The Last Day

By: Michelle T

©  May 2000


With a heart wrenching sob, I zipped up the last suitcase containing my one true love’s personal affects.  Pushing my hair behind my ears and wiping the tears from my face, I slowly turned around with a sigh and froze.  There in the doorway, delicately holding a single red rose, stood the man who stole my heart three years ago.  His silky brown hair, free from its usual restraints, hung down to his shoulders, framing his dark handsome face. 


My eyes were immediately drawn to his mouth, his full lips pressed lightly together, with just a hint of a sad smile.  Those were the lips that whispered my name the day we met.  Those were the lips that kissed mine ever so softly at times, ever so eagerly at other times.  Those were the lips that brushed across my trembling body when he held me close.  Those were the lips that formed his softly spoken words of love and passion.  As I thought of his lips, I drew my fingers slowly across my own, remembering and savoring the feel of his against mine. 


I tore my eyes from those lips that I loved to gaze upon and found his eyes.  His beautiful sad eyes.  Drinking in my every movement, reading my every thought it seemed.  We seemed to float towards each other, drawn by some unknown magical force. 


 Placing the rose gently in my hand, he bent his head and kissed my cheek ever so softly. 


"You promised." He murmured.  He moved his lips across the bridge of my nose and down to my other cheek. 


With an unsteady and faltering voice, I replied, "Of all the promises I've made in my life, this is one I can't keep."  I looked back up into his eyes and tried to smile bravely.  "The tears just flow on their own, there is nothing that can stop them, because even my eyes know how deeply I'll miss you.  My head throbs, my hands shake, my throat constricts, my heart breaks, every time I have to say good bye to you."  I bit my lower lip to stop myself from going on, knowing I was just bringing more pain and sadness to him with my confession.  "Howie, I can't help falling apart knowing this is our last day together for so long.  I love you more than I could ever say or show." 


 With a throaty moan, he pulled me quickly into his embrace and held me fast to his chest.  His arms engulfed my trembling body.  His lips close to my ear.  His warm breath coiling down my neck.  The slight shaking of his body against mine mirrored my own feelings. 


"I can't do this to you. . . " he whispered hoarsely.  I tightened my arms around his back and felt immediately guilty, sorrow overwhelming me for allowing him to feel and see my weaknesses. 


"No, I'm sorry.  I know you have to go, I've known it for months.  I've just been so spoiled having you home for so long now.  I'm being incredibly selfish and I'm sorry." I kissed the warm chest that was pressed against me and pulled away from him.  "I'll miss you every second you are gone, but I'll be so busy with the girls, that I'm sure the weeks, months, will fly by..." 


He captured my lips quickly, preventing me from going on.  He crushed himself against me and moaned deeply as he moved his lips over mine inviting them to part.  His warm tongue ran over my teeth as if it was looking for that hidden entrance to my mouth.  I willingly, eagerly allowed him in and felt my heart flutter as his tongue met mine, sending a tingling sensation down my spine.  I moaned with passion as his hands eased off on their forceful hold on me and slid slowly down and around my back.  My own hands took on a mind of their own and mimicked the patterns he was creating on me.  Gasping for breath we both pulled apart and stared into each other’s eyes. 


 "I have something for you," he said with a beautiful smile.  He grasped my left hand and led me from the bedroom.  I trailed slightly behind him, apprehensive yet curious.  He led me down the long hall to the back of the house.  The house had an eerie sense of quietness to it.  The babies were safely ensconced at Mama D's house, allowing us to have his last few hours home together, peacefully and privately. 


"Howie?" I started to question.  He peeked back over his shoulder at me and smiled teasingly.  "Sssh, be patient." He said with a slight chuckle.  He slid the patio door open and pulled me out into the dark night.  A slight breeze wafted over us as he led me across the lush green lawn towards the pool. 


There on the lawn, surrounded by a dozen blazing torches, was a beautiful burgundy satin blanket covered in hundreds of tiny white rose petals.  In the middle of the blanket sat a small pink box atop of a long pink envelope.  I stared at the scene before me with wide eyes and an open mouth. 


"Oh, Baby. . . You did this for me?" I asked in wonderment looking back up at him.  He nodded and tenderly pushed a strand of hair out of my eyes. 


Gently guiding me down towards the blanket, he said softly, "It's the very least I could do, you've been packing for me all afternoon."  We knelt on the blanket facing each other, our hands clasped together.  I pulled one of mine free and stroked his strong jaw before leaning forwards and kissing him lightly on those full beautiful lips. 


"I'm stunned.  Everything is so beautiful." I whispered with my eyes tearing up once again. 


He quickly brushed away an escaping teardrop with his thumb and then handed me the small pink box.  "Open this, Beauty." 


I held the box in one hand and with trembling fingers pulled the lid up and gasped in awe.  "Oh, Howie, it's gorgeous."  I raised my eyes back up to his and saw the reflection of the burning torches dancing across his eyes, gold flecks mingling with his deep brown soulful hue. 


"I love you, Michelle, like I've never loved anyone ever before.  I only wish I could give you a piece of my real heart."  He pulled the delicate gold chain from the box and allowed the perfectly shaped diamond heart to dangle before my eyes.  Another sob caught in my throat as I looked from the heart to his eyes. 


"God, Howie, I love you, now and always forever."  He unclasped the chain and gently placed it around my neck, his knuckles lightly grazing against my sensitive skin.  He kneeled back and admired the jewel resting at the top of my breastbone.  He slowly slid a little closer and bent down and kissed my throat and collarbone.  Sighing with pleasure I eased my head back and reveled in his intimate soft kisses.  His arms were now on my upper arms holding me up.  I brought my head back towards him and cupped his face drawing it up to mine.  "Kiss me. . " I begged.  He did so, ever so tenderly and ever so briefly. 


"One more thing. . . " he said reaching for the envelope, "Promise me that no matter what you find in this envelope, you wont give me any arguments."  I tilted my head slightly and eyed him with a quizzical look. 


"I promise, what is it?" I asked reaching for it.  "Open it and don't forget, you promised." he said with a smug smile. 


 I eased the flap of the envelope open and withdrew a thin package wrapped in white tissue paper.  Casting my eyes back to his, I could tell he was bursting with excitement.  I smiled broadly at him and slowly peeled the tissue paper away.  "Oh Howie, we talked about this." I said softly, sadly as the four plane tickets fell into my lap. 

"You promised!  No arguments.  I've arranged everything so that you and my baby girls can join us next month in Australia and spend the rest of the tour with me.  I know you didn't want to travel with them being so young, but I've sweet talked AnaLee into coming with you and she'll be there to help us out.  Besides, she was going crazy trying to figure out how she'd survive without her Nicky for the next six months."  I stared in amazement as he spoke so soothingly, and convincingly, I might add. 


I let the tickets slid off my lap and threw my arms around his neck with a hearty laugh.  "Oh god, Howie, I love you, I love you, I love you!"  I covered his face in sweet wet kisses as he laughed happily at me.  "No arguments from me ever again, as long as I get to spend every day of my life with you and every night in your arms."  His mouth crushed against mine once again to prevent me from going on and on as I had intended to do.  Our hands entangled themselves between our bodies briefly before going their own separate ways, exploring, loving and touching each another. 


Several hours later, we laid side by side on the soft burgundy satin blanket, covered with damp tiny white rose petals and stared at the stars in each other’s eyes until dawn. 


Howie missed his flight that evening, but caught an early one the next day.  My flight leaves in just under an hour and the last three weeks without him holding me, loving me, kissing me has been pure torture.  Tonight I will find perfect harmonious bliss once again.


The End


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