Ok, and last, but not least, how i made a total ass out of myself in front of Paige and Ryan. Me and a bunch of other fans were standing on the race track screraming to Paige and Ryan who were sitting in a restaurant to get their attention. So me and this other girl got the idea so get down on our knees and hailed the two of them. (Like Wayne and Garth do in the Wayne's World movie when they meet Alice Cooper) Paige saw us and started laffing then he got Ryan's attention and they started waving at us and smiling, and Ryan looked at my camera for a picture...I was holding up my all "ALL HAIL ORGY" poster and all the people from the radio station and stuff that were in the restaurant were laffing too. Paige waved at me and so did Ryan :) Then they left the restaurant and drove by us in this golf cart and we ran after it for a little while..then they drove back to the bus. Then the girl with whom i had made an ass of myself got to go backstage and got my poster signed by Paige for me. I stood in the same place for 3 hours...3 FUCKING HOURS (I didnt know i could be that patient) Anyhoo, then Amir came out and i got an autograph and some pix. Later Bobby and Ryan came out and i got some pix and autographs. They were really great. Unfortunately, i missed Jay ever time he was out..but really thats ok because i got to see him and get his autograph at the Campus Invasion. :) Maybe next time he comes to upstate NY ill get to get a pic :) ~Lindsay aka Hotaru~ Syracuse NY