gently tilted Lance’s face back up, then roughly cupped his chin in his hand. 

“I know we can’t let on that we’re together, but is that any reason to just flirt with anyone who pays attention to you?”

“No, JC.”  Lance’s green eyes were miserable. “I’m so sorry. I…he was just talking…and then he was drunk…and he laid his hand…”

“I don’t want to hear it.”  JC looked Lance in the eye.  “Who do you want, Lance?”

“You, JC,” Lance whispered. His eyes filled with tears. “Only you. I swear.”

“I hoped you’d say that.”  JC took Lance’s hand and led him to the bedroom. “I bought some new silk scarves for your pretty wrists,” he whispered in Lance’s ear as he closed the bedroom door.  Lance shivered with delight.



“Lance, what’s that?” Chris asked as they sat in the studio waiting for Wade.

“What’s what?” Lance asked, tying his sneakers.

“THAT.”  Chris grabbed Lance’s hand, holding his arm up.  A torn piece of black silk was tied around Lance’s left wrist.

Lance blushed and glanced at JC.  “Well…”

“It looks like that scrunchy thing you wore in the Janet Jackson video we did,” Joey commented.  JC continued to stretch on the floor, saying nothing.

“I like it,” Justin volunteered.  He walked over and ran his fingers along the silk.  “Some guys wear leather bracelets.  Lance isn’t leather.  Lance is smooth. Lance is pretty. Lance is silk.”

Lance turned pink. “Um, thank you, Justin.”

“What fabric am I?” Chris wanted to know.

“Polyester,” Joey replied, and Chris tackled him.  Justin laughed.  Lance nervously looked over at JC, but JC didn’t look mad.  JC was watching Justin.

“Okay, girls.”  Wade sauntered into the room, smacking JC on the ass as he passed by.  “Let’s get to work. Chris, Joey, JC…you’re front line in this new number, so let’s work with you first.”

JC took his place between Chris and Joey as Justin and Lance sat on the floor. They leaned back against the wall, deep in conversation.  Lance primly placed his hands on his knees, smiling at JC. JC smiled back, then concentrated on the choreography.  When Wade took a moment to instruct Chris, JC glanced over at Lance. Justin had his hand on Lance’s leg, lightly stroking the skin below the hem of Lance’s shorts. Whatever Justin was saying must have been flattering, because JC recognized the blush that meant Lance was pleasantly embarrassed.  Justin leaned forward to whisper in Lance’s ear, and JC steamed as Lance actually giggled.


JC was sitting in his downstairs study when he heard Lance’s key in his front door. He continued to shuffle through the papers in front of him. “Josh?” He heard Lance call.  Footsteps approached.  “Josh? Hi.”  Lance came into the room.

“Sit down, Lance.” JC motioned to the chair on the other side of the desk. Lance sat.  JC smiled at him, pleasantly superior.  “We need to talk.”

“JC, you know I love you, right?” Lance said softly. “I’ve been in love with you since I was seventeen.”

“I know that, Lance,” JC said with a patient sigh.  “I just want to know how long Justin’s been fucking you.”

“What?” Lance cried. “JC, I’ve never done anything with anyone but you!”

JC knew this was true, yet he continued. “Then how long have you been in love with him?”

“I’m not!” Lance protested.  “I love him, like I love Joey and Chris…but not like I love you, Josh!”

“How long have you wanted him, Lance?” JC’s voice was low.

“A little over a year,” Lance answered, then gasped. “Oh…Josh…” Guilty tears filled Lance’s green eyes.

JC stood. “Come with me.” He held out his hand and Lance took it. JC led Lance into the kitchen. He stood at one side of the island, Lance on the other. JC put his hands down, studying his fingernails.  “I know you still want me, Lance. I don’t doubt that. But this sudden crush on Justin…”

“I don’t have a crush on him.”

JC glared at Lance for interrupting.  “Then why do you let him touch you?  He doesn’t just flirt with you, Lance.  He CARESSES.”  Lance blushed. “Not that I blame you.  Justin has grown up into a sexy young man.”

“Not as sexy as you,” Lance offered. JC smiled but didn’t comment on that.

“And, apparently, Justin has an interest in you.  Of course, he doesn’t know you and I are together, so he doesn’t know any better.  But you, Lance…you know better.”

“I’m sorry, JC,” Lance said miserably. “You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?”

“No.” JC walked over to stand next to Lance. “No, my pretty Lance. I love you too much to let you go.” Lance sighed with relief as JC picked up his left hand, kissing his wrist above the piece of silk that JC had torn from their old scarves the night before.  “You’re my good, pretty boy.  But we need to do something about Justin.”  JC nibbled at Lance’s palm. “We should invite him over for a nice secluded weekend.”

“What?” Lance pulled away. “No!”

“Why not?”

“He…no. We don’t even know if he’s interested in…that.”

“Lance, I think we both know he’s interested. In you, anyway. We just have to get him interested in ME.”

“No, we don’t,” Lance whispered, and suddenly JC understood. He smiled tenderly, kissing Lance’s neck behind his ear.

“My sweet baby. You’re feeling threatened.”

“He’s…well…he’s Justin. I still can’t believe you’re with me in the first place, Josh, even after three and a half years. You’ll get a taste of Justin Timberlake, and I’ll be outta here before I know what hit me.” Lance looked away.

“Lancey, I coulda had a taste of Justin long before this, if I really wanted it,” JC reminded him. “You have nothing to worry about.”

“Okay,” Lance whispered. He put his arms around JC’s waist, kissing JC’s neck.  “I love you, Josh.”

“I love you, too, Lance.”  JC kissed Lance’s pouting lips.  “But…there’s still the matter of your behavior today at rehearsal.”  Lance opened his mouth, closed it, then nodded.  “I’m hungry for a sundae.”

Lance went to the cupboard and got a bowl.  “Strawberry ice cream?”

JC nodded. “And chocolate syrup, whipped cream and sprinkles.  But NOT in a bowl.”  Lance looked at him strangely.  JC went into the pantry and came out with a plastic tarp, spreading it out on the floor.  “Undress.”  Lance stared at him. “Is there a problem?”

“N-no.”  Lance kicked off his sneakers and pulled off his tshirt.  As he took off his jeans, JC gathered together the ingredients.

“Be creative, Lance.”  JC sat on the floor. “I’m REALLY hungry.”  He handed Lance the chocolate syrup.  “Start with this.”

Lance took it and laid down. JC knew how hard this was for Lance.  Lance was shy about his body, about the way he looked. He didn’t like to look at himself, and he definitely was uncomfortable about touching himself in front of anyone.  Lance closed his eyes and uncapped the bottle of syrup. He drew in a sharp breath as the brown liquid hit his shoulder.  Lance opened his eyes and carefully guided the syrup in a straight line down his chest, ending at his belly button.  He reached into the bowl of sprinkles and carefully added them to the trail of chocolate.  He allowed a few to fall into the curly hair around his cock and JC grinned, admiring the rainbows of color that fell through the blond hair there.  JC shook up the first can of whipped cream and silently handed it to Lance.

“JC, can…”

“Shh,” JC whispered.  His eyes were dark and smoky.  Lance knew that look all too well.  “Do it, Lance.”  Lance took the can and squirted it at his chest.  He hissed as the cold substance hit his chest.  The white foam soon covered his nipples, and a small bit slid down to his neck.  Lance ignored the slimy feeling and concentrated. He sat up slightly, letting the whipped cream fall onto the insides of his thighs.  “Mmm…” JC murmured, smiling at Lance.  “This looks delicious.”   Lance smiled and laid back down. “Wait,” JC said. “You forgot the main ingredient.”  He handed Lance the small tub of strawberry ice cream.”

“JC, I…”

“Lance,” JC whispered, shaking his head.  Lance took a deep breath and stuck a few fingers into the ice cream.

“Fuck,” Lance whined as he allowed the ice cream to drop onto his cock. He jumped as a twinge of pain shot through him. “That’s so cold…”

“More,” JC breathed, beginning to remove his own clothes.  Lance scooped up another handful of ice cream. “You know what I want.”  Lance whimpered, but he took the ice cream and rubbed it over his cock and balls.

As soon as JC was naked, he was licking at Lance.  Lance shuddered as the ice cream ran down into the crease of his ass, but JC ignored him. He was too busy sucking the whipped cream off of Lance’s nipples.  “Oh…God…” Lance gasped.  JC’s talented tongue danced down the trail of chocolate syrup, his teeth crunching at the sprinkles before he dipped his tongue into Lance’s belly button, lapping the syrup like a cat.  “JC…yes…”

“Mmm…I love strawberry ice cream.”  JC held Lance’s cock in his hand, feeling the coolness of Lance’s smooth skin.  His hot mouth drew Lance in, and Lance moaned loudly.  “Tastes so fucking sweet.”  JC’s mouth worked Lance until he was hard.  He then rolled Lance over, and he heard the syrup and melted whipped cream squish between Lance’s chest and the tarp. 

“Ow!”  Lance yelled as ice cream hit his back. 

“Quiet,” JC commanded. He drew the ice cream down Lance’s spine. “Arch up,” he ordered, and Lance did as he was told.  A trickle of ice cream ran down Lance’s ass, and JC smiled. “Perfect,” JC whispered, spreading Lance to lick him.

“Oh…yes!”  Lance screamed, his hips thrusting back to JC.  JC licked and sucked, getting every drop of ice cream.  Soon his fingers were working inside of Lance, getting him ready.

“Do you want me, Lance?” JC said softly, pulling Lance to his hands and knees.  He positioned himself behind Lance.

“Yes, oh, yes, Josh, please…” Lance sobbed.

“Good,” JC said, and thrust inside.  Lance was his once more.



JC smiled at Justin as he watched Lance walk into the recording area.  “This’s great,” JC said.  Justin smiled back.

“Thanks. I’m just glad I could find a way to give everyone a solo part in it, you know?”  Justin spoke into the intercom.  “Lance, why don’t you just run through it a few times before we lay it down, okay?”

“Sure thing, Justin.”  Lance didn’t smile. He studied his music and kept from looking at Justin if at all possible.

“Is he okay?” Joey asked.  JC shrugged.

“He seems fine to me,” Chris replied.

“I think he seems...distracted,” Joey continued.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” JC said.  “But Justin...there’s something I want to talk to you about.   Wanna walk to the soda machine with me?”

“Sure,” Justin said.  He looked at Joey. “Get him on target with this. I don’t wanna be here all day, and JC here is a perfectionist.”

“Ha,” JC said, but he clapped a hand on Justin’s shoulder. He left the hand on Justin as they walked into the hallway.

“So...what’s up?” Justin asked. Instead of leading Justin to the soda machine, JC lightly shoved him into one of the smaller studios.  “JC...”

“Just listen.”  JC closed the door behind them and locked it, leaning against it.  “Justin, I’m gay.”

“I kinda figured that, Jayce,” Justin said softly. “You flame at times.”

“Lance is gay, too.”

“Really?” Justin’s voice ended in a squeak and he blushed.

“You didn’t figure that out, too?”  JC grinned. “Since you’re so observant.”

“Well, I thought...” Justin stammered.  He tried to regain his attitude.  “So, why are we having this conversation?”

“Lance and I are together, Justin,” JC said finally. “We’ve been together for about three and a half years.”

“What?” Justin’s jaw dropped. “God, Jayce, you couldn’t tell us?  We would have been fine with it.”  Justin looked hurt.  “What a secret to keep from your three brothers.”

“It was none of your business. And we didn’t want to weird anyone out, worrying them about what might happen if we broke up. How would it affect the group and all that.”  JC smiled at Justin. “But everything is fine, and no worries.”

“I still don’t quite understand why you’re outing your relationship to me,” Justin said. “Why now?”

“I know you want Lance, Justin.”

Justin opened his mouth, then slapped it shut.  “Wh-what?”

“You’re so damn obvious...hanging on him, flirting with him, teasing him...telling him all kinds of sweet things.”

“JC, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”  Justin laughed, running a hand through the short curls.  He nervously paced the small room.  “I...I don’t even like boys.”

JC smiled at his use of the word “boys” instead of “men.”  “, you don’t, Justin.  You like Lance. He’s the only boy you like.”

“No.”  Justin shook his head stubbornly. 

JC put a hand on Justin’s shoulder, pushing him onto a chair.  JC fell to his knees, spreading Justin’s legs and inching between them.  He placed his hands on Justin’s thighs, feeling the tight muscles beneath the denim of Justin’s jeans.  “Lance is pretty, Justin.  Smooth, like silk, just like you said.  And that voice.  When it whispers in your ear, you’re ready to do anything.”  JC watched Justin swallow hard.  “And he whispers. He moans. He begs you for more...begs you to please suck his cock harder, please fuck him faster...” Justin whimpered without knowing it.  “Lance is a sweet little bottom boy.  Sweet as Georgia peaches.  And I know you want a part of that.”

“Fuck,” Justin whispered.  “I...I mean...JC, get off me!”  Justin gave a half-hearted shove at JC’s shoulders.  JC grabbed Justin’s hands, holding them tight.

“Lance is willing, Justin, but on one condition.”  JC licked at Justin’s knuckles.  “He’s not alone in this. I’m part of the deal.”  JC looked up as he slowly ran his pink tongue along Justin’s index finger.  “He does what I tell him.  But I agree with him that you’re worth wanting.”  JC smiled as he kissed the inside of Justin’s palm.  “Do you think you could find it deep inside to maybe want me, too, J?”

Justin answered by pulling JC to him, crushing his lips against JC’s.  JC chuckled down in his throat as he sucked Justin’s tongue into his mouth.  “Yes,” Justin whispered when JC released him.

“Good,” JC whispered back.


“I bought you something,” JC announced as soon as Lance opened his door.  He held up a long package.

“Thank you.”  Lance took the package and let JC in.  Lance unwrapped the brown paper and gasped.  “JC!  This...this is the painting I was looking for!”

“I had to search a bit, but I finally found it online.”

“I love it.”  Lance carefully sat the painting down, and passionately kissed JC.  “You’re so sweet to me, Josh.”

“No, my Lance. YOU’RE the sweet one.”  JC tenderly kissed Lance, then kissed him again.  “I want to love you,” JC whispered.  He took Lance by the hand and led him up the steps to Lance’s bedroom. “I want to show you how much you mean to me.”  He slowly undressed, watching Lance’s green eyes wander over his naked body.

“Beautiful,” Lance breathed.

“No, Lance.”  JC tugged off Lance’s tshirt.  “YOU’RE beautiful.  I know I don’t show you very often...but you mean the world to me.”  JC licked at Lance’s nipples as he unfastened Lance’s jeans.

“Josh...” Lance whispered, running his hands through JC’s dark hair.

“The world,” JC murmured, taking Lance’s cock into his mouth.



“So, um, Justin.”  Lance fidgeted nervously, and Joey stared at him.  “Do you wanna, um, go to a movie or something tonight?  If you’re not busy.”

“Damn, kid, sounds like you’re asking him out on a date,” Chris teased.  Everyone but JC was over at Chris’, and Chris and Justin were playing Playstation.  Justin looked up at Lance, did a double-take, and promptly got killed. “Ha, I rule!”  Chris yelled triumphantly.

“You’re a dork,” Justin said, scrambling to his feet.  “You’re asking me to go to a movie with you?”

“Yeah. If you’re not busy…or if you don’t have something better to do.” Lance blushed. “Never mind. I’m sure you’re doing something.”

“No. No, I’m not. I’d LOVE to go to a movie with you, Lance.”  Justin smiled his sunny smile and Lance relaxed.

“Are we invited or is this a private date?” Joey asked.

“We could double!”  Chris cried, and he and Joey cracked up.  Justin rolled his eyes and smiled at Lance.

“No, you can’t come. You’re too embarrassing.  Just the babies tonight, huh, Lance?” Justin said, and Lance nodded.

“Yeah, the babies.” But what was on Lance’s mind was definitely not anything babylike.


“That was so good!” Justin said to Lance as they left the theater. “It makes me want to read the books now.”

“JC has them,” Lance said, then blushed. “I mean…he really likes Tolkien.  He’d loan them to you, if only to actually see you reading a book.”

“I read books,” Justin said defensively, then laughed.  “Hey, wanna grab dinner?”

“Um…” Lance looked at his watch. He had told JC he’d call at eight, but he didn’t want to end his night with Justin. “Sure.  But I need to make a call before we get to the restaurant.”

“Sure. I know this great little diner up the street. It gets pretty deserted this time of night, so we should have some peace and quiet.” Justin led the way to his car.  When they climbed in, he turned to Lance. “We need to talk.  And I don’t think we should talk about this in the restaurant.”

“Okay.”  Lance studied his fingernails. 

“JC told me. About you and him.”

“Oh,” Lance whispered.  JC had mentioned that, but had said nothing more.  “And what did you think?”

“I was kinda hurt.  I consider JC my best friend, and you, well…hell, Lance. You guys coulda told me. I wouldn’t have freaked, and I wouldn’t have told anyone.”  Lance saw the hurt in Justin’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, Justin. It was…just easier to hide it.”

“Well, I know now and I’m not telling anyone, I swear,” Justin promised.  “I’m glad for the two of you.  You guys are both great people, and you deserve the best.”

“Yeah, JC IS great, isn’t he?”  Lance sighed happily and Justin grinned.

“I take it JC is the…dominant one in the relationship?” Justin asked gently, and Lance shrugged, blushing.

“He, well…he knows best about some things. I mean, he’s dated guys before and I have only ever been with him.”

“He doesn’t…hurt you, or anything, does he Lance?”  Justin asked.

“NO!” Lance almost yelled. “Never. Not unless it’s part of whatever we’re doing.”  Lance blushed furiously. “We, uh, get kinky sometimes.”

“Okay, because if he hurts you, I’m gonna kick his non-existent ass,” Justin said angrily. “Nobody hurts my friends.”  Lance smiled.  “JC also mentioned something else.”  Justin put a hand on Lance’s leg.  “He mentioned you wanting me?”

“I, well, he…” Lance stammered.  “I know it’s crazy. I mean, you’re Justin. And I do love Josh. But…” Lance couldn’t find the right words.

“It’s okay, Lance.  I think you know I’ve been watching you. I never really tried anything with a guy…but you’re just…pretty.”

“You sound like JC now,” Lance grumbled.  “Guys aren’t supposed to be pretty.”

“But you are.  JC is, too.”  Justin swallowed deeply. “JC wants me to spend a weekend with you guys…at his house.  Do you want that, Lance?”

“I…” Lance almost squeaked. “Yes,” he whispered. Justin smiled. 

“Good.  Call JC and let’s get to dinner! I’m hungry.”


“So, Justin, feel like getting your butt kicked?” Chris asked as they left rehearsal. “My fingers are itching to beat you at Playstation.”

“Sorry, dude. I’m, uh, going away this weekend,” Justin answered.  “With JC.”

“Really?  Where?” Chris asked.

“Nosy much?” Lance asked.

“Art gallery.  On the coast,” JC said, pulling a hat on.  “It’s in this cute little bed and breakfast.”

“YOU’RE going to an art gallery?” Chris asked Justin. 

“Yes. Chicks dig art,” Justin said defensively.

“Gay guys dig art,” Chris teased.

“And do you have a problem with gay guys, Chris?” Lance asked calmly.  Justin’s mouth fell open and JC’s blue eyes widened.

“Of COURSE not!  You know that,” Chris said.

“Because I am gay, Chris, and if that’s a problem, I’d like to know about it.” Lance crossed his arms over his chest and waited.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Joey wanted to know.

“Yes. Someone I’ve loved since the first day I met him.” Lance avoided JC’s gaze.

“Damn, Lance. You coulda told me,” Joey said softly.

“I just did.” Lance walked out of the studio.

“I need to go home and pack. I’ll see you in a few, Jayce.” Justin left as well.

“Jesus,” Chris whispered. “JC, did you know about this?”

“That Lance was gay? Yes, I did. Did I know he was just gonna up and out himself today? No. I had NO clue.”  JC left.


When JC entered his house, he could hear sniffling. He found Lance on his sofa, eyes red from crying.  “Lance? Are you okay?” JC hurried over.

“I had a cab drop me off, so if Joey or Chris would drive by this weekend, they wouldn’t see my car.”  Lance looked at JC sadly. “I know you’re angry, Josh, and…”

“Calm down, Lance.” JC sat next to Lance on the sofa.

“I just…I didn’t want Chris to bother Justin anymore about this weekend. I figured it would shut him up.”

“It shut us ALL up,” JC commented. “I just wish you woulda warned me.”

“It all just…happened,” Lance said softly.

“It’s okay,” JC said. “I WAS kinda mad, but I understand a little better now.”

“I’m sorry, Josh,” Lance whispered.

JC stood up, pulling Lance up with him.  “How far are you willing to go with Justin, Lance?” JC unbuttoned Lance’s shirt and slid it off. His slender fingers traced circles around Lance’s nipples.

“All the way,” Lance moaned.  JC sucked on Lance’s Adam’s apple as he unbuttoned Lance’s jeans. Lance was already hard.

“ALL the way?” JC asked. “Are you willing to give yourself to him the way you give yourself to me?” JC stroked Lance through his boxers.

“Yes,” Lance panted.

“You’re my sweet baby boy, Lance, and I love you. But tonight…tonight you’re Justin’s.  You do whatever he says, okay, Lance?” JC’s hand slid inside Lance’s boxers, and Lance whimpered.

“Anything you want, Josh,” Lance promised.  JC licked Lance’s neck.

“Then let’s take you downstairs and get you ready.”


“Hey, Justin.” JC answered the door in a pair of faded, low-riding blue jeans and nothing else.  “C’mon in.”

Justin stepped inside, dropping his backpack to the floor. “Hi, Jayce.”  He fidgeted and JC smirked with amusement.  Justin got angry.  “Do you find me funny, JC?” Justin growled, pushing JC back against the closed door. He brutally kissed JC, biting down on JC’s bottom lip.  Justin’s hands fisted in JC’s hair as he ground his hips against JC.

“You’re so cute,” JC said fondly.

“Where’s Lance?” Justin demanded.

“Downstairs in our playroom,” JC answered. “Waiting for you. Go on down. I’ll be there in a bit.”  JC shoved Justin away and went upstairs.

Justin went down into JC’s basement, a place he had never been. He smelled a sweet incense, and he followed his nose into a large, dark room that was lit by candles.  “Oh my God, Lance!”  Justin gasped, rushing forward.

A large leather hammock was suspended from the ceiling.  It was made of criss-crossed straps of leather, and Lance was laying face down on it, totally naked. His hands and feet were bound to the hammock.  “Justin…you’re here,” Lance said, his voice dripping with relief.

Justin knelt down in front of Lance, and he saw Lance’s semi-erect penis poking through the hammock.  “I’ll get you out of this. JC is a fucking…”

“No, Justin,” Lance said quietly. “I want to be here.” He blushed. “I told you we get kinky. I’m…I’m all yours.”

“God,” Justin whispered, biting his bottom lip.

“I’ve been laying here fantasizing about you,” Lance said shyly. “About what you’re gonna do to me tonight and this weekend.”

Justin kissed Lance and realized that JC had been right. Lance WAS as sweet as Georgia peaches.  Lance moaned as Justin flickered his tongue out. “Lance,” Justin moaned.

“Where’s JC?” Lance asked.

“Upstairs.”  Justin nibbled on Lance’s neck.

“Touch me, Justin, please,” Lance begged “Over on the wall there’s a switch so you can raise me up a bit. PLEASE, Justin. I’ve waited so long.”

Justin scrambled to his feet. He found the switch and Lance moved up a bit.  Justin crawled under the hammock, standing on his knees.  Lance’s cock was hard and throbbing.  Justin reached out a tentative finger.  Lance hissed at the contact.  Justin ran Lance’s cock over his lips slowly. “I’ve never done this before,” Justin said softly.

“You’re doing…fine…” Lance panted.

“Lansten!” A voice said from the doorway. Justin jumped.  “What are you doing?”

“I was…uh…” Lance stammered. JC walked over and smacked Lance’s ass hard.

“I specifically told you to wait. Now you must be punished.”

“It was all me, Jayce.”  Justin stood up, looking at the red mark on Lance’s full ass. JC laughed.

“Don’t lie for him, Justin. I know you’d never touch him without an invitation. You’re not that brave.” JC put an arm around Justin’s waist.  “Yes, our boy will need to be punished.”  JC walked over to a small table on wheels.  He maneuvered the table under Lance, then lowered him until he rested on the table.  “It’s not good to keep him up there all the time,” JC informed Justin.  He led Justin to a spot a few feet in front of Lance.  “Thanks for coming over, Justin,” JC murmured. He pulled Justin’s tshirt up, and Justin wiggled out of it.

“My pleasure,” Justin moaned as JC kissed him. Their bare chests pressed together as JC’s hands slid down to Justin’s backside. Lance whimpered and JC grinned.

“Touch me,” JC whispered, turning around. His back pressed against Justin’s chest.  Lance could only watch as JC took Justin’s hands and moved them down to his crotch.

“Fuck, you’re hard,” Justin gasped, grinding his own erection against JC’s ass.

“You got me that way.”  JC turned his head to kiss Justin.

“God,” Lance said in a strangled voice.

JC turned back around, his hands shoving at Justin’s warm-up pants. He pulled them off, then took off his own jeans.  “Look at this, Lance.” JC gently stroked Justin’s cock. “He’s so beautiful.”

“Yes,” Lance whispered, fighting his restraints.

“So, Justin…you wanted a dick in your mouth?” JC pushed Justin to his knees.  “Be careful with your teeth,” JC ordered.

Justin carefully put his lips around JC’s cock, clumsily moving his tongue around the head.  He used his hand to hold JC where he wanted him. Justin licked once or twice at JC’s balls, but he mostly concentrated on JC’s cock.  “Oh, God, Josh, PLEASE!” Lance almost screamed, aroused to the point of pain.

“Lance likes watching, Justin.”  JC ran his hand over Justin’s short curls. “But we should take pity on him.”

JC pulled Justin to his feet. He positioned Justin directly in front of Lance, then went to a small chest of drawers.  “You’re so fucking hot,” Lance whispered to Justin.

“Suck him, Lance.” JC raised Lance slightly and kicked the table out of the way. He unbound Lance’s feet, unfastening the back part of the hammock until Lance was only supported from the waist up.  His feet touched the ground. “Make him cum.”

Lance gratefully opened his mouth, and Justin slid his cock inside.  Justin hissed as Lance’s talented tongue moved along his length.  “Oh…God…Lance…” Justin held onto Lance’s hair with one hand. He was unable to keep from thrusting his hips.

“Good…very good…” JC caressed Lance’s ass before giving it another slap. He opened the tube of lubricant he had retrieved from the chest of drawers, and coated two fingers.  “I’m gonna fuck you so hard, Lance, that Justin will feel you cumming,” JC told Lance, sliding the fingers inside.  Lance moaned around Justin’s cock, which only turned Justin on more. “I’ve always wanted to fuck you while you sucked someone else…I’m glad it’s Justin.”  JC continued to finger-fuck Lance until he was whimpering around Justin’s cock. JC grabbed Lance by the hips and slid himself inside.  Lance gave a muffled scream.

JC’s eyes never left Justin’s face. Justin was watching Lance, occasionally closing his eyes in ecstasy.  “Fuck, Lance, that’s so good…shit…” Justin panted.

“Come ON, Lance. You’re gonna make him cum or you’re NEVER going to get to cum,” JC told him.  Lance whimpered.  “Lance here can cum from fucking alone, Justin,” JC informed Justin.  “You just hit the right spot…” JC changed his angle slightly and Lance gasped.  “Suck him, Lance.”

“Fuck…Lance…I’m gonna…oh FUCK I’m gonna cum!”  Justin screamed, thrusting hard.  His cum leaked out of Lance’s mouth, and Lance frantically ran his tongue around his lips, trying to catch it all.

“That’s it…uh…Lance…” JC set a steady pace.

“I’m gonna cum, too…oh…Josh…” Lance whimpered quietly.  His cum hit the floor in quick spurts.

“Yeah, baby…Lance.”  JC threw his head back and came deep inside of Lance.

“Let him down,” Justin ordered weakly.  JC pulled out, grinning at Justin.

“He’s fine.”  But JC went over and lowered the hammock.  Justin untied Lance’s hands, then kissed him hard.


Lance led Justin upstairs to the second floor with JC close on their heels. “Do you want anything to eat or drink, Justin?” Lance asked softly.

“I’ll get us something. You get Justin all settled in,” JC said. He kissed Lance’s cheek, then went back downstairs.

“We’re all going to sleep in here.”  Lance opened the door to one of the guestrooms.  Justin gasped.

The bed seemed to dominate the room.  It was larger than a king-sized, with a flowing canopy and dark green satin sheets.  “That’s huge,” Justin whispered.

“JC had it made special for us, so we’d have room to...well...” Lance blushed.  Justin put his hands on Lance’s cheeks and gently kissed him.

“You were so beautiful, Lance,” Justin whispered.  “Seeing your pretty lips around my looked amazing.”

“No, Justin...YOU were the beautiful one,” Lance said softly. He nibbled at Justin’s earlobe.  “You’re like an golden...”

“Once again, you start without me.”  JC leaned in the doorway, three wine glasses in one hand, a bottle of pink wine in the other.  “But this time, Lance, I won’t punish you.”

“I don’t like wine, Jayce, you know that,” Justin said, wrinkling his nose.  JC chuckled.

“God, but you’re adorable sometimes,” JC sighed. He came over and kissed Justin’s pouting lips. “You’ll like this. It’s sweet and fruity.” He deftly poured some into each of the glasses. He handed one to Lance, and one to Justin.  “To special friendships.”

“Special friendships,” Lance repeated, his eyes never leaving Justin’s face. 

Justin took a tentative sip of the wine. “Hey, this is good!  It tastes like strawberries.”

“I found this little winery when we were in California last time. I have them ship this to me by the case,” JC informed him. He stretched out on the bed, his movements catlike.  “So, what should we do tomorrow?”  Lance looked away and Justin blushed.  JC chuckled again.  “I meant BESIDES sex, you guys.  I didn’t plan to completely wear you out by Saturday afternoon.”

“I just want to relax,” Lance said quietly. “Just hang out and be together.”

“We haven’t hung out and just chilled for ages,” Justin agreed.

“I could cook dinner,” Lance suggested.  “If you wanted me to.”

“Lance cooks like a dream, Justin. He’s really been studying it...even took a class at the community college,” JC told Justin. Justin was impressed.

“I couldn’t go to every class, but I got to try a few things,” Lance mumbled, obviously embarrassed.

“Okay, you cook dinner tomorrow, Lance, and Justin will be in charge of the TV,” JC decided.  “We’ll crawl into my bed after breakfast tomorrow, and just snuggle together and hang out.  Just be Lance and Josh and Justin.  Sound okay?”

“Yes,” Justin said, and Lance nodded. Lance yawned.

“Aww.  My poor baby boy is tired.”  JC set down his wine glass and lay back.  “Come here, Lance.” 

Lance snuggled close to JC, putting his head on JC’s chest.  “C’mon, Justin,” he said wearily.  Justin finished his wine in one gulp and lay down behind Lance, his chest pressing against Lance’s back. He kissed behind Lance’s ear, then soon fell asleep.



Justin woke up with JC’s long body wrapped around him.  He had always wondered what it would be like to wake up in the arms of another man, and he decided he liked it. 

Justin realized that Lance was not in the bed with them. He slowly inched himself out of JC’s embrace and crept out of the bedroom. He went to JC’s bedroom, where JC had taken his backpack the night before.  As he dug through the bag for his deodorant and toothbrush, Justin heard water running.  Lance was in JC’s shower.


Lance hummed as he worked the shampoo through his hair. He knew that JC would sleep until at least eleven, and that Justin wouldn’t show his face until he had at least one bowl of cereal inside of him.  So, Lance had decided to get up, shower, and put a quick breakfast together.

“Hey,” a voice said in his ear, and suddenly Justin was in the shower with him.

“Wh-what are you doing up?” Lance stammered.

“Maybe I missed you,” Justin said coyly.  He began to shampoo Lance’s hair. Lance sighed and closed his eyes.

“Did you have your cereal?”

“No. I wanted to find out where you were,” Justin told him. “Rinse.”

Lance tilted his head back and rinsed the suds from his short hair.  When he opened his eyes, Justin was watching him.  “What?”

“You’re so beautiful, Lance,” Justin whispered. He ran a hand over Lance’s wet chest.  “JC is so lucky.”

“No,” Lance said softly, green eyes wandering over Justin’s long legs and muscular frame.  “YOU’RE the beautiful one.”

“God, Lance…” Justin pulled Lance to him, sliding his hands down to Lance’s ass.  Lance moaned as their cocks rubbed together. Lance kissed him, running his hands over Justin’s biceps.

“Justin,” Lance gasped, throwing his head back. Justin licked the water from Lance’s throat.

“I want you,” Justin growled, biting down on Lance’s shoulder. 

“We…can’t…” Lance panted. “Not without…Josh…”

“I don’t care about him. I want to suck you, Lance. I never really got to last night.”  Lance whimpered as Justin slowly got down on his knees.  Lance spread his feet apart slightly, placing one hand on the wall.  The other wove through Justin’s hair as Justin placed tiny kisses on Lance’s inner thighs.

Justin picked up Lance’s cock and began to lick around the head. Lance looked down at Justin’s red tongue and moaned.  Justin slowly started to move Lance in and out of his mouth.  He stroked as he sucked, using the water from the shower to aid his hand.

“Oh…fuck…Justin…so good…” Lance panted.

Justin continued to suck, but he moved his hand to fondle Lance’s balls. Lance groaned louder. Justin dipped his head and sucked one into his mouth gently. He felt Lance’s legs shake and he smiled. “Am I doing okay?”


“Good.”  Justin moved back up to Lance’s cock, sucking deeper and faster.  He moved his hands to grab Lance’s ass, squeezing and caressing.  Justin allowed one finger to slide over Lance’s entrance, simply teasing as he sucked.

“Oh, Justin, PLEASE,” Lance begged.  Justin carefully slid the finger in. The water offered minimal lubrication, and he didn’t want to cause Lance too much pain.  Justin carefully moved the finger in and out. “Yes, Justin, oh FUCK yes!”  Lance almost screamed.  He grabbed Justin’s head with both hands and began to fuck his mouth.  Justin gagged slightly, but he continued to suck Lance the best he could. “OH…Justin…I’m cumming…” Lance pulled out of Justin’s mouth, shooting partially onto Justin and partially onto the wall.  Justin stood and rinsed off his face.  Lance kissed him passionately.

“That was incredible,” Justin murmured.

“Yes, you were.”  Lance hugged him and kissed his shoulder.  “Do…do you want me to return the favor.”

“No, thank you.”  Justin reached for the shampoo, kissing Lance’s cheek as he leaned past him.  “I need to save it all for tonight when I fuck JC.”



Lance’s mouth fell open and he choked on some water from the showerhead.  “You…you can’t do that, Justin.”

“I can’t? Why not?”

“You…can’t,” Lance said earnestly.  “JC…he’s always…um…top.”

“So you’ve never even tried to make love to him?”  Justin rinsed the shampoo from his hair.

“No,” Lance said quietly. “And that’s fine. I don’t mind being on the bottom. I think it’s better that way.”

“Okay.” Justin shrugged as he rubbed water from his eyes.  “Whatever, Lance.”


“JC…” Justin whispered, tickling JC’s nose with the petals of the rose he had picked from JC’s garden. “Jayce…”

“Sleeping…go ‘way.”

“JC…it’s after twelve.  Time for breakfast…” Justin whispered. He licked JC’s ear and lightly sucked on the earlobe. 

“Honey, wake up.”  Lance gave JC a sweet kiss and his eyes fluttered open.

“Mmm…” JC gave them both a sleepy smile.  “Hi.”

“I made you breakfast,” Lance said as JC struggled to sit up.  Lance carefully sat the tray across JC’s lap. “Eggs just as you like them, rye toast, orange juice.”

“And I…” Justin ran the rose against JC’s cheek, then put it on the tray, “…I picked this.  For you.”

“Thanks, guys.”  JC rubbed his eyes, stretched, then dug into his breakfast.  “Did you decide what we’re watching today while we’re laying around being lazy?”

“No, sorry,” Justin apologized. He looked at Lance, who blushed. “I was…uh…busy.  It slipped my mind. I’ll get on that now.”  Justin got up, ruffled Lance’s hair, then left the bedroom.

“I hated waking up alone,” JC said to Lance.  Lance frowned.

“I’m sorry, Josh.  I…it’s just that I was gonna get up quick, shower, and make us all a great breakfast.  But then Justin got up, and we got to talking and stuff, and I didn’t make it back here.”  Lance sighed.  “I wish…I wish we could wake up together all the time.”

“You mean live together.”  Lance nodded. “Lance, what did I tell you about that?”

“That there’s no way it will happen unless we come out to the guys, and you’re not ready to do that,” Lance mumbled.  “JC, I love you. You saw how good Justin was with our relationship…why wouldn’t Joey and Chris be the same way?”

“Because they wouldn’t, okay, Lance? Drop it,” JC snapped.  Lance sighed and got up. 

“I’m gonna see what Justin is up to.”  Lance left JC to his breakfast.


“No.  No way, Justin. There is NO way in hell.  The Millennium Falcon totally kicks ass!” JC protested.

“Why, oh WHY, Justin, did you decide that we needed to watch the Star Wars Trilogy today?” Lance asked with a sigh. “He always gets so worked up.”

“The Millennium Falcon is a bucket of bolts,” Justin said, getting out of JC’s bed to take out “Star Wars” and put in “The Empire Strikes Back.”  “I don’t know how the hell the damn thing stays together.”

“Because Han Solo and Chewbacca KEEP it together,” Lance observed in a bored tone.  Justin looked at him and grinned.

“Are we boring you, Lancey?”

“No, not at all. I LOVE hearing two groan men argue about a fictional spaceship.” He stood. “I’m gonna get something to drink.  You want anything?”

“Nah, I’m good,” Justin said.

“Water,” JC said, and Lance left the room.  Justin crawled back on the bed.  He laid next to JC and ran a hand over his chest, which was covered by a thin tshirt.

“I’ve learned a lot this weekend,” he said softly.  “In a good way.”

“I’m glad.”  JC’s face never left the television screen.

“JC…I’m gonna fuck you today.”

JC looked at Justin and burst out laughing.  “You’re gonna WHAT?”

“I’m gonna fuck you.”  Justin moved and was suddenly laying over JC, pinning JC’s long arms above his head.  “And you’re gonna beg for it.”

“You’re crazy.”  JC tried to pull away, but couldn’t.  He looked up at Justin, amusement in his eyes.  “You really think you can?”

“I know I can,” Justin replied in a whisper.  “I want you, JC.  I want to do what you’ve never let Lance do. I want ONE piece of you that he’ll never have, because he doesn’t really want it.”  His hand slid up under JC’s shirt and pinched at a nipple. “Why are you so afraid to lose control?”

“I’m not,” JC snapped, irritated at the hardness in his sweatpants.  This wasn’t supposed to turn him on. 

Justin grabbed the tshirt and ripped it in half.  He bent his curly head down and lapped at a nipple.  “I want you to lose control with me, JC,” Justin whispered.  JC fought against Justin’s hold, but Justin continued to pin him down, moving from nipple to nipple until they were hard and round.  “Mmm…” Justin murmured, biting down.  JC gasped and arched his back.

“JC, there wasn’t any…” Lance froze in the doorway.  “What…”

“Come here, Lance,” Justin ordered, and Lance slowly walked over.  “Don’t you want to help me?”

“I…I…” Lance looked helplessly at JC.

“Lance, don’t…you…dare…” JC hissed.  Lance sat down on a chair near the bed, his eyes glued to JC’s body.

“Coward,” Justin said with a smirk.  He moved up to kiss JC.  “Why are you fighting me?”

“Because you’re so fucking cocky!”  JC snapped.  Justin smiled his sunny grin.

“Oh, I’ll be showing you cocky,” Justin answered.  He kissed JC again and again, until JC couldn’t help but respond.  “I want to hear you scream my name.”

“That will never happen,” JC whispered.  Justin smiled as if to say, “We’ll see.”

Justin pulled off his own tshirt, and he allowed his chest to rub against JC.  JC closed his eyes, trying to ignore how smooth and strong Justin’s body was.  He felt Justin’s hand slide into his sweatpants and flinched. “Stop.”

“Oh, now THAT was convincing,” Justin said, laughing. His hand ran over JC’s cock, which was now long and hard.  “God, JC…you’re so gorgeous.”  He kissed JC once more, then slid JC’s sweatpants off.  “Lance, are you sure you don’t want to come over here and suck JC’s dick.”

Lance’s eyes flickered over to JC, who was definitely not giving him permission. “Um, no.”

“Fine,” Justin sighed.  “Then you just sit there…touch yourself if you want…see all that you’re missing.”  Justin pulled JC’s cock into his mouth, fiercely sucking it almost to the point of pain.  JC whimpered against his will, arching his hips up to thrust into Justin’s mouth.  Justin held him down, teasing with little licks between deep sucks that soon had JC growling.  Justin picked up JC’s slender hips a bit so he had better access to everything he wanted.  He licked around JC’s balls, drawing trails with his tongue that had JC shivering.  He then lifted JC a bit further, and allowed his tongue to dart lower.

“Holy fuck!”  JC hissed, his hands clenching the sheet.  Justin’s tongue teased and probed, darting in, then making circles.  “Justin…God…”

“Beg,” Justin murmured, snapping his fingers in Lance’s direction.  Lance understood, and quickly found a tube of lubricant and a condom.

“I’m not…going to…beg…” JC gasped as Justin moved back up to suck his cock.  Justin uncapped the lubricant with one hand, and squirted some onto his fingers.  One finger slid inside and JC moaned.

“Beg,” Justin repeated. “I know it’s been a long time since you let someone fuck you, JC, but I also can tell you let someone do it before.  Let me.”

“Justin…” JC eyes rolled back as two fingers plunged into him.  “Justin…PLEASE…” JC finally gasped.  “Please.”

Justin grinned and slid the condom on.  “My first…you’re taking my virginity, JC,” he said pleasantly as he slowly slid inside.  His smile faded as he moved inside.  “Holy hell…so…tight…” he gasped, grasping JC’s legs.  JC bent his knees up to his chest, using his amazing flexibility.

“More…” JC begged again, and Justin gave Lance a triumphant smile. He slid inside, pulling out almost all the way, then slamming in again.  “More!”  JC commanded, grabbing Justin’s hips and pulling him closer.

“Yes…” Justin gasped, moaning as JC’s tightness swallowed him again and again.  “Oh, fuck, JC…so good…”

“Yes, you are.”  JC pushed Justin away and rolled them over. He pressed his hands to Justin’s chest, then lowered himself onto Justin’s cock. “I am ALWAYS in control, Justin.”  He rode Justin fast, sweat dripping from his face onto Justin’s chest.

“Oh…fuck yes…” Justin reached up and began to jack at JC’s cock, pulling in time with JC’s movements.  “I’m gonna…cum…Jayce…” Justin gasped, feeling everything in him tighten.

JC gave a slight contraction of his muscles, and Justin came hard and fast.  JC slid off him, grinning.  Before he could say anything, however, he was flat on his back next to Justin.  Lance sucked at his cock, making him yell with pleasure.  “Lance…what…” JC couldn’t finish the sentence as he came into Lance’s mouth.  Lance crawled up to lay between them, placing his head on Justin’s chest.  It was obvious from the stains on his chest that he had cum while watching them, and they fell asleep, totally sated.



Lance woke up later that evening, around ten.  He smiled as he looked at how young Justin looked while asleep.  It was hard to believe that this was the same person who had taken JC so passionately.  Lance turned to look at JC.  He sighed as he kissed the face he loved.  He just knew Justin and JC would be perfect together.  Lance slowly got out of the bed, and tiptoed out of the room.


JC yawned and stretched. He opened one eye to glance at the clock.  “Midnight? Holy shit.”  He poked Justin in the side.  “Wake up, sleeping beauty.”  JC slowly sat up. “Where’s Lance?”

“I dunno.”  Justin rubbed his eyes and sat up.  “Maybe downstairs?”

“Maybe he’s making us a snack. I love a man who’s good in the kitchen!”  JC said. He got out of bed, pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms, and padded down the stairs in bare feet. “Lance?” JC called. He got no answer.  “Lance?”  He reached the kitchen and did not find Lance. What he did find was a note on the counter.

Josh…I’m sorry to skip out this way, but you always knew I was a coward. I could never stand up for what I wanted.  I also can’t stand in the way of what you want. I know that you and Justin will be very happy together…you two are built from the same stuff.  I will always love you, and this won’t affect the group, I promise.  Love always, Lance.”

“Where’s Lance?” Justin came downstairs in a pair of JC’s jeans, scratching his head as he yawned.

“He’s gone,” JC whispered. “He left me.”

“He WHAT?”  Justin grabbed the note from JC and read it. “No. No way.  Lance didn’t write this.”

“That’s his handwriting, Justin.”  JC sat down on a stool, rubbing his forehead.  “I can’t believe he left me…he thinks I want you, and it’s all my fault.”

“It’s not all your fault, JC.  You didn’t make him do anything.”

JC laughed wryly. “Are you crazy, Justin?  I always make him do things…it’s how our relationship is.  And I always thought he was fine with that. But he thinks he’s a coward, and that now I want you because of what happened earlier.”

“Then go get him back, Jayce!”

“I can’t.  If Lance left, his mind is made up.  And there’s no changing his mind, you know that.”


“Lance?”  Justin pounded on Lance’s front door.  “Open up!  Lance, you dumb fuck, open your fucking door!”

“Justin, will you be quiet?”  Lance hissed as he opened his door. “I live in a nice quiet neighborhood.”

“I don’t care.” Justin shoved his way past Lance. “What the HELL is your problem?”

“I don’t have a problem.”  But the sadness in Lance’s eyes betrayed the lie. 

“Lance, it’s two in the damn morning, and you’re wide awake.  What does that tell you?”

“That you should not be bothering me at two in the morning,” Lance replied calmly.  Justin grabbed him and shoved him against the wall.

“Lance, you freaking Pod Person, listen to me!  JC is fucking MISERABLE back at his house, because you left him.  You broke up with him like a high school GIRL, writing a fucking NOTE.”

“He’s not miserable,” Lance said, but his eyes darted around the room. “Is he?”

“I’d say sitting at the counter with a bottle of Jack Daniels would make him seem pretty damn miserable,” Justin snapped.  “Lance, he loves you. He feels so guilty now, like he chased you away by being the dominant one. Like you were only submissive because he gave you no choice.”

“It’s not like that at all!”  Lance said, open mouthed.  “I like it this way. I just…he seemed to love it so much with you, and I can’t do that.”

“Lance, he doesn’t want you to. JC and I…we were a one time thing. You need to tell him how you feel.”

“I can’t, Justin,” Lance said sadly. “I want him to be happy, and I think he’d be better off with you.”

“Lance, you are so fucking stubborn.” Justin angrily stomped out of the house.


Three days later they had a meeting to discuss whether a greatest hits CD was a good or a bad idea.  Management liked the idea.  The five members of NSYNC weren’t so sure.

“Look how it made the Backstreet Boys look,” Joey pointed out as they sat around Chris’ pool.  “It made them look like they were on the way out.”

“But it’s always a cool idea,” Chris argued. “Maybe we could come up with two or three new songs to slap on the end.”

“I’d rather save my new stuff for an entirely new album,” Justin said.  “What do you think, Jayce?”

“Huh?”  JC looked up from where he had been staring at the pool. “Oh, yeah.  Whatever you say, Justin.”

Chris and Joey stared at him.  JC was never this subservient when it came to his music.  “Lance?”  Joey asked softly.  Lance looked up from studying his fingernails.

“Yeah, Joey, I’m with you.”

“Guys, I need to tell you something,” JC said suddenly.

“God, JC, don’t, please,” Lance begged quietly.  “I don’t need to hear this.”

“Everyone needs to hear this.”  JC looked up at Chris and Joey. “I’m gay.  Totally gay.  Have been my whole life.  And for the past three years or so, I’ve been in love, and in a relationship, with Lance.”

Lance’s mouth fell open. “I thought…”

“You thought I was going to say I wanted someone else?” JC asked with a small smile.  “Lance, I’ve loved you since I met you, since you were old enough for me to want you.  Why would I give that up over one weekend?”

“Weekend?  I thought you were with Justin this weekend?” Chris asked, confused.

“I was covering for them,” Justin said quickly. “I’ve done it a million times before,” he lied.

JC stood, as did Lance.  “I love you, Lance.  And you’re the only one I want.  JUST the way you are, okay?”  Lance nodded and they embraced.

“Okay, so are there ANY other secrets I need to know?” Chris exclaimed loudly. “Curly, do you have a crush on me? Do you want my sexy body?”

“NO, Chris,” Justin said.

“Why not?” Chris asked.

The End

Tell Lara what you thought of this story!