Would You Mind

By:  Lesa


She wanted him.

And damn it, she was going to have him.

How a person as smart as him could be so dumb was beyond her. Aside from shouting it out to the rooftops, she’d done everything she could think of to let him know that she wouldn’t mind getting horizontal with him.

Either he was too dense (and she knew him to be a pretty intelligent guy), too scared (Him? yeah, right) or too oblivious to see what was right in front of his face.

Jen was tired of going to bed alone. Wanting. Aching.

Not that she was looking for til-death-do-us-part. He was like an itch; she needed to scratch. All she wanted was one night. Hell, an hour or two would do.

Jen’s friends were aware of her feelings for him. His friends were aware. Even the crew knew. The only one not clued in seemed to be Justin himself. But Joey said he thought she was cute.

“Yeah. He watches you, sometimes, when you’re not looking.”

“You should make a move, girl,” Chris seconded.

Which is how Jen found herself in the ridiculous predicament, stretched out on his bed, in the dark, wearing a blue piece of fluff. Put her friends and his friends together and you’ve got a nearly unstoppable force. Lesa and Kristy had popped up out of nowhere with the bit of lace. It was a deep midnight blue, felt like silk and was as see through as glass. It covered her from her throat to her feet, but it revealed way more than it concealed. When Jen looked at herself in the mirror, she’d gasped in shock. Who was that...wanton hussy, that slut staring back at her? This was a fuck-me-now outfit if ever there was one. The dusky hue of her nipples was clearly visible and when she looked, she could see the dark patch of curls at the V of her legs. Hell no. She *SO* could not wear this.

She was about to change when Kendra, Lance and Joey barged in. A horrified Jen fled to the bathroom, refusing to come out until they handed her a robe. Her own robe, not that see-through piece of sin.

She walked out of the bathroom, chin to her chest, ears red. Lance, ever the sensitive one, went over to her, tipped her chin back so he could look into her eyes. “Do you want this?”

Jen bit her lip, uncertain.

“Do you want him?”

Jen took in some much-needed air and thought deeply. Did she really want him?

She smiled. “Hell yeah.”

Lance’s eyes twinkled. “So go get him.”

Jen still couldn’t believe she was doing this. What demon had possessed her mind and made her think that after two years of casual conversations and absent-minded hugs, Justin would see her as more than Lance’s girlfriend’s friend? Who was she kidding? Was she--five feet of nothing special--really going to try to seduce Justin I’m-so-hot-it-almost-hurts-to-look-at-me Timberlake? Had she gone insane?

She scrambled out of the bed intending to get out of there as fast as her legs could carry her. But wouldn’t you know she hadn’t gone more than five steps when the door opened.

They both stopped dead, Justin out of shock, Jen from horror.

His eyes widened, then narrowed as they slowly roved over her scantily clad body. “Well, this is a...surprise.” He stepped into the room, closed the door behind him, leaned against it, arms crossed over his chest. “Didn’t know you had a thing for me, Jen.”

Was it possible for someone to die from embarrassment? Jen thought she might be the first. She closed her eyes, unable to stand that sardonic smirk. Smug bastard. Self-centered prick. Arrogant son-of-a-bitch.

Of course, he’d never have to sacrifice his pride and dignity like this. He could have just about any girl he wanted. Hell, any guy, too, if he wanted. What right did he have to make run of her? To make her feel less than worthy?

He didn’t, damn it. Despite the dazzling good looks and the sometimes well-hidden charm, he was still a man, just a man. He put his pants on one leg at a time just like everybody else. Just a man. And Jen knew how to make a man want her.

She opened her eyes, drew herself up. Allowed the corners of her mouth to curl into a slow smile, an inviting smile. She thought dirty thoughts that she knew reflected in her body until all five feet of her oozed sex. She sauntered over to him.

“I had a thought...”

Justin quirked an eyebrow at her, but refrained from speaking.

“...and I wanted to see...”

She ran her hands up his chest to his shoulders, licked at the pulse racing in his neck, ran her fingers through his curls. She was satisfied with his none-too-steady breathing, the erratic beat of his heart. She pulled back, looked into his eyes. What she saw there made her whimper.

Heat. Pure and unadulterated. I-need-you-now heat. I’ll-die-if-I-don’t-have-you-soon heat. I’m-about-to-throw-you-against-the-wall-and-you’re-gonna-like-it heat. And it was all directed at her. She shivered from head to toe and had to fight the moan building up inside her as everything female in her went hot and moist. She turned, walked shakily over to the bed, fell heavily onto it. Not quite the graceful seduction she’d had in mind, but how was she supposed to function when he looked at her like that? She pointed to the small boom box on the table. “Would you mind?”

Eyes still hot on her, Justin walked over to the CD player. Seconds later, soft strains of music filled the air.

“Janet says it so much better than I could.”

Justin pulled a chair away from the table, straddled it. He studied her intently, his gaze wandering all over her body.

Jen had to close her eyes against the onslaught of desire that rushed through her. She forced herself to concentrate on the song.

Baby would you mind touching me
Ever so slowly
You’re making me quiver
Baby would you mind undressing me
Making me feel sexy
While in the moment

‘Cause I’m gonna
Bathe you, play with you, rub you, caress you
Tell you how much I’ve missed you
I just wanna
Touch you, tease you, lick you, please you
Love you, hold you, make love to you
And I’m gonna
Kiss you, suck you, taste you, ride you
Feel you deep inside me ooh
I just wanna
Kiss you, suck you, taste you, ride you
Feel you, make you come too

Baby would you mind kissing me
All over my body
You missed a spot there
Baby would you mind tasting me
It’s making me all juicy
Feeling your lips on mine

‘Cause I’m gonna
Bathe you, play with you, rub you, caress you
Tell you how much I’ve missed you
I just wanna
Touch you, tease you, lick you, please you
Love you, hold you, make love to you
And I’m gonna
Kiss you, suck you, taste you, ride you
Feel you deep inside me ooh
I just wanna
Kiss you, suck you, taste you, ride you
Feel you, make you come too

Baby would you mind coming inside of me
Letting your juices free
Deep in my passion

‘Cause I’m gonna
Bathe you, play with you, rub you, caress you
Tell you how much I’ve missed you
I just wanna
Touch you, tease you, lick you, please you
Love you, hold you, make love to you
And I’m gonna
Kiss you, suck you, taste you, ride you
Feel you deep inside me ooh
I just wanna
Kiss you, suck you, taste you, ride you
Feel you, make you come too

The silent room screamed with sexual tension. Jen couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She knew he’d left his chair, was walking over to her.

She licked her lips. He loomed over her. She opened her eyes, met his. “So,” she whispered, her words thick with desire, “would you mind?”

He didn’t answer with words. He hauled her up to him, pressed his mouth to hers. No gentle seduction here, his tongue plundered her mouth, licking, stroking, demanding and Jen felt herself disappearing into the experience. Perhaps later he’d think this was crazy. Perhaps, after they’d crossed the line, everything would change. Perhaps they’d regret. But not now. Not this night.

He moved his head slightly so he could kiss her cheek, then her jaw. Damp kisses that tickled her skin and made her gasp. He moved lower, down her neck to the collar of her nightgown. Once there, he exchanged lips for hands and continued his journey. She sucked in a breath as his hands found then cupped her breasts. Before she could beg him to never, ever stop, he slipped to her waist and her hips. His thumbs brushed the fullness there.

Jen had a moment of self-consciousness. She’d always despaired of losing that extra ten pounds. She knew she wasn’t fat, not by any account. She just had curves she didn’t want. Still, Justin didn’t seem to be complaining.

Instead, he dropped to his knees. Once there, he pushed at her nightgown, shoving it up to her waist, moving her hands so that she would hold the fabric. He tugged on her panties, pulling them down. Without thinking--unable to think--she stepped out of them.

Jen felt heat climbing her face. He wasn’t going to--It was too soon and he was...Well, he just couldn’t.

But he could and he did. Before she’d figured out a way to act casual about the whole thing, he pressed his mouth to her belly. The kiss touched her down to her soul and made her gasp his name.

He tenderly nibbled along the sensitive skin there, pausing only to tease her belly button. Her legs began to tremble. She had to brace herself to keep upright. He moved lower and lower sill until her reached the hottest and most secret part of her. One there, he gently parted her with his fingers and licked her.

Jen bit her lip to keep from screaming. Inside her head, a thousand voices echoed with a single cry of pleasure. She’d always had a thing for Justin’s lips, knew that he could do magic with them. He proved her right as he kissed her over and over.

He urged her to shift so she could part her legs. She tried to do as he requested but it was too difficult to maintain her balance. She stumbled and was falling only to be caught in his warm embrace.

Justin smiled at her as he lowered her to the carpet next to the bed. Gone was the smirking cockiness that irritated her to no end. In its place was a simmering heat that she wanted to bathe in, lose herself in. He settled her on her rear, carefully pulled her nightgown over her head. She was naked and found that she didn’t mind much. It felt right with him. A more sensible woman would have been nervous or even scared, but all she could think was that she wanted him to pick up exactly where he’d left off.

But he didn’t read her mind. What he did turned out to be just as wonderful. He bent over her breast and drew one tight nipple into his mouth. The other received attention from his fingers. He licked, he nibbled, he teased until she was writhing on the floor and desperate for more.

After he’d switched so that her other breast had equal attention, he shifted so that he knelt between her legs and kissed his way down her stomach. Finally he bent low to give her the most intimate kiss of all. The one that made her cry out his name as she drew back her knees and dug her legs into the carpet.

His hands cupped her hips. His breath was hot, his tongue insistent. She couldn’t stand what he was doing to her. Not for another second.

“Don’t stop,” she gasped. “Please.”

She felt more than heard a low, throaty sound of laughter as he continued his ministrations. Then suddenly the world tilted and flew out of control. Before she could prepare herself, a powerful wave of release crashed through her. She was caught up; carried away, drowning in the most amazing sensations she’d ever experienced.

Once again, Justin caught her in his strong arms. Caught her and held her as she slowly, very slowly, returned to normal.

When she finally surfaced enough to open her eyes, she found herself looking into his cerulean eyes. He smiled down at her. She felt her own lips curve in response.

“They teach you that on the Mouse Club?” she murmured.

“Nope. JC taught me that.”


He grinned at her and she giggled at his joke. It was a joke...wasn’t it? With him, she almost never could tell.

He touched her face, smoothed her hair back. “So it was good for ya, huh?”

She smirked. “Cocky bastard.”

“Damn straight,” he grinned.

He was so gentle, she thought. Despite the fire still raging inside of him. She felt the insistent pressure of his arousal. He was as hungry as she had been just a few moments before. Yet he’d taken the time to satisfy her very thoroughly. This from a man who admittedly was a prima donna?

She wanted to ask what it meant that they were doing this. But even more she wanted to feel his bare skin against hers as she entered her.

She stroked his back, then slid her hands around to his chest. “I think it’s time for round two,” she said and brought his mouth to hers.

As they kissed, he moved his fingers against her breasts, slipped them lower. She was till slick and swollen and it didn’t take much to get her blood boiling all through her. In a matter of minutes, she was writhing against him, as hot as she’d been before.

He shifted so he could pull his jeans off. Jen grabbed a handful of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. He returned to kneel between her legs. The only light in the room came from outside--a diffused illumination from the streetlight’s glow in the damp night. His face was in the shadows and she couldn’t see his eyes. A thrill shot through her at the feel of his arousal pressed against her and the knowledge that she’d gotten him that way.

She slipped a hand between them to guide him inside. With one smooth thrust, he filled her completely. She gasped as her muscles relaxed to admit him, then immediately tightened around his width.

He braced himself on his hands and stared into her eyes. She kept her gaze on him. Even as he entered her again and again, even as her own body began to react to his and that familiar tension began in her lower body, she refused to look away.

Justin knew he wasn’t going to be able to last much longer. His lack of control baffled him even as he reveled in it. It had been a long time since he had lost his head over a woman. Why it should happen now, with Jen, he had no idea but he was going to enjoy every second of it. His legendary self-control was being destroyed by a wide-eyed gaze and the feel of slick walls contracting in pleasure.

He felt the first release ripple through Jen’s body. She clutched his arms and arched back her head, all the while gasping for breath and pleading for him to follow. He told himself to hold back. That his waiting would make it better for her. But suddenly he didn’t have a choice. He couldn’t wait, couldn’t do anything but fill her again and again, shifting back on his haunches as he grabbed her hips and pulled her closer.

And then he was at the point of no return. He thrust into her deeply, making them both cry out. He surrendered to the release, losing himself in a perfect moment of paradise.

Justin rolled over and pulled Jen into his arms. The night was still except for the sound of their breathing. She cuddled next to him hesitantly. He didn’t seem to be the cuddling type. When he didn’t move away, she rested more fully against him, her head on his shoulder, her breath tickling his chest.

“When was the last time you did it on the floor?” His voice rumbled in his chest.


“Mmm.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. “First time for everything.”

“How do you feel?” he asked as he stroked her from shoulders to rear.

She snickered. “Like I’d tell you. As if your ego isn‘t big enough.”

“Hey, baby, this ain’t about ego. I know I’m good.” The self-assurance in his voice made her want to kick him where it hurt. His next words melted the anger away. “I just wanted to be sure you were okay. I got...kinda rough at the end.”

Jen smiled. “I’m fine.”

They lay in a comfortable silence. Neither felt the need for justifications or explanations.

Jen smiled to herself. She did it. She’d had him. And she’d have the rug burns to prove it. That last thought lulled her to sleep.

Justin looked down at Jen‘s sleeping face. He’d known, in the back of him mind, about her little crush on him. But she was too...good, too wholesome for him. She wasn’t a one night stand, regardless of what she might think. Tonight had changed everything. He couldn’t treat her the way he had others who’d sought a night in his bed. He just had to decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Jen woke to the smells of coffee and bacon, eggs and toast. She was starving but it was a battle, as it was every morning, to force her reluctant body out of the warm cocoon of the blankets. Blankets? The last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the floor in Justin’s arms.

Jen opened her eyes and looked around. She was back in her own hotel room. Underneath the covers, she was still naked. Surely Justin hadn’t carried her naked body down the hotel corridors?

“Well, look who’s finally awake.”

Jen looked to the doorway, where Kendra stood, looking like the cat who swallowed the canary. Lesa peeked over Kendra’s shoulder, flashed a knowing smile. Danced away, singing under her breath: “Just got laid...last night...in Justin’s room...I know she’s feeling all right..”

Kendra grinned at her. “Get up. Shower. We need details, woman.”

“Yeah, and hurry the fuck up, bitch, we ain’t got all day,” Kristy hollered from the sitting room that sat between the two bedrooms of the luxurious suite. There were some serious perks to having friends who dated members of the biggest band in the world.

Jen stood under the welcoming spray of the shower and did what she’d promised herself she wouldn’t do. She analyzed her night with Justin. Because, and she should have known this, one night was not enough. Not with a man like him. Already her body hungered for him, for more. And now that she knew all the intimacies Justin performed in bed--the gentle growl of pleasure when she palmed him, the way he liked to taste and be tasted, the almost tortured look on his face as passion overwhelmed him--she wanted more. A lot more. All the time.

It sucked. Because she couldn’t have it.

She’d known going into it, that a night with Justin would be a one time only deal. Still...a girl can dream, can’t she?

Jen managed to get through the breakfast with her nosy but well-meaning friends. She told them what they expected to hear. It was all true but it somehow rang false to her. It was hollow, with no substance behind it. Her friends didn’t seem to notice her pensive mood. They each spent the remainder of the morning in their own pursuits and met up again shortly before three to head out to the stadium where *NSYNC would later play to a sold-out crowd.

Jen should have been nervous about seeing Justin. But she wasn’t. If one night was all she was going to get, then she would cherish it, tuck the memory away into a little corner of her mind to be taken out only now and again.

The four girls walked backstage and into chaos. Johnny Wright was yelling at a properly penitent Justin and Chris. What had he done to his hair?

“I’m not mad at you for cutting your hair, I could give a shit about that. But you snuck out. For three hours. In the middle of summer. In the middle of a tour. Do you know what could have happened to you?”

The lecture continued for a few minutes more until Johnny was called away by a harried looking roadie. As soon as the black man was out of sight, Chris pushed Justin. “Man. You’re always getting me in trouble.”

“Hey,” Justin shoved back, “nobody asked you to come.”

“Oh yeah, right. You tell me you’re gonna shave your head and expect me not to go and watch.” Chris chuckled, shook his head and began to walk away. He grabbed his girlfriend’s hand as he passed, pulled her along with him. “I gotta go get ready.

“Oh and you need Lesa for that?” Kendra called after them.

Chris flashed a wicked smile over his shoulder.

Kristy ran her hand over Justin’s newly shorn head. “Damn, boy. You need a keeper.”

Justin looked at Jen, flashed her that mega-watt smile, eyes hopeful. “Would you mind?”

The End


Tell Lesa what you thought of this story!