Room At The Top

By:  Lara


“Lance…” Justin gasped, his slender frame writhing on the bed.  “Please…baby, don’t tease me…” Lance obediently took Justin into his mouth, welcoming the smooth hardness of Justin’s cock. He licked at the head, then bobbed up and down.  His hand rubbed up and down the inside of Justin’s thighs, occasionally sliding up to caress Justin’s balls.  “Oh…baby…” Justin gasped.  His hips thrust up and Lance almost gagged.  “Touch me.”  Lance sucked one of his own fingers, then slowly reached to tease at Justin’s opening. “Oh…Lance…” Justin wriggled with pleasure. “Yes…” Lance slid the finger inside and he felt Justin’s muscles tighten.  “Fuck me, Lance…please…”

Any erection Lance had immediately went to Jell-O at Justin’s words.  He slowly let Justin fall from his mouth and carefully climbed up Justin’s body.  “No…” Lance murmured in Justin’s ear. “I want you inside of me, Justin. I want you to make love to me.”

Justin groaned, as Lance knew he would.  Justin could never refuse a well-voiced plea.  “Lance…” Justin sighed, rolling them over.  He leaned across Lance for the lubricant, passionately kissing Lance as he moved.  He got himself and Lance ready, then slowly slid inside. “So good, Lance…” Justin whispered.  He kissed Lance’s forehead, his cheeks, his lips.  “Love you.”

“I love you, too, Justin,” Lance said, closing his eyes as he welcomed Justin’s thrusts.


Later on, as Justin slept in his arms, Lance lay awake staring at the ceiling.  He cursed himself, as he had been doing a lot lately.  He wanted to make love to Justin. He wanted to feel Justin from the inside, as the song went.  He wanted to see Justin from the top, see Justin begging beneath him as he moved inside. But he couldn’t do it.  Justin was too sweet to ask for it, though he knew Justin wanted it desperately.  But Lance froze.  He had only ever been with one person before Justin, and he had only been on the bottom there, as well. He couldn’t bring himself to do it.  He was afraid of hurting Justin. He was afraid of doing it wrong. Most of all, he was afraid of not pleasing Justin.  Justin was such a sexual being, so full of energy and sensuality.  Lance was STILL shocked, after almost two years, that Justin had chosen HIM.  He knew Justin had fooled around; he wasn’t blind.  He saw the strange men leaving the hotel rooms just as frequently as strange women left Joey and Chris’ rooms.  When Justin had approached him and asked him about his sexuality, Lance had been shocked, but not as shocked as when Justin kissed him and asked him to dinner.  And that was the beginning of everything wonderful in Lance’s life.

Yes, Lance needed to get the balls, SOMEWHERE, to make love to his very sexy, very willing, very flexible boyfriend. But he didn’t even know where to start.


“You look tired, Lansten. That young buck of yours wearing you out?” Chris asked with a smile as he sat down across from Lance at Joey’s kitchen table.  It was a Saturday morning, and Joey was making them all brunch. They tried to do this once or twice a week while on break.  It wasn’t always easy.

“Hey, I think it’s the deviously innocent-looking boy from Mississippi who’s wearing out the young buck,” Justin said, handing Lance a plate of French toast and bacon. He sat down next to Lance with a similar plate.

“Where’s mine?” Chris asked.

“If you were sexy as hell and smart to boot, then I might serve you…but…since you’re not Lance…too bad,” Justin grinned. Chris mumbled something about brats and got up to get his food.  JC studied Lance over his coffee cup.

“You okay, Lance?”

“Yeah, just a little tired,” Lance said.  Justin looked at him worriedly.

“You sure that’s it, babe?”

“Yes,” Lance promised him with a smile. He avoided JC’s gaze.

JC cornered him at the sink later, while everyone else was out on the deck.  Lance was washing dishes, and JC offered to dry.  “Wanna tell me what’s going on?”  JC said softly.  “You know I’ll listen.”

Lance understood the unspoken words.  JC was bisexual, and he was the one who had helped Lance come out of the closet in the first place. “It’s Justin.”

“Did you fight?”

“No!  God, no. Justin’s amazing.  Sweet, caring, sexy, kind…too kind,” Lance finished.  JC stared at him.

“Translation, please.”

Lance sighed, then blushed. “I…well…Justin wants me…to, uh, he wants me to…and I can’t.”

JC shook his head.  “You’re talking Martian, Lance.”

“He wants me to fuck him and I can’t.”

“What do you mean, you can’t?”

“I can’t. I never have. I’ve never been on top.  And I’m afraid that I’ll screw it up.”  Lance took a deep breath and dove into the one plan he had come up with. “JC, can you teach me?”


Glass shattered as JC dropped a glass.  “Wh-what did you say, Lance?”

“JC, I really want this.  And who am I gonna ask?”

“Your boyfriend, maybe?” JC said.  “Lance…”

“JC, I know you’re bi. Therefore you’ve at least had to be on top of a woman at one time.”

“I cannot believe we’re having this conversation,” JC said, blushing.  Lance smiled.

“Am I so repulsive?”

“Hell, no, Lance!”  JC snapped, and Lance grinned broader.  JC blushed again. “It’s just…teach you? I can’t teach you.”

“Learn me,” Lance said in his deepest porn voice, and JC whimpered.

“That’s not fair.”

“JC, please? I’ll do anything.  Justin’s birthday is next week. I want to surprise him with this…set up the whole scene. Please, JC?”

JC sighed.  “This is so wrong. Justin would kill me.”

“No, he wouldn’t. Number one, we won’t tell him. Number two, you’re his closest friend next to me.  If he’d want me doing this with anyone, it would be with you.”  Lance raised an eyebrow.  “Afraid you might enjoy it, JC?”

“Oh, fuck off,” JC snapped. “Fine. Come over on Friday.”

“Excellent.  Thank you, JC.”  Lance bent down to pick up the glass. “Holy shit, Jayce…you’re bleeding!”

“I am?”  JC hadn’t even noticed the large gash on his calf, caused by the glass.  “Shit…I am!”

“JOEY!”  Lance yelled out the window.  “We need a First Aid kit!”

“What?”  Justin came running in. “Lance, are you okay?”

“I’m fine. It’s JC.”  Lance helped JC to a chair, propped up his foot, and wiped at his leg carefully with a clean damp rag.

“Holy hell, Jayce, what did you do?” Chris asked.  Joey went upstairs for his small First Aid box.

“I startled him and he dropped a glass,” Lance said.  Justin sat by JC, putting his arm around JC’s shoulders.

“Poor JC.  Did the big bad Lance frighten you,” he cooed in JC’s ear.

“You could say that,” JC said, looking at Lance briefly, then looking away.



“Are you sure you can’t come over?” Justin asked.  “I really don’t feel well.”  He gave a pitiful sniff into the phone and Lance smiled.

“JC’s waiting for me, Justin.  He wants me to look over some contracts for him.”

“Since when does JC have anything to do with contracts?” Justin sulked.

“Since he’s been doing more and more production work for people,” Lance replied. “Justin, if you want me to cancel, I will.”  Lance crossed his fingers.

“No.”  Justin gave another sniff, then a sigh. “Go ahead. You’re just so wonderful…everyone wants your help.”

“If you think so,” Lance said. “I love you, Justin, and I’ll stop over tomorrow, okay? Tomorrow’s Saturday. I’m gonna show up bright and early, and I’m gonna spend all day babying my boy.”

“All day?” Justin asked.

“ALL day.  I’m not leaving until Monday morning, when we have to be at that meeting.”

“Don’t you need to shop for my birthday present?”

Lance laughed. “You’re nosy.  No…if everything works out right, I already have it.”

“Okay.”  Justin sighed again. “I love you, Lance.”

“Love you, too. Call me at JC’s if you need anything.”


“Hey.”  JC opened the door.  “C’mon in, Lance.”

Lance sniffed. “Did you cook?”

“I threw some dinner together,” JC said modestly. “I figured the least I could do was feed you.”

“You didn’t need to do that, Jayce. Thanks.”  JC led Lance into the dining room.

“Go ahead and sit down. It’s almost done.”

Lance sat down, tapping his fingers on the table nervously. He wasn’t sure if this was such a good idea.  It was practically cheating on Justin, though it was for Justin that he was even doing this in the first place.  He played with his fork, jumping when JC entered the dining room.

“Relax, Lance,” JC said softly, giving Lance a kind smile. “I’m not gonna bite you.”  He filled Lance’s wine glass.  “Try this. It’s a new Chardonnay I picked up yesterday. It will help you relax.”

“Relax, right.”  Lance obediently sipped at the wine.  “It’s good.”

“Good.”  JC gave Lance another smile and went back into the kitchen to get their dinner.

Lance dug into the pasta dish.  “This is really good,” he said in amazement.  JC laughed.

“Heaven forbid a boyband member can cook, huh?”

“No, I didn’t mean…” Lance blushed.

“Lance, God, calm down.  It’s just me.  Just JC.  It’s not like you need to impress me or anything.”  JC looked amused. “I’m a sure thing.”  Lance only blushed darker.  “Why don’t you tell me why you can’t do this on your own?”

Lance took a large gulp of his wine, and JC refilled the glass. “Well…I mean, he’s Justin.”

“Okay.”  JC obviously didn’t follow.

“He’s Justin Timberlake, JC.  He’s like you. He’s beautiful and sexy and just…golden, you know?  I still can’t believe he picked ME to spend his time with.  ME.  He could be with anyone.”

“That’s just it, Lance.” JC put his fork down.  “Justin picked YOU.  Over all the kazillions of men and women out there who want him…he chose YOU.  Doesn’t that say something about how great you are?”

“Um…” Lance said. Damn JC and his logic, anyway.

“Justin loves you, Lance. And he’d love you no matter what. I bet he has NEVER pushed this issue with you, has he?  Never said, Lance, get on top or else I’m leaving you.  Right?”

“Right,” Lance agreed. “But what if I hurt him?”

“You know that it always hurts a bit, Lance.  But it soon feels so good, right?  You KNOW that. And I think you’ll be careful with him…actually, I know it.  And Justin knows how it feels from the upper side…he’ll be okay.”

“I’m still paranoid.”

JC sighed. “Lance, you can’t be that way. If you’re so worried about it sucking…well…it’s gonna suck, then.  When you and Justin make love…do you worry about pleasing him?”

“No…I’m too busy doing it.”

“Thank you.” JC sat back in his chair.  Lance frowned.  Damn that logic again.

Lance finished off his wine.  “I want to make him happy.”

“You will.”  JC stood. “C’mon.”

“Already?” Lance said nervously.

“God, Lance, you act like a virgin or something. And I’m not gonna bite you…not unless you ask. Come ON.”  JC tugged at Lance’s shirt, then started down the hall to the staircase.  Lance took a huge gulp from the wine bottle itself, then followed JC.


JC’s bedroom was dimly lit, and Lance fidgeted in the doorway.  JC sighed.  “We will get nothing done with you over there.”

“Sorry.”  Lance took a baby step into the room.

“Lance…I’m not gonna force myself on you. This will be hell for us both if that’s how you want it.”  JC put a hand on Lance’s shoulder.  “I care about you.  And I’m doing this to help you.  But…I need to be honest about something.” 

“Are you blushing?” Lance looked at JC carefully.

“I had a crush on you once.  Right before you started your thing with Justin.  It sounds childish, but it was a crush.”  JC looked at his feet.  “Embarrassing.”

“YOU had a crush on ME?”  Lance whispered.  He smiled. “Wow.  I find that amazing.”

“Yeah, well, you’re worth it, okay?  How many men can say they had two of America’s teen heartthrobs wanting him?” JC asked, and Lance finally relaxed.

“Thank you for doing this, JC,” Lance said softly.

“No problem.”  JC leaned forward and kissed Lance softly.  Lance sighed and placed his hands on JC’s waist.  JC slid his lips down to lick at Lance’s Adam’s Apple.  “Lance…whatever you do tonight, I want you to enjoy yourself, okay? This is about pleasure…yours and Justin’s.”

“And yours,” Lance murmured, sucking on JC’s earlobe.  JC gasped.  “Teach me, Jayce,” Lance whispered.  JC moaned and started to pull at Lance’s shirt.  Lance allowed him to pull the shirt over his head.

“There’s not much to teach, Lance,” JC replied, kissing Lance’s lips.  “You just do what feels good.”  He passionately kissed Lance, letting his tongue sweep through Lance’s mouth.  JC’s hands were all over Lance’s chest, rubbing over his stomach, lightly toying with his nipples.  Lance shivered.

“Not fair,” Lance insisted, tugging at JC’s sweatshirt.  JC stepped back and pulled the shirt off.  “Damn,” Lance said weakly. He had forgotten how sexy JC could be.  He didn’t have much meat on him, but there was a lot of muscle to his sinewy body.

“While I’m here…” JC said, smirking as he unbuckled his belt and stepped out of his jeans. He wore nothing underneath.  Lance swallowed deeply. “Let’s get you out of these.”  JC reached for the button of Lance’s khakis.  Lance found that his own hands suddenly didn’t work, so he allowed JC to slid the pants down.  He stepped out of them, and stood in his boxers.

JC started to kiss Lance again, and he slowly moved them down onto the bed.  “Jayce…” Lance moaned, arching up to JC’s touch.

“I want you inside of me, Lance,” JC murmured, sucking on a nipple.  His hand slid down inside the flap of Lance’s boxers.  Lance hissed as JC came in contact with his hard cock.  “Don’t you want to be there?”


“No buts.”  JC slid the boxers down and kissed his way up the inside of Lance’s thighs.  “You know how good it feels, and when you want something bad enough, you just take it.” 

Suddenly Lance’s hands were pinned above his head.  “How…how’d you do that?”

JC smiled down at him.  “Distraction.  Part of being on top is being in control.  I had control over you by what I was saying…and then I just did it.”

Lance let his arms go limp, and JC released him.  Lance sighed. “I can’t do this.”

“Why not?”

“I…just can’t.”

“You never thought about having control of Justin…of using his body?”

“No!  I’d never use him!”

JC sighed. “You’re such a romantic, Lance. And they think I’M the dopey sweet and mushy one.”  JC shook his head, laying down beside Lance. “You’re right. This won’t work.”

“What do you mean?” Lance asked.

“You obviously don’t want it enough. You don’t want me…don’t want to fuck me.  That’s okay.  Kissing you was nice.”  JC started to sit up, but Lance shoved him back down.

“No. I DO want to.”

“You’re not acting like it.  I don’t think you can do it.”  JC started to sit up again, and suddenly Lance was straddling his thighs, sitting over him.

“I think I can.”  He bent down and kissed JC’s chest.  “I want to fuck you.”  He continued to kiss JC until he heard him chuckling. “What?”

“See?  You have it in you.”

“You…you were baiting me!”

“And it worked. You got all pissy and offended, and now you’re on top.”

“I…” Lance realized JC was right. “But I don’t want Justin to get me all mad every time he wants me.”

“He won’t have to. This first time is to break the ice.”  JC’s blue eyes looked up at Lance, dark with lust.  “And I want you to break it with me.”

“Jayce,” Lance whispered, stretching his body out over JC.  Lance’s hands slid through JC’s hair as they kissed. 

“I want you to touch me, Lance. I know you know how to do that.  Touch me and make me feel good…” JC panted.  “In the drawer…there’s lube and condoms.”

Lance slid down JC’s body, stopping for the lube along the way.  JC wasn’t as thick as Justin, but he was long, and Lance could not slide all of him into his mouth.  JC moaned, wiggling slightly.  Lance continued to suck him, running his fingers over the length.  He reached underneath JC, pulling him up for better access. JC mumbled some unintelligible sound as Lance carefully slid a finger inside.  “Yes…” JC gasped, arching up.  “Lance…another finger…”

“JC…” Lance started to pull away.

“Lance, PLEASE.  Don’t stop now…just do it…know how good it…oh FUCK!”  JC almost screamed as Lance added a second finger.  “Oh…right there…”

Lance watched JC’s face, watched the pleasure wash over his features.  “Now what?” Lance asked timidly.

“You…you should stop…” JC stammered, and Lance pulled away.  “You’ve never used two fingers on Justin?”

“No,” Lance said shyly. “I was afraid to.”

“Don’t be afraid,” JC whispered, looking up at Lance.  JC reached in the drawer for a condom, and he slowly slid it over Lance.  He then took the lubricant and added a generous amount.  “Always use a lot,” JC told him, and Lance nodded.  JC laid back down. “I’m all yours, Lance.”

Lance’s hands shook as he spread JC’s legs.  JC arched up a bit, and Lance lubed his fingers and slid them in a few more times.  JC was soon panting once more.  “I’m…I can’t…”

“Carefully,” JC warned.  Lance’s hands shook again as he tried to guide himself in.  JC put his hands over Lance’s the best he could.  “Slowly.  Just push in…it’s okay, Lance. I won’t break.”

“Jayce…” Lance closed his eyes and slowly pushed inside.  JC gasped and Lance’s eyes flew open.

“It’s okay…Lance…you know it just hurts for a minute,” JC managed through clenched teeth.  “All the way…go ahead.”

“JC, I’m sorry…” Lance continued until he was completely inside.  He waited.

“Okay…go ahead.”  JC’s blue eyes focused on Lance’s face.  Lance propped himself on his hands and pulled out.  He slowly pushed in, then came out, then went in at a slightly different angle.  JC gasped.  “Oh…Lance…right there…”

“Here?”  Lance repeated the movement, and JC let out a squeak.

“YES.  Fuck, yes…”

Lance moved faster.  “This is so good…”

“Yes it is…fuck me, Lance…” JC begged, and Lance moved faster. “So…good…”

Lance got up on his knees and placed his hands on JC’s thighs, pulling himself in as hard as he could.  “Fuck, you’re tight, Jayce.  I’m gonna fucking cum…oh GOD I can’t stop….”

“Go ahead…” JC pulled at his cock, close to the edge as well.

“Jayce…fuck…” Lance grabbed JC as he came.

“Lance….” JC shot up onto his chest, arching his back.

Lance slowly pulled out and removed the condom. “Was that…was that okay?”

“Lance, are you SURE you never did that before?”

“I never did,” Lance promised. 

JC lay back on the pillow.  “Damn.”  He looked over at Lance and smiled.  “Was that so bad?”

“I was petrified.  I don’t know if I can do that with Justin.”

“You can.  You love him.  It will be amazing.”

“Even more amazing then this?”

JC realized the compliment that wasn’t said.  He leaned over and kissed Lance gently.  “Even better. I promise.”



JC awakened at three in the morning. He turned on the light and rolled over to look at Lance peacefully sleeping beside him.  Justin was so lucky. Lance was truly amazing, and though JC’s ‘crush’ had faded to a friendly admiration, he couldn’t deny that he still felt the physical attraction.  Sex with Lance had been everything JC could have dreamt of. 

“See something you like?” Lance’s green eyes twinkled with sleepy amusement as he caught JC staring at him.

“I’m sorry, did I waken you?” JC asked, blushing.

“No.  You’re fine.”  Lance’s eyes wandered over JC’s long naked body.  “DAMN fine.”  Lance leaned over and kissed JC.  “Isn’t there anything else you want to teach me?”

“No, I, uh, think you got it all earlier.”

“So…if I wanted to fuck you right now, I could?”  Lance moved to lay his body over JC. 

“If…well…you wanted to.”  JC stared at Lance, wide-eyed.

“I want to,” Lance said in his low voice. 

“I want your mouth on me, Lance. Everywhere,” JC begged, and Lance smiled.

“Your wish…my desire.” 

Lance started at JC’s throat and began to slide his way down JC’s body.  He lapped at the hard nipples, then trailed his tongue over the flat abs.  He skipped JC’s cock and went down to make circles around JC’s ankles.  As he started to move up, JC surprised him by turning over.  JC stretched like a cat, and threw a lazy smile over his shoulder.  Lance groaned deep in his throat.  This is what JC wanted to teach him.  He moved up and began to slowly run his tongue down JC’s spine, letting it dip between every bone.  His hands trailed up and down JC’s sides, and he could feel the goosebumps.  He reached JC’s ass and froze.

“Lance…please…I want your tongue…your fingers…please…” JC whispered hoarsely. 

Lance spread JC and began to carefully lick.  JC moaned and clenched at the sheets.  Lance carefully darted his tongue in and out, massaging JC’s ass with his hands.  “Is this okay?”

“God…Lance…yes…” JC panted.

Lance reached for the lubricant, which had fallen on the floor. He got his fingers wet and watched with awe as they easily slid inside. “God…that’s hot…” Lance breathed.

“Feels so good…” JC began moving his hips back to meet Lance’s fingers.  “Lance…fuck me now…”

Lance reached for a condom as desire washed over him.  He quickly sheathed himself, and pulled JC up on his hands and knees.  “Want you…” Lance grunted as he moved inside.

“Yes, Lance,” JC gasped.  “Like that…hard…you have to do it…hard…this way…”

Lance slammed himself inside, feeling passion like he had never experienced.  He grabbed JC by the hips, thrusting hard.  He reached around JC to stroke his cock.  “Is it good?”


Lance immediately released JC and grabbed his hips again.  “Wanna cum…JC…I want it…”

“Cum, Lance…for me…” JC whispered, tugging at his cock.

“Jayce!”  Lance almost screamed, amazed at how quickly he had cum.  He pulled out, pushed JC onto his back, then moved down to suck him.  “Learn me,” he said in the low voice.  JC moaned and thrust into Lance’s mouth.

“There…move your tongue…oh FUCK yes…and your hand…suck my balls, Lance, I love that!”  JC grabbed at Lance’s hair. “I’m gonna fucking cum…Lance…” JC let out a yell as he came into Lance’s mouth.

Lance swallowed, then slowly came up to lay next to JC.  They both relaxed, catching their breath.  “I’m sorry, JC,” Lance said finally.

“For what?” JC asked, shocked.

“For this.  I should have been able to do this myself. Now…it will always be weird.  Between you and me, I mean.”

“No, Lance, honestly. I just feel like a friend helping out a friend,” JC lied.

“You’re lying,” Lance whispered.  He ran a finger down JC’s cheek.  “There’s a little more here. I feel it, too.  An unfinished crush, perhaps?”

“Finished now, I promise,” JC said, telling the truth this time. “I won’t lie and say this wasn’t incredible, but you belong with Justin. You guys are so good for each other.”

“You’re wonderful, JC.”  Lance kissed JC tenderly.  “But…I think I should go.”

“You don’t have to. I can…um…sleep in the guestroom,” JC said nervously.

“No.”  Lance kissed JC again.  “I need to go.  Justin was getting sick and I promised I’d spend tomorrow with him.  I think he’d like to wake up and find me next to him.”

“I know I would,” JC said, and Lance smiled.

“You’ll find someone, Jayce, honest. You’re so caring…and a great teacher.”  Lance grinned and reached to the floor for his clothes.



“You really don’t mind?” Justin asked Lance for the tenth time.

“Justin, if you ask me one more time, you will NOT live to see twenty-two.  You deserve a party. It’s your twenty-first birthday.  I’d rather be doing this at my house than at one of the clubs.”

“I love you, Lance,” Justin sighed, hugging Lance.  “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now go up and get ready. The caterers will be here in an hour and I don’t want you underfoot.”

“Yes, Dad.” Justin stuck out his tongue, but went upstairs.


“His friends will trash this place,” Joey commented to Lance as they stood by one of three bars the caterers had set up.

“I know.”

“And Britney will PROBABLY get drunk and flirt with your man.”

“I know, Joey.”

“And Justin will either throw up or pass out.”

“I KNOW, Joey, okay?” Lance snapped.  Joey smiled cheerfully.

Lance caught sight of JC standing alone in a corner and went over to him.  “Hi, Lance. Great party.”

“Yeah, well, he deserves it,” Lance replied as Justin looked over at him and smiled.

“So…when’s the big night?” JC asked.

“Um…Saturday.  I’m planning a big romantic evening.” Lance blushed.

“Sounds good. Are you nervous?”

“Terrified,” Lance answered. “Maybe you should come over, be my spotter or something.”

JC laughed. “As tempting as you and Justin are…no thanks.  This is between the two of you.” JC pointed with his wine glass.  “However, I’m sure Britney would be happy to join you.”

Lance looked over to where Britney was putting her arms around Justin, giggling up into his face.  Lance sighed.  “I know she’s drunk, and I know he loves me, and I know he’s too drunk to be pissed at her, but, God, it annoys me.”

“Send her over here. I’ll occupy her for a while,” JC said with an exaggerated sigh.  “The things I do for a friend.”

“I’ll get him away from her.” Lance stood directly in front of JC. “Dance with me.”

“Um, okay.” JC started to move.

“No. DANCE with me.” Lance moved closer, his body rolling against JC’s.

“Lance…” JC looked at him helplessly.  Lance grinned and put his hands on JC’s waist.

“We started grinding, Shorty had me up against the wall,” Lance sang softly.

“You’re evil,” JC said, as he watched Justin from the corner of his eye. Justin looked over at Lance, did a double take, and frowned. He carefully pulled himself out of Britney’s arms.  “Here he comes.”

“So?” Lance teased.

“Hey. What’s going on over here?” Justin demanded, pouting.

“You were busy with Britney, so I was dancing with JC,” Lance answered, wrapping his arms around JC and hugging him.

“Oh. But you’re touching him.”

“I touch JC all the time. He’s soft like a kitten.”  Lance petted JC’s head. JC ducked away.

“Aren’t I like a kitten?” Justin pouted again.

Lance laughed.  Drunken Justin was adorable.  “Yes, you are. My little sex kitten.”

“Good. Let’s go somewhere and fuck.”

Lance let out a yelp as Justin grabbed his hand and yanked him away from JC.  “Justin…” Lance tried to keep up.

Justin pulled Lance into the bathroom and locked the door. “Want you,” Justin murmured, fighting with Lance’s belt.

“Whoa, Justin.” Lance lightly pushed Justin away. “Whoa.”

“Don’t you want me?”

“I ALWAYS want you, baby.  But not here.  Not now. It’s your party, and you have guests.”

“So?” Justin nuzzled at Lance’s neck, and Lance could smell the alcohol. “Want you.”

“This weekend, remember?  We have all the time in the world then.” Lance gave Justin a tender kiss.

“Okay,” Justin grumbled.

“And go apologize to Jayce. You were rude,” Lance said.

“Okay.” Justin unlocked the door and rejoined his birthday party.  Lance leaned against the door and sighed.



“Keep him out,” Lance ordered as soon as he heard Justin’s car leave the driveway.  “Don’t let him back here before five.”

“Okay, Lance. I get it.  We’ll play basketball, then I’ll bring him back here to play my new Playstation game,” Chris promised.

“Don’t keep him there all night, Chris,” Lance snapped.

“God, Lance…first I’m supposed to keep him away, then I’m supposed to kick him out. You owe me, Freak.”  Chris hung up.


Justin tossed his basketball into a corner of Lance’s garage before entering the house through the kitchen.  He sniffed appreciatively and his stomach growled. He walked over and carefully opened the oven door.

“Get out of there!”  Lance said.  Justin jumped and the oven slammed shut.

“Oh.  Hi,” Justin said guiltily, standing back up.  He looked at Lance and did a double take.  Lance wore a pair of black silk pajama bottoms and that was all.

“Dinner’s on warm. It can stay in there for hours,” Lance said in a husky voice.  “Why don’t you go get cleaned up?”

“Yeah, um, okay.”  Justin tripped over his own feet as he hurried upstairs.  Lance grinned and took a deep breath.


When Justin got out of the shower, he pulled on a pair of sweatpants. He felt incredibly underdressed compared to Lance, but he figured that neither pair of pants would be on for long.  When he opened the door into the master bedroom, he gasped.  The room was full of candles, and Lance had drawn the dark blue curtains, giving the room the appearance of night.  “Wow,” Justin whispered.

“You sure are wow,” Lance said softly, watching Justin from the bed. He slowly got up and padded over to Justin on bare feet. “Absolutely wow.”  He ran a hand over Justin’s smooth chest and flat stomach.

“Is this…my present?”  Justin whispered.  Lance nodded.

“I’m gonna make love to you.”  Lance took Justin’s hand and led him to the bed.

“Wh-what?” Justin asked weakly.  He sat down and watched Lance slip out of his pajama bottoms.

“Unless you don’t want me to,” Lance said hesitantly, losing his nerve.

“What? Are you crazy?  God, yes, I want you to!”  Justin exclaimed. He stood back up and kissed Lance, his hands sliding down to grab Lance’s bare ass.  “I want you to,” he repeated.

“Good.”  Lance gave Justin a gentle shove back onto the bed.  He climbed up Justin’s body, planting kisses along the way. “It’s the only thing I could think to give you that you didn’t already have.”

“Oh, Lance,” Justin sighed as Lance sucked on a nipple. 

Lance’s hands roamed Justin’s body, stroking him through the sweatpants. It seemed like hours to Justin before Lance finally pulled the sweatpants off.  Lance reached over to the nightstand and got the condom and lubricant where he could reach them.  He then spread Justin’s legs and began to kiss up the inside of his thighs.  “You’re so beautiful,” Lance murmured, letting his cheek brush over Justin’s cock as he went from one leg to the other.  He ran his hand up to cup Justin’s balls, lightly rubbing his thumb over them. Justin hissed and arched up.

“Lance…fuck…” Justin gasped as Lance pulled him into his mouth. Lance slowly and deliberately licked and sucked as he opened the lube and got his fingers wet.  He flickered his tongue around Justin’s head as one fingertip teased at Justin’s opening.  “Yes…” Justin begged.

Lance slide the finger inside, making sure to take his good old time getting it back out again.  Justin groaned and Lance moved the finger faster.  He planted kisses around Justin’s stomach and hips.  “I want to make you feel good, Justin,” Lance murmured as he added a second finger.

“So good…oh, Lance…I want you so bad…” Justin whimpered, writhing beneath him.  Lance ignored him, carefully adding a third finger when he felt Justin was ready.  “Oh, fuck me, Lance…stop teasing…” Justin panted, and Lance saw sweat on Justin’s forehead.  He pulled away and sat up. 

“I love you,” Lance said, and he was surprised his voice didn’t betray his nervousness.  His hands shook slightly as he put the condom on.

“I love you, too,” Justin said, his eyes never leaving Lance’s face.  Lance lined himself up and carefully pushed.  “Oh…slow…” Justin’s face distorted with pain.

“I’m sorry!”  Lance said immediately.

“No, it’s okay…it’s just been…a long time…” Justin grunted.  Lance pushed until he was all the way in.  “Just…wait…okay…”

“Now?” Lance asked.  Justin nodded.  Lance pulled out and went back in again.  He couldn’t believe how tight and hot and amazing Justin was.  “Incredible,” he whispered.  Why had he waited so long?”

“Fucking incredible,” Justin agreed, wrapping his long legs around Lance’s waist.  He pulled Lance down for a kiss.  “So amazing…baby…”

Lance tried to remember everything JC had taught him.  He went slowly until Justin told him to move faster.  He changed angles slightly every time he went in, until he heard the gasp that told him he had hid the right spot.  Then he didn’t move from that spot.  “Justin…you feel so good…I…” Lance grabbed at Justin’s legs, trying not to cum.

“Go ahead,” Justin gasped, grabbing his own cock and slowly stroking it.  “Cum for me, Lance.”

“Justin…oh…fucking GOD…” Lance yelled as he came, thrusting hard.

“Yes…oh…Lance…” Justin threw his head back, cumming onto his own chest. 

Lance carefully pulled out, then discarded the condom. He went to the bathroom and got Justin a damp cloth to clean himself up with.  He lay back down next to Justin, studying him carefully.  “Was…that okay?”

Justin stared at him as if he had grown another head.  “Was it okay?  Hello, Lance.  You’re a dork!”  Justin kissed him softly.  “That was the best birthday gift I could have EVER asked for.  Wow.”  Justin cuddled up close to Lance, wrapping Lance’s arms around him.  “What the hell got into you?”

“I felt stupid that I couldn’t do that to you…and I wanted to.  So I got some instruction…and here we are.”  Lance smiled at him.

“Instruction?  What, did you buy a video or something?” Justin asked, then laughed.

“No, I got some one on one instruction.”  Lance pulled away and started to pull his pants back on. “I’m gonna check on dinner.”

“One on one?” Justin put a hand on Lance’s arm. “Wait a minute, Lance.  Who?”


“WHO, Lance?” Justin asked angrily.

“Well, JC,” Lance answered finally. “It was just a one night thing…he told me everything I needed to do to make you feel good.”

“So, you couldn’t just ask ME that?” Justin sat up and glared at him.  “Lance, you fucking cheated on me with JC?”

“No!  Not at all! It was just a thing between two friends…like if you decided to teach Joey the better points of playing basketball or something.”

“It is TOTALLY not like that at all.”  Justin got up and quickly dressed. “I don’t believe this. I don’t BELIEVE you went to someone else about something like this.”

“No, Justin, you don’t understand!”  Lance said helplessly, following Justin down the stairs.

“You’re right. I don’t. I need to go.” Justin grabbed his keys and left.



Lance didn’t hear from Justin for the next week.  His calls and pages went unanswered, and he got desperate.  He called JC.  “Jayce, can you come over?”

“Lance?  I thought you were in Hawaii!”

“Why would I be in Hawaii?”

“Because Justin’s there. I thought…oh, shit. I’ll be right over.” JC hung up.


Lance was on the sofa in the living room when JC let himself in. “Thanks for coming, Jayce.”

“Lance, you look like shit.”

“Thank you.” Lance sat up.

“Why don’t you go clean yourself up, then we’ll talk.”

“Why should I clean myself up?  No one’s here to care.” Lance rubbed at his short and scruffy beard.

“I’m here…and I care,” JC said softly. “Go take a shower and I’ll make us some sandwiches.”

“Okay.”  Lance sighed and wearily went up the steps.


“So…” JC handed Lance a Swiss cheese sandwich. “Tell me what happened.”

“It was incredible, JC.  Everything I ever hoped for.  And I know he enjoyed it, too. Then, I screwed things up.”


“He asked what came over me, and I told him I got some one on one instruction, and who I got it from.” Lance winced and waited for the explosion.

“You WHAT?  You TOLD him?”  JC shouted. “Lance, that was stupid. No WONDER he’s pissed!”

“I know.  But I wanted to be honest with him. I never expected him to go ballistic.”

JC stared at Lance.  “Lance, you know how possessive he is.  It would drive ME crazy, if you were my boyfriend, and this all happened…and I’m a lot less explosive than Justin.”

“Then why did you do it?” Lance snapped back angrily. He knew he was wrong, and JC didn’t have to keep yelling about it.

“Because I wanted you,” JC said before he thought.  He blushed.  “And I wanted to help you,” he finished lamely.

“Great. So I jeopardize everything with the man I love, just so you can get a quick fuck?” Lance asked.

“Don’t EVEN turn this back on me, Lance. It was YOUR idea. YOU came to ME,” JC retorted. Lance sighed.

“You’re right. I just…I want him back, Jayce. I miss him so much.”

JC reached across the table to hold Lance by the wrist.  “He loves you, Lance. He’s not gonna give that up. Give him time to cool down a bit.”

“I don’t know,” Lance sighed. “I may have ruined everything.”


Five days later, the group had a meeting scheduled with Johnny Wright. Justin was last to arrive at the office, looking sexy and tan from his vacation. He ignored JC and Lance, choosing to first say hello to Joey and Chris. 

“So, hey, why didn’t Pasty Lance go to Hawaii, too?” Chris asked, smirking at Lance.

“Because he wasn’t invited,” Justin said quietly, and Chris froze.  “I needed time away.”

JC and Lance were seated at the conference table a few feet away, but they heard everything.  “It’s over,” Lance said sadly. “You hear him.”

“Relax,” JC whispered.

Justin sauntered over. He looked from Lance to JC and back again. “You two look cozy.”

“Justin, just listen,” JC began.

“You shut up.” Justin leaned across the table, placing his palms on the surface. He got right in Lance’s face.  “You fucked him.”


“Because you wanted to fuck me and didn’t know how.”

“Yes,” Lance whispered.

“Because you were too fucking CHICKENSHIT to ask me to help you.”


“But you love me.”

“God, yes,” Lance replied.

“Okay.”  Justin leaned back as Johnny walked in.  “We’ll talk about this later.”  Lance nodded and exhaled.  JC reached under the table and squeezed his knee.


“I was jealous,” Justin said later as he sat in Lance’s living room. “I knew all along that you felt you were doing something special for me, but it still hurt.”

“I’m so sorry, Justin. I never EVER meant to hurt anyone…and I think everyone involved experienced some pain,” Lance said, thinking of the longing in JC’s blue eyes.  “I can never make up for what I did.”

“Yes, you can.” Justin gave Lance a slow kiss. “Never do it again.”

The End

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