As you walk by everyday
I wonder if you'll ever be mine
Your beautiful face I see
and wonder if I'm in line.

Everyday I see that smile
on your face
as I wonder if I'll ever feel
your warm embrace.

Your angelic face sweet and smooth
soft as the sleekest silk
Your devilish eyes burning a hole
through me until I wilt.

I long for your warm touch
to feel your love for me
And yet I know I will never feel
that touch from you to me.

So as I wait another day
I think of holding you
I know my dream will never be a reality
it only is for a few.

I wish I had the courage
to tell you how I feel
If you only knew what my head
won't let my heart reveal.

So I am to sit silence
and never say a word
Yet my feelings continue to fly
higher than the highest bird.

Someday I hope to tell you
how true my feelings are
Someday I hope you know
before I go to far.

But until I get courageous
to tell you how I feel
I'll sit here in my silence
and let my broken heart heal.

As you walk by everyday
I wonder if you'll ever be mine
Your beautiful face I see
and wonder if I'm in line.

written about and dedicated to: Misty Graves
by: J. J. Riley
