
By:  Mindy




                "Are you ready Nannette???" Josh asked hurriedly, looking in the mirror one last time.

                "I suppose so," she answered as she stepped out of the closet of their apartment, "Look ok?"

                Josh turned and looked at his girlfriend of five years. They had been high school sweethearts, although his high school career had been anything but typical. He had landed in the private school where they met after the Mickey Mouse Club, his first professional job, had been cancelled. Ironically, if the show had went on any longer, he may have never met the girl that fit with him so perfectly in nearly every way. His aspirations to be a professional singer often led to a crazy life, but she had stuck by his side through thick and thin. And now that he had what appeared to be the chance of a lifetime down in Orlando, she'd moved to be with him.  Tonight, the night of the first public appearance of the new group he was involved in at the House of Blues, could very well be one of the most important nights of not only his, but their, life.  He stared at her for a moment and got that feeling of butterflies in his stomach... it was moments like those that made him sure he was where God wanted him to be.

                "You look amazing," he answered honestly, crossing the room to kiss her lightly.

                "Thank you... and you're going to be amazing tonight," she answered as she squeezed him tightly and then pulled him toward the door, "I promise... this is just the first of many shows for you and the guys...."



                "We're gonna' miss our plane home!" Joey yelled across the hotel room.

                "No we aren't," Renee admonished him as she continued to throw clothes into her bag. In reality, she wasn't too sure they were going to make it, but even if they did miss the plane, she wouldn't have changed a thing. The little bit of extra fun she and Joey had in every city they went to made their relationship stay strong. It was their carriage ride through downtown Berlin that was causing them to be in such a frenzy to pack.  Joey rushed over to the bed to pick up a stray jersey that had fallen there and had to smile as he watched his girlfriend frantically throw socks, shoes, and every type of clothing garment known to man into a huge duffel bag.

                "What???" she asked, not even looking up, but sensing he was studying her.

                "You're just too cute... How did I get lucky enough to run into you at our first show ever???" he replied.

                "I don't know how you got so lucky..." she answered with a grin, hopping onto the bed to give him a quick kiss, "But neither of us are going to have any luck catching this plane if we don't hurry!"

                "Ok, Ok," he answered, kissing her once more and then returning to his packing. Although his words had been said in jest, he really did wonder how he had gotten so lucky nearly a year and a half ago, when he and his newly formed band had played their first show ever at the House Of Blues in Orlando. Not only had the performance went better than any of their expectations, but their waitress after the show was a beautiful young woman who caught his eye like no one else ever had. She smiled and blushed when he had asked for her number... and now, almost two years later, that same smile still made him melt.  Her willingness to travel with him while the band was on the road made the roller coaster of life in the music industry bearable and he didn't know where he'd be if she hadn't walked into his life that night.

                "I'm ready!" she announced as she struggled to pull the zipper of the bag closed.

                "Same here," Joey told her, grabbing her hand as they lugged their bags out of the room, ready to make a mad dash for the plane.



                "Wake up Ju... you've gotta' get ready for the show," Clair prodded him gently.

                "Have I been asleep for that long already?" Justin asked her groggily, turning over in the hotel bed to look into the face of his beautiful girlfriend.

                "Two hours, babe...soundcheck is in 30 minutes," she answered, studying his face as he struggled to wake up.

                "Five more minutes...just lay here with me for five more minutes- then I'll get up," he promised.

                Unable to resist, Clair slid under the blankets with him and into his arms. Justin sighed as he felt Clair's body snuggle up next to his. Suddenly, with her so close, his mind began to awaken and he pulled away slightly to look at her face. Her deep brown eyes were closed and her long, chestnut hair fell across the pillow in waves. His thoughts drifted back to the day they had met.. heading home from Berlin, Germany, the guys were late thanks to Joey and his girlfriend, who had simply "had" to take a carriage ride one last time before they left. They had missed their plane and had to be squeezed onto the next available flight to the states, which left about eight hours later. With such late travel plans, they weren't able to choose their seats and Justin was more than pleased when he saw his seatmate. A beautiful young girl, Clair, was heading back home after spending a semester abroad. She knew Justin immediately... after all, his group's fame in Europe was off the charts by that time. His sweet nature took her by surprise though, and the two of them talked nearly the entire flight home. When the plane touched down, the two gave each other a long hug and Justin felt strangely empty inside as he watched her walk away. A day later, as he was unpacking, he found a note from her inside of his carry-on bag… a note that included her phone number. He called that day, and the two had been inseperable ever since. And now that he and the guys were on their first solo American tour, it only felt right that she be with them on the road. He pulled her closer to him and kissed the top of her forehead as she murmered, "Five minutes is up, Jus..." He sighed and sat up on one elbow, looking at her.

                She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at him. "Ok, Ok... just one kiss?" he asked. She answered by putting her arms around his neck and pulling him down to her for a long kiss.

                "Now you have to go... soundcheck, remember???" she reminded him.

                He rolled out of the hotel bed and threw on a clean shirt, not wanting to be late for their only rehearsal of the day.

                "I'll see you in a little while," he said quietly as he opened the door and let himself out, leaving Clair to sleep.




                "I cannot believe we've come this far..." JC said, looking around the empty Rosemont Horizon Convention Center.

                "Same here... I mean, two years ago, we were lucky to land fair dates here in the states, and now we're selling out some of the biggest arenas in the country- it's just amazing," Lance added as the interviewer from the Chicago Sun-Times looked down at her paper for the next question.

                "What's the one thing you never leave home without?" she inquired and Chris immediately began in on a short list of "never leave home withouts."

                From a side section of seats, Clair, Nannette, and Renee stared at the men of *NSync. As hard as it was for the guys to comprehend how far they'd come in a short time, it was equally as amazing to the three women who had been there right along with them for virtually the entire ride.  Although none of them ever imagined the fame that would come to the guys, the three girls had witnessed firsthand how hard they had worked, how much they had sacrificed, and how much they appreciated every single acheivement that came their way.

                "So what are the plans for JC's birthday??" Clair asked Nannette quietly as the interview went along up on the stage.

                "Well, his whole family is flying in tonight... and then we've got that charity softball game tomorrow. We were planning on dinner with everyone before the show and then taking him out to a club afterwards as a surprise. I guess Steve took care of renting out some awesome place up in Milwaukee- we invited a ton of people. We're not sure who all is coming, but hopefully it'll be a good time," Nannette filled them in.

                "And what are you giving him?" Renee inquired.

                "Besides the obvious???" Nannette replied immediately, an evil grin spreading across her face.  The other two girls burst into laughter, drawing the attention of not only the guys, but the interviewer also.

                "Sorry! Sorry!" Nannette said loudly and waved at them. JC grinned at her and winked making her heart doing a little pitter patter dance like it always did.

                "Seriously, I'm giving Josh a gold and diamond watch and a matching ring. I mean, you guys know what I went through trying to decide and you know how it is..it's not like they don't already have everything in the world already," Nannette told them.

                "I feel your pain... God knows we've both been there too," Renee agreed.

                "How long have you two been together now?" Clair asked out of the blue.

                "Well, we started dating in November of 90... so almost nine years now," she counted, shaking her head.

                "Damn... that's a long time," Clair thought out loud.

                "Yeah, it is… but you guys have been with Joe and Jus for a long too... in some ways it feels like forever, but in other ways, it's like we just met," Nannette explained.

                "I suppose, but damn..." Renee marveled.

                "You suppose what?" Chris asked, as the guys interrupted their conversation.

                Nannette gave her a pointed look and Renee quickly improvised, "I suppose we've been sitting here forever!"

                "I'm sorry baby... that lady was relentless," Joey told her, plopping down into the seat beside her.

                "No problem," she said with a little smile.

                "Am I correct in assuming that we have no soundcheck tonight since we were here last night too?" Clair asked.

                "Yup yup..no soundcheck- which means we get to have dinner together!" JC said, plopping his butt down into Nannette's lap.

                "UGH!" She groaned as everyone laughed. "Josh, you have the boniest ass!" She told him with a grin, causing everyone to laugh even harder.

                "You weren't complaining last night," he kidded with her, causing her face to turn a dark shade of crimson.

                "I think it's time to go to dinner," Lance said, still laughing.

                "Sounds like a plan to me," Nannette agreed, pushing her boyfriend from her lap playfully.

                "I'll show you little missy," he said, pulling her up and tossing her easily over his shoulder as he walked toward the exit.

                Everyone laughed as they followed them, Nannette yelling and kicking as JC carried her out of the arena flopped over his shoulder.


                "Awesome show baby doll!!!!" Nannette said excitedly as JC ran into her arms. *Josh has always loved birthday shows* she thought to herself as he hugged her tightly.  As they embraced, the rest of the "crew" gathered in the room.

                "So are we about ready to go back to the hotel?" Andre, one of their guards, asked innocently.

                "I am," JC answered, releasing Nannette and grabbing his bag from the couch. As he turned his back, Andre winked at Nannette, letting her know the plan was still on.

                "Same here," she added, taking Josh's hand as the group walked quickly from the room to the waiting tour bus outside.

                "For safety reasons, we're all gonna' take the same bus tonight," Todd told them as the group reached their fleet of busses.

                "Cool," JC said, hopping in.

                As everyone settled into a seat on the bus, Nannette whispered to JC, "Happy Birthday Josh..I love you."

                He turned to face her and whispered back, "Thank you... I love YOU." She grinned as she kissed him square on the lips.

                "Where are we going?" JC asked innocently as the bus headed down a busy street in downtown Milwaukee.

                "We had to switch hotels because security was inadequate at the other," Todd said quickly.

                "Good save," Joey whispered with a small smile, loud enough for Nannette, who was sitting next to him, to hear.

                Just as they arrived at the club, everyone began to get very excited... suddenly, JC pulled a black blindfold out from under the seat he was occupying and tied it across Nannette's eyes. It happened so quick that she wasn't sure what exactly was going on.

                "What the hell???" she said quickly, as she felt a pair of strong arms pull her from the couch and lead her to the end of the bus. She felt someone pick her up and walk down the steps with her as she quickly felt the warm night air rush over her body. "What is going on here?" she asked again. She could hear voices all around her, but couldn't make out much of what was going on.

                She sensed that she was back inside a building, but was still thoroughly confused as to what exactly was taking place. **This is supposed to be Josh's suprise party** she thought to herself, unable to comprehend why SHE was the one blindfolded.

                Just then, she felt the familiar feel of Josh's hand in hers. He took both of her hands in his and led her forward. Suddenly, a loud, booming voice exploded from speakers all around them. Nannette heard the voice say, "And now, a very special dedication...this one is just for you Nannette."

                Out of the speakers came a familiar tune that brought tears to her eyes. She felt Josh wrap his arms around her and pull her to him. The blindfold still around her eyes, she relaxed and let her body rest against his. It was in his arms that she felt more safe and secure than anywhere else in the world. She sighed as he began to sing along in her ear.


"They read you Cinderella

You hoped it would come true.

That one day your Prince Charming

Would come rescue you.

You like romantic movies

and you never will forget

the way you felt when Romeo kissed Juliet.

All this time that you've been waiting.

You don't have to wait no more....

I Can Love you like that.

I would make you my world

move heaven and earth if you were my girl.

I will give you my heart.

Be All that you need,

show you you're everything that's precious to me

If you give me a chance...

I can love you like that."


The music continued to play as Josh pulled Nannette closer. Kissing her lips softly, he stared at the woman in his arms and meant every word he said as he sang.


"I never make a promise I don't intend to keep.

So when I say forever, forever's what I mean.

I'm no Cassanova but I swear this much is true.

I'll be holding nothing back when it comes to you.

You dream of love that's everlasting.

Well baby open up your eyes..."


As he sang that line, JC slowly removed the blindfold from Nannette's eyes. She couldn't believe it as she looked all around the room. In every available space around the dance floor of the huge club were their friends and family. Her parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins were there, along with everyone from Josh's family and the families of the other guys.  Friends from the music industry were there also; Johnny Wright and Melinda, the guys from 98 Degrees, Britney Spears, and a whole array of others. Nannette whispered, "What's going on here, Josh?" He simply put a finger to her lips and continued to sing.


"I Can Love you like that.

I would make you my world

move heaven and earth if you were my girl.

I will give you my heart.

Be All that you need,

show you you're everything that's precious to me

If you give me a chance...

I can love you like that..."


As the song ended, JC pulled Nannette to him as the two exchanged a long kiss.  The room fell completely silent as Josh dropped to one knee. When Nannette realized what was happening, tears began to fill her eyes and Josh looked into her eyes and began to speak.

                "Nannette, when I met you in high school, I knew that I had found something special. Even back then you touched my heart and soul. I've always known that you were a gift from God sent here just for me. As the years have gone by, the bond between us has only grown stronger. We've been through so much and endured so many circumstances that would normally tear a relationship apart. But we've never wavered and every day that goes by only makes me even more sure that I have found my soulmate in you. I never want a day to come when you're not by my side... we belong together," he said sincerely as he pulled a black velvet box from the pocket of his jacket.  Tears were streaming down Nannette's face as she listened to the words the man she loved was saying.

                "I love you more than words can ever say... I want to be your prince charming- to make all your dreams come true. And it would be the best birthday gift in the world and make me the happiest man alive if you would say you'll be my wife and let me love you forever. I love you with all my heart and soul Nannette- Will you marry me?" he finished as he opened the black box to reveal the most beautiful ring she had ever laid eyes on.

                The tears of joy continued to fall down her cheeks and time stood still for just a moment as she realized that all of her dreams were coming true.

                "Yes," she whispered, and then repeated herself, much louder this time, the joy evident in her voice.  JC slipped the two carat diamond onto her finger as they locked gazes. The room erupted into cheers as he stood and gathered his new fiance into his arms. "I Love you Joshua Scott Chasez...Happy Birthday," she whispered to him as she held him tight.

                "I love you too Nannette... I love you too..." he assured her just before he kissed her. "God Must Have Spent" began to play as everyone in the room continued to applaud the happy couple.  Everyone in the room knew what Nannette didn't; that JC had been planning this for months, and what she believed to be a surprise party for his birthday had all along been her surprise of a lifetime. The friends and family partied into the night, celebrating JC's 23rd birthday and the love he and Nannette shared.



                "Does anyone know what those five are planning for tonight?" Clair asked the small group of family and friends that were gathered in the VIP area.

                "No idea here, actually," Stacey, Lance's sister responded.

                "I don't really know either. I'm sure they've got something up their sleeves, but with them, you never can tell," Nannette threw in.

                "I just can't believe it's already New Year's Eve- this year has flown by," Renee observed.

                "But it's been an awesome year," Nannette said dreamily, fingering the engagement ring on her left hand.

                "You are so funny girl... you even think about JC and you get all googly-eyed," Lynn, Justin's mom said, laughing at her.

                "Guilty as charged, but what can I say? I love him," Nannette conceeded as everyone laughed.

                "Well, I couldn't think of a better daughter in law," Karen told her as she took Nannette's hand and studied the ring her son had bestowed upon his fiance.

                "All together now... Awwwwwwwwwww..." Steve Fatone said as everyone else joined in.

                "I'm gonna' run backstage real quick...anyone care to join me?" Nannette said, standing up from the couch.

                "I'll come with," Renee said quickly as Clair agreed also. The three trooped off toward the backstage door with everyone watching from the VIP area. 

                "I can't believe our boys got so lucky," Phyllis, Joey's mom,  said to no one in particular as the three girls walked away.


                "So, seriously, do you guys know what's going on tonight?" Renee asked Clair and Nannette as they flashed their passes for the backstage security.

                "I really don't know much...I think Josh and I are going to hit a couple parties at midnight and then head to bed early," Nannette told them.

                "Ring in the new year the RIGHT way, huh?" Clair kidded her.

                "Oh, come on... I know you and Jus were ringing the hell out of the new year last night!" Nannette shot back.

                Renee busted out laughing and Clair looked at her and threw back, "What are you laughing at R?? You and Joey get more action then a hooker on half price night."

                The trio were cracking up as they walked into the "NSync toy room" where they found the guys playing an assortment of video games.

                "Hey there!" Joey exclaimed, walking away from his pinball game to greet his girlfriend with a huge hug.  Renee kissed him lightly on the cheek and headed back to the game with him.

                "Hi sweetie," Nannette said to JC as she put both of her arms around his waist as he continued his rousing game of foozball with Chris.

                "Hello," he replied, scoring a goal and then turning to kiss her quickly before returning to his game.

                Justin was busy playing some playstation basketball game and Clair joined him on the couch and watched as he dunked on Michael Jordan.

                "SCORE!" Justin yelled excitedly as Clair laughed at him and the way he could act just like a little kid.

                "We were just wondering what was in the plans for tonight?" Renee inquired innocently.

                "Hmmmmm.... sorry, can't tell ya'," Chris replied without looking away from his foozball game.

                "Oh come on guys, you can at least give us a hint," Clair prodded, wanting to know what the night held in store for them.

                "Here's a hint- it'll be fun," Lance threw in.

                "Gee, thanks Lance!" Nannette said as she rolled her eyes at him.

                "Just trust me baby... you'll have a good time," Joey assured Renee.  The girls gave up and after a few minutes more with the guys and a quick round of hugs, headed back to the VIP area to catch the opening acts of the show.




                "Thank you very much Hawaii! We Love You!!! We Are NNNNNNNSSSYYYYNCCCC!!!" Joey yelled as their final show of the millenium came to an end.  The guys linked hands and took a final bow just before they bounded off the stage. Their New Year's Eve show had totally rocked the house despite them all being dead tired thanks to not being fully conditioned to touring.  The guys immediately ran to their bus, heading straight toward their hotel. It was 10:15 and they wanted to be ready to hit the town by 11:00 or so. After all, this was New Years Eve 2000.

                The family and friends of the guys had exited the arena during their final number and piled into several huge cargo vans, all headed back to the hotel so they too could get ready for the evening and meet up with Joey, Lance, JC, Justin, and Chris. When they arrived back at the hotel, everyone went their separate ways, promising to meet up later.

                Renee walked slowly up the stairs to the room she was sharing with Joey. **I can't believe we've come so far," she thought to herself. Thinking back, it was amazing how she had went from a waitress to the girlfriend of one of the world's most eligible bachelors.  **I really am the luckiest woman alive.** she thought as she opened the door to her room.  She showered quickly, hoping to be out by the time Joey got back so that he would have plenty of time to get ready.  **It sure is taking them a long time to get back** she thought, **I hope they're not having security problems..** Just as that thought crossed her mind as she was rinsing her hair, the shower curtain came flying open, causing her to scream out in surprise.

                "JOEY!" she yelled, wiping the soap out of her eyes. When she was finally able to see him, she realized he was standing there wearing nothing but a towel.

                "Want some company?" he asked playfully.

                She smiled widely as she stepped aside and allowed him to enter the shower with her. The warm water cascaded down on them as Joey took her into his arms and embraced her tightly.  Having already finished her shower, Renee took the liberty of helping Joey with his. She washed his hair for him, and then began to wash his body.  When he leaned over and kissed her deeply as she was washing his chest, it took all of the strength she could muster to break away and say, "Mmmm..none of that...we don't want to spend midnight in the shower, do we??" Joey groaned his consent and turned so she could get his back.  With both of them all clean, Renee turned off the water and they stepped out of the shower together, taking turns drying each other off.  They dressed and finished getting ready quickly, heading out of their room just in time to make the festivities before midnight.

                As they descened the stairs, they could hear the party full of their band, family, friends, and crew raging in the ballroom of the hotel.

                "So that's what's going on tonight? One of NSync's famous blow-outs," Renee said as she headed toward the door of the private party.

                Joey grabbed her arm softly, saying, "We'll join them in a minute... I want to show you something." He looked at her and smiled, enjoying the puzzled look on her face.

                "But it's almost midnight," she protested, looking at the clock on the wall in the lobby.

                "Trust me, baby, it's ok," Joey persisted, continuing to walk toward the door of the hotel. He led her out into the moonlight. Their hotel sat directly on the beach and the waves glistened in the moonlight.  Joey looked over at his girlfriend and studied her intently. Her brown hair shone in the soft moonlight and the black dress she had chosen to wear for the evening fit her perfectly, showing off her gorgeous figure. She sensed him looking at her and turned to look at him. Her green eyes sparkled as she smiled and said, "What are you thinking about Mr. Serious?"

                He stopped right there on the beach and took her into his arms.

                "How much I love you," he responded sincerely. "May I have this dance?"

                Surprised, Renee just nodded and let Joey take her into his arms.  He began to sing the song that had been "their" song since the moment they heard it.


"I could stay awake just to hear you breathing

Watch you smile while you are sleeping

While you’re far away and dreaming

I could spend my life in this sweet surrender

I could stay lost in this moment forever

Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure..."


As he finished the first verse, Joey stared into her eyes and smiled, continuing to sing as he held her close.

"Don’t wanna close my eyes

Don’t wanna fall asleep

‘Cause I’d miss you baby

And I don’t wanna miss a thing

‘Cause even when I dream of you

The sweetest dream would never do

I’d still miss you baby

And I don’t wanna miss a thing."


He paused for a minute, ceasing to sing. The two of them continuing to move to the rhythm of their hearts beating together.

"Do you know how much I love you?" he asked her softly.

"How much do you love me?" she replied with a hint of a smile.

"I love you all the way to the moon and back," he responded and began to sing again.


"Laying close to you

Feeling your heart beating

And I’m wondering what you’re dreaming

Wondering if it’s me you’re seeing

Then I kiss your eyes

And thank God we’re together

I just want to stay with you in this moment forever

Forever and ever..."


"Renee?" he said, causing her to move her head from his chest and look into his eyes.


"The moment I laid eyes on you, you captured my heart. I can't remember a time when you weren't in my life...everything before you has just faded into space, like a time I know existed, but yet I wasn't complete. Every night that I go to sleep and wake up with you by my side is like a gift from heaven that I treasure," he continued. Speechless, Renee just looked into his eyes as he began to sing once again.


"I don’t wanna miss one smile

I don’t wanna miss one kiss

I just wanna be with you

Right here with you just like this

I just wanna hold you close

Feel your heart so close to mine

And just stay here in this moment for all the rest of time

Baby, baby..."


"I hope you know how very much I love you... there's nowhere in this world I'd rather be at any given moment than in your arms. Even though the group and all of the success mean a lot, I'd give it all up in a heartbeat if it meant I could be with you forever. You are what makes me complete," he said as tears filled the eyes of both of them.


"Don’t wanna close my eyes

Don’t wanna fall asleep

‘Cause I’d miss you baby

And I don’t wanna miss a thing

‘Cause even when I dream of you

The sweetest dream would never do

I’d still miss you baby

And I don’t wanna miss a thing."


He finished the song and leaned down for a soft, sweet kiss that contained so much longing and emotion that both of them were carried away into a world where nothing else existed except the two of them.  When it finally ended, Joey took Renee's hand and led her a little further down the beach. There, written in the sand, were the words that had filled Renee's dreams.

"I Love You... Will You Marry Me?"


Joey dropped to one knee and took her hands into his own. "There's absolutely nothing in this world that would make me richer, happier, or more successful than spending the rest of my life with you... you are what makes me the man that I am. You are my heart and my soul and without you, I'm nothing. Renee- will you marry me?"

                She could hardly speak as she watched Joey pull a beautiful platinum and diamond ring from the pocket of his black sportscoat.  She searched for the words to tell him 'yes,' to let him know how incredibly happy she was... there didn't seem to be words that would tell him all that she was feeling, though.

                "Well???" he said softly, waiting for an answer, although the love that passed between their eyes was more than enough.

                "Yes...I would love nothing more than to be your wife," she answered. He stood up slowly and placed the gorgeous ring on her finger. They began to kiss just as a firework exploded overhead into a beautiful spray of gold, green, and purple.

                "It's midnight," she said.

                "And I'm the luckiest man alive," he said right back.

                "Happy New Year..." she squeezed in between kisses as they watched the wonderful display overhead.

                "Happy New Year to you," he replied.

                The two stayed there for the fireworks, watching the beautiful colors reflect off of the ocean. When the fireworks finally ended, Renee turned to look one more time at the words written in the sand. She looked, then looked at the ring that fit so perfectly on her finger, and then at the man of her dreams. He was staring at her with a smile and without a word, they walked back to the party to share their news with their friends and family. It was indeed a very incredible New Year.




                "And the winner of the 2000 MTV Viewers Choice award is..... NSYNC- Bye Bye Bye!" the presenter on the stage cried out as everyone in their little section began to cheer. Joey kissed Renee while Justin gave Clair a little smooch. JC hugged Nannette tightly and kissed her quickly before heading out of their aisle.  They made their way to the stage and accepted the award.

                Lance quickly thanked WEG, and JC once again thanked JIVE for taking them in during their trouble last year.  Justin stepped up to the mic and said, "First of all, we want to thank our fans... we owe everything to you... everything, and we mean that.  And we also want to thank Clair, Danielle, Nannette, Renee, and the rest of our friends and family for all your support. We love you all... Thank you!" The rest of the guys said their final "Thank you"s and they made their way offstage. They re-appeared in their row just as Blink 182 began to perform.

                "That was so sweet," Clair whispered to Justin as he took her hand. He just smiled at her and gave her fingers a little squeeze.  As the final performance came to an end, everyone began to make plans for the evening.

                "We have to do a couple of interviews before we can hit the parties," Chris told the girls.

                "Should we just wait here for you?" Danielle, his girlfriend, asked him, looking around at the guys for an answer.

                "Sure... we'll just send Andre down to get you guys when we're done or something," Lance suggested and everyone agreed.  The guys trooped off to do their post-show interviews and the girls settled back into their seats.  Danielle excused herself to go to the restroom, leaving only Nannette, Renee, and Clair sitting in their seats.

                "I'm sooo glad we have a vacation after tonight.. Lord..it feels like we've been running around forever," Nannette sighed as she leaned back in the plush seat.

                "I know what you mean. It's been an insane summer," Clair agreed, thinking back on the No Strings Attached Tour and everything else that had happened over the past several months.

                "So what are you guys doing on your vacation time?" Renee asked.

                "I think Josh and I are gonna' head back to Orlando to make wedding plans... we might fly to Cancun for a few days to relax, but it depends on how much we get done," Nannette answered, "What about you guys?"

                "I think Justin and I are gonna' stick around here for a couple of days- see some of the sights I've never gotten to see. Go see a show tomorrow night.. and then go spend some time with our families," Clair told them.

                "And Joey and I are going to Las Vegas," Renee supplied.

                "Dear lord... watch out Vegas," Danielle said with a grin as she returned.

                "Not gonna' elope out there on us, are you?" Clair asked jokingly.

                "Nope, he's not getting out of it that easily," Renee said, laughing.

                Just then, Andre returned to get the ladies. They followed him to the limo where the guys were waiting to hit the many after parties which promised to be a blast.



                "Aaaaaaahhhh... it's so nice to be alone," Justin said as he pulled Clair close to him in their carriage.

                "I agree," she replied, stealing a little kiss before laying her head on his shoulder. The two had just returned from "Phantom of the Opera," which neither had ever seen. They were able to meet the cast and talk with them for a little while before heading out for a moonlit carriage ride through central park.

                "It's so incredibly beautiful tonight," Clair observed, looking up at the millions of stars which lit the night sky.

                "Yes, it is..it's just perfect," Justin agreed as the carriage continued along.  "But wait until you see the view from up there," he said and pointed up toward one of the largest buildings still within sight.

                "From where???" Clair inquired, confused.

                "Up there," Justin repeated as the carriage slowed to a stop.

                He paid the driver quickly and stepped out, helping Clair down the steps also.

                "Up where, Justin??" she said once more, unable to understand his meaning.

                "You'll see," he promised, a sly smile crossing his face.  He led her to a waiting taxi cab and whispered to the driver through the window. The driver just nodded and took off, leaving Clair utterly confused.  Knowing how stubborn Justin could be, she gave up on prying any more information out of him and sat back in the seat, watching the lights of the city go by.  A few minutes later, the taxi stopped and Justin hopped out the passenger side door after paying the driver. He took Clair's hand and helped her out. She looked up into the sky and realized they were standing in front of the Empire State building.

                "What are we doing here?? Aren't they closed or something?" she asked.

                "You'll see," he replied with a smile.  Taking her hand, he led her to the door, where a security guard was waiting. 

                "Evening, Mr. Timberlake, Miss.." the guard said with a nod of his head.

                "Evening," Justin said, smiling at the guard.

                "If you'll wait just a second while I lock this door, I'll escort you up," the guard asked.

                "Sure," Justin answered.

                The guard quickly locked the doors behind them and smiled as he led the couple down the hallway, motioning for them to follow.  Clair was silent as she wondered what in the world Justin was up to.  Soon they arrived at a huge set of elevator doors.

                "I'll send you to the top... the elevator will stay up there with the doors open until you're ready to come down. Whenever you're finished up there, just hop back in and press the big button with the white star and you'll come right back here. I'll be waiting, but take your time," he told them.

                Justin thanked him and held Clair's hand as they stepped into the elevator. They rode up in silence, the elevator making the ascent very quickly.  As the doors opened, Justin said, "Are you ready for an incredible sight?"  Clair smiled and nodded as they stepped from the elevator.

                The air was cool at the top Clair shivered as they began to walk farther onto the observation deck.  Justin quickly took off his jacket and placed it over her shoulders.

                "Thank you," she murmered.  When they got to the edge, Clair gasped. The sight below was breathtaking. The city was lit up with what seemed like millions and millions of tiny lights. The water shimmered, the lights of the city dancing along the ocean. Up that high, the stars looked as if you could simply reach up and touch one.

                "Isn't it beautiful?" Justin asked, enjoying the look of rapture on Clair's face.

                "It's indescribable," she agreed, overcome by the beauty of the scene.

                "You know what's even more beautiful?" he asked softly.

                "What?" she asked, turning a half turn so that they were facing each other.

                "You," he said simply, watching her face melt into a soft smile.

                "Thank you," she whispered.

                "Care to dance?" he asked.

                "But we don't have any music.."

                "Oh, but we do," he replied, stepping into the shadows and producing a small cd player out of nowhere.

                "Justin...what??" she questioned.

                "Shhhh... let's dance," he said, pushing the play button and then pulling her into his arms.

                "I Love you," he whispered as the first strains of music came softly from the speakers.


"I wanna know

whoever told you I was letting go

of the only joy that I have ever known

girl, they're lying .

Just look around

and all of the people that we used to know

have just given up, they wanna let it go

but we're still trying..."


"I love this song," Clair said in surprise.

"I know," Justin replied, silencing her with a kiss.  As the song continued to play, Justin joined in.


"So you should know this love we share was never made to die.

I'm glad we're on this one way street just you and I,

just you and I.

I'm never gonna say goodbye

cause I never wanna see you cry.

I swore to you my love would remain.

and I swear it all over again, and I,

I'm never gonna treat you bad

cause I never wanna see you sad .

I swore to share your joy and your pain

and I swear it all over again

all over again."


As the song played on, Justin's voice drowned out the cd that was playing lightly in the background. Clair became lost in the beautiful melody that he was singing. The lights of the city shining below them, Justin held her tightly to him as he continued to sing.


"Some people say

that everything has got its place in time

even the day must give way to the night

but I'm not buying.

Cause in your eyes,

I see a love that burns eternally

and if you see how beautiful you are to me

you'll know I'm not lying.

Sure there'll be times we wanna’ say goodbye

but even if we try,

there are something's in this life won't be denied

won't be denied..."


As he sang the last parts of the beautiful song, he gently pulled away from her and stared into her eyes.


"The more I know of you, is the more I know I love you,

and the more that I'm sure I want you forever and ever more.

And the more that you love me, the more that I know

oh that I'm never gonna let you go.

Gotta let you know that I...

I'm never gonna say goodbye

cause I never wanna see you cry.

I swore to you my love would remain

and I swear it all over again, and ,

I'm never gonna treat you bad

cause I never wanna see you sad.

I swore to share your joy and your pain

and I swear it all over again.

All over again,

All over again,

and i swear it all over again..."


The moment he finished the last note, Justin leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. Her mind was foggy with emotion...never before had she felt so completely loved.  She felt in her heart that Justin wasn't simply singing those words...she knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that he meant every word he had said.

                "Clair?" he whispered as he pulled away.

                "Mmm-hmmm?" she answered.

                "I have a question for you..."


                "Well..first there's something you need to know. I love you," he began.

                "I know... I love you too," she replied.

                "Do you really know how much I love you? Do you know that every night when I go to sleep I thank God for bringing you into my life? Do you know that every time I sing 'This I Promise You', I can't get your picture out of my mind? Do you know that every love song I hear on the radio reminds me of us? Do you know that I can't imagine a moment that I would ever be happy if you weren't by my side? Do you know that everything good in my life is twice as special because I get to share it with you? Do you know that I want to spend eternity with you?"

                Clair's eyes were brimming with tears as she watched Justin slip to one knee and pull a satin ring box from his pocket.

                "Do you know that I will cherish and honor you for the rest of our lives... that I will put nothing else before you... that I will spend my entire life trying to make you happy? Do you know that the one thing I want more than anything else in this entire world is to call you my wife?"

                Shocked beyond belief, Clair stood stunned as she watched Justin kneel before her. Her heart was racing a mile a minute. She loved him more than life itself and couldn't believe that the moment she had dreamed of was right here.

                "Clair... will you marry me?" he finally asked.

                "Justin...I... I love you so much, YES!" she answered through her tears.

                A huge grin spread across his face as he stood up and placed the stunning ring on her finger. The huge diamond sparkled by the light of the moon and Justin kissed her fingertips.  They looked out over the city... at all of the people and activity below them... and they knew, in their hearts, that they would stay that way forever- together.


MAY 2008


                "And I'd like to thank my very special guests today, Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass, Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, and Joey Fatone, cutie patooties and members of the pop phenomenon we all remember and love, NSync... we wish you all the best of luck on your upcoming reunion tour and you guys better stop by and see me again soon," Rosie O'Donnell said as she wrapped up her show for the afternoon.

                "Of course!" Joey said with a grin as he leaned over to hug the talk show host.  The rest of the guys followed suit as the show came to an end.  They quickly made their way out of the studio and trekked the short distance to a small section of central park where their families were waiting.  The group had remained close over the years... although they had all pursued solo projects individually, NSync as a group was never actually disbanded, and now, six years after their last tour as a group, they were coming together once again to do a series of concert dates as a reunion tour.

                Their private lives had all blossomed... all five of the men were now married and their families were entertwined as one. JC smiled as he walked into the park and saw the large group waiting on them to arrive.  Nannette, Clair, Renee, Danielle, and Carrah were all sitting on a huge blanket when the guys approached. 

                "DADDY!" yelled a little blond headed boy and girl as they tackled Justin. 

                "Hey there," Justin said, scooping Emily and Ethan into his arms in one big swoop.

                "Lord they're getting big," Lance said, smiling at the twins who were just getting ready to turn three.

                "Yes, they are," Chris agreed, smiling at his wife.. their first child was due the following month and they were very anxiously awaiting his arrival.

                "How's she doing?" Josh said, walking to the blanket and looking down into the small carrier where their newborn daughter lay sleeping.

                "She's been wonderful," Nannette told him, as JC helped her stand up. 

                "Let me see that baby doll," Joey said, walking over to stand behind JC and Nannette.

                JC kneeled down and carefully lifted Macey out of her carrier. She squirmed slightly and then sighed contentedly in her daddy's arms.

                "I want to hold her! I want to hold her!" Jacob Anthony yelled out, pulling at Joey's shirt. 

                "Not yet, buddy, she's awful small," Joey explained to his four year old son. 

                "But I holded sissy!" he protested.

                "But sissy is a little older," Joey tried to reason.

                "FINE!" Jacob said and stomped across the blanket and plopped down next to his two year old sister Kayla as everyone smiled.

                The children played as their parents spent the afternoon talking and enjoying their down time together. Soon, they would all be back out on the road together again... but it would be nothing like their days of their "Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now" and "No Strings Attached" tours. 

                "Ya' know.. it's amazing that we're all still together... and happy," Justin observed, pulling Clair to him and kissing her forehead as he watched the twins run around their blanket.

                Everyone agreed as JC said, "It must have been fate..."


The End


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