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She said I helped. She said I helped.

I helped...someone else. How is that possible? I didn’t know I had that capability. I listened. I felt such strong emotions. I told the truth. I was honest.

She trusted me with her feelings. She trusted me with her emotions. She trusted me with her thoughts. She trusted me with her fears.

I listened. I only did what came naturally. I only did what my heart told me to do. She has given me so much more than I could ever give her.

MangoIce02: Are you still there?

SleepyMe023: Yeah. Sorry. I was thinking about what you said.

MangoIce02: I didn’t mean to freak you out. Forget I said anything.

SleepyMe023: NO!

MangoIce02: LOL...OK

SleepyMe023: Didn’t mean to shout. You just surprised me. I didn’t know it was possible for me to help someone.

MangoIce02: You would yell at me for making a comment like that.

SleepyMe023:’re right. I should say thank you to you.

MangoIce02: To me? What did I do?

SleepyMe023: You have shown me how to open up and how I really can have a friend I’ve never seen. I can’t remember not knowing you. I don’t want to remember the time before I knew you. I feel like we are the same person some days...but I guess that isn’t possible, otherwise...That would make me insane. I’d be talking to myself.

MangoIce02: Cracking jokes?

SleepyMe023: Sorry. Reflex. Can I ask you something?

MangoIce02: You know you can.

SleepyMe023: You’re going to the NSYNC concert in Cleveland right?

MangoIce02: Yeah...with Sue...I thought I told you that.

SleepyMe023: What if I told you I was going to be there?

MangoIce02: Are you serious? We could meet there...if you want.

SleepyMe023: I would really like that.

I must have been crazy. What was I thinking? She is going to be so angry.

“Where is your friend supposed to be again?”

“At the East Gate. She is going to hate me.”

“She could, you left out some important information.”

Oh great he’s right. I never lied...exactly...

“What did she say? That made you want to meet her?”

“I helped her. She said I made a difference. She never asked questions. She listened when I was cranky. She turned to me for help. She trusted me with things she never had to. There is something about her. I NEED to meet her. I know you think I’ve lost my mind, but I swear to you, my heart is screaming to me.”

“You forget, I’m the hopeless romantic. I hope she is Miss Right.”

“She’s a friend.”


“Sue, he isn’t coming.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Well then where is he?”

“Are you Mary?” The huge man asked.


“You’re friend sent these for you. Put them on and come with me.”

“Backstage passes?”

“Yeah. He’s got connections.”

She didn’t show. I can tell. They would have been here by now. I’ve lost the best friend I’ve made in years, and I never even got to meet her.

Oh God! Someone is knocking on the door! Do I just open it? Oh MAN! They are knocking again. “Come in.”

“Hi...I’m Mary...Are you SleepyMe?”

I have to turn around...I have to face her...It’s Mary...I have to. Here goes nothing. “I’d like it if you’d call me Josh.”