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Thank You To...

I was going to thank everyone I have ever wanted to say thank you to. Then I changed my mind. I am only going to thank the people who are directly related to these writings. The people who have encouraged me to attempt this, and supported me along the way.

MANGO...There are no words to express my feelings...I can't even begin...but I need to so...Where do I begin? When you are stuck in the scary X-flies loop thingy, you learn to not question just go with it, and ENJOY it. The way you think, the way you speak, the way you are is amazingly special...NOT bad special...WONDERFUL special. Knowing you has made me thankful for my own mind again and you’ve gotten me to THINK again. My editor! My supporter! You are so talented. You have made me laugh, you have made me cry and I’ve loved every second of it! The character I have chosen to give your name, has the strength I see in you, the concern for people I see in you, she may be A LOT older than you are...but there is so much of you in her, I think you will understand...maybe "in ten years time"...I know which song you picked, and I love it...You know what you mean to me. I love you, Sweetpea. (I can’t believe this all started with a conversation about Jon and Olivia...we still have to make that phone call...bigger than Justin and Britney!)

PEACHES...Where do I begin? You have become my official graphic maker, you seem to see the stories through my eyes, and create that picture for everyone else. You are always willing to have SUCH a giving heart...please, let me give back some day...I'm always here. You're part in the sound track means so much...Thank you! You are a great little sister...NEVER give up on your dreams or yourself...I never will!

BEANIE...My Proof reading, feed back giving friend! You have no idea how much you have helped...thank you for the endless suggestions, help and support. Better Than Ice could never have happened without your help and support, thank you. You have given so much, and asked for nothing in return. You are the unsung hero behind my fiction, truly without you, I could not have gotten this far. You have been so helpful, I am grateful for everything you do...I don't say thank you often YOU! Rumor has it the sound track was your idea...I LOVE IT! That gesture means more to me than you know.

PATTY...It's one thing to respect another author's work, it's completley another to be amazed by their writing. You amaze me. There are so many stupid lines drawn between fan fic authors, I am so happy that we don't have a line. You've helped me with plot lines, story ideas, layouts and life in general. I hope that some day, I will be able to return some of the favors...until then, I guess you'll just have to take my respect and friendship in return, and believe me, you have both.

ANGIE...You honestly send the longest feedback...and that is a GOOD THING! Reading your thoughts, as you read each chapter has been facinating! Thank you for taking the time, after EVERY chapter to write the email, in English...I would have A LOT of trouble if they came in German!

JUICE...This was your idea. You basically forced my hand on And So It the graphic down yet? You were the first person to talk to me on-line. You brought me into this little cyber world, where I have made some amazing friends, for that I will always be grateful. You trusted me, you were honest with me...and let me be honest with you. Do you see yourself in Jess? You gave me the greatest gift I have ever been gave me my Mango! It’s all about the flames! I miss you, and I'm always here.

KER...No point in trying to list all of the nicknames I have for you...You are my best friend. You know every flaw I have, and you still love me...I don’t understand that...but I accept it gladly. You have been my shoulder to cry on, my hand to hold, the person I call when I am at my happiest, or most confused, or angriest, or just because I heard a song that made me think of you. You are, without a doubt, one of the very few people...I would give a kidney to...I’d cut it out myself if you needed it...that is SICK! Sorry about that! I still can’t believe I didn't wear a pink Laura Ashley dress in your wedding...our taste has changed? How did that happen? You have let me support you, love you and enjoy life’s ups and downs with you. You are the only one, who will understand where I used your know who you are actually “in” two characters, but you knew that didn’t you? And Ker... "IT’S A DIET COKE!"

HONEY...where do I begin? You not only found out about these little stories of mine, but you decided to support me while I’m writing them...Not many guys would understand my need for this outlet...Not many guys would put up with the mood swings...or the crying during EVERY movie. Not many guys would listen to the long, drawn out, most likely boring stories. Not many guys would stick it out with me through all of the crap. Not many guys would spoil me rotten. Not many guys would be as strong as you are. Not many guys would be as caring as you are. Then again, that is why I love you so not like any other guy on Earth. There is no way to describe what you mean to me. I love you.

NSYNC...Thank you for inspiring this outlet. The way you carry yourselves and the music you produce is a source of endless inspiration!

Anyone who has read my stories...WOW! Thank you! It means so much to me, that people have spent ANY amount of time reading what has fallen out of my head. Thank you SO MUCH for the emails, the support, the interest and the kind words!

If I didn’t list you here, it is not because I don’t love you. These are simply the people who have had a direct effect on “And So It Goes...” and "Better Than Ice Cream".